
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. In my opinion friends are people to converse with, share the same common interest, in this case survivor of a stroke, and caregivers who are there caring for them day and night.


    Some of the friends we had before the stroke is no where to be found. So the computer has united a group of friends with a goal to recover and get on with our lives. I'm glad you will be helping others and getting help yourself. We strive to do just that.


    We respect what you are saying, but I feel you will find some here you can confide in from their experiences which may be the same as yours when you had your stroke.


    Like right now you are here, you had a stroke, you survived, thats what matters to us. If we can help, your gender or orgin doesn't matter nor if you can speak or walk, we care. We try and offer ideas to help.

  2. Host Pam,

    To you I say congratulations on your total happiness that's shining like a full moon. I can hear your satisfaction in what you have typed here.


    Should you get the opertune time, give my regards to your neighbor, I pray for more longivity in her life.


    I can't see my hour glass but I celebrate life like it's full and that makes me realize your happiness in the choices you are making in your life. Hang on in there, I'm on your side of the thinking curve, no time for what could have been. I live for now happy about what I CAN do.

  3. You gotta remember God is in charge of the rain and weather, not the weatherman, even if he did a rain dance.


    So you gotta use expensive water till the free water comes your way. I'll bet the plants won't know the difference at first.


    You are still going to keep your gardner title, Martha still has hers. With your secret compose you may have record growth coming your way soon.

  4. Get out of the denial room real fast. Realize you had a stroke which has changed your life style. It's like going to bed one night knowing you are wealthy. Wake up and see you are poor, everything you had is not there, you call the bank, they say you have no money there.


    I don't ever look pass me shopping on my scooter in the stores. On the other hand I could walk in like everybody else one day. I don't fret to say when is it going to happen. Live with what you got today and tomorrow will take care of itself with you in it. Rest your mind, you are a live survivor.


    Breathing, walking, and talking, all survivors can't do that. You are blessed my child. Think for a moment about all the non-survivors from just last week. Then there are survivors that would love to change places with you instead of the unstable,uncertainty times they are facing. Progress is the rooms you pass thru in stages. smack.gif


    Her family

    Keep the faith Mike, things have a way of working out for the betterment of those concerned. Speaking from experience, I'm on my 4th and last marriage. There is give and take on both ends.


    When both ends don't meat, you have to use fish. I learned long time ago. Praise and peace I pray in your situation sir.



    Sandy, I sorta remember its a greek goddess, like yourself, and a young male got hunted by a wild hog. I don't remember the rest now. I had this in 1979, my last year college. Its a aphrodite.


    Love is a feeling that you feel.

  5. Stan & Kim

    I agree with both of you. As a stroke survivor I lost some motion on the left of my body. I now have a caregiver wife who lost her father. Her mom and other family members are here with us.


    Still others lost everything, including their lives, their caregivers are complete strangers and they only got the clothes on their backs and hopes for the future.


    I'm thankful to have survived and alive, therefore I can't get depressed because, in my case, I feel blessed. I'm not doing great, still back in therapy, hurt daily, had a TIA recently, but I'm still alive.


    We have faith, we pray daily, jesus did and he died very young for our sins. Who are we?



    Is it possible for a man to have "all the above" and be listed as OTHER??

    YOU KNOW HOW SOME ARE MR. MACHO, ego's, been there, done that types, but can't remember where or when or even why.


    Fantasy Man

    When you are in the big Apple, Katrina weather is present, and brain damage occured sometime ago, it's easy to be bored.


    So when the need to blog is there, what a great subject, it's the finer details that may seem different. The leather chaps mean you been reading those western romance books. Thats a Texas viewpoint.

  6. Marty, I don't know if this is true or not!! It could be an old wives tale.



    The only way it can be found is you MUST return to the place of loss. That being the Motel,back seat of That Car,That Room of your Parents house, a field, Stairwell, or where ever you were.


    Then you have to stand there and think really hard if that time was your first time?? If it WAS NOT, somebody is holding it waiting for your return, but you don't remember who it was. If it WAS the first time, they still got it, so its not misplaced, it may still be in circulation.

