
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Kim, to me it sounds like Chris is still in denial of what happen to him with this stroke. I was in the same mode when I first came home. In a wheelchair, can't climb the stairs, sleeping in a hospital bed, can't turn over by myself, can't bathe myself, can't pay the bills, it was so many negatives I couldn't see anything positive except this condition and my situation has to improve somehow.


    Acceptance is going to take time. Chris has been thru a lots including the nursing home. Look how different he was when he got home, that was an attitude change for sure. Mine had to change. I feel a lot different now than 19 months ago. With my little progress, I'm back in therapy again, we just can't give up when the damage in our brain was heavy.






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    hey Stan, I thought it would be good to have a midnite chat session like the PJ chat Micheal had a time or two. I didn't look to see if its still on the schedule or not.


    That way you could drink coffee with the whole gang. See who fall asleep first.

  2. You are what you feel, blessed. I'm glad you found this site also. We want you to participate on a regular basis with your input, it helps all of us to be together as one body in christ


    For the solution to our problems we have been granted the Serenity to accept the things we can not change. As caregivers and survivors the courage to change the things we can, then the wisdom to know the difference and WAIT on the Lord. His will for shall be done.

  3. Thanks for inviting me to your world. As a fellow member on this site I enjoy your input. Your life seems to have been so fullfilled and even with the many obsticles you have faced head-on, your spirit keeps on surviving.


    I admire your courage Sandy. You are inspirational from both sides, actually three sides, caregiver, survivor and medical doctor, what a life and you are employed. Now, if we could just get some relief from these high gas prices!! Whew!!!

  4. How long have you been in the animal care mode? My sister is like the green thumb in animal care. She says if they come to her house, they were sent for her to care for their lives and she will be blessed. I can not argue her point, she has a big set-up, just under the limit to need a license for kennel operation.


    You seem to be headed in that direction, but maybe not in city limits that controls deed restrictions or what you can or can not have on your property. I'm glad it gives you joy in your life as a survivor. You-Rock.gif

  5. Just remember things could always be worse!! And usually is with someone if we could look around.


    Go to, you can do wonders for anything with your phone. I pay my bill, view my minutes, order a battery etc. even ring tones or what ever.


    My thoughts are don't get depressed, man, thats another pill to take. Stay relaxed, there is always a way out, especially if we got in. There are some exceptions always, but I don't see us as survivors killing anybody.

  6. Sue, you may have to lead the way in exercising. Get involved slowly by asking him if you can exercise his arms, legs, while lying in bed. a little daily or every other day. Then with you helping, some sit-ups with you helping from the foot of the bed. You reach for his hands or wrist and gently help him sit-up, about 5 or 6 times, twice a day.


    On balance, right beside the bed, have him face you, do knee bends holding hands slowly down and back up about 3 times. About 3 times a day. That will break up his 14 hours in bed and he'll feel better. My wife and I do it daily. Thats about the only time we get close, smile!!!



    Now you will get to exercise your brain some more in trying to think why you bought them and struggle to wear them. When your brain is finished processing that information you will have regenerated some new cells and loss some inches. hiya.gif