
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    I just want to thank all of you that gave your thoughts and prayers in the loss of my sister in law, my wife's brothers wife! She passed from a heart attack with no prior warnings at the age of 60! So today, I say we all live without knowing when our last day will be on this earth! TO AWAKE EACH MORNING AND SEE DAYLITE IS A BLESSING! Some went to bed last night but didn't awake this morning!
    We are blessed stroke survivors in that we are still alive and survived the stroke! I see many soldiers daily that has lost a leg, an arm or both right here almost daily when I visit with the wounder warriors here at Fort Hood Texas! They feel so badly for their friends fighting along side them that lost their lives in the war for our freedom here at home! They tell me they survived death and will learn to live with what they got left! I think I encourage them somewhat by living with one side paralysed from head to toe! They tell me I got both legs but still can't use one of them for like of the brain being affected too! We are all proud to just be alive!
    All our members here at stroke net should feel proud to be survivors, it just wasn't our time to go! So turn lose of "Why am I like this" and be glad you survived the stroke and a second chance at life and living! We all must go some day so live a little with the way we are with a chance of getting better! We still got our right side or left side and a chance to still use it with therapy and exercise daily! So I say life is good to me because I got my cane, a scooter and I can still drive again!
    Any person who lost a leg or arm has to be fitted with a prosthetic limb and learn to use it by still having the brain to control that side of the body! Sure they open the doors for me when I'm there because in reality I suffer more than they do by having brain damage from the stroke! So why be sad about something we have no control over? Why get depressed, why be angry or mad at the world? There are many aids to support our conditions these days like electric wheel chairs and scooters or a cane since we still have one side operating! We still have our family members and the pets still loves us too!
    My granddaughter's puppy turned 5 months old Saturday, we left her in the pet hotel while we were out of town! They have cameras in each room where we could watch her on our computer all day until 10pm! That was worth paying for to us alone! She can now go down the stairs herself instead of me putting her in my lap to ride down in my stair chair! I don't know why dogs and some cats will go up but not come down by themselves! She always did go up but until yesterday wouldn't come down by herself! Right now she is in her usual sleep mode under my chair until she hears the garage door go up!
    Again, as survivors and caregivers alike we need to practice living not complaining about what we can't do but what we are blessed in being able to do with what we have left! I figure I came a long way from the hospital bed to my own bedroom at home! I just don't know when I may have to be in a nursing home because my care giver can't care for me herself 24/7 should I require that kind of care! I want to live now because I don't know when that day may come or when my last day will come!
    I think if we got out to see different people in different places still living with less help than we have doing things themselves without a care giver we could appreciate more how well we are doing! In our minds we have always had two hands, arms, legs and the given ability to do for ourselves! Now we consider ourselves a bit handicapped without being able to use both arms, legs or hands but we are not useless nor are we dead! THAT DAY WILL COME!
    I'm not going to sit still and wait I'm going to live all I can with what I got left! I got one soldier friend here who is retiring that didn't want any prosthetic legs so he has opted to use a skate board and gloves on his hands to get about. Now he has had his truck fixed up complete with controls to operate it! He didn't have to pay a penny and will still get his full retirement! His home was also remodeled to accommodate him! I plan on having him over to my house one day soon so we can tell some war stories and a few lies to laugh about!
    I'm hoping if you read this blog and are down on yourself for not being able to do things with both arms, legs or sides of your body then there is always someone with less than you got and are all smiles and praises to be alive! War is hell and so are strokes but to have survived is worth the experience!
    Again I thank each of you for your thoughts and prayers in the passing of our sister in law from a heart attack! She never knew what hit her according to what her husband says! That brought me back to the morning my stroke happened and I didn't know what was happening and passed out! I could have died but my wife came home and found me passed out but still alive and I got to the hospital just in time to be saved! I can not complain about how I am now! I'm alive!
  2. fking
    That saying has been repeated over and over for as long as I can remember by my mother and other family members and friends alike! Well, yesterday we learned that my wife's older brother lost his wife to a heart attack. No prior problems along those lines, nothing to indicate there was even a problem at her age of about 60! It really caught us by surprise, she passed Thursday in New Orleans so we prepared to go there yesterday not knowing when the funeral services would be! Then the word came the services will be Wednesday so on the road again for me, my wife, daughter and granddaughter too!
    This is her brother that lost his leg after his second stroke not long ago in fact I gave him my scooter to get around on like to the neighborhood store to get cigarettes and to just get out in the neighborhood where everybody knows him! Later on Medicare got him his own walker, potty chair and the things you need with this condition! His wife quit her job to care for him when he lost his leg so he will miss her dearly! There just isn't another person like your spouse when you can't DO much for yourself in my opinion since I been there!
    They lived with us here in Texas during hurricane Katrina until his job called him back to restart on getting the hotel completed for Harrah's casino chain! He retired when he lost his leg! The hotel was about half finished but the wind from the hurricane blew out the windows and part of the structure too! Some of you that's been on board awhile may remember me posting about my wife's dad that passed just before landfall of the hurricane and his body wasn't found until February six months later! Then of course she lost her mom two years ago as she was our dependent and this year I felt it on our taxes having to pay IRS instead of a tax refund!
    Now we will no doubt be going to New Orleans for the funeral on Wednesday leaving here Tuesday for that 8 hour 525 mile trip! I may not be back on board for a few days because Monday I got pain clinic and arthritis appointments before I can travel! I think my wife gets 3 or 4 days bereavement leave from her job! Pray for us please!
  3. fking
    This is Punography, a blog of my mind on a noonday Monday and morning after a week and weekend where I was with people more severe injuries than myself and many of them had prosthetic limbs! These people has fought in wars where they were ordered to go whether they wanted to or not they had no choice in the matter!
    Actually one of the troops gave it to me in stressing how the mind works in a human brain when you have no choice BUT to live as long as you can with what you got LEFT of a brain and body! The pun is thereby intended! It's not intended to be funny just how the brain works with the cells it had left! Then a day later I got it again!
    When chemists die, they barium.
    Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.
    I know a guy who's addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time.
    How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it.
    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.
    This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I'd never met herbivore.
    I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can't put it down.
    I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
    They told me I had type-A blood, but it was a Type-O.
    PMS jokes aren't funny; period.
    Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations.
    We're going on a class trip to the Coca-Cola factory. I hope there's no pop quiz.
    I didn't like my beard at first. Then it grew on me.
    Did you hear about the cross-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn't control her pupils?
    When you get a bladder infection urine trouble.
    Broken pencils are pointless.
    I tried to catch some fog, but I mist.
    What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
    England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.
    I used to be a banker, but then I lost interest.
    I dropped out of communism class because of lousy Marx.
    All the toilets in New York's police stations have been stolen. The police have nothing to go on.
    I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.
    Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes.
    Velcro - what a rip off!
    A cartoonist was found dead in his home. Details are sketchy.
    Venison for dinner again? Oh deer!
    The earthquake in Washington obviously was the government's fault.
    I hope any Blog readers can/do understand the feelings of a stroke survivor and more importantly the feelings of any tireless care giver with years of service to their mates and loved ones at home or in nursing facilities! You got to believe in something or you'll fall for anything at anytime!
    Let your minds get into the Blog subjects and you will SEE exactly what I mean: The beer garden; Be in the flow of life; Living without a kitchen; Sometimes I feel sorry for myself; Baking Brownies; Some good fun and just maybe some recovery;!! Keep in mind these named blogs are all recently since I blogged about midweek!
    We would feel better about ourselves if we could just visit the wounder warriors one day and see the trouble in their lives with their families and small children wondering Why is mom or dad like this Now???? We all have been Punned!
  4. fking
    I been reading blogs and comments on the message board so I'm just saying something and maybe reminiscing a little! In my little mind I just don't think I will get back to the person I was prior to the stroke But I am happy with what I got back already if I don't get anymore back. I will not quit working on my recovery and therapy for sure because I know darn well that helps and got me to where I am now!!
    I read on here where so many survivors want to be like they were before the stroke and they say they can't take anymore! I think we just have to be realistic in that we lost a lot in a matter of seconds or minutes but it takes a life time to recover whether it's fully or just a little bit! I know it depends on what each person has lost or can't do any more what they want to do with both sides of their body! We all know each stroke can be very different as well as recovery and how long it takes!!
    That being said, when I read Nancy's blog about the motor home I wanted to cry because I want to have that life again but I can't now in my condition! My wife keeps saying we ain't getting another motor home and if we do later on it will be a small one! So I had stopped thinking and dreaming about owning one again!! I'll be satisfied just getting better in walking and moving my body around better than I do now! The rest is history but when I read it here it hits me really hard! I probably won't be bowling again either as a Pro like I was! Life goes on!
    I'm still a happy camper and give my wife much credit for my thinking about life after stroke! We still got a life to live with what we got left! I'll just keep drinking the lemonade from the lemons I got!!
  5. fking
    Sometimes when you get up on Saturday mornings you never know what the day will bring! I went to bed hurting a bit more than normal, if there is such a thing, so I had to take my arthritis meds to make the pain ease up some! My wife was off today so she wanted to travel 50 miles to Austin Texas 50 miles away to visit the flea market. For me that meant being on my scooter while she walked to look at every site there was to be seen! They had two booths selling many kinds of live birds with the cages for way too much money! My wife was tempted to buy but the prices were on the roof for a flea market setting!
    Finally we settled on buying me three sport shirts for a decent price and some items of jewelery for her to wear to work only! Her favorite food was the ear of corn they make better than any other place I have seen! So at different times she bought two of them and ate it all then came the turkey leg concession and funnel cakes so we sat there for awhile! There weren't as many people today as I have seen at other times when we go there. Maybe Sundays draw more people than on Saturdays! The thing about flea markets are you can buy just about anything that is sold in any store and beyond!
    There were many stands selling cowboy boots, hats, spurs, and all kinds of foot wear from baby sizes to about size 16 in any color combinations you want! Of course the usual TVs, stereos, radios and laptops to washer and dryers! You could get your car windows tinted, signs of any kind, and tires for any vehicle! Old vintage car and truck shells to modify and put an engine and seats in them which they also sold pretty cheap. Made me wonder if some of the seats and engines hadn't been stripped from stolen cars headed for Mexico?? Over all there was plenty to see and buy for various prices if the item would still be working when you got it home!
    I do imagine some of the items sold may be great bargains for the do-it-yourself kind of persons! I don't see you getting your money back once you leave there with the item! That's the nature of markets of that kind when you may find a bargain sometimes and dud stuff other times! I guess that's why they are called Flea Markets and the Sheriffs are walking all around with the local police there as well to insure everybody acts civilized! I saw many knife stands but no guns or pistols to be seen! The knifes are lying on the tables where they can be handled by the public and that's a bit scary the way people are in today's world!
    I think for any survivor a trip like that would be great for walking slowly and just being out in the public looking and eating. Concession stands are about every 40 yards apart along every display route which are covered! Restrooms were readily available for those drinking beer and a dance area was set up with a band playing all kinds of music for your enjoyment. There was a one dollar per car entry and parking fee to keep from having to walk about a mile to the entry gate! It takes a couple hours to visit ALL the market with so much to see! So we had a day out unplanned but had a great time looking then a short stop by Burlington Coat Factory before our trip back home!
  6. fking
    I'm sure you have heard or even said both when you survived the deadly stroke in your life. Should it become the case of a non-survivor then you are a victim in my opinion! Well, I survived a Brain Bleed stroke on 15 January 2004 while home alone on the second floor sitting at my computer. Mind you I just had my annual physical the month prior and declared in great shape! I did know it wasn't my heart and never thought about a stroke at my age1 NO ONE IN MY FAMILY EVER HAD A STROKE!
    My fingers on my left hand stopped typing correctly it was 11am then I felt numbness traveling to my elbow! Now I'm really puzzled about what is happening to me so I stood up to go downstairs and fell. I got up but fell again so I'm thinking "I got Mad Cow Disease"? It was being reported daily on TV at that time. I'm too far from the phone on the computer desk to call 911 and about that time I guess I passed out! I wanted to get downstairs to open the door and call 911 but that didn't happen! I was due to open my shop in the bowling center in one hour.
    My wife came home from her dental appointment around 3pm and called 911! I get to the military hospital and they told the paramedics I needed to go to the big hospital 25 miles away because of my condition being near death! They got life flight to get me there as they were waiting and ready to remove my skull to drain the blood! A decision was made to not have that operation so I stayed in ICU with tubes everywhere for 5 days! Then moved to the rehab floor where I remained for 5 months in a wheelchair and taking therapy twice a day! I was told it would take years for me to recover enough to walk again but just after I got out and into outpatient therapy I was walking and climbing stairs!
    My wife was my everything visiting me daily in the hospital then quit her job to care for me at home! She pushed the WC, loaded/unloaded it for my appointments! By now the VA gave me a scooter I started back driving and to me life was good! I knew God was looking over me and I felt things would work out so my wife went back to work and got a higher position right away! God is good all the time! I slept in a hospital bed downstairs until I learned to walk then went upstairs with my lovely wife again! As survivors we probably won't get back all we lost in as matter of seconds but enough to survive with more time to get better every day!
    I'm at the point that should I never walk without a cane again it's OK, if my arm and hand doesn't work like it did I'm OK, so just being with my family and the few friends I have is enough for me.Therapy and exercise helps to recover body functions so I'll stay with that as long as possible! I got a long, long way to go but I don't mind the journey so long as I have my wife! We can and will survive a stroke if we just understand that getting back like we were prior to the stroke may not happen so we must adjust to being somewhat disabled! I'm not throwing the towel because of how I am because I feel the battle has been won already with me being alive!
    All cases of survival are not the same for each person some have to get well enough to return to work to pay the bills if possible to make ends meet! I worked at walmart for 3 years on my scooter and volunteered here for a couple years too! Some members have a very hard time coping with the stroke but we must realize this has been a terrible BRAIN injury and only God and time can heal us! There are many chores and things I want to do around my home but I can't with one hand!
    I look at the soldiers who returned from war with missing limbs and they are smiling daily for being alive where some of the soldiers in their unit didn't make it back! They help me to hold my head high, praise God and keep moving forward! I feel so blessed I don't allow myself to get down because of how I am physically!
  7. fking
    Well, for many of us we can look ahead to what's next for us. Yea, Easter is gone, tax time gone, spring half gone, so we look forward to more recovery and care giving plus summer time is now just ahead of us. In some states the weather is still a bit cooler than normal but overall not so bad! Not much else to speak of around my house. I guess the big election is almost in full swing soon as the republican candidate is known and the others commit to the front runner. Can you imagine these same races 8 years from now??
    Summer time is really what I look forward to now and the official end to this 10 year war that has cost us so many lives young and old alike! Any person can't get the real feeling of war until you come here to Fort Hood Texas and see the families affected by war. The survivors having to live with what they got left of their bodies and families! It's really, really sad to see and I volunteer to see and help all I can daily! I know the way I was cared for in San Francisco at the hospital returning from the unpopular war in Vietnam! I have managed to live long enough to see many tragedies here and abroad and that will always be in some form or another. I just pray the young kids of the world today won't have to face such hardships during their lifetimes!
    I think many of you care givers here will soon be getting into your gardening routines growing plants, vegetables alike and what ever makes you happy! My granddaughter and I grew a small garden in the backyard several years ago now and to my surprise she never wanted to do that again! It made me get outside more than I do now and I enjoyed doing it. She couldn't see how a little seed planted in the dirt could produce a big tomato. She was so amazed she took some to school for show and tell!
    Now it's all about her little puppy 4 months old now that is costing me a little money for the vet bills she requires to stay healthy and safe! She is doing much better with her training at Pet smart and her training pads here at home! She loves to go outdoors, run and ride on my scooter. She runs faster than my granddaughter on her bike! They go about two driveways over then race back to our driveway to see who wins! The puppy gets back first every time. To be so little and young (a shih tzu) she can really run fast! I don't have many dull moments but that's all a part of being a grand parent I guess! Watching them all grow up to be responsible is great to me.
    I don't suppose strokes will take a break and not happen so often the rest of this year? They seem never ending for young and old alike but looks like we haven't had many new members joining lately! I can remember back a few years we had almost 5 joining every day! Then I have noticed many of the members from awhile back are not still posting or making comments on the site but their names are still here! I feel like one of the really old guys now having been here since 2005!
    Well I guess I'll take the puppy outside for a bit since the weather is nice. Tomorrow is suppose to be colder and rain that's a stay indoors day for me plus I have to work with the wounded warriors again too! Never a dull day!!!
  8. fking
    Well, tax pay up time has arrived because tomorrow 17 April 2012 is the last day to post mark and send your payment to the IRS without farther penalties. I will insure it gets in the mailbox TODAY!
    When they have to send you a refund of your money you paid them all year they don't add any interest but when you owe them for not paying enough they charge you a fee! So today I'm making sure my check is in the mail for tomorrows deadline to pay! I already sent in another W4 to have more held for taxes so next year I should be OK!
    You always feel better when you get a refund instead of paying more taxes! Some people seem to get away with not paying for years without any problems but not me! I guess they catch the little guys first it's more of them? Being retired there isn't much money you make anyway. I suppose millions of people wait until the last day when they owe more taxes! Maybe next year I won't face this situation again! You had to be very careful about scammers trying to get your refund I saw on TV!
    I hope all the members had theirs done you know how we forget to do things! Well this is a reminder for myself too since I still handle these sorts of things instead of my wife and care giver who hates this type of financial matters but works at the bank!
  9. fking
    After 8 years recovering from a brain bleed stroke and living with it really test your courage but I just don't see how we could ever make it without a care giver at home! I say this now because I'm pretty much in control of the stroke but there is always something that seems to be very difficult to accomplish on your on or by yourself! The thing about that is you can leave it alone and not bother or wait for your care giver to give you a hand! My wife usually don't mind doing things to help me around the house so long as it doesn't stop her from going to work or when she just got home from work and is really tired of standing on her feet all day!
    I'm home most of the time so I bought a small I-pad type TV and DVD player she didn't know about. Well I asked her to help me hook it up because I can't get on my knees to get under the computer desk to put wires and cables in the right places! I tried that once and blew out circuits on the floor! Her first comment was I didn't need it I'm just spending money. Well, I showed her why it was needed in my corner of the bedroom when she has her TV recording all sorts of shows all day long! Then she says I can just look at one TV and make do! My answer to her was why do you record shows you come home and erase or cancel after it's been recorded? Her answer was it's her TV! In there lies my reason to get my own TV besides my computer monitor which is also a TV! I can't be on the computer and watch TV at the same time without missing something on TV!
    She finally agreed to help me do the hook up! I suppose if I didn't have a stroke I could have hooked it up myself. Having a handicap can be a problem when your care giver doesn't help you with the small projects around the house. I guess I have to understand she still feels like the head of household but then so do I since I'm still paying the bills when she should be doing that job! In my case that's a days work with a full page of bills! She feels better today and she took off work then I find out today is the 13th and a couple of her church ladies plan on a trip to Shreveport casino today and tomorrow the 14th! I could only say, I hope you bring back your winnings! She only plays the penny machines so we get comps(rooms and food) by her playing!
    Having a stroke and living with one is not so bad if you could just do more yourself. With one side usually paralysed that's a tall order! Otherwise it's life as usual for me and I'm lucky not to get upset at her. After all she is my care giver and took great care of me when I really needed her by my side! I'm very thankful she can go when she wants to and not have to worry about me. After all I'm going on 9 years now in my recovery process and I think I'll go back for one more therapy session of 4 weeks with twice a week visits!
  10. fking
    Do you feel your weak side is stiff, incorporable, and need to feel better?? Well you need to exercise that whole side daily! Just a little bit is better than sitting and doing nothing each day. Get up, get out, walk, swing your arm/hand, and squeeze a ball in your hand daily! Try using the weak arm/hand often in routine situations like flip the light switch catch the door knob even if you can't turn it! If you drink a bottle of water squeeze the bottle put the cap back on with your weak hand before you toss it in the trash can.
    Open the frig with the weak hand, the car door and other things like holding the door open and you'll be surprised how well you can do! Sure, you get tired of therapy or you can't get it approved if it's from medicare to pay. But you can do stretches and leg raises even before you get out of bed Isometric exercises works wonders, that is muscle against muscle! You will see results in little as one week, trust me!
    I forgot to say your cane can be used for exercise too! Hold it in both hands spread apart, raise it over your head for 6 seconds and down to waist. Take a couple breaths then lower it to below your knees (6 seconds) or a bit farther if your back will allow you to bend that far, DON'T FALL! Know how far you can bend at first and in a couple weeks you can bend more. That will strengthen the weak arm while the good arm helps out! The hand, fingers and wrist get a work out too holding the cane!
    When you can't get therapy paid by insurance this helps YOU feel better at home! Now that I got the puppy for my granddaughter I walk her from my house to the end of the street and back then to the other end and back. I don't think I can make the whole block and back without the scooter!

  11. fking
    Well, this month is March and April follows but we just had much rain here in central Texas which has created some problems for most home owners!
    First... The Ant has come above ground in big mounds trying to find a drier location for their Queen! Beside my driveway on both sides are mounds of fire ant and along the sidewalk the length of my property front! Then the back yard has several mounds as well which will have to be treated with gasoline. There is no product at Home Depot they say that works as good as gas! The bad part is this property and sub division was one cattle grazing land about 20-30 years ago!
    Second...The snakes are also looking for higher ground since their burrows are filled with water. Normally they don't come out until April (next month) but this heavy rain will start the process sooner! We have a shed in the back yard and now I'm afraid to enter it because we keep the door ajar but with a lock in the hook! We are not close to any drainage ditch as some homes are so that's a plus in our case! There are lizards around the front door and they do get into the garage! I got the stuff from Home Depot to fight that problem along with the spiders. For the next few days or long as it takes I will be armed with the right stuff to make a kill while riding on my scooter with the big wheels and my rubber boots on my feet!
    Our property is in the middle of the block which is a bit higher than either side of us so I have no water running onto my property in either direction and the back yard goes down hill about a foot or so and that to is a good thing!
    Any of you real gardeners and flower bed keepers make sure you look before you commit to digging in your areas around the home. The snakes will also climb the trees in your yards so be careful please! Now we got much warmer weather early so anything goes!
    Now on to April and looking forward to hiding Easter eggs for the kiddos and much warmer again. Then you know April brings the start of Baseball, the teams are ready to go and it's already on TV! This year the tickets are slightly higher than last season! We all know our own Lenny Harrison (my buddy) will see a few of the Red Sox games if at all possible, that's his team!
    Happy Easter to all, don't forget to file your taxes and postmarked by April 17th unless you e-file sooner! I must pay money back this year so I'll write my check real soon after payday!
  12. fking
    Well, as most of you can feel the heat, and see a little greenery around, Spring is here and just about in every state in the US. So we can look forward to a very warm spring maybe a very hot Summer too! If we are lucky our winter months won't be so much snow as in the winter past! I know here in Texas it was terrible with the drought where cattle were dying and water was none existence! Now it's raining again in Texas but a little late for the farmers and the ranchers who lost much of their crops and cattle! Our area lakes are back up a bit and it is warmer this time of the year than usual!
  13. fking
    Tax time can be a frustrating time for some folks preparing their own taxes! On the other hand when you use the right guide it can be fun and a learning process for a life time! In my case I have been using "Turbo Tax" for nine years now and they work great for me! All the answers are at your finger tips and you can take your own time to finish, the cost is very low with a discount from my credit card company!! They store your last year info in giving to charities and things you'll need for the current year. Then you can e file which is the quickest way to get your refund back!
    So I'll devote this week to finishing this task on my "Honey Do List" I awake and find stuck to my computer screen! I don't go downstairs early in the mornings because I got all I need in my bedroom and that's a blessing in my case! I got the stair lift but still it's more convenient for me to have everything I need upstairs! I guess you could say I got my office and kitchen in the bedroom and I'm only a couple feet from the bathroom.
    Today so happen my little puppy wants to sleep right under the keyboard while his master, my grand daughter, is in school. She is really sleeping too so she is no trouble except pee-p and pooping on the Pad training. Speaking of school the Spring break is just around the corner. Now is the time to get the taxes done and I'll take a break of being on the Army post helping the wounded warriors recover! So when people ask if I get bored at home my answer is Hell no, I got plenty to do! I was up early enough to put the trash can out on the curb with one hand. I turn the big can around to wheels are toward the street and push as I take a couple steps! That works great for me. I got my cane in my left hand holding it until I need it to walk back to the garage. There is a slight incline from the garage out to the street.
    I get to watch TV while I'm using my computer. My monitor is also my TV so in the evening I can watch the evening news ABC and CBS on two channels! Well my little Princess is awake now so I'd better see if she wants to potty on her pad in the other room! Happy days to all of you in our journeys of recovering and care giving support!
  14. fking
    I'm glad you asked: For those in the Christian faith, the Season of Lent is typically considered to be the 40 days between Ash Wednesday (Feb 22 this year) and Easter Sunday (Apr 8 this year) and is often characterized by abstention from certain kinds of food or activities.The period is most commonly thought of as a symbol of the 40 days and nights Jesus spent struggling with the devil in the wildness.
    While sometimes regarded as a predominantly Roman Catholic observance, for Christians of all denominations it is a time of preparation and self-sacrifice through fasting, giving up worldly desires and activities. I'm Baptist and I gave up some things to eat for the 40 days and I'm sure missing eating as usual (Oh Well)!
    The History of Lent, the practice of Lent likely has it's origins in practical reasons. In agricultural societies (as most Christian cultures were, in the fourth and fifth centuries when Lent is first mentioned in historical context) when winter crops were often scarce! Correspondingly, a period of fasting may have been a spiritual response to a physical need. The excuses and revels of Shrove Tuesday (also known as Mardi Gras), the day before Ash Wednesday, were in all likelihood, a response to the same fact, as people wanted to consume perishable goods (like meats, eggs, dairy products, and sweets) before they spoiled!
    As the practice of Lent evolved it began to take on the added significance of a preparation of new church members for the baptism of Easter Sunday. In the spirit of Christianity as a community of living faith, this period of fasting and preparation was eventually embraced by all Church members! Additionally, Lent was once referred to as quadragesima, which is Latin for the fortieth day before Easter. The word "Lent" itself is thought to come from a Germanic root, lenct, which initially meant "spring" and later, "fast" !
    Why 40 Days??
    Lent's duration is actually 46 days. However as Sundays represent Christ's resurrection, they are not commonly counted in the tally between Ash Wednesday and the Easter vigil. The primary meaning of the fast is considered to be a way of identifying with the suffering of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, and of acknowledging his substitutionary death for sins of mankind! The meaning of the season is further enriched by other biblical occurrences of the number 40 ...Moses and Elias spent 40 days in the wilderness and in a similar manner to Christ, the Jewish people wandered for 40 years, as recorded in Exodus, and Jesus spent 40 hours in the tomb prior to His resurrection!
    For Christians of all colors, Lent continues to symbolize the self-sacrifices of Jesus Christ! I am of the Christian faith, a stroke survivor, and a prayer warrior because now at my age I KNOW prayers works!! If you read this blog please say a prayer for survivors, care givers, and family members who struggle daily to care for loved ones on this support site! May God's grace embrace you forever!! I love you ALL!
  15. fking
    FIRST: We got the little puppy for my grandchild and she's in dog heaven! She is up early each morning before get ready time for school to see where her little Princess is and what she is doing. She has the run of the upstairs area hallway and bathroom. We got pads down ti two places and feed her 2 or 3 times a day. She poops twice a day usually on the pad in the bathroom. I got a page of the newspaper folded to hit her butt when it's not on the pad and a puppy dog bone biscuit when he minds and use the pad. However she is just 8 weeks old today so I can't expect I'm not a trainer. Thanks to the Internet I have learned a lot in taking care of a Shih Tzu puppy!
    The main thing is the child is happy and still doing great in school classes. She wants very much to take her to school for show & tell but that may not happen until she is fully trained. I suppose we as adults can never really say what we will or will not do for our kids or grand kids! So therefore my retirement has ended again! I'm now officially a dog trainer without pay! Then I discovered that kind of dog carries a high price tag if you were to purchase one. This one is full breaded so I plan to register her in the AKA!
    SECOND; I'm still working with the wounded warriors returning from Afghanistan wounded. I see them off load from the planes and I get to meet each one of them at the hospital on the base. Those that opt to retire or get medically discharged, I see them at the VA hospital in Temple, Texas about 25 miles away. So, if you don't see me on the board you know I'm working with them or attending funerals of them every few days. Two were killed yesterday but I don't know at this point where they will go!
    On the other hand the Highway Patrols have to direct traffic going into the military post each morning, noon and evening! The traffic is horrendous now that most of our troops are back home since December 30th as Obama promised they would! I really feel the pressures of the young families having to meet their loved one in a different state of physical health as when they departed to the war zones! I think they get a feeling of succeeding once they see me on a scooter there greeting their return in their wounded state of health.
    I have to tell them I also suffered a stroke four years after I returned from the Vietnam war! Well, I hate to keep blogging about wars or wounded but that's all I'm faced with lately and it hurts me to see the young kids hurt for life!
  16. fking
    I'm sure many of you are hearing about Iran's plans for a nuclear war and terrorist attacks around the world? That's the last thing any country needs now! There is enough fighting going on right now and to start more fighting is not the thing to do for most economy's! That worries me greatly! All I can do is pray it doesn't happen but this world has known wars and rumors of wars for generations! At no time will everyone be satisfied with what we have in each country!
  17. fking
    History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on a map of Human Geography! The role of history is to tell a people What they have been , Where they have been and what they are or where they are in this history as recorded in the minds and books of life!
    The most important role that history plays is that it has the function Where they still must go and what they still must be...We the People of this world has struggled from day one and it's a matter of history written in many books in many libraries around the world!
    As many of us know the month of February each year is known as Black History Month from it's inception as Negro history week in 1926 to it's current entity of Black History Month! For me as a survivor of a stroke in 2004 and the last child of a former Slave father as a child himself, I feel so honored to have been born in 1941 to my mom and father whose life was spared by his escape from slavery in Mississippi as a teenager!
    Sometimes it's hard to understand what took America so long to end apartheid some 60 odd years ago and slavery long before that time after the freedom was declared against slavery! Now we all know Syria is in ruins with people and babies being killed by the hundreds daily. We will be able to look back years from now in the history books and wonder why it all happened! Presently it seems war is a thing in the near future of America with Russia. There will always be wars between countries when the two sides have different views about freedom for it's people.
    Freedom of choices means so much to many people yet there are people that feel God should not be in the picture of freedom in public schools or public gatherings of people wanting to worship Him! For that reason but not alone the roles of history will be changing until the end of time. I still wonder today why do our children still have to add their native race, 'African, Latino, Irish or Asian' before they introduce themselves as Americans???
    History of any nation is just not about it's industrialization, colonization or expansion. It is also about it's people, their culture, their trials and tribulations, sufferings and emancipation's. That's what American history is about. All the more Black heritage is a saga of transition. No race is better than the human race. This in turn brings about real change, infusing the removal of the shackles of bigotry to move forward towards humanity. This is the brotherhood of mankind!
    Some of you are aware I just lost my oldest living brother on 16 January and laid to rest on 21 January 2012 who lived to be nearly 89 years old by 31 days! He taught me so many things about life including how to drive a car at age 14. My history role has been a wonderful ride and to this day I have so many blessings to be proud about including serving 22 years in the Army and returned home alive!
  18. fking
    Well, we made it back yesterday from my brother's funeral and Home Going services. It was a trying time for me since he was a month away from his 89th birthday. He was a devoted Christian Like our mom was. I learned he was also a deacon in his church and was always there for duty. In fact I remember he joined that same church way back in 1950 and been active there since. He was given a great funeral in all respects.
    We only had one brother and one sister that was unable to attend by being so far away from Houston, Texas. I'm sure their hearts were with him. Well that leaves two sisters and three brothers still living from a crew of 18 our mom and dad starting back in 1915. I'm the last seed of theirs being born in 1941 when she was 43 and he was about 65 or so. We don't believe he ever had a true birth certificate by the time I came along. I have done many traces to find his birth certificate but never could. We did find out through others we found in our searches that he was born in 1876. That's the year they entered in the family bible long time ago! We were never clear on the day or month and neither was he!
    I do know from him and our search for records he was a run away slave at 11 or 12 years old. Word got around slow in those days but most slaves were freed and some were still being kept on plantations that no one knew about. I guess there is so much to history and for me to know they were a part of that history makes me glad to know I'm a little part of it.
    I'm so tired and my limbs are sure hurting. all I can do now is rest up a bit more then come out and join you all on the message board again soon! I'll be in a different mind set by then. This funeral took it's toll on my body! I'm glad it's over and done. I got to meet grand and great grand nieces and nephews I didn't know I had. It's amazing when they come up to me and say "Hi uncle Freddie" I had no idea who they were. I been gone from Houston since 1986 and before then I was in the Army since 1958. I need more sleep and rest! See you all later.
  19. fking
    Well, in case you ever decide to come live in TEXAS you will know a little bit about the BIG state of Texas!

    Only in Texas

    A history/geography lesson for all Texans, used-to-be Texans, adopted Texans

    or wanna-be Texans:

    Just Texas
    Pep, Texas 79353
    Smiley, Texas 78159
    Paradise, Texas 76073
    Rainbow, Texas 76077
    Sweet Home, Texas 77987
    Comfort, Texas 78013
    Friendship, Texas 76530
    Love the sun?
    Sun City, Texas 78628
    Sunrise, Texas 76661
    Sunset, Texas 76270
    Sundown, Texas 79372
    Sunray, Texas 79086
    Sunny Side, Texas 77423
    Want something to eat?
    Bacon, Texas 76301
    Noodle, Texas 79536
    Oatmeal, Texas 78605
    Turkey, Texas 79261
    Trout, Texas 75789
    Sugar Land, Texas 77479
    Salty, Texas 76567
    Rice, Texas 75155
    Pearland, Texas 77581
    Orange, Texas 77630
    And top it off with:
    Sweetwater, Texas 79556
    Why travel to other cities? Texas has them all!
    Detroit, Texas 75436
    Cleveland, Texas 75436
    Colorado City, Texas 79512
    Denver City, Texas 79323
    Klondike, Texas 75448

    Pittsburg, Texas 75686

    Newark, Texas 76071
    Nevada, Texas 75173
    Memphis, Texas 79245
    Miami, Texas 79059
    Boston, Texas 75570
    Santa Fe, Texas 77517
    Tennessee Colony, Texas 75861
    Reno, Texas 75462
    Pasadena, Texas 77506
    Columbus, Texas 78934

    Feel like traveling outside the country?
    Athens , Texas 75751
    Canadian, Texas 79014
    China , Texas 77613

    Dublin, Texas 76446
    Egypt, Texas 77436
    Ireland, Texas 76538
    Italy, Texas 76538
    Turkey, Texas 79261
    London, Texas 76854
    New London, Texas 75682
    Paris, Texas 75460
    Palestine, Texas 75801
    No need to travel to Washington D.C.
    Whitehouse , Texas 75791
    We even have a city named after our planet!
    Earth , Texas 79031

    We have a city named after our state:
    Texas City, Texas 77590
    Energy, Texas 76452

    Blanket, Texas 76432
    Winters, Texas 79567
    Like to read about History?
    Santa Anna, Texas 76878
    Goliad, Texas 77963
    Alamo, Texas 78516
    Gun Barrel City, Texas 75156
    Robert Lee , Texas 76945
    Need Office Supplies?
    Staples, Texas 78670
    Want to go into outer space?
    Venus, Texas 76084
    Mars, Texas 79062
    You guessed it. It's on the state line.
    Texline, Texas 79087
    For the kids...
    Kermit, Texas 79745
    Elmo, Texas 75118
    Nemo, Texas 76070
    Tarzan, Texas 79783
    Winnie, Texas 77665
    Sylvester, Texas 79560
    Other city names in Texas to make you smile......
    Frognot, Texas 75424
    Bigfoot, Texas 78005
    Hogeye, Texas 75423
    Cactus, Texas 79013
    Notrees, Texas 79759
    Best, Texas 76932
    Veribest , Texas 76886
    Kickapoo, Texas 75763
    Dime Box, Texas 77853
    Old Dime Box, Texas 77853
    Telephone, Texas 75488
    Telegraph, Texas 76883
    Whiteface, Texas 79379
    Twitty, Texas 79079
    And last but not least, the Anti-Al Gore City
    Kilgore, Texas 75662
    And our favorites...
    Cut and Shoot, Texas 77303
    Gun Barrell City , Texas 75147
    Ding Dong, Texas

    West, Texas (its in Central Texas ) 76691

    and, of course,
    Muleshoe , Texas 79347
    Here is what Jeff Foxworthy has to say about folks from Texas

    If someone in a Lowe's store offers you assistance and they don't work
    there, you may live in Texas;
    If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you may live in Texas;
    If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a
    wrong number, you may live in Texas ;
    If 'Vacation' means going anywhere south of Dallas for the weekend, you may
    live in Texas ;
    If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Texas ;
    If you know several people who have hit a deer more than once, you may live
    in Texas ;

    If you install security lights on your house and garage, but leave both
    unlocked, you may live in Texas ;
    If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them,
    you may live in Texas ;
    If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph --you're going 80 and
    everybody's passing you, you may live in Texas ;
    If you find 60 degrees a little chilly, you may live in Texas ;
    If you actually understand these jokes, and share them with all your Texas
    friends, you definitely live in Texas .
    Here are some little known, very interesting facts about Texas .

    1... Beaumont to El Paso : 742 miles
    2... Beaumont to Chicago : 770 miles
    3... El Paso is closer to California than to Dallas
    4... World's first rodeo was in Pecos , July 4, 1883.
    5... The Flagship Hotel in Galveston is the only hotel in North America built over water.
    Destroyed by Hurricane Ike - 2008!
    6... The Heisman Trophy was named after John William Heisman who was the first full-time coach at Rice University in Houston .
    7... Brazoria County has more species of birds than any other area in North America
    8... Aransas Wildlife Refuge is the winter home of North America 's only remaining flock of whooping cranes.
    9... Jalapeno jelly originated in Lake Jackson in 1978.
    10... The worst natural disaster in U.S. history was in 1900, caused by a hurricane, in which over 8,000 lives were lost on Galveston Island .
    11... The first word spoken from the moon, July 20,1969, was " Houston ", but the space center was actually in Clear Lake City at the time.
    12... King Ranch in South Texas is larger than Rhode Island .
    13... Tropical Storm Claudette brought a U.S. rainfall record of 43' in 24 hours in and around Alvin in July of 1979.
    14... Texas is the only state to enter the U.S. by TREATY, (known as the Constitution of 1845 by the Republic of Texas to enter the Union ) instead of by annexation. This allows the Texas Flag to fly at the same height as the U.S. Flag, and may divide into 5 states.
    15... A Live Oak tree near Fulton is estimated to be 1500 years old.
    16 Caddo Lake is the only natural lake in the state.
    17... Dr Pepper was invented in Waco in 1885. There is no period in Dr Pepper.
    18... Texas has had six capital cities: Washington -on- the Brazos, Harrisburg , Galveston , Velasco, West Columbia and Austin .
    19... The Capitol Dome in Austin is the only dome in the U.S. which is taller than the Capitol Building in Washington DC (by 7 feet).
    20... The San Jacinto Monument is the tallest free standing monument in the world and it is taller than the Washington monument.
    21...The name ' Texas ' comes from the Hasini Indian word 'tejas' meaning friends. Tejas is not Spanish for Texas .
    22...The State Mascot is the Armadillo (an interesting bit of trivia about the armadillo is they always have four babies. They have one egg, which splits into four, and they either have four males or four females).
    23...The first domed stadium in the U.S. was the Astrodome in Houston .

    Cowboy's Ten Commandments posted on the wall at Cross Trails Church in Fairlie , Texas :

    (1) Just one God.
    (2) Honor yer Ma & Pa.
    (3) No telling tales or gossipin'.
    (4) Git yourself to Sunday meeting.
    (5) Put nothin' before God.
    (6) No foolin' around with another fellow's gal.
    (7) No killin'.
    (8) Watch yer mouth.
    (9) Don't take what ain't yers.
    (10) Don't be hankerin' for yer buddy's stuff.
    Y'all git all that?

    Texas Prayer:

    Lord, keep Your arm around my shoulder
    and Your hand over my mouth.

    Now I have only been here since July 1941 and didn't even talk until 1943 and now I had a stroke in 2004 my walking is not that good but should you decide to come to Texas let me know, I'd love to have you as a neighbor in my neighborhood. Come on down the living is easy!

  20. fking
    The power to overcome is really yours! It's how you think you "Can't and Won't" I learned a great lesson yesterday in church. It all starts with how you believe. Do you believe you can't or do you believe you won't?? When YOU really believe in God as so many of us claim then it should be easy for us to TRUST in Him!
    "I just can't get along with my wife."..."My husband and I can't communicate."..."I just can't discipline the kids as I should."..."I just can't give up the affair I'm having."..."I can't stop overeating."..."I can't seem to overcome my abusive behavior."..."I can't find time to pray."
    Any person who takes the Bible seriously will have to agree the word here really should be "Won't." Why you ask? Because we have been given the power, the ability to overcome...We're really saying "I won't" because we don't choose to say "With the help of God, I will!""
    Look, we are survivors, guess who granted us life after stroke? It was God Himself, not the paramedic, not the doctor in ICU nor our own will to live and beat the stroke. I bet you said "OMG, Lord have Mercy I want to live! Where was your trust in God? Where is your trust now? Do you ever say "By the grace of God I'm alive"?
    So now we are recovering and still saying, "How long will it take"? "Will I have to be like this the rest of my life"? The can't and won't is still there in our minds instead of trusting in God for our recovery. SURE, we may never be like we were prior to the stroke but He gives us enough to get by and we are still among the living. Think about that for a moment. We live because God has allowed us to. He cares for us and it's not our time to go!
    Whether you really believe in God or not, if you accept him in your life or not He still loves you as His child. You are a child of God! Try trusting in Him and STOP saying you can't or you won't. You, yourself have the power and ability to overcome. We shall overcome as a people in this world God made! People ask me all the time, "How are you dealing with recovery after your stroke"? I say one day at a time asking God for my recovery and well being every night and thanking Him in the morning for awakening me to see another day He has made. I rejoice and be glad in it.
    Much of the suffering we do is on us because we just don't Believe in God! So we say I can't or I won't instead of saying I will! Stop giving excuses for our living as we all have a purpose in this life. Start praying to God often and trusting in Him. You will experience a big difference in how things work in your life. All the little problems fade away then we start to say I can, I will with the help of God. HE made man not the other way around. HE saved us from a stroke and made us survivors. HE gave our spouses the courage to be with us, care for us, love us no matter the circumstances.
    That's so true in so many cases. We will say I can't go, I can't fly on a plane it might be the Pilot's time to go when it crash and I won't go with him! Well, at some point in our lives we must trust in God, we are His children! Think about this...As a small child your parents cared for you with the help of God. Now we are grown up and still need the help and will of the Lord! The fact of the matter is we will always need God in all our lives around the world! Please remember we have the ability and God gives us the Power To Overcome
  21. fking
    As of yesterday I got into the Lobby at least cause no one was there. So my computer is chat ready for tonight, the newbie chat if I don't go to sleep! I read the instructions to get from Lobby to the room where everybody is for the chat. Advanced warning...I'm not fast Freddie so take it easy on me you all my typing is 10 words a minute or maybe 5, cause 10 seems way too high!! :growl: :zoro:
  22. fking
    It was great news on the 15th for me making 8 years of recovery, then the day afterwards on the 16th, yesterday my brother passed at the hospital in Houston, Texas. He was one month from being 89 years old. His birthday would have been February 17th to make him 89. I guess God had other plans for him in heaven to call him home "saying job well done my servant." He is the brother I knew more than any of my other brothers. He has been in Houston living on the same street since before I was born. He build the house my mom and I lived in about 5 houses from him. He taught me to drive at 14 using his car and how to mow the lawn using a 2 wheel push mower.
    That has been very hard for me last night in trying to sleep knowing he is gone on to heaven but I come back to my senses knowing every human has to travel that highway one day! We know not the day nor the hour but our time will come as sure as we were born. Saturday we celebrate his home going in Houston at 11am. I know already it will be a bit hard on me but I plan on staying strong as my darling wife will be by my side as usual.
    I'm the 18th child of my mom and dad of which 12 lived pass pass 3 months, 6 didn't live very long after birth. Back then ALL births were done at home by a Mid Wife as they were called and still are in some cases. Had we been born in hospital I'm sure some of the six would have survived longer than they did. My mom was born in 1898 and had her first child at 15 in which was in 1913. I came alone in 1941 as the number 18th live birth with one set of twin girls. Today our family consist of three boys and two girls. One of the girls is one of the twins while the other one passed in 2009. They were born just ahead of me in in 1935.
    Doing those times in most families as the kids got grown they left home and out on their own so a couple of my brothers I never knew or has seen in person until shortly before their deaths. I went off to the Army and was only home on occasions in my 22 years of service. I missed a lot of get togethers I'm sure where most of them would have been home since our mom was still living until 1981 when she was 83 years old but in great shape. I retired in 1979 so I was home for her passing. That hit me pretty hard too. She signed for me to enter the Army and told me then she would pray for me to come back home alive. I still put God first in my life and always will!
  23. fking
    Well, members I am posting this subject date because to and for me it's a historical date in many ways. First, should I live to see it I will have survived 8 years and one day. That's more years than I once did not know I would still be here with my wife and family. Secondly, The 15th is Sunday, so my plans are being in my church testifying how good God is and has been to me! Last but not lease, celebrating my extended life on this earth and finding such a fantastic group of stroke supporters in ALL of you right here at Stroke Net. My thanks to our CEO and Founder Steve Mallory for having a keen insight to develop such a Web Site that has gathered members from around the world since early 2003!
    I hope any of you I may have offended in any way can forgive me. It was certainly not my intentions. I will always cherish my beautiful trophy from Stroke Net for being the Welcome Letter Committee host as a volunteer. I certainly enjoyed that time to communicate with the new members coming on board doing my years in that position! Now I can sit back and enjoy all the volunteers who help to carry this organization into the next phase of operations.
    Overcoming a stroke or even several strokes take courage and determination. Something I just didn't have in my first year as a survivor! I soon really learned to be a man of faith and trust God! It seems I'm so much stronger by having faith in Him. I even held a job at Walmart as a People greeter using my scooter for three years. I went to work trying to replace some of the household income my wife lost by quitting her job to stay home and care for me! I was in no shape to care for myself at that time.
    As I read the introductions of new members now I see the same doubtfulness in them as I had in myself early on. It's natural to be in doubt of the outcome of your condition or of a loved one you are providing their care. A stroke is one thing many of us never even heard about. I knew nothing about the warning signs and thought I was in great health. Now I know your health, age or Race has nothing to do with having a stroke. It can and does happen to more young people nowadays. I have always had high blood pressure which is one of several things we must control. Many people have it and don't know they have it. It's called the silent killer for that reason!
    I mentioned earlier here I'm so glad I have God in my life. I walk by faith not by sight! Each day we get older and closer to our own home-going to be with the Lord. I'm a prayer warrior and I know prayers work with God. Jesus prayed all the time to his Father and I KNOW prayer works. We have some medically sick survivors in hospitals, nursing homes and their own homes that we should pray for each day as members. Then we have our care givers like Sue and all of you struggling to keep your survivor recovering and getting back to healthy living.
    Then there are our survivors who has been surviving for twice as many years as I have that are still here at stroke net while others have recovered and moved on doing what they desire with their lives. One day I hope to be like them! On the other hand I'm not selling my wheel chair nor my bath bench because we never know if we will encounter another stroke or not. We can only pray another one never comes to us.
    Happy recovery to all of you survivors, take your meds get therapy, use your affected side hand and arm, leg and all your body parts. Oh for you men and wives at some point in recovery try to enjoy each other intimately as often as possible, OK? It worked for me and I'm 70 years young! In fact the VA just moved me up to Viagra 100mg tabs but to split them in half for now. So see your doctors and live your lives fully where possible.
    Tomorrow I can say I'm starting on my ninth year of recovery 15 January 2012! Hooray! :roflmao: :big_grin: :happydance: :Clap-Hands:
  24. fking
    You know, I'm very thankful, this is another year upon me since the stroke of my life happened on January 15, 2004. I really feel I'm blessed in many ways to be alive today and this year makes eight I have been a survivor. So for me, it's a time to be thankful. Thankful to God, my wife and family and the wonderful members here past and present! We can all look back and get angry about the stroke or strokes that caused us to be in the condition we are now.
    The big question in my mind is could I have been killed or died in some other revenue by having all my strength and mind or being in a place, town or country that I should not have been in before the stroke???? The stroke may have saved my life. I love to travel and could have been on a flight or in a country I've been before visiting and lost my life. We will never know and for that reason alone I honestly feel good I'm a stroke survivor and can get about as good as I do for as long as I have!
    I'm not one to sit and moan about my present physical condition. It gives me strength to know I survived. I remember seeing young kids born with defects or was somehow not able to keep up with the other kids because of their physical conditions holding them back. Here I am older and had that chance to do all the things any young man would love to do. Even 22 years in the military surviving one war being shot but still came back alive! In a sense I feel it's my time to be still and not on the go all over the world. I know I would be on the move with so many functions happening all the time.
    I've traveled about everywhere in the free world and all across America by car for many years. I don't miss it now. It's time for me to have a seat so I'm thankful I can enjoy my life as I am with my wife and family and still able to go when I desire without much trouble! I've come a long way in my 8 years of recovery being ever so thankful to God, the wife I have now and my knowledge of knowing the difference in work and relaxation retirement at my age.
    Sure, I know all survivors are not the same nor had the same paths of life I did but I would hope most survivors are not angry at God for the condition they are in as a result of the stroke. I read so often on here about the survivors doing so good in their recovery battles and their husbands or wives are so proud of their accomplishments over time. There is no blame for strokes they come in all sizes, ages and nationalities. I feel for the person who was in great physical shape, young, and in the prime of their lives and become a stroke survivor. I suppose what's for us is for us and there is no way around it. I accept the stroke, my condition and my ability to have come so far on faith!
    Here it is another new year upon us to live the best life we can with what we got left after the stroke. It's a bit more than not having survived as all our lives came with and ending from the time we were born so let's be thankful if our end times haven't arrived yet! I intend to live the best life possible as I am with no complaints. We never know what lies ahead of us in this life. I turn on the TV and see so many robberies, car accidents, and killings being done with home break-ins and gun toting men and women, I can only say "Lord have Mercy" on this world! Wishing all of you a prosperous new year with lots of recovery! :big_grin: :Clap-Hands:
  25. fking
    Well, the 12 days after Christmas are over TODAY! Take down the lights, the tree, the snow on the windows and all the stockings hanging on the fireplace mantel. I already discarded the boxes, wrapping paper and packing materials. The city pickup crew is smiling cause the stuff that can be used they save it in the truck. I threw out so much older stuff it wasn't funny but I could have a garage sale too with what's left in there. Anyway the holidays are over for me hard as I worked getting things ready to make the whole family smile with joy!
    My wife is truly enjoying her new car and the music. When she pulls into the garage I hear the music first. I guess I will get to ride in it before I make the first payment next month. I have decided to pay for it in half the time and I set the payments up yesterday with my bank for 2 1/2 years instead of five years. That will cut the interest charges a whole lot but not in half they said. Some is better than paying the full interest charges I guess then I can resume being retired again.
    I am hoping every member is OK at this time. I know about Bill Rogers, so Ann, if you happen to read my Blog I'm still praying for your husband daily. Sue, you know I have Ray in my prayers so here is hoping you are getting a little rest after the holidays! I think of all of you daily. Bruce, William, Larry, Leah, Pat and others I know about but I'm not looking at my prayer list at the moment!
    I got myself a new bigger monitor for my PC which is also my TV. So I'll be inside watching the games for awhile. I just hit PC and my computer is there! Now if it would only warm my food and bring me a drink from the frig I would be ALRIGHT sitting right here! :big_grin: Well my health lady is on the way so I gotta go downstairs to let her in to do her job on me. See you all later! :happydance: