
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Not that I think the worse of people but some have devious minds when they see a person, man or woman, and in some cases they will do you in by robbing you of whatever you got in your pockets..... It happens here in my town almost daily because we got so many disabled veterans on walkers and in wheel chairs with missing limbs or prosthetic limbs and they think you got money because you must get a check from the Army or the VA....


    Be careful my friend!!!!! That look homeless is an old "I got you" catch word.....  I'm blessed to have paid my home off already with the help of my working wife and I will not ever go to a nursing home anywhere, any time in my life.... 

  2. I take Gabapentin, Norco, Tramadol, low dose asprin and Baclofen but not all at once  but I have been on these meds for as long as the stroke almost 12 years from the VA.... It just..depends on my pain level which ones I take on certain days but lately my pains are manageable day and night thank God with all the other problems I got lately....

  3. Sherry,


    I want to say welcome back and hope you are recovered  some from the stroke..... I'm still here trying to get better but I have had a major set back lately that got me down physically but I'm still in my right mind.......


    Still try your best to get better by walking in your neighborhood on your street....

  4. Colleen,


    I didn't read all your blog my attention span is no longer active, I'm really gone down hill and just do not know how much longer I got here as a stroke survivor with nearly 12 years already done....


    So I just want to say see if you can get the VA to put in a stair lift chair like they did for me a few years ago.... That way Ray can get up/down stairs then use his cane for his walking once he is on the floor up or down stairs....


    It didn't cost me anything and other companies carry them too but I don't know prices.... It's worth the call to see if you can get one for Ray to use...


    Lately I got problems walking but I can still drive any where I need to go including taking my grand daughter to school when my wife has to be at work early with no time to drop her off at school.....


    I just wanted you to be aware of a stair lift being available for us folks that can no longer climb the stairs or go down the stairs and I'm now 74 years old....  The VA gave me a hospital bed and my scooter plus the lift in my Ford Explorer to load/unload it every time....

  5. I pray I never have to be put in a home and can stay in my home until I'm dead of course every person can't say that I know because all situations are different in many ways.... In so many cases we have to take what we are given and have no choices....


    There are many disabled veterans in the VA nursing homes across America with little or no family members alive that could take then in their homes..... To many cases to count..... I pray the best for you  Pam do what you can.... 

  6. I got a back ache after being shot up ,in Vietnam, and operated on in the field before being transported back to a base hospital to remove all the bullets from my back and lapoma area they didn't see in the first operation.... I also lost discs in my back from that same shooting as we were ambushed near one of our bridges they had blown up the night before....


    Tell Larry I say hello and take care we both will be alright later on in our lives.... God Bless!!!

  7. Nancy, I'm glad you got to know and be with your baby sister so I pray for both of you to be together for ever more... Good thing you and Dan had moved to the new home you are in now so things works out for the better all the time if we just believe and trust God....

  8. Katrina, I always called you my little sister in stroke since you had the stroke at such a young age but accomplished so much in spite of having the stroke....


    Some times I tell myself the stroke is probably why I'm still here when I could have been robbed at my business inside the bowling center as I closed up and walked out the door with all the days profits in my bank bag which I made real good most days..


    I look at how young men are robbing stores these days in my city, it's awful and they go to prison daily and some store clerk dies for a few dollars the robbers stole from the business.....


    So happy 14 years to you, I'm right behind you with 12 years since the stroke but it seems like a life time as I have gotten much older and slower in my abilities to do things... Enjoy yourself in the new job, you are right it does get better!!!!!


    On top of all you have gone through you are a college graduate and still alive.... I can't use my left side either and will need a scooter for ever to get around  my home and out shopping when I park my SUV and get on my scooter I haul around everywhere I go.....


    Oh, the VA finally gave me a stair lift a few years ago so that made it better for me going up and down stairs in our home..... God is awesome all the time.....

  9. Sue, they will be older enough for their shots on 7 Nov so I'll box them up and take them in to get that done... Then the people that will get one can come and get what we promised them... We know they are very healthy and the mom is just about through feeding them so they are starting on puppy food but no teeth I see yet....


    They are very active jumping around and playing with each other.... I made them a play area to roam around just outside their big cage.... So we got a few more weeks and it's all over plus we have mom fixed for no more pups when we go for their shots and AKC records which we paid for long time ago..... 


    I even had mom's hair cut because it was very matted but it will grow back very quickly and long then all she will need is a bath which I'm told dries up her milk because the water acts as a shocker somehow....


    I think we may end up with three of them after all is said and done!!!! I get calls daily from people whom I spoke with about this breed of dogs...... 

  10. Hi Betsy, 


    More prayers for you praying your eye sight will get better soon as a stroke is enough to deal with by itself....


    Oh, the VA put lens in my eyes several months ago and I can see OK but I use reading glasses for small print but no more glasses to see for driving or anything else.... My drivers license still says (With glasses) but I got the cards where the lens were put in my eyes so I don't require glasses any more.....

  11. Colleen, 


    I too want to pass along my prayers for Ray and for you, it's not easy what you are going through... I been having therapy but haven't progressed much lately from the stroke in my mind but I'm doing OK I think..... Just haven't been going to church lately and that bothers me a lot but I been paying my tithes every Sunday by my wife.... God is still blessing me....

  12. Yvonne,


    I have to agree with you and pray is what I do day and night for all those troops still in harms way on foreign lands... The hardest part for me is attending all the funerals I can knowing God has blessed me to still be here on earth at this military base after a very hard stroke while home alone....




    I agree with you my dear, it is very sad and the hardest thing was our Army firing on the hospital there killing men women and children while the building burned down with the lives of all those sick and wounded military people....


    Vi, (Mema) my friend, I have forgotten what state you live in but I think Nebraska or you moved to Florida?? Where are you??


    Where have you been??? I think about you often and have said Oh well I hope she is still around just not on the site here any more.... I retired because I didn't want to make another trip to a foreign country to fight a war and perhaps lose my life.... I take this stroke as God's way of protecting me and not ready for me yet...


    This marriage has been the best I had in four tries since 1960 and I was shot up in Vietnam (ambushed) but didn't lose my life.... 

  13. Jay,


    You know I have a problem getting my bills mailed to me so I can know they are being paid on time.... Instead they send them to my email and I'm not reading it daily anymore so I get late notices too but they deduct the late charges when I go in the office to pay my bill and ask them why I'm not being mailed my bills like I asked and requested them to do??


    It's so much easier for me to get my bills in the mail so I can mail it back and know I paid that bill on time with a check and not wonder if I paid it or not from a bank account...... After all I survived a stroke and my memory is not that great at my age anymore....


    Heck, I can't remember my password to even see my bank account whether I paid a bill or not....