
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    The 12 Days AFTER Christmas,
    The first day after Christmas
    My true love and I had a fight
    And so I chopped the pear tree down
    And burnt it, just for spite
    Then with a single cartridge
    I shot that blasted partridge
    My true love, my true love,
    my true love gave to me.
    The second day after Christmas
    I pulled on the old rubber gloves
    And very gently wrung the necks
    Of both the turtle doves
    My true love, my true love,
    my true love gave to me.
    On the third day after Christmas
    My mother caught the croup
    I had to use the three French hens
    To make some chicken soup
    The four calling birds were a big mistake
    For their language was obscene
    The five golden rings were completely fake
    and turned my fingers green.
    The sixth day after Christmas
    The six laying geese wouldn't lay
    So I sent the whole darn gaggle to the
    On the seventh day, what a mess I found
    The seven swans-a-swimming all had drowned
    My true love, my true love,
    my true love gave to me.
    The eighth day after Christmas
    Before they could suspect
    I bundled up the
    Eight maids-a-milking
    Nine ladies dancing Ten lords-a-leaping
    Eleven pipers piping
    Twelve drummers drumming - well, actually I kept one of the dancing ladies -
    And sent them back collect
    I wrote my true love
    "We are through, love!"
    And I said in so many words
    "Furthermore your Christmas gifts were for the Birds!" :big_grin:
    Well, that's part of what we have known for many years, as long as I can remember 'not exactly', but it wasn't like that at my house! I got my wonderful wife a brand new 2012 Subaru Outback SUV. She wanted one but wouldn't ask me. She has done so, so much for me and my recovery it's the lease I could do at Christmas for her!
    I got three more suits I didn't need in my mind but she handles all my clothes so I just say "OK dear!" :happydance:
    Wishing all the members here a wonderful New Year with lots of recovery for every survivor and care giver here. Just remember, the first few years are the hardest but it does get better with time, lots of time. I got 8 years and still not out the water yet. Yes our care givers need recovery too, they do get tired and worn out.
  2. fking
    A New Year Prayer:
    New Year's Day Prayer for One and All
    Dear Lord
    So far this year I've done well.
    I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. I'm very thankful for that. But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on I'm probably going to need a lot more help.
    I suppose this prayer can be repeated by many people in the free world today! I for one know I will need all the help I can get. Life is hard when it comes to doing the right think most of the time every day of the year.
    NOW, here is the wish: It will hold true for many and let's hope they leave the Pubs and Bars after heavy drinking and have a designated driver, if not I pray they don't kill others with their cars!
    A New Year's Wish:
    On New Year's Eve, Marilyn stood up in the local pub and said that it was time to get ready. At the stroke of midnight, she wanted every husband to be standing next to the one person who made his life worth living.
    Well, it was kind of embarrassing. As the clock struck - the bartender was almost crushed to death! :whine: :cocktail:
  3. fking
    Here is hoping your new year will be prosperous and full of joy all year long. Maybe this winter in the US won't be like 2010 was with so much snow and tornadoes.
    I will keep all of you in prayer!
  4. fking
    He is the reason for the season and has been long before I was born in Texas way back in 1941. I was raised knowing this time of year was all about Christ, our Savior who died for our sins on the cross. I grew up being taught He was the son of the Father God. I could never deny Him or knowing what I know. I was raised by my mom as my father passed when I was about 15 years of age.
    As a young child knowing about Christmas and what it really means gave hope to all families especially large families who struggled to get everything they had. We were told our help came from the Lord, our Father. We were taught early in life to pray and ask him to give us what we needed not what we wanted or wished for but needed. We were so poor we never owned a TV (black & white) nor able to put up a Christmas tree with lights and presents under it. We had one candle lite in the window.
    Somehow we managed to get a few presents brought by and dropped off at our house by friends and neighbors who cared. Many of them would say, "This is what God told us to do"! We were very thankful to them and to God. There are still young kids today that have nothing but they know it's Christmas time. We have groups in my city that collect unwrapped toys to be distributed to less fortunate kids. That's a great service in any city. There will always be less fortunate people in this world just like I and many other kids were 60 years ago.
    Obviously each person in America has a right and freedom to speak and call this time of year what they wish. To me it will always be Christmas and the New Year's Day on 1 January each year. Having that freedom I don't say holiday tree, it's a Christmas tree to me. I don't use holiday paper to wrap my gifts it's Christmas gift wrapping paper by the rolls with bows. I could never work in a commercial business that tells me I can't say Merry Christmas either. I fought too hard and long in Vietnam to be denied that right in America. I do respect all people living in America with different beliefs as that's their rights too. Just don't deny me my rights in the process that I've had all my life!
    I will say if and when I know another person is of a certain religion or belief I respect that and will or would greet them accordingly where ever we happen to be. That's respect! I don't down anybody and I try to live by my principles I have known all my life. I think and feel I'm a friendly person, a man of color, raised by a wonderful woman who taught me all she knew how to be good and treat other people. If any members here are hurt by what I've said here in expressing my views, I'm sorry and please send me a message, we can solve our differences peacefully, OK? Have a very Merry Christmas or Hanukkah (Pilgrims landed 1620), Boxing Day (Canada) or Kwanzaa and Happy New Year's Day January 1st.
  5. fking
    We try to remain positive here at Fort Hood, Texas with the troops returning from Iraq mostly and a few that has served their tours back from Afghanistan. It's a sorta happy occasion in one sense yet sad in other ways. The troops themselves grieve so hard because their buddies and fellow unit soldiers did not make it back alive with them. We try to think that in all wars lives are lost and it's been that way for many, many years.
    It seems and feels like so much pain inside when we loose a loved one or any family member right down to our parents and grand parents. It's such a strain to lose your child so early in their lives as many of the soldiers are in their 20's! I can imagine it is so hard if you don't have God in your hearts.
    OUR TROOPS ARE NOW RETURNING FOR SURE BY YEAR'S END AS PROMISED BY THE PRESIDENT. They are from all over America and other NATO countries too. I can imagine some folks are not pleased at his decision but we must remember at no time can all people be pleased. We were not pleased when the war was started on the pretense of looking for WMD that was never found by hundreds of thousands of troops in over 9 years of being killed and seriously wounded for life. I still say and pray God Bless Our Troops where ever they are!
    We have a lots going on here at one of the bigger return points in the states and it brings back memories for me standing there with tears in my eyes watching the reunions of soldiers and their wives, kids and families at his time of year.
    I may not get the chance to be on the message board every day for trying to be on the military post helping to welcome our troops home. We even have Santa there for the kids especially. They are very glad Santa brought dads and moms home to them. You can feel it in your heart seeing the tears of joy in their little eyes.
    On the sad side is the human factors of infidelity in some wives and dads too while their married partners were away at war. No one has been killed yet and the counselors are hard at work trying to make peace and save the marriages for the kid's sake and more. The nerves of some people and it takes an act of congress to purchase a fire arm in the city and neighboring cities without proper papers and photos of each transaction.
    Vehicles are searched at the gates in some cases before entering the military base if that vehicle has been photographed at a gun store recently. Perhaps many of your loved ones will be returning through this military base as many of them departed from this post going to Iraq and Afghanistan for duty. I feel the one shooting here that killed many was enough to mandate the extra security measures put in place by the Commanding General.
    Everybody is cooperating in the return of our troops and doing their part to make this a season of remembering and giving THANKS! The commercial businesses are supporting the troops at every turn of making deals in the sales of their goods. Furniture, toys and new cars top the list of sales right now. The real estate market is not moving too well because many of the troops are getting out the service and returning to their home states.
    Many of them are getting medical outs for their injuries and lost of limbs. Still other older soldiers are retiring from the service if they have 20 years or more service. They are telling me it's time to go home and turn this Army Aloise. Seeing all these new cars they are driving with VA disability plates like mine makes me get "New Car Fever" again. Many of them are using scooters too as they have lost limbs. Some of the female soldiers were given car seats and video units to entertain the kids on long trips to go see their grand parents soon.
    Other car dealers are giving stuff like big screen TVs for one dollar more when you buy certain cars. I just bet that deal means you have already bought the TV and other stuff in the price you paid for the car. The soldiers feel it's a great deal and it may be. I'll check into it a bit farther in a few days when they open it up to veterans too. :big_grin:
  6. fking
    According to the national news across all TV channels today the news is all about the war in Iraq ended. It's officially over and the troops are coming home. Being here at Fort Hood Texas I see plane loads daily coming back home to their loved ones and in some cases, their young children whom they have never seen yet.
    Being a vet myself, I know the feeling and especially for those wounded and some that will be looking forward to returning to their jobs while others search for employment after being discharged. Some of them will have enough years of service to retire. Changing livelihoods will take some time to adjust!
    My love, thoughts and prayers goes out to the loved ones whom lost a service member in this war effort. By all accounts the troops here feel there is still more to be done for a full closure of this nearly 10 year war and the deaths of nearly 4500 service members of the armed branches of services. Then some 170,000 wounded for life with limbs missing, burns and brain disorders including PTSD will need medical care for life. It has been a very costly war for the United States. I pray we can recover economically and make jobs available and homes to those in need. This is not a time to have our veterans homeless and sleeping on the streets!
    All the NATO countries will have their troops returning home as well and I wish them well in their homelands for their return to civilian life and their families too. I can only relate to how it was when I returned from Vietnam in 1970, some 41 years ago where 58,000 Americans lost their lives and many from the same NATO countries.
    I pray for the transition of lives back into the homelands and world peace as we still have struggles in countries around the world. As long as differences of opinions exist and can't be discussed properly, there will be conflicts or wars between nations. We need a break with Afghanistan still in full war mode while others have just begun.Fred!
  7. fking
    I, we, enjoyed the company party. I got to dance after awhile. They started off with line dancing. That was too many turns for my feet so I kept my seat. My wife danced every dance and cooled off with a Heineken and a shot of whiskey. After a while she gave me the keys to the car. I guess I was like the Gecko on the dance floor. The center of attraction but "I DID IT!" Hooray for me! All the photos were taken by a photo company and you could have portraits done too at their setup in a corner of the ballroom as you entered!
    The big prizes didn't come our way but my wife got her 5 year pin (Big Deal) and others got their pins of 10, 15 and 25 years employment with the same bank. Some of the ladies who works in the drive in bank with my wife got great money prizes. I sat in the seat at my table with the tag under the seat to take home the centerpiece on the table. The dinner was great given by Rudy's, an eatery which caters to big functions. The food was great.
    I think a good time was had by all who attended. The bank president announced that no lay offs were in the plans and the bank was in good standings and grace by God. The manager just ahead of my wife plans on retirement with her 20 years plus very soon so my wife may move into that position unless they bring in a new hire which I seriously doubt. It sounded like my wife was in good favor with management in doing her assignments and more!
    I'm not too good at up loading pictures but I will give it a try soon! :cocktail: :big_grin:
  8. fking
    Tonight is the night for the Christmas party and there are two things I hope happens! First I hope I'm welcomed by all the employees and perhaps dance with a few of them and my wife. Although she's been telling me I'm going to make her fall in high heels on the dance floor! Secondly, I hope she can grab the right number for one of those envelopes with the money in it. If not perhaps she can get a big prise from the table as they usually have some pretty good stuff on the table covered up and guarded closely by the plain clothes police. I bet they get paid good for 4 or 5 hours off duty work. Then it's back in uniform on Monday at the banks.
    I'm going to get a couple hours sleep so I can be at my best tonight. The sad part about today and this morning is the returning troops from Iraq and the wounded warriors coming back feeling exhausted from the long plane rides before arriving in Fort Hood. Then those spouses and family members who were expecting their loved one but on very short notices now know they are not arriving on this flight. This reminds me of how it was in Vietnam when the troops were returning home and so many didn't.
    There is still 15 days before Christmas and the stores are crowded to the max. I hope most of the members here has completed their shopping lists and sitting safely at home sipping a warm or hot drink of some kind. It's no fun being out shopping plus there is always somebody trying to get something by taking it from others. I can say the police presents were everywhere. Why would anybody risk going to jail for robbery especially the elderly and disabled persons. It's not worth it but I guess they just don't care.
    All of you be safe, stay safe when you are out shopping someone is watching you for sure! Have a safe weekend.
  9. fking
    Well, many of you may have read comments or a post about me trying to get prepared and dancing shoes in hand for my debut on the dance floor. I feel and think that when you really feel you can do something, you ought to do it the best you can. My wife has her company Christmas party later this month and I plan on getting out on the floor and kick up my heels! The best I can do is succeed, the worse is stumble a bit or fall without injuries.
    When the dance floor is full it's hard to hit the floor without falling into someone so there is my cushion to break my fall. I'm thinking the ladies will have on low cut dresses and perhaps evening gowns and it would be my luck should I take a spill to end up with my head cushioned by great breasts!! Well it's a thought and I won't be drinking anything stronger than root beer but I can think of being breast fed for a moment if they been drinking. :cocktail: :big_grin:
    I hope to last all night and not be in the chair that long. My wife loves to dance. I showed her the gecko dancing on TV so she says I can do it. I think they still do some of those line dances with the music playing loud that she loves to go from end to end of the line. Wish me luck! :happydance:
    The best part of the bank company party is the employees draw envelopes with 100 dollar bills every 20 minutes. Then they go to 50's down to 10 dollar bills. The last draw is for 500 in one envelope and gift certificates from their established commercial bank depositors in five other envelopes. It all adds up to over five thousand dollars give away in the Christmas spirit. It probably comes from their raises for the coming year! The President and VP's holds the containers for the draw. They are not eligible to take envelopes. I can imagine they get bonuses at years end based on their profits.
    So, I looking forward to the big dance and I don't even know what night it is taking place. I'm thinking the 17th but it could be the 16th and they use a few employees on that Saturday opening at the drive up bank! That's the only part open on Saturdays. You never know what the big wigs are planning. My wife knows and I don't, it's like a big secret! I'm not suppose to know but the police will be there in plain clothes watching the money.
    Then we are going to New Orleans to visit her brothers, sisters and other family members. You know the casino is there downtown and she has rooms at the hotel across the street from the casino compliments of her rewards for earning room and buffets playing the machines. I'll get some rest I'm sure. :oohlala: :big_grin:
  10. fking
    I read a blog by Asha named Bozos...It prompted me to submit this blog I received in the mail after reading a post of another member feeling family members of her spouse has gone away leaving her to be the care giver alone! So, here goes!...
    A birth certificate shows that we were born. A death certificate shows that we died. Pictures show that we lived!
    I believe...That just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other, and just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do love each other!
    I believe...That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change! I believe...That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you, every once in awhile and you must forgive them for that. I believe...That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance. Same goes for love!
    I believe...That you can do something in an instant, that will give you heartaches for life. I believe...That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be!
    I believe...That you should leave Loved Ones with words. It may be the last time you see them. I do now believe...That you can keep going long after you think you can't! Anyone agree?
    I believe...That we are responsible for what We do, no matter how we feel. I believe...That either you control your attitude or it will control you! I believe...That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
    I believe...That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time. I believe...That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel! I believe...That maturity has more to do with what trying experiences you've had, and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
    I believe...That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself! I believe...That no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. I do now believe...That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become!
    I believe...That you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret because it could change your life forever. I believe...That two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I believe...That your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people that don't even know you. You agree?
    I believe...That even when you think you have no more to give when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help! I believe...That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent Human Being. I do now believe...That the people you care about most in life are taken from you way too soon!
  11. fking
    In less than two months I will have been recovering for 8 months. I'm so glad I never gave up on getting better. It's been a long journey to say the least but knowing one day I would be better I just kept praying to God! Sure enough right from the beginning I have been blessed. The stroke happened at 11am while I was home alone. It started in my left hand, the first to go, then my elbow got numb. I stood up turned and fell tried standing again and fell again.
    I passed out at that point and my wife got home found me on the floor called the medics who got me to the hospital about 7 hours after the stroke hit me. I had suffered a major Brain Bleed stroke. The first hospital determined it was a stroke and my skull would have to be removed. I was flown to the major hospital 25 miles away. By now I hear them talking about how close I am to death and I blanked out again! My wife tells me the next day that a decision was made by the head doctor not to remove the scull which was filled with blood but had stopped flowing from the busted vessel.
    I ended up in ICU 5 days and I'm hearing my case is bad. I know I must have started praying to my God to save me now I want to live longer! I was a happy man knowing I was alive but many of my brain cells were dead. I was later moved to the rehab and recovery floor of the hospital and my sweet wife came by every day checking on my condition. She was told I was improving slightly but probably was going to be there for a long time. Well, I was there for five months before I was to get discharged in the care of my wife.
    I was there long enough to see many survivors come in and go home long before I did. I began to wonder again if I would live very long. My wife assured me they told her I would live but may not walk again any time soon. I was sorta OK hearing that knowing I would live longer.
    Finally I was discharged unable to walk but I could transfer from the chair to the car seat and back. I was in that chair for a year but learned to walk in out patient therapy and to climb the stairs. The VA gave me a hospital bed and I slept downstairs until I was able to climb stairs holding onto the hand rails. About that time my scooter arrived, I got my driving licenses back, and I was a happy camper again. I was a praying man, my wife was too! I had made it from disaster to life again!
    Now I'm beginning to walk without the cane as my 8 years get closer and closer. I'm convinced if you don't give up we can make it with prayers and time. Strokes, heart attacks, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes all take time, lots of time to rebuild! I now know recovery is very possible in due time it's not fast at all. We just have to be patient and wait. :big_grin: That's very hard to do by ourselves but it's a must do!
    I have gained so much knowledge being here since 2005 looking, reading and learning about strokes and meds needed to stop the pains and other conditions associated with surviving a stroke. They all seem to be different for different people and the meds may stop pains for one person but not another. Over the years most meds have to be changed as our bodies adjust to all of them over time. Don't be afraid to talk with your doctors when you feel a change is needed. Don't sit there hurting when something can be done by you asking your doctor!
  12. fking
    Happy Thanksgiving Day! If you drink, don't drive Please! :Tantrum: It's this Thursday the 24th! Now on to the subject matter:
    If you are 65 or older and not registered for Medicare yet...Then between now and January is the time to get it done without missing out on the scheduled raise in January 2012. I know, I know many folks want be eligible to draw their FULL social security until they reach 66 or later. When you turn 65 it's time to register for Medicare!

    Above is the medicare site to check things out. If you are already on Medicare then you know there hasn't been a raise in two years based on the CPI for cost of living increase so don't miss out. Medicare is your insurance and we need insurance for sure!
    Now if you take your social security at 62 like I did instead of waiting until you are fully eligible they will dock you a certain percentage. Mine was 13% eight years ago. The longer you wait to draw social security the more you'll draw each month from all the years you been paying into it. For me it was since I was 17 years old.
    On the other hand some of you may be eligible based on your spouses death and that could be more than drawing your own. I suggest calling social security to be sure in each case. We are disabled survivors or care givers needing every dollar available to us to help pay the bills and keep our homes.
    That's the only reason I had to draw mine as soon as I turned 62. The stroke hit me, I had to sell my business and there wasn't enough income to pay for everything. I pray you don't miss out it's hard if you just don't know and no one to ask about social security. Yes you can draw it at 62 but case by case it may be better to wait ubtil you reach the age for your birth year or later if you can wait!
    Up until last year 2010, they had a deal you pay back all you drew early, every penny all at once, then you could start drawing the full amount based on your normal retire year if you had reached it by then. I called and asked about it only to be told that program had ended last year! Oh well that's my luck but then I couldn't have come up with the money I was paid early to give back to them to start drawing the higher rate at my later age.
    If this applies to any of you, please don't miss out, money is too hard to come by these days!
  13. fking
    Well, well, well I'm almost at 8 years recovering. It seem like a long, long road but on the other hand people are saying to me, "Has it been that long?" Yes it has and I feel every year of it but I thank my God he wasn't ready for me back then and I'm still here.
    It's good to feel better about yourself and your ability to recover. Sure it's slow but it's steady and I feel so blessed to still be here. One time I told myself I would walk again soon when I was still in the hospital. Well, I remained in that hospital 5 months. By that time I told myself that I would never walk again without help like a cane. I came home in a chair unable to walk when I saw others leaving the hospital walking.
    That was hard to take for me so at that point I guess I gave up learning how to walk unassisted. This blog is now about me learning to walk finally unassisted. Some of you may know I been trying for awhile now. I'm making big strides inside the house and outside too! It's not pretty to look at yet but taking my sweet old time I make it to where I'm going without falling. I'm in a different mind set telling myself I can do it and it's working for me. I feel it can and will work for any stroke survivor when "YOU ARE READY."
    Now when I think back to 2006 when I was a people greeter at Walmart I probably could have started walking then. I remember parking my scooter and started walking to the room for my interview when the lady said Oh, you can use your scooter. I turned around and got my scooter. I kept using it for my three years I spent there. I remember getting off it and exercising on the bars where the shopping carts are kept. I parked the scooter daily and greeted the customer standing using my quad cane.
    It's been two years now since I was there and I'm just now learning to walk. Man, I lost real years I could have been walking by now. I'm convinced the longer you stay on the quad cane or any cane the longer it will take to start walking unassisted. I can only imagine it is the same way with a person using a wheel chair. If you continue to sit there day after day you will not convince yourself to try standing then taking steps.
    I learned to take steps from sitting in my chair while I was still in the hospital. That's probably why I learned to transfer so easily when I finally came home. I would call for the nurse to use the toilet, they would ask me if I could do the paper work myself? If I said yes someone would come immediately. If I said no then everybody was eating lunch or dinner and no one came. I would get out of bed and into my chair and get to the bathroom alone and get on the commode myself. I did fall off twice but got up myself.
    I think I have been blessed to do a lot for myself and now I know I can and I have the will to walk unassisted now. The thing is we have to convince ourselves "We Can Do It." I'm getting better! Now I'm out on the sidewalks going about five or six driveways from my house and back. Some without the cane and some with when I get tired. I probably should stop at that point instead of using the cane but it feels good for support on the walk back to my driveway.
    I first spoke about walking the end of last month, I'm making strides you all! I got that big dance to do with my wife at her bank Christmas party next month. I gotta be ready for Freddie to get down! :happydance:
  14. fking
    11-11-11 is Veterans Day this year and it happens to be a Friday. I salute all our veterans whom have given their all...THEIR LIVES. We shall honor our Veterans whom are still at war fighting for our rights to remain a free country. The brave men and women of the Armed Forces deserve our thank you on this day each year and really every day of the year.
    We have many veterans here on this site whom have retired but was stricken by stroke. Some with other medical conditions in need of all our prayers, well wishes and thoughts! Lets remember those that were survivors but have also crossed over to be with our Father in heaven.
    Here in my town many of the restaurants are offering one free meal ALL DAY to Active Duty service members and those retired veterans too! Any family members will have to pay of course. There are drawings at certain car dealerships to give away an automobile to the lucky Veteran winners both active duty or retired! I don't have the luck to even enter my name in those drawings so I'll wait to see the winners on TV news that night.
    This is a day, 11-11-11 that happens only once a century and with that in mind anyone born in 1911 will be celebrating their 100th birthday. There has to be at least a couple in that category. People are living longer now so I bet we have someone right here in my town!
    We should have a few birthday member celebrating their birthdays too and we know there are some being born in hospitals around the world. Some of them will become veterans in their own times. :big_grin:
    Again I salute all my fellow veterans on this day and we thank them all for their service to their country...SALUTE... :Clap-Hands: :beer:
    Fred! Also a retired Veteran!!!
  15. fking
    Well, I'm back on the site today. I did get a chance to look in a couple times but wasn't much being said in the way of news. I think everybody was taking a break. For me I just been trying to continue to walk without my cane. Like everything else we try or attempt there are good days and naturally some not so good days. I'm happy to say I have walked on all kinds of surfaces, inclines and all without a single slip or fall. So in my mind I'm making good progress. And I thought and have said many times..."I'll probably never be able to walk again without a cane." Well this last week has proven that thought to be incorrect.
    Looks like we didn't gain many new members this last week or two by looking at the numbers of members. Looks like not many are talking or posting on the message board lately. I did notice more Blogs are being posted and that's a good thing for recovery of the survivor and contentment for the care givers whose care can never be taken lightly. Without care givers we survivors wouldn't be here for sure.
    Success and recovery comes in stages for many of us and I can see where our beloved Sue is having more than her fair share of situations in caring for Ray. So, I just want to say, "Sue, we are with you in spirit and heart everyday and our prayers continue to be right there with you and Ray daily!"
    My wife lying on the bed behind me says "hello Sue and God bless you and Ray." She's off this week and we both are resting up for next weeks work. Her company party for Christmas is in the final planning stages and I'm still in the mix to get out on the dance floor if everything goes well in the next few weeks here at home.
    I'm sure you guys have heard the news about the bank business and people taking their accounts to federal credit unions. It's so true in my town with all the federal workers in this town. Her bank was affected too so I don't suppose they will counter act by laying off employees! That's always a possibility you know. Life goes on, it just gets much harder for those losing their jobs and homes!
    Thinking ahead we can only hope 2012 will bring changes to our economy and government. It is needed now! Well here is hoping all of you are healthy, in good spirits and recovering all you can. Debbie, I hope your state is finally getting back to life with electricity. They had help from many states to repair the fallen lines all over the state. That storm really did a lot of damage there. With all that water on the ground it was harder for the electric power men to get the jobs done, the lines up, and not get electrocuted. See Ya later!
  16. fking
    The message below can be found on the doctors TV show which aired today 1 November. You can visit their wedsite below:

    A Stroke Is an Emergency! – October 27, 2011
    I am writing this a few days before Halloween, which seems fitting — because there are not many things scarier than a stroke. Like a heart attack, a stroke can come on suddenly, with little or no advance warning. And like a heart attack, a stroke can cause serious and lasting damage, or it may be fatal, especially if you don't respond quickly.
    That's why it's very important to know stroke's warning signs and if you see them, call 911 immediately. A quick response can literally mean the difference between life and death. Warning signs of stroke include sudden: [less]
    Numbness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
    Confusion or trouble speaking
    Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
    Severe headache with no known cause
    If you observe or suspect anyone to have at least one of those symptoms, act FAST. Here's a way to remember what to do – remember the letters F-A-S-T:
    F for Face: Ask the person to smile. Is one side of the face drooping?
    A for Arm: Can they raise both arms or is one arm weak?
    S for Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Is their speech slurred or confused?
    T for Time: Call 911 right away!
    A recent study found that African Americans delay calling 911 after a stroke. AARP, reporting on this study, wrote that "most African Americans call a friend or relative instead of 911 when they have symptoms of a stroke, potentially delaying arrival at a hospital and access to lifesaving treatment."
    Another study found that even though people recognized a friend or family member might be having a stroke, they may not call 911. However, they would immediately call 911 if they thought a friend/family member was having a heart attack.
    In a stroke, minutes matter - dial 911! Check out the resources provided to find out who is at risk and to understand what a stroke is.
    American Stroke Association is solely focused on reducing disability and death from stroke.
    National Stroke Association
    Stroke Awareness Foundation
    NIH and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
    Blacks Suffering Strokes Call Friends Before 911 – (AARP article)
    Friends of Stroke Victims Reluctant to Call 911 – (Copyright ©2009, WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.)
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    Freda Lewis-Hall leads a team of medical professionals who collect and share important health and medical information with the health care and health care communities and regulatory agencies.
    View Dr. Lewis-Hall's biography
    The health information contained herein is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a healthcare provider. All decisions regarding patient care must be made with a healthcare provider, considering the unique characteristics of the patient.
    This is great infomation for some of the new members whom may be like I was, clueless about strokes or what to do first!
  17. fking
    I read blogs last week and today by other members and they made me think! I have to be very glad to be in a recovery mode, I'm very much alive and trying my level best to do all I can to walk and be very close to doing what I knew to do before the stroke changed things in my life. Should I keep that thought and mind set I'm bound to get better with time and really have no reason whatsoever to think anything differently. I have been at recovering almost 8 years and I know now it takes time for what's left of the brain and the nerves and muscles to reunite. There were many brain cells that died before I got to the hospital with a lack of blood flow to my brain.
    My brain on that side is trying it's best to function and control other moving parts of my body. That's hard to do! I thank God I finally got to a hospital, had I not, I wouldn't be sitting here talking about my experience. I'm very thankful I made it.
    So instead of being mad or upset one day and OK the next, I'm going to go out on the limb and be happy everyday for what I have accomplished so far knowing more is coming in due time. The second thing is I still got my wife and care giver in the house with me who hasn't missed a single day in caring for me. That tells me a great deal, like don't worry, be happy! Remember that song?? Well I'm going to sing it every day God sends my way and be thankful I am a survivor and LIFE GOES ON EACH DAY. :happydance: :big_grin:
  18. fking
    It will be 8 years on January 15th 2012, since the stroke put me on a cane and a scooter in 2004. My in home health provider is trying her best to help me walk again with no support. It's working and I'm working at it daily in several ways. I'm working with different machines at the senior center to gain strength in the weak leg. Then at home I got things I work with to help even more assisted by my health provider three days a week.
    I hope to be more consistent by year's end. Already I gave up my quad cane. I got a light weight single point with a loop to fit the wrist in case I want to shake hands when I meet someone wanting to stop and talk a minute or two. I probably could have started this process much sooner but no one pushed me to start and I never tried myself. Now walking in leather bottom shoes on Sunday makes a difference. I put on my regular tennis shoes after church and I'm back in the groove.
    I would love to tell you all in a few more months that I'm walking unassisted. My wife has her bank Christmas party the first or second week of December so I hope to get out on the dance floor and show out. :happydance:. She's not going to want me to go but I'm going anyway...Husbands Rule, right?
    Fred! :oohlala:
  19. fking
    I just finished watching the evening news, world and local. It raises my blood pressure to see young boys in trouble for robbing and committing senseless crimes to end up in jail then prison for life. The same boys and some girls too are those we see everyday with their pants falling off and underwear showing. How do they ever expect to get a job as they get older with the mind set they have in how they are conducting themselves.
    The bible says in Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I feel my mom did her best to raise me not to steal nor kill. I would not take anything that didn't belong to me. Doing my era we would mind any adult man or woman and stayed out of trouble because we didn't want a beating.
    I know some kids grow up without parents and some have older brothers or sisters. Many kids today are raised by grandparents. Still some of them I feel had no adult supervision from early childhood to their teenage years and beyond. They appear to be raising themselves in how they dress, talk to grownups and act out in public. I see some in the stores cursing like old men and when anybody say something to them to "Watch their mouth" they act like you cursed them out. Some will say, you aren't my dad and keep cursing while their pants are about to fall down to the ground.
    I just saw on TV two of them tried to rob a man in the same store. The police got them and no doubt will spend time in jail ruining their lives and chance to ever be employed. Of course they probably don't want a job or grow up to be somebody anyway when they can steal and kill for it. I see smaller grade school kids hanging out on the corners instead of in school trying to learn about life. That's another reason I just can't see parents raising kids today that can talk and do whatever they feel like saying or doing at home or in public places.
    I know perhaps many times you have heard the parent say, "Just wait until you get home, you are going to catch it." Well, I say take them in the bathroom and spank their bottoms so they know you mean what you say. All my mom had to do was look at me and I knew what to expect and what not to do ever again.
    I'm sure it's not just my town, it probably happens in just about every city across the country. I can't see how moms and dads buy their clothes, feed them, got a roof over their heads and let them wear their clothes falling off and their butts practically showing. No way I could ever have done that with my parents. Our thoughts are what is this world coming to in the very near future. Then there are the predators and child molesters lurking in every neighborhood and in some schools waiting for the chance to catch some child to do them harm. Especially the girls but some grade school teachers are just as bad and they are married in some cases.
    I have a 7 year old grand daughter living with us and after school she won't go out in the garage or ride her bike on the sidewalk without me being there with her. She tells me she don't want anybody to snatch her and take her away from us. I can see me giving my life to save hers giving her a chance to live a good life. :Clap-Hands:
  20. fking
    Not everybody get into Halloween, I did as a child going door to door getting enough candy and goodies to last until the next year. My step daughter and her daughter doesn't believe in it. She say it's for the devils and believers. I said well, I guess I was a devil as a child because we sure went out trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.
    Some of you here may remember back some years when people started putting all kinds of stuff in the candy and giving it to the kids. About that time is when I stopped getting into Halloween plus I had no more kids at that time. Mine were all grown up with kids of their own. It's a shame how some grownups can act. I think now if you are not interested in kids at your door the police is suggesting turn your front porch light off and don't answer the door. My wife is like a kid herself and she has already purchased a ton of goodies to pass out at the door./
    Nowadays too they have the haunted houses in different locations around the city and on the Military post where the whole community is welcomed to attend. I personally have nothing against it. I just feel it is for the kids. All the retail stores are already stocked up and selling costumes and candy of all types. Walmart, Kmart, toys r us and many of our grocery stores are selling their goods for Halloween. So in many ways it's still a big profit getter for the stores.
    Some of the stores got really elaborate layouts for your yards so Halloween is coming whether we like it or not! I guess I'll be home with my wife while she passes out goodies. Here in my city it starts about 6pm and the kids got two hours to be off the streets. That's a good thing with all the predators around these days looking for young kids to do harm to them.
    So by all means please keep your kids safe and try to get out with them early and back home. Oh check your bags before letting your kids eat the candies to be safe. Everyone is not honest. Here the Police has made announcements that they will be out looking for unregistered predators and making arrest. That should help some in various neighborhoods for sure. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Be safe! :devil: :growl: :tired: :silly: :dribble:
    A little more info: 15 October Update!
    I was in Walmart yesterday and heard so many women and parents discussing the prices this year of the costumes in all the stores even Big Lot stores. The other thing is most of these costumes are made in China. They probably have been for the last few years too.
    At this Walmart they have temporary help hired from now through 15 January for toys and this Halloween section trying to keep it off the floor and straighten up some. The parents just let their kids pick through all of it and put it on the floor. No one seem to care but the helpers are doing a good job keeping it off the floor. I don't know why some people let their kids do things like that.
    Today, Saturday, they suppose to put one of the greeters in that section to help the temp hire control that section and one of the managers are there about every 15 minutes or so. I didn't realize how grown ups can be so un-parent like. Everything they do is on camera and they know that. Walmart doesn't mind calling the police and they love to haul you off to jail. Walmart is their biggest sale tax revenue producer and the police comes in a heart beat when called. See Ya!
  21. fking
    Well, guys it's time to get out the house grab my wife and take a couple days off. We should be back in town on Wednesday all rested up. We decided not to go to New Orleans but to Shreveport, LA instead because it's only a short drive compared to New Orleans at eight hours speeding.
    So we got hotel and buffet free thanks to her comps by playing in their casino. I play so little I never get any comps but she can sit and play for hours on the penny machines. I play the quarter machines that take two quarters, never the one that takes three quarters because that's 75 cent each pull. Then of course I can ride around in the casino watching other people play and win.
    Really the machines are not my game but with one hand it's very hard to play cards without bending them all up. The other players keep asking for a new deck after each deal so I just stopped playing before they think I was trying to cheat. In fact a guy said one time to me and the dealer that card games were for two handed players. He apologised to me as I was getting up from the table and thanked me for my service to our country. He didn't realize I had been wounded and had a stroke too. I spend a lot of time watching card games at different tables while sitting on my scooter.
    It's good for all of us here to "Get Away" once in a while if we can and get refreshed in the brain. Especially for our care givers too, they really need the breaks and my wife really enjoys her time away from that bank job. I guess it does feel good handling your own money in the casino after handling the banks money day after day for weeks at a time.
    We never expect to win just come back home with much of what we left with. I manage to win most of the times probably because I don't keep sitting there and put it all back in the machine. I see many people do that all the time. For any of you that remember the cups of coins you carried around from one machine to another...well now you cash out and a paper slip is printed. You never get your hands all dirty and they have machines to cash out the slips so you don't have to stand in long lines to get 20 dollars back. For me on a scooter that's a real deal not being in lines.
    Happy Columbus Day to all of you, stay safe! See Ya in a couple days. :big_grin: :happydance:
  22. fking
    :big_grin: You know, in general terms all of us are blessed to have survived strokes, child berth, body complications and all kinds of situations in our lives that brings us together here at Stroke Net! I read where a member or two had the stroke just after child berth. Both baby and moms are doing OK.
    I read Sue's blog where she is becoming a grand mother again and it started me thinking of how many others are still around to see grand kids whether we are the stroke survivor or we are the care giver of our mate. Then I'm thinking...Wait a minute, I have lived to see and be a great great grand father and can possibly see another grand added making five generations of a seed. That in it self is rare when it happens but to be a stroke survivor and live to see it happen is a living wonder in my mind!
    We have a lots to be so thankful for in our lives because we didn't have to be here but God saw things differently and He had a reason to make us survivors. Then for those of us who somehow remained with our mates is an extra bonus of life.
    Again I look at Sue who has her Mum and now husband in a nursing home still giving care for them is a truly blessing in her life. She is the kind of woman you wish could live forever and see all her grand kids grow up. I sorta wish that for myself and the door is open. I'm close now at 70 but only God knows what He wants of me!
    I can be proud to say my father whom passed in 1955 was a slave and had to swim a river to escape and save his life. I am his 18th child from one woman, my mom, who passed in 1981. He was born in 1876 and my mom in 1898. They both were migrant farm workers called "Share Cropping" all their lives packing up and moving from one town to another with their children where ever the work was. They had plenty to feed the family I'm told
    By the time I came along in 1941 life had changed somewhat for them. I got to raise chickens, cows, pigs and goats all of which I had a hand in getting them ready for the smoke house and dinner table. I rang so many chicken necks it still seems like lately. I still love fried chicken today cause I never got to eat the best parts. The preacher and his wife got those parts every Sunday by mom's orders. Then my dad killed the pig or goat and I dug the hole to make a BBQ pit. Some of it was put in the smoke house to cure and that was good eating too. There is a lot more but you get the idea why I'm proud to have survived a stroke and feel blessed.
  23. fking
    I can't imagine life without a mate! The last two days I have been laid out with a virus I'm told. Nevertheless when food doesn't stay on your stomach your head is spinning, hurting and you are throwing up all at the same time I feel you are sick, real sick. That is no fun at all. My wife was by my side. I don't know if she thought I would make it or she wanted to be by my side in case I didn't make it!
    It was scary and right now I'm still very weak. First we thought Flu and I didn't get my shot yet. Then my doctor said it was a virus, how the heck he knew that I'll never know unless it's virus season too! He said it would last for a couple days, I would be weak then in a few more days I could eat fresh soft foods. Nothing that has been sitting out that should have been in the refrigerator.
    I do that so often I even sit food in the plate in the microwave to eat later. Now I know that's a real bad idea with heat 100 degrees and over outside. So without my wife, my soul mate I don't know if I could attend to myself anymore when things arise in life. So she is back at work today, a Friday end of month.
    Then I thought about all the survivors here men and women and the care givers we have to attend to us for our needs every day. So here is a little something about Adam and Eve I hope you enjoy why God let us have a mate!
    Top Ten Reasons Eve Was Created
    10. God was worried that Adam would frequently become lost in the garden because he would not ask for directions.
    9. God knew that one day Adam would require someone to locate and hand him the remote.
    8. God knew Adam would never go out and buy himself a new fig leaf when his wore out and would therefore need Eve to buy one for him.
    7. God knew Adam would never be able to make a doctor's, dentist, or haircut appointment for himself.
    6. God knew Adam would never remember which night to put he garbage on the curb.
    5. God knew if the world was to be populated, men would never be able to handle the pain and discomfort of childbearing.
    4. As the Keeper of the Garden, Adam would never remember where he left his tools.
    3. Apparently, Adam needed someone to blame his troubles on when God caught him hiding in the garden.
    2. As the Bible says, It is not good for man to be alone!
    1. When God finished the creation of Adam, He stepped back, scratched his head, and said, "I can do better than that."
  24. fking
    It's said this was written by a kid in Arizona...
    Since the "Pledge of Allegiance" and "The Lords Prayer" are not allowed in most public schools anymore because the word "God" is mentioned...I'm getting it from my church bulletin today!
    Now I sit me down in school
    Where praying is against the rule
    For this great nation under God
    Finds mention of Him very odd.
    Scriptures now the class recites
    It violates the Bill of Rights
    And anytime my head I bow
    Becomes a Federal matter now.
    Our hair can be purple, orange or green
    That's no offense; it's a freedom scene
    The law is specific, the law is precise
    Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
    Now for praying in a public hall
    Might offend someone with no faith at all
    In silence alone we must meditate
    God's name is prohibited by the state.
    We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
    And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
    They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
    To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
    We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
    And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
    It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
    We're taught that such 'judgements' do not belong.
    We can get our condoms and birth controls
    Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles
    But the Ten commandments are not allowed,
    No word of God must reach the crowd.
    It's scary here I must confess
    When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
    So, Lord, this silent plea I make;
    Should I be shot; my soul please take! Amen
    In this current generation one would think man is the creator and God the created but we all know it's the other way around. Then there are those who figure they can get rid of God and that also is the other way around. The creator doesn't need the created help or opinions to do His work. We know nothing and God knows everything. Man has gained the wisdom from God and was successful in walking on the moon's surface. Doctors have been given the knowledge to operate on human hearts and in some cases extend lives.
    Only Jesus has raised the dead, died on the cross and rose again to be at the right hand of God the Father. God is in charge.Why man is set on taking God out the picture is beyond me! We all have beliefs good or not in how we would like to see the world as we know it however God is in charge and always got the last word. I'm so glad I got to know right from wrong and have Jesus in my heart to treat people right and believe in prayer!
    I'm glad to have joined this stroke support group where members call for prayers faithfully as survivors, care givers and family members alike. I feel when we give our aches, pains and concerns to God He gives us relief and our suffering is made so much more tolerable to endure.
  25. fking
    Counting the triple digit days are over I think. After all it is September now the beaches and swimming pools are closed, kids are back in school and we are looking forward to cooler days and nights here in Texas. The wild fires are still burning all over Texas with no end in sight. Homes are being burned too. We sure could use the rain. The grass is brown and burned from the drought conditions this summer.
    Some will say it's over due for cooler weather to be upon us and it may still be a few more days before we get out the jackets but we will welcome the change. We are used to football being a winter sport however there were days they couldn't practice, it was just too hot. It could have been dangerous for these kids out in the intense heat with pads on.
    When we think of baseball and the World Series we think hot weather and October is right around the corner now. I'll be glad for football to get going and the cooler weather because this has certainly been a record heat summer for sure! This will certainly be a change of seasons in Texas this year and a welcomed change too. I'm glad and ready to shed the shorts for long pants and sox.
    Now if we stay away from another record winter like last year's record snow fall that will be okay too. Could that much snow fall two years in a row? I hope not with budgets like they are the money for snow removal and salt could fall short in many cities this year. Then we have to consider the price of gas and the supply and demand. I still think that is one thing that can be manipulated by the stock market and the big oil companies.
    Either way prices will go up as apposed to down and the profit will go into someones pockets. :big_grin: That's just the way the world works!