
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Ruth,


    You still got the Shih Tzu?? The little Princess my grand daughter has just had six puppies on Labor day morning early in the closet they were due on the ninth but came 2 days early on the 7th.... They are getting bigger but eyes are still closed while mom feeds them when the make noise she comes running...

  2. Hey, I been trying to upload puppie pictures since early am today Tuesday and I haven't accomplished a thing all day so I will try again tomorrow.... We tried through the email from a smart phone that didn't work so soon as I get a system you all will see the little ones, all six of them and the momma too,,,,, I'm not a computer operator by any means....


    Right now she doesn't leave them for long just to come downstairs and see if I'm going out the door while she listens to see if she can hear one of them making noise, if so back up the stairs she goes in a hurry....

  3. Thanks to you all, soon as I get the pictures taken probably by the guy that helps me in the mornings, he has a smart phone, I will get him to post them on the blog for sure.... I have forgotten how to do all that stuff anymore....


    I think my wife has figured out there are four boys and two girls... They all just look like little puppies to me lying in the cage with their mom whom is very protective of them.... When they make noise she is mom on the spot feeding them and making sure they are OK....

  4. Jay,


    Good for you being able to sit so low and still get up all by yourself... I could never do that again in my life... I have to use a belt around the headboard post to pull myself up from my computer chair right beside my bed....


    Heck, I have troubles getting up from the raised seat on the commode by myself... Only my scooter I can stand up from sitting on it all by myself.... I really have a paralyzed left side but yet it is my strong side too.... No victory yet for me....

  5. I just wanted to keep true to my word of letting all of you know about the pups being born on Labor Day morning in the back closet on a pad my wife put down for her to bring them into the world which was early morning Labor Day morning...


    There were four then once we got her downstairs 2 more came out so a total of 6 new pups are in our family now.....  The mom is taking care of her little ones real good I think.... I put some more food out for her at noon today and cool water because she has been feeding the new borne without a break that I could see...


    It's evening now my grand child has been home from school for a few hours observing the action of the mom feeding her little ones.... She is so happy to be a little grandma to her dog but the real job is mine to feed her and watch over them until my wife gets back in town by this weekend I hope.... Hope I don't get burned out before the week is out.....

  6. Mitch and all asked about her!!!!


    OK here is the latest....She had 6 puppies yesterday(Labor Day) morning in the closet instead of under the bed... I'm here with her and them doing all I can until my wife returns and my grandchild gets out of school today....


    More news later today....They came earlier than expected day of 9 September and more pups than expected....

  7. Thanks Sue, I'm just wondering if I can be a vet with one hand and do what is necessary to keep them all alive here by myself??? Just found out the other guy got an appointment on the day she is suppose to have the puppies and can't help me deliver them as he knows how from his dogs a couple months ago at his house.....


    They will be real little puppies being a Shih Tzu but she looks really big right now so I hope no more than Four are in there....

  8. Well Nancy life is what it is for all of us be it stroke survivor or care giver, it's hard both ways as I slowly recover some but not nearly enough as I once figured I would one day... So I'm sure Dan has the same feelings and wishes all the time he could do more sooner rather than later in life....


    Love is what's keeping my wife and I together, 17 years this year in my condition of what I have learned to do in 12 years....

  9. Thanks Nancy, yea, I will hold my grounds while trying to find her an apartment she can afford on SSI pay or a small one bedroom house somewhere near me if possible.... Real estate here in this military town is always available with soldiers coming and going all the times so I pray I find her a place by December or January when she gets out....


    Another thing here is mobile homes are available too in many areas, none near me now but in the next little town.....

  10. Asha, 


    You are so right on when you say in life we go through so, so many ups and downs and in my case without any kind of pattern to it... So for me I just don't worry about what may or might come my way tomorrow, I leave that to God above!!!!!!


    So I'm one day or night at a time now without any stress....I decided yesterday to put gas in my SUV because it was down to my fill up point, 1/4 tank left, it was only 2.02 a gallon and a nice man, retired soldier, pumped it for me while his wife put gas in their car....


    How surprising is that??? We just never know what good will come our way nor do we know when!!!!!

  11. Mitch,


    I was that way for a short while until the VA got me an exercise bike which I still use daily to keep my joints operable without much pains... In fact now I can take two Aleve in the mornings and it will last most of my day...


    I'm finished with in home PT, OT, any anyone coming to my house except one guy to help me do my feet, legs and the bicycle exercises every day in the week.... In my case age has a lot to do with how I feel each day as I just made 74 last month and I'm in my 12th year of the stroke now...

  12. Aren't those quiet days wonderful??? My wife is at the bank all day working and every other Saturday too so she is tired out from supervising 7 tellers at the drive in bank while I have picked up something for us to eat when she get home and not have to cook.....

  13. I wish it was possible you could get a scooter or chair you could use long as needed while you are there.... I'm at home but need my scooter to get around outside and my cane for inside upstairs in the bedroom and downstairs too since my walking ability got worse a few months ago.........