
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    Well Labor Day as I know it to be was the last day the beaches and public pools were open for the summer. That was always the big ending to summer fun years ago and the day before school started for the fall/winter semesters. My that seem like it was ages ago for me. I can't remember me ever getting paid for that holiday but I suppose I did one time or another! I can only remember now that I'm a lot older these days and my wife is off work from the bank she has held for so many years.
    Here at Fort Hood Texas the military will be celebrating out at the lake area and families getting together in a big welcome back home from the war zones. Some fathers will be seeing their young kids for the very first time. Then of course there are those that gave their all in the wars and have been laid to rest. That's always the hardest part of homecomings and get togethers when not all of them come back alive!
    I do hope all the members here enjoy the holiday with their families and friends where ever you may be. Please be careful and don't drive if you been drinking. Usually that day see many people cooking out, back to school shopping and looking at the new model vehicles on the showroom floors. However with our economy like it is with so many still without jobs or cash on hand just to keep a home and food on the table is a big deal these days. I pray times get better before they get any worse and this war comes to an end real soon.
    I think my wife and I will just stay home and enjoy each other then if it gets below 100 degrees maybe ride out to the lake area and people watch. Our family members will have to gear up for their return trip to New Orleans on Monday too! Where does the time go? I'm thinking I will be very tired come Tuesday morning but life goes on and we do what we gotta do to get through the week with a sense of humor left.
    Our little grand daughter is ready to go to school. She knows it will be time to see all her friends again and do home work too. Her big book bag is packed and sitting by the door. I just hope she stays focused on school work being in the third grade. That will be new for her and she's not very big at 7 years old. I am glad it's a christian school where no bullying is allowed. I guess I wouldn't be concerned if she was a bit bigger and taller.
    I'm continuing my prayers for all our members as we can never get too many prayers going in this world today. I feel so much better asking our God to bless us all daily and guide our paths safely. Here is hoping all our new members know we are here for them in a support role. I read the message board where many of them are seeking a local support group near where they live. Usually the hospital where you were treated can advise you in that matter. That's how I found a local group near my home. I just wasn't able to make very many of the meetings but found out about the group here on a world wide basis. For me that was better and I learned more about strokes and care giving by being here!
    We have so many knowledgeable survivors and care givers alike to learn from. Boy, many of them have seen it all and been taking care of family members and loved ones for a long, long time. I feel that's a part of why I learned to be so positive in my process of recovering from a brain bleed stroke.
    I hope to still be around for many more Labor Days to come and better physically than I am currently. I sure would love to be walking unassisted and not having to use a scooter but on the other hand I'm glad scooters are available for anyone not able to walk very far on their own. Maybe one day the sidewalks and entry ways to buildings will all be accessible for the person with one usable hand and leg!
    Happy Labor Day everyone! Be extra careful and help those who can't help themselves to well! :big_grin:
  2. fking
    This evening news has reports of another tropical storm brewing in the Gulf moving at 2 mph with winds currently at 45mph. This is tropical storm LEE and it looks early on New Orleans could feel the crunch should it develop into a hurricane by sometimes on Sunday. It's just too early to tell at this hour but we can expect lots of rainfall they say.
    They stated the President is suppose to visit New Jersey and Vermont on Sunday to see the damage done there last week. Well this is the season for hurricanes for awhile longer. I would hate to see another one hit New Orleans after Katrina six years ago. New Orleans is like a fish bowl and below sea level where rain is bad news. Some of my wife's family members aren't taking any more chances on staying put. They are leaving as I type this blog and I can't really blame them for leaving the city.
    Not all areas will flood, that's a good thing but I just couldn't live there knowing the city is below sea level. My wife has no desire to live there again and I'm glad about that cause I can't think of living there. I'm a true Texan and have lived in many cities and countries while serving my country. Now is the time to settle in Texas for the long haul. :big_grin:
  3. fking
    It has been said in many articles I have read that an estimate 750,000 strokes happens in the US alone each year. That being the case and true to form then many men, women and some children will face paralysis and a big setback in life as they know it to be in a two handed/two legged world. Some will have to use canes, walkers and wheelchairs to still be mobile as much as possible. Perhaps within the next few years being handicap will sorta be the norm for many people not just in the US but all over the world.
    Strokes normally affect one side of the brain and body however some people walk again unassisted while some never experience any paralysis or it's very short termed. The vast majority will have difficult walking and talking after a stroke along with balance problems requiring the use of a wheelchair and in a few cases for the remainder of their lives! However it's not the end of life as we know it to be. There is life after stroke but also death can and does occur in some cases or shortly afterwards!
    This site alone has grown by seven thousand survivors since I joined in 2004, seven years ago and not every person uses a computer. Obviously there are thousands more survivors each year looking for a network to join and get much needed information about being survivors and care givers alike. It seems as though no other person can understand you when you have had a stroke and sense what life must be like with you being paralysed or unable to talk or speak at all!
    That makes the world we knew for many years in some cases feel so unreal and as a survivor being accepted because of our physical conditions being dependent upon a care giver, a cane, walker or wheel chair to get around inside and outside the home. Holding a job or staying employed is almost none existence in many cases.We apply for disability benefits and must prove we are unable to work and still it's not an automatic approval. Many times we are denied and while our incomes are non existence we still have homes, vehicles and household bills to pay monthly!
    The life and mind set after having a stroke is very depressing and frustrated when we can do very little for ourselves. There is hospitalization and therapy we must get in order to learn how to care and exercise our weak side of the body. It's a very dark world as we look out at others with no disabilities we can see and notice. It feels like we have been taken away from society and left to suffer greatly!
    Therefore at the rate of 750,000 stroke each year the hospitalization, therapy and care for survivors will be a big part of medical expenses like new born babies are now. There is no end in sight for stroke care of all ages in America.
    However, life is just the opposite, we are still alive and what I call a second chance at living with our loved ones. No one really knows what a survivor feels like accept another survivor. Care giver sense the feelings we have and are there by our sides every step of the way urging us to feel better, get better and live the best life we can with what we got left after the stroke.
    Strokes happen in many cases and for many reasons. There is no set age to suffer a stroke as some people have been led to believe. Strokes will be around for a time to come as our knowledge about strokes get a bit wider and our acceptance is more understood. It's very hard for us to accept a stroke happening to us because we felt so strong as a normal healthy person! So we wonder why it happened to us and we don't know why or why now?
  4. fking
    We have to ask ourselves what is left after Irene, the hurricane or tropical storm? Thank God it never got to be category 2 or 3 with winds 130mph and more. The damage it done is a lasting sight and the effect will be with those states and the people for the rest of their lives.
    Most of the people that witness this storm don't remember earlier storms in 1927 or 1938 in their states. It could be many years again before something like this hit the same areas again. Vermont seems to have gotten the biggest destruction with the water and number of homes destroyed by water. The roads and bridges were hit and many people are still without electrical power for perhaps weeks to come.
    It seems that natures happenings are everywhere with the earthquake of a few weeks ago on the east coast. The hurricane season began in June so there is still time for more of them coming our way before the end of the season.
    We have stroke survivors in so many cities and states all across the US until it's hard to watch as they could become victims to these storms and earthquakes. When the officials give warnings to leave the areas we must comply or suffer the loss of life in some cases when we stay behind. I would feel much better leaving and being OK than staying in the area and losing my life. I know we have material things we are proud of and don't want to lose them but our lives are worth much more and can't be replaced like homes, cars and furnishings can.
    If you know of any members here that suffered losses please let us know. There were about 14 or 15 lives lost as reported on TV from North Carolina to Vermont including babies. Of course it's not all over yet, water is still flowing over properties and streets while cars are being swept away in the rushing waters.
  5. fking
    Some of you may be aware that high school football is a big thing among parents, grand parents and college scouts and coaches all across the State and beyond. It came in this season with a stern warning for grand parents to beware of the high temperatures of 100 degrees and above. We have been having many heat strokes and dehydration from not drinking enough water. At night it's still just shy of 100 degrees and no rain any where in the forecast.
    I think I'll just have to catch what I can in highlights on the late news cast. I'm not taking no chances in that kind of heat sitting in the stands on metal benches. There is not much green grass on the football fields and some are lucky enough to have artificial turf installed. I don't suppose I will go to many college games either for the same reason plus the tickets are twice as high as high school games these days.
    Some schools were at the top of their games with a guy running for over 300 yards in the game for a 49 to 10 win! It's a good thing to get some of these kids into college on scholarships to certain colleges to further their education. A lot of the military kids are competing too and that makes their parents very proud when they return from Afghanistan duty.
    I'm hoping for a good season without any life threatening injuries like concussions that paralyze them for life.
    The Pros are off and running too with the Dallas cowboys winning their first game of the season. I figured the pros would be slow starting since they were on strike like until a weak or so ago. I suppose they will get it all straighten out to make a good season of it since they are Pros and getting big money doing something they love to do.
    I guess games are being played every where except the east coast and New York because of the hurricane. Baseball still has another month or two before it's world series time again.Maybe I can report on the games on site again this season but I'll have to get clearance from the CEO first! :big_grin:
  6. fking
    Well, on the spur of a moment I am making another short trip on Sunday morning with my wife. She has to attend to some business matters concerning her mom who passed last year! I suppose we will in one way or another have the job of caring for our parents for many years of our lives once we are grown up ourselves. Even after they pass!
    We either care for them health wise in their homes or our homes or a nursing home facility. One thing for sure if we live as long as most of them our kids will have the same tasks when our turn comes. More kids (us) are caring for their parents these day than we know about. It seem to be a trend sorta which will continue to evolve as long as people are expected to live longer lives. Is it a good thing? Who knows, I just wish we didn't have to live as stroke survivors. I think we would enjoy old age a bit more without being disabled.
    At 750 thousand stroke in the USA alone each year the chances are great strokes will still be around many years from right now. I do hope the long term facilities are a lots better by then and staffed with all caring employees that are well paid. After all it's not free for us to have a parent stay in a facility. Most of the money any older person gets will be put towards their stay in the facility. I think if you have room in your present home and time for their care that would be the best thing to do. JMO!
    My wife's mom came to live with us in Texas the last month before she passed at 84 years young last year. We all took her passing pretty good since 84 years is considered a long life. I hope to get that far along when my time comes around! We still relish her memories as a loving lady and mother.
    You know back in the early 1900's until about the 1950's life insurance and burial insurance policies cost very little and very little was made in the way of wages. So when they live just short of a hundred years it cost 20 times more to bury them than the policy was worth after all those years! I would guess that at the most a burial policy was written for funeral expenses not exceeding 1500 dollars as it was with my mom in 1981 when she passed!
    Things like that makes these short trips necessary when you or the wife is that family member to oversee the finances and it has to be done in person in that city and state. Do they think you will try to burn them for a lot of money or do they know they have already over charged you and want to see you sign the papers? I guess that prevents you filing a law suit later!
    At any rate we plan on returning in 3 or 4 days so I will be out the loop for those days and making my appointments upon returning at the VA the next couple days! Thought I would write my next Blog today! I will be asleep shortly since I drive first or maybe all the 525 miles/8 hours!
  7. fking
    Well it appears that the current president is on the campaign trail early. There are a few others who are aspiring to become president of the USA. I suppose with jobs or anyone knowing how to get jobs back from overseas and add more jobs in the USA, it may be tough for all candidates running for president next year.
    We just had the finance crisis which down graded the credit rating from AAA to AA+! Well so far my mortgage rate remains the same and my car payments too. I was under the impression our payments would skyrocket upwards but instead they stayed the same. In some cases with banks they charge less interest on certain loans. It just may depend on the financial standing of that bank.
    There are so many people laid off, not working and really want to work but the jobs are just not there. The housing market and people still losing their homes right and left the economy is a mess. The bad part is most of us think it will remain like that for some time to come.
    The big companies who are outsourcing jobs overseas and in some cases has moved their headquarters overseas too and are now avoiding higher taxes in the US! Those jobs will not come back when they have to pay a worker here more money and lot less there. That's more money in their pockets. Time Warner Cable, all credit card companies and many other big companies are all doing business with outsourcing jobs overseas. Where does that leave the little guy in business trying to create more jobs and put people back to work?
    It's a dog eat dog world right now and that is leading to all sorts of crimes and people being killed daily. We the disable persons are more like targets to the public crooks looking for a quick buck. So we all need to really be more careful when we are out and about our business. It happens more in the big cities but no one want to get robbed or shot without any mercy.
    For that reason I stay close to home more these days. They got gangs going around as Mob squads robbing stores and customers too! So be careful when you are out in the streets because they are looking for easy targets. The gas prices seems to be going down some but with no jobs we can't buy that much gas anyway. Another reason I stay home and a vacation is out of the question. I get in a country and can't get back home that is not fun for me.
    It all has to change soon with this president or another one we still got the same big problem...Not enough jobs so more people will have incomes for their household expenses!
  8. fking
    This past week I read so many post and blogs where the couple, be them married or not, show their love for each other in this time of need when one of them is in sickness or not so good health! I call that living up to the vows or the love they have acquired for each other over the years.
    Just a few years ago it seemed like if one partner had a stroke the other one was ready to call it quits and walk away from the relationship like it was nothing at all. Now I really enjoy reading the board and blogs where one partner is in need and the other partner is right on the case trying to do what ever it takes to get healing going and comforts continue. In sickness and in health we should try all we can to care for our loved one. In some cases the care giver role has changed to survivor role. It can happen to any one of us at any time.
    More and more now we have to care for our parents just like they cared for us all those years. So our chances of being a care giver increases by generations. Strokes are here to stay and we know now they can hit anybody at any moment. Then there is breast cancer, colon cancer and still others that can make us survivors any day!
    If we just take time to think...We got together in a relationship that was friendship first, then it kept growing in our knowledge of each other over the years. We were looking for a partner, perhaps a life partner for a lasting relationship whether we got married or not, we intended to be together 'till death do us part! At that point in time we started to look for qualities in each other along with family values. We wanted a loving person who loved God and would treat us in a righteous manner and the wellness to remain stable in thoughts and actions.
    We began to look for trustworthiness, love, care and kindness to each other. Soon after that time marriage began to be discussed, then family and kids. That takes integrity, family orientation, ambitious thinking and hard work to make a Godly family with a strong union. We would love to think God is in the plan and cares for us. When that happens we are the only ones to break the loving ways we started by letting our minds and actions wonder where the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence or the roadway!
    After having gone through three marriages myself and been left sitting on the sidewalk I know now what love and marriage means to me. To see it here on a stroke site is very heart warming to me. I never want to be left alone or by myself again. It pleases me so much to ready the good life stories where we really care for our partners in sickness and in health.
    All of you come to mind as I have read your post and blogs but Sue and Ray will stand out as she has dealt with so much sickness in her family with her parents. Then to have faced so much in the way of sickness with her husband Ray having had so many strokes over a number of years is remarkable to me. I was amazed at her character when I first joined stroke net in how she kept busy caring for Ray and still had time for herself.To this day I don't see how she did it without God being in the picture.
    Now I know from experience how God cares for those who believe in Him. I've been married for the fourth time for 13 long years to a wonderful woman who never thought she would ever be a care giver to a husband! By the same time we have both belonged to a baptist church with no plans on leaving our congregation there!
    As most of you know I'm a prayer warrior now but don't get me wrong perhaps anyone can survive not knowing God or having a belief in a higher power, I'm just saying it really has helped me to be how and where I am. Especially when I look back 40 years ago and where I was then. I know my mom stayed on her knees praying for my survival! I'm praying for all of you here and myself to overcome what we face in sickness and in health!
    I'm saying God loves you and I do too! :big_grin:
  9. fking
    IT'S VERY HOT IN TEXAS! We are experiencing record for most days in a row and the number of total days over 100 degrees for the year. Today is 43 days in a row, a new record for temps over 100 degrees in my city. The next record sure to be broken is 63 days over a 100 degrees for the year!
    IT'S HARD TO SENSE THOSE KINDS OF TEMPS, but living in Texas it's easy to see. I suppose it's like living in Hell, I'm told that's a very hot place and I hope never to confirm or find out, for me it's hear-say. We probably should have thought about hot days ahead when the past winter dumped record snow with some in place that usually don't get that much. The heat is truly following suit this summer.
    Area Lake levels are at their all-time record lows. The marina boat docks got boats sitting in the sand the waters edge is 20 feet from where the boats are in the docks. You can see tree tops in places you didn't think there were trees near the center of the lakes! I'm told the water levels are normally 20 feet above the tops of the visible trees you can see now.
    You know how you can walk out onto the docks and sit and fish? Well, I will never walk out on the docks again without a life vest. That water there is some 20 to 30 feet deep and right now you can see the bottom. There has been some cars discovered in the lake too, so far no bodies inside. Probably stolen cars that has been striped and dumped by car thieves long ago.
    We stand nearby on land and watch the game wardens gather all kinds of stuff from the lake bottoms including rods and reels that are very old and rusty. It's like a treasure hunt on dry land. Right now no boats can get in the water from the usual boat ramps. In fact they are closed while they drag all this stuff out of the muddy bottom of the lakes.
    We can still cook eggs on the sidewalks, probably pancakes too. I remember as a little kid we went barefoot most of the time especially when school was out for the summer. You couldn't do that now this summer! All the grass in many yards is brown from the heat and not many sprinklers are operating on most streets in the neighborhoods.
    I think I know how the people up north felt when they were covered in snow last winter. That was the most snow many states had seen in quite some time. This heat is sure the most we had in Texas in many years, in fact it was 1980, the records that are being broken. I think there has been only two heat related deaths so far! I'm staying indoors. The a/c in Walmarts is not as cold as it usually is. I guess they cut back some or the sun is bearing down on the roofs! :big_grin:
  10. fking
    The last two weeks I can't seem to remember nothing. My wife took the Defensive Driving Course to get reduction points on our insurance premium. Now for the life of me I can't find/locate the insurance copy she gave me. Now my insurance is asking for their copy to lower my auto insurance a few more dollars. Every little bit counts you know!
    So I did this little poem to remind myself I had a stroke 8 years ago and my brain was severely affected enough that I may never be the same in the mind! I'm just grateful I can do as much as I can and a little bit more in improvements is likely to come my way in a few years! It's simply titled "Memory I don't have"!
    Memory I don't have:
    My forgetter's getting better,
    But my rememberer is broke
    To you that may seem funny
    But, to me, that is no joke.
    For when I'm "here" I'm wondering
    If I really should be "there"
    And, when I try to think it through,
    I haven't got a prayer!
    Often times I walk into a room,
    And say "what am I here for?"
    I rack my brain, but all in vain!
    A zero, is my score.
    At times I put something away
    Where it is safe, but, Gee!
    The person it is safest from
    Is, generally, me!
    When shopping I will see someone,
    I Say! "Hi" and have a chat,
    Then, when the person walks away
    I ask myself, "Now,who was that?"
    Yes, my forgetter's getting better
    While my rememberer is broke,
    And it's driving me plumb crazy
    And that isn't any joke.
    Now if you all tell me I'm not alone,
    then I can just pack up and go home! :big_grin:
    That way I know when you have a stroke,
    Your heart is okay but the brain is broke!
    "My only hope now is who ever read this poem don't take it as a big joke,
    Because it is just the opposite and it's what we have left after a stroke"!
    PS. It's my original thoughts and you're welcome to copy, pass it along or quote any part of it! Fred!
  11. fking
    I'm sure people all over the world knows Texas is hot and there is no let up in sight. The forecasters are predicting we will break the record of 63 day of the triple digit heat which hasn't happened since 1980. Of the 45 days (today) we have 34 in a row. All of July (31) days were in a row. I like hot weather climates apposed to cold weather places like Alaska or states on the east coast around New York.
    I think 14 years total being stationed in different cities in Germany was enough for me. I was ready for Texas weather but this 100 degree heat is about to run me out of Texas. When I think of California I feel the earth shaking so that's out although I spent 5 years there after Vietnam at the hospital in the Presidio of San Francisco! I just can't get ready for the earthquakes, they come with no warnings! Then I was going right back to Germany for three more years in 1976.
    I really think I could live in Georgia, Columbus at Fort Benning. I have to be close to those military benefits you know that I have earned for my 22 years of service! That's why I left Houston, my hometown and came to Fort Hood, Texas. I'm still glad I did but this heat got me looking for a place to run. If next year is anything like this year you can paint me gone!
    I got many friends there I served with so I'll be right at home on the range plus my wife's hometown is New Orleans. I think that would be a good little drive between Georgia and New Orleans. Even a bit closer than Fort Hood to New Orleans I think. The only thing is the hurricanes but we get warnings long before they hit.
    This heat is almost unbearable and the electric bill is sky high with daily warnings to cut back doing peak hours on electricity use. The next thing are those rolling black out as they call them where they control how long your electricity is turned off. Just a couple years ago we got snow on Easter Sunday. That was a rare occasion to build snowmen for Easter instead of hiding eggs for the kids!
    Now this year we can fry eggs on the sidewalks. The downside of all this heat is the number of people staying in the sun way too long and getting skin cancer at some later day. On top of all this heat is NO RAIN. We've been a drought condition since early may. Water is rationed by the city no yards are being watered and the yards are all brown grass. No mosquitoes and no flies. The snakes are out looking for water around your outside a/c unit and under your car where the air conditioner puts out the water.
    You may have seen it on the TV where a lady was driving down the road when a snake appeared from under the hood up by the windshield wipers. I think I would have wet my pants! Other cars passing her were trying to get her to stop don't kill the snake!
  12. fking
    Well, the debt deal is signed in Congress I think but still has to pass the Senate I think. I got so lost in this whole affair because it would have affected me greatly in my retirement, disability and Medicare for years to come and many generations after me and my kiddos.
    Any way I was glad to see the congress woman who was shot in Phoenix this past January make an appearance in the room greeted by her fellow congress men and women. I suppose now we wait as a strong super power nation and see what happens next!
    I am a regular reader of the Senior News that is published monthly in many cities across the US. It covers many topics that most seniors need to read about what's happening that directly affects them. It's kinda like the AARP magazine many of us receive by mail monthly. Most senior centers, hospitals, clinics and the VA will have it displayed near the elevators or waiting areas.
    They just launched a website: which should be interesting to seniors everywhere. I haven't been on the site yet but plan to see it tonight. My wife had a Honey-Do list I'm about to finish doing today.
    I hope this news paper or the site proves interesting for the seniors because it covers care givers, Medicare and stroke information some people just don't know by being seniors now. I was in that boat, knew nothing about strokes nor what causes them!
    I did get a chance to view their new website last night and it wasn't what I had envisioned covering the news they have in the printed papers. They have so much information in the paper that helps older citizens know about what's happening with their government check, Medicare, benefits they may be receiving from a deceased husband/wife and clues to watch out for strokes.
    So many retired people draw all kinds of retirements but know nothing about what's happening to the usual cost of living adjustments or what Medicare will cost them the coming year. The housing market information is very helpful to them as well in knowing what things about the house and appliances they can replace and get a break on their taxes.
    However the website has games and information to keep seniors busy and reading to keep their minds working!
  13. fking
    I'm looking at this issue as a private tax paying citizen in the lower income bracket and retired. That is enough to lose sleep when you just don't know if you wake up one morning and you owe more on your mortgage and automobile payments than you can afford on fixed incomes!
    The scary part I imagine for many of us is the congress and senate members being so far apart in what should be done. We know 2 August is the deadline we have to make a decision about this issue. That's less than a week away. Then to see your social security check stop coming and your disability check stop coming I just don't see many of us surviving if the ceiling is not raised. Sure we need to stop spending money as a country when we don't have it. That is the point our members just come to an agree about. Some of them have "Pet projects" for their home state who elected them to congress.
    It's going to hurt many of us here at stroke net. We have one household member working while the other member is trying to recover from a stroke or in some cases no one holds a paying job while caring for the other household member. Perhaps if we were retired on salaries like the congress members and the President gets after their term it wouldn't be so devastating to survive.
    I hope they get their act together and get the job done so the United States don't default on our loans held by other countries! Many of us would be in a big bind trying to pay our bills with the added interest. Even on credit cards with variable interest rates will hurt very much.
    I guess we could say a prayer that we get it right and not blame the President or each other at this point. I for one is losing sleep and have been in touch with those companies I owe and I'll be glad when we know what will happen before 2 August 2011.
  14. fking
    You ever noticed how humans act like animals at times and in certain situations almost daily??? It's very true if you haven't given it a thought. Most amazing is how animals act so much like humans in so many instances. Could that be why we love them so much and in certain crisis we refuse to leave them behind?? Human lives have been lost with their decisions to remain with the animals doing the Katrina hurricane 6 years ago and when the flood gates were opened to let water out of the Mississippi river two months ago.
    People refused a trip to higher ground and in every day life their animals are thought of as "Family members"!Some folks have tried to get them social security numbers and leave them their inheritances. Still many homes have the animals sleep in the same bed with them. They have dogie doors installed so the animal can go and come at will and there is no need to purchase a dog house anymore.
    Still some people have animals that are considered wild and far from domesticated. The kids have animals with two legs, four legs or no legs staying in the house. Now, the humans act like many of these animals at times, some, most of the time. Even put in the dog house by the wives. Of course we have all kinds of animals to help the disable humans these days and that's a blessing. The question remains, "Why do humans act like animals so often."
    Humans are the inferior being as God wanted it to be having dominance over the animals but I notice daily it appears the other way around! What would we do without our animal family members?? What would our animal family members do without us?? We go to the animal shelters and adopt them, we adopt kids even from other countries. So there is love in our hearts all the time, so much so we want to love our neighbor's wife or husband and there is a commandment against that by God!
    What brought this topic on was just this morning a woman was on the sidewalk crying her eyes out because the kids had let the little dog out and she can't find him. Her second statement to me was she wasn't going back home until she found the dog! I got on my scooter rode around the block and several others. Low and behold I found her puppy. He came right to me, I put him in my basket for safe riding. I got back on my street she was still outside crying.
    Her eyes lit up when she noticed the puppy in my basket. Her next voice was "You aren't getting out again ever." I think he's going to be a house dog from this day forward. I didn't accept the money she offered and said to her it's the only thing I could do as a neighbor on the same street. I don't know her kids but I bet I have seen them outside playing with other kids on the street.
    As my general rule I don't say much to kids these days being a man and the way men are taking kids off the street, especially girls. She remembered seeing me outside with my grand daughter riding her bike. I said yes ma'am, I don't let her out my sight at 6 years old, my wife would kill me! To answer the question of why humans act like animals some times is we "Get Bored with life."
    we have too many restrictions or too many jobs to finish and not enough loving like the animals get daily!
    I suppose we'll never really know why and here are some facts:
    Knowing Your Terms...
    TRAFFIC LIGHT -- apparatus that automatically turns red when your car approaches.
    DIVORCE -- postgraduate in School of Love.
    PIONEER -- early American who was lucky enough to find his way out of the woods.
    PEOPLE -- some make things happen, some watch things happen, and the majority has no idea what's happened.
    SWIMMING POOL -- a mob of people with water in it.
    SELF-CONTROL -- the ability to eat only one peanut.
    SALESMAN -- man with ability to convince wife she'd look fat in mink.
    CANNIBAL -- person who likes to see other people stewed.
    EGOCENTRIC -- a person who believes he is everything you know you are.
  15. fking
    Here's a Plan...Vacation year around...I love it and can afford it for once!
    About 2 years ago my wife and I were on a cruise through the western Mediterranean aboard a Princess ship. At dinner we noticed an elderly lady sitting alone along the rail of the grand stairway in the main dining room. I also noticed that all the staff, ships officers, waiters, busboys, etc., all seemed very familiar with this lady. I asked our waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told she owned the line, but he said he only knew that she had been on board for the last four cruises, back to back.
    As we left the dining room one evening I caught her eye and stopped to say hello. We chatted and I said, "I understand you've been on this ship for the last four cruises." She replied, "Yes, that's true." I stated, "I don't understand" and she replied, without a pause, "It's cheaper than a nursing home."
    So, there will be no nursing home in my future. When I get old and feeble, I am going to get on a Princess Cruise Ship. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 per day. I have checked on reservations at Princess and I can get a long term discount and senior discount price of $135 per day. That leaves $65 a day for:
    1. Gratuities which will only be $10 per day.
    2. I will have as many as 10 meals a day if I can waddle to the restaurant, or I can have room service (which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week).
    3. Princess has as many as three swimming pools, a workout room, free washers and dryers, and shows every night.
    4. They have free toothpaste and razors, and free soap and shampoo. :big_grin:
    5. They will even treat you like a customer, not a patient. An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff scrambling to help you. :Clap-Hands:
    6. I will get to meet new people every 7 or 14 days.
    7. T.V. broken? Light bulb need changing? Need to have the mattress replaced? No Problem! They will fix everything and apologize for your inconvenience.
    8. Clean sheets and towels every day, and you don't even have to ask for them.
    9. If you fall in the nursing home and break a hip you are on Medicare; if you fall and break a hip on the Princess ship they will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.
    Now hold on for the best! Do you want to see South America, the Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, or name where you want to go? Princess will have a ship ready to go. So don't look for me in a nursing home, just call shore to ship.
    P.S. And don't forget, when you die, they just dump you over the side at no charge.
    I can't think of a better deal in the free world, can you?
  16. fking
    Housecleaning Hints...all care givers and able survivors needs to know this!
    -- Windows: Layers of dirty film on windows and screens provide a helpful filter against harmful and aging rays from the sun. Call it an SPF factor of 15 and leave it alone.
    -- Cobwebs: Artfully draped over lampshades reduce the glare from the bulb,thereby creating a romantic atmosphere. If someone points out that the light fixtures need dusting, simply look confused and exclaim "What? And spoil the mood?" (Or just throw glitter on them and call them holiday decorations.)
    -- Pet Hair: Explain the mound of pet hair brushed up against the doorways by claiming you are collecting it there to use for stuffing hand-sewn play animals for underprivileged children. (Also keeps out cold drafts in winter.)
    -- Guests: If unexpected company is coming, pile everything unsightly into one room and close the door. As you show your guests through your tidy home, rattle the door knob vigorously, fake a growl and say, "I'd love you to see our den, but Fluffy hates to be disturbed and the shots are SO expensive."
    Housecleaning Hints Part 2...
    -- Dusting: If dusting is REALLY out of control, simply place a showy urn on the coffee table and insist that "This is where Grandma wanted us to scatter her ashes."
    -- General Cleaning: Mix one-quarter cup pine-scented household cleaner with four cups of water in a spray bottle. Mist the air lightly. Leave dampened rags in conspicuous locations. Develop an exhausted look, throw yourself on the couch and sigh, I clean and I clean and I still don't get anywhere." As a last resort, light the oven, throw a teaspoon of cinnamon in a pie pan, turn off oven and explain that you have been baking cookies for a bake sale for a favorite charity and haven't had time to clean... Works every time.
    -- Another favorite, I think from Erma Bombeck: Always keep several get-well cards on the mantle so if unexpected guests arrive, you can say you've been sick and unable to clean.
    Forgetful...some of us do forget you know!Survivor syndrome I think?
    William's wife started noticing how forgetful he was becoming. Being the concerned wife, she convinced him to see a doctor. William was a little worried when the doctor came in. Sensing his patients nervousness, the first thing the doctor did was to ask what was troubling him.
    "Well," William answered. "I seem to be getting forgetful. I'm never sure I can remember where I put the car, or whether I answered a letter, or where I'm going, or what it is I'm going to do once I get there, if I get there. So, I really need your help. What can I do?"
    The doctor thought for a moment, then answered in his kindest tone, "Please pay me in advance"!
    Points to Ponder...
    * Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
    * The real reason you can't take it with you is that it goes before you do.
    * Junk is something you throw away three weeks before you need it.
    * Hospitality is making your guests feel at home, even if you wish they were.
    * A closed mouth gathers no feet.
    * A man (or woman) who can smile when things go wrong has found someone to blame it on.
    * A modern pioneer is a woman who can get through a rainy Saturday with a television on the blink.
    * The world is full of willing people: some willing to work and some willing to let them.
    * Money isn't everything....there's credit cards, money orders, and travelers checks.
  17. fking
    Who wrote the song "Precious Lord"?
    I was very surprised to find out who it was.
    Back in 1932, I was a fairly new husband. My wife, Nettie and I were living in a little apartment on Chicago 's south side. One hot August afternoon I had to go to St.. Louis where I was to be the featured soloist at a large revival meeting. I didn't want to go; Nettie was in the last month of pregnancy with our first child, but a lot of people were expecting me in St. Louis . I kissed Nettie goodbye, clattered downstairs to our Model A and, in a fresh Lake Michigan breeze, chugged out of Chicago on Route 66.
    However, outside the city, I discovered that in my anxiety at leaving, I had forgotten my music case. I wheeled around and headed back..
    I found Nettie sleeping peacefully. I hesitated by her bed; something was strongly telling me to stay. But eager to get on my way, and not wanting to disturb Nettie, I shrugged off the feeling and quietly slipped out of the room with my music.
    The next night, in the steaming St. Louis heat, the crowd called on me to sing again and again. When I finally sat down, a messenger boy ran up with a Western Union telegram. I ripped open the envelope.. Pasted on the yellow sheet were the words: YOUR WIFE JUST DIED.
    People were happily singing and clapping around me, but I could hardly keep from crying out. I rushed to a phone and called home. All I could hear on the other end was "Nettie is dead. Nettie is dead.'"
    When I got back, I learned that Nettie had given birth to a boy. I swung between grief and joy. Yet that same night, the baby died. I buried Nettie and our little boy together, in the same casket. Then I fell apart.
    For days I closeted myself. I felt that God had done me an injustice. I didn't want to serve Him anymore or write gospel songs. I just wanted to go back to that jazz world I once knew so well. But then, as I hunched alone in that dark apartment those first sad days, I thought back to the afternoon I went to St. Louis . Something kept telling me to stay with Nettie. Was that something God? Oh, if I had paid more attention to Him that day, I would have stayed and been with Nettie when she died.
    From that moment on I vowed to listen more closely to Him. But still I was lost in grief. Everyone was kind to me, especially one friend. The following Saturday evening he took me up to Maloney's Poro College , a neighborhood music school. It was quiet; the late evening sun crept through the curtained windows.
    I sat down at the piano, and my hands began to browse over the keys. Something happened to me then. I felt at peace.
    I felt as though I could reach out and touch God. I found myself playing a melody. Once in my head the notes and words just seemed to fall into place: 'Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand, I am tired, I am weak, I am worn. Through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light. Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.' :cloud9:
    The Lord gave me these words and melody, He also healed my spirit. I learned that when we are in our deepest grief, when we feel farthest from God, this is when He is closest, and when we are most open to His restoring power.
    And so I go on living for God willingly and joyfully, until that day comes when He will take me and gently lead me home.
    -Tommy Dorsey
    For those too young to know who he is, Tommy Dorsey was a well-known band leader in the 1930's and 40's.
    Did you know that Tommy Dorsey wrote this song? I surely didn't. What a wonderful story of how God CAN heal the brokenhearted! Beautiful, isn't it? We have many brokenhearted here at stroke net! :You-Rock:
    Worth the reading, wasn't it? Think on the message for a while. Thought you might like to share this, I just did. :big_grin:
  18. fking
    Today the last flight of NASA space program lifted off in Florida with over a million people looking on to a history ending! It seem like the first flight back in 1969 that landed a man on the moon was not long ago but it's been over 40 years. We had lost of lives as with all ventures not just into space but it was the same when airplane flights got started so many years ago.
    Today we have airplanes that can carry over 500 people in comfort and soon to be space flights that will carry paying customers perhaps to the moon. It was mentioned with the end of the space program comes many more unemployed people looking for jobs or unemployed checks! Aside from those folks will be the many school admin and teachers joining the ranks of the unemployed leaving the public school systems across America.
    Couple those figures with the number of people already seeking employment and you got more people having their homes foreclosed, losing their cars and just trying to feed the family! Then we have our federal government trying to meet the August 2nd deadline to raise the debt ceiling or we go into default on our loans. Than in itself could be the beginning of another great depression for all of America.
    Did we see it coming? Is it the Presidents fault? I think it's been building for many years when jobs in America started to go overseas and companies also started moving overseas for cheaper labor. I for one, don't see this trend turning around any time soon. There is going to be a lot of bailouts in industries, our government coming together in how this country operates and more meaningful ways of doing business with the world!
    I really don't believe electric cars, windmill electricity, road and bridge building will get us over the hump. The special projects our congressmen set aside for their home states, like a bridge to no where, and other meaningless projects that cost many, many dollars will have to end!
    Our decision in going to Iraq and Afghanistan spending billions of dollars just to kill one man on the pretense of looking for weapons of mass destruction was a bad idea by our previous president and vice president who had a stake in a company he had ownership and control what it does.
    I can't say it's a bad time to end the space program but I can say we will feel the effects of that decision in less than five years from now. We could all be looking for a new country to live in before too long! JMO
  19. fking
    Well, I don't know how anyone with a TV in the home or work place could have missed the broadcasting of this trial! That being said, "it's over" except for any appeal which has to be done in the next 30 days or any appeal after that time will be forfeited.
    The big thing about trials are the guilt has to be proven beyond any doubt by the state prosecution and that wasn't done. There were lots of theory and circumstances however you can't convict a person on that at any time, it has to be proven.
    Not one person can say she was the cause of the child's death. Think about this for a minute...One man is killed by a single shot to the head and there were five guys at the site and is proven. The killer then is the person who pulled the trigger to fire the shot to the mans head. Only that guy can be charged with his murder. The other four are accessory to the crime and can be charged accordingly, but not with his death.
    Now think about this...It could be any number of people responsible for the actual death of the child starting with Casey if it could have been proven she did it. Next are any of her friends or family who was with the child when she died or whomever may have left her unattended inside a hot car, at home alone or unsupervised causing her death.
    Chloroform was searched on the home computer and it wasn't Cindy who was proven to be at work at that time on that day. Then we ask ourselves who purchased or got the chloroform from whomever sells it or stores it. It should have been a record of purchase from someplace. How did it, if it did, end up in Casey's hands if she ever had it? That wasn't proven beyond a doubt.
    I feel justice was done under our American justice system where we are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. SHE WAS NOT PROVEN GUILTY! By circumstances she is but that's not how the system works!
    My brother in Law is serving life in prison without parole, he was the one that pulled the trigger so stated by the other guys and proven after a lie detector test on all of them verified he did pull the trigger causing the death.
    I would hope no one becomes so overwhelmed to attack jurors, attorneys, family members or Casey Anthony whenever she is released from jail. We can't take the law in our own hands as I see being demonstrated out side the courthouse and on the streets and in time perhaps the Anthony's home!
    We all feel Casey is guilty from circumstances but a conviction cannot be handed down on circumstances. That is where the public is standing and outraged that she is guilty on that point. We've had people falsely accused by eye witness and no DNA being verified in rape and death cases all across America and here in Texas.
  20. fking
    Thought I would attempt to cheer some of you up. I read where tears are running rampart, hearts are heavy and the days and weeks are making you feel so down. Lay your burdens down give them to God he won't put more on you than you can carry. Brighter days and weeks are just ahead! :big_grin: Nothing last forever especially hard times! :Clap-Hands: :roflmao:
    This guy is sitting at home alone when he hears a knock on the front door. There are two sheriff's deputies there so he asks if there is a problem. One of the deputies asks if he is married, and if so, can he see a picture of his wife.
    The guy says "sure " and shows him a picture of his wife.
    The deputy says, "I'm sorry sir, but it looks like your wife's been hit by a truck."
    The guy says, " I know, but she has a great personality and is an excellent cook. "
    Now that's when things are bad, real bad, but we are survivors and care givers, Right?
    The Church Plaque...
    One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed Little Johnny was staring up at the large plaque that hung in the foyer of the church. The seven-year- old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the boy, and said quietly, "Good morning, son."
    "Good morning pastor" replied the young man, focused on the plaque.
    "Sir, what is this?" Little Johnny asked.
    "Well son, these are all the people who have died in the service," replied the pastor.
    Soberly, they stood together, staring at the large plaque.
    Little Johnny's voice barely broke the silence when he asked quietly, "Which one, sir, the 8:30 or the 10:30 service?"
    See, we don't have to worry about which service to attend cause we know our soldiers are the ones dying in service to our country!
    Bad Combinations...
    Many of us "Old Folks" (those over 60, WAY over 60, or hovering near 60) are quite confused about how we should present ourselves. We're unsure about the kind of image we are projecting and whether or not we are correct as we try to conform to current fashions. Despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations DO NOT go together and should be avoided:
    1. A nose ring and bifocals
    2. Spiked hair and bald spots
    3. A pierced tongue and dentures
    4. Miniskirts and support hose
    5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads
    6. Speedos and cellulite
    7. A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar
    8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
    9. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
    10. Bikinis and liver spots
    11. Short shorts and varicose veins
    12. In line skates and a walker
    And last, but not least... my personal favorite:
    13. Thongs and Depends. :big_grin:
    Please keep these basic guidelines foremost in your mind when you shop.
    "Why can't we just laugh sometimes before life passes us by because it could really be worse but again we are survivors and care givers! :happydance:
    Now, don't you feel better already????
    I couldn't sleep last night thinking about that Thongs and Depends, a combination old farts should avoid above:
    Stealing Dresses...Old Farts again!
    Judge: "You admit breaking into the dress shop four times?"
    Defendant: "Yes, your honor."
    Judge: "What did you steal?"
    Defendant: "A dress, Your Honor."
    Judge: "One dress? And yet you admit breaking in four times!"
    Defendant: "Well, your Honor, you see the first three times my wife didn't like the color."
  21. fking
    Unbelievable! Two days before the 4th Of July, I get this disturbing email from my Army retired buddies informing me of a decision the VA has made concerning Funerals of soldiers killed in action! Just yesterday three more soldiers from Fort Hood died in Afghanistan! Now, their families can't hear the word God at their funerals. THIS IS UNBELIEVEABLE IN AMERICA!
    VA Bans Mention of God at Funerals for Vets
    "The hostile and discriminatory actions by the Veterans Affairs officials in Houston are outrageous, unconstitutional and must stop," said Jeff Mateer, Esq., general counsel of Liberty Institute.
    June 30, 2011
    The Department of Veterans Affairs and its Director of the Houston National Cemetery, Arleen Ocasio, are engaging in religious viewpoint discrimination in violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, by adding new incidents of religious hostility.
    Since taking the directorship of the Houston facility in April, 2010, Arleen Ocasio has used her position to bully Christians, repeatedly trampling on the religious liberties of Veterans of Foreign Wars District 4, The American Legion Post 586, and the National Memorial Ladies.
    On March 15, Director Ocasio told Nobleton Jones, Honor Guard Junior Vice Commander, that he couldn't say "May God grant you grace, mercy and peace" to grieving families.
    "The hostile and discriminatory actions by the Veterans Affairs officials in Houston are outrageous, unconstitutional and must stop," said Jeff Mateer, Esq., general counsel of Liberty Institute. "Government officials who engage in religious discrimination against citizens are breaking the law. Sadly, this seems to be a pattern of behavior at the Houston VA National Cemetery."
    Our friends at Liberty Institute have amended an earlier lawsuit against the VA that states the new violations against religious liberty include:
    • VA Forbids Mention of God at Funerals for Veterans and Requires Families to Submit Prayer for Approval to the Government
    • VA instructs the VFW and a Private Funeral Home that they may not present the option of prayer to families
    • VA Tells Volunteers to Remove "God Bless" from Condolence Cards to Grieving Families
    • VA Closes Cemetery Chapel; Uses it for Storage.
    You can read Liberty Instituter's detailed report of Director Ocasio's offenses here.
    Director Ocasio has already been successfully sued this year for religious discrimination. Obviously, she is not qualified to be the director of a National Cemetery and should step down.
    Send an email to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs secretary Eric Shinseki. Ask him to 1) stop his department's religious discrimination and 2) relieve Director Ocasio of her duties.
    Send an email to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki now!
    It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.
    Tim Wildmon, President
    American Family Association
    I'm passing this on here because we got veterans like myself right here who cares about all our fallen soldiers and military members in every branch of service fighting and dying for the freedom and security of this country.
    The President of the United States has always end his speeches with, "God bless us and the United States Of America."
    It's a true DISGRACE by the VA to ALL our Service Members at their Funerals anywhere in America!
  22. fking
    This is a big celebration for many people in America and some will be traveling to Grandma's house with the kids before they must return to school next month! As usual there will be fireworks, displays, BBQ parties on the beaches, in the back yards and just enjoying the Monday off with family and friends.
    Many will be traveling by car, others by airplanes and even by buses. I prefer not to be on the highway during this time...Too many drunk drivers out there on the roads! In my opinion it's better to stay home enjoy the family, friends and neighbors sharing in the food and the preparation of dishes!
    After that when the day turns to night the fireworks come out. The skies are all lit up the kids are amazed! Where ever you may be just be careful with the fireworks. Some people will shoot their guns in the air but the sad part is people shooting guns will get killed each year some how!
    I hate being on the roads and highways so I will be home with my family. I hope all of you make it a safe holiday anyway you can! My wife has to work Tuesday morning early at the bank since the bank will be closed the 4th. That's when I see my stroke as another reason not to travel on big holidays.
    I hope all of you enjoy a safe and peaceful 4th! :big_grin: :happydance:
  23. fking
    It seems to be no relief in sight, it's hot and hotter every day. This is day 16 over a 100 and looking at the weather map on TV, 7 more are predicted. Now we got water rationing starting yesterday, no telling how long that order will be in effect. Then the electric companies are asking all residents to cut back on power usage. Use window fans, open the windows and use the ceiling fans in all rooms.
    We will probably have those forced power outages to conserve energy use. The city is sitting up stop signs at most of the major intersections in case the red lights are turned off by the power company. The water company has issued a no watering grass or washing cars until further notice, violators will get tickets when caught. Still no rain in the forecast for the next 7 days or longer!
    All fireworks displays has been cancelled for the 4th of July activities. They are debating now to see if the firework stands can be open and operational just out side the city limits. Most of our counties are under the burn ban. The ranchers and farmers cattle and crops are in trouble too. The price of beef is way up they can hardly feed or water their stock, the grass is all brown and ponds about dry of drinking water for their animals.
    Milk in the stores has gone up, almost 3 bucks for a half gallon of milk. Guess I'll be eating cheerios with orange juice! :big_grin: I suppose we don't have a lot of choices cause there is nothing we can do except try to stay hydrated and cool as we can! I see no end in sight for another week or two! It could be worse!
  24. fking
    It's Free, This is Heaven...
    This 85 year old couple, having been married almost 60 years, had died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last ten years mainly mainly due to her interest in health foods and exercise. When they reached the pearly gates, St. Peter took them to their mansion which was decked out with a beautiful kitchen, master bath with jacuzzi.
    As they "oohed and aahed" the old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost! "It's free," St. Peter replied, "this is Heaven." Next they went out back to survey the championship golf course that the home backed up to. They would have golfing privileges everyday and each week the course changed to a new one representing the great golf courses on earth. The old man asked "what are the green fees?" Peter's reply, "This is heaven you play for free."
    Next day they went to the club house and saw this lavish buffet lunch with the cuisines of the world laid out. "How much to eat?" asked asked the old man. "Don't you understand yet? This is heaven, it is free!" "Well where are the low fat and low cholesterol tables?" the old man asked timidly.
    Peter lectured, "That's the best can eat as much as you like of what ever you like and you never get fat and you never get sick. This is Heaven." With that the old man went into a fit of anger, throwing down his hat and stomping on it, and shrieking wildly! St. Peter and his wife both tried to calm him down, asking what was wrong.
    The old man looked at his wife and said, "This is ALL your fault. If it weren't for your blasted bran muffins, I could have been here ten years ago!" :big_grin:
    Just goes to show us...Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world.
    There are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord,"
    And there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning." ...Don't you know Heaven is free and waiting on us so "live life on earth all we can stroke or not" a better time and place is coming!
    Tomorrow is not promised, just the Promised Land, it will come to pass! :cloud9:
  25. fking
    It is H O T here in Texas but shoppers are out all over the city in all the stores! I sat in the shade outside a few stores just watching people come and go about their shopping. Some would go in one store, put those bags in the trunk of the car then go in another store!
    It's amazing how some can shop for hours. I was in this one area long enough to remember some shoppers who came back to the store to return their items they had purchased earlier! I guess they just shop to be doing something on a sunny hot day. Maybe it's cooler in the stores and they can turn their a/c off until they go back home!
    I saw more women with tattoos than the basketball players! :big_grin: They will be grandmas with markings on their bodies in a few years. I asked a few of them how much their biggest tattoo cost? The prices were 100 dollars to 400 dollars for one of them. Since it's hot the females had on flip flops or sandals and short shorts with even more tattoos showing!
    Some had markings to show a deceased member lost in the war for men and women! I even ran into a couple of my old friends I had before my stroke 7 years ago. They had stopped coming to see me years ago! They were amazed I was up and able to walk with a cane. They had heard I wasn't doing any good and was home bound unable to get out! I suppose we all lose friends after a stroke!
    I think now that all of us survivors should get out often and see the rest of the world! Just see things, people, cars and inside the stores. There is a lot of new stuff to see in Best Buy, Staples, Home Depot, Ross and the phone companies located all along the strip malls! I didn't go to our big mall but there were many cars and people coming and going inside when I passed by there!
    Now it's time for my meds and back to the TV and baseball games! More later!