
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Betsy,


    Don't get me wrong I truly understand your situation but for me and my state of mind I can't see myself staying in any home but mine... I have said that all along not even in the Veterans homes they have at several Veteran hospital locations around the country... So I hope I never have a reason to go be in one...


    There is just no service like a husband or spouse can provide in your own home in my opinion....

  2. Well Nancy I understand the situation and I once thought about me being in a home but I kept talking to God and it seems to me now this is the only home I need, my own home and wife here with me...


    I'm glad Dan is doing good, and you are too so happy trails as I try to get myself a bit better in the coming months as time continues to go by day after day.....


    We are all thankful we are still here as time continues to pass us by and getting better is my goal physically......

  3. Good for you Katrina, I worked at Walmart three years before stopping back in 2006-09 on my scooter and thinking about doing it again soon if they will hire me again to get me out the house since my wife is still at the bank supervising tellers in the drive in bank...

  4. Well I congratulate both of you for 24 years together and two boys in this marriage that God has blessed all this time with many more years to come.... But you do know you start to look alike after so many years together??


    Look at my wife's picture in my album our hair is same length.... If you can't find it let me know I will send you one in a message.....

  5. Thanks for your replies to my blog as I forgot to mention I got married the first time in 1960 we had two kids, a girl in 1964 in Munich Germany and a boy in 1966 right here at Fort Hood, Texas where I am now...


    I guess I can say I'm an old married man now because I got 55 years being married all total and 22 of those years in the Army and 10 years in the Postal service which i can say I enjoyed it all not wanting to ever live my life ALONE....


    I saw how my mom was raising me and very lonely after my father passed away in 1955 so I joined the Army not knowing I would be shipped to Germany in 1958.....


    As I sat there while the Berlin Wall was being build as a driver in my tank I found out how the world was the way it was as they shot people down while they were trying to escape across the mine fields from Berlin into Germany and we couldn't do nothing to help them get out


    I can say this wife I got now would never leave me alone and she wants to stay working at the bank as a supervisor/manager until she is 70 years young..... To me and for me love is a wonderful thing it just didn't develop in my earlier years being married to the first three wives....


    I married this wife the same year my first wife passed away so things are great for us and no more marriages for me or for us.....


    Thank God I made the adjustments needed to stay married to this wife and she was only married one time to her daughter's father....

    Just as many young girls do she had a son at 17 so we both have two children but she had sense enough to only get married once before me... Every one, that is, man or woman want to be married one time to the right person in my opinion....

  6. Jay, 


    I must say I hang on to my label if you want to call it that, I'm a 12 Year Survivor and glad to still be breathing and recovering doing what I can for myself and proud of my wife of 17 years by my side....


    Together we are still family and living our lives together just like we always did before the stroke came along.... Nothing has changed if you know what I mean....

  7. Punch, 


    Thanks for your comment on my blog, with the picture you posted I didn't know who you were but I understand how you feel about relationships because they can be hard to manage man or woman and that's just how life goes...


    I try to think ahead but I remember back too on how life was with me and it's history now but I'm a happy man that will not let the stroke change me mentally just physically as I get better and stronger in time....


    Don't give up on finding the person you may be with the rest of your life just take your time after all that is all we got left is time....

  8. Jay, 


    It sounds like a great time was had by you and all the others in your company which sounds like you enjoyed very much... Cheers to you!!!!


    We were out of town to celebrate birthdays of my wife, her sister and brother, all had birthdays in July so we all had a great time in New Orleans seeing all the children, grand children and some great grands too running around the yard enjoying themselves....


    I just sat on my scooter, riding around in the back yard full of people with music blasting and food galore... Card games, dominoes and even dice games on the table with a railing to keep the dice on the table...


    You would think they had a casino in the back yard with all the dancing and eating crab, craw fish, and having a grand time to celebrate the three birthdays... Today I'm resting up a bit...

  9. Scott,


    Speaking of memories, my doctor put me on Ginkgo Biloba 60mg.... It supports mental sharpness in the brain...Probably the part of my brain that the stroke affected because I can't remember very much some times.... My wife is always saying "I told you several times" but I just don't remember but now I'm slowly getting better in memories of things I been told...


    I still don't know where memories go but they sure hid out in the brain some place... I think I'm doing somewhat better when I can slow my mind down and really think back to recall certain conversations of past things that were discussed and recent things too.... I'm improving I think..... 

  10. Asha,


    You learned a lot as a youngster like I did coming from a very large family and being the last born of 18 kids but only 12 lived past 3 months from birth... Being very poor I learned so much about living and surviving by getting an education first then having a job for income....


    I can say I never knew much about selecting a wife when I got married at 18 after school and joining the Army... 

  11. WOW, I had one 12 years ago now and that's got me so I can only imagine having two or three strokes has to be a lots worse on the body... I'm still having walking problems and must use a scooter to get around with no problems... I'm glad to hear you say you feel like it's getting easier to cope with and you are still learning ways to overcome...


    Oh, happy 25th birthday come Tuesday!!! Welcome back to stroke-net site....

  12. RonA,


    Wish I could read what you wrote but my eyesight won't let me  when it's together like you wrote it, but that's OK, I understand my conditions in trying to read....


    The big thing is you have learned to care for your wife, that's most important than anything else to me...