
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Lenny, I know you are in Canada but I figured you would be watching the baseball games on TV,  not out walking around the neighborhood...


    Well, I get outside twice each day if it's not raining with my little dog that belongs to my grand daughter so I go around the block and several streets over from my house with her walking until she gets tired then she sits on the scooter for the long ride back home, but we both enjoy it for exercise and I find money daily where people drop it getting in or out their cars not paying attention....

  2. My wife an I take our grand daughter to school because her mother has to be at work on the military base at 6 am... My wife has early week then late week so we take turns on getting her to school on time... I drop her off at the school back door since they can see who is bringing her to school as I sit in the car....


    The school has to see who is bringing them and picking them up... Her mom picks her up in the evenings at 330 pm...  With so many parents separated the school has to know who is bringing or picking up the child and they license plate numbers of the car that takes or bring the child.... 

  3. Nancy,


    Let's hope the odds are in your favor that one out of three people will get shingles who had chickenpox as a child.... 


    Shingles caught up with me a few years ago but it only last a day or two on my left hip but not bad at all....


    Still we just have to live one day at a time... I got the shingle shot at Sams Club for free one day a year ago and I don't notice when the shingles comes on my butt, my wife tells me the area is showing again, I don't feel it that much anymore....  

  4. Nancy,


    I think the grandparents are suppose to be watching these young kids while they are playing outside but I think they are watching the soap Oprah's on TV and don't pay attention to the kids they have told to stay and play in the yards only...


    I ride around the neighborhood on my scooter with my little dog on her leash and kids always want to stop me and see the dog up close when we are on the sidewalks....


    Last couple days has been sunny but the rain will return in the next few days says the weather man....

  5. Well Punch,


    I can say any man can do practically what they want to do in their own home keeping in mind we suffered and survived a stroke or two... In my case I been married mostly all my years since 18 and now have the happiest life I could have ever wanted to live...


    I'm glad things are working out for you single or not you decide the kind of life you want... For my life I couldn't stand to be by myself in a house.... I'm married for the fourth time now for the past 17 years and I'm a very happy stroke survivor....

  6. Steve, man you are good, I couldn't even remember half that much in my case... I will say if Jeb Bush happen to win you will have another time to vote Bush again!!!!


    That would make history with a father and two sons all being presidents of the United States at different times..... I sure don't know who will win the White House this time around!!!!!

  7. Hey Ruth,


    Now you know in the event you decide to travel with them again just what to do and what not to do for the best prices... Glad you got to make a few rounds with your son at the hospital... That must have been exciting at that early hour of the mornings?? Three days were better than no days when you knew William was in good hands with the caretaker while you were away...


    I know he was glad you made it back and the trip was short Since this last little problem I suffered with my physical condition I don't have the go, go, go feelings I once had to hit the road but I will know next month how things work out on the trip to New Orleans and back...


    I'll hope for the best and not have to stay at the hotel or the casino more than I want to anyway... My wife will be with her family members and I will have my scooter to go where I want to go since I have just about seen all the places I want to see in New Orleans downtown area...


    Tell Williams Fred say hello and take care of himself....

  8. Debbie,

    Thanks for the info, I will do the best I can as I now understand how age has a lot to do with what we can do daily...


    Sting, tell Ray I'm praying for him and me but we are just getting old age now so many situations will come our way...


    Sue, I will try to enjoy each day for sure...

  9. Sue, I think winter time is for those people that likes the outdoors and the snow but anyway we are going to get winter even in Hawaii, that's just how God wanted it to be I suppose...


    Glad you enjoyed your birthday, I wrote you a wish but it disappeared from the board...Take care stay warm...

  10. Great vacation for you all aside from the fall it was exciting I think!!! We always try to request a room not above the fourth floor that is for the handicap use but you must book early to insure a room is available...


    Our next upcoming trip will be at a Navy Base housing unit we never used before so got to see how that goes this time around.... Normally we just get the hotel across the street from the casino with points from her sister playing there so much.... My wife's brother still get points from being a retired worker of the hotel and casino chains....

  11. Decisions made in haste my not always be the best decisions and needed more thoughts but you didn't do much damage to yourself so thank God you are OK... In my case at times I count to ten and if my though process doesn't change I go ahead and do what I thought to do hoping for a good outcome....  Think a little longer to see if your mind changes next time....

  12. Nancy, 


    For one I will never know how you are feeling but based on my feelings for myself in my condition I can only imagine how Dan feels being a stroke survivor too!! It's hard, very hard for any couple in our situations...


    May the Good Lord BLESS ALL of us the rest of our days in these conditions!!! Amen...

  13. Jay, all I can say or add is you and me, we have to stay positive that we can get better little by little...  I had lens put in both eyes by the VA so no glasses needed anymore but regular reading glasses I need to see and read small print and writings and I still got my driving license although they took my motorcycle license because of my balance and can only use my right hand...


    For operation of a two wheel motor vehicle in Texas you must have use of both hands and legs and of course I'm paralyzed on my left side but one hand on the steering wheel is all I need... I did add a steering wheel knob to make it easier to turn with one hand on the wheel...


    So perhaps your driving days are gone but you can still see to some degree around the house and in the yard when you are outside... All the best in whatever adjustments you have to make in the house...