
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    It's hard to believe it's 32 degrees this morning in central Texas, man there is about 15 day until spring has sprung. I'm ready to start cleaning out the garage, dust off the BBQ pit, take the glass paneling down from the patio and let the wind and sunshine in!
    Oh well, guess I gotta wait until this little cold snap is gone. I'm getting the taste for BBQ ribs and chicken too in my own special sauce at that! :big_grin:
    I think the weather is changing all over the world, ice is melting in places for the first time in ages. Earthquakes everywhere, makes me wonder if the end is near? This is the 21st century you know!
    The ground Hog didn't see his shadow but look at the weather patterns last year and this year with the tons of snow and the rain and flooding in Australia and many other places to break all kinds of records.
    Volcanoes erupting spewing ash where airplanes can't fly shutting down air travel for days. So that alone makes me wonder what kind of spring and summer is ahead for us. Besides that gas prices are breaking record highs already everywhere. There goes travel plans by automobiles and the economy is still bad with no money flowing and many people still with no jobs or incomes.
    Homes are still being foreclosed and no telling what the weather will bring for the next few months compared to what we have already seen the past 10 months! For me, I pray to God that we all will survive and He takes care of the world in His own will, it's not our will!
    I hope where ever you are living, your weather is OK but I see snow in the northern US as spring approaches. :big_grin:
  2. fking
    Colonoscopy For Dummies available for free download!
    Colonoscopy for dummies, a free easy to read publication about what to expect when preparing for and undergoing a colonoscopy has been released by Salix Pharmaceuticals, Ltd., in partnership with the colon cancer alliance (CCA). Colonoscopy for dummies is designed to help clarify common misconceptions about colonoscopies, and can be downloaded for free at Http://
    This year alone, colon cancer will likely be responsible for more than 51,000 deaths, said Andrew Spiegel, chief executive officer of the colon cancer alliance.
    Colon cancer is treatable when detected early by having a colonoscopy, yet as shown through our survey results, compliance is still a major problem and might contribute to fewer cases being detected and thus, more deaths associated with the disease.
    Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States, behind smoking related lung cancer, and 80 to 90 million Americans are considered at risk. Guidelines issued by organizations including the US Agency for health care research and quality, as well as the ACS, strongly recommend people begin receiving colon cancer screenings upon reaching 50 and even earlier if they have family history of the disease.
    However, a recent colon cancer alliance survey found seven out of 10 people 50 years or older who had been recommended to have the test still had not had a colonoscopy, primarily due to fears alone. In the same survey, 73 percent of people said bowel prep remains the hardest part of the colonoscopy experience.
    Colonoscopy for dummies featuring insight from Dr. Carol Burke, director of the center for colon polyps and cancer, department of Gastroenterology and Herpetology at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. Provides valuable information about prepping for a colonoscopy and what to expect both during and after the procedure.
    I wanted to post this blog for all of us to download the information about preparation for this test. Our own Mary Jo's husband Dan is about to under go surgery in regard of colon he may have and his body at this time is very weak. Please pray for him and Mary Jo, she needs our prayers for her husbands concerns at this time.
  3. fking Black history entries!
    I wish many more people could open the pages of black history and see how it must have been in their minds once they read the history narratives. Sure, many students had history classes in high school and college as I did myself. For most people, looking into history was just a class project at the time and it may be long forgotten by now.
    But to take a look back and see how far the human races of all national organs have come is amazing how the times has changed and in most cases, for the better. The black race in particular, as I understand history, has made progress through the years in the United States Of America by attitudes changing in the way blacks were perceived by other races.
    My parents were born in the 1800 hundreds, my father was born a slave and ran away for his life where he met and married my mom to gain the status as a working man rather than being a runaway slave. He was 22 years older than her and soon started a family. My mom being 15 years old already dipping snuff, caring for her only baby sister and her own first child while her parents tried to make a living as free people working in the fields as share croppers. They were allowed to keep a portion to feed their families. Animals of all kind were raised for food and some as work animals.
    Those were the very hard days and their freedom was still limited. As I studied American history and the lives of black people in general, I am proud to have had my parents as I’m sure they were glad to have their parents too. So many were shot and killed or hung for doing or not doing just about anything. My mom told me stories of the people she saw being hung right in their yard from a tree and to the day she died was scared to death of White people. I look back on it now and see where she had post-traumatic stress disorder as we know it today. Now from my Army combat days I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD myself. What a coincident!
    I want to thank our own Maria for bringing black history month front and center at stroke net with the many first people of black or African American decent to accomplish the things they were given credited for being the first of their race. I would be writing a novel to say all of what I have on this subject so I just want to make note of a few statements, sayings, or poems I studied over the years in a class room.
    There are many as she pointed out but I want to add George Washington Carver as a pioneer in education and what it meant to all slaves, owners and the black race in general to farther their hopes of being able to one day read and write. There were others but Langston Hughes comes to mind for his “Poet Laureate of the Negro Race” in his later years. We were taught about Shakespeare in high school while not many writers of color were in many book in the early 50’s.
    Sure, probably all Americans know of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his speech, “I have a dream” and the many streets in many major cities named in his honor after years of clout to prevent that from happening. Some city governments still refused and today many municipalities don’t recognize that day as a holiday requiring workers to be on the jobs. Very few will remember the poem, I Dream A World by Langston Hughes, that said: I dream a world where man, no other man will scorn, where love will bless the earth and peace its paths adorn! I remember that first part of his poem from years gone by long ago.
    No doubt, education is what every child in American families today strive to get in the best schools available regardless of their race. Our first African American president is pushing to achieve those goals for all American people, I wish him success knowing first hand what a good education means to all of us across this wide world we live in and raise our families for higher standards!
  4. fking
    Congresswoman Gifford is improving greatly in the Houston rehab facility. Maybe soon we will see a picture of her or see her in person soon. I continue to pray for her recovery. Nobody deserves being attacked or shot in a public outing but it continues to happen since president Lincoln was shot many years ago.
    As long as we have guns and freedom to carry them people will continue to kill people all over the world.
    I just wish we all had the insurance to get the therapy need for all stroke survivors to recover as this congresswoman is doing. I know there are clinics in every state that can save people from life long suffering from strokes with more intense treatments and therapy.
    Even the football concussion injuries are treated in Houston or in Florida at these specialized clinics and those guys are able to walk and talk again. You would think it would be available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay. What's more important, money or life? Where would we be if the paramedics came to take us to the hospital but refuse to do that when they discover we are not able to pay for their services??
    Until strokes and heart attacks are no longer happening to people, we should be able to be treated at the best facilities available if we have the proper insurance or not! But that's down the road aways.
    Until then we pray to have survivors of strokes and we can and do recover as best we can with the little therapy we do receive until our insurance stops paying. When you really think about those procedures, it's a sad thing we face in life!
    So, there is really no life as usual like we were before the stroke. We will have some form of ailments for the rest of our lives and if some of us don't, we are truly blessed. But our lives goes on day by day with the hopes of us getting back to normal in our minds! :big_grin:
  5. fking
    Well all you Sweethearts with hearts and love so sweet, your day is approaching fast. I hope none of you get disappointed by the the one whom loves you dearly and doesn't show you they do share your love and hearts! :big_grin:
    I'm not sure we can call this day a holiday but it is always listed on most calendars I know about! The malls sure are expecting a crowd of people in to purchase presents for their sweethearts male and female! I have noticed Roses are more than a dollar or even two dollars a dozen anymore. The last time I gave my wife roses they were a dollar a dozen.
    I think flowers are out and presents like shaped hearts of gold and diamonds, rings and cars are the "In" thing to give as presents these days! What ever you get or give this Valentine day, I wish you all the happiness possible and to each of you, I say, Happy Valentine Day from me to you! :yeahrite: :cocktail:
    Well, no doubt men are some body's sweetheart too and I really hope you don't get disappointed by the one you adore and have loved so dearly all these years!
    Now, for some of you guys fortunate enough to have more than one sweetheart, other than a mother(s), daughters and wife, I say, "Have at it" just don't have the gifts wrapped then give the wrong one to the wrong person!! :big_grin:
    Don't laugh yet, it has happen and still does each year, just read the paper the day after! I admit I did it myself many years ago when I thought I was Mr. Hot Stuff! :juggle: :beer: I guess I wasn't a good juggler in those day gone bye!
  6. fking
    Most of you know about Black History month here in the US as it's celebrated all month with plenty of festivities all across the United States.
    I think all people regardless of race, creed, color or national origin is somebody and are Human Beings. We come in all sizes, shapes, heights, and of course colors of our skins! Over the years I really feel we, as people of all races and origins have come together as God intended although we were in different regions and spoke different tongues of languages!
    But when you really read history books you'll find God made us in his own image and with the exception of Jesus the Christ were born of woman and man which put us in sin! We all know God was responsible for Jesus being born of the Virgin Mary. And of course we know to that it hasn't ever been done since that time!
    That leaves all of us to know Christ died for our sins on the cross as an innocent man as the son of God.
    So, here we are enjoying all of what was intended for all humans and as blacks, life and opportunities has increased with many noted persons as leaders for that cause! Most of us know or remember Martin Luther King Jr. and now the 44th President of the US, Barack Obama.
    Long before them were many others in the history pages of all history books that had a hand in inventions, schools, and so many other things including being the first Black in Congress year ago and of course women that followed in being recognized.
    We learn to manage our bread and butter until God supplies the jam! The power of a dream as was the case with Dr. King, that children might one day grow up in a nation where they would be judged by their character, not the color of their skin
    Many other African Americans have had powerful dreams for their race, their country, and themselves come true. I shall never forget Nelson Mandela of South Africa who was imprisoned for 27 years then released and became President of South Africa. The very nation that put him in prison.
    I look at the uprising in Egypt at the moment, the same country God told the the king to let his people go. We all know what was done to get them all out of Egypt by parting the Red Sea. They then spent 40 years in the wildness as God's people lead by Moses, but in the end things and people were better in those days long before our times!
    We know history repeats itself so many years from now we can all live in America and most of the world without the color of our skin or the language we speak being a factor for our habitation in this country and the nations! If I got any facts wrong, please feel free to correct me or my mistakes as you read this. My writings got cold and I can't seem to read my own writings! A writer I'm not! :big_grin:
  7. fking
    Observations on Growing Older
    ~Your kids are becoming you...and you don't like them...but your grandchildren are perfect!
    ~Going out is good..
    Coming home is better!
    ~When people say you look "Great"... they add "for your age!"
    ~When you needed the discount, you paid full price.
    Now you get discounts on everything...
    movies, hotels, flights, but you're too tired to use them.
    ~You forget names .... but it's OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!!
    ~The 5 pounds you wanted to lose is now 15 and you have a better chance of losing your keys than the 15 pounds.
    ~You realize you're never going to be really good at anything .... especially golf.
    ~Your spouse is counting on you to remember things you don't remember. :big_grin:
    ~The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don't care to do them anymore. :notfair:
    ~Your husband sleeps better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than he does in bed. It's called his "pre-sleep".
    ~Remember when your mother said,
    "Wear clean underwear in case you GET in an accident"?
    Now you bring clean underwear in case you HAVE an accident!
    :tired: :hahaha:
    ~You used to say,
    "I hope my kids GET married...
    Now, "I hope they STAY married!"
    ~You miss the days when everything worked with just an "ON" and "OFF" switch.. :big_grin:
    ~You miss the time when GOOGLE, ipod, email, modem ....
    were unheard of, and a mouse was something that made you climb on a table.
    ~You used to use more 4 letter words ...
    "what?"..."when?"... ???
    ~Now that you can afford expensive jewelry, it's not safe to wear it anywhere.
    ~Your husband has a night out with the guys,
    but he's home by 9:00 P.M. Next week it will be 8:30 P..M.
    ~You read 100 pages into a book before you realize you've read it.
    ~Notice everything they sell in stores is "sleeveless"?!!!
    ~What used to be freckles are now liver spots.
    ~Everybody whispers.
    ~Now that your husband has retired ...
    you'd give anything if he'd find a job!
    ~You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet ...
    2 of which you will never wear.
    ~~~~But old is good in some things:
    old songs,
    old movies,
    And best of all, OLD FRIENDS!!
    Love you, "OLD FRIEND!"
    Send this on to other "Old Friends!" and
    let them laugh in AGREEMENT!!!
    It's Not What You Gather, But What You Scatter That Tells What Kind Of Life You Have Lived
  8. fking
    A few good Senior Moments
    An elderly gentleman....
    Had serious hearing problems for a number of years. He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to hear 100%
    The elderly gentleman went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, 'Your hearing is perfect.. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again.'
    The gentleman replied, 'Oh, I haven't told my family yet.
    I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will three times!'
    Two elderly gentlemen from a retirement center were sitting on a bench under a tree when one turns to the other and says: 'Slim, I'm 83 years old now and I'm just full of aches and pains. I know you're about my age. How do you feel?'
    Slim says, 'I feel just like a newborn baby.'
    'Really!? Like a newborn baby!?'
    'Yep. No hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants.'
    An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen..
    The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, 'Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great.. I would recommend it very highly.'
    The other man said, 'What is the name of the restaurant?'
    The first man thought and thought and finally said, 'What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love?
    You know.... The one that's red and has thorns.'
    'Do you mean a rose?'
    'Yes, that's the one,' replied the man. He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, 'Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?'
    Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted he didn't need my help to leave the hospital.
    After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator.
    On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him.
    'I don't know,' he said. 'She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown.'
    Couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a checkup, the doctor tells them that they're physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember ..
    Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. 'Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?' he asks.
    'Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?'
    'Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?' she asks.
    'No, I can remember it.'
    'Well, I'd like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write it down, so as not to forget it?'
    He says, 'I can remember that. You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries.'
    'I'd also like whipped cream. I'm certain you'll forget that, write it down?' she asks.
    Irritated, he says, 'I don't need to write it down, I can remember it! Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream - I got it, for goodness sake!'
    Then he toddles into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, The old man returns from the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs.. She stares at the plate for a moment.
    'Where's my toast ?'
    A senior citizen said to his eighty-year old buddy:
    'So I hear you're getting married?'
    'Do I know her?'
    'This woman, is she good looking?'
    'Not really.'
    'Is she a good cook?'
    'Naw, she can't cook too well.'
    'Does she have lots of money?'
    'Nope! Poor as a church mouse.'
    'Well, then, is she good in bed?'
    'I don't know.'
    'Why in the world do you want to marry her then?'
    'Because she can still drive!'
    Three old guys are out walking.
    First one says, 'Windy, isn't it?'
    Second one says, 'No, it's Thursday!'
    Third one says, 'So am I. Let's go get a beer..'
    A man was telling his neighbor, 'I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art.. It's perfect.'
    'Really,' answered the neighbor . 'What kind is it?'
    'Twelve thirty..'
    Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical.
    A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm.
    A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, 'You're really doing great, aren't you?'
    Morris replied, 'Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mama and be cheerful.''
    The doctor said, 'I didn't say that.. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful.'
    One more. . .......!
    A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlor and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool.. After catching his breath, he ordered a banana split.
    The waitress asked kindly, 'Crushed nuts?'
    'No,' he replied, 'Arthritis.'
    You have heard them all before but they were sent again to me, so why not share them with the Blog readers!
    In fact a member just put a topic on the message board about Senior Moments! Hope she gets to read these senior moments for a smile!
  9. fking
    Reflections from the Seat of an Old Tractor
    This was also sent to me, I thought it would make a great Blog and really help some people here UNDERSTAND THEMSELVES! I remember so much of it told to me by my mother dear.
    An Old Farmer's Advice...
    Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
    Keep skunks and bankers at a distance. "My mom called them Pole Cats"
    Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
    A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
    Words that soak into your ears are whispered…...not yelled.
    Meanness don't just happen overnight.
    Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
    Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
    It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.
    You cannot unsay a cruel word.
    Every path has a few puddles.
    When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
    The best sermons are lived, not preached.
    Most of the stuff people worry about, ain't never gonna happen anyway.
    Don 't judge folks by their relatives.
    Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
    Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.
    Don 't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.
    Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
    If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.
    Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
    The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.
    Always drink upstream from the herd.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
    Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.
    If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to a higher being.
    Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you. "My dad told me this"!
    And...Some days all you can do is wait for somebody to come by and pull your tied a*s out of the bind you have gotten yourself in! My mom said to me, "Boy, I'm not coming to get you out of nothing you got in." :big_grin:
    I immediately joined the Army the next week, what a fine decision I made 53 years ago! :happydance:
    we are pressed on every side by troubles,
    but we are not crushed and broken.
    WE ARE PERPLEXED, but we don't give up and quit.
    WE ARE HUNTED DOWN, but God never abandons us.
    WE GET KNOCKED DOWN, but we get up again and keep going!
  10. fking
    I always ask myself every day how far have I come? Well, I just passed 7 years recovering from the stroke. To me I have come a long, long way from not knowing would I live or die that very first few hours and day! I didn't know what had hit me, I just knew I couldn't stand up and it wasn't a heart attack. I knew nothing about strokes.
    Looking back now I see very clearly how far I've come. We are all in the same boat and for the most part we have come a long way. Granted, some of us did not make it very long which gives us more reason to be thankful we survived a stroke. Then there are many members here who has survived several strokes. We all know by now that strokes are no joke!
    We also know it takes time and patients to survive. It takes exercise, therapy, good care and lots of love to get better with time. When we look at it in that sense, time is all we have. Where else can we go or what else can we do for ourselves but try to get better day by day! Sure we can say daily this and that doesn't work or my meds are not helping my condition, but in the long run when we stick with getting better it works for all of us.
    I was even lucky enough to work for a while still trying to recover from the stroke. That gave me more confidence to keep trying and don't give up. Giving up is easy to do, trust me! That's not our choice to make when we want to get back as much as possible.
    Most of us suffered a stroke and I'll go out on the limb and say none of us had the insurance coverage we need to get the best stroke treatment possible like in the case of the Congresswoman in Arizona who got shot in the brain. It made me rethink hospitalization and insurances most of us have. We all know now that when we get to the hospital in a timely manner our chances of recovering is much greater.
    So, I'm very thankful for how far I have come in 7 years and the love my family and my wife has shown me during that time. I know I couldn't have made it by myself. As it was I stayed in the hospital almost 5 months and in rehab before I was able to come home in a wheelchair still unable to walk.
    I give my God all the glory for his mercy and goodness in how far I have come. I'm thankful to my wife, my friends and all the members here. I have learned a lot from you all. I may not be walking as I had hoped for by now but still very thankful I can walk even if it is with a quad cane. One day I may be able to run, who knows?
    Thanks for listening to me! :big_grin:
  11. fking
    Most of you are aware that I play the lottery here in Texas. I have been for a few years now.I've only cashed twice where I had to go to the headquarters and sign for the check. You may have paid attention to the national news about the 350 million Mega Million jackpot played in 41 states. Winners were two I heard but the second person hasn't come forward yet.
    I don't spend a fortune playing either. I spend one dollar or two on a play ticket once a week on Mega Million and another dollar on Cash Five which plays 5 days a week. There are other games here in Texas and probably in most states these days.
    I haven't hit the jackpot yet but I do pretty good on the next amounts down on the ticket. I guess you can't win until your time comes, but how do you know when that is?? So, my thoughts are put a dollar up if I win, OK and if not try another day!
    It gives me another reason to get out the house go get a news paper, see people, exercise and back home safely! I would love to hit it big and share with the members here. I see many post here where people are really struggling to just pay bills, get therapy since the stroke of them or their spouse.
    I really feel one day I will hit the big payout! I've promised that in my profile statement since I first joined the site. Some people probably spend more than a dollar on drinks or spirits and cigarettes these days.
    I couldn't believe the prices of liquor have skyrocketed since I last bought any. And cigarettes aren't cheap anymore either at 40 dollars a carton.
    I'm not suggesting you play, just explaining why I play. I don't do scratch offs, I feel that is too much of a spread in winning the jackpots with so many tickets printed for a certain game and distributed all over the state of Texas. The winning tickets could be anywhere in Texas. I don't like my odds there so I don't play.
    I consider myself pretty good with numbers being drawn and I have a system that's working so I'm awaiting my turn to win! Wish me luck and I promise to share the prize fund with all of you!
    I won't say I don't need the money but there is only so much money a family of two can spend without waste when others could benefit more with things they really need. I know stroke survivors and care givers can use a little help.
    :happydance: :roflmao: :oohlala:
  12. fking
    Actually, I'm taking my wife to have fun playing the Penny machines she loves to do. She needs a break plus we get free rooms and food with her playing for next time we go. I don't play long enough to earn any comps on my card. She hit for 900 dollars on the penny machine the last visit we had there in Shreveport! So perhaps she can do a repeat! :happydance:
    We should return on Monday cause she goes back to work on Tuesday after MLK JR DAY. I think it's good to get away or out of town for a couple days. We don't go crazy we spend what we take no ATM machine transactions. The seafood is great every time we go and it's free. Even without the comps seniors get 50% off meals all the time. And you know they serve you drinks of your choice as long as you are playing the machines or at the card tables.
    It will be quite a while before we go back to New Orleans since her mom passed in October. That brings back too many memories of her last week or so alive although she did not suffer. She has a brother there that is not doing too good these days either.
    I'll be doing all the driving there and back, she sleeps going and returning home. It's a 5 hour drive going through Dallas to get there. I'll probably take my laptop cause I spend a lot of time in the room and the gym room exercising.
    So wish us well, hope she wins and I hit the lottery there! :big_grin: :Clap-Hands:
  13. fking
    Here we are members into the new year and as far as I can read and see, no one, no, not one member has said what they got for Christmas!
    I know some of us were good, everybody couldn't have been naught, somebody had to be good and nice enough to get a present?
    The question is WHO?
    I had expected to read where some lovely wife had gotten a Mercedes or a Lexus car! Maybe a good husband was given a dressed up Truck he been wanting for years!
    I know everybody didn't just get a neck tie, socks and under wear or a dress, suit new shoes or new Bra!
    Well, I enjoyed the season, have for years since my childhood days and I hope all of you did too even if it was you got to come home and sleep in your own bed and house! :You-Rock: :happydance:
    I said what I got in a thread on the message board for Christmas so go there to read all about my gifts! :big_grin: :hahaha: No, it was not a new car! Not even a new scooter!
  14. fking
    Well all my dear members, the new year is upon us, I don't make resolutions, never have, but I pray we are all still above ground when it arrives on Saturday. I can't stress enough to be careful as in most cases it's the other person not paying attention that can take our lives in a second.
    What worries me the most is people driving and texting resulting in a head on collision and certain death of innocent persons! So for me and my family, we stay home say our prayers count our blessings and trust God to guide us in the coming year!
    The fun thing is watching the new year arrive in the different countries like Japan, China and cities like the big ball drop in New York city. CNN covers almost every country and most big cities around the world.
    Many, many years ago I would be out in a club or beer joint celebrating but now I changed all that to church services the evening before and home by 8pm. Too many people got guns these days and any little thing upsets them so much, they want to start shooting not knowing who will get hit.
    It may be in most cities in the US, but I know for sure here in Texas, people shoot their guns in the air at midnight and use fireworks too. As a rule I try and stay away from my windows and walls because some of them are drunk already and got guns in their hands!
    Being a stroke survivor is enough for me. Getting shot by some fool is not in my plans of celebrations!
    I wish each of you a safe New Years Eve and Day and may God make your year prosperous too! :cheer: :happydance:
  15. fking
    "The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives."...Albert Schweitzer...His story follows!
    I met with a young man once who knew his life was not where it should be. He knew that some of the things he was doing were wrong, and he knew that turning from these things and following Christ was not only the best answer, but also his only answer.
    The sad part about his meeting, and many others like it, was the fact that the young man just wasn't willing to give up what he knew was wrong and would never last. His answer was typical, "I'm scared I won't have anymore fun."
    This struggle between the immediate pleasures of this world and the delayed eternal pleasures of heaven have been warring in the hearts of men since the Garden of Eden. That was surely the beginning. Why is it so hard to choose right, to choose good, or to choose Christ to follow?...the end...Of his story.
    Now I say...
    We've all had kids who struggle with right or wrong at an age when thay can't seem to figure out which way to go, right or left! The same facts bothers the man and woman in the world right today more than ever it seems.
    Most of us go a long time before we even think of Christianity and right or wrong even when we know the difference. We want pleasure as we call it, right now, not tomorrow. We become a dead man walking! Sooner or later we are in trouble with the law and before we realize it we're in deep troubles.
    It's at that time we realize that path of walking is not what we want. We start to turn our lives around and turn to God. We want him in our hearts to guide us. Things start to go right, about that time we start to take chances of doing wrong little by little until somehow we are back at square one, in trouble!
    Do you know that there were no perfect humans, all of us have sinned, born in sin and prefer sin along the way in our lives for a long, long time. For that reason the church goers today have been on the wrong side of righteous living and believing. After a while they come to the end of the road and make a decision to give their lives to God. They attend church after joining for a long time. Their lives take a turn for better.
    So, I say before that time we are just dead men walking looking for the sight of earthly pleasures. Well, I and my family have both found God for many years now! That makes me know God wanted me to have a better life. I feel good about having my stroke and living with what I got left. I feel somewhere along the way had this not happened, I could have met destruction.
    My wife is beside me in our life's journey, that is more than I can say before this marriage. Having a stroke just slowed me down, not stopped my living, so I want to tell you all, I am a prayer warrior for the Lord! We all shall change one day!
    I'm so proud to be in a country where we have a freedom of choice in religions, accepting Christ and many other freedoms. We can take it or leave it, nobody will care!
  16. fking
    This story..... Makes you understand that things happen for a reason:
    I also believe things happen for a reason so I don't feel bad about
    how my body is now! Who knows I could have been hurt beyond repair!
    The brand new pastor and his wife, newly assigned
    To their first ministry, to reopen a church
    In suburban Brooklyn , arrived in early October
    Excited about their opportunities When they saw
    Their church, it was very run down and needed
    Much work. They set a goal to have everything
    Done in time to have their first service
    On Christmas Eve.
    They worked hard, repairing pews, plastering walls,
    Painting, etc, and on December 18
    Were ahead of schedule and just about finished.
    On December 19 a terrible tempest - a driving
    Rainstorm hit the area and lasted for two days.
    On the 21st, the pastor went over to the church.
    His heart sank when he saw that the roof had
    Leaked, causing a large area of plaster about
    20 feet by 8 feet to fall off the front wall of the
    Sanctuary just behind the pulpit, beginning about
    Head high.
    The pastor cleaned up the mess on the floor,
    And not knowing what else to do but postpone
    The Christmas Eve service, headed home.
    On the way he noticed that a local business was
    Having a flea market type sale for charity so he
    Stopped in. One of the items was a beautiful,
    Handmade, ivory colored, crocheted tablecloth
    With exquisite work, fine colors and a Cross
    Embroidered right in the center. It was just
    The right size to cover up the hole in the front
    Wall. He bought it and headed back to the church..
    By this time it had started to snow. An older
    Woman running from the opposite direction was
    Trying to catch the bus.. She missed it. The pastor
    Invited her to wait in the warm church for
    The next bus 45 minutes later..
    She sat in a pew and paid no attention to the pastor
    While he got a ladder, hangers, etc., to put
    Up the tablecloth as a wall tapestry. The pastor
    Could hardly believe how beautiful it looked and
    It covered up the entire problem area.
    Then he noticed the woman walking down the center aisle.
    Her face was like a sheet.. "Pastor,"
    She asked, "where did you get that tablecloth?"
    The pastor explained. The woman asked him to check
    The lower right corner to see if the initials, EBG were crocheted into
    It there. They were. These were the initials of the woman, and she had
    Made this tablecloth 35 years before, in Austria
    The woman could hardly believe it as the pastor
    Told how he had just gotten the Tablecloth. The
    Woman explained that before the war she and
    Her husband were well-to-do people in Austria.
    When the *beep* came, she was forced to leave.
    Her husband was going to follow her the next week.
    He was captured, sent to prison and never saw her
    Husband or her home again.
    The pastor wanted to give her the tablecloth;
    But she made the pastor keep it for the church.
    The pastor insisted on driving her home, that
    Was the least he could do.. She lived on the other
    Side of Staten Island and was only in Brooklyn
    For the day for a housecleaning job.
    What a wonderful service they had on Christmas Eve.
    The church was almost full. The music and the
    Spirit were great. At the end of the service, the
    Pastor and his wife greeted everyone at the door
    And many said that they would return.
    One older man, whom the pastor recognized
    From the neighborhood continued to sit in one of the
    Pews and stare, and the pastor wondered why he
    Wasn't leaving.
    The man asked him where he got the tablecloth on
    The front wall because it was identical to one
    That his wife had made years ago when
    They lived in Austria before the war and how
    Could there be two tablecloths so much alike.
    He told the pastor how the *beep* came, how he
    Forced his wife to flee for her safety and he was
    Supposed to follow her, but he was arrested and
    Put in a prison.. He never saw his wife or his home
    Again all the 35 years in between.
    The pastor asked him if he would allow him to
    Take him for a little ride. They drove to Staten
    Island and to the same house where the pastor
    Had taken the woman three days earlier.
    He helped the man climb the three flights of
    Stairs to the woman's apartment, knocked on
    The door and he saw the greatest Christmas
    Reunion he could ever imagine...
    True Story - submitted by Pastor Rob Reid
    Who says God does work in mysterious ways..
    I asked the Lord to bless you as I prayed for
    You today, to guide you and protect you as you go
    along your way. His love is always with you, His
    promises are true, and when we give Him all our
    cares you know He will see us through.
    So when the road you're traveling on seems
    difficult at best.. Just remember I'm here
    praying and God will do the rest.
    When there is nothing left but God, that is when
    you find out that God is all you need...
    Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Have a blessed Christmas and a happy new year
    from Fred & Marion King to ALL of my members!
  17. fking
    This is a report forwarded to me for my review and information. Thought I'd share with most of you!
    For 15 years, from the mid 1970's to 1990, I worked in Detroit , Michigan . I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, school truancy, car-jacking, gangs, and human depravity. I watched entire city blocks burned out. I watched graffiti explode on buildings, cars, trucks, buses, and school yards. Trash everywhere !
    Detroiters walked through it, tossed more into it, and ignored it. Tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands today exist on federal welfare, free housing, and food stamps !
    With Aid to Dependent Children, minority women birthed eight to 10, and in one case, one woman birthed 24 children as reported by the Detroit Free Press, all on American taxpayer dollars.
    A new child meant a new car payment, new TV, and whatever mom wanted. I saw Lyndon Baines Johnson's "Great Society" flourish in Detroit ... If you give money for doing nothing, you will get more hands out taking money for doing nothing.
    Mayor Coleman Young, perhaps the most corrupt mayor in America , outside of Richard Daley in Chicago , rode Detroit down to its knees. He set the benchmark for cronyism, incompetence, and arrogance. As a black man, he said, "I am the MFIC." The IC meant "in charge".
    You can figure out the rest. Detroit became a majority black city with 67 percent African-Americans.
    As a United Van Lines truck driver for my summer job from teaching math and science, I loaded hundreds of American families into my van for a new life in another city or state.
    Detroit plummeted from 1.8 million citizens to 912,000 today. At the same time, legal and illegal immigrants converged on the city, so much so, that Muslims number over 300,000. Mexicans number 400,000 throughout Michigan , but most work in Detroit . As the whites moved out, the Muslims moved in.
    As the crimes became more violent, the whites fled. Finally, unlawful Mexicans moved in at a torrid pace. Detroit suffers so much shoplifting that grocery stores no longer operate in many inner city locations. You could cut the racial tension in the air with a knife!
    Detroit may be one of our best examples of multiculturalism: pure dislike, and total separation from America .
    Today, you hear Muslim calls to worship over the city like a new American Baghdad with hundreds of Islamic mosques in Michigan , paid for by Saudi Arabia oil money. High school flunk out rates reached 76 percent last June, according to NBC's Brian Williams. Classrooms resemble more foreign countries than America . English? Few speak it! The city features a 50 percent illiteracy rate and growing.
    Unemployment hit 28.9 percent in 2009 as the auto industry vacated the city. In this week's Time Magazine October 4, 2009, "The Tragedy of Detroit: How a great city fell, and how it can rise again," I choked on the writer's description of what happened. "If Detroit had been ravaged by a hurricane, and submerged by a ravenous flood, we'd know a lot more about it," said Daniel Okrent. "If drought, and carelessness had spread brush fires across the city, we'd see it on the evening news every night.
    Earthquake, tornadoes, you name it, if natural disaster had devastated the city that was once the living proof of American prosperity, the rest of the country might take notice.
    But Detroit , once our fourth largest city, now 11th, and slipping rapidly, has had no such luck. Its disaster has long been a slow unwinding that seemed to remove it from the rest of the country. Even the death rattle that in the past year emanated from its signature industry brought more attention to the auto executives than to the people of the city, who had for so long been victimized by their dreadful decision making."
    As Coleman Young's corruption brought the city to its knees, no amount of federal dollars could save the incredible payoffs, kick backs, and illegality permeating his administration. I witnessed the city's death from the seat of my 18-wheeler tractor trailer because I moved people out of every sector of decaying Detroit . "By any quantifiable standard, the city is on life support. Detroit 's treasury is $300 million short of the funds needed to provide the barest municipal services," Okrent said. "The school system, which six years ago was compelled by the teachers' union to reject a philanthropist's offer of $200 million to build 15 small, independent charter high schools, is in receivership. The murder rate is soaring, and 7 out of 10 remain unsolved. Three years after Katrina devastated New Orleans , unemployment in that city hit a peak of 11%. In Detroit , the unemployment rate is 28.9%.
    That's worth spelling out: twenty-eight point nine percent." At the end of Okrent's report, and he will write a dozen more about Detroit , he said, "That's because the story of Detroit is not simply one of a great city's collapse, it's also about the erosion of the industries that helped build the country we know today. The ultimate fate of Detroit will reveal much about the character of America in the 21st century. If what was once the most prosperous manufacturing city in the nation has been brought to its knees, what does that say about our recent past? And if it can't find a way to get up, what does that say about our future?"
    As you read in my book review of Chris Steiner's book, "$20 Per Gallon", the auto industry won't come back. Immigration will keep pouring more, and more uneducated third world immigrants from the Middle East into Detroit , thus creating a beachhead for Islamic hegemony in America . If 50 percent illiteracy continues, we will see more homegrown terrorists spawned out of the Muslim ghettos of Detroit . Illiteracy plus Islam equals walking human bombs.
    You have already seen it in Madrid , Spain ; London , England , and Paris , France with train bombings, subway bombings and riots. As their numbers grow, so will their power to enact their barbaric Sharia Law that negates republican forms of government, first amendment rights, and subjugates women to the lowest rungs on the human ladder. We will see more honor killings by upset husbands, fathers, and brothers that demand subjugation by their daughters, sisters and wives. Muslims prefer beheadings of women to scare the hell out of any other members of their sect from straying. Multiculturalism: what a perfect method to kill our language, culture, country, and way of life.
    My own observance of this story:Fred King
    I got bits to say from my experiences in Houston, Texas as the Airport manager for the Yellow Cab Company from 1981 to 1986. My meetings with the city council weekly, I learned of people and cars being registered each day were between 500 and 600 during the time indicated in this article. I was there when Houston became the fourth largest city in the US!
    Not only is it Detroit but other US cities are in trouble as well. It's really amazing how we can not be aware of what's going on around us these days. We now have more home grown terrorist than ever before until the attorney general of the US stated today that fear will be the thing to look out for real soon in most major cities. They are tracking and following all leads but we the people should not be surprised and continue to report all suspicious activities!
  18. fking
    Some of my friends here gave me this while I was in the Mall shopping for Christmas. I don’t know how true the info may be, but it was interesting to read as I well know not everyone or every country celebrate Christmas!
    Christmas in Japan
    Christmas Around the World
    Christmas is one of the few holidays that is celebrated in Japan as much as in other countries. Whether the symbols of Christmas are the candles, singing carols, or Santa Kurohsu, the spirit rarely changes: the spirit of peace, giving gifts, and good will towards everyone. Christmas began in Japan at the beginning of the 20th century, and is sure to keep on going.
    There are 2 special customs in Japan: First, the daiku, or Great nine, which refers to Beethoven's ninth symphony. This is performed in many places at Christmas time (also New Year), sometimes with huge masses of choruses for the most famous part, with what Americans sing as a hymn - "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee."
    The second custom is the Christmas cake. Christmas in Japan just wouldn't be the same without it. It's a blessing to the Japanese bakery industries, that's for sure, because this is not a home project. Japanese are shocked when told that America knows of no Christmas cake, and that it is only a Japanese custom.
    Japanese families eat turkey mainly on Christmas Day, but some eat it on Christmas Eve depending on their custom.
    Christmas Trees
    There are no live Christmas trees in Japan - only artificial trees. Not that many houses have their own tree yet, but they are starting to appear more often at Christmastime. The trees are decorated with small toys, dolls, paper ornaments, gold paper fans, lanterns and wind chimes. The most popular ornament is the 'origami swan.' The Christmas tree is placed in hospitals to lift the spirits of the sick.
    Mistletoe and evergreen are hung from the ceilings. Tinsels and lights are hung in the dance halls, cafes and pinball parlours (where 'modern- minded' Japanese go to celebrate). An amulet for good luck is placed on the front door. The number of Christmas lights put up in shops has increased 1000% over the last seven years. Japanese children exchanged thousands of 'birds of peace' in the past, as a pledge that war must not occur again.
    For a few weeks before Christmas, shops set up displays of appropriate gifts for men, women and children (especially children). On Christmas day, families sit around the tree to exchange their gifts, whether it be at their house, relatives' or friends'. For some families who have Christmas trees, they gather the presents under the tree as we do.
    Santa Kurohsu, as people call Santa in Japan, is a popular character at Christmas time. In Japan, Santa does not yet appear in person, like in shopping centres. He is only pictured as an advertising foil. Santa is pictured as a kind old man, carrying a round sack on his back. He is said to have eyes on the back of his head, so he can watch the children all year round.
    Most churches will have their own special Christmas worship service on the nearest Sunday before the 25th of December, and perhaps on Christmas Eve.
    The story of Jesus born in a manger is fascinating to the little girls of Japan, for they love anything having to do with babies. In the scene in the nativity, many become familiar for the first time with a cradle, for Japanese babies have not slept traditionally in cradles. Others may even put on plays about the birth of Jesus.
    Christianity in Japan is pretty low, with 1% believing in Christ, and only a few truly understanding the significance of the birth of Jesus. The Christian faith was first introduced in Japan by Jesuits, and later by Franciscan missionaries in the 16th century. There were probably about 300,000 baptised believers in Japan. Unfortunately, the promising beginning met reverses, brought by rivalries between different groups of missionaries and political intrigues (by Spanish and Portuguese government). The first victims were 6 Franciscan friars and 20 of their converts, who were crucified at Nagasaki on 5 February 1597. After a short time, other Christians were arrested, imprisoned for life, tortured and killed. The church was totally ignored by 1630. The church began to grow again after Commodore Perry opened Japan with America’s great white fleet. Missionaries poured into Japan to start Christianity again in Japan in the 20th century. People wanted to forget about the happenings and started life again.
    In some homes, Christmas carols are sung gaily. One of the most poular songs is "Silent Night." Children are chosen to sing carols to the patients in hospitals. Some carols are sung in shops, and some songs are sung in English.
    I thought this would be interesting for some members, the next one is how Christmas is celebrated in Greece, two countries located so far apart! :yadayada:
    Now Christmas ih Greece...Part two of Christmas around the world...
    Christmas in Greece
    Christmas Around the World
    In Greece, it is said that St. Nicholas wears drenched clothing and has brine in his beard. He drips with sea water, and his face is covered with perspiration, because he has been working hard against the waves to reach sinking ships on the angry sea. In Greece, they say "Eftihismena Christouge" for "Merry Christmas." Some households keep fires burning through the 12 days of Christmas to keep bad spirits from entering by the chimney. Christmas in Greece goes for twelve days.
    While other cultures have the Christmas elves, the Greek equivalent is not so benign. Mischievous and even dangerous spirits called the Kallikantzai prey upon people, but only during the twelve days of Christmas, between Christmas and Epiphany on January 6th. Descriptions of the Kallikantzai vary. In one area, they are believed to wear wooden or iron boots, the better to kick people with. In other areas, some insist they be hooved, not booted. Almost invariably males, other regions see them in forms of wolves or even monkeys. The Kallikantzai are believed to emerge from the centre of the earth and slip into people's houses through the chimney. More mischievous than actually evil, the Kallikantzai do things like extinguish fires, ride astride people's backs, braid horses' tails, and sour the milk. To further repel the undesirable spirits, the hearth is kept burning day and night throughout the twelve days. There is a folktale about a young girl who is forced to walk alone to the mill through the twelve days, because her stepmother is hoping that the Kallikantzai will snatch her away.
    At Christmas, children travel house to house singing "Kalanda," a carol, and giving good wishes. Afterwards, the children are often given sweets or coins in appreciation.
    After 40 days of fasting, adults and children look forward to the Christmas feast. Pigs are slaughtered, and on almost every table are loaves of bread, or Christopsomo (Christ bread). This bread is made in large, sweet loaves of various shapes, and the crusts are engraved and decorated in some way that reflects the family’s profession.
    SOURCE: Christmas Around the World
  19. fking
    This was sent to me! Pictures of Christmas trees!
    These are NOT Holiday Trees
    They are NOT Winter Festival trees
    They are NOT Hanukkah bushes
    They are NOT Allah plants
    They are Christmas trees.
    Say it...
    Christmas ,Christmas ,Christmas
    Yes Christmas -not Holiday
    We are not celebrating the birth of a Holiday !!!
    We are Celebrating the Birth of
    Jesus Christ!!!
    So I would like to say to each and everyone of you
    Have a Very Merry CHRISTMAS
    and may GOD BLESS each and every one of you!!!
    I have been impressed this year by the trees set up in the Malls and stores. The songs playing on the intercoms and the people and employees saying Merry Christmas!
    Then our soldiers returning from the war torn countries with missing limbs and can't hug their wives or kids. The sacrifice we've all made for our country to remain free after having been established on religious beliefs generations ago.
    Thank you Jan for the beautiful email, too bad I couldn't show the trees,but I got the feelings! A well developed sense of humor reveals a well balanced personality. The ability to get a laugh out of everyday situations is a safety valve. It rids us of tensions and worries that could otherwise damage our health.
    A joyful heart is good medicine, yes, spirituality and fun do go well together. Many soldiers are broken for their country, not just Americans but every country! "Light shines in darkness".
    About 16 day left before Christmas you all! LETS CELEBRATE LIKE WHEN WE WERE KIDS! :roflmao: :goodjob: :tired: :chat: :hug: :harp: :music_band: :violin: :whistling: :scooter: :geek:
  20. fking
    Teacher Arrested...
    I found this funny because of the play on words...Funny enough to Blog! The true Fred, always laughing and making others laugh as well!
    At New York's Kennedy airport today, an individual later discovered to be a public school teacher was arrested trying to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule, and a calculator.
    At a morning press conference, the U.S. attorney general said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement.
    He is being charged by the FBI with carrying weapons of math instruction.
    "Al-gebra is a fearsome cult," the attorney general said. "They desire average solutions by means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in a search of absolute value. They use secret code names like 'x' and 'y' and refer to themselves as 'unknowns', but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every country. As the Greek philanderer Isosceles used to say, 'there are 3 sides to every triangle'."
    When asked to comment on the arrest, President George W. Bush said, "If God had wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given us more fingers and toes!!!"
    Now...Sherlock and Watson
    Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip, set up their tent, and fall asleep. Some hours later, Holmes wakes his faithful friend.
    "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."
    Watson replies, "I see millions of stars."
    "What does that tell you?"
    Watson ponders for a minute. "Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all-powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does it tell you?"
    Holmes is silent for a moment, then speaks. "Watson, you idiot, someone has stolen our tent." Smart minds!
    And Then...
    Oneliners to make you smile some more!
    Winter isn't cold, it's heat challenged
    The speed of time is one-second per second.
    I think of book-burning as "English lit"
    All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Life is too short to proofread.
    Join the I.R.S. - Be Audit You Can Be!
    Why is it that you must wait until night to call it a day? :big_grin:
    I'm calling it finished for today, but please tell me what you think of my blog...It's the true funny me cause I'm so mad I can't get my wireless printer I bought yesterday to work with my new computer!
  21. fking
    OK everybody, that time of the year is here. Merry Christmas to one and all! Have a great time doing, going, shopping, eating, listening to Christmas Carols and even being a kid again yourself.
    Most importantly is be careful at home, shopping, driving and traveling to grandma's house with the kiddos! Remember thieves are very active during the holiday season. They break into your home, car, and try stealing your purse by snatching it away from you. There goes your money, credit cards, drivers license and virtually your life!
    When making several stops while shopping, hide the things you buy in the trunk of your vehicle or out of sight much as possible. Thieves are waiting to TAKE from you especially if you are handicapped. At least half of us here are incapable of defending ourselves should this happen to us!
    Think safety first, try to shop in pairs and be watchful every minute, crooks are real fast and they are watching you. It's going to happen as it does every Christmas season, but don't let it be us.
    I noticed a lady yesterday leave her keys sticking in the trunk of her car while she walked away to hold a conversation with another woman she knew. I parked right beside her and noticed the keys right away. She was still talking by the time I unloaded my scooter. She had loaded the trunk with her shopping then got distracted long enough for the whole car to be driven away! She wanted to hand me a tip, I refused, and said to her, just be careful or you will have an unhappy Christmas ma'am!
    Your home can and will be burglarized too if you are not careful. Burglars can see through the window where you have the tree sitting to be seen from the sidewalk or road. All the wrapped packages under it is very inviting. What they can't use they sell or pawn it.
    Burglaries are generally hard crimes to prove, be very careful and have a merry Christmas season! :mom: :roadrage: :turkey: :crazysmile: :beerhat:
  22. fking
    I'll start this part II by saying many of you may have had computer problems. It's something you won't forget soon. Besides the cost, it's downtime that really hurts you so much...It did me this time! After having the old computer diagnosed, it would have been too costly to replace all the parts that did not work starting with the Mother Board.
    I bet I spent enough money for all that information as it was to go buy another computer new. Now that's a whole chapter in itself. Getting used to a new computer after operating the same one for over 7 years is not easy. The new computers are completely different from what I had.
    The first thing I noticed was the hour glass was gone, replaced by a color circle and that's just the beginning of windows 7. Right out the box you still need Microsoft Home and business 2010 operating system for email and other things you are used to having. Home and Student 2010 don't have all you need!
    I was used to windows XP so I guess windows 7 is better but you have to run it for a week or so to find out how it operates best. Then my printer had to have another driver for windows 7 to work. My Lexmark printer was 3 years old. Lexmark downloaded the wrong driver at first, so they take control of your computer and do everything from their end in The Philippines.
    Speaking of that, all the American companies operate overseas that I had to do business with for my computer and phone. They use American names like: JR, Henry, Bill, Mike, George, and Fred. Everyone of them has an accent.
    I'm back on line with you guys but it wasn't cheap. In round figures I spent a thousand dollars and with the little items I needed like a scan disk, REWRITE DISK for backup files and other small items, add another 100.00 dollars.
    All that was in the midst of my mother in law passing, traveling to New Orleans and a grieving wife in need of my computer for conducting business with insurance companies, banks and the funeral home. She just plays games and have fun on her computer. My grand daughter has one the same way, no Internet explorer or email on it.
    But loaded with games and the wii connected.A write pad to do her spelling, numbers and time tables. Part of why she's in the second grade at 6 years old besides being in a christian school.
    So with that in part II, I now have time to get back on the message board and help those who have joined our support group looking for help, any kind to show they are not alone after surviving stroke.
  23. fking
    The Army
    A man was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands.
    He grabbed the man by the hand and pulled him aside.
    The Pastor said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord!"
    The man replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor."
    Pastor questioned, "How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?"
    He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."
    This joke reminds me of me and computers and what little knowledge I have in trying to operate one. I suppose I'm in the Secret Service when it comes to computer knowledge.
    I just tried all day to get signed in to Stroke message board. Finally, tonight I got in. Got the pass word changed and hopefully I can get back on tomorrow. I quit remembering my pw once I found out how to get the computer to remember it.
    Then, my system goes down, everything is erased, so there I am in the middle of "nowhere without a clue what to do next." This new computer is giving me fits trying to learn to operate it with window 7 and Microsoft Office 2010.
    I got two versions loaded, Home and business, then Student and military one that has email live. I wanted regular email like I had with XP. So now I got both but scared to try and delete Live mail in fear of something else being lost.
    I've spent over 300 dollars on Micosoft office. I was told both copies are the same...That's not true at all. Home and business is what you want if you want regular email like office 2007 was.
    Right now I'm on here without my spell check. I will try and download one from Google in a few minutes. I lost all my operating stuff today. Bear with me, I'll be back up and running full speed soon. Right now my computer is in a disarray.
    Thanks for listening to me rant! BTW: I got new glasses from the VA, they screwed them up so bad I can't see or read the exit signs on the road much less the screen on my computer. I had to get another pair from walmart today but they will take a few days, they say.
    Meanwhile, back to the VA in the morning to see if they can correct the problems! See Ya later! No spell check, read at your own risk!
  24. fking
    I would think I got as much "stuff" to wear on my body parts to help me survive my stroke as any one person could possibly wear all at one time! Should I happen to fall, I could not possibly get up on my own.
    I got a brace to hold my wrist straight while helping my fingers open and close.
    I got an arm brace from the elbow to the wrist and a shorter one to sleep in at night.
    Knee braces for both knees that I can't get on by myself.
    I got an AFO that goes in my shoe with a fastener around my upper leg, it helps to lift my heel and toes as I'm walking. It works like the one that sells for thousands of dollars. I got it from the VA!
    I've had the shoes that's recommended for all male stroke survivors with Velcro fasteners sold at all the Walmart stores.
    I got a shoulder sling I'm suppose to wear when walking great distances. Well, in those cases I use my electric scooter.
    Then of course, I got my quad cane, even after therapy sessions I still need it to make sure I don't fall. I like it because it stands alone. A single point cane has to be looped to your wrist or it will fall when you're not holding it in your hand. I hate that, now you gotta bend over to pick it up!
    Aside from the things I wear, there are all the meds I use daily to keep the pains low. Never all gone.
    I have always worn glasses but now my eyes don't seem to get adjusted to one pair. I keep going to eye doctors every two or three weeks! I got Glaucoma really bad, but no operation suggested yet! Just keep using the drops nights and mornings.
    Put that altogether with a new computer I'm still trying to learn to operate, you can see why I'm not on the message board like I used to be. I'm trying to figure out the new Microsoft Office program for email and printing, not to mention window 7 operating system, so different from windows XP.
    So, you get a feel of how my days go plus the "honey do list" got longer because I have nothing to do, so she thinks and says to me!
    Well, we still got the birds (three cockatiels) in my care for uncovering and feeding in the mornings. The little Hamster died, I guess I over fed her. I grand daughter didn't cry and she doesn't want another one, thank God!
    Now, I finally get to sit outside in the evenings, wave and speak to the neighbors, plus pay the yardman on time as he gets finished with the grass! I haven't taken the time to get involved with the sports like I did last year. I did see the opening Tip Off of the College Basketball season last night.
    My Lady Bears from right here in Waco lost to the UCONN lady champions by one point. I was asleep before the men got started. So, you can see, I have a full schedule daily to keep busy. Maybe in a few more days I will have all the loose ends tied up and can spend a little more time on the message board. I get to see your posts but not long enough to make comments.
    Some names I haven't seen on lately so I hope every member is OK and doing just fine! If you are in phone contact with them, tell them Hello for me. I'll keep learning this computer and get ready for the Superbowl in three months!
  25. fking
    Well, as most of you already know, I don't Blog too often but today being Veterans Day and me being here at Fort Hood, Texas, makes me appreciate how far I've come from the stroke I survived almost seven (7) years ago. I survived Vietnam 39 years ago with a back injury, operation and transfer to Letterman General Hospital in San Francisco, CA.
    So, knowing first hand, I always got praise for our veterans of any war. To see the suffering of lost limbs, wounds and their physical conditions they suffer and are still smiling really goes to my head and heart.
    Then their families, the wives, kids and parents who are now the care giver having to care for them is enough to want these current wars to end very soon. And to think, they should not have been started under the pretenses they were in the first place.
    The 59 thousand who lost their lives in Vietnam and the nearly 6 thousand lives lost already in the current two wars stands to reason alone we salute our Armed Forces of all the NATO Countries. Until now, I had not seen so many active duty military men and women still in uniform using canes, crutches, walkers, wheel chairs and scooters wanting to remain active in honor of their fallen comrades.
    So for me to have survived a stroke, using a cane and scooter is an honor I'm not sad about and they give me encouragements every day. I just want to say to all my members here at Stroke Net, be encouraged you are a stroke survivor getting better each year as I am too! I salute each of you as well in your recovery.
    We support each other daily and I try to make you laugh with a joke or two each day cause it's better to laugh than find reasons to cry which doesn't help heal our egos. A smile is a beautiful thing to see on any one's face, it beats shedding tears anytime. The wounded warriors here are happy people and they always got a joke to tell me and I just pass them along to you.
    I hope you take a few moments to say a prayer this Veterans Day! :cloud9: