
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Katrina, I continue to say prayers for you and myself, I think I just have to continue to be positive our conditions will prevail and in the long haul we both will get pass this season we are living right now...


    I feel better days are ahead of us both it just takes more faith in God on our parts, it's not the end of the road but I can say at times it sure does feel like it... I got both hands but can only use one good and my walking is almost none but I got my scooter inside and in my car for going places I can't walk...


    At one time walking wasn't a problem, now it is constant something very hard for me to do... I'm praying we both get better soonest....

  2. Nancy,



    i understand your feelings with Dan at the nursing home, my wife is the same exact way if that choice has to be made by her... In my case it is like my health condition has gone down a bit in what I'm now able to do for myself and her still working a 40 hour job at the bank...


    I know you have given it your all even quitting work some time ago and the move to another location...I'm thinking my wife and care giver is coming into that same path with my physical condition change and more has to be determined on what I will be able to do by myself...


    I'm looking at her and saying "baby, don't worry about me, I'll be alright, do what you must, I'm OK!!! I can get around slowly and still use my scooters and drive so to me, I'm OK and my hired help is near the end which is OK with me.. But, I can't help but to think about Dan and being at the nursing home... Take care, Fred King!! 

  3. That's a great deal in any Walmart with that many people in the store all times of the day or night... I try to go only when I really need to go... I use my scooter but just got my right hand to use while my left side is paralyzed so many times I got to turn around to grab things off the shelves with my right hand and not drop it...


    In 2006 through 2009 I worked at Walmart as a greeter on my scooter but don't think I could do it again in my present condition of barely walking....

  4. George,


    I got one sitting by my bed the VA told me to just keep it and that's been a couple years already... My wife can't get any sleep when I attempt to use that machine it keeps her awake all night and I wasn't sure it was helping me that much... I don't miss it...


    There are several mask that can be used with it but I never could get the best one for my use... I guess I didn't need it after all...


    Hope everything continue to work out for you there until you are really comfortable with the area and your neighbors...

  5. Nancy, how are you doing?? I would have sworn I wrote you a note yesterday, I don't see it so guess I didn't so I'm still normal I think!!! Tell Dan hello and your kids too!!!


    I thought by this time you would have started working again??

  6. My therapy ended on Saturday, 23 May and I'm OK can walk some but still paralyzed on left side making it hard to walk moving my left foot... I must still use my scooter when I go out or long distances or appointments....


    We are survivors!!!! That's the best in our lives in my opinion...

  7. ,Yes, I got my bike placed between the wall and the dining room table so I can get on/off without falling then the lady is here for an hour so I'm not alone, otherwise I wait until someone else is home with me... No falls yet and I been using it for 11 years now....


    I walk into the dinning room with my quad cane get my right foot on the pedal next to the wall then my left foot on the pedal and away I go for 25 minutes... I got the same batteries in it too!!!!


    I'm trying to overcome this stroke setback and you know I drive my SUV and haul my scooter everywhere I need to go....

  8. Sandy,


    Yes, this lady comes in at 9am but has to leave at 10am just one hour is all the VA will allow me to have since my wife does all my bathing me they took away one hour.... She will also sweep the kitchen floor, clean dishes from the sinks and fix me breakfast too so I do OK with the services...


    A therapist does come in for my PT time in the afternoons for one hour to work on me walking better and more...

  9. It's easy to be or get confused, I do now almost daily and my wife will tell me "I already told you that an hour ago now put your clothes on and lets go or we will be very late.... I'm only hurting in my left leg thigh and hope I don't have to get it operated on like the right one was done back in September...

  10. Sue, you got that right, I will never give up, give in, or out if I can help it somehow with the emotional help of my wife... Being one handed makes anyone slower in what we want to do but we learn to make adjustments and still accomplish the mission in front of us...


    Old soldiers like myself make adjustments we can still live with daily somehow, someway and with the grace of God our Father..... I have had so many close calls with death so He knows right where I am, He's just not ready for me yet I suppose.....

  11. You know when I had my stroke in 2004 I stayed in ICU 10 or 12 days then sent to a recovery ward for six months to learn all I could to recover what I lost in an hour or so when the stroke hit me real hard... I think they called it the rehab floor because there were machines everywhere and attendees to work with us hourly...


    It was funny, if you wanted them to  come to the room and let you use the commode the first question was "Can you do the paper work?? If you said yes they would come fast but if you said no, they were all at lunch and it would be about 30 minutes before anyone came to the room to let you go use the bathroom...

  12. Try and get in a routine to follow for a little while and make adjustments as needed to gain control over your situation to rest and be active daily... I got new care givers from two different health care agencies ordered by my doctor so I'm OK in trying to make my body better...


    Try to get you a routine and stick with it for a while... Oh, get used to praying and asking the good Lord to bless you daily!!! It works for me and it works for my wife too!!!

  13. My Sunday was peaceful just saw your blog, I went with my wife to church she had to praise dance with her adult group. The younger group will dance on third Sunday... Which is children's Sunday each month...


    Hey Jay you can contact me on the web any time or email me and we can go from there I'm home most of the time 7 days a week but run small errands for my wife from time to time... My email is listed last time I looked...

  14. I've got to manage somehow to do about the same thing for my daughter whom is now incarcerated but scheduled to be a free bird next January and wants to live close to me and my wife... Her mom, my first wife is deceased so we will try to give her a fresh start and get her SSI restarted letting her pay the lawyer and for the place to live while she look for a job to help support herself....


    She has one son 30 years old and married in Japan with his family, wife and two small girls which she has never seen yet....