
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    A great time of year, especially since it was record snow and now record rain and flooding in the north eastern states. Maybe we will get an early start on flowers and gardens this spring and summer. I realize many of you love to grow things, feed the birds and go fishing and camping.
    I miss my motor home for that purpose, camping out, getting away from it all. This time of the year does make you miss what you can't do physically anymore like you once enjoyed doing them. Nevertheless, we can still do, just on a smaller scale. Gardening will surely have us using our weak hand and side.
    When the sun is out it's very hard to stay inside reading, just seems like the outdoors is calling our names. I bet with the record snow, many of us stayed inside and are now ready for the outside.
    I'm looking forward to cookouts too in the yard along with gardening. I like to see things grow and my little grand daughter does too. If there is too much rain and showers, the mosquitoes will try to haul us away and interrupt our joy.
    Aside from staying home, getting out and making some "members meeting members gatherings" would be a lot of fun and travel to see how others are coping with their disabilities.
    Well, those are my plans for spring and summer all the while trying to recover a bit more from my stroke. All the best to everyone for a great start to this time of year!! Be safe, have fun, it's your life!
  2. fking
    Well my dear members, it's high time we get out the house, let our feet hit the ground or the pavement. Walk in the grass, walk all around the house, see some parts of it you haven't seen since the snow covered everything. See if it's time for a new roof, siding, replace the garage door, springs or get a new remote opener.
    I plan on putting down the weed-B-gone and round-up along the fence line to kill the winter weeds. The ant mounds gotta be treated too. Secure all the fire wood you got left that you didn't burn in the fireplace in a big plastic container. That cuts down on any termites destroying your house if they happen to be in that wood. Make sure the fireplace damper is closed up so you don't lose air conditioning. Put more sealing around the doors and windows if needed.
    I got a lawn man and he'll do most of these tasks for me but it's fun to be outside watching, supervising, it's my money. I got to put down more stepping stones near my air condition unit so I can get my scooter around to that side of the house without getting stuck in the very soft ground.
    Even if you don't do all the work, being outside will be a good feeling for your body and feet. Make sure you got your cell phone in case you fall you can call! I'm going to try walking outside without my cane. In my mind, I feel I can do it. So I plan on being a busy body, I'll even try to trim the hedges with both hands. If that doesn't work, I'll use the electric one.
    I guess all that is called Spring clean-up. My little 5-year old gran daughter hasn't mentioned the garden yet but it's time to start the tomatoes and flowers for sure.
    Well that's enough to keep me busy and walking for a while. Hope your Spring gets off to a great start, just be careful in all you do inside and out.
  3. fking
    Someone sent this interesting email to me about oil in the US. I had just complained to myself about the gas prices today as I wanted to fill up my tank but the price was back at 2.70 a gallon for regular. I had been enjoying filling up at 2.29 a gallon. I guess that price is gone for now unless the stock market falls again soon.
    With the unemployment rate hovering around 10%, I figured the gas would remain low for awhile. Well, that's not the case here in Texas. The following email explains things I never thought much about but it's true they say and you can click on the link at the end of the message to confirm. I didn't yet but I certainly will.
    I just wanted to share this with the blog community for now.
    Unfortunately, the gas prices are making this necessary, especially when the government has said there is no cost of living increase. I wonder where they buy their gas and groceries!
    Hi friends:
    Here's an interesting read: and some important and verifiable information :
    About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil and one of the Forbes brothers was the guest. The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer; how much oil does the U.S. Have in the ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "More than all the Middle East put together."
    Please read below:
    The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big! It was a revised report (which had not been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota , western South Dakota , and extreme eastern Montana .....
    Check THIS out:
    The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska 's Prudhoe Bay , and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable. At $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5.3 trillion.
    "When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea." says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature' s financial analyst.
    "This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years," reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It's a formation known as the Williston Basin , but is more commonly referred to as the 'Bakken.' It stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada . For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves. We now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!
    That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 years straight. And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should - because the information is from 2006!
    U. S. Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World
    Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006
    Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction.. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this 'mother lode' of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?
    They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:
    - 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
    - 18-times as much oil as Iraq
    - 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
    - 22-times as much oil as Iran
    - 500-times as much oil as Yemen
    - and it's all right here in the Western United States .
    HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate our lives and our economy.
    James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2 TRILLION barrels untapped. That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today, reports The Denver Post.
    Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price - even with this find? Think again! It's all about the competitive marketplace, - it has to.
    Do ya' think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists?
    Got your attention yet? Now, while you're thinking about it, do this:
    Pass this along. If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices -
    By doing NOTHING, you forfeit your right to complain. Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to every one in your address book.
    By the way...this is all true. Check it out at the link below!!!
    GOOGLE it, or follow this link. It will blow your mind.
    http://www.usgs. gov/newsroom/ article.asp? ID=1911 <>
  4. fking
    I saw GMA this morning and the kids are getting into trouble on the computer again. This time it's dangerous for them and they are warning the parents to "beware."
    I was thinking...older persons like myself would never get into trouble cause we wouldn't know how to even use the computers...I still don't. For that reason I'm posting the following phone calls, etc., that people make to operators everyday. No kidding, I never knew what a Blog was, that's why it was so long before I tried to do one.
    Anyway, enjoy these:
    Customer: 'I've been calling 700-1000 for two days and can't
    get through; can you help?'
    Operator: 'Where did you get that number, sir?'
    Customer: 'It's on the door of your business.'
    Operator: 'Sir, those are the hours that we are open.'
    Samsung Electronics
    Caller: 'Can you give me the telephone number for Jack?'
    Operator: 'I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand who you are talking about.'
    Caller: 'On page 1, section 5, of the user guide it clearly states that
    I need to unplug the fax machine from the AC wall socket
    and telephone Jack before cleaning. Now, can you give me
    the number for Jack?'
    Operator: 'I think it means the telephone plug on the wall.'
    Caller (inquiring about legal requirements while traveling in Europe):
    'If I register my car in France, and then take it to England, do I
    have to change the steering wheel to the other side of the car?'
    Directory Inquiries
    Then there was the caller who asked for a knitwear company in Woven.
    Operator: 'Woven? Are you sure?'
    Caller: 'Yes... that's what it says on the label...Woven in Scotland.'
    On another occasion, a man making heavy breathing sounds from a phone box told a worried operator: 'I haven't got a pen, so I'm steaming up the window to write the number on.'
    Tech Support: 'I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop.'
    Customer: 'OK..'
    Tech Support: 'Did you get a pop-up menu?'
    Customer: 'No.'
    Tech Support: 'OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?'
    Customer: 'No.'
    Tech Support: 'OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until
    this point?'
    Customer: 'Sure. You told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'.'
    This has to be one of the funniest in a long time. I think this guy should have been promoted, not fired. This is supposed to be a true story from the WordPerfect Helpline, which was transcribed from a recording monitoring the Customer Care Department. Needless to say, the Help Desk employee was fired; however, he/she is said to have sued the WordPerfect organization for 'Termination without Cause.' Actual dialogue of a former WordPerfect Customer Support employee. (Now I know why they record these conversations!):
    Operator: 'Ridge Hall, Computer Assistance, may I help you?'
    Caller: 'Yes, well, I'm having trouble with WordPerfect.'
    Operator: 'What sort of trouble?'
    Caller: 'Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden the
    words went away.'
    Operator: 'Went away?'
    Caller: 'They disappeared.'
    Operator: 'Hmm. So what does your screen look like now?'
    Caller: 'Nothing.'
    Operator: 'Nothing?'
    Caller: 'It's blank. It won't accept anything when I type.'
    Operator: 'Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out?'
    Caller: 'How do I tell?'
    Operator: 'Can you see the 'C: prompt' on the screen?'
    Caller: 'What's a sea-prompt?'
    Operator: 'Never mind, can you move your cursor around the
    Caller: 'There isn't any cursor. I told you, it won't accept
    anything I type.'
    Operator: 'Does your monitor have a power indicator?'
    Caller: 'What's a monitor?'
    Operator: 'It's the thing with the screen on it that looks like a TV.
    Does it have a little light that tells you when it's on?'
    Caller: 'I don't know...'
    Operator: 'Well, then look on the back of the monitor and find
    where the power cord goes into it... can you see that?'
    Caller: 'Yes, I think so.'
    Opera tor: 'Great. Follow the cord to the plug, and tell me if it's
    plugged into the wall.'
    Caller: 'Yes, it is.'
    Operator: 'When you were behind the monitor, did you notice that
    there were two cables plugged into the back of it, not
    just one?'
    Caller: 'No.'
    Operator: 'Well, there are. I need you to look back there again and
    find the other cable.'
    Caller: 'Okay, here it is.'
    Operator: 'Follow it for me, and tell me if it's plugged securely into
    the back of your computer.'
    Caller: 'I can't reach it.'
    Operator: 'OK. Well, can you see if it is?'
    Caller: 'No.'
    Operator: 'Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean
    way over?'
    Caller: 'Well, it's not because I don't have the right angle -- it's
    because it's dark.'
    Operator: 'Dark?'
    Caller: 'Yes -- the office light is off, and the only light I have is
    coming in from the window.'
    Operator: 'Well, turn on the office light then.'
    Caller: 'I can't.'
    Operator: 'No? Why not?'
    Caller: 'Because there's a power failure.'
    Operator: 'A power..... A power failure? Aha. Okay, we've got it
    licked now. Do you still have the boxes and manuals and
    packing stuff that your computer came in?'
    Caller: 'Well, yes, I keep them in the closet.'
    Operator: 'Good. Go get them, and unplug your system and pack it
    up just like it was when you got it. Then take it back to
    the store you bought it from.'
    Caller: 'Really? Is it that bad?'
    Operator: 'Yes, I'm afraid it is.'
    Caller: 'Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them?'
    Operator: 'Tell them you're too damned stupid to own a computer!'
    Caller: 'I deleted a file from my PC last week and I just realized that
    I need it. So, if I turn my system clock back two weeks will I
    get my file back again?'
    Tech Support: 'OK. At the bottom left hand side of your screen,
    can you see the 'OK' button displayed?'
    Customer: 'Wow! How can you see my screen from there?'
    Caller: 'I'd like the number of the Argo Fish Bar, please.'
    Operator: 'I'm sorry, there's no listing. Are you sure that the
    spelling is correct?'
    Caller: 'Well, it used to be called the Bargo Fish Bar, but the 'B'
    fell off.'
    Caller: 'Does your European Breakdown Policy cover me when I
    am traveling in Australia?'
    Operator: 'Does the policy name give you a clue?'
    I will not tell you which one was me! You probably guessed anyway? Any of them sound familiar that you may have done too?
  5. fking
    It's one thing to know what we got left after a stroke, but it's another to really be thankful for what we got left in terms of what we can do on our own without any or much assistance's. I think that's the point in our recovery process when we come to grips with what has happened in our lives no matter the age we are.
    Some strokes happen in different parts of the brain for different people causing more or less lost of our body parts compared to another person. Then there's the difference in right brain versus left brain and the body functions located in each brain and of course how long we were without blood which carries oxygen to keep our brain functioning in the first place.
    I was without oxygen for over 8 hours before getting to a hospital. I consider my self lucky to have survived. I think of it as being blessed by God instead of luck, we all think differently, but as days, months, and years go by and I'm still a survivor, it strengthens my belief the Lord is keeping me here. It's a mighty good feeling to do what we can knowing it could have been much worse to not having been a survivor at all.
    Then to pass one year, two years and in my case six years in recovering, I'm so thankful to be among the other survivors. Suffering is part of recovery, again, some suffer more than others but we suffer nevertheless. We have hard days, bad days, hard times and some good times in the process. When we got a friend or two we can call on that's like a bright light in our lives that keeps on shining on us.
    We need true friends around us, in our lives and to call upon when we really need to talk, a favor or just to know we are not in this alone. Our members and friends here serves that need in our lives. Especially when it seem as though our nearby friends has departed from us or our new lives as we now know life to be. I feel so good in knowing my life goes on in spite of loosing half of my abilities to function as I knew before my stroke.
    Life has always been this way for centuries of wars where the men return home wounded, missing arms, legs and needing a cane, a wheel chair, a walker and these days use of a scooter. It's not just a stroke that can make us dependent upon another person in our lives but everyday activities can lead to dependence on aid from loved ones or mechanical devices. Even to operate a vehicle again when we can no longer manage with the body we were born with.
    All of that makes me more thankful daily of how I am and what I can do with what I got left. That's a true blessing. Right here at Fort Hood, Texas I see soldiers returning who can't hold their kids in their arm that they've never seen. My mind goes ahead to those who didn't get to come back but gave their all, their lives. Having served in a war zone myself and returned, then to suffer a stroke makes me so thankful I'm alive and can do a few things on my own.
    Second is to have a loved one who cares dearly for your company for life regardless of how you are but for what you are in the relationship. I see it in the young kids eyes daily, that alone makes me thankful I was older when my time came. So, I accept my stroke and I hope my story here can help others accept theirs and realize it's not the end of life. We still got time to live even more. Do we have to be like this the rest of our lives? YES, unless we can recover in the process of getting better in the coming years.
    Just remember we are not the first ones like this and we will not be the last ones either. I say now to ALL, be thankful for what you got left. No one will remain on this earth forever! We're just passing through, our reward is in heaven! Years ago a handicapped person stayed indoors even if they had a wheelchair. These days things are much different. People get out on their own when possible and are not afraid or ashamed of their conditions.
    Get out everybody and live a little, don't stay shut up indoors, see the world it belongs to all of us.
  6. fking
    Although the English language only has one word for LOVE, the Ancient Greeks had four words for LOVE. EROS, Philia, Agape and Storage. Each word depicts a type of love. Eros ~ Passionate love, Philia ~ Friendship love. Agape ~ A general love. Storage ~ Affectionate love.
    According to legend, Valentines Day celebrates the death of the priest St. Valentine. Valentine was martyred for performing marriage ceremonies for young couples. The Roman emperor, Claudius felt that married men did not make for good soldiers and made it illegal for them to be married.
    Also according to legend, the first Valentine was also given by St. Valentine himself to a young girl identified simply as "My Beloved". The note was signed from "Your Valentine".
    The red rose has been used as the ultimate symbol of love since ancient times. It has been used for everything from ingredients in love potions, to a symbol for an ancient goddess. The rose has also come to represent high emotions such as passion and desire.
    There are many facts surrounding the concept of love. Every year on Valentine's Day couples around the world declare their affection for each other. God, however, declares His affections for us every day of the week. He loves us with an everlasting love and He proved that by giving us His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will have entire life. It is the Love of God that sustains us and give us peace.
    That is not just some silly folklore, it's a true fact.
    Valentine's Day comes only once a year.
    There is a way to have Valentine's Day every day of the year.
    You are God's Valentine, I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness. In Jeremiah.
    The Power of love is stated in the Good Book in Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and Proverbs. We learned this today about Valentine Day where we show our loved ones, wives, daughter, mothers, sisters, and all people in our lives we care and dearly love them everyday of the year but especially on Valentine Day.
    So my friends, as this day comes to a close for another year, I pray you had a friend to share this day with and show you love them and care for them in the manner it was intended from Ancient times.
    Remember, God loves you and you are not in this stroke recovery all by yourself.
    I hope and pray God's richest blessings upon you on this day of love and hope we shall be around to see another day of love for our spouses and loved ones. Here's wishing your day was a great day in your eyes! And the food was good too! :happydance:
  7. fking
    Well, I've said Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Season greetings and now I say Happy Kawanzaa to all who celebrate this week long Pan African secular Holiday which primarily honors African American Heritage. It's observed from 26 December to 1 January each year, almost exclusively by African-Americans in the United States of America.
    Kwanzaa consists of seven days of celebration, featuring activities such as candle-lighting and libations (sacrificial pouring of liquids), and culminating in a feast and gift giving. It was first celebrated from 26 December 1966 to 1 January 1967.
    Kawanzaa is called the African-American Branch of "First Fruits" celebrations of classical African cultures.
    Now Hanukkah consist of 8 days of candle lighting from 12 December to 19 December each year and been around in America for as long as I can remember. In fact Sammy Davis Jr was of Jewish faith and celebrated every year with his wife Mae Britt.
    I spoke with him when they did the movie Oceans Eleven years ago and I studied the Jewish faith in those years.
    With all of this I wish everyone a joyous season and a Happy New Year where ever you are in the world and Peace be with you each day! :secret:
    May 2010 be prosperous for each of you and your year to recover as Survivors and Care givers alike.
  8. fking
    The Meaning of Christmas
    Far away in Bethlehem, a Baby Boy was born; Born with neither riches nor with fame, Yet Wise Men came from all around to bring to Him their gifts, And peace was felt by all who heard His name.
    Angels watched Him as He slept, and gently rocked His bed;
    Their voices singing softly in His ear;
    His Mother and His Father both gave thanks to God above
    For the greatest gift of all, their Son, so dear
    They knew His life upon this earth would not be filled with wealth,
    They also knew He would encounter strife;
    But most of all, they knew that He would be a loving Child,
    And teach the love of God throughout His life.
    At Christmas, as we celebrate this Birth of Jesus Christ,
    Let's keep in mind the truth of Christmas Day;
    For it's not the Christmas wrappings, nor the gifts that lie within,
    But our gift of love to others in every way...
    This was sent from my friend, we share the same feeling about Christmas. For me, I believe in Santa for every kid in the world and toys for tots. It's the teachings about the love of God that I keep him the head of my life as taught by my dear deceased mother, bless her soul.
    It's my wish that each member have a Joyous Christmas or a good get together this year with family and friends.
    Please think of the soldiers away from families and homeland while they are defending our freedom to live and rejoice in peace this Christmas.
    Peace on earth, goodwill toward men! :santa: :ChristmasTree: :bell:
  9. fking
    We are as a community and Army Post trying to get back to normal routines as much as possible. The bodies of our troops still arrive almost daily for funerals. We pray daily that these wars will end soon so these young families can enjoy their lives together. Soldiers are leaving almost weekly to the war zones.
    The holidays won't be the same this year. Trying to get on the Army base is a struggle at the check points with vehicle inspections like it was six years ago. Some are still trying to get on base with weapons that aren't registered on the post, that's a big problem at the check points. We still got the wounded in the hospitals and ICU. The hospital is a very busy place.
    I have to go there for my pharmacy meds since they are free and for the commissary (groceries) no sale tax. Usually the gas is cheaper off post at Wal-Mart plus I get a three cent discount. I was going to the gym too but not lately. I doubt if it will be normal for a while cause everybody is on edge. I hope it doesn't get into racial profiling by the police and gate guards. I hope this was one of a kind and no more.
    The cooler weather has everyone wearing heavy coats now and all eyes are watching every every person. We can not be that scared of the next person but it's happening. So it will be a while longer for people to stop reacting and talking about what happened.
    I'm just going to stay home when possible but my appointments has doubled because the doctors will be taking off on vacations for the holidays in a couple weeks. The emergency rooms stay full of people with H1N1 and accidents. That will be an all day or night wait to see a doctor. On the other hand people seem to be shopping more this year with less money and houses are selling again for a change. But then we have so many families coming and going all year long. The military is on the move with many wives going back home to be near their parents while the husbands are gone for 15 month assignments.
    Keep this place in your thoughts!
  10. fking
    As many of you know this has been a sad week for all of us here in Fort Hood, and Killeen, Texas. So many of us are retired veterans and a great number of active duty military and their families as well.
    I just want to say a word about our church services this morning as we have many military members, active duty and retired. One female stood and gave testimony how she got out of a window that probably saved her life and a couple soldiers right behind her. Still others were wounded trying to help their fellow man still inside the room of terror with the gunman who happen to be one of their own.
    So our services were dedicated to the troops and how we as people can trust God our LORD to provide and not worry. He sees farther down the road than we can or will ever see. What causes us to worry is not knowing the LORD well enough. It made sense cause no one is forced to love or even have faith and worship God. He doesn't force a soul to choose him but when they do, a better life prevails.
    People will be people and choose as they please how they want their lives to go right or wrong. Not every soul will chose him and not every soul will deny him. Conversely, when things happen as it did on Thursday and lives are lost it has sufficient reasons that God allows to happen to open the eyes of many so that our lives will be better down the road.
    We've had wars for years and lost of lives. We've had acts of nature as we call them, that claimed thousand of lives for centuries. We will overcome this tragedy but down the road are many more to come that will claim lives and property. As we morn the loss of lives this day let us not forget God is in charge. He knows and we know not. Some believe not, some will deny God thinking the lives they lead today will will still get them into eternity, yet they don't believe in God.
    So prayer and praise was the order of this service which I feel helped to heal hearts, believers and perhaps some that doesn't fully devote themselves as believers in spiritual faith. For some if they can't see it they can't believe in it but we came together this morning to give thanks to our Father in Heaven that a few lost lives, some wounded, yet others are here this day to speak of their ordeal with life and death.
    It made me take a different look at how we feel about life as we know it and not giving God the glory on this earth he created and for humans he created as well to live upon the earth. Tomorrow is not promised and a train is coming, we just need to insure we get on board.
    I thank all of you here for your thoughts and prayers and we prayed for any and ALL loved ones in harms way and that God knows the way to bring these wars to their ends.
  11. fking
    My doctors are asking me to be more positive in my thoughts and attitude about life no matter my physical condition my body is undergoing in my recovery. They recommend positive shows, advise, and all true experiences I can tune in to and see what many other people are coping with in their lives.
    Dr Phil's shows this week does just that, so I am posting the schedule here just to remind anyone who care to tune in if you got nothing better to do on these days or if you may be bored of the same old stuff and no positive outlook ahead.
    October 19 - October 23, 2009
    The Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alexandra Speaks Out
    Since returning to the Dr. Phil set, Katherine's troubles with the law and boyfriend, Sean, have taken center stage. Now, for the first time in five years, Alexandra is back and talking about the dramatic turns her life has taken. Get an inside look into her troubled world. You won't want to miss the shocking statements she makes about her sister and mother. Next, Marty, Erin's husband and father of Alexandra and Katherine, sits down with Dr. Phil. Hear his candid thoughts about his daughters' current predicaments. Then, Katherine shares her update. Find out if she's still dating Sean and what she has planned for the future. And, Alexandra makes an emotional plea to her sister. Is Katherine moved by the tears? Plus, find out what makes Erin break down.
    The Wesson Family Massacre
    When you see survivors of horrifying abuse, such as Jaycee Lee Dugard and Elizabeth Smart, you may wonder, how do they overcome something like that? Dr. Phil reintroduces you to members of the Wesson family, who are a few years into the process of surviving a horrendous family history that culminated with a tragic mass murder in 2004. Marcus Wesson was convicted of killing nine children, including some he fathered with his daughters and nieces. Moved by the family's extraordinary story, Dr. Phil wants to make sure the Wesson survivors do not slip through the cracks again. Watch the two-part series that unites a family in a journey of healing. It's a lesson in compassion, survival and recovery that just may change your life.
    The Wesson Family Massacre, Part 2
    Dr. Phil continues his two-part series with the Wesson family, survivors of what was dubbed the worst crime in Fresno's history, when Marcus Wesson killed nine children, including some he fathered with his daughters and nieces. Soon after his arrest, sordid stories of incest, abuse and brainwashing surfaced. Dr. Phil unites some of the Wesson women with three of Wesson's sons, who were also horrifically traumatized by their father. How can these extraordinary people overcome one of the most tragic family horror stories in decades? And what happens to them when the headlines go away? Don't miss this moving example of courage in the face of the unthinkable, and learn how to survive crisis and trauma in your life.
    The 237 Reasons Why Women Have Sex
    "I wanted to make someone jealous." "I was bored." "I wanted to feel closer to God." These are just a few of the 237 reasons why women say they have sex. In her new book, Why Women Have Sex, Dr. Cindy Meston lists the good, bad, silly and shocking reasons that women do the deed. She and Dr. Jennifer Berman, a sexual health expert, join Dr. Phil to talk about women and sex, and offer advice to couples with differing libidos. To get an idea of how women feel about having sex, Dr. Phil sends comedienne Kathleen Madigan to talk to women on the street. You may be surprised by the reasons some women get intimate. Next, meet Maribel and Jeff. Maribel says the number one reason she has sex is because she likes it. She's gone to great lengths, from dressing sexy to undergoing surgery, to engage her husband, but he's just not interested. Jeff says he resists because he's worried he may be at risk for another heart attack. But is there another reason why he refuses to make love to his wife? Then, Deanna says she only wants sex one way, but her husband Robert complains he's bored with the routine. What do they need to do to come together in the bedroom? And find out the top five reasons women have sex and how they compare to men's reasons.
    What No One Wants to Admit
    How do you really feel about the black person who is standing next to you on the elevator? What really goes through your mind when you pass an Asian person in the grocery store? Dr. Phil tackles hidden racial biases, and he has help from a panel of experts: comedians Paul Mooney, Kate Rigg and Manny Maldonado, civil and family attorney Areva Martin, USC professor of sociology Amon Emeka and radio host Michael Graham. The group busts racial stereotypes at their core and addresses the subtle attacks many feel have been launched against President Obama. Don't miss this no-holds barred discussion!
    Now Thursday's show is sure to catch the attention of many women and men too. You know how the world view SEX? No matter the struggles in our lives there is a positive attitude we can get to help us through life. Everything is not sad, only if we can't let go!
    If you tune in I'd like to know if you feel a show helped you with your positive thoughts??? This is part of my therapy in how other people relate in any given situation and how it affects them. You all know how we felt after having our strokes but we are not alone in the fight for a better attitude.
  12. fking
    First, I give credit to one of my email friends, VI, you all know as Mema. I chopped up her interesting email with music to create my own reason I will not go to a nursing home. More over, you guys have read where I've said to my wife, "Let me die at home." So, this email just hit the nail square on the head. I will live by this!
    No Nursing Home For Me, I will die at sea!
    Years ago, now I remember, my wife and I were on a cruise aboard a Princess cruise liner. At dinner we noticed an elderly lady sitting alone by the rail of the grand stairway in the main dinning room. I also noticed that all the staff, ships officers, waiters, busboys, etc., all seemed very familiar with this lady. I asked our waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told that she owned the cruise line, But he said he only knew that she had been on board for the last four cruises, back to back.
    Being on a cruise is cheaper than a nursing home. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 per day.
    I can get a reservation at Princess for a long term and senior discount price of $135 per day. That leaves me $65 a day for gratuities which will only be $10 a day. As many as 10 meals a day if I can waddle to the restaurant, or I can have room service (which means I can have breakfast in bed every day of the week) how sweet is that?
    Princess has as many as 3 swimming pools, work out room, free washers and dryers, and shows every night. Free toothpaste and razors, and free soap and shampoo, nothing to buy!
    They treat you like a customer, not a patient. An extra $5 in tips will have the entire staff scrambling to help you. I get to meet new people every 7 or 14 days. TV broken? Light bulb needs changing? Need to have the mattress replaced? No problem! They will fix everything and apologize for the inconvenience.
    Clean sheets and towels daily and you don't have to ask for them. If you fall and break a hip in the nursing home you are on Medicare; same fall on the Princess they will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.
    Now, hold on for the best! Want to see South America, the Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, or name where you want to go, Princess will have a ship ready to go. So don't look for me in a nursing home, I'm old and retired. Just call shore to ship to get in touch with me. :pokerface: Now that's luxury at old age for sure.
    PS. If you die they just toss your body over board just before dawn. :peace:
    I always wanted to live luxuriously but didn't think I could afford it. Now I will! :pepper: :scooter:
  13. fking
    Steve Mallory and all members,
    We are a Charity non profit organization. Perhaps not very well known by many organizations or Businesses that would love to contribute to our cause of supporting stroke survivors every where on line.
    Now, the US President has made it known he will give 1.4 million to charities which is his money from being elected as a Nobel Prize Winner this year..
    How can we, the organization and over 8,000 members make it known to the president we would like to be included in those charities he is donating this money for their use????
    Many banks, car manufacturers, etc, made it known they needed a bailout and got it!
    We are a bonafide charity, let's make ourselves known to the President, Barack Obama!
    Any suggestions would be nice????
  14. fking
    I thought this might be of interest to me since my mother was born in 1898 and her grand father was a slave. I will try at some point to do a trace of my past family beginnings just as this has been done on Michelle Obama. Quite interesting to me in historical terms.
    Many people have little or no idea of their family history! Click below to read:

    This story was top news on CNN and the local stations too! It goes to show us people here in America came from all parts of the world and having sex in those days was a way of life. My mom was married at 15, had 18 kids and I'm the last one born when she was 43. I know very little about her or my fathers family tree. I had two kids and neither of them know nothing of my father since he died when I was 14.
    My daughter's only son married a lady from Japan, their kids will know nothing of his mother's dad, me! Life goes on and the tree keeps growing. My son is married to a lady from Russia he met while stationed in Germany years ago. Again his kids won't know about their dads family. His mom died in 1998 and her mom and dad passed shortly after her and I got married in 1960. My daughter was born in Munich Germany in 1964 while my son was born at Fort Hood, Texas in 1966.
    I understand Michelle did not know her family tree either, unlike her husband who knew his parents and his grandmother got to vote for him before she passed away.
  15. fking
    I've been wanting to blog about this topic for a week now so today I got the courage to tell my part. My attitude has changed, in part by my doctors, but then also by my pastor and my own sense of dealing with what I got left after the stroke I survived in 2004.
    First of all I feel and know I have come a long way from where I was on that morning after it took me down. Of Course I have much joy and many folks to be thankful for where I am presently. That being said, attitude plays an important part in stroke survivors recovery. It's all about an attitude adjustment.
    First and foremost we have to accept the drastic change in life style we are about to encounter. It's a style we know nothing about assuming we were in a healthy state of mine and had control of all our body parts we were born with. The element of surprise is most devastating for any human facing any adversity we know nothing about. That's why it is so hard for us to see ourselves as handicap when the day before we could do anything, go anywhere without any help from anyone.
    For many survivors acceptance of their stroke is plain hard to do by themselves. That's where this site is so helpful in support of survivors and the are glad they found such a support group right in their homes, the computer stroke net work. I been here awhile and I know it has helped me and others.
    Now each person's attitude can help them even farther along from dealing with what you can not do good or at all in some cases. I complained about walking bad, in pain, can't do this or that without help. Well, a change of attitude can make all that stuff better. My doctors told me it's all in my head, from my brain receptors making me believe I need more pain meds to cope when it has become an addiction that I feel is necessary for me to feel better.
    You know how many are hooked on cigarettes? Their brain is saying they need more nicotine so they light up time after time. The same thing is happening with our brain telling us we need more pain medicine so we load up two, three times a day or even more. We are really not hurting but we think and feel we are big time. For the most part we have soreness of the muscles from none use or not enough activity. Notice how you feel better after PT sessions and don't seem to have pain?
    A mental (Brain) complex state of mind involving your beliefs, your feelings, values of life, and your dispositions to act in a certain way at a certain time is really called ATTITUDE. That attitude is all yours but you must learn to control it then you can control your mind. Why do you think people want to kill themselves, others or just give in to living? It's a state of mind! It's your brain on drugs, prescribed to control whatever you were told it would control.
    Look at the lives of Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson to name two! Their attitudes were out of control. If you say you can't walk good, then you won't, but consider you are walking not in a chair or have no legs. What about the person in the chair who wish they were walking or could walk but have no legs? Walking is walking unassisted, assisted or just a little, it's one foot at a time moving along the way!
    Pain works the brain in the same manner, the attitude you develop controls the effects of pain. I am convinced this is true. Chronic pain is another subject. I spoke about that last week but still you control it, it doesn't control you.
    When you encounter the attitude you want to give up or you are in so much pain you could harm yourself, stop and think what your mind is telling you, that's not you, it's not your intent but your attitude is trying to tell you the worse case and if you don't change your attitude you will become a victim of circumstances.
    With the doctors counselling my changed attitude, I am doing a 100% better than just a few weeks ago. You, all of you can get on the ATTITUDE change in how you think what you can or can not do and start doing, It's all in the mind! The mind can bog down, get stuck in the unreal, so start changing your attitude and get better with less. That's all I'm saying!
    Do your PT, exercise however much you can, be active, appreciate the one caring for you and live your life as the survivor you are now. Don't think of all we did before the stroke, that's gone. Think of what we can accomplish after the stroke with what we got left, that is an attitude adjustment!!!! Just do it! It works. :makmiday:
  16. fking
    We all know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It can be treated when caught in time by being aware of symptoms and the knowledge to self examine and of course see your primary care provider for scheduled examinations on a regular basis. Cancers in general for the most part can be prevented when we pay attention to our bodies and signs when something just isn't right.
    In America, I really wish every living person had access to proper health care and doctors. My mother for instances did not, as was true with many families of color years ago. Many were never examined by a medical doctor their entire lives and were not born in hospitals but by Mid-Wives right at home. The home remedies were accepted as cures for many medical conditions as routine in the old days.
    Today, there are not many reasons not to get examinations for breast cancer and be aware of any signs something could be wrong. Here in my city with so many military families stationed here we try to insure no one is forgotten to get regular examinations. Transportation is provided on a wide scale to women who can't drive or their husbands are deployed overseas or women who otherwise have no way to see a doctor. That's a good thing and no one is left out of the loop.
    This is a city where everybody is somehow, someway connected to the military and each other. The kids marry into other families where one or both parents were military so it becomes a round circle of families and friendships. If more cities and communities across America had that same feel for their fellow man, many situations could be avoided in my opinion.
    Look out for women in your neighborhood and older women especially so they can get to a doctor to be checked for breast cancer. I know having no insurance is a big problem for many people but there are many free clinics too they may qualify to be seen. This year many doctors are giving their time to help many for free with check ups and Flu shots too. My hope is for every woman to be screened for breast cancer even if it doesn't run in the family genes.
    My ex-mother in law died of breast cancer after having a mastectomy to remove one breast. My wife was the baby daughter and it took a toll on her I will never forget. Many stroke survivors right here at Stroke Net may also be breast cancer survivors as well or have survivors in their families. It's nothing to ignore and remember it can be cured when caught in time.
    Women everywhere, act now, get checked this month, this is your life!

  17. fking
    I can't believe I'm blogging again within a week! I gotta say what I didn't realize about prices of everything these days. Well, I went to the Malls in Killeen and in Temple, the Post Exchange on the Military Base and was quite surprised at the prices of everything but in particular...The Clothing.
    There wasn't a mans shirt in any store under 15.00 which I am used to paying less but like I said, I have not shopped for myself in a while. My wife usually does the buying for me. Maybe I'm too used to Walmart prices for the last few years. Any way I kept shopping and pricing about everything I thought would be a good buy.
    With the economy like it has been for a while now, I don't see how families with kids are making the dollar stretch when buying clothing. Then there are the parents who insist on name brand stuff which is near or over $100.00 per item. I looked at tennis shoes, sneakers, or what ever you call them and the prices are out of sight and my range for sure.
    Appliances were outrages, a washer and electric dryer was between 800 and 1400 dollars each. I couldn't believe the prices. I thought about buying a new queen size mattress and box spring, the price was no where near what I paid just 5 years ago. I guess the one I got will have to go 5 more years and it has a 20 year warranty. Then they got these fancy payment plans of no interest or no sale tax if paid off in a certain time frame. You have to fill an application from the bank who the tax payer bailed out but deny you credit. So I guess the store gets their money up front and you end up owing the bank with sky high interest if not paid off on time.
    Walmart has spoiled me and others too cause they stay full of customers every day and twice as many on paydays like Friday and Saturdays. No winder they changed their motto to "Save Money...Live Better"! I think that's a proven fact by looking at the cars in their parking lots when you pass by.
    Then comes the isles in the stores, they are made for people walking, not wheel chairs or scooters. For any handicap person on wheels it's a nightmare to shop in comfort. The people pushing shopping carts don't look where they are going. They will come out of a small isle into a big isle looking one way and pushing the cart the other way. Even the bank isle going to the tellers are too small for a chair or scooter to go through.
    Things were a little more open in the military post exchange store and they had brand new scooters with a smaller basket for the handicap persons use. They were lined up like a fleet of Limos waiting for customers use. A lot different than Walmart for sure. Half the ones at Walmart doesn't work. Out of order signs on most of them.
    Well, I'm not complaining just surprised at the operation of these big name stores and the high prices that I hadn't realized had gone through the roof in my opinion. Of course those of you who get out weekly already know this but for me it was a shocker to say the least. We never know how things are until we get out and see for ourselves.
    One last note, it seems like everybody is driving a new car, SUV or truck in my town with the big flashy rims and skinny oversize tires. I asked one guy, he said his set up cost him 6000 dollars. 4 rims and 4 tires...Not for my pocket, if it didn't come with the car, I ain't paying more for looks.
    No wonder the dealerships and businesses got signs out saying, "We support our troops." I think our troops really support their business. OK gang, I've rant and raved long enough. So get out and see the shopping centers real soon.
    BTW, the car wash is 10 bucks and up! What happen to the 50 cent and one dollar wash it yourself stalls? This one had vacuum free with car wash, I guess so, Duh! :yadayada:
  18. fking
    A lady working in records department where we have to go to get a copy of any record you want for whatever reason shared this with me yesterday. I thought and thought about it, and sure enough, she was right on target. So I want to share this with all of you in a Blog setting.
    The tongue can be your worst enemy:
    Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts have power to create conditions in your life. What you speak about, you can bring about.
    If you keep saying You can't stand your job, you might lose your job.
    If you keep saying You can't stand your body, your body can become sick.
    If you keep saying You can't stand your car, your car can be stolen or just stop working.
    If you keep saying You are broke, guess what? You'll always be broke.
    If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman, you will always find someone in your life to hurt and betray you.
    If you keep saying You can't find a job, you will remain unemployed.
    If you keep saying You can't find someone to love you or believe in you, your very thought will attract more experiences to confirm your beliefs.
    If you keep talking about a Divorce or break up in a relationship, then you might end up with it.
    Turn your Thoughts and Conversations around and be more Positive and Power packed with FAITH, HOPE, LOVE and ACTION.
    Don't be afraid to Believe that you can have what you want and deserve.
    Watch your Thoughts, they become words.
    Watch your Words, they become actions.
    Watch your Actions, they become habits.
    Watch your Habits, they become character.
    Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny.
    The minute you Settle for less than you Deserve, you get even less than you settled for.
    Watch how your circumstances and situations begin to change when you change the way you speak.
    She was right on the way I came to her speaking about how the VA is handling my case. My pastor is always warning his members about the tongue... It will ruin our lives as we know our life to be. We must search for and discover love.
    We must search for love and discover God, and in God we will have found everything we need.
    I know most of you that know me hear me complaining yet trying to stay close to God and his love for me. I'm going to reinvest myself in my faith to be much more positive from this day forward! Hold me to it and thanks for listening !
  19. fking
    Somehow over the past 49 years we have witness many hurricanes along the Gulf Coast and Houston, my hometown. I remember hurricane Carla and Betsey as the devastating ones causing great damage but no lost of life. Today is the fourth year since hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. Mostly by causing breaks in the walls holding back the water.
    As we sat and watched on TV the people struggle to free themselves from the water by going to their roof tops to await rescue, my father in law had already passed while being moved to higher ground from one of the nursing homes about 4am when my wife got the call. He was one of the first to die prior to land fall of the hurricane itself about 8am August 29 four years ago.
    He was a stroke survivor but blinded and not able to speak very much. We all have a life to live after surviving a stroke but sometimes it can be down right hard to do.
    His body was not found until February, six months later. I housed 28 people of my wife's family in a 4 bedroom house including use of the garage which I turned into a makeshift bedroom, Somehow we all made it and many of them were able to return to New Orleans, their birth place and where most of them decided they wanted to be no matter what and would die there including her mom. My wife's daughter and grand daughter is still with us. The grand daughter was born august 17TH of that year.
    So it's back and forth to that city because her mom is not in the best of health like she was 12 years ago when I first met her. I mentioned the handicap aspect of that city but it still has a ways to go in total recovery and getting the people to return. Some still don't have housing rebuilt in the hardest hit areas. I could never live there, I like Texas too well. Mind you I have lived all over the world while in the Army moving about every 3 years. I always return to Texas.
    I have an ex wife in California and one in Alabama. I retired from the Army in Georgia but returned to Houston Texas where my first wife and two kids were. She passed in 1998. I ended up married to my present wife from New Orleans but living in Killeen Texas right at Fort Hood, the military base where many troops leave but all don't make it back to their families.
    We are all here in this cyber Stroke Support Community in support of each other. We laugh together, we cry together but most of all we pray together and for each other all the time. It's something about prayer that makes life really worth living when the chips are down. That's my case at present due to my slow down in my ability to do what I been doing for so long. I guess I have to re accept my condition and continue to move forward.
    It's real hard to be yourself when your ability leaves you standing alone. Anyway I will not be as active as I once was on the board due to appointments starting Monday in the mental department. Right now I am confused and can't seem to figure it all out. Life is what it is and how you live it to the fullest.
    I can see, almost feel each survivor here in what they must be facing in their recovery process. Especially when the progress seem to stop and they go downhill. I hope to be back soon! Not every day! I don't Blog often and when I recover a little bit I will return!!
    Keep me and my wife Marion in your prayers my friends! I'll do the same for you all! God knows us best!! :yadayada:
  20. fking
    Two Blogs in 10 days? That's a current day record for me you all. I still have no idea what my deficits are, just that they seem to be progressing toward a terrible end of my walking without falling. I saw an older doctor at the hospital last week as a referral from my arthritis doctor.
    He deals with the back and spinal cord, I can't remember his title but some kind of arthritis. Anyway he asked me to call or go by the other hospitals I been treated at in the last 6 months to see if anyone had an MRI of my back and spine area. If I can't find one he would have to request Medicare to approve one for his work in my case.
    He examined me and discussed things with me for over an hour. First time I ever spent that much time on one doctor visit that I can remember in a long time. He stated the only way he can begin to see what is happening with my back is to have an MRI done that tells him everything he needs to know and find out where I'm going with my condition as it's happening now. That made sense to me cause something is wrong and I feel like it is serious enough to be concerned about me walking very much longer.
    Yes, I have degenerative arthritis, had a Lipoma removed from my back in Vietnam right after we got ambushed and members in my party killed. I was operated on right in the field hospital ( a tent hospital) then sent back to base camp and placed on R&R to Australia for two weeks. This doctor can't understand why this was done so fast for that type of surgery. He feels something was a cover up. Anyway I have two discs crushed and between them is a spur off my spine. It has always caused me pain as my chances of operating and being better were only a 50-50 chance.
    The worse being paralyzed for life if it failed so I declined the operation and still do today. I've had a stroke with paralysis five years ago and just now I find it harder and harder for me to walk. He seem to be thinking my spinal cord has taken about all it can and I'm not getting any younger. That's a start and it could be my back has taken all it can which will affect my ability to walk. After my stroke and four months in rehab I came home unable to walk but learned and got better at walking soon afterwards with more therapy.
    I keep telling my wife something is wrong, she keep saying you been to every hospital they all can't find nothing wrong. I like this doctors approach cause no other doctor ever wanted an MRI of my back before this. Hopefully he can make a determination of my problem soon. I want to keep walking. I shall see soon I hope!
    I think of that old song by Fats Domino, "I'm walking to New Orleans."
  21. fking
    Last night was very hard for me! I was at his bedside when he took his last breath and went home to be with the Lord. His Soul entered into eternal life at 11:10 pm. It was hard for me cause so many deaths already in the news then he died from prostate cancer suddenly.
    I did visit him at his home on Wednesday while his daughter was here. He looked at me raised his arm, very weak, but could not speak. Instantly he was back to sleep eyes closed. I stayed for an hour or so talking with his daughter about final rights.
    The very next day she had him admitted to a nursing home cause she had to return to Virginia. I took her to the airport for her flight back while she told me the plan after his death which she had prepared for when God was ready for him.
    About 6pm she called me and said the nursing home said he had turned for the worse and may not make it to morning and asked me if I would go and sit with him, I did because he was my friend.
    I took pictures of him struggling to breathe with oxygen attached breathing very loudly like snoring. I let my wife whom were at home hear his breathing I recorded on my phone. That was my first time being bedside as a person dies. It's quite an experience to sit bedside and pray, pray, pray but we all know God has the last say so in our lives when he's ready for us.
    In the end of life as we know it peace comes, no more suffering, pains or worries! May God comfort his soul in his life after death. I will attend his memorial services, he will be cremated, after his son arrives here to over see and take care of his final rights including his ashes taken to the national cemetery for veterans.
    He retired in 1981 as a SGM E9, THE HIGHEST ENLISTED RANK. We worked at the post office together for years. I was a clerk while he was a letter carrier. He retired from there after I did. We knew each other since 1986, played poker every weekend for years.
    We both saw each other with two different wives, both of them died and we married again. He had a girl and boy just like me. I suppose I'm venting, the pressure is so great at the moment, I have to tell somebody and you guys are my extended family members. I talk to you all when I can't talk to my wife. Isn't that something, I think at times we have to get it off our chest.
    So, thank for reading and I promise to blog again about happier times and more pleasant things! My final thought is, we have had a stroke but let's live our lives as best we can with what we got left and be happy we are still here.
  22. fking
    No, I didn't hit the lottery, I'm just worn out completely and my body won't take another day.
    So, to my cyber family of friends and neighbors in Texas and perhaps around the world, I want to tell all that I have decided with confirmation from all my doctors, to give up being gainfully employed. After 50 years working many, many jobs including my own business, 22 years of military service, and 10 years postal service, I am now RETIRED.
    It's been an amazing run for me through the 50 years including being near death in Vietnam and again with my stroke just 5 years ago. I'm so glad I got to go that long but the time has arrived that my body says "no more" work. This time I am going to listen to my body and my doctors. No use in working myself to death I need some time to enjoy life now.
    You will never make all the money you can spend or feel you and your family need. I am putting my health ahead of work and I thank God I'm able to at this time. Hopefully when my time comes for me to leave this earth I will feel the same way.
    No I will not let myself get bored, I have all of you to still converse with and learn from your experiences with life as well. Then I got my grand daughter and her garden to keep me active in life. A new grill on the patio and a wife still working at the bank, man I think I got it made in the shade. At least I will eat healthy foods I grill and fresh garden fruits and veggies. I feel I deserve this retirement at this time.
    I may even invest in a gazebo with a hot tub right next to my patio and garden. It is funny how your health can dictate what you need to do in life. This is my story and I'm sticking to it. No traveling yet just rest up. Gas is on the way back up in my area and probably everywhere I would want to visit. My life long trip is back to Australia hoping to meet with many of you. Right now I'm just going to think about how good God has been and still is to me. It's been a long ride but I enjoyed every mile. :scooter:
    The city council member of my district, my friend from long ago, wants me to consider being a volunteer for (C.O.P.) citizen on patrol for my neighbor. I already know where that will lead...working again with a schedule. I don't even want to see a Honey Do List on the frig door. I'm going to be retired with ears closed to offers of any kind.
    Let me know when any of you are headed to Central Texas, Killeen/Ft Hood, or passing through to other places, maybe I can meet with you if you have time. I won't be busy I can turn my grill off!
    I am hoping for reasonable health and no hospital stays, I think I had enough of them to last a life time. Maybe now I can Blog more often and chat again soon.
  23. fking
    This is hard to put into words but I'll try. You heard of use it or lose it right? Well, I used my left hand and arm daily and exercise my entire left side every day. My doctor's diagnose now is "I've lost the use of my weak hand but at the same time gained the use of my left leg and foot. How strange can that be?
    The doctor was reviewing MRI and other pictures taken recently of my brain and head. I have very small veins feeding into cells that have died for whatever reasons. When?, he doesn't know. That has caused less movement in my hand and arm. At the same time my leg has more feed into a cell or cells that was supplied from still other veins and live cells.
    I can now walk without a cane, slowly but no support. It all started on April first and is still going. What I mean by lost is my ability to control doing anything with my left hand. The strength in it has eased away. I can pull towards my body but can not push away. A part of the brain controls each movement, that part has been lost. On the flip side I gained in the cells controlling my lower body in general my leg and foot.
    Strokes are very hard to figure out what is affected in the brain. That's how we recover certain functions as blood are fed to areas where cells are located but dormant. I'm trying to tell this as it was explained to me from a medical standpoint. I'm reading off the paper I was given to me explaining my lost. I'm leaving out the big words I don't know the meanings. This is the first time a doctor has ever tried to explain what was going on in my brain. Others have just said they see no further damage from my very first pictures five years ago.
    This doctor says that's not so, there is more damage, but hard to detect. To me, they over looked it, bottom line. My five recently trips to the ER for stroke like symptoms were in fact just that, stroke. My first stroke was a bleed, these last times has been blockages. Now I know why I was given Plavix. That makes me think that some doctors feel within themselves you can't accept the news of another stroke so they withhold that judgement from you.
    I think it's our bodies and we know best when something just isn't right inside. We are not medical doctors or specialist but we know when something isn't right. I had come to grips with my body, mind and religious belief that the end was near. I sorta hinted here and there about my problem not to alarm anyone. I feel much better knowing something was the problem not just random thinking on my part.
    It's a different feeling not being able to use my hand as I had for the last five years. I'm getting used to it now and knowing really is better. So, long story short, I am now one handed for sure. Still it is a step above not having it at all. At the same time I celebrate my ability to walk unassisted. I keep my cane in the car just in case and I still must use my scooter for distance.
    My biggest concern was having my fist close up and not open and my arm fold up to my chest making it difficult getting my clothes on by myself. I will keep working, exercising to prevent it getting any worse. Every chance I get I hold my arm down by my side fingers open. I bought that "Iron Gym" from walmart (28 bucks) you see advertised on TV. I will work with it over the door day and night until I get stronger in the legs and upper body.
    Losing the use of a hand or arm is not the end but the beginning of more work to prevent further damage in my mind. At one point I thought this could never happen as I had therapy every year since I was discharged from the hospital unable to walk when I came home.
    Thanks to the prayers and concerns you all showed me as I faced unknown reasons for my conditions. Now I know.