
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    Well I haven't blogged since 15 Mar so here is my latest claim to fame...My grand daughter wanted to grow something since her school was making this a big project prior to the end of the school year. We planted Flowers and Vegetables. She was excited, we planted tomatoes seeds first. She made the hole with her finger to put in the two seeds and covered them up. The next day she asked if the tomatoes was ready yet. Evert day she asked!
    Finally the stem came up out of the ground, then finally cherry tomatoes. she was ecstatic and scared to pull one off the stem. So I pulled them off and put them in a cup for her to take to school for "Show and Tell". Then we planted more veggies and flowers.
    All are showing signs of survival from two non farmers, thanks to Miracle grow. We got watermelons, cantaloupes, big tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and many types of flowers in our little 8 by 8 foot garden in the back yard. She can water pretty good these days without washing the seeds right out the grown. She has her gloves, water can, kneeling pad and a carry cart/bucket.
    Her mom can not tell her she can't grow food to eat. Now I gotta find out how to make pickles from our cucumbers.. Well that's all the excitement for awhile. I hope she gets interested in something else for next year, I need rest.
    Oh, I forgot, I planted two peach trees too. Walmart had them for two cent each so if they don't make it I will not have lost too much money. Next year we may have peaches to eat. We may try a few more plantings later this month if she is still interested in planting. She'll be five years old in August and she graduates on the 29Th from kindergarten.
  2. fking
    I thought this was true for me and I know for many others who express the same feelings when they find this site!
    It's all about God's Love for all of us....He Loves Us!
    Nevertheless, sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why me, why did God have to do this to me?"
    Here is a wonderful explanation in my opinion anyway! "In part from my church bulletin."
    A daughter is telling her Mother how everything is going wrong...She's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away. Same like having a stroke and being a Survivor.
    Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and she asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says, "Absolutely Mom, I love cake."
    "Here, have some cooking oil," her Mother offers. "Yuck" says her daughter. "How about a couple raw eggs?" that's Gross, Mom!"
    "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Mom, those are all yucky too!"
    To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!" Sorta like all of us being here in group support for each other.
    God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He did this to me or why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He put these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and eventually they will all make something wonderful!
    God loves us and all His People. He sends us flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He answer your prayers, Right? He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.
    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we live here, we might as well dance and make a joyful noise unto Him.
    He gave His only begotten young sinless Son who died for our sins, that we may have everlasting life. We are loved by God and we must believe in His way. God does not force us to love Him, it's our choice.
  3. fking
    Well time has finally arrived where I return to work today, mostly on the evening shift. It will feel good to bring home a paycheck again. Hope I can hold up to the hours since it's been so long. I'm trying to cut back on pain meds but I hurt more at night than at other times.
    I'm still going to get checked out by doctors for muscle pains and weakness in my leg and arm. I don't want any clots to be forming, that could spell big troubles. Otherwise all else should be as usual. I think the store has cut back on hours for some people but my schedule is full time.
    Anyway being able to use my scooter is a big, big help since my walking has declined so much. I will try to stand as much as possible to keep my leg from getting stiff. I just have to remember I'm not a 100% by any means so if it gets too hard on me I know it will be time to consider not working any more. I guess when you get used to working it is not easy to stop especially the way the economy is now.
    It seem like there has been a complete change in people since I have been gone. I saw so many new faces when I went to tell them I would be back today. I will have a new manager in the garden center too. I don't know how that relationship will be but as long as I do my job it shouldn't be any problems. There isn't much to being a people greeter in the garden center, we don't take returns coming back to the store and I'm thankful for that.
    I hope my fatigue don't get in the way. I would hate to be standing or sitting there sleep. People come and go all day long and especially now getting their gardens and lawns ready for spring planting. So many of the haven't seen me for a long while so I'm sure I will be greeting all the time. I'll still get tired and sleepy but won't take much medications. If I start to feel too drowsy I will pop a NoDoz tablet.
    I will try to check in with the gang here if I don't get home and crash out first. I think I am ready but only time will tell. I also hope they haven't been saving up all the little messy task for me to do when I get back. I still don't do windows or glass in the doors but they know that already. Seems like every time they change managers, the first thing they want me to do is clean the doors and big windows. Can you see me doing that with one hand?
    That's why they have maintenance people walking around with broom, mop, dust pans and cleaning items. Sure, I can stand there until some one comes to clean up a spill to protect our customers.
    Well I'd better start getting ready for this first day, probably the hardest since it's the first day back in quite a while. Over all the schedule is great, we break two hours after clock in, two hours later it's lunch, then two more hours, break and after two more hours we go home. The eight hours are done.
    They don't pay us for lunch so it's a nine hour day. And if you must or feel sick you can go home. With me just coming back I have no sick leave accrued.
  4. fking
    Thought I would share these with our Blog community here.
    1. Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.
    2. Many folks want to serve God, but only as adviser's.
    3. It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.
    4. The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
    5. When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.
    6. People are funny; they want the front of the bus, the middle of the road, and the back of the church.
    7. Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever.
    8. Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.
    9. If the church wants a better pastor, it only needs to pray for the one it has.
    10. God himself does not propose to judge to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?
    11. Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
    12. I don't know why some people change churches; what difference does it make which one you stay home from?
    13. A lot of church members who are singing "Standing on the Promise" are just sitting on the premises.
    14. We were called to be witnesses not lawyers or judges.
    15. Be ye fishers of men. You catch them - He'll clean them.
    16. Don't wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.
    17. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
    18. The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.
    19. The Will of God never takes you to where the Grace of God will not protect you.
    20. May God and his Son bless you from today on out!
    In my mind everyone here and those coming soon are already blessed to be Survivors and Care Givers alike. Had it been our time we would not be here together in support of each other. "Something To Think About"!
    It's easy as humans to Worry but God knows what he is doing, lets just trust in Him and call it our Blessings.
    God doesn't do anything by luck it's all planned and written in the Book of Life. It will come to pass.
    Your mom or grandmother probably had a Family Bible where all the Births, Marriages and Deaths were kept as official records and was recognized as official in lieu of certificates.
    Anybody remember those days?
  5. fking
    Sometimes I feel as if all my progress has come to a halt for now. It's hard to explain when you remember how well you have been doing since the stroke, in my case 5 years ago. Recently I have lost my weak side control no matter what I do to keep it moving. You ever felt like rope or tape is around your body holding your arm down? Then your leg feels like it's not there or your foot is not touching the floor. That's a funny feeling for sure.
    Hopefully it will go away soon. The pain has decreased but that tied up feeling last all day and night. I was lucky to have all my appointments scheduled in one day at the doctors offices and the hospital same locations. I could tell some of them wanted to say don't come back, you are going to be this way for some time to come. So I think I have accepted the fact that I may not walk unassisted again but I am walking, driving and riding my scooter.
    I don't see the medical supply world running out of scooters anytime soon so with my cane and scooter at my age, I feel pretty confident I can make it. I just don't want anything else to happen where I can not get around. I really think some of my problems are the things that happens to a person as they age. Either way I have come a long, long way from where I started 5 years ago. At that point I thought I'd never walk again. I'm keeping my wheelchair however!
    Here I am going back to work next Saturday so I'm not complaining just uncomfortable in the way I feel sometimes without really knowing the cause or problem if there is one. I think a lot of what keeps me going is the members on here I get to express my views about strokes and recovery.
    Then to look out at my fellow soldiers coming back from the war zones so young and wounded with limbs missing. I hurts me to my heart and the VA doesn't want to compensate them properly like they are doing me. Still others who has paid the ultimate price...their lives. You probably can't or don't get the true feeling of sacrifice until you look in the faces of these young warriors, their kids and wives or husbands. It's all here at Ft Hood everyday.
    I can feel perhaps why our ex-president didn't want to live this close to a military base seeing these soldiers and families suffering so much pain and grief from a war he lied to the American people and soldiers to get in to. It's to the point now where three out of four vehicles carry a handicap license plate. Any public establishment or business now has more handicap spaces than regular spaces for parking.
    Progress or not on my behalf my heart goes all out to everyone here and I pray continuously that God will get us through our circumstances in his time. When we start feeling bad about ourselves not being able to do as we once did before our stroke(s), stop and think for a minute of the many veterans living with no arms or legs, men and women. I suppose with out peace among nations there will always be wars in the world
    I also feel there will always be strokes and survivors and I hope this Stroke Net and message board to share information and progress to all affected. A Place we can all come together for a common cause, Love and Understanding for each other. "We are all in the same boat" We strive for progress in our conditions as best we can no matter how long it takes us.
  6. fking
    I thought this would be fun to play around with today Feb 28, 2009 and tomorrow Sunday March 1, 2009.
    HAVE FUN! Are there any members here born on February 29????? How old are you this year????
    February 29 in recent years
    2008 (Friday)
    2004 (Sunday)
    2000 (Tuesday)
    February 29 in the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used today, is a date that occurs only once every four years, in years evenly divisible by 4, such as 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 or 2016 (with the exception of century years not divisible by 400, such as 1900). These are called leap years. February 29 is the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar in such a year, with 306 days remaining until the end of that year. It is also known as bissextile day or Leap Day.
    Although the modern calendar counts a year as 365 days, a complete revolution around the sun takes approximately 365 days and 6 hours. Every four years, as an extra 24 hours have accumulated, one extra day is added to keep the count coordinated with the sun's apparent position.
    It is however slightly inaccurate to calculate an additional 6 hours each year as the time actually taken for the earth to complete a revolution around the sun is in fact 365 days, 5 hours and 49 minutes. To compensate for the 11 minutes difference, a century year that ends in two zeros is not a leap year unless it is also evenly divisible by 400. This means that 1600 and 2000 were leap years, as will be 2400 and 2800, but 1800 and 1900 were not, and neither will 2100 and 2200 be. To correct the remaining error (which amounts to one day every 3236 years) it has been proposed that years evenly divisible by 4,000 should not be leap years; but this rule has not been officially adopted.
    The Gregorian calendar repeats itself every 400 years, which is exactly 20871 weeks including 97 leap days. Over this period February 29 falls 13 times on a Sunday, Tuesday or Thursday; 14 times on a Friday or Saturday; and 15 times on a Monday or Wednesday.
    The concepts of the leap year and leap day are distinct from the leap second, which results from changes in the Earth's rotational speed.
    The leap day was introduced as part of the Julian reform. The day following the Terminalia (23 February) was doubled, forming the so-called "bis sextum"
  7. fking
    They walked in tandem, each of the ninety-two students filing into the already crowded auditorium. With their rich maroon gowns flowing .. And the traditional caps, they looked almost .. As grown up as they felt.
    Dads swallowed hard behind broad smiles, and Moms freely brushed away tears.
    This class would NOT pray during the commencements----not by choice, but because of a recent court ruling prohibiting it.
    The principal and several students were careful to stay within the guidelines allowed by the ruling. They gave inspirational and challenging speeches, but no one mentioned divine guidance and no one asked for blessings on the graduates or their families.
    The speeches were nice, but they were routine.....until the final speech received a standing ovation.
    A solitary student walked proudly to the microphone. He stood still and silent for just a moment, and then, it happened.
    All 92 students, every single one of them, suddenly SNEEZED!!!!
    The student on stage.. Simply looked at the audience and said,
    'GOD BLESS YOU, each and every one of you!' And he walked off stage...
    The audience exploded into applause. This graduating class had found a unique way to invoke God's blessing on their future with or without the court's approval.
    This is a true story; it happened at the University of Maryland. My Alma Mata!
    Oh, how I wish THIS one would take off and FILL the whole Country!!!
  8. fking
    With so "much to do" about this plan that has caused so much debate, I wanted to know what the members here thought of it as far as "How it will help us."
    I have not found the web site yet, I tried three time, I gave up! Anyway I think in my case being a disable veteran I get a lump payment and a break on my disability pay each month by $13.00 and a tax break on my wages at Walmart. Maybe a break on my short term disability pay now.
    ANYWAY do you all think it will help the disability people here. I put this in my Blog to keep down confusion about discussing Politics on this site. I feel it is a plan by our Government and how it affects us. Not political in nature.
    I do want to read all 1000 pages on the internet!!! :yadayada: :Typing:
    posted 2/15/09 3:45pm
    OK, probably no one besides me is even interested in this Stimulus thing, but I think this is the site below:
 Hey, I got it right! This is Gov. official!!
  9. fking
    Hey All,
    I saw this on a desk in a room they had me park my scooter until the doctor come in to get me. This was the only thing on the desk and no chair. I don't suppose the last person at this desk QUIT??
    DON'T QUIT...
    When things go wrong as they sometimes Will,
    when the road you're trudging seems all Uphill,
    when you're feeling low and the stress is High,
    and when you want to smile but you have to Sigh,
    when worries are getting you down a Bit...
    by all means pray...And don't Quit!
    Success is failure turned inside Out,
    God's hidden hidden gift in the clouds of Doubt,
    you never can tell how close you Are,
    it may be near when it seems so far.
    So trust in the Lord when you're hardest Hit...
    It's when things go wrong that you Don't Quit!
    There was nothing at the bottom of the page as to who wrote this,
    I assume the person who used that desk was fired and did not quit.
    Perhaps they left it on the desk in plain paper site for a supervisor
    or boss to see, and no one moved it, so I copied it to share here!
    I thought it was fitting for stroke survivors coping with recovering and care givers who give so much of their love and time, day in and day out, for many years with no end in sight.
  10. fking
    Again, I have not blogged in quite some time. Therefore with so many things on my mind I thought of my parents and how old both of them would be this year if they were still alive. My mom was born in 1898 while my father was born in 1875. That is a long time ago by any calendar. I feel blessed to be their 18th and last child born in 1941. Just one set of twin girls born six years before me. I never knew but twelve of us because six died early after birth or was still born. No hospital births, they were all by mid wife at home. I can remember when they were my age(67). I considered that old with many grand kids and great grand kids too. I now have grand kids and great grands too.
    Now I think of Mr Obama with two young kids who just made history becoming the first African American President to live in the White House that was constructed by slaves from Africa including his great,great,great grand father. They showed the construction of the White House on TV. Imagine the story he will tell his kids. He made history becoming the 44th President of the United States. Many of us thought we would never live to see an African American as president of the United States of America.
    Black gospel music throughout African history was sung by the slaves as they constructed the White House along with many other construction projects here in the United States. Before the 1800's the lyrics, tunes and beats of Negro spirituals and gospel songs were highly influenced by the environment in which they worked. African American slaves met in camp meetings and sang without any hymn book. Spontaneous songs were composed on the spot. They were called spiritual songs and christian songs alike. Most of them concern what the bible says and how to live with the spirit of God.
    This bit of history was taught to me by my mom mostly never to be forgotten as long as I live no matter where I am or where I live. My parents saw with their eyes the hanging of slaves that I only read about. They got very little schooling because of constant moving from one place to another including plantations. Religion was really all they had that could be called their own Everything else was shared in one form or another. Thus came "Sharecroppers" and years later migrant farm workers.
    February now is Black history month and with all the history made by Blacks so few people know very little about Black history. With my parents being born in the 1800's and I have lived this long means so much to me although I have had my fare share of life's struggles.
    I write this blog to kindly acknowledge those that don't care to hear or discuss God and religion to understand why I can do so very easily. I respect each member, their likes and dislikes of any subjects being discussed here. I have been here five years and in my physical condition I look and pray to God for comfort and understanding of why me for many more years.
  11. fking
    Well, here it is November 2008, I haven't blogged for a month, it's three in the morning, I'm awake, wife is fast asleep and I thought about 50 years ago, 14 November 1958, I joined the US Army to serve 3 years. I got shipped off from Houston, Texas to Ft Chaffee, Arkansas to get a hair cut, military clothes and boots then off to Ft Stewart, Georgia for basic training at the tender age of 17.
    I will never forget my dear old mother saying "Son if you go to jail stealing gas and spare tire from those 1955 Chevy trucks and the other boy's mother don't get you out of jail, you'll be there for a long time, cause I ain't got no money to get you out." So the next day I joined the Army.
    Needless to say all those guys are dead today. Most of them got killed robbing stores or people. I was the only one had finished school with nothing better to do. Couldn't find a job paying anything because of my age and not being married. Sacking groceries at a neighborhood store was about it in 1958 for about $1.50 an hour.
    So today in looking back I made the right decision. I made it through Army training on to Germany during the Kennedy Crisis and the Berlin Wall. Then later more tours to Germany, got married had two kids. On to Vietnam survived came back to the Presidio of San Francisco. A Few years later back to Germany with a second wife that lasted all of two years. But by that time I had almost 14 years in Germany.
    Finished college in 1979 while in Baumholder, Germany came back (single) and retired with 21 years of service at Ft Benning, Georgia which was fitting since I took basic training in Georgia. I returned home to Houston where my mom and first wife and kids were. Got a job with the Yellow Cab Company as a driver services instructor teaching Defensive Driving to the applicants wanting to be a cab driver.
    The current Yellow Cab Airport Manager died of cancer, I was selected to replace him and held the job for three years while Houston was Boom town with the growth and influx of people from other states. I remember Michigan was doing very badly in the job market at that time along with other states. The city was registering about 100 cars a day, Houston was building and growing by leaps and bounds.
    Anyway, in 1986 that played out, I was down graded from 45,000 a year to 25,000 so I resigned my position which was offered to another person for 18,000. I got married for a third time and moved to Killeen joined the postal services did ten years and retired in 1995. Got divorced in 1996 married again in 1998 for the 4th and final time to a lady in banking, we joined church together, still there, and my life has been great to this day.
    I had my own Bowling Pro Shop business since 1993, moved into a Bowling Center in 2000, bought a home, had my stroke in 2004 and here I sit at my computer looking back at 50 years. Through all the struggles and life changes I'm wiser, have reasonable health, 10 years left to pay off my home, survived a stroke, and look forward to many more years and do what ever I can to encourage others to be a winner and most of all give what few years we have left on earth to God.
    I got more years behind me than in front. So, as the song says,"I've come a long way baby." Peace to all.
  12. fking
    Well, we made the year, and tomorrow is the dawn of yet another year, 2009, hope you all have much success and recovery through out the year. For me it's five big years on the 15th of January 2009. It doesn't seem that long but I guess time slips away when you are having fun.
    Travel is on my mind for 2009, I hope I can put a viable plan into play that I can live with. It all depends on many factors of course like the cost of gas, cash flow, and my physical condition for travel, especially alone. My wife really don't want me to go very far away from home or her I guess.
    My hope is to see some of the other stroke net family members. I traveled a little bit while with Walmart but not the big plans I had intended around the states. So now that I'm not working I'm itching to drive and use my scooter traveling just to see if I can do it myself.
    I hope everyone gets to do the things you wanted to do for some time this year. Especially traveling by car since gas has gone down. We may not get a better chance than this year. The old adage is: Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today. This is a history making year, a new President in office on January 20th, a day many of us thought we would never see in our lifetime.
    I would love to be in Washington, DC but that expected crowd is way beyond my imagination of safety for me on a scooter. I hear the interstate highway will be closed down to make parking space for the thousands of tour buses. I envision a total chaos of people and vehicles. Can you imagine the vehicle accidents, even shootings are expected so it's not a place for the faint hearted like me.
    I'm sure TV coverage from all angles will be available, that's good enough for me. Video will be available on the computers too so I won't miss a thing except the headaches of being there.
    Well, I cleaned out my garage, got rid of "stuff" I had since my stroke and some things since hurricane Katrina when my in laws came to dodge the hurricane in New Orleans in 2005. I put out on the curb some things I no longer use like a couple hemi-walkers, bedside commode, high seat for a commode, a bath bench and several smaller items that was gone before I got it all put out by people passing by my house. So the city pick-up people won't have much to get but I'll be charged anyway for the pick up when it's outside your trash can.
    Oh well it's a new year tomorrow, I can start to thinking about my taxes, will I owe or will I get a refund?
  13. fking
    I don't make new year resolutions, predictions or plans for that matter, but, I'm sitting here at my trusted computer, where I was 5 years ago come 15 January, 2009, thinking how nice and relaxing it would be for me to drive myself and visit other members from stroke net.
    Just the thoughts are relaxing this day with just days left in this year. So, my plans would be to leave Killeen drive into Houston, visit my 85 year old brother, then on to Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Alabama and Florida. All of this will happen while the gas is low and as the weather gets a little better.
    I would like to continue up the east coast, how far it's unknown for now. I know Washington, DC will be over crowded from about January 16th for a week or so. It may be that my trip will end in Florida depending on the weather factor.
    Anyway, I'd like to see as many members along the way as humanly possible just to say "hi and see how you are getting along." Those are big ideas with great rewards to show me I'm not alone in this stroke survivor recovery process.
    Then my next adventure is to fly to Australia again now that so many members are there I really want to see plus the country too. I think it was Sue of OZ who said "look out she was driving again" well, I won't be driving while there, for me, it's on the wrong side of the road. My mind wouldn't accept that change.
    In the meantime I will prepare my body for such a great travel and my pocket book to pay for it all. I thought about that yesterday while I was putting so much stuff at curbside to be picked up by the city collections truck that I could have had a garage sell. Most of it was picked up by people passing by in their cars before I could finish getting it all out.
    Most of them wanted to know if I was leaving Texas, they see it every day here with the military coming and going for many reasons. My neighborhood has many For Sale or Rent signs in the yards because people are in and out so fast with the military movements and families of deceased members moving back home to be near their families.
    Then there are many, many civilian contractors working in Iraq and Afghanistan for the military who bought homes a while back, now their families desire to return to their home states too. And of course their houses just don't sell right away in today's market because the prices now are far below what they paid a few years ago. That would be like giving your house away with the price difference.
    So, I may be contacting some of you living along my planned route about "meeting and visiting members" which I will post in that Forum at that time. That's my interesting thing to do for 2009. I still would not call it a plan or resolution, rather something I want to do, perhaps I'll feel a lots better about myself and be happy doing something I want to do being disabled.
  14. fking
    Well, to all a Merry Christmas, may you enjoy your gifts and your givings to others. I'm just happy I stayed home where it's a bit safer. We had a freeway shooter on the loose in the Dallas area about 120 miles from me that killed a couple people. You will probably see it on the national news stations like CNN headline news.
    I know they never once thought of not being here for Christmas. I stay home out of sight it's safer, I feel. When you go out to celebrate some fool with a gun or a knife wants to show out and cause havoc to the general public. Here we get so many domestic fights between husbands and wives, it's not funny, while they are out in public places, even restaurants.
    Many of them kill or wound themselves to keep from going back to Iraq. Seems like every body in Texas got a gun without permits to carry them.
    Well its time to keep tracking Santa!
  15. fking
    I pray for peace around the world, for members here on Stroke Net where every day there is a new member joining or a new crisis that reminds me life is so short. I convey to you in my Blog to please take a mere moment of your time, too, and lets pray for: Peace of mind for the worried, peace for those suffering domestic violence, peace for those at war, peace for those in mental or physical pain..."That's many of us at this time."
    Also peace for those who have lost a loved one, peace for the suffering, weak or hungry, peace for those battling within and peace in the midst of, no matter how small, the chaos we face in our world.
    Every day there is someone, somewhere that needs our prayers. There is always someone "out there" needing reassurance that "things will get better." And every day, if we each take that one minute to stop and pray, whether collectively, or by ourselves...Our prayers will be answered by God.
    We may not change the world, but we might make a dent in the difference in peace for tomorrow!...All of us have made some bad choices, wrong turns and many sins but here we are still with life our right minds and some strength in our bodies.
    "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth Peace, good will toward men."
  16. fking
    Baby Jesus is at the center of a stir in Washington state. Or rather, his manger and replicas of the Holy Family are at the heart of a controversy. With each Christmas comes this predictable storm: a fight about the public placement of religious symbols and the ensuing argument that the meaning of Christmas is being belittled and downgraded by the nonexistent War on Christianity. Some are even using the term the "extermination of Christmas." Bah humbug, Christmas is not being eliminated, it is just asked to share space.
    Then as sharing goes others wanted equal rights in their beliefs or lack there of about fairness and soon an atheist organization legitimately claimed its space on the public square as well. So, up went the sign by an organization called the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Placed next to the nativity display, it reads: "At this season of winter solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world."
    "Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds." It's a good thing babies don't read. But many other people can. First, let it be said that those who take issue with "Happy Holidays" brand of political correctness do have at least one valid point. It's a "Christmas tree" not a "Holiday tree." Millions of Christians purchase and erect in their living rooms every year a Christmas tree. To call it anything else is a snow job.
    That lends credibility to those who point to some shadowy conspiracy to expunge Christianity from late December. Admittedly, the heavy use of vague umbrella terms winds up offending some who regard it as an effort to equate other beliefs to their own or worse to cast their faith out of the picture. And let's face it, December 25 is the day recognized by most Christians as the birthday of Jesus.
    The shopping frenzy, the "holiday" sales, the red and green decorations...all stem from that fact. Why deny it? To do so just gives people an excuse to work themselves into lather. Some Christians are fine with tolerating other faiths, as long as it is clear that theirs is king of the religious mountain.
    The irony is, if we all just lightened up and let Christmas be Christian, there might be less Christian jingoism and more room for others to celebrate their own faiths and traditions. Religious holidays, after all, ought to be expressions of our human attributes, not our petty differences.
    After all is said and done, it's my belief that I was born black, raised a Southern Baptist, believe in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit which will follow me to my grave. Therefore I have no problem saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Excuse me if you get offended, it's not my intentions.
    I remember so well during the Columbine school shooting years ago, a kid was asked by the shooter if he believed in God and if he did he would be shot. The kid said yes and was shot, he died for God and is now in a better place.
  17. fking
    This is pretty strange how it worked this way. Even if you are not religious, you should read this: It's Bible knowledge used in one of the game shows as questions.
    Q: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible? A: Psalms 117 You probably already know the shortest verse? Jesus Wept.
    Q: What is the longest chapter in the bible? A: Psalms 119 176 verses long.
    Q: Which chapter is in the center of the Bible? A: Psalms 118
    Facts: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118. There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118.
    Add these numbers up you get 1188.
    Q: What is the center verse in the Bible? A: Psalms 118, verse 8.
    Does this verse say something significant about God's perfect will for our lives? The next time someone says they would like to find God's perfect will for their lives and that they want to be in the center of his will, just send them to the center of His Word!
    Psalms 118:8 (NKJV) "It's better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." LOOK at the situation the WORLD is in right now!"
    Now isn't that odd how this worked out... or was God in the center of it? No matter how we want to separate Church and State, believers or non believers, denominations of religions, this world as we know it belongs to God whom made the Heavens and the Earth where Billions of people call it home.
    It's my belief that when things get tough, I try to remember faith doesn't get me around trouble, it gets me through it!
    So, I feel I'll get better but right now I'm having a hard time with body pains everywhere.
    Again, I'm not trying to convert anyone, this is how I was reared up from a child and having a strong mother who believed in God and prayed for me every day. At 67 years of age I got more years behind me than I do in front of me so I have elected to live them serving my God.
    BTW: If you look at my profile you'll see one of my claims is to lead people to God should they have a need to know him in their life.
  18. fking
    It's hard to think Halloween is a week away, Thanksgiving Day a month away and Christmas is still two months away but the retail stores already got Christmas displays up and selling like no tomorrow. At least in the Walmart stores.
    Are we losing our focus on good times we had years ago when many of us survivors and care givers enjoyed Trick or Treating in our costumes, funny faces and collecting buckets of candy in our neighborhoods? I'm looking forward to taking my 4 year old granddaughter this year while my wife stays home to pass out candy and goodies.
    In my neighborhood are some real good displays of graves, ghosts and gobblings including spider webs and witches riding brooms. One has a haunted house set up in their garage for the little ones, should be lots of memories for the kids. We have had our screening by the police department for possible sex offenders living in the neighborhood.
    Anyone not wanting to participate in handing out candy are told to leave their porch light off and don't answer the doorbell. So, I hope every child along with their parent(s) will be careful, respectful and have fun. This is a military town so we are watchful of those with real weapons.
    I hope those of you desiring to "get out" of the house will do so and walk a block or two with your cane or walker, wheelchair or scooter and bring back some memories.
    I find it hard to get in a Christmas mood but the stores are loaded with Christmas items and the economy is not doing great at this time. Our stroke net Halloween screen will be coming soon, right Steve? Have a Happy One everybody!!! :tired: :insane: :kicking: :banned: :medieval: :scooter: Trick or Treat!!
  19. fking
    New Orleans is trying to make a come back since the hurricane and devastation of 2005 which it has come a long way in rebuilding and getting back to being a tourist Mecca. The one thing I've noticed mostly is it's not too handicapped accessible for wheelchairs and scooters. Many of the streets are under repair and the sidewalks are blocked off where there is work being done to store fronts. So there is no way get pass that part of the sidewalk in a wheelchair or scooter, if you are on foot, you can step out into the street and go around that spot. Many of the sidewalks are cobblestone or brick making your ride very bumpy. Cars of tourist are everywhere not watching where they drive so getting hit is very possible if you ride in the streets.
    Many of the entrances to stores and buildings have steps, and all the houses use steps, no ramps available. Then, you really have to watch where you go and only go doing the day so you have police protection. Otherwise people figure you got money and are not afraid to rob you. Shooting occur on a regular basis every time I visit here so I stay mainly in my hotel to be safe.
    If you go to buy souvenirs and stuff in the stores, they are so crowded with displays and people you can't move around inside and the people hanging around outside are waiting for a handout and you could get hurt. The Police Force is not necessarily on your side although they are on bicycles and some walking patrols in the French Quarters and high tourist areas.
    Now places like Harrah's Casino is handicapped friendly, doors, elevators and ramps everywhere. Even their hotels and hotels build lately are places to stay if you are wheelchair bound or scooters. All rooms have wide doors not just the handicapped rooms on the lower floors. I suppose since this city was first laid out and homes and businesses build by the French years ago there was no thought of people with disabilities. Makes me wonder what people did back then that was handicapped?
    Well, we depart here tomorrow, Wednesday, and return home but for any of you that may have plans to visit the city soon it's not ready yet for the handicapped persons to get around by wheelchair or scooters all over the city.
  20. fking
    I guess I'm blogging because I haven't blogged in such a long time and this morning I find myself here in New Orleans again attending the funeral of one of my wife's family members, her sister-in-law. This time it's not hurricane related as it was with her father in 2005, but a little unbelievable since she was only 42 and was in the Tulane university hospital for a hysterectomy.
    Being here on Stroke net we all know suffering and deaths of our loved ones. My main thoughts today in this blog is how I'm doing in my recovery process. It gets so hard at times in what we must endure dealing with our health and state of mind. Some days are good, some better and still some are worse than others. I try not to complain but sometimes I hurt and ache so bad it is unbearable so getting out of town is a good thing for me and my laptop. I must have had a dozen updates to do since I used it last.
    This town will probably never be the same as I once knew it to be but the people who have returned since the hurricane seem to be happy people getting by with almost nothing. I could never live here and most of them I talk to don't want to live any where else. I guess after 22 years in the military I learned to hang my hat just about any place. We moved about every three years from military Post to Post and overseas too.
    I suppose I'll be in Killeen for ever now and not return to my hometown of Houston, Texas. Man, wasn't that something how hurricane Ike turned out the lights? And still out in many places and businesses we saw as we passed on the highway yesterday. Many of my family members and childhood friends are still in Houston.
    I needed to get away for a couple days and rest up. I feel so drained and sore all over as I hurt all over, even my unaffected side hurts. But I guess the bottom line is I'm alive and above ground. That's not saying much since here in New Orleans everybody is buried above ground as the city is 15 feet below sea level.
    Oh, I brought along two 5 gallon cans of gas in case the gas in Houston or anywhere along the way had water mixed in it or the service station had no electricity to pump the gas.
    Well I'm off to get a bite to eat and maybe drop a dollar or two in the machines at the casino. Old habits are very hard to break but I go for the entertainment and food. A little luck wouldn't hurt like my body does if I can put in a dollar and hit for thousands or more. I'll even settle for hundreds today the way I feel.
  21. fking
    I am scheduled to see a home health care provider in the morning for assessment of my case as I think I am approved for 2 or 3 days a week. I think their services cost far less than regular therapy sessions which seem to be in the thousands for a month of visits, about 8 sessions or 2 a week.
    I think they charge that much because of Medicare and your insurance pays without questions. So, I will see what home care charges for their two or three days a week. I think it's only 2 hours each day. Since I need little help with items like cutting toe nails, a little cleaning of the areas I use but can't get on my knees to get it done they may be glad to have me as a patient I hope.
    On the other hand over my 4 plus years I have learned that anything associated with stroke survivor is not cheap. I thought about a walk in tub/shower and the price was thru the roof. It's like they want to remodel your bathroom and charge you for it. I can't even take my own tub out let them install theirs and I finish the job. Oh no they can't do that.
    I found out I can get the same walk in tub/shower from Direct Buy cash and carry to install myself at a fraction of the cost they quoted me. I'll just keep what I got now and make do as I have for almost 5 years.
    If the home care doesn't work out I'll just keep going to the military gym on the base since I drive myself everywhere. The regular therapy people told me I was doing better than the people they were seeing so I should tell my PCP I don't need therapy, OT or PT, isn't that something to tell a patient looking for therapy?
    I would think every person needing home care doesn't have to be totally unable to care for themselves and I hope that is not the rule, but I will know tomorrow. Sometimes you just need someone to work with you even on your exercises and stretching your arm and leg.
    Defeat is not the worst failures. Not to have tried is the true failure in my mind. I feel I still need a little help to get better and better in my walking and doing things for myself. My left arm/hand is getting harder and harder for me to use it.
    :bouncing_off_wall: :happydance:
  22. fking
    :Clap-Hands: Okay, most of you know I use a scooter at work so my line of sight is about butt high at best and many, many, many of our customers come in Walmart with their low cut shorts, skirts and pants where their tattoos show. I can not help but notice which is what I think they want to accomplish while shopping in a cool store.
    Anyway, this summer it appears that the tattoos have gotten a little bigger while some of the customers have gotten a little bolder in their display of them. Can you imagine how tired my eyes are after 8 hours of exposure to the art they display?
    Sometimes I feel like I'm at a nude beach resort when they show up in their two piece swim attire without a wrap. It's not much the police say either when they observe their dress since Walmart is private property and Walmart doesn't have any signs saying no shirt, no shoes, no service posted anywhere or on any entrance door.
    The store is located right in the housing community on the main drag where they can walk from their back yard swimming pools to the store in minutes. Even I only live a couple miles from the store but I drive my car rather than ride my scooter that far taking a chance of getting hit. The temps have been around mid 90's and near 100 degrees every day.
    So, it's going to be a long hot summer filled with shoppers showing their best tattoos. It's a tough job being a People Greeter but somebody has to do it. Then there is the Thong crowd young and old alike with the knit see thru clothes they are not ashamed to show.
    And wouldn't you know I'm in the garden center right next to the swimming pool supplies, BBQ pits and patio furniture. Sometimes I have to ride all the way to the grocery side of the store to exchange items or carry back items they now don't want which was on ice to prevent it from spoiling.
  23. fking
    Well, after being on Short Term Disability since 15 April, my doctors said I could return to work on Monday, the 23rd of this month. After two hospital visits (stays), many MRI's and scans they still aren't sure of what is causing the dizziness, balance loss and severe weakness in legs and arms.
    I feel better so I'll just take it easy one day at a time and see how things turn out. But I'm ready for the return to work since I like my job and I get to meet and see many people every day. Of course the extra income won't hurt either with gas and electric on the rise these days.
    I haven't blogged since the new format been in use so I hope I get it right. I was probably on the last dusty page so it's about time for a new entry.
    I see Tiger Woods will be on Long Term Disability until next year trying to get his knees corrected and rid of pain After winning the U.S. Open and 1.35 million (what a payday?). Now some golf fans want their money back for tickets they bought exprecting him to play the rest of this year.
    I found out today I get a big raise when I get back so I can't complain too much.
  24. fking
    WELL TODAY IS EASTER SUNDAY, so I could write about Meditations from the Mount and the seven reasons Christ suffered and died. However, my pastor really has a great sense of humor and I'm frankly still laughing from one of his many jokes. I might add that I've been up since 5 am to make the Son Rise service at 7 am.
    Anyway, I wanted to share this with you members and guess to make you smile while you help the kids eat those Easter eggs you stayed up late preparing last night.
    This is entitled "Everything in Heaven is Free" and he probably got it in his email.
    An 85-year old couple, after being married for almost 60 years, died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last ten years, mainly due to her interest in health food and exercising.
    When they reached the Pearly Gates, St. Peter took them to their mansion, which was decked out with a beautiful kitchen, master bath suite and a jacuzzi. As they looked around, the old man asked St. Peter how much all of this was going to cost.
    "It's free," St. Peter replied, "this is heaven."
    Next, they went out in the back yard to survey the championship styled golf course next to where the house was located. They would have golfing privileges every day and each week, the course changed to a new one representing the great golf courses on earth.
    The old man asked, "What are the green fees?"
    St. Peter replied, "this is heaven, you play for free,"
    Next they went to the club house and saw a lavish buffet lunch with the cuisine of the World laid out.
    "How much to eat?" asked the old man.
    "Don't you understand yet? This is heaven, it is free!" St. Peter replied with some exasperation. "Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol tables?" the old man asked timidly.
    St. Peter lectured, "That's the best part - you can eat as much as you like of whatever you like and you never get fat and you never get sick. This is heaven."
    With that the old man went into a fit of anger, throwing down his hat and stomping on it, and screaming wildly.
    St. Peter and his wife both tried to calm him down, asking him what was wrong. The old man looked at his wife and said, "This is all your fault!
    If it weren't for your blasted bran muffins and health food, I could have been here ten years ago!" :Doh: :Starvin:
  25. fking
    Man today starts a week of special days and the week before Easter this leap year. So I hope everyone will celebrate in their own way and enjoy any time off if you're like me working 40 hours a week.
    Last year we had snow on Easter day, a couple days ago we had 90 degree weather so we never know here in central Texas what the next day wil bring weather wise.
    Tomorrow we can wear our green I suppose and drink a little Irish beer and tell a few jokes. Then Good Friday and the kids being out of school should be very interesting. All our sunday school kids are busy learning their Easter speeches to perform next Sunday morning.
    I hope I can wake up in time for early (Son-rise) service since I get off at 10pm Saturday night. Then comes Easter Monday in Canada followered by All Fools day the following monday April 1st, so watch out for April fool jokes you all.
    Hope your favorite basketball teams make it to the final four during this march madness. Man wasn't that something about the tornado hitting Atlanta in the early part of the night? Even the arena where the basketball was being played. Then the crane that fell apart in Manhatten, NY?
    I still feel it's best to live one day at a time the way the world is going these days. I still say God is in charge!