
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    Well it's back to the eye doctor in two week to get the lens checked that they put in my eyes for me to see much better without wearing eye glasses any more and so far it has worked.... I got my own concerns on how they take them out and put the same ones back in again??
    To me it seems like I don't see as clear now as I did when they first put the lens in about two years ago.... It could be that my vision has gotten a bit harder to see in the last few years... What ever the case or cause that I don't see as well now I hope they find the cause and it can be corrected.... I still use my reading glasses for news papers and sometimes while using this computer....
    First it seemed like the ink in my computer just wasn't dark enough for me to read my own typing but I put in new ink cartage's and it stayed the same dim view as with the old cartage I took out... The writing was a bit lighter than I thought it should have been....
    So perhaps I will discover the reason my vision seems a bit dimmer now than when they first installed the lens in my eyes that long ago....
    Oh, since I was so close to the VA I had my scooter lift replaced too and this new one is better than the older one that lasted 12 years so now I can operate it myself but when my wife is along with me she likes to get my scooter in and out for me since I can only use one hand and you really need two hands getting the seat on and off..... :roflmao: More in the next Blog....
  2. fking
    Well my doctor said I didn't need to have any more done everything looks good not even in 2023 which is what he first said to I guess my body has no more polyps or what ever they are called so that's good news for now I was glad to hear that news.... I took my other ones I had done at another hospital a few years back plus what they had on file at the VA so hopefully my body is cleared.....
    My wife was all smiles so I suppose I will be living with her a little while longer if nothing else pops up but your health is one thing you never know what or when something will show up that has to be addressed.... I just pray for the best results possible each year..... I know one day we all have to depart this life we live with our loved ones, kids, and grand kids too....
    I just want to get where I can walk better and do more for myself like I was when the stroke first happened nearly 12 years ago now.... I pray that day and time comes around again.... I really would like to dance with my wife again at one of her office parties at Christmas time since she wants to work until she is 65 or even 70 to retire with more income.... Who knows what she will do not even her at this time..... :Doh:
  3. fking
    Well it's not new news but I got to go to the VA for tomorrow and the next few days to get things done to my scooter lift in my vehicle which is install a new lift since this one is twelve years old and very used over that time.... Then to see my VA doctors and a bit more stuff has to get done on this trip....
    The 25th of this month is my eye appointment and then I'm good for another year except for the Dental appointments later this year and at that time I sorta start all over again but at least they take pretty good care of us Veterans for the most part I have to admit.... It is a 30 mile drive one way so I have to make sure I schedule everything so I don't have to double right back there in a few days using more gas than needed....
    I speak of it this early so I don't forget the days and try to insure I got the days and times down pat since my wife always want to go there with me using one of her sick days I guess.....
    Well we got the taxes done and got one more payment due IRS soon and that will be another bill paid in full since we never get a refund in the last few years.... We own our home now no more mortgage payments and very little property tax here in Texas..... That's why I still drive a 2003 Ford Explorer which is still in great shape with over 204,000 miles on it and runs great so I plan on having it for a few more years and no payments....
    Then at my age I don't want nor need a new vehicle long as this one will get me where I need to go and I just put new tires on it which should last for a lot more years to come.... I can't complain about the service it has given me over all these years.....
    So I'm just blogging again to stay current sorta, and life is good.... I'm still at home with the dog and her little 8 month old puppy we kept so I got company all day until the grand kid gets home about 330 or 4pm from school then she is off to vollyball practice or Piano practice..... So I'm on the go much of the day and week doing something for somebody.... Never a dull day for me it seems.... Well that's life with all the rain we have gotten in my area as of late....
    Our next trip will be off to the casino I hope or maybe to New Orleans so my wife can visit her family since they usually come visit us at Christmas time...
    So hope everybody is OK and doing good enjoying the fall of the year because we all know Winter is not too far away now.... See you all later!!!!! Keep on kicking life is good.... :roflmao:
  4. fking
    I'm dealing with a lot on my plate and have been for some time now but healing my body is my main goal so I can attend church again and many more things I just haven't been quite able to accomplish on my own.... My wife is such a wonderful caregiver and holding down a full time job too at the bank.....
    She quit her job for two years when I first had the stroke and I got better and went to work for three years at Walmart as a greeter using my scooter as all life was good for both of us.... It wasn't until we went to Vegas and I had falls on the shuttle bus that I went down again but lately I'm doing better in many ways and I got in home care now until I can recover just a bit more in my abilities to walk better and can stand up from a regular seat...
    I'm not complaining and recovery takes plenty of time so I thank God I'm alive and healing as best I can..... So more healing and I believe I can start to attend church again with my wife as we used to do every Sunday.... She sings in the choir and also on the Praise Dance team and I haven been there in months of Sundays and I'm really ready to attend church again........ God willing this will all happen for me and my wife....
    I think my in home care is near the end by now anyway so I just want to get better with walking and not falling.... One day I hope to be whole again by the Grace of God!!!!!! A stroke is no joke and healing takes it's own sweet time!!!!!!! I have been at healing for nearly 12 years and I'm not giving up now I've come too far on Hope and Prayers to God above..... :roflmao:
  5. fking
    We all live day by day and we never know if a stroke will come along or not or perhaps we have already survived a stroke or two.... We never know one day to the next if we will even be here the following day because life is fragile as we all exist as best we can with what we are having to deal with..... I have always said a stroke is no joke and can take you out in a few seconds while it takes a lifetime to get better.....
    I sure didn't think my stroke would have kept me down this long little did I know it would last a lifetime and I'm still getting treatments daily trying to learn to walk again.... The one thing is I lost my left side I'm totally paralyzed on my left side which I'm told now by many doctors that it would not come back so I'm learning daily to live with it or without it I should say.... So being one handed when you had two all your life does make a big, big difference in how you do things for yourself....
    It doesn't even seem like I been a member on here since 2005 but it has been that long but I have learned so much being here among many people from around the world just like me..... We still have new members joining almost every day and they learn so much about strokes by just being members here as I did....
    My hat is off to Steve Mallory in creating a wonderful site where many others can learn about strokes and how they affect the body and the brain..... I even had a time where I volunteered my time and services to this site which I enjoyed so much while I learned more and more about strokes and how they affect the human body in so many ways....
    I'm from such a large family and the only one to ever have suffered a stroke until it was a shock to me but I have learned to live whit it finally.... I had a good job operating a bowling pro shop inside a bowling center making real good money for my family but one day that all came to an end and six months later I had to sell out.... I sure could not operate machines with one hand or leg drilling bowling balls to sell to my customers nor could I actually bowl in leagues any more....
    I'm a very thankful survivor for what I learned working for myself running my very own business and making a good living doing so....
  6. fking
    Well to all my members I just want to tell you first that my body is very tired, my walking is next to very slow, my left side is still very paralyzed and unusable so for the most part I'm one handed making life for me very confusing not being able to do many things for myself.......
    I'm not giving up I'm giving out strength wise with a treadmill test in the morning by my heart doctor to see if he can make a determination of just where I am in life..... You know being like this is very hard on my wife too cause she worries I will eventually give up but that is not me, I will go long as God keeps me in my right mind or physically better after a while....
    Living after any stroke takes determination to physically survive especially when you turn 74 years of age which I have done and 75 come July in a couple more months..... We never know when God is ready for any of us or will call us home to be with Him......
    Even my scooter lift is giving out and the VA is getting me a new one in a few weeks since this one is 12 years old and I just don't want an outside scooter carrier and it get stolen if I forget to take it inside when I park my SUV especially in New Orleans when we go visit my wife's people there..... It takes a bit longer for the inside lift to be ordered and delivered to the installer at the VA..... I can wait....
    So I suppose my body and the scooter lift got tired about the same time or just worn out plus my vehicle now has over 2004 thousand miles being a 2003 model Ford Explorer..... So it has been up and down the highway, out to Las Vegas and about everywhere I been since the stroke.... I can't count the trips from Texas to New Orleans over the last 10 years....
    So I can understand why my body is near the end of going and going, I'm very tired physically and mentally too.... But my hard part is being one handed and no help from my left hand or side.... So this blog is not a pity party just explaining the facts of what my body is going through at this time.....
    On top of everything we still got to get our taxes done by Friday and we have misplaced the folder from last year when we put down the new carpet a couple months ago..... I think we are both older and a bit tired now.... Well I am aware that I won't be here forever and neither will my wife so we will put her daughter on the will to take over the homestead for her and her daughter, our grandchild...... They will need a place to live when we are gone to be with the Lord......
    In a way it doesn't seem like I been a stroke survivor for 12 years but I have and even worked at Walmart on my scooter as a greeter for three years before I quit after I got my disability status from the VA.....
    Well my friends I ask for your prayers for me and my lovely wife that we have a bit more strength for this journey......
  7. fking
    Can you believe the opening day of Baseball on the east coast there was snow and ice on the playing field??? I don't believe all the team played because of the weather but I suppose there will be make up games when the weather is much better for baseball games....
    I wonder what will happen about the tickets many people bought with many of them being Season ticket holders??? The weather is definitely a big factor from what I can see....
    OK baseball fans get out your winter attire to sit in the stands and watch a game!!!!! No sunshine for sure in many places...... I think our own Lenny in Canada didn't get to go out to the ball game either...... A lot of this current weather came down from Canada.......
  8. fking
    This day has been around longer than me known as April Fools Day, so why and or how it started I Do Not Know but if any of you know I hope you post a comment and tell me..... I always wanted to know why it's called April Fools Day??????
    Even my mother couldn't tell me when I was a kid and here I am now 74 years young and still don't know so if any of you know please tell me I would like to know before I'm gone to be with the Lord.......
  9. fking
    Happy Easter to each of you today so have fun with the kiddos hiding eggs and finding them just don't eat too many.... I'm home instead of church so missing all the action but watched my wife fix many baskets for the kiddos at church with goodies they all will enjoy..... :dunno:
  10. fking
    I got the only tree in my front yard that is brown and looks dead, no leaves at all, while other trees both sides of my street are green with leaves and it's been standing there since we bought the house back in 2000 as the builders planted a tree in each yard for the new home owners to have shade in their yards....
    Spring has arrived the grass is green front back and each side of my house but that tree looks very dead now.... I even watered it and still no leaves are green yet so today I will get on my scooter and put fertilizer on it from Home Depot today maybe that will bring it back to look alive again.... All my neighbors trees on both sides of our street are green with leaves except mine......
    Then I remember now my yard man died in October so I guess now I have to get someone to bring it back to life if that is even possible..... I love to go outside with the two dogs and sit in the shade of our tree to let them be outside for a little while..... I sold my mower years ago when I had the stroke and he took care of my grass and tree from then until he passed....
    Now that I think about it, it seems so unreal for that tree to be dead but if it comes to it after consulting a groomer I will cut it down and plant another tree near the same spot... I don't guess that tree suffered a stroke?? :Doh:
  11. fking
    Well all you weather buffs, Spring arrives tomorrow, driving a convertible with the top down here in Texas and I sure will be sitting outside at some point in the day instead of staying inside like I have been trying to stay warm......
    Now I can hook my TV back up in the garage raise the door and enjoy the weather instead of being stuck in the house running up the electric bill to stay warm as it was real cool here in central Texas....
    There was snow in Forth Worth near Dallas and very large hail and that's not very far from me in central Texas.... We got rain but no snow thank God.....
    Other than that I'm still recovering from the stroke for nearly 12 years presently but my walking don't seem to be making any headway.... Of course when half your body is paralyzed it's hard to tell what's going on totally when you got no feelings on one side.....
    I have to be so careful not to fall knowing I can't get up myself but my grand daughter is on Spring break so she makes sure when walking I'm OK.....
  12. fking
    Today is the 13th Of March and I pray the rain has ended and people can get back to normal lives instead of losing their homes, farms, livestock and their belongings to the heavy flooding in their areas where they live........ God answers our prayers and I tell all of you I been a praying sole for me and many other folks like me....
    Now I guess we the people can start to see how the people running for President in the US are fairing in their bid to become the next President of the USA.... I can say I voted after sitting on my scooter in the line to cast my vote for what seemed like forever then they ran out of ballots and brought in the wrong ones for my precent after more waiting in long lines....
    That's about all I can say about voting this year, just trying to do my civic duty to cast my vote being a retired veteran having served my country in a combat role in the Army and being wounded and disabled in Vietnam many years ago.......
  13. fking
    Central Texas has surely gotten lots of rain lately and I just hope the hurricanes, tornadoes and storms hold off and stay away so my prayers has been said to that end and our house will still be standing in the rain.... This is the first ever home I paid off and want to hold on to it for many more years to come...
    I tell you after surviving a stroke knowing my working days are over and my lovely wife is about ready to start thinking retirement the last thing we both need is having to worry about another home to pay for over time.... The weather we can do nothing about except pray as our money making days about over for both of us now....
    Living on retirements are no advantage as taxes keep going up every year and we just had the house re-carpeted in the bedrooms and wood flooring put down in other areas along with title in bathrooms, kitchen and entry ways.... We do get a big brake on paying property taxes in Texas being retired military so that is great.....
    My stroke keeps me from working again anytime soon so we must hold on to our pennies for the grand kids to get a start in college when they are ready to go and I bet they will be wanting to buy a car later on with no jobs of their own..... So we will just have to wait and see what goes or comes around when that time comes our way....
    Perhaps with a bit of luck I can hit a lottery that will pay off but I'm not betting on it...... Who knows it could happen any time you never know when..... But that would be nice not to worry about the little ones attending college... I can just imagine the cost of college years from now.....
    Well I'm not complaining just a thought that one day that time will be here before we know it..... Of course we never know whom will be President by that time either as we look at how this Presidential race has gone so far.... Nothing is certain these days and years and we all know wars come and go as they have for many, many years....
  14. fking
    Well I can say life is still moving along I'm just going pretty slow these days dealing with trying to walk better and a bit faster or maybe I should say walk at a regular pace but that's a ways off for now.... Anyway life is great so no complaints from me.... to me summer time is here according to the weather we are having and it feels good to get outside with my little dog and her puppy and watch them play safely in the back yard...
    They both love to ride on the scooter but want to go in different directions with the lease on and using the lease is a must until they know to stay on the scooter.... If they are on the sidewalk instead of the back yard ly have to shorten the leases real good because one will want to get to the other side of the street....
    We sold the five other puppies and that worked out real good because I could never have cared for six of them at their sizes now or have them all in the insurance to keep them up on shots and doctor visits.... They both are company for me and my grand daughter when she is not at school or playing basketball on a team after school twice a week.... So there is never a dull moment for me even when the lady comes in the mornings to see after me and exercising....
    When I'm on the bicycle exercising they sit in the window and look out but want to ride the scooter with me when the lady leaves for the day... Otherwise they both are right by my side all day long unless they are napping.... This next week school is out I think for Easter break I think so I have to see what goes with them and my grand daughter being here with them....
  15. fking
    Well Folks another month has passed in my come back healing process which as many of you already know takes a very long time... So for my body it has been eleven years as I am walking slowly no falls lately, riding my scooter inside and out plus I am still driving my SUV hauling my scooter everywhere I go to use when I get out the vehicle....
    I am still accepting the things I can't do while trying to improve on things that has been hard for me to accomplish....Life is good while I hold on to God's hand waiting for Him to heal my body and direct my path to recovery.... Nothing comes easy to me and I am so proud of my wife for working a full time job and still have time to give care to me at home as my caregiver all this time.....
    Many areas in the US was hit with bad weather and homes and lives lost so I pray for those people that the Good Lord will take care of them all just as He has done for me all this time.... One day I pray all will be well with me in my healing process from the stroke I suffered and survived.... :roflmao: Before to long Summer will be here and perhaps I can start to get outside more every day and start back going to church which I miss going each Sunday lately....
    By the way I am into 18 years of this marriage, my fourth and last, that I wouldn't trade for any others I have had.... I feel so blessed being married to my wife this time around and her still able to hold down a full time job bringing home a good pay check for her time on the job..... God is Good all the time.... Now I am thinking about getting out and trying to meet other members in my state of Texas to start with and go on from there to meet other members of Stroke Net soon as I am fully able....
    I have just about got my daughter on her on but her money hasn't started back yet for her SSI from Social Security and we will be glad when that day come around..... So until next time I will continue to heal my body and return to church services each Sunday..... All of you take care and take one day at a time...... I love all of you and pray for you daily....
  16. fking
    It appears to me sometimes that time continues to go by as we recover a bit more from the stroke or strokes in some cases.... It's just when you get many years in waiting to get better from the stroke and you realize you are still in a paralyzed state on one side and limited in what you can do or get done on your own that you know things are just about the same as it was years ago when the stroke first came into your life....
    The difference is now you know there is life after stroke and you are living it at a much slower pace than when you first started out after the stroke.... Either way you now know you are a survivor and can be happy living life day by day year after year as you grow older and wiser in life.... In my case there isn't much I can't do on my own it just takes more time using one hand and your teeth on some occasions to get things open....
    Life goes on day after day, week after week and of course year after year until we just don't think of it very much in terms of what we physically can not accomplish.... I have never been sad or discouraged in what happened to me in terms of having a stroke and I still look back on operating my own business inside a bowling center as I could have been robbed one night upon leaving the building and even killed the way businesses are being robbed these days.....
    I always say God knows best so what happened to me with having a stroke may have saved my life many times over like I said I'm a survivor for sure.... Strokes happen about like wrecks on the highways these days and you never know if you will be involved in one no matter the weather conditions..... Life is good and no one knows what's in store for any of us these days as we can only live one day at a time....
    Happy times to all of you here at Strokenet and may the Lord bless and keep you always..... :roflmao: I'm kicking just not very high at my age... More next time....
  17. fking
    Another holiday for many people and there are many ready to go back to work.... Well for me I plan on watching the All Star Basketball game and eat good in a couple hours then sleep late for presidents day.....
    None of the lottery tickets my wife gave me were winners... :pullhair:
    Be safe everybody.....
  18. fking
    I just want to wish all of you a Happy Valentines Day on Sunday as I'm sure you all will be there for your Sweethearts as will I..... Flowers will be the orders of the day in many cases and clothes in many others for sure....
    Then there are the rich and famous that may get their Sweetheart a new vehicle for Valentines Day...... I just hope to be alive and well and can tell my wife I love her dearly and thanks so much for sticking here with me through all the health issues I have had over the many years we been together....... I know I'm truly loved by her and she tells me daily.....
    So just want to say Happy Valentines Day to all the Ladies on site.......
  19. fking
    February is filled with interesting holidays and other interesting events happening this week and all month long for that matter.... Starting with National Freedom Day last week and Groundhog Day there are about eleven days something is going on in the month of February 2016.... The 50th Superbowl was held on yesterday and the Denver Broncos was the winners....
    Chinese New Year is today February 8th, Mardi Gras tomorrow and Ash Wednesday tomorrow the 10th then Lincoln's Birthday on Friday followed by Valentine's Day on Sunday the 14th and President's day on the 15th Wednesday.....
    So, a busy month for many of folks and I'll stay home to be safe while my wife goes to the casino.... My traveling is not that good anymore with my walking in disarray..... I'll stay home with the two dogs and probably take them to the vet to get cleaned up a bit.....The little puppy we kept was 5 months old yesterday and very active along with her mom, Princess who is now four years old on January first...
    I think this year is about to settle down and many people are paying their bills they made over the holidays.... I didn't do any shopping...
    Here is hoping all of you are doing pretty good and those of us still healing from a stroke are recovering just the same.... The weather here in Texas is much better than all the snow in other states and the cold weather..... About the only thing still going on is the people running for President.... Oh well that is about it for now.....
  20. fking
    i would be willing to say and bet many of our sports fans and members here can't remember watching 49 Superbowl games over the last 49 years of their lives before their stroke over such a long period of time???? Of course 49 years ago I was just 25 years old myself....
    I do remember many of them but not everyone of them however the one that I do remember so well is the game between the Dallas Cowboys and I think the Steelers because the weather was 19 degrees I think it was and that was the coldest game ever played before the stadiums came in to play..... These days many of the teams play in stadiums that are covered....
    Anyway sports fans I do hope you get to see Superbowl number 50 this Sunday on CBS and enjoy all the commercials, especially the Clydesdale horses commercials as they have presented over many of the last few super bowls that I recall....
    I just hope the game is a thriller and we all enjoy watching without the expense of a ticket being in the stadium.....
    I think the Panthers will WIN.... I don't know the score.... Make your choices below....
  21. fking
    Stroke Survival is a very hard mission to handle alone or in a group because so many things can bring you down and not much to lift you up.... The human brain can only process so much and remember it was affected by the stroke too..... So I think time has to pass and healing has to happen over time to process our healing process with what we got left in our bodies and brain....
    Therefore we can't just sit down and say O'well, we must stay active and do all we can for our bodies to heal over time, a very long time too.... I'm coming up on 12 years as a stroke survivor and I'm now realizing my body will never be the same as before the stroke so I got time to learn a few more things about stroke survival, in the long run......
    I have to keep realizing I'm alive and I got some movement in my body, sure, not what I once had but moving just the same to some degree.... On the other hand 12 years after the stroke I'm 12 years older at 74 now so that in it self means my system and my body has aged...... Just to think I spent 22 years in the Army by joining right after high school in the summer of 1958 at 17 years old...
    I retired in 1979 at 38 years of age unless I got my math wrong so aging has taken a small toll on my active life as it does for everybody.... As I previously stated in a prior blog I got married in 1960 for my first time to my high school sweetheart whom passed in 1998, we had two kids together, a girl and a boy....
    Now I'm in my fourth marriage for the last 17 happy years of my life.... So the stroke was definitely a surprise to me and to her as well...... We will be together for the remainder of our lives until death do us part.... Now then we are trying to keep moving forward in our lives not knowing what the future holds for each of us but knowing our final resting places are paid in full at the National cemetery here at Killeen, Texas and Fort Hood military Post.....
    Her son and daughter will see that we go to our final resting places.... He serves as our Pastor's aide in our church as we all have been faithful members for a very long time now.... That's all for this Blog blessings to all of you......
  22. fking
    Well, I got her a place to live which is pretty nice and now the next step is getting her social security SSI started back without too much more delays on social security's part..... She has been drawing ssi since she was a very young child about 10 years old.... They are telling her to call them back in 3 to 6 weeks so in that case I will have to pay for the apartment several months before they give her any money....
    I still got to try and get her cable service from time warner since she screwerd that up too by not paying her bill.... That's what happens when you are on drugs and commit a felony as she did and have to serve 5 years in the big house... Now she is 51 years old and nothing to show for it...
    Her mom, my first wife passed in 1998 and her brother, my son and second child won't have anything to say to her but that is alright she is still his sister and my child.... He doesn't even talk to me and that is OK too with me but one day he will need me again in some way that is how life goes around.....
    I will go to Walmart tomorrow and try to find a small TV for her then she can have something to look at for company.... I got her furniture in her apartment that she left when they put her in jail... So she has cost me dearly but she is still my child right or wrong which she was all the way.....
    My prayers are she stays believing in God and going in the right directions....I already said to her "You mess up you are on your own." I guess your kids can cost you plenty money when they head down the wrong road in life..... I told her this is my last time getting her straighten out.....
  23. fking
    This year is moving on with one week left in January so I hope many of you are getting better and by December this year we all will be lots better in health and strength I pray..... Just never give up or give in it takes time.... We all agree on that fact...
    Well I got my daughter in an apartment finally on ground floor now I pray Social Security will get her SSI check started soon My wife and I have spent some money trying to get her settled into life again but she is still my child at 51 years of age.... Her only child, a son, is still in Japan with his family and they have two girls while just losing a little boy at birth first of this month....
    He got out the Army last year over there and they are living with his wife's parents while he goes to college on the money he got for getting out the Army..... I guess he will remain over there for some time to come...... He sent some funds back here to help me get his mom (my daughter) settled in an apartment.....
    I remember when he was growing up living with his grandma when he was 5 or 6 years old, he would ask her, grandma, why don't my mamma come home, I love her..... I was still on duty assignments in Germany at that time with the pistol team..... In fact I was in Iran shooting the NATO matches..... So I pray she will straighten herself out and not get into anymore troubles with the Law at almost 52 years old....
    Well my wife just left for church services and I'm still not able to walk good enough to go with her or get up from the church pews where I sit down.... Well that is all for this blog but I wish all of you reading this to have a blessed day.....
    Don't forget the two big football games today later this evening I will be watching for sure.....