
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Hey Jay, it may be time to think bigger and increase your out put and start making enough to sell and perhaps shipping them out to customers every where..... Maybe a couple neighbors would help and the money start to roll in then you could retire happy with money in the bank..... Just a thought.....


    That would be great presents for lots of people at Christmas time.....

  2. There is always room for benefits coming to us the way I see life as a stroke survivor..... Think about it the way we lose our jobs after surviving a stroke or not being able to work anymore so when social security kicks in we got to take it every time....


    I took mine at 62 in 2004 same year of my stroke and that was the right time since I had to sell my business and close up shop.... I couldn't run a bowling pro shop with one hand standing on one leg and trying to operate a ball drilling machine for bowling balls too.....


    So Jay I know you feel good right about now getting your social security check...... I sure did!!!!

  3. My wife had that rapid heart beat and she went to the doctor they fixed her up with meds and she was alright for days but I was scared to death..... I know for sure I can not lose her.... She had other problems too but it was all under control with the doctor looking after her.......


    Well I'm glad you are OK......

  4. Yvonne,


    Good to hear from you and a Merry Christmas to you and family.... We should have a mild Christmas not too cold but we never really know for sure.... I;m blessed too not much suffering with pain or anything else for that matter....


    All my family members mom, dad, sisters all passed from hard working early in their lives so I might make it a few years more by having this stroke and the only one in my family to suffer a stroke..... Hope you are doing great in the warm weather in Florida....


    Take care and peace for the holidays.....


    Fred King and family....

  5. Asha,


    You are so right when you are not in any kind of pain life is great..... For me now the daily and at night too pains are for real..... I am now 75 and at that age pains are with you daily and the effects of the stroke are still with you daily..... So I just pray and look to seeing another day..... My biggest thing is my left side is paralyzed..... So to me I just got one side I can use good....... The effects of the stroke I suffered is still with me this long afterwards....


    I am glad I can drive my car and got a scooter to use in my condition..... That way I can take the two little dogs around the block walking them when the weather is nice.... They still will not poop in anyone's yard when we are outside....  Then they will go to the mailbox across the street with me and not let anyone close to me..... They love to go out in the back yard so I stand in the back door to let them play and run around for a little while until they get tired....


    They are all the company I got all day until my grand daughter get home from school everyday..... So life is good wife working all day and grand daughter in school until I go pick her up at the bus stop at her old school.....  Now her mom drops her off in the mornings and she rides the bus to the next town to school since she is now in the 7th grade and 12 years old already.....


    I have lots of free time all day but the lady comes in at 9am for one hour to care for me not that she does a lot..... So the stroke is the only thing that keeps me home when I got no appointments at the VA..... I just wish I could walk better but Oh well I got the scooter and I drive anywhere I need to go..... So I'm retired military with 22 years service in the Army Personnel Department I can't complain.....


    I'm still able to do things around the house or call someone that does that kind of work and they show up pretty quick...... So life is still worth living every day to me..... I can't complain at all.... The stroke could have taken me out 13 years ago..... I don't suppose I will live to be 100 years old????

  6. Ruth, I didn't know you had retired, I missed that someplace along the way so tell William I still think about you all there in Houston and perhaps one day/week you two can get this way and come to Fort Hood, Texas and Killeen where I am now.... Will be glad you can make it this way from Houston now that you are retired....... My cell number is 254-702-6445 call me any time.....

  7. Sue, I'm so glad you are still living your life as you desire with people and friends alike around you many days of the week.... So you are in a good location to not be isolated from the public.....

    i hope you continue to enjoy life where you are and can mingle with the people there and friends you will get to know as time goes by..... That way you will not be too lonely feeling...... Then you always got your kids not to far away....

  8. Well in my opinion any person that has gone through the things in life that I have you know then that life is a struggle and when we get pass that stage it's time to look back over our lives and give Thanks to God for keeping us alive this long..... Its time like these where we take time to look back over our lives and see the good, the bad, the not so bad, and the ugly.....


    It's quiet time only we know how that feels and we are very glad to still be alive and can still function on our own..... The aches, the pains, are just a small part in our survival once we become incapacitated somewhat...... So I'm enjoying quiet time sitting at the kitchen table just thinking how blessed I am to have come this far after what has happened in my life....


    I'm so glad I found this site years ago and all you wonderful people just light up my life and feelings being disabled.... At one time I thought I would be a homeless veteran sleeping under a bridge then along came my wife I never knew I would meet..... By the grace of God we have paid our home off after my stroke and look forward to many more years together...... Fred King!!!