
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    I'm reading more and understanding less in some cases. Trying to tie my current life in with what I've been taught all my life and certainly what I believe.
    In her book of "Useless Information," Barbara Courtland tells us that when the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in Paris in 1911, and was missing for two years, more people went to stare at the blank space in the museum than had gone to look at the masterpiece in the 12 previous years.
    Kind of like saying, "we don't miss our water until the well runs dry." Far from being "useless," this intriguing bit of information tells me something important about how I view my life. It points to an all too human error in failing to appreciate precious things while we have them.
    Let them be taken away from us suddenly and we become painfully aware of the "blank spaces" in our lives and our attention is sharply focused on that "blank space" of what's been lost and now missing. The walls of our minds hold many pictures, but to often we are unmindful of them, taking them for granted that they will always be there.
    Take marriages, love, health, and material things like houses, cars, jobs, and money we too often take them for granted. I feel they are countless of love from God, just as our lives and time here on earth. We have learned to accept the fact that one day it will all end here on earth and surprisingly, we acknowledge that fact by our belief in God almighty.
    The more we receive any blessings, the less likely we are to even be aware God has granted them to us. We have used the "brain" given to us at birth to invent so many wonders of the earth until we feel God is no longer needed in our lives.
    We are trucking along the highway to greater things in life at 70mph, "Boom" a stroke, our world comes to a sudden stop. But wait, we survive and now feel "useless" by all accounts and standards we have become acustom to having. Has our Mona Lisa been stolen? Do we now stare at the blank wall in the museum (our lives)?
    The true answer is "No," pick up the pieces, be thankful of what we have left, keep our profound faith that a promise from God is forever. I grew up being told by my mother to "trust in God," he loves us so, he gave his only begotten son. You know the rest of the passage.
    We got to believe in something or we will fall for anything. One thing I know for sure, everybody on earth won't be wealthy, own homes, fine cars, speak the same tongue or believe in God. There will always be differences of opinions and taste in life creating wars not peace.
    That knowledge brings me to "The blank space." Everybody has it, it's called "doubt." "Doubt" has to be converted to trust. Once we learn to trust in the powers to be, it's not man, our lives start to rejuvinate and our pains and griefs become less and less day by day.
    Two years have gone by, our blank wall is filled again with a beautiful painting to behold, so I'm at peace with what I have left. I count it as another blessing of God's promise as revealed in the Holy Bible.
    This my friends is a portion of the entry I had planned for the February short stories/writings Lin was to publish. I didn't meet the cutoff date, 31 Dec 07, so I feel better now that I published part of it in my blog.
    BTW, this is not meant to convert any one in their beliefs. I was reared up saying "thank you", "no or yes ma'am or sir", and still do it these days to everybody I have a conversation with. Good habits are even harder to break! :scooter:
  2. fking
    Well, all you members know I don't do very many blogs, so, it's time again. This Christmas, I'm happy to hear so many people saying "Merry Christmas" and "happy new year", even from the TV stations. I suppose all is not lost to holiday greetings, like last year.
    We shall overcome, and one day, regardless of skin color, the tongue we speak, black or white, Jew or Gentile, the country we live in, we will be as ONE. Human Beings, born of woman, created by God.
    I was born in 1941, so I've seen a many Christmas come and go. Some, we were so poor, beans and rice was ALL we got that day, not even a tree, much less anything to put under it. Saying merry christmas is a way of life for me right along with believing in God as our (sole), soul provider. While it's now a holiday to many with a holiday tree, for me, it's still Christmas and I thank my God for keeping me here for all the ones I've seen.
    Looking back at how far I've come, I'm so thankful for what little I have, remembering those years I had a lot less. I've suffered a stroke, yet survived. I'm thankful as I continue to pray for the troops in harms way and those who gave their lives today (Christmas Day) and yesterday, Christmas Eve in Iraq while their families await their return a year from now.
    Instead, they will funeralize their love ones here next week, I will try to attend as usual.
    Wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year and happy holidays, happy Hanukkah, Kwanza, and I can't speak spanish, but Felice Navidid, I think?
  3. fking
    We all are looking forward to a happy new year. One that is better from a survivor's standpoint of getting better in our recovery process. In a lifetime, there is so much we encounter in our day to day lives where a happy new year just may be the lift we need to endure many more years. In my case I hope this year will be a happy one.
    Since my stroke January 15th, 2004, I've lived every year in hopes of getting better day by day. For the most part, it hasn't been all bad, but a happy year is my wish where I can smile everyday and enjoy being alive. Communicating with all of you on this website has done great wonders and it keeps me from isolation with many interesting topics being discussed everyday. I read where so many of you are thankful you found this site and really enjoy being a member here.
    Going places with our kids and grand kids, getting "out" the house/nursing homes, etc, will be the start of a happy new year for many of us.
    With that said, "Happy New Year one and all!"
    ps., I like the spell check on this skin, I just noticed it said 2 words found to be corrected, that's great!
  4. fking
    Well everybody, it's that time to be extra careful in every thing and in every place we go. Parties are kicking off this weekend at the office, homes, and every where. Shopping, stealing, mugging, carjacking, home invasions and drunk drivers will be out in force 24/7.
    With many of us being slow, and in some cases having to go out on our own, let's remain aware of where we are and our surroundings so we can all enjoy this time of year. I have noticed many people in powerchairs, walkers, and scooters out shopping, buying trees and gifts for their family and friends.
    I guess we look like easy prey to those with mischief on their minds. So, by all means, get out, enjoy yourself, have fun. Those of you that can walk a little better, put your cane or walker in the shopping cart and hold on. You'll be surprised how good you can shop and there are usually benches or food courts where you can take a break.
    I got out of the hospital yesterday after going in thru ER for observation on why my walking and left side was getting weaker. It was determined my dosage had to be reduced in one of my meds. I feel good but slower than usual.The MRI's and scans still didn't show any changes compared to previous pictures so they say.
    The other thing was the continuos tingling of my arm, leg and foot which felt just like it did when I stroked in 2004. I wanted to be ahead of the curve this time around. As active as I am every day moving around, walking, exchanging propane tanks for customers 5 days a week, I feel something else must be going on. Well, maybe it's just my age, arthritis and God knows what else.
  5. fking
    Well folks, here we are near the end of another year. We lost some members, family, friends and gained many along the way this year. How remarkable it is for us to feel we have made recovery our goal to gain as much independence as possible little by little. As always, we have had our share of non-productive days, weeks and months, but there are only 36 days left in this year.
    There is strife and wars all over the world in some form or another. People bombing and killing their own people, others involved in accidents, national disasters, and here we are tying to learn how to walk, talk, see and become more productive in life again.
    I often wonder where I would be if I were able bodied and not slowed down as I am now? Would I be on a cruise ship?, in a foreign country?, in Iraq?, or here at my house where I feel safe? What ever the answer, I tend to accept what has happen to me for what ever reason it happened. For that reason alone, I'm glad I got the chance to travel and see all the places I did while I was able.
    So now at 65 years young, I can be content in my rocking chair telling war stories to my grand and great grand children and about the good old days and all the things we didn't have that they enjoy now. One thing for sure, time waits for no one and is forever changing.
    With that said, Christmas is just a month away, so we got more chance to get deeper in debt with those charge cards. I put mine in the drawer two years ago and my balances are just about zero by the end of this year. I got a headache Friday watching all those shoppers swipe their cards. The terminals even got tired and slowed down for a while. I just know there will be some big outstanding balances when they get their December statements.
    Well, this is my time to wish everybody a political correct happy holiday and the rest of you around my age, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Here is notice that I will not debate that issue on our message board this year, like I did last year. I have volunteered for extra hours during the month of December, since walmart is closed on Christmas day, starting at 6pm on Christmas Eve. :scooter:
  6. fking
    My feelings goes all out to ALL the veterans, kids, family, wives, spouses and those who gave their lives that we may have a better life. Being a Vietnam veteran myself, and having only one son whom have served twice in Iraq gives me many reasons to be thankful to veterans everywhere in this world where ever you are on this day, November 11, 2006.
    My ongoing wish is that the Veterans Administration will one day honor the vets for their services to our country in a way for the affliction we suffered as a result of our duty to our country. Not all will die, be injured or suffer life long handicaps as a result of military services. Like now, some will have several tours of duty in the combat zones before its all over. Then have to fight the VA like hell to get compensation.
    I'm sure many of you reading this had family members, friends and others you know of whom have served in the armed services. It's not an easy job defending this country and our freedom.
  7. fking
    Today I noticed a couple of survivors with different handicaps perform to the best of their abilities. A lady, elderly looking, one leg and crutches, pushing a shopping cart, crutches attached to her in such a way she never had to put her hands on them. That in itself was amazing to me. Then walked over to the potting mix and other big bags of stuff for the grass and yard, loaded 6 bags in the cart and pushed it back to the checkout register all by herself.
    I've seen other females come in and insist on help loading one bag. I used to wonder why they do that, but after careful thoughts, most of their husbands are in Iraq or deceased. You should see me out there trying to help with one hand from my scooter.
    Anyway, I insisted on letting our guys push the cart to her car and loading them for her, she accepted. When she first entered the garden center, I asked if she wanted an electric scooter to help with her shopping, she flatly said "no thanks." Her leg appeared to be missing from just below the hip. From the way she gets about, I figure she has had this disability for a long time.
    The other person was a possible teenager but like a small child with an oxygen tank that could ride in the seat of a shopping cart. Could say a few words but had very little control of his body movements. Those two people made me be more thankful to how far I have come since my stroke.
    When I hear stroke survivors say, "They don't want to live the rest of their lives like this," I can't help but think how blessed they really are by having lived a good portion of their lives with no handicap, yet here they are alive and able to do many things under their own power. Then there are the two I witness today that could have been like that for most of their lives if not all of their lives.
    On a daily basis I see other people with life long handicaps, some older than me, but smiling and enjoying life being out shopping. So many with hip and knee replacements, I lost count. Then there is the military war returnees with missing legs and limbs but holding their young child when possible with a baby carrying honess.
    I think if more stroke survivors would/could get out to the malls and big stores and see other people with less ability than them, they would feel better about being a stroke survivor. I know I do and I'm not even 75% recovered yet, but I still have high hopes.
  8. fking
    Well, I found out it only takes 5 days to reach page two in the blogs. Lots of bloggers, that's good news, more stress and venting being released by members. More journals being kept too.
    Another phase of my life I now notice is my lack of fashions knowledge. I can think back to about 1962 when the mustang and mini skirts came out. The bell bottom pants and plat form shoes, then the micro mini skirts and short shorts in years gone by.
    These days it's the underwear showing, men and women especially. The thongs, see thru clothing, hip hugger clothes worn with what looks like a lace baby doll top you'd wear to bed at night.
    Anyway, I'm a greeter at the entryway, so I see them coming and going all day/night long from a waist high view on my scooter. The hotter the weather, the less they wear. I feel like a buyer sitting at the cat walk of a fashion show.
    Coming in I see rings in ears, nose, around the eyes, tongue, lips, breast nipples, every finger, naval and some in crotches showing and rings on their toes with flip flops worn. Tattoos everywhere, big and small.
    Then as I ride around the store getting to the restroom or time clock way in the back of the store, I see the rear ends almost bare, thongs, more Tattoos on tail bones and one on each cheek showing. It's no shame in their game.
    Before the pools closed they came in the store wearing swim suits and see thru wraps. From my level of view it was like not wearing any clothes at all. I could see it ALL, trust me. Management said as long as they had clothes on see thru or not, and not nude, they can come in the store.
    I guess there are many things we don't pay attention to until it stares us in the face. I think I see about as much as a GYN doctor on any given day. It's not just little people, the big ones and their kids too. You should see the clothes these parents let their young daughters wear in the store. Some as young as 10 with high heels, rings, Tattoos, and skimpy clothes like mom. My, my how times and clothes has changed from when I was young.
    Still another area you can't help but notice is the number of people over weight as the news media has been broadcasting lately. Maybe it's just our life styles and eating habits for unhealthy foods. After all that's what got me where I was then according to the doctors. I'm happy to say I've lost back to my acceptable weight, but still on cholesterol pills. It's very hard to give up my BBQ ribs and soul food that I've eaten all my life.
    A bacon cheeseburger, large fries, 2 apple pies and a diet coke just won't get the weight off very fast. Long as we have fast food chains, not enough time to eat healthy meals, heart problems and strokes will continue to be big killers for many people in this world. Even those who eat healthy, cancer seem to overtake them.
    Well bloggers, that's just some of what I face each day doing my job. A birds eye view of the people who contribute to my salary every other week. What can I say? The view is legal and a part of my job. :scooter:
  9. fking
    Well, here I am going back to therapy as a Medicare person. It will feel good not having to co-pay and it's a different rehab clinic. Same ole 1 hour sessions and routines. Hope I gain more strength however and the ability to use my left side a bit better than I can now. Medicare has a cap on the number of sessions you can have money wise, in my case 12. They are requesting 12 sessions in OT as well, hope it's approved.
    On another note, I'm starting to profile drivers on the highway, that's not good. I find myself looking for older drivers, drivers with cell phone to their ear, to not get behind them. They are a pain for me. They slow down when the light is green, then speed up to run the red light. They drive in the left lane not passing and other cars have to pass them on the right, that's not good.
    Seems like the older they are the longer it takes them to enter the freeway from the service road entry way. They do 30mph instead of speeding up to blend in with the flow of traffic. Maybe I'm having a bad day so I'll stop and go to work. Watch somebody mess up the rest of my day.
    Atleast I'm now off the back page of the blogs and can just wait to see how long it takes before I'm right back on page two. Even my sense of humor is slowed down. Maybe next week will be better.
  10. fking
    Since I haven't blogged in a month or so, I found this article interesting and was printed in my church bulletin on Sunday.
    The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140.00 for a middle income family. Talk about price shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition.
    But $160,140.00 isn't bad if you break it down. It translates into: $8,896.66 a year, $741.38 a month, or $171.08 a week. That's a mere $24.24 a day! Just over a dollar an hour.
    Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be "Rich." Actually, it's just the opposite. What do you get for your $160,140.00?
    Naming rights, first, middle and last! Glimpses of God every day. Giggles under the covers every night. More love than your heart can hold. Butterfly kisses and velcro hugs. Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.
    A hand to hold, usually covered with jelly or chocolate. A partner for blowing bubbles and flying kites. Someone to laugh yourself silly with, no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.
    For $160,140.00, you never have to grow up. You get to: Finger paint, carve pumpkins, play hide and seek, catch lightning bugs, and never stop believing in Santa Claus. You have an excuse to: Keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh, watch Saturday morning cartoons, go to Disney movies and wish on Stars.
    You get to frame Rainbows, Hearts, and Flowers under the refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted Noodle Wreaths for Christmas. Hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day and cards with backward letters for Fathers Day.
    For a mere $24.24 a day, there is no greater bang for your buck. You get to be a hero just for retrieving a frisbee off the garage roof, taking the training wheels off a bike, removing a splinter from a finger, filling a wading pool, coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs and coaching a Baseball Team that never wins but always get treated to ice cream regardless.
    You get a front row seat in History to witness the: First Step, First Word, First Bra, First Date, and First time behind the Wheel. You get to be Immortal, you get another branch added to your family tree, and if you are lucky, a long list of names in your obituary called Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren.
    You get an education in Psychology, Nursing, Criminal Justice, Communications and Human Sexuality that no college can match. In the eyes of a child you rank right up there under God. You have all the powers to heal a Boo-Boo, scare away the Monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, and police a slumber party.
    For all Parents, love them without limits so one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the Price!!!!! LOVE AND ENJOY YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN, It's the best investment you'll ever make. All in all a pretty good deal, even more so when we've survived a stroke.
  11. fking
    This is a story about four member of the body family, named: Every Body; Some Body; Any Body; and No Body. Right, you heard it before, but with so many family members not getting involved in caring for a survivor, it made me bring it out of moth balls.
    There was an important job to be done and Every Body was sure that Some Body would do it.
    Any Body could have done it, but No Body did it.
    Some Body got angry about that, because it was Every Body's job.
    Every Body thought Any Body could do it, but No Body realized that Every Body wouldn't do it.
    It ended up that Every Body blamed Some Body when No Body did what Any Body could have done
    This same story played out today during my visit to the VA headquarters. After visiting several different offices, each handling a different part of my claim and responses, it boiled down to nothing being done. Each awaiting a decision from the other. I wasn't allowed to go on the second floor. Up there, they can't come face to face with claimants. They have to remain unbiased and by the book rules and guidelines.
    I guess if they saw me, somebody would feel sorrow and approve my application. I bet working for the CIA couldn't be any more secretative. In many words you are told nothing.
  12. fking
    Well, I got my appointment for the T.E.N.S therapy on the 19th, I'm told I will be evaluated to see if the unit is right for my condition. Then a decision will be made to order a unit for my home use. I'll have to wait and see.
    On the other hand, the VA is "looking up" in their support of my claims for disability ratings. My wife went to work at a major bank after 2 and 1/2 years off to care for me. If there are other caregivers who plan on returning to employment, we found that most of them will get your credit report. Our report was in shambles after two plus years, a lot of accounts were in both our names. I sold my business early on and she had to quit her job, but the bills didn't stop.
    Finally my business bank decided to hire her and I'm now working with the help of my scooter. So, finally things are looking up, we are not out of the water but can breathe again thank God. This is my birth month, so at 65, medicare has kicked in, no more co-payments for office visits and meds.
    We have had our struggles to keep the house, cars and food on the table with neither one of us working in 2 and 1/2 years. Through it all we kept the faith and each other and prayed every day. God does answer prayers.
    Another bright spot is I was scheduled to go to Michigan this month on business, but that has been set for second week in August, but to California instead. I didn't know it, but they discovered my brother works for the same company out there. It's a fact finding and P.R. mission.
  13. fking
    Went to see the Arthritis doctor yesterday. I was amazed at his way of thinking and it made sense to me.
    He said you were referred to me by your PCP, which is a regular doctor of general practice who felt you could benefit from consultation in arthritis care. He said, this is a practice, In My Opinion, may be able to relieve some of your pain, based on your condition, with techniques that are proven in some patients.
    After his many questions, my answers, his body exam of arthritis zones, he suggested two shots in lower back. Then said I was a canidate for the T.E.N.S. therapy and recommended me for therapy and possibly getting the unit for home use after 3X a week for 3 weeks use in therapy. Already this guy made sense and continued to explain my condition as he see it, in his opinion. Not based on other patients or what he's done for others in the past.
    His take on medications were, too many different ones for the same relief effort was not good due to side effects and increased tones, instead of decreasing them. With me on a daily intake of Ibuprofen, Baclofen and Aleve arthritis and others, that was enough. Stemulation of the nerves and muscles was also needed for full body functions.
    He just don't think any doctor should base your condition on pass conditions of other people they have treated. There is too much variences in body sizes and body parts functions, condition of certain vessels and soforth. Each case should be evaluated on its own merit, he stated.
    He's sending my PCP a follow-up of his findings and his recommendations to get me as pain free as possible. I like this guy, in my opinion, he's in a class by himself based on my experiences with specialized doctors the past two years.
  14. fking
    You ever get emails from people you don't even know? I think they get your address from other emails sent to other people. Any way, I got one back about aging after I had sent one by the same subject, but dealing with stroke survivors and staying young or not aging.
    The only time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids. If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited about aging that you think in fractions.
    "How old are you?" "I'm four and a half!" You are never thirty-six and a half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key. We get into our teens, now they can't hold us back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead.
    "How old are you?" "I'm going to be 16! You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life...You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony. YOU BECOME 21. YES SIR, finally an adult.
    But wait, you turn 30. Oooohh Weee, what happened there? Makes you sound like bad milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now, you're just a sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed?
    You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put on the brakes. it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50, the stroke zone, and your dreams are gone. In the wind! But wait!!! You make it to 60. You didn't think you would!
    You've built up so much speed that you hit 70! After that, it's a day- by- day thing; you hit Wednesday, mid-week. You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; bedtime comes early, and it doesn't end there.
    Into the 90's, Lord have mercy, you start going backwards, "Huhm, I was JUST 92." Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you become a little kid again. "I'm 100 and a half!" No enemies, you outlived them all!!!
    "I've reached that age that a good day is one when you get up and nothing HURTS." says H. Martin, and Lillian Hellman say, "The only good thing about [aging] is you're not dead." I agree with that!!! We all hurt, but we are surviving thank God.
  15. fking
    It's so hot today in texas until we can't fry eggs on the sidewalk without feeling like your feet are in the pan too. Next week will only be worse and July is not here yet. In fact summer has not officially arrived yet. Most of the public swimming pools are not opened yet either. So staying inside with the air conditioner up high is the next best thing to do.
    All the shows on TV are reruns and the news is all about Iraq. Well I'm going back to bed. Plus I hadn't blogged in a month, so I had to change pages.
  16. fking
    Okay, I know you guys are tired of hearing about students graduating this year. But if you could just see the smiling faces on some of the handicap wheelchair bound, bus transported students it would bring you to tears like it did me today. It means so much to them and their parents who in some cases were also paralysed by strokes and knee/hip replacements.
    I guess we have so many kids that are born handicap with one parent or no parents or their parent has a limb missing from the war until they just don't have a normal life like most other kids. Then when I see the kids and parents come into walmart to buy gifts, balloons and flowers it's hard to erase the picture from your mind.
    My stomach get knots when they tell me they are straight A or honor roll or on the dean's list. Even more so when I discover some of them can't talk and use signs to communicate. I know we have survivors here with kids in school that may not be able to go see the kids in school for what ever reasons.
  17. fking
    It's amazing how my life as a stroke survivor is a mirror image of so many others in the world. A stroke is not something one person endures alone. There are a million others going thru the same ordeal of life after stroke.
    I am uplifted in spirits when I see so many find our site and become registered members. It's good when so many can come together and share in a life changing event. Especially with so many not having local support groups to join or turn to for help or answer a few questions of hope and comfort.
    As I see everyday on here, caregiver support and care provider activities are a must for happiness and a better life of the survivor. Today, I shed tears of joy in looking back over my two years since I came home from the hospital unable to walk or care for myself. My, my, my, what a long journey and a blessing for me to still be here and able to care and do most things for myself.
    I just finished reading the current May/June issue of the stroke connection magazine. There are articles worthy of reading and a free book offer on page 40.
    We already know strokes happen at any age, but I never considered how many blacks are affected because of high blood pressure, stress, diabetes, obesity, smoking and physical inactivity. Unhealthy eating habits (soul foods) from an early age is a problem as well.
    Being black, I'm very thankful I'm alive today. Having lived in the stroke belt states most of my life and knowing nothing about strokes, I feel blessed again. You can bet my life long eating habits has changed to more healthy food choices. The article"Looking at Why" on page 26 of the stroke connection magazine is an eye opener. Now that I recall the Katrina scenes of people in wheel chairs and unable to walk or provide for themselves makes me realize this stroke thing is a problem for African Americans.
    I'm so thankful to Steve, our CEO, for creating such a giant in stroke support for people all over the world. I call myself a greeter standing at the door of newbie introduction to welcome them to our group. Then listening to them explain their situations thinking they are all alone in their experiences. They feel so much better when they see others in the same boat with various limited abilities as a survivor.
    Well, I feel better now and my tears of joy are still raining down. I'm happy to read the american stroke association launched a power to end stroke campaign. Something I blogged about a few months ago. The more people involved the further we can go in solving issues about strokes. :scooter:
  18. fking
    Aside from me not knowing the medical field and not giving it much thought before now, I just sorta thought all doctors saves the lives of patients and provide for their benefit in compensations. That's not the whole picture as it was explained in part, no where near totally, to me how the system functions.
    Like Lawyers, some doctors have private practices, others are employed by firms, hospitals and the Federal government, who signs their pay checks. They, then have certain rules, guidelines, operating procedures and limitations to follow, which in some cases are not in the best interest of the patient, but rather the firm or hospital they work for.
    There are still other doctors who are fee based doctors which can write you a certain prescription in their office visit but at the hospital, can't write that same prescription for you being seen there. Now I see the picture why you have to see the company doctors then have your own doctor fight for your rights to get disability or not. That's like the DA and the Defense lawyers beyond reasonable doubt cases.
    That's just a small part of why there are some getting percentages for disabilities while others get nothing and are in worse physical conditions.
    To me, that goes back to the saying, "those with money go to Court, while those without money goes to jail."
    If you have little or no insurance, your level of care is limited. If you can't afford to go to a doctor that can diagnose your condition to offset the company doctors, you are dead in the water.
    Here in the US, in an emergency, you are supposed to be treated at the hospital with or without insurance. That is not always the case at some hospitals. Once the EMS personnel determine your insurance position, they know which hospital to transport you for care. So you never know about the decision being made.
    Doctors are very smart people and have dedicated many years to the medical practice and continue to do so to stay abreast of changing technology in taking care of human bodies. My number has to be called soon.
  19. fking
    This has been my week with the Veterans Administration doctors for the many considerations and changes in meds, therapy and compensations. Today was on Monday, I was told, but Monday passed. Then it was "we will get to that tomorrow." That was Tuesday. Yesterday passed, thats history. Tomorrow is Friday,the future, "never put off for tomorrow what you can do today" So now I know "Today is present," and "Tomorrow is future," that leaves "Yesterday as history."
    Government for the average citizen will never be understood by the majority of those it serves. Nothing is ever clear and concise to the point of job done, solution planned, problem solved. Freedom of speech will never be in outlawed because the government could never figure out what was said was not supposed to be said or overheard and if it was breaking the laws of the land at the time it was spoken.
    And just to think, I got one more day, tomorrow, Friday, where nothing will be solved, no answers rendered, no solution reached in five full working days of one each week with the Government in their offices.
    Obviously, I'm RANTING BIG TIME, because Sunday night I went to bed thinking, okay, Easter is over, tomorrow I get things done that should have been done many years ago, problems solved. In fact this week was staged about a month ago.
    I am so confused at this point, I don't know if Tomorrow is really Friday. Today is Thursday but can be called Yesterday. Today was supposed to have been Monday. That was two days before Yesterday.
    The moral to this blog is nothing got done while all the irons were in the fire. Nothing got done. :throw: :whack: :Tantrum:
  20. fking
    Well, today was a good day. I had been working on several projects, one being more room for wheelchairs and scooters in the theaters. I got the letter saying my request had been considered and board approved, more room is now available in each of the twelve cinemas, isn't that a blast. I always say ask, the worse that can happen is, the answer being no. Then you reapply or appeal their decision. We already had the large bathrooms and necessary parking spaces, a little far from the entrance, but available.
    So, I had free family passes for up coming movies, good anytime, I went to see "Inside Man". The last paragraph of the letter said, "all seniors 55 and up welcome to all showings for 5.00 per person". I just may be a regular movie goer for a while. It beats waiting for the movie to come out on DVD months later for about 19.00 or a pirate copy sooner for more money around here.
    I feel the return of the wounded soldiers, men and women, has a lot to do with decisions concerning handicap facilities in this town and nearby towns. The big car dealerships have golf carts to ride in while shopping for a car with refreshments, burgers and hotdogs. How is that for service, don't be fooled, they want the soldier's money. What better way, than thru his stomach, it still works here. Did I mention a big RV dealership just opened with many TV ads saying just bring in your w2 and ride out, you deserve a vacation now, welcome home. Around the corner, the gas is 2.50 a gallon.
    Their signs say "we support our soldiers," sure, with the soldiers money. Not too many things are cheap here, maybe the houses, there is a million of them and the stats indicate this city is number 3 in the nation with lowest housing prices. Ft Hood is the largest military base in the world now. Then George Bush has his ranch about 50 miles up the interstate in Crawford.
  21. fking
    Recently, I was diagnosed with A. A. A. D. D... Recently, last week, I was diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D... Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
    I think I got it really bad. I Blogged about spring time coming a couple weeks ago, maybe just one week ago, I can't remember now and I don't have time to check. Anyway, I decided to water my grass, it's really dry here in Texas.
    As I turned on the hose and standing in the driveway, I look over at my car and decided it needs a good washing. As I started toward the garage to move my scooter so it wouldn't get wet, I noticed the mail on the table that I got from the mail box yesterday. I decided to go thru the mail before I wash the car.
    I laid my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can next to the table. Now the can is full. I put the good mail back on the table so I could take out the garbage first. Now I'm thinking, since I'm going out to the street near the mailbox when I take out the garbage, I may as well pay the bills first.
    I get my checkbook off the table and notice there is only 1 check left. The extra checks are in my night stand, so I go inside the house to my night stand where I find the can of Coke I had been drinking. I'm going to look for my checks, but first I push the Coke aside so I don't accidentally knock it over.
    I see that the Coke is getting warm and I decide to put it in the refrig to get cold again. As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye...they need to be watered. I set the Coke down on the counter and discover my reading glasses I've been searching for all morning.
    I decided I better put them back on my night stand, but first I'm going to water the flowers. I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote. I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote, but I won't remember where it is. I decided to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.
    I poured some water in the vase on the flowers, but quite a bit spilled on the floor( I'm a little shaky on my good side too), so I set the remote down, got some paper towels and cleaned up the spill. Then I head down the hallway trying to remember what I was planning to do.
    At the end of the day: the grass isn't watered, the car isn't washed, the bills aren't paid and there is a can of warm Coke sitting on the counter.
    The flowers don't have enough water, there is still only 1 check in my checkbook, I can't find the remote, I can't find my glasses and I don't remember what I did with the car keys.
    Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all day long, and I'm really, really tired.
    I now realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check strokenet and my e-mail for any new post since my last visit.
    DON'T LAUGH, If this isn't you yet, your day is coming!!
    Stay tuned for my next Blog entitled: Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday. Bye ya'll, it's March madness time!!
  22. fking
    Well, here I go again, off on one of my many wondering roads leading to, this time, stroke prevention. Is there such a thing? The old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or something to that effect. Wouldn't it be nice to know there was something we could have done to prevent what happen to us when it did. Tell-tell signs to prevent strokes like the signs that tell you are having a stroke.
    It just seems to me that some sort of research can determine a preventative measure for strokes like it is for cancer and other preventable diseases. Look at what was done for Polio years ago. Look at the current studies on Alzheimers, they have just about got it's cause figured out.
    A study on Crestor has found it helps to reduce clots and can strengthen vessels, avoid blockages/buildups, besides reducing the bad cholesterol and raising the good. I guess I just have to accept the fact that my stroke will not change or go away no time soon.
    I have faith that in years ahead, a stroke prevention will be found and one day, Cancer, Heart attacks and Strokes will not be the three leading causes of death in the United States. So much for my thoughts!
  23. fking
    Here we go, heading into the month of March with record breaking warm temps projected. That's on the heels of 6 more weeks of bad weather, according to the Ground Hog's prediction after seeing his shadow on Feb 2nd.
    Some areas still covered in snow and ice, even here in central Texas, just over a week ago, we had icy roadways and many accidents. Many cars still in body shops awaiting repairs, which are running 4 weeks behind. Today, the projected high temp is a record breaking 82 degrees.
    So, today I get a chance to get out and inspect my back yard and front lawn, to see how many ant beds I have to treat. The grass is already turning green. This will be my year to see if I can mow the lawn all by myself. It's in my mind, I hope my body says yes. When I let go the handle, it shuts off, so it shouldn't get away from me. I just want to insure I don't step in an ant bed, since I can't run or walk very fast.
    My poor wife will probably have to empty the grass catcher bag and take it to curbside for pickup. If all this doesn't work out as planned, my yardman for the last two years will have to resume the task. I got an electric edger and a hedge trimmer, so maybe I can make the Japaneese boxwood hedge look a bit better.
    If all goes well, I may even go to home depot and get more white rock gravel to put around the trees in front my yard, and along the driveway. Nobody is going to believe I did it, but I'm ready to take the credit.
    Outside window cleaning is crossing my mind, I hope my nap time comes before my will to accomplish that task arrives for real.
  24. fking
    At this time of night, I finally finished the morning daily news. My attention was centered around several articles in the same newspaper about teachers (Public Schools) mostly women in their 30's who get with boys in their early teens and under. I can't for the life of me, see the continued cause or drive they acquire to have sex with these kids.
    Now I can't go to sleep, wondering what motivates them to go that route. This latest case involves a child 11 years old and she is 36 in Laurens, SC. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Where will this craze end? Another case involved a 37 year old lady with a 15 year old boy and she's pregnant
    OK, so I'm 64, but in my public school days, that didn't happen. Is it the fault of the parents of these now, grown women, or may be, there is not enough grown men to go around?? Are they caught up in the older woman, younger man craze, if there is such a thing. Perhaps, it's a work place thing, that teacher had sex at school of all places.
    Don't get me wrong, I just started reading more current events and that seems to be a trendy thing these days. If its not the teachers, its the preachers molesting the boys and girls. Well what can I say, it happen in the highest office in the USA.
    Then there are the abductors and predators living in the neighborhoods, unregistered, ex-cons still applying their trades, robbing kids of their lives and livelyhoods. I guess this is my time to rant, maybe I am eating too much Oatmeal and my mind is in overdrive.
    Finally, there are the parents, sometimes the men, sometimes the women who abuse the small children with beatings, then say the child fell, or like one lady, cut the childs arm off, or drown them in the bathtub, or drive them into the lake.
    As survivors and caregivers with brain damage, we have to pat ourselves on the back, we got kids that we take care of and people we respect right here. :Rant-Off:
  25. fking
    I added my 2 cents worth to a post in relationships by a member who feels like she has taken on the roll of mother, instead of caregiver. The passion they once shared is now gone since he became a survivor.
    Interesting enough, Love is mostly in the brain. Atleast that's what Lauren Slater writes in National Geographic Magazine in a fascinating February cover piece, simply titled, "Love."
    For the first time, new research has begun to illuminate where love lies in the brain, the particulars of its chemical components, according to Slater. Scientists say that the brain chemistry of infatuation is akin to mental illness...Which gives new meaning to the term 'madly in love'.
    Anthropologist Helen Fisher has spent years looking for love, only not in bars or with want ads, but with an MRI machine. She and her colleagues found couples who had been wildly in love for about seven months. They put each person into a brain scanner and showed each half of the couple a picture, one neutral, the other of their beloved.
    Watch out, in the latter case, the parts of the brain linked to reward and pleasure, lit up. What Fisher found, and what most amazed her, was that the chemical pathways to the part of the brain where love resided, so to speak, ignited a dense spread of receptors for a powful neurotransmitter known as dopamine, or, better put, the brain released its very own "love potion no. 9."
    So then there's a reason why, Slater reports, when you are newly in love, you can stay up all night, watch the sun rise, run a race, ski fast down a slope ordinarily too steep for your skill... And that feeling is wonderful. Physically that rush of love can't be maintained over time. Imagine if it could. What would have happen to civilization? Who would have had time to build it?
    One theory is that we simply build up a resistance to the high of dopamine. So, then true love goes into a different form. In a way it settles down, and is based more on connections, like mirriage, children, and commitments. And so the science seems to back up what has been intuitively known for ages. Then there is all the old adages, like love is patient, love is kind, love don't die, it just fades away. So, just maybe, thats why we have Valentines Day. A chance to say, I love you. Regardless, the brain has a role in how we respond in love.