
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    Well, here we are in January already with 3 days left in the month. Seems like the christmas decorations just been put away, and in my part of the country, we have not used the heater yet. I suppose the global warming is still a factor. That's a good thing with the early prediction of how much the heating would cost us this winter. I think across the board, the prices has risen sharply for gas, coal, and electric services.
    I think there has to be some colder days ahead and more rain in states that's so dry. On the other hand, the way time is flying by, spring will be here before we know it. If you have been out to the Malls and big Stores like cosco's, wal-mart, or big lots, you see all the valentine's day stuff in the isles and all over the store. They even have the left over christmas trees and decorations in the boxes, marked down to sell fast.
    It's amazing how time does seem to slip away and since we are slowed down, you would think time would appear to creep along. I tell myself when I get a prescription filled, "boy this will last a long time", before I know it, it's time to call in for a refill for another 60 day supply.
    I like the procedure now, I just call the pharmacy, they tell me no refills remaining, they call my PCP, and she will fax them a new prescription. Saves me co-pay and a doctors visit. I hope it works that way when I become Medicare eligible. I hope by then, I won't be on too many drugs.
    So, come on winter time, I'm ready and waiting in central Texas. :happydance: Maybe then I can snuggle up and keep my caregiver warm.
  2. fking
    Today marks another mile stone in my life. One year today, as a greatful stroke net board member. I want to thank all the wonderful members and staff under the watchful eye of our CEO, Steve.
    I can say I was here when we reached a big mile stone of over 4,000 members on this site. I know it will not take long for us to reach the 5,000 member mark. :cocktail: :happydance: :roflmao:
  3. fking
    Getting out of bed real early this morning gave me the mind to imagine. Like a genie giving me ONE wish to think of something I would rather have in my current condition. Not counting real health or recovery, just a fun thing to fantasize about for the fun of imagination.
    I came up with a right arm that could stretch out, like plastic man cartoons from long time ago. That way, I could be seated at the kitchen table, reach the microwave, refrig, and sink without having to get up. Then on days when I'm tired and on the computer upstairs, I could stretch my good arm down to the kitchen and get what I need.
    In the shower, I could do my own back and massage. My soxs and shoes would be easy to put on and off. When I think about it, a reacher (long handle gadget) was the one thing I was given in OT rehab while still in the hospital. Looking at my bill, I paid for it and the AFO.
    When I do my banking at the drive thru, or mail a letter in the drive thru box, I wouldn't have to open the door like I do now. Have you noticed how everything seem to be just a tad out of reach when you are left side weak?? Even the restrooms, handicap accessable or not, the paper seat covers and toilet paper always seem to be on the left side, out of reach for a good right arm. How many times I look for the TV remote, only to find it on my wife's night stand, out of my reach.
    I could replace the light bulbs thats burned out all over my house. My wife is afraid of falling from the ladder. With my long arm, I wouldn't need a ladder. I could probably mow the grass and wash the cars too. Ofcourse, with the long stretchable arm, I would still be paralyzed on my left side.
    I thought about my leg, eye and other parts too, but I think the long arm to get the best out of the condition I'm in now, is my first choice for fantasy purposes that would benefit me most. While I'm shopping on my scooter, I could reach the stuff on the top shelves without asking for help.
    Just curious, what would you ask for from a genie imagination to have in your current condition? Again not counting real life and health things. Just for fun to play around with, but helps you along the way.
  4. fking
    All the new stuff on the board really makes one search, try out, use the buttons, whistles and other stuff we probably never noticed until now. I am surprised by the number of members that has not visited the map page and don't have avatars. Not that it's a must in either case. More like something to play around with.
    I found out not long ago, there is a bible study on this site and a section about our CEO, and a guess book to sign, showing you have visited. How many have noticed Steve has changed from Mallory to Steve the CEO with his avartar?
    I wish I knew how to hook up a camera to start my photo gallery, that would be great. That task is in the future. I got to learn how to change the size and color of printing first. I'm getting there. I think I'm just scared to click on some of these buttons causing things to disappear right before my eyes, and never getting back to that place.
    Then I look at this blog community and notice some entries are on the right side, while others are on the left side with different little side notes. How strange.
  5. fking
    It's late night, I can't imagine going to bed and not having a blog to read for the 18th. So, since I have rehab tomorrow, Thursday, in the pool, I just want to say, if you get depressed at your current condition, just get over to the VA hospital in your town and see the many people in different conditions. Some better, some worse conditions than yours. It gives you more strength and courage to continue your rehab, exercise and medications to cope with a slower pace in life.
    Feel good that you are living, breathing and in most cases only need a little assistance. I saw some veterans that needed much help in all areas of dependancy, I even held doors open for one guy with no limbs, but he could operate his chair with a special hook up.
  6. fking
    Well I made it to this 2 year survivor mark. With all the stats about surviving a stroke or living past a certain time brings a smile to the faces of those that go past certain time frames.
    Sometimes it does seem like the next day is a struggle to survive, as I feel at the moment. The pain is so great on on my left side this morning, my wife had to help me get out of bed, give me pain meds and help me sit in my chair.
    I just can't understand what my body is doing or the change I'm experiencing at this time. It feels like my leg and arm is trying to draw up. Trying to stretch it out causes much pain and heaviness feeling, like it weighs a ton.
    I'm hoping to make it thru today and this year with less pain and this feeling goes away soon. In any event, if you don't see posting from me, then I'm probably at the ER for treatments. Nothing else planned for today, I even missed going to church today and my wife has her cell phone on viberate in case I call her while she's in service.
    Be good everybody! :uhm:
  7. fking
    ALL day in the ER, what a way to celebrate, but today, I feel 100% better with less pain.
    It even sparked me to search and fine an old inspirational message I had for quite some time. I think a christmas or two ago. Anyway I posted it today, if you get a chance please read it. I think all will agree that friends are forever, same as family. We are all in this survivor mode for life.
  8. fking
    In the new Stroke Connection Magazine are two articles on Caregiving, makes sense to me. Make sure you caregivers read this one for comfort things to do in coping with caring for a stroke survivor. It's too lenghty to even start to quote here, so I hope all get a chance to read it. Page 7 is a study on caregiving and page 13, the Respite Zone. Creating your Own Haven. I can see where that's needed from the comments I read on the board here. That's the January/February 2006 issue just out.
  9. fking
    :roflmao: I suppose I'm just one happy camper because the blog page is back. Now I got to remember where I put my blog stuff I had been saving up. I found it just now.
    That's my Boy, Story of a dog.
    A young southern boy goes off to college, but about a third way through the semester, he has foolishly squandered what money his parents gave him.
    Then he gets an idea, he calls his daddy. "Dad," he says, "you won't believe the wonders that modern education are coming up with! Why, they actually have a program here that will teach Ole Blue how to talk!"
    "That's absolutely amazing!" his father says. "How do I get him in that program?" "Just send him down here with $1000. the boy says, I'll get him into the course."
    So, his father sends the dog and the $1000. About 2/3 way through the semester, the money runs out. The boy calls his father again.
    "So how's Ole Blue doing, son?" his father asks. Awesome, dad, he's talking up a storm," he says, but you won't believe this--they've had such good results with this program, that they've implemented a new one to teach the animals how to READ!"
    "READ?" says his father, "No kidding! What do I have to do to get him in that program?" "Just send $2500, I'll get him in the class." His father sends the money.
    The boy has a problem. At the end of the year, his father will find out that the dog can neither talk nor read. So he shoots the dog. When he gets home, his father is all excited. "Where's Ole Blue?, I just can't wait to hear him talk and see him read something!"
    "Dad," the boy says, "I have some grim news. This morning, when I got out of the shower, Ole Blue was in the living room kicking back in the recliner, reading the morning paper. like he usually does."
    Then he turned to me and asked, 'so, is your daddy still messin' around with that little redhead who lives over on Oak Street?' The father says, "I hope you SHOT that S.O.B., before he talks to your mother!"
    "I sure did, Dad!" " That's my Boy!", "that's my boy!" :beer:
  10. fking
    I did my eye appointment at the VA and the doctor said to insure I use the drops mornings and at night to fight the glaucoma condition in my eyes or I could go blind..... So I know that has to be done this stroke is enough to deal with and I don't need nothing else to worry about..... I realize age brings about changes in every ones life so i have to think about that too and deal with it as best I know how....
    I do feel I have come a long way as a survivor of a major stroke 12 years ago so I will not ever give up trying to live my life as best I can every day...... I guess long as I am able to drive myself use my scooter and got reasonable health I will do all I can to be here with my wife and family....
    I hope to start attending church again pretty soon I sure miss attending every Sunday and hearing the preacher give us his sermons.... My slow walking unstable as it is gives me concern but I got to overcome that as best I can..... Our church is 30 miles away in the next town but we been members there for years and other family members have been there for years as well... Once you find a church home you hate to leave plus my wife is in the choir and a member of the Praise dance team and they dance on second Sundays most of the time....
    We been members there since 2002 and the church has been there for years and years (105) I think!!!! So life goes on and my wife loves being a member there as I do.... :roflmao:
  11. fking
    Well its already the middle of October and I'm still trying to get a bit better while making my doctor appointments, exercises, and staying positive in my attitude about this stroke of nearly 12 years.... I'm still able to drive just my walking is not that good with my quad cane.... I try very hard not to fall since there is no one to help me get back on my feet.... My wife is still working full time, grand daughter in school, and the puppies are still growing along with their mom..... So I have to be real careful how I do things while home alone... I was home alone when the stroke came calling my name before and I sure don't want to suffer another one no time soon....
    It's good for me to still be able to get on the computer now and again but not as much as I once did.... Life is still good and I'm not sick or hurting very much because I make all my appointments all the time if my wife goes with me or not... I don't have as many with the VA as I once had and that was a 30 mile drive my wife always wanted to be there with me....
    So, for the most part I do all my exercises I was told to do every day at home and I feel OK health wise plus I still ride my exercise bike in the dining room and I try to eat right every day.... Otherwise there isn't much going on and not a lot to write about now...
    I'm watching the puppies continue to grow now at six weeks old and still nursing for another week or so then I will try them on soft puppies food if they will eat it instead of more nursing from their mom.... They have no teeth yet but are trying to walk in their play pen area we got set up.... They don't make a lot of noise unless they are hungry and when that happens the mom is right there in a flash but I think she is tired of nursing all six of them already...
    I had to take mom to get a hair cut because it was all matted up but it should grow back soon and we will have to keep it combed and brushed since they crawl all over her all day long....
    Well just a bit about what's happening in my world and with the pups in their world, this has been a ride for sure but I brought one of my scooters upstairs so I could care for them since I can't stoop down to pick them up in my hand.... Otherwise all is going pretty good and I'm not going to complain at all....More next time!!!!
  12. fking
    We had been waiting a long time for rain and finally it came yesterday while I was taking a nap with my vehicle windows down more than usual thinking it would be really sunny day.... Well I got up to go let my SUV windows up and I got soaked real good all over by the time I got them rolled back up... My drivers seat was wet had to place a dry towel there to soak up some of the water so my lesson learned is leave my windows up maybe a very small crack on drivers side but not enough for rain to get in the vehicle...
    It had been 48 days without any rain in our area, a record I didn't think would be broken according to the weather casters on TV.... Oh well I guess i'm not good at guessing the weather....
    Anyway today in a couple hours I take my little dog to the hospital to see what the vets say about her having the puppies and how many if they take xrays if that is possible and not cost if it's covered in my insurance premiums I pay each year... I think just three but I'm no vet doctor and they are due the 9th of September which is 63 days for a shitz Tzu I'm told by other owners I met at the vet hospital office...
    She is three years old now and we have had her since she was two weeks old my wife got for our grand daughter for making the A-B honor roll and she is still on it three years later in the sixth grade at a Catholic school.... We wanted to put her in public school but didn't want her to get bullied so early since she doesn't have brothers or sisters going to school....
    All the best to all of you today and I do hope your recoveries are progressing and your care giving is not too hard as my wife is still working full time at the bank, a job she enjoys, every day and a little care giving for me, but I try not to bother her each day.... One reason I'm glad I do drive and can get myself to many places I may need to be around the city.... Then of course I got my scooter in the house and one in the car with a power lift to get it out and back in the SUV all by myself....
    When I have VA appointments I use the valet parking and they help me some times getting it out so I don't hold up the traffic trying to use their services.... Right now I can't even tell you when my next VA appointment will be but I think it is an eye appointment next month to check on the lens they implanted in my eyes so I don't need glasses to see but I still need reading glasses however...
    That's the same day the little pups are due so I got to reschedule that appointment so I can be here with the little dog to help her deliver the pups if necessary.... What do I know??? I got everything ready far as I know!!!! The guy that comes in to take care of me daily at 9am knows about pups being delivered so he will be here with me I hope if it's happening in the morning time frame...
    By the way if any of you got experience you can share with me about dogs having pups please send me an email, I thank you in advance.... Otherwise it will be just another day in my life as a stroke survivor with one hand to use and hope my wife is not calling me every 5 minutes....
    I think I got everything all set to go and will learn more at this appointment in a couple hours at the pet hospital talking with the Vets there on duty.... They all know me as the man on the scooter with the little dog....
    More next time!!!! :Tantrum: :bow: :wish: Happy birthday to the new Pups!!!!!
  13. fking
    This is my story about my stroke as I remember this long afterwards and the first thing is the doctors said high blood pressure was a contributing factor as I was only 62 years old operating a bowling pro shop inside a bowling center... I was home alone that day when I noticed my fingers were not working on the computer keys... I stood up to see what was the problem and fell.... I pulled myself up on the bed and fell again so at that time I knew something was terribly wrong with my body...
    My wife was on her dental appt and came home to find me trying to get back downstairs head first as our bedrooms are all upstairs... I was trying my best and had wet my pants trying so hard so the paramedics arrived and took me to the military hospital only to find out they couldn't help me, I was near death according to them so they flew me to a bigger facility 30 miles away... The docs said I was very near death and put me in ICU where I stayed for ten or more days while they revived my body but not my brain... My wife says more like 19 days...
    My lovely wife was very scared I wouldn't make it and pass away... More docs were called in as I was hooked up to many machines where I finally was stabilized... All this time I had no memory of what was happening with me nor to me so the stroke was bad... My wife quit her job at the bank and remained at the hospital by my bed in the ICU unit as they were telling her this was really bad...
    Our whole church family came and prayed for me almost every day so it was determined I suffered a hemorrhagic stroke affecting my brain... I got better very slowly while other stroke patients came and left and some of them saying they took a shot and their stroke wasn't as bad as mine... Long story short I was there for 6 months before I was able to be discharged to come home...
    I trusted a guy to operate my bowling pro shop and when I got out my inventory was 5,000 short according to my tax man when I wanted to sell my business... My wife would go by the shop every night to pick up the funds he made for that day... Everything seemed to be moving along pretty good to me as I had plenty customers and sold lots of balls and shoes all the time... I guess he took some of them when he left after I got out the hospital....
    So you live and learn, I sold the business I couldn't operate with one hand standing on one leg and a paralyzed side... I was done being in business and sold it to another guy that had just retired from the city road crew.... He was an active bowler like I was and bowled on several leagues like I did... Now I know you never know a man or his heart or what he may or may not do for you...
    I slowly got better after being released from the hospital but needed more out patient therapy to get better over time... I then took my drivers test to get my license back so I could drive again... The VA gave me a scooter and a hospital bed I could raise and lower to get out of by myself and we still got it here in my house... I came home in a WC which I still got too because it was a while before the scooter arrived at my house...
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it by thanking God above I'm a Survivor and HE hasn't called my name yet saying a place is prepared for me.... With my experiences I will say each stroke and recovery is different and the effect it has on each person brain and body... Probably no two are alike as we are all different and the stroke attacks the brain differently in many cases...
    To all survivors I say, celebrate your recovery, do your physical exercises, PT, and think daily you will get better in due time.... Don't be down on yourself, trust in God if you are a believer as I am... :roflmao: Right today 12 years later I'm smiling and kicking but not very high as I thank God daily for sparing my life making me a survivor of a terrible stroke...
    A foot note:
    Today, 17 August 2015, is my grand daughter's birthday, she made it to 11 years old and her little dog is 3 years old now that grandma got her for making the A-B honor roll and she is still on it in the 6th grade... The dog was 2 weeks old when we got her and I care for her daily... If I happen to fall she will not leave my side until I get back on my feet...
  14. fking
    I haven't blogged in quite some time and the reason is nothing much has changed in my condition... I'm still at home with the little dog while my grand daughter is back in school and by the way she turns 11 years old tomorrow the 17th... I guess she will have plenty to say when I pick her up after school tomorrow...
    I'm sure she will hit the door looking for birthday presents from all her family members especially me, grand Pa.... I'm sure her mom and grandma has gotten her some gifts they just haven't told me yet...
    I have been spending most days outside under the tree sitting on my scooter with the dog while we both try to stay cool and out of the direct sun which stays in the low 100's or 98, 99 degree ranges... I'm noticing the leaves are starting to fall so that season is right around the corner here in Texas and everywhere I suppose....
    I get tired of being inside watching the TV with all the talk about who will become the next President of the US... Maybe there will be more on Cuba since they raised the American flag over the American Embassy a couple days ago... I guess many from the US will be making plans to visit Cuba real soon... I wonder what the price will be to get there and back??
    I will wait awhile before I am in any shape to travel that far away from home what ever the cost... I like looking at the old american cars they are still driving which must have thousands of miles on them by now... I wonder if any of the drivers now will want to buy new cars to replace the one they been had for so long???
    I think that would be a fun trip to visit Havana Cuba again for many Americans who has not been there for so many years.....
  15. fking
    My past time is keeping up with the football schedules to watch as many games as I got time to see.... I watch college and the Pro schedules too and already I wonder how Tom Brady and the Patriots will do this season??? He will be under a watchful eye of the NFL for sure after the news today that he destroyed his cell phone as if to hide something he didn't want anyone else to ever know about him....
    So I will see what team this season win the most games and make it to the Superbowl!!!!!! If you wish make your predictions on which team (you think) will be champs when the season ends....... :gleam: :pullhair:
  16. fking
    Well our government does what it has to do on each military base and that means people will be laid off both military and civilians alike... Unemployment will rise for sure and the minimum wages probably will not be given to all workers...
    I guess this move by the government has been approved by all heads concerned I just question the out come for the nation being a retired soldier myself... I think they said all military bases and that to me would mean bases overseas too....
    Give me your views on these closures and personnel layoffs and perhaps what it would mean to you... I'm querious how this will leave us financially...
  17. fking
    Well, I thought I would Blog this news of two men I knew very well as I was growing up in Houston Texas and by the age of 18 I was able to attend concerts both of them gave in Houston back in the days while I had just finished high school during those years which seems like so long ago now...
    Blues singer Ben E. King died a couple days ago I saw on TV and I think he was in his 80's a few years older than me...He was a great Blues singer and performed many times in Houston Texas where I got to see him several times but he also was in cities all across Texas and the Southern states at that time... I remember so well me attending the concerts and the group he toured with in those days...
    Another great singer, BB King, a blues singer too is in hospice care at his home in Las Vegas Nevada and is not expected to last very long because of his state of health at this time...King's long time business manager Laverne Toney says the musician had a good night and she welcomed the concerns about his health at his age of 89 years old... Toney has legal control over King's affairs...King first informed his fans Friday via Facebook...
    "I am in home hospice care at my residence in Las Vegas wrote the blues legend "Thanks to all of you for your well wishes and prayers." The Clarion-Ledger reports King was briefly hospitalized Thursday for the second time in a month... The Hall of Fame member was diagnosed with diabetes decades ago...
    King's daughter, Patty King said her father wasn't eating and was dehydrated so he was taken to the hospital for observation, according to local station KLAS-T... BB is 89 years old and has been singing the blues and playing his guitar he named Lucile a very long time now...
    I knew them both, enjoyed their blues music, and attended many of their concerts in Houston and some other cities where they performed while I was just out of high school but attended their concerts with my older sisters at that time...
    After I joined the Army in 1958 it seemed like they toured in every city where I was able to make it to their blues concerts....
    It seems now so long ago when I attended those concerts to hear them sing, play, and entertain the people in a blues concert... Of course I'm right behind them both at my age of 73, 74 this year....
  18. fking
    Well it's been a few months now since I got hurt riding the shuttle busses in Vegas and can you believe my wife wants me to go with her to the casino in Shreveport LA.?? My condition went down from where I was in my 11 years of surviving from the stroke but I'm beginning to feel my old self again... There isn't much more they can do for my condition at this point except a little more PT and OT and let my knee heal up a bit more...
    I should be back to normal or where I was before I went to Vegas with my condition... Driving my car using my scooter and walking better is mostly what I want to do without falling down when no one is around... For me that will be a blessing and it makes me feel more independent at home again...
    I can even get back to being on stroke net when I'm not nursing any pains or making hospital visits for existing ailments... Now that the combat soldiers are out of Afghanistan there has to be more troops that was sent to Fort Hood for treatments in the Wounded Warriors Unit with missing limbs even female soldiers are here and appreciate others like myself that come to the unit and have conversations with them who knows what it's like and how we are when we can't use parts of our body....
    This is where they get fitted for prosthetics and issued a cane, walkers, wheel chair or scooters even if they are not eligible to retire yet... You can say the military does take care of their own... It wasn't that way when I was still on active duty and Walter Reed hospital was where wounded soldiers were sent first but now is closed down...
    The new car sales are way up in this town and soldiers with missing limbs doesn't have to wait long to get their cars equipped so they can drive them in their conditions... That's a good thing now!!! Our downtown area is still small but the mayor has made the streets and sidewalks where the wounded soldiers can get around although most of the business is in the malls and along the strip mall areas which are being built all over the city...
    I'm thinking of going back to being a Defensive Driving Instructor again, the AARP has sent me several notices asking me to accept their offer... Then a day or so later I see in the paper where some older person has run into a store front window hurting several people inside...
    It's so many older people here still wanting to drive but forgot how I guess and they hit the gas for the brakes... I bet their car insurance has doubled lately.... It need to be more driving instructor places open that can help these older people drive better again because they sure have forgotten how to drive...
    In the mean time I'm trying to get back to what I can do best so I know a casino trip will be in the plans real soon according to my wife... I guess her working at a bank makes her want to go gamble more often and she does win most of the times we go and I do pretty good myself....
    More next time!!!!
  19. fking
    I got a letter talking about Medicare Therapy Caps on how much therapy, we as stroke survivors, can get before they cut us off. Therapy has been cut way down from what we were once allowed to receive just a couple years ago. I sure hope Congress can do something about these caps placed on us for the amount of therapy we can get each year.
    Every survivor needs all the therapy they can get each year to help with their recovery process in returning to a better life to do all they can for themselves in their lives as a survivor making a good recovery! We need speech, physical therapy on a regular schedule to get better day by day and any other therapy that will improve our lives.
    We never wanted a stroke it found us young and old alike and any survivor just want a fair chance to make a recovery as best we can by getting what is needed to recover. We know enough therapy works for all of us and not just once a year with limited sessions as the current trend is now!
    How do others feel about these Medicare Therapy Caps??
  20. fking
    I understand this won't happen again for about 80,000 years and the last time was 1880 something! So happy Hanukkah to all who celebrates!
    We had my sister's funeral on yesterday and her daughter's son, a minister himself, did the grave site services committing her to the ground! He was also one of the pall bears. It was a chilly and windy evening but all went as planned. My mom, an older sister, one of my twin sisters, and my mom's parents are in that cemetery.
    Children of my living twin sister told me their mom would go in beside her twin sister there now! That leaves myself and that twin sister from the 18 kids my mom had that's still living. The twins were born 5 years before me. My oldest sister passed when I was about 4 years old and her child, a girl, is 3 years older than me but didn't make it to the funeral.
    Again Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  21. fking
    Finally, things are back to normal around the house, the floors are done and my wife is happy. Now I can resume going places, doing things I like, and getting out to the senior center to use their many machines. I don't have a health care lady anymore so I'm on my own to get things done daily.
    Now I can go to Walmart, the big grocery stores, eat fresh fruits and dishes they sit out for the customers to taste daily. With the high heat and little rain I think inside the big stores is the place to be to stay cool and stomach full for free. I get to meet many of the old bowlers I used to bowl with and hear about those that has passed on. I usually don't read the daily paper to see the names of people I know that has passed.
    When I think back to 2004 and the stroke I survived all the old timers, men and women, were in great shape, not sickly and bowling leagues once or twice a week. Now to hear they have passed on is hard to imagine. I suppose we all have our times to go without being sickly, just by our age and longevity.
    My stroke came along when I was 63 and I just had a yearly physical the doctor said I was in great shape, see you next year he said. Days later the stroke hit me real hard. I thought I was leaving here but the Lord wasn't ready for me then. Since that time I try to live one day at a time with His blessings. One thing for sure He knows right where I am day and night when He is ready to call me home to be with Him.
    As I said Life is Enjoyable and I'm On The Go! I don't wonder or worry anymore about my life and I'm so over joyed I got an extended stay here a little longer to enjoy my wife and live this life the best I can. There are so many things we can't do anymore as survivors physically but mentally we are still intact and in no hurry to leave this life. Most of us got grand kids and great grand kids too. In my case two great grand daughters in Japan I haven't seen yet.
    I certain hope all of us here can enjoy life daily and get better in our recovery process and all the care givers we have can get a break and do some living, going and doing, for themselves. They certainly need time off to enjoy life. I have read here where marriages break up because one partner had a stroke so I guess the marriage vows they exchanged didn't mean anything in Sickness & Health. I always think about that knowing how my wife stayed by my side for the last nine years of my recovery plus my five month stay in the hospital.
    I think a lasting relationship or marriage is the key to health and recovery. I see how daughters and sons care for mom or dad plus their own kids and grand kids too. That means so much for the stroke survivor to want to live and not give up on life.
    Whether you are young or older, a survivor or care giver life is still yours to enjoy and many of you have very young children at home who need to see mom and dad having a joyous time at home then they know love is in the home. They will strive to be a good child and grow up to be a responsible person. Love is the key in the home.
    My wife is very, very happy I can get out, go places, and see people who wonder if I'm still alive. Some friends (so called) write you off knowing you suffered a stroke and was supposed to be your close friend. Then having a chance to go to church sit in the congregation and hear the word preached is a true blessing to me. On the other hand if you were a party person and enjoyed going to night clubs then get out and go and enjoy yourself some. It will do you good in your recovery process along with therapy.
    The more therapy you get the better your chances of recovering enough to be independent in most things you do daily. I think that's how I got better fast as I have so far. Sure, I still need my scooter but I drive my car too. I'm asked all the time what happened to me? Well, most military folks figure it was the war but others look at me and can see I suffered a stroke. I thank God every time I pass by my wheel chair in the garage that I'm not having to use it any more.
    My big desire is to meet Bruce, Dan, William and others where we can discuss getting better in recovery from a stroke. I feel every survivor would be better off using a scooter instead of the wheel chair. A scooter speeds up your amount of movement no matter your weak side. I want to hear their idea on scooter use. To me I just feel much better on the scooter than in a wheel chair. For one thing we got use of one hand and foot so we can't propel a wheel chair easily like we can a scooter on battery power. That relieves a care giver trying to push the chair plus loading and unloading it from the vehicle we ride in for us to get about.
    Again I feel it is a more enjoyable life for survivors to "Get Out More" see and do things they are missing by staying home daily watching TV. I'm going to stop letting life pass me up and me not doing nothing productive.
  22. fking
    Do you ever tell yourself that tomorrow will be a different day? Well, for me lately every day is different but brings about something new. When I think about it, being a stroke survivor, every day gives you something else to wonder about other than how will I feel tomorrow when I awake? Looking back over your life can give you many details of how life goes for you over the years of your life.
    If it's something you haven't faced yet just keep living it will come about sooner or later! To me it seems like all of a sudden and now when my mind says I got to use the restroom. I listen, because there is no time to waste. That alone makes me very glad I use a scooter so I can get to the men's room while shopping before I wet my pants. I can't imagine me walking in the mall turn a corner and see the sign pointing to the men's restroom being like a block away still.
    I suppose that is a body function that has gotten weaker to hold in as you once did without any problems. It sure does make you pay attention to your thoughts. The first thing you think is how far is it to a restroom? I remember when I could hold off going to a restroom when I'm out shopping but not anymore lately. So you get stronger in some areas as time goes along and weaker in some too. Body functions all depend on your state of mind and where you are at the time.
    With me here lately every day brings about something new just when you feel your body is getting stronger. I imagine some of the time it's the meds you take doing the day that causes you to go more often than usual. I want to think part of mine has to do with my prostate situation I had for several years and maybe it gets worse as time goes by.
    My gladness is I have come this far stroke and all still able to manage by myself at this time so that's a true blessing in my book. I can't bowl any more but I still can drive and go places myself and to me that is a real blessing in my condition by itself. Then I now have to consider my age at 72 this month and still going strong.
    I often think about my mom being born in 1898 and had me, her last child, at age 43, I'm just a blessed child in my mind being her 18th child born at home by a Midwife. Of course my dad was 20 years older than her so that may make me more durable I guess? A chip off the old block!
    So what ever happens will happen and my hope is I can handle it for many more years to come. I never been a sickly child or had any health issues I know about so whatever catches up with me now I hope there is a cure available. We all must go one day I'm just not rushing to the head of the line.
    The Pastor asked Sunday for a show of hands of those wanting to go to Heaven. I didn't raise my hand so he said Brother King I didn't see your hand go up? "I said Sir, I was thinking you wanted us to leave now, I wasn't ready yet!" "As I said every day brings about something new" You can depend on that!
  23. fking
    Many of you members here know that I suffer from PTSD and have since the Vietnam war I left in 1970 and returned to a hospital in San Francisco for treatments. Well, this morning on CBS news it was discussed that other medical illness can be caused in those suffering with PTSD. It was discussed that many people would suffer a stroke and that got my attention since I suffered one nine years ago and my PTSD sure hasn't gotten any better over the many years since I was diagnosed.
    In fact before the military knew about PTSD I had it and many other combat soldiers too. It was said we must have been smoking dope and my first wife listen to the news media describing the behavior as that. She divorced me shortly after I was released from the hospital in San Francisco telling me I was not my usual self but how did I know for sure when the Army didn't know either.
    In 1976 when a bit more was known about it and discussions got broader in range of knowledge in the military I was allowed to submit a claim to get paid as a disability. It took more years before any action was given to my claim or any claim for the disability. When more was learned about it the VA started a class for PTSD survivors in order to qualify to claim it as a disability for pay.
    After all those years and for me another divorce they gave me the lowest percentage 10%, and I got paid for having the disorder. It took many more studies for the military to finally accept PTSD as a disability. In 2010 I was reevaluated and awarded 100% in PTSD as a disability from combat. All the while it was in my records having been wounded and having a field operation on my back to remove a bullet while we lost two other soldiers on that mission.
    At first the Army wanted to say I wasn't a 100% when I left Vietnam but they later reversed that saying and awarded me the 100% with back pay I just received a few months ago with the help of an attorney. Many other soldiers are in the same situation with their VA claims still needing to be processed and paid to them.
    It was a real shock this morning to hear that one of the medical issues for people suffering with PTSD WAS HAVING A STROKE AMONG OTHER MEDICAL ISSUES. This lets you know many soldiers get denied benefits by not knowing what they should do or who they should see for help. The same thing happens to soldiers who were in the Agent Orange areas of Vietnam and now suffer from diabetes and many forms of cancer.
    They are not aware of pay and benefits they can receive by filing a claim with the (VA) Veterans Administration where they live now. Some soldiers have been denied before and just give up trying to file again. I say keep trying to file your claim for your benefits you deserve for your combat services you gave the military!
    Should any of you members be affected or have family members and friend you know may benefit please tell them to see the VA and file a claim for what they were denied.
  24. fking
    Dusti, I can see much better all around and my computer too but I need the reading glasses a little less than 250 to read small print and numbers like on my credit cards. I got a pair at Wal-Mart for 9.88, not bad for reading glasses I think! The VA did the surgery and a couple of my Wal-Mart coffee gang in McDonald's said they got the surgery at the Lasik place for a couple thousands. I been wearing glasses since a teenager.
    Anyone with cataracts I will say the surgery isn't bad and only last minutes from start to finish for one eye. Then next time the other eye. You will need to keep using the Glaucoma drops if you have that too and I do but it must not be as bad as cataracts which can dim the vision considerably. If any of you senior citizens need that surgery by all means try to get it done soon before you are way too old and can hardly see good any more.
    I was helping my grand daughter with her home work some time ago when I realized something had to be done for me to see better.
    My final eye visit at the VA is 28 June, I passed the 20/20 eye test in both eyes last week when the doctor said reading glasses for small print would be all I needed. I'm glad they were cheap to buy.
    I suppose the stroke hasn't been to bad on me after the five months I spent in the hospital on the rehab floor. I did come home unable to walk but soon learned with more out patient therapy. Then I got my scooter my wife returned to work and I sort of been on my own since that time. Well I still can't use my left side for much help but I do what I can and keep on going as I have now for nine years. I'm not going to complain much!
    You do sit and wonder sometimes what tomorrow will bring your way but even then I'm convinced I will be alright if it doesn't get any better for me. There isn't much I miss or can't do except Bowling. I tried last week and this week but the desire just is not there any more. I will start to going to the tournaments in my area when the Pros come to town.
    After 22 years in the Army and 14 years on the Army Pistol Team and going to the Olympics in Canada and one tour of duty in Vietnam I really can't complain about my Army career. After my operation in Vietnam the top brass decided I couldn't do my job in a unit with my profile on my back. Therefore no more promotions for me so I got out in 1979 after my tour in Baumholder, Germany.
    I want to stay up beat about life because I had my share of bad things to happen so when the stroke came along hey, I guess I was ready for it. Therefore, to be married now for the fourth time going over 15 years next month, I'm a happy stroke survivor and life is great. I got the little Shih Tzu for my grand daughter that brought her grades up a lot and she stays close to me all day while her little owner is in school. She never complains about anything all day and loves to ride on the scooter with me.
    Yesterday, 06:51 PM "Copied from my last Blog!"
    Hi fking! Mine are 2.50 for reading and 1.50 for the computer. I know what you mean. When I priced mine (though I couldn't afford it), if I didn't have the high end lens - where you don't have to have glasses to read- it was going to run 10K for both eyes. As I didn't have insurance or any money (still don't) an agency here in Texas stepped in to help me and paid for my surgeries along with the related care and cab fare to get back and forth. They were angels of mercy. Otherwise I would still be blind and would not have been able to type this even with a magnifier. By the time I had my surgeries, I could only recognize people by voice and see shapes vaguely. Now I am back to working on animal portraits and animal paintings and should a job open up in my field...go back to work again. I definitely would recommend that if a person's sight is diminishing due to cataracts to have the surgery. If people don't have the money or insurance, they need to check with the agencies for the blind or rehabilitative in their state to see if they can help.
    Dusti, where in Texas are you?? I'm central Texas at Fort Hood/Killeen. Been here since 1986 and not going back to Houston anytime soon or never, I'm happy here with no complaints!
    Until next time you all I shall wait until the first day of summer and my final eye appointment the next week, the 28th! See Ya later!
  25. fking
    Well this could be a long story but I will cut it short. I was glad to read in Ruth's Blog about a dog named Mumbles she got for William's pet and company that he loves just like he loves Ruth, his wife, and precious care giver of many years. It just so happens I got that same breed dog for my grand child a year and two months ago as a two week old pet for keeping her grades up in school. To this point in school she is still on the Honor Role and will get promoted to 5th grade when school ends in June.---------------------------------------Now, I see myself as baby sitter during the day and have gotten attached to this little puppy, a Shih Tzu, like the one William has. They are very good little dogs and love to stay with you all the time. She knows I walk slow with a cane so she waits for me. She loves to ride on the scooter too and at times she want to be out front like she is pulling the scooter with her leash. I think that is good therapy for any survivor to have a pet around them, a cat, a dog, or maybe even birds for that matter.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. I see why some people try to claim their pets on their tax returns and get caught every time. You can spend lots of money on their health and grooming up keep at the Vet in medical cost for them. This breed has long hair, about 3 inches if you let it grow out. I keep hers at about two inches and I find myself combing and brushing her daily to stop the tangles. My grand daughter named her Princess and that fits her personality I think. One day I hope to visit William and Ruth again soon and let the two pets meet. When she comes into heat again we got to carry her back to New Orleans for breeding. No more after that.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. We just want to keep one of the puppies and people have asked me for one they will buy. Those are expensive dogs too. My wife's nephew raises them to sell and he has the one to breed her with and the papers so we have to go there for this event. Me getting her registered cost too but you get more money when they are registered in the club with papers which drive the price up. I have spent out a little over a Grand on her up keep so far. With the plan I chose I have saved that much and more by my records I keep.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. One day Mumbles and Princess will meet and be friends! Each caring for a stroke survivor, how sweet is that?????