
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    Most of you big sports fans know college basketball is in full swing right now and will be right on until the finals which is the final four. So March Madness is about to begin! So many teams so many good and great players at the college levels.
    The thing about this is not all of these young men and women will ever play professional ball. The ones that do can and probably will be set for life as having a great income for many years of their lives. Their parents should be pretty proud of their sons and daughters. They will be satisfied knowing their hard earned savings were well spent on their higher education goals.
    For those who for what ever reason don't play professional ball, just having an education is so great to be hired in the work force of their fields of expertise!
    Then comes the American past time...The game of Baseball! It goes with our love of apple pie. Our own Lenny is the biggest fan, I think here! He is set to see a few games at the ball parks and has invited me to attend a game or two! I really hope I'm able to meet him at one of them when it's really warm and not raining.
    There were off season trades and players acquired from the college levels, not many retirements I know about. I hope the league has it all together and there won't be any stoppages like in years past. That upsets the whole game schedules.
    This year I see they are planing a game with all the black players and many record setting players in Atlanta, GA. this year 2011. See the schedule on the message board under MLB topic. I hope some of your sons and daughters graduating from college are chosen in the different drafts for baseball.
    There were many college football draftees from military parents here at Fort Hood, Texas. We had a dinner together the week after the Heisman Trophy presentation in New York. There are so many colleges all over Texas and these kids like to be close to their parents.
    That explains why some go to the military academies like West point, Navy and Air Force academies. Following in the footsteps of their fathers who are great military leaders of our Armed Forces!
    So now, you have it, a rap up of the baseball season that's getting underway and tidbits of our other great American sports. I just don't know enough about Hockey, Volleyball and Race Cars to comment on those sports. Although I will say just last week I saw a segment on CNN about 4 black hockey players and they are all on this one team in Atlanta. I suppose they are real good players to make the team. :big_grin: :roflmao:
  2. fking
    Many of you know I make this report each year for the past few years and I try to make it an interesting part of history for all mankind.
    Dr. Carter G. Woodson realized the importance of providing a theme that would focus the attention of the public when he established Negro History Week in 1926. Nowadays we know it as Black History Month, yea a whole 30 days. The association for study of African American Life and History dedicates the anniversary of two important African American turning points, the 1863 Emancipation and the 1963 March on Washington. Did you notice those dates are 100 years apart.
    My father was in that era born around 1876 in slavery along with my mom in June 1898. They met and married to have 18 kids, 6 of them did not live pass 3 to 5 months and died. No incubators or hospital births in those days. I'm their 18 birth of 8 sons and 4 daughters, with one set of twin girls born just before me in 1935. My second oldest sister is still here at age 83 this year in April. We still have 3 boys and 2 girls alive. My dad passed in 1955 and my mom in 1985.
    The Emancipation Proclamation, decreed by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, declared slaves in all confederate states then at war with the Union "Forever Free" and made them eligible for paid military service in the Union Army. Although it did not end slavery in the nation, it did transform the character of the war. After the proclamation was made, every advance of Federal troops expanded the domain of freedom and black men were allowed to serve in the Union Army and Navy in separate units from white troops. By the end of the war almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for freedom.
    The March on Washington for jobs and freedom took place on August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. where more than 200,000 demonstrators took part in the walk. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I have a dream" speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, noting that the Emancipation Proclamation gave hope to black slaves. The following year Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as a concrete step towards fulfilling the promise of the Emancipation Proclamation.
    This is the month we celebrate Presidents day and the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as holidays on different Mondays in February as we have now for many years. History is a beautiful study as we celebrate the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the march on Washington giving thanks to Dr. King and it's the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.
    Get outside and enjoy your given time off from work. Valentines day is coming in a couple days so being with the one(s) you love that loves you too will show your love for them with a gift from your heart and your favorite store. Happy Valentines Day to all of you!
    May the grace of God continue to bless and keep you in His hands giving you strength for all the task ahead as we travel by faith, not by sight! Peace and pray for our military men and women in harms way fighting for our continued freedom
  3. fking
    Well, it's tax time and I'm in a real slow mode hopefully by April I'll be ready to send my check in since I been paying for the last couple years when my wife's mom passed. We always got a refund then but no more!!
    Oh I guess I could talk about yesterday, boy what a day! A 920 am appointment to get a steroid shot in my weak back at the pain clinic ended up being an all day thing and a trip to the ER then my heart doctor. After the injection my heart beat slowed down to 30's and the 60's is a slow heart beat. I got a little scared thinking from before the meningitis scare was back. They drew blood and tested several things but found nothing so over to the heart doctor and I got right in to see him.
    He ordered a monitor to wear for three days I should get on Monday if not Saturday. The thing is I just had that done in September or October for a slow heart beat when I went to get an injection in my knees from my arthritis doctor. She said my beat was too slow to get injected but this time my heart beat was normal before I got the injection and discovered afterwards. Maybe I'm just getting old and will be 72 in July.
    Today I feel fine as if nothing was wrong yesterday and my back feels a 100% better today. My wife came home for lunch and said I even look better but she didn't eat here so I guess she had a full stomach. I'm suppose to take it easy for a week no straining so no sex for the Superbowl what a bummer. Oh well I got lots to look forward to I have to keep her looking young.
    In two weeks we are suppose to go to her sister's wedding in New Orleans and pick up some things we can only find there. I hope the ground hog makes the right prediction tomorrow and no more super cold days and some rain ahead to end this long drought. My yard looks real bad front and back no grass just dirt and I had St, Augustine grass and now just in spots. My yard man has had a long break so maybe I can get him to come inside and change the smoke detectors there are no little red light in any of them.
    I should have had this done before Christmas like I normally do but didn't get around to it with so much going on at that time. Well it's time to take her car in to Subaru for service check but I think I'll wait until Monday I don't feel up to waiting and sitting that long for service to be complete. Then I would want to take the little puppy with me and do some walking outside for me and for her. Her little owner will be in school Monday and I hate to leave her so long, guess I really love that little now.
  4. fking
    I read a blog about the weather from somebody and they were wondering how the winter was going to be in their area. Well, in some areas there will be snow for sure and right now there is snow in Jackson Mississippi. Now that is unusual and it could fall in Georgia and Alabama as well the way this weather is acting this new year of 2013.
    We are having temps of freezing each morning then by noon time the sun is shining until late evening but it doesn't get above 50 degrees to often which still feels great being outside without worry of being bitten by mosquitoes like it was a few months ago. There was no snow in my area of Texas for Christmas so I think we won't have any for Easter either like we had a few years ago.
    Most people never get the chance to enjoy their patio for one reason or another but I think this year that will change.and I will be glad to sit out in the early mornings while the puppy get to run around in the back yard and enjoy herself being outside. My front yard is not fenced in and she has to be on a leash or she goes everywhere she pleases and don't care what you say to her about coming back. She has been to puppy training school and knows sit, stay, no, leave it and stop as commands but still need to have command school now that she has made one year old on 1 January.
    When she hears barking she wants to go in that direction but all the dogs near me are much bigger than she is and there is a pit bull right next door now but my fence is solid and he can't get out. She likes to come outside and play in the little grass I got left in the back yard with the sun shinning. I guess the weather will be good and no tornadoes this year like it was last year almost in every state in the US.
    I guess with the temps like they are it cuts down on the electric bill for now because we don't turn the heat up very much at night but once we start to get up then it's turned up a notch to warm the whole house for a few minutes. My electric bill hasn't been very much so far and that's a good thing too. I been thinking about getting the solar panels installed but I'm not sure if they should go on the roof or in the yard ground level like I see quite a few here that way. Oh well I'll make that decision pretty soon and depending on my tax return and how much I get back if any.
    We are still in a drought condition for now and only had a couple inches of rain lately so most people are still hoping for more rain especially the farmers and ranchers to have water for their animals and crops.
  5. fking
    OK, step parents and grand parents, be honest, did you know about these special days on your calendar??? Honestly I knew about grand parents day last Sunday it was the subject of our weekly bulletin!! Today step parents day was mentioned but no bulletin!!
    Those two categories of parents and children make up a large percentage of the population of people in America and no doubt in other countries around the world!! With me having been married four times before the age of 50 I got my share of grand children and step children alike! I am proud to say these kids had a male figure they could turn to for life and learning while they continued to grow up and be good responsible adults themselves!!
    I say that because so many kids are subjected to abusive parents and in many cases some are pedophiles, men and women, in their own right!! I have always said if you love the mom and she has kids you must love the children as your own and as a legal parent!! Being a grand parent I sit down and count the times I have become a grand parent and great grand parent and any person having attained that status should be proud God have kept them here to see more generations and the glory of sons in their fathers!! A smile of pride should be upon each parent!!
    When we see the news on TV it always seem to be a case of another child missing or killed and the parents don't know what happened or maybe they are a part of the situation! It happens way too often for me!!
    I read a lot of blogs here and many of us are remarried with kids from both sides of the parents!! The word Step is never spoken in my house, they are all my kids and I'm married to their mother when that was each case!! The kids know their birth mother and fathers and don't have to be reminded who is who in the household!!
    It makes for a more joyous home for all and no one is treated differently!! When I see and consider the military aspect of lives in a military town where many fathers and moms are killed in the war and some without ever seeing their newborn child calls for a better understanding of family memberships and support!! When you see them at the crosswalk in school zones you realize they are just kids with different moms or dads but they are all smiling and playing on their way home!!
    I think that will be a way of life for many more years to come so be thankful for your kids and grand kids because there is no Island of second chance!! No time tunnel to re-live those years and correct any mistakes we committed the first time around!! Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once!! That is never more true than rearing children and by the time we are fairly good at it our kids are all young adults and gone from our nest!! NOW comes our grand kids that we love to spoil as grand parents!!
    We can break all the rules they were under and spoil those little darlings while we hear them say you all didn't let us do that!! Well, We were much younger then, it's a funny world!!!!
    I bet many of us are in this boat together, Ha, ha!!!
  6. fking
    Have you ever felt like you need to cry a little or maybe laugh too?? After all we are still alive and functional so just because we survived the stroke or we are giving care to our loved ones sometimes we need a break to catch our breath, breathe in and out to lower our blood pressure then cry or maybe even laugh or smile a little while our minds take a break from all that work and thinking we do so well! I posted this morning in the Off Topic Form a paper on senior news that may interest many of you receiving Social Security checks and for that matter any government check! Many of you know our parents didn't trust banks and they got their money by checks delivered by the postal service! They went to the local store cashed the check and kept their money in the mattress or a coat pocket in the closet! You also may know about the postal service downsizing and even stop Saturday deliveries of postal mail! Well On 1 March 2013 everyone will be getting their money electronically to a bank or other finance institution or on a card of your choice.
    Well, well, well, this same senior news paper will keep you laughing with many laughing matters columns, games, and other items of interest to keep you busy anytime you visit the site at: Games to play, comics to read, you'll enjoy yourself I know!
    Check it out, nothing to buy or subscribe to just interesting items for us old folks! Many of my jokes I posted on here came from this publication! You know now I can't tell any more joke by orders from management which some of you miss and like I said we all need to laugh now and then so check it out and let me know what you think, OK? Oh, the comic strip of Beetle Baily is there too and games like sudoku!
    PS, The senior News for my area of Texas is:The Central Texas Region/Waco just click on it and you don't have to log in or register it's a free paper! You flip the pages on the bottom right!
  7. fking
    Today is Friday the middle of the month of September. It has been one big month with so many things happening and the weather going from extreme heat to a cool down then heat again! There is just so much going on daily in this city like the council looking for a new city manager to water rationing cattle being sold or shipped up north where food and water is readily available.
    We have meetings on Fort Hood for the Wounder Warriors program, meeting new wounder soldiers returning home while others are being sent to San Antonio to the burn center. Then my own appointments at the VA. I keep a busy schedule all week but that gives me something to think about other than my pains and conditions. When you see others daily in worse shape than you it makes you feel you are doing OK! You've heard me say dealing with the funerals, the returning soldiers making adjustments, it makes me feel pretty good about my disabilities as a stroke survivor.
    So I don't have time to think about how I feel or what I can't do cause many of these soldiers are needing help. I'm just glad to be alive. Many of them feel that same way. Then some of them are getting out the Army and looking for jobs doing something they can manage in their physical conditions. Others are retiring with over 20 years service, they get a monthly retirement check like myself. Some will get disability from the VA but that takes awhile with the paperwork being approved. Normally it comes in 10% increments or 30% in some areas of the body. At any rate it takes plenty time before payments are started. It took me ten years of applying and being approved.
    So today I can go shopping, eat out, then meet with the old timers and tell war stories and lies and new jokes. Sometimes we count tattoos on shoppers and wonder what they paid for them. That's like recreation time where some people shoot pool, play cards or what ever for entertainment and a life break.
    Life is good even when it's bad here we try to smile or grin and bear it most days. I may even try my (hand) at fishing this weekend. The ponds and lakes are really low so fishing from the pier may be safer cause should you fall off you hit dirt or mud. The catfish is being caught at the lake so that's where I will probably end up fishing. My neighbor works out there as a life guard but now that area is closed for the fall/winter! Not quite sure I'm ready for the paddle boats with one leg working good unless I can use two life vests.
    Well let me start my day you all, I'll be back tomorrow maybe. My wife is off tomorrow with her honey do list for me so I'd better make good today what I can do not harassed by her saying "You can't do that yourself."
    THIS IS AN UPDATE 9/17/11:
    Just wanted to come back and tell you all it wasn't Friday the 13th but I caught several big fish. That means anything over 8 inches long. :big_grin: Plus I got most of them on the pier myself with one hand winding the reel and my weak hand holding the rod. I think I did good! It's been over 8 years since I went fishing. This time I had it in my mind I could do it myself and I did that!
    My wife wouldn't let me attempt to clean the cat fish. I had one Bass about 12 inches long (as long as my shoe) I think. That was my surprise catch of the evening. We fish free and can keep whatever we catch being a handicap veteran. I'm bound to go again before it gets cold here. Then the Trout fish are running they tell me. :Tantrum:
  8. fking
    Many of you know I'm here in Killeen Texas at the front gate of Fort Hood Texas. There are many veterans returning from the war zones. Many of them are hurt and disabled. Loss of arms/hands, legs/foot and brain injuries are just a few of the many injures they have suffered doing this Iraq and Afghanistan war. It's not over yet so there will be many other men and women returning home as Wounder Warriors by the time the order is given to end this war.
    Some of them will be leaving the different branches of service returning home in their states. However many of them have settled their families here in Texas. From the looks of our economy jobs will not be very plentiful in any of the states. Finding jobs with the unemployment rate currently at 9.1% will be almost impossible for all of them.
    Some of them will have the time in service and are eligible to retire. Some will be given medical discharges while others will still be undergoing treatments at the burn center in San Antonio Texas. Many of them have opted to remain on active duty while undergoing treatments to be fitted with prosthesis. Still others are now using power chairs and scooters to be mobile if they are having trouble walking. I've never seen this many soldiers having to use this much equipment doing all my 22 years in the Army.
    One of the benefits available to us once we receive a 100% disability status is applying for the property tax exempt status on your homestead property. That saves lots of money each year when you own a home in any of the 50 US states! I just applied for mine today so each year that's a good little chunk of money you are saving each year. Even after the home is paid off we still have property taxes and insurance as everyone does.
    Not owing any taxes will be a great saving over many years in your home. The money you saved can be applied toward upkeep and yearly maintenance to keep your home looking great. Owning a home and finding a job is essential to living a good life after your service years you gave to Uncle Sam!
    Me being here has made life as a stroke survivor much more pleasant in the community among so many with disabilities too. We get together weekly for different meetings and functions to get the word out so no one is left out of the loop of living a disabled life. We all strive to help the next man or woman be all they can be and get all the benefits they are entitled to receive being a service connected Veteran.
    If we have any veterans that may read this blog and are eligible to have your property taxes eliminated then go to your city tax office and let them know you are a veteran receiving 100% disability from the Veterans Administration (VA) and save your money. Make sure you keep applying for your benefits, don't stop cause then it just takes longer. There are VA rules to follow. :big_grin:
  9. fking
    We all know around the world that September 11, 2011 marked ten years since many innocent lives were lost when the US came under attack by a terrorist attack. Yesterday was somber in that regard as many prayers went up from many people to a higher power! We pray that never happens again in the free world around the globe and that peace can be obtained between nations where no lives are lost for no reason!
    I spent most of the day yesterday in church services and in prayer for our survivors right here at stroke net. As we know, many of us are paralysed and having to use wheelchairs, walkers, canes or a scooter to go about having a normal day inside or outside the home enjoying the world as we know it to be. It's a true struggle in many cases for each of us but I look at the whole picture and be glad we survived and are still alive!
    Yesterday was Grandparents day, Sept 11th this year and many of us are proud grandparents. We have generations of our off springs to love and cherish as we grow older each passing year. Some of them are caring for us now as care giver. More older people are being cared for these days by their children and grand children. Where would we be without them?
    My little 7 year old grand daughter lives with us and she is my helper. When she comes in the room she ask if I need her to get me anything from the refrig or warm something in the microwave. Of course she knows she gets to eat or drink what ever it may be. Her way of eating sweets or something her mom may not want her to have.
    I help her with school home work, reading books and anything she needs help with. She just turned 7 last month and in the third grade already. I can see where her college money is coming from so I put aside for that reason already. Before she leaves for school she makes sure to say "see you later Pa-Pa, you need anything?"
    "Did you hear about the grandparents who were so tickled that their grandchildren were coming to visit for a week that they put an extra ten dollars in the offering plate at church? When the grandchildren went home at the end of the week, the grandparents' joy must have doubled because that Sunday they put a twenty dollar bill in the plate!"
    I think that means they were real glad the visit had ended. We are always glad to see them so long as their stay is short!
    Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come. Psalms 71:18!
    I might add that I first got married July 1960, that gives me over 50 years in the parenting field. Many of you know I'm married for the fourth time since July 1998. This seems to be my last time saying vows and I'm so glad she has been right by my side right through the stroke and beyond to this day. I have had the privilege of raising kids, grand and great grand kids too!
  10. fking
    Well members, we have made it to the last day of June 2011. A few things got better, gas prices for one, the days are longer more daylight so the electric bill should drop. I try to stay outside under the trees or take my scooter and go to the stores in their cool buildings. I love the super markets eating the fresh fruits and melons they put out for customers to sample!
    I turn my a/c on late evenings after the wife gets home. I don't dare turn it on just for me all day. Sometimes I park my scooter and walk around inside Walmart talking with my ex-co workers. I still get a few deals since I'm there and they invite me to the break room! Seems like they got lunch for somebody at least twice a week where they bring dishes in to sell or it's free for donations to help someone out of a crisis!
    The store manager wants me to be a mystery shopper catching the shoplifters. It sounds good but I never know who has a gun on them or not and I can't see myself getting shot trying to stop a person from running out the store with a case of beer they didn't purchase.
    I think the idea came about because those that know me by name walks right by me and don't recognize it's me until I speak to them! They are used to me being on the scooter. I ride three different color scooters too, one has panels to change from red to blue and it's smaller. Lots of people has them now from Medicare.
    I said no to all of them, saying I feel good just being retired and getting out to see the world! :big_grin:
    Well July 1st is tomorrow and the big 4th is Monday, hope you all are ready. We'll have everything except fireworks in my neck of the woods. It's still way too dry, grass is brown, and the wind is still pretty high. Seems like time flies when you are having fun, life is good when you can enjoy each day. I can drive a little more with the gas prices down a bit.
    The defense rested it's case today in the Casey Anthony trial, I bet those jurors are more than ready to go home and sleep in their own beds in a couple more days!
    I wonder what the verdict will be? anybody got a good guess?? I watched a lot of it and I just don't know how it will come out. Then again the 12 jurors may not know at this point either! I will say if she's convicted that family will lose a daughter and grand daughter.
    Possibly a dad too if his wife kills him for cheating on her! This is a Cloak and Digger for sure!
  11. fking
    Tomorrow is FRIDAY the 13th, we have one more this year. I suppose for some members it will be a lucky day. For me, I'm looking forward to Sunday the 15th, my 2 year anniversary as a survivor of a terrible brain attack. Still not able to walk far, work, or do so many things I had invisioned for my life and marriage. But that's life, there are no for sures' or certaintees, except taxes and death we all have to pay one day.
    I hope we all could be very lucky and gain more movement and control of our bodies, speech, eye sight and our finances could rise and we not have any more worries how to pay for our health care and bills we have made over the past few years. That would be a wonderful Friday the 13th, with one more coming in October this year. Talking about no more Stress, how great that would be. Oh well it's a thought! Maybe a dream!!
  12. fking
    Most of you know about Black History month here in the US as it's celebrated all month with plenty of festivities all across the United States.
    I think all people regardless of race, creed, color or national origin is somebody and are Human Beings. We come in all sizes, shapes, heights, and of course colors of our skins! Over the years I really feel we, as people of all races and origins have come together as God intended although we were in different regions and spoke different tongues of languages!
    But when you really read history books you'll find God made us in his own image and with the exception of Jesus the Christ were born of woman and man which put us in sin! We all know God was responsible for Jesus being born of the Virgin Mary. And of course we know to that it hasn't ever been done since that time!
    That leaves all of us to know Christ died for our sins on the cross as an innocent man as the son of God.
    So, here we are enjoying all of what was intended for all humans and as blacks, life and opportunities has increased with many noted persons as leaders for that cause! Most of us know or remember Martin Luther King Jr. and now the 44th President of the US, Barack Obama.
    Long before them were many others in the history pages of all history books that had a hand in inventions, schools, and so many other things including being the first Black in Congress year ago and of course women that followed in being recognized.
    We learn to manage our bread and butter until God supplies the jam! The power of a dream as was the case with Dr. King, that children might one day grow up in a nation where they would be judged by their character, not the color of their skin
    Many other African Americans have had powerful dreams for their race, their country, and themselves come true. I shall never forget Nelson Mandela of South Africa who was imprisoned for 27 years then released and became President of South Africa. The very nation that put him in prison.
    I look at the uprising in Egypt at the moment, the same country God told the the king to let his people go. We all know what was done to get them all out of Egypt by parting the Red Sea. They then spent 40 years in the wildness as God's people lead by Moses, but in the end things and people were better in those days long before our times!
    We know history repeats itself so many years from now we can all live in America and most of the world without the color of our skin or the language we speak being a factor for our habitation in this country and the nations! If I got any facts wrong, please feel free to correct me or my mistakes as you read this. My writings got cold and I can't seem to read my own writings! A writer I'm not! :big_grin:
  13. fking
    Very interesting....
    Can you imagine how a 1910 Ford Model R looked like?
    Well, you wouldn't remember nor your friends, children and/or grandchildren!
    The year is 1910
    One hundred years ago.
    What a difference a century makes!
    Here are some statistics for the Year 1910:
    ************ ********* ************
    The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
    Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.
    Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
    Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
    There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.
    The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
    The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
    The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.
    The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year.
    A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
    A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
    More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME.
    Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which Were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'
    Sugar cost $.04 a pound.
    Eggs were $.14 cents a dozen.
    Coffee was $.15 cents a pound.
    Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
    Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
    The Five leading causes of death were:
    1. Pneumonia and influenza
    2. Tuberculosis
    3. Diarrhea
    4. Heart disease
    5. Stroke, yes stroke can you believe it moved up a couple places in 100 years?
    The American flag had 45 stars.
    The population of Las Vegas , Nevada , was only 30! They got 10 times that many crooks there 100 years later!
    Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented yet.
    There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.
    Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write and Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
    Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, Regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health' ( Shocking? DUH! )
    Eighteen percent of households had at least 1 full-time servant/domestic help, guess who?
    There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE U.S.A. !
    IT STAGGERS THE Mind but that was the year 100 years ago!
    I thought you'd like to read this especially if you are a survivor of a stroke!
  14. fking
    Well Stessie we fought a great fight, now we await the vote count. I have no earthly idea which way it'll go nor how high the vote counts will be for all 5 of the contestants! I just pray you are first. I said to my wife I'm coming to Cincy if you win, she said not without her and she has no more vacation days left for this year.
    I don't even remember when they said the count would become final, just that they will be on the square for the celebration. Take some pictures if you can and send me a few on the computer or on my cell phone.
    Hello to your husband and sisters too! I'm watching the Cincy Bear cats and Oklahoma battle now on the football field. It's almost over and Oklahoma leads by 2 points.
  15. fking
    It seems to me Christmas was last week, then the new year. Here we are near the middle of January struggling to find all our tax papers so we can complete a timely tax return by April 15th. In fact, I'm still writing 2006 on my checks, my brain can't keep up with the year.
    Then low and behold the weather is sunny with above average temps across the nation for the month of January, a winter month for sure. Only in Colorado, I suppose with monster amounts of snow and not even a snowflake in New York so far. Florida may miss out on the snowbirds from the northeastern states this year, no reason to leave home.
    Not much fuel being used for heating homes so the gas prices are falling some. The global warming is here, flowers are already blooming early and it feels like spring is just around the corner, not months away.
    Maybe we will all prosper in some way or another. My hope is the war comes to a close real soon and lives will be saved. Being here at the front gate of the troops departing and many not returning is difficult to endure day after day for an unknown period of time.
    I think the holiday season has just about come to a close, so here is hoping all your doctors appointments will be a shinny light in your lives this year and all the good things appear for goodness sakes.
  16. fking
    Well, I feel like I know more now about arthritis pain, causes and treatment procedures for my type. He really explained a therapist's position, views, overall guidelines depending on place of employment. For obvious reasons, I can't/won't go into details, but there is lots of room why some are considered more efficient in working with patients of different abilities in their treatments.
    Same token for stroke survivors being treated in therapy with different function levels but being told and treated the same which should not be the case. That's why a doctors referral to OT/PT is required and a therapist eval assessment to arrive at the correct treatment for that patient. We should never be told that we have reached a plateau or not going to get any more or better from more therapy.
    Each patient starts therapy at a level they can perform and progress from there, but some therapist will auto start all of them off doing the same task based on time and number of visits approved by the insurance company. This company for therapy is by far the best I've seen in over two years of going to therapy. They pride themselves accordingly by explaining your condition even better than your doctor did.
    My eval was for arthritis, but he took the time to explain and eval me for stroke conditions too. The T.E.N.S. unit was used for pain assessment and another electro unit as well to show me the difference of what they were suppose to do for you. That's why some gadgets work for some and not for others depending on their conditions physically. That's why you have to meet certain guidelines to be accepted in clinic trials with these various machines.
    My stroke condition did not meet me using, leasing or buying a machine. My neuro doctor had said it wouldn't work for me but never gave a reason why not, as this therapist did. Thru my 3 visits in one week, for arthritis eval, my condition has not gotten worse, compared to prior x-rays, as I was told, but it will and the proof will be there to be seen on x-ray. Right now, my medications are holding pain in check and no bone on bone exist at this time. So, no operations or replacements warranted and at 65 years of age, left side paralysis, it's not recommended according to my condition and health.
    That's my results until next time or I experience undue pains.
  17. fking
    Well this day is the Eve of my much anticipated 2 year recovery time tomorrow, the 15th. Like any other day, My mind is wondering. I'm still hoping for a somewhat normal left side control like I had about 6 months after my stroke up until a few months ago. That makes me think,(thats dangerous), about the brain cells that didn't die right away. Do they just remain dormant, half dead, or do they, in time, die also?
    I feel like they died to cause me to have less control. I asked my neuro doc, he couldn't say in a way for me to understand his answer. He's the same doc that couldn't see any change in the MRI's from my onset and now. I exercise like crazy, up and down my 15 stair steps to the kitchen and bedroom. Still my leg and arm is tighter and I have less control than when I was at 6 months out. Seems to me, if I keep going in this direction, my walking will be stopped. It plays havoc on trying to get a nights sleep anymore without pains.
    Then, I wonder about all the weather conditions in the world these days. On the west coast and in Seattle, Wa, rain, mudslides, homes being washed away. In Alabama, tornados, homes destroyed, lives in danger. The East coast, much the usual rain/snowey conditions. In Texas and Oklahoma, fires and drought, no rain in the forecast.
    Seems like there are more people dying one after another, kids still bringing guns to school, molestors still molesting boys and young girls, domestic violence still rampant. Now, your cell phone is no longer safe from predators for sale to others wanting information about you. The whole sports world stars are going crazy doing unsportsmanlike acts to disgrace themselves. Even if I could, I wouldn't buy another ticket to any game. I could get a few sessions of therapy in rehab for the price of one game ticket these days.
    Just about the time I start to pity myself for my condition, I go on my appointments to the VA hospital where I see many others my age range in worse conditions. As the saying goes, there is always someone better than you and still others in worse shape. That keeps me from feeling depressed, knowing I'm not alone in rebounding from a severe stroke. Instead, I thank God that he wasn't ready for me yet. Beside taxes, that's our final debt to be paid as sure as we were born.
    To that I say, come on 2 years and I hope to be around for many more, just as some other members here has done. In fact if I recall, there is a couple members here have celebrated 20 years, that's a milestone in itself, so here I am on the highway to recovery as a survivor. I hope we all have many more years to come.
    My last Blog was about Friday, the 13th, low and behold, I was not able to get on the message board all day. Maybe it only happened to me. Is that Myths or superstitions, well I'm aware of the site getting an overhaul, but I still wonder, what IF I was the only one, WOW. Is that possible? Thanks for the spell checker! I had 15 wrong, 10 mistyped, I hit the wrong key, it's easy to do.