
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    Well Folks we are into the New Year and we all got lots to be thankful about being survivors, care givers, friends, parents or just guess here on strokenet site..... My many thanks to Steve Mallory again for his creation of a wonderful stroke site.....
    I came on board in December 2005 and now that date seems like a long time ago or I'm getting older or both.... So here is to all the members and our guess and visitors alike for the new year 2016 hoping you will be around for many more years to come....
    Well I will be 75 should I make it to see July 22 this year but I may not be posting as much as I have been doing for the last 10 years my fingers are a bit slower these days must be the arthritis setting in my fingers..... :Doh: :thumbs up:
  2. fking
    Hey I posted in our Member meeting other Members section so if you live in Texas and want or wish to meet other members here in Texas you can post your comment there and perhaps some of us can get to meet other members soon..... :roflmao:
    That's how I met William and Ruthpill, his wife in Houston a few years ago when I had my daughter with me for the trip back to Houston to see a few of her cousins......
    Remember you have to post in members meeting members to see my post, OK!!!!!
  3. fking
    Today is Christmas Day, Friday, 2015, a warm Friday and here in Texas it's pretty and warm weather, in fact the warmest Christmas in a long, long time dating back to 1954 so say the weather people on all the TV channels this morning...... They keep records, I don't so I can just enjoy this day with no place to go in particular.....
    I must say I'm glad to still be alive and well considering all I have endured over the last 12 years after suffering this stroke in my life..... As many of you know a stroke is devastating to have and survive very long so my Christmas gift all these years has to be me still alive and doing the best I can with what I got left..... "I'm so very thankful to God above for my life, my wife/care giver, and the strength He has given me to keep on surviving....
    No body knows the troubles a survivor has to endure after a stroke as the body isn't the same and the mind can't keep up with what needs to be remembered day to day but considering everything I feel I'm doing pretty good day to day and year to the next year in my life....
    Marriages and relationships suffer after a stroke in many cases so I am glad all my relationship suffering happened in my first Three Marriages and this one is the jewel blessed by God as I feel He knows my situation and what was in store for my life..... I don't get around much any more but I feel good about my life and what I can do for myself...... Soon as I can start back going to church I know I'll feel even better in my life....
    So it feels good to still be here to celebrate this Christmas Day this year and have my wife's people come in from New Orleans to be with us at this time......
    I hope many others are feeling better after their stroke and getting stronger day by day as I have over the years and even my walking is better at this time but I still got a long road ahead to get back like I once was in the things I could do myself.....
    Christmas is for the kids they say but all of us enjoy getting presents and attention from our loved ones and see the eyes of the young ones open their presents on Christmas day..... Here is hoping all of you have a wonderful day today and get stronger in your body if you suffered a stroke..... :roflmao:
  4. fking
    I'm just checking in you all nothing big happening except my walking is not good at all but no falls so far..... I can still drive my grand daughter to school on the mornings my wife has to be at work early mornings every other week.... I'm really one handed now with this paralysis on left side but I am not complaining at all it could be worse.....
    I am just home trying to get better but it is so slow and I got a guy that comes to my house for a little therapy at 9 am for an hour but I don't see or feel any improvements so he may not be coming much longer..... He is talking about moving to Colorado real soon where his father lives and he can make more money......
  5. fking
    Since my last blog I been complaining about me not being able to do things like walking and doing other things for myself as good as I once was doing when I was getting PT, OT, at home and seems to me I was in better shape physically... That time is gone or the money ran out and my insurances didn't pay any more... I still got one guy from an agency to come in for one hour and help me with small things like cutting toenails putting on skin care products from the knees to my feet since my skin seems to be so dry daily.... My wife still helps me with the other areas and picking out my clothes for the days wear plus ironing if needed...
    Mean while my walking is at it's lowest level since the stroke happened 11 or nearly 12 years ago now but of course my left side is still very paralyzed where I can't begin to use it like I want to do but I still ride my exercise bike in the dinning room daily to keep the rest of my body functioning as best I can.... I'm not complaining at all but I just feel so different now when I know at one time I could do more in the early going of my stroke days....
    So as I stated I'm not complaining just scared of falling if I try to go back to church each Sunday with my wife.... I'm still able to drive myself anyplace I need to go it's just my walking that scares me should I fall and can't get up on my own strength...
    I suppose I will never get my motorcycle license back since I'm still paralyzed on one side plus I would have to do a riding test too now I'm sure so those days are behind me even if I still had my three wheel machine I first had years ago when I first learned how to ride when I worked at the Post office in Houston.... Here soldiers are getting killed daily riding their bikes and not being careful like we all did years ago.....
    Anyway as I said I'm just blogging not complaining but I would like to do more, and be better in walking like I once was doing so maybe it will get a bit better soon who knows?? I have to realize now that I have made it to 74 this past July so I am bound to be slower since no one stays young and flexible forever....
    My wife has been such a wonderful woman, wife, and caregiver until I know I couldn't have made it this far without her by my side.... She is still holding down her full time job at the bank as a supervisor of the drive in bank branch downtown which she loves to do and has been in banking for many, many years now....
    So no complaints as I stated but just would love to do more walking and getting around like I once did everyday without a worry about falling and knowing I can't get back up on my own strength..... I will continue to be careful more next time.... :Doh:
  6. fking
    I had no idea I would be writing this kind of blog this early in my recovery process but we never know when our bodies will just give out or at least parts of our body gives out, gets weaker, where it is difficult to control that part of our body.... I have been in a survival mode since 2004 at the age of 62....
    Now I made it to 74 this past July with a few bumps along the way like having my right knee operated on as a result of a fall while riding a shuttle bus in Las Vegas over a year ago.... That leg is alright however the left side of my body is paralyzed and has been since the stroke nearly 12 years ago... I have had therapy every year since the stroke from several agencies paid by my insurances.... Some were in home while others I had to go to their locations for my therapy which was OK for me since I can drive and haul my scooter every where I go....
    In my case now the left side has given out or perhaps given up which has caused my walking to be very slow at best where I can barely get the left foot in front of the right foot like a shuffle to prevent falling knowing I can't get back up on my own power... I'm having to use the scooter more lately and honestly I think my walking days are very limited with my quad cane and my attending church on Sunday are already gone.... I haven't been going now for well over three or four month of Sundays... That really bothers me but I have to understand I must walk to be able to attend church services as there just isn't room for me or anyone else to use a scooter or wheelchair and block the narrow isles we have with the layout of the church building which was built many, many years ago plus there are several steps to get inside the front entrance of the church....
    So I'm wondering now what is next for me surviving this stroke the way my body is giving out on my left side causing my walking to be very hard to accomplish.... It's even very hard for me to stand up from a sitting position in a chair at home or even the commode with the 5 and 1/2 inch raised seat on it otherwise I couldn't get up by myself.... I still got an attendant for one hour each morning but that's not helping me walk any better either....
    I'm not giving up I'm giving out physically and that makes surviving real hard for me now so I thought I would express that point in this blog so all of you would know what happened in my case you don't see me posting and responding on the board anymore..... :roflmao: I won't be kicking this high but better than I am now....
    I'm hoping I still got a few more years left as a survivor but that's the one thing any of us just don't know because it's not up to us..... Obviously I want to last long as I can but my body has slowed down and tonight I thought I would put it in writing so everybody reading the message board would know what happened to me.... I got to get lots of rest and move around as much as possible so I don't get any worse right now.... I will still try to blog when I feel up to using the computer but rest I feel is what I need now most of all.....
    December 15th is the anniversary of my stroke in a few days so hopefully I'll be at home resting up some..... Anyway I'll be at home resting up and learning how to walk all over again and stand up from a sitting position too... God bless!!!
  7. fking
    Well dear friends, it probably doesn't feel or even look like it weather wise but the Christmas Season (December 2015) is just around the corner.... After Black Friday and of course Black Monday tomorrow the shopping season is here even if the snow and colder weather hasn't yet arrived in your town....
    For many of us shopping will be off our list of things to do especially my list.... I hate trying to shop on line it's just not the same as walking into the malls and stores looking at all the things you wish you could buy for family members and our friends too.... But on the other hand our charge cards don't get over charged and big bills keep coming in the mail for months before we get out of debt....
    I have never been a compulsive shopper and my wife will buy what she wants and I will give my OK and pay for it when the bill come in the mail.... With my walking slow with a quad cane like I'm doing and on my scooter it takes away my desire to go out shopping anywhere with the crowds of people in the malls and stores all over town....
    I think the best shopping times are when the sales start after the big rush to buy in the stores.... That's bargain time I think as they want to sell all the things that was picked over and usually there are good bargains to be had on certain items.... So for me, my shopping is limited as the season goes on until the first of the coming New Year 2016....
    Saint Nick will be visiting and leaving presents mostly for the kiddos but be careful about leaving packages at your front door that other people will come by and remove them from your door..... I pray all of our members here will enjoy a wonderful Christmas Season and our guest as well that checks in to see what Stroke-net is doing....
    I thought about getting me a new vehicle since mine is 12 years old now but I let that idea go because I don't know how much longer I will be driving and hauling my scooter..... The one I got is in great shape as I keep my vehicles running and serviced all the time plus I would not trade it or get rid of it ever at my age now.....
    So to all of you here is my early wish for you to have a wonderful Holiday season, be safe, and take care of the survivor in your household..... And to all our care givers be careful at home and out shopping this season, enjoy!!!!!
  8. fking
    Well it's almost that time of the year again, December, years later, and I am still here doing the best I can without complaining about anything today.... I shall see how December goes while I try not to complain since I am still a blessed survivor to be here.... Thanks for your many, many prayers folks, I really appreciate them as they touch my heart and lift me up a bit more every day I experience being here as a survivor this many years after the stroke....
    I guess we as people can get down on ourselves and must understand life has not ended because we get down because everyone does every now and then... We are only Human and don't have all the answers out there.... Life is precious and we try to live it as best we can and no one knows their last day in their right mind especially stroke Survivors whom have lost so much over the years dealing with a stroke or strokes.... We all need care providers by our sides and probably couldn't make the trip without them by our sides in life.....
    So again I thank all of you that responded to my last blog with tons of encouragements as I have managed to hold myself together by the grace of God in my life.... I will say from my experience that a stroke is one of the hardest things to overcome and survive even more than losing a friend or a very close family member like a mom, dad, brother or sister when you are real young in life or at any time for that matter....
    In my opinion at times you feel you just can't go any farther in life but somehow you gather more strength and trust in the Lord to make it through another time period in your life..... It doesn't get any easier but in a way you understand more about the season you face....
    Say a prayer for the people in Paris whom lost so many lives so fast and senselessly for no reason... Somehow I feel the people responsible for this massacre will be dealt with by God in due time.... He see and knows All.....
  9. fking
    Well, I'm still looking for the right place for my only daughter and first born to live because she gets released from a five year incarceration on January 11 next year 2016 and will need her very own place to live... Her only son is married with two young children and living in Japan working and attending business classes so when they return to America he can get a good paying job much easier he says....
    I get a letter from her once or twice a week asking have I found a place for her yet which is hard to do with my money and not knowing when her Social Security ssi check will start back or how much it will be this time around.... All of these places I have checked on requires deposit plus first months rent and me not knowing if she will accept the place I get for her.... She says she is more religious and trust in God for her needs but they all say that when they get out then go right back to raising hell doing what they want to do....
    I do hope and pray she will leave drugs alone and live a good life at 51 years old now and she can hardly walk which is why she gets SSI.... I will probably have to let her use one of my scooters to get around to church and to the store as I'm sure I can't run her all over town when she wants to go someplace....
    She wants her son to stay at her house when they come to Texas to visit her and I have no idea where they will want to live and work when ever they get back to the states.... So I got a month or so to find her a place to live rather than some half way house so she will not be enticed to go back doing the wrong things in life again....
    I shall see in due time and she will too as we try to give her a head start in life once again.....
    By The Way on the Puppies, we now got one girl left, the others are with new owners and my wife gave one to the lady friend that let her dog mate with our female.... So the little girl and her mom plays together real good until mom gets tired then she wants to rest up and be alone for a little while.... Maybe I can post pictures soon!!!!
  10. fking
    Well, I thought about this blog, the long and the short version after talking with my God and my wife and reading my own notes about what it is I want to say....Here goes, my condition is slowly getting worse to a point I can hardly walk, think, or do the things that was once easy for me to accomplish.... I can hardly stand up on my feet from the bed, walking is scary, going to the bathroom, getting up from the commode by myself is truly a task very hard to accomplish now...
    In a sense I am handicapped beyond my abilities with my left side paralyzed beyond my control so now I stay home all day, daily with the dog and four pups that are growing up fast and waiting to be sold anytime now.... I use my scooter to see after them as best I can because when they get out their area that is the only way I can pick them up to put them back in their play area.... I cannot stoop over when standing with my cane..... I take my reacher to change their pad in their cage and the mamma dog has her own pad to TT on but I take her outside to poop as she loves to ride on my scooter....
    l can still drive but don't anymore my wife has to take off for my VA appointments my mind goes on what I'm doing and I can't concentrate fully enough anymore....
    My yardman had a stroke and was buried on the 5th, he didn't survive so that bothered me too with me telling myself it could have been me since he was only 62 years old in great health.....
    My knees are the other reason I can't walk very good or much and must use the scooter inside and outside.... My mental mind is affected where I just can't think good with the things I want to do I can't comprehend.... My wife tells me things I just can't remember 5 minutes after she tells me.....
    There is plenty more I see I made notes about writing but my mind is gone now and I need rest from trying to think what I am doing in the first place.... I am scared if I lay down I may not wake back up so I will just sit up till she comes back from church.... She said I was in no shape to go to church and she would pray for my health with the Pastor of our church....
    Maybe later I will try again and write more on this blog so pray for me you all I just have lost it for now!!!!!
  11. fking
    I can't come up with the words to write my next Blog about my condition which has gone down in what I can physically do lately and it is so frustrating for me in what I want to say and tell my story in detail.... :pullhair: :gleam:
  12. fking
    Halloween is here and the kiddos are out in droves collecting candy and goodies in their baskets and scary bags with their masks on to scare everybody they meet at the door..... This brings back so many memories as I sit on my bed watching them come on the security cameras coming up to the door of my house and my neighbors on each side of my house....
    Just to think and remember I used to do the same thing as a child and early teenager too now I sit her barely able to walk or even see for that matter at 74 years old.... My only wish is to be right here this time next year if the Lord spare me.... Here I am unable to do things adults do, so I thank God my wife is attending the door and being amused by their costumes and mask many of the youngsters are wearing this Halloween she tells me...
    My grand daughter and her mom is at their church doing the same thing she told me since her daughter goes to a Catholic school now.... This brings back so many memories and our Police Department just made an announcement as they ride around in patrol cars to be alert for robbers..... Well my wife has her pistol in her pocket so we will be OK since it's now dark outside but all our lights are shining outside as I see on our cameras.....
    Well that's all folks for this blog and Happy Halloween to all of you!! :trick or treat: :witch: :pumpkin:
  13. fking
    Well folks, it's that time again this week for me putting together another blog but this time it's about the Fall of the year in Texas....... We finally got a couple days of rain with more promised by our weathermen and women on different TV stations.... So I shall be in the house and see what happens first.... Of course we got 90% chance of rain all day,so that sounds like another street flooding event....
    With all the advance warnings about flooding in certain areas you would think there would be no drownings but people drive into flooded areas instead of turning around when they are told daily to turn around don't drown.... You know I can barely walk with my cane then to drive into a flooded street or area and can't swim I would have to have lost my mind period....
    Like when I'm driving with one hand and one side paralyzed how could I answer my cell phone and still drive my car?? But you know drivers young and old alike will do that all the time..... A young driver ran over a man on his tractor riding along the edge of the roadway a couple days ago not looking where he was driving and probably on his cell phone......
    So I suppose it's a good time to sit outside and watch the golden and brown leaves fall from the trees that are still somewhat green..... Then we all know the snow is not too far away and very likely more rain will fall.....
    As for me in my condition physically, I will try daily to continue riding my exercise bike and get much stronger in my walking ability.... All of my other help has ended so I'm on my own for awhile now.... Hopefully I can get better in my condition physically..... I'm going to try walking on the sidewalk with my cane a block from my house and back home once each day the weather permits me to do that..... That's a tall order I hope to accomplish to get better little by little this Fall season....
    All the best to each of you this Fall season in whatever you decide to do or accomplish.... :roflmao: Winter time and the snow is just around the corner for many of you living where snow falls every year and you head to Florida for more sunshine.......
  14. fking
    Well you all, I may not be posting much for awhile and give myself time to try and overcome this loss in my abilities to get things done physically on my own... I don't want my wife to stop her job again to stay home caring for me after this many years later..... So I will manage somehow or die trying...... I got my scooters even one upstairs to help my daughter and grand daughter care for the puppies while they are at work or in school during the day....
    I pray this is short in duration but you never know for sure.... I can still drive my SUV but just may stay home to be safe and not try walking when I'm alone..... My energy level is down too so that's all I know or feel for now..... I will just try and wait it out somehow.... I will still say "a stroke is no joke" and recovery is a big job we all have to deal with over time.....
    Take care you all and I will try to do the same while I try to heal my body..... Well I will have plenty Football to watch on TV Sunday, Monday, Thursday and other days too plus the college games as well......
    Take care all of you!!!!!!! I love you all!!!!! :roflmao:
    Pray for me......
    I forgot to say the NBA starts today the 27th of October so I got plenty TV to watch and ride my exercise bike more.... :i_did_it!:
  15. fking
    Well I have slowed down to using my bike again as all of my in home care has ended and I'm left to heal on my own now at my age which is OK with me.... I do still have a guy now to check on me for an hour each morning but the ladies don't come anymore just this guy in case I need anything I can't do myself....
    I'm thinking I will never be able to use my left side as it is still paralyzed head to toe but I can and do still drive my car and use my scooter that I haul with me everywhere I go.... Meanwhile I am home with the pups as they grow bigger and the mom is still feeding them until next month on the 7th, but they eat puppy food we buy for them since they have no teeth showing yet....
    I think when it's all said and done we will have the mom and two of them, the others are spoken for already... My wife promised one to her nephew for the one he gave her for our grand daughter three years ago for making the A-B honor roll and she is still on the honor roll.... However she will get fixed, no more puppies for her, this one time was it for her.....
    Life is still good and I'm adjusting to being around the house doing different things for the wife and taking our grand daughter to school when my wife has to be at work early some weeks.... I'm not posting as much anymore on here lately but being outside when the weather is just right.... This week coming has more rain due so I will be inside for sure..... I sure don't want to fall down trying to walk in the rain on my cane.....
    It's Football season so I'll be in front of the TV most of the time..... More next time!!!!
  16. fking
    You may ask Why?? or How come???, well I'm the only one in my home not working, nor walking good, but the little animals need human help day and night in my opinion so here I am...... We gave them a little more room to roam and play with each other and they are still nursing.... You can only imagine the mess they make in that little area but my grand daughter and her mom will come in from school and work with clean up/out the pen area on their minds.....
    They are five weeks old now but still got another week to go and grow up before they are separated and gone to their new homes... The lady that provided the male dog wants her pup now but has agreed to wait a few more days until we know the nursing is finished.... My wife's nephew who gave us the dog for our grandchild wants a puppy back too and he is in New Orleans so I guess we got to make that trip at sometime pretty soon...
    I for one will be glad when this all takes place and I don't feel like I'm operating a kennel and get back to taking care of me and walking a bit better, riding my exercise bike, and getting out on my scooter during the day in this nice weather.... Next week rain is in the forecast and cooler weather for a few days plus it's my turn to take our grand daughter to school while my wife has to go in to work on her early week....
    I never ever thought of having to do anything like this in my life but that goes to show me a person never knows what tomorrow may bring into their lives.... Now I just want to get better in my walking ability and get around better so I can start going back to church as I have been not going for a long time now and I really miss going to church....
    That's All Folks For Now!!!!
  17. fking
    You know when we look at ourselves whom have survived a stroke or strokes I feel so sad to hear the news of more military personnel still dying overseas and even some that were in a hospital that somehow was bombed and many died... When will this war finally end???? Now Russia has joined in the bombing supposedly to fight ISIS in Afghanistan along with the US military.....
    I can't see why so many American women and men are trying to go join ISIS fighters to kill our men and women in uniform.... I guess I'll never understand the logic behind them wanting to aide another group of terrorist against the US military personnel in a foreign land....
    Can anyone please explain this to me????? We have a national cemetery here at Fort Hood Texas and there are funerals daily of military personnel being buried there that lost their lives overseas in a war zone for many, many years now......
    When will this situation come to an end for our military personnel and civilians serving in foreign countries war zones??????
  18. fking
    You know for me time seems like it is flying on by because the summer time is gone football is in high gear, fall of the year is here and before too long people will be headed to Florida from up north to get a little sunshine and warmer weather.... We are already into hurricane season too so lots of changes in the weather coming our way real soon....
    I'm just realizing now I been here on stroke-net since 2005 and it doesn't seem like it's been that long to me.... I have learned so much about all types of strokes, talked to many survivors and care givers alike so my time here has been good for learning more about what got me here in the first place, a stroke while home alone....
    I have gained knowledge about strokes, recovered a lot in my body functions, and over all learned more by being here than I ever would have by reading books on strokes although I did read a few of them early on.... My wife even quit her bank job to stay home with me for two years until I was more able to stay home alone....
    Over all I been doing great in my abilities until we went to Vegas last summer then I went down in my ability to walk good and since need a cane again but can still drive my SUV and haul my scooter to use where ever I go shopping.... Over all I know more recovery will come my way later on so I don't worry about that I'm just happy to be the survivor I am now.....
    Another mile stone is this marriage is going on 18 years, the longest being married in my four tries so God is in our lives for sure.... On top of that we have managed to pay our home off that we purchased in 2000.... Ideas ran through my head that I needed a new Ford Explorer since mine is 12 years old but the more I think about making car payments the less that idea sounds good to me and this one is still running great with over 200,000 miles on it.... My wife has her car I bought three years ago with hardly any miles on it by just driving it to work and back.... We drive my car when we take a trip....
    As time keeps moving on I pray to get better in my abilities from the stroke and enjoy married life even more before I'm too old as I turned 74 in July.... Another reason I will not buy a new vehicle, who is to say I'll still be here, or still driving ten years from now at 84 years old??....
    As we all know time waits for no one we just learn to make do the best we can with the time we got presently, tomorrow is not promised to anyone.... I'm at a happy time in my life so whatever time I got left I want to enjoy it as best I can being a happy person not having to suffer from the stroke....
    I got a guy now that comes in for an hour each week day morning to help me do things I can hardly do by myself... He is a retired Army man and his wife is legally blind.... Before him I had all women working for that agency that came to my home to help take care of me.....
    Thank God I can still do some things for myself and I got the little dog and her six puppies here for now with me for company until my wife gives away the ones she has promised to the lady that provided the male dog for mating....
  19. fking
    Sorry you all I really wanted to show off the six baby pups our dog had on Labor Day but I suppose it wasn't to be with my limited experience with computers and trying to down size the picture I had taken of them in the cage with their mom while she was feeding them all....
    Well tomorrow (Wednesday) is the official first day of Fall season here in Central Texas so hopefully I can get more pics of the baby pups to somehow get posted one day soon.... I've never been much of a computer operator and while I had my last overseas tour of duty in Baumholder Germany I finished my BA using an electric typewriter and going to the library to look up what ever I needed and didn't know... All those days and months are behind me now and I still think of how blessed I was to not have suffered a stroke at that time....
    Life is what it is and my gladness at this stage of my life is I finally married the wife whom loves me dearly and is still right by my side in everything we do or accomplish together for our good...So I must admit the fourth time around I have no regrets about being married for the fourth time.... I thought at one time I might catch up to the number of times Elizabeth Taylor had in her life time....
    I suppose once you were ever married it was something you had to have and not be in a Hollywood actor status at all... I suppose married life is not for everyone and I just couldn't see me not being married to the right lady in my life time.... Then with the onset of HIV and other sexually transmitted disease and people dying I knew bed hopping wasn't my style at all....
    A stroke I never even knew about until it got me after passing my annual physical and the doctor saying "You are in great health, see you next year".... Next thing I remember I had suffered a stroke at 62 years of age while working in a Bowling Center as a Pro Shop Operator of my own business making real good money selling balls, bags, shoes and all the supplies bowlers needed to be good bowlers men or women....
    Now I know about strokes and survival and that anyone can suffer a stroke at anytime in their lives..... Well, I'm mostly at home these days while my lovely wife is still working at the job she loves dearly, the bank, supervising the tellers in a drive in bank.... She is not ready to stop working and I wish I could still be working but that's not possible for me any longer in my physical condition barely able to walk and using a scooter to get around although I do drive when we go on trips and any where I need to go here in the city....
    I don't have to wait for her to drive me some place I can go any time I need to go so I appreciate that positive note in my life.... For the time being I'm here with the little puppies until they grow some more and my wife decides which ones she is keeping a while longer and which ones she will decide to sell or keep since they are AKC registered Shih Tzu's and that wasn't cheap plus the insurance I pay yearly for their upkeep at the Pet hospital.... Nothing is cheap anymore.... I guess when they get a little bigger they will start eating pretty good when the mom stops giving them milk....
    Oh some of them have their eyes open now so I'm guessing they will be crawling pretty soon or walking I guess since they are 16 days old today..... :roflmao: :I-Thank-You: :Typing: :cleaning: :Hummm:
  20. fking
    "It was Labor Day" the six little pups were born to a three year old mom, a registered Shih Tzu, and I see they are growing big to have been so little at birth.... Their eyes are still not open yet and the mom stays real close to them all the time as she can hear the sound they make no matter where she is in the house she will come to them....
    My grand daughter is so proud of her and the little ones too so she is around them when she is home and when she get home from school each day she want to know how they are doing... She makes sure food and water is in her bowl and the mom is eating more each day to keep her milk flowing for the little ones...
    She hasn't been on the scooter with me outside lately and haven't wanted to go far away from her little ones but when I'm downstairs at the kitchen table she wants to see what I'm eating or having....
    Right now she doesn't want anyone too close to the little ones but she lets her owner take pictures of the little ones and will growl if anyone else gets too close..... The grooming folks at Pet Mart tells me to wait a little longer before they can get her cleaned up so I be glad when that time comes she looks real dirty to me now...
    Far as I know and can tell she didn't have any problems with the birthing process of six little ones or the after birth process the Vet doctor mentioned could happen to some dogs who happen to be little dogs...
    So far we can't tell how many or male or female yet or at least I can't but I haven't gotten that close yet either.... More pup news next time I suppose.... :kicking: :whip: :bow_arrow: :cleaning:
  21. fking
    Well folks, Starting Monday, Labor Day, 7 September, the pups are due to be born through the 9th of September so what day I know not but I'm as ready as I can ever be knowing I got one hand to help if need be..... According to the Vet at Pets Mart hospital she will have three or four so I got my hands full for sure and no one home but me......
    Even the guy that comes in to help me at 9am will have to be at the VA on the 9th and the 10th for his appointments while I cancelled mine to be here with the little dog to help her deliver her babies....
    Will let you know how things went soon as I can...... :roflmao: :pullhair:
  22. fking
    I just want to say surviving any stroke is a good thing for anyone no matter the type of stroke it was... I'm in my 12th year of survival now and as I look back over that time frame knowing I am not as dependent now as I was when the stroke first happened sorta makes me sad by wanting to be much more independent than I currently am... I have to continue thinking I am still a survivor just not able to do many things I did when the stroke first happened...
    Waiting to Deliver little puppies::
    With a working wife full time it makes staying at home sorta lonely during the day not wanting to get out on my scooter or go very far from home not being fully able to protect myself from the public that may want to do harm to a person in my condition... Of course I have the little dog riding on the scooter with me for company and she barks and get excited when anyone she doesn't know comes near us.... I guess she thinks they will steal me from her but on the other hand she is about ready to have her babies on the 9th of September so she stays real close to me at home or outside....
    I will probably be the one hand man to help her deliver the pups doing the day when everyone else is not at home.... The guy that helps me in the mornings says he will help with her delivery too that was great news to hear... He has Great Danes pups he helped deliver and they kept just one of them and sold the others....
    My wife owes her nephew a puppy back since he gave her this one for our grand daughter making the A-B honor roll for the past three years straight.... She is now 11 years old and the little dog is now three years old with puppies of her own... No more for her after these I don't think I could go through this birth thing again with her....
    We got everything all set up for the delivery and doing her doctor visit on last Friday the Vet say she could have them as early as the 2 September through the 9th of September... He seem to think there are at least three there from what he could detect... She has gained three pounds from what she weighed last time before mating the session...
    I'm hoping everything turns out OK with the puppies and my help from the guy and the Vet too if need be since I'm definitely one handed now.... I'll just pray things turns out great as I think I got it all covered and know what is suppose to happen.... I'm not a doctor or a veterinarian for sure so this will be all trials and hopefully no errors on my part.....
  23. fking
    In Texas the fall of the year is here, leaves falling all over the yard yet the trees are still somewhat green and no rain now for over 50 days this year... A big record since 1983!!! However the weather man and women says we will get rain coming our way next week for sure but only at 20% each day...
    Some is better than none I guess since the ground has started to have big cracks in the yard and around the house foundation... I'm not able to water or turn on the sprinklers like I used to do and it's just me for outside work around the yard and house...
    I want to ask my helper that takes care of me each day for an hour but I don't want him to get fired from the agency he works for if they see him outside the house helping me put the sprinklers out in the yard.... My yard man has hired three men to help him with yard work, cutting and edging but that's all he will do and bag up the grass and leaves....
    I have to be outside when they are here or they will cut the grass to low or edge in the wrong places like up on the side of the house messing up the painted edges and boards on the house too.... Same way with the back wood fence they have just about cut it off where the dog can get under the fence..... He hired these guys to keep them off the streets....
    I spend a lot of my day riding around my side of town trying to find a place, house or apartment my daughter can afford when she is released from prison in January 2016.... The social security should start her SSI check back when she get out and I hope she can make payments for a place to live and not get back into drug use.... She claims now to be trusting so much in God but I know that can change in a heart beat... They got nice apartment across the street from a baptist church she can attend since she will not have a car to drive....
    I shall see but I know she can't stay in my house, that has been proven in the past, since she got light fingers and Will pick up things that she feels can be pawned..... She is my child at 51 years old so she needs her own place that way when her son and his family returns from Japan they can stay with his mom....
    She is just so hard headed and will not listen or do what is right but maybe by then she will have changed....