
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Asha,


    I must say you had a big heart and will power to make it through what you did, God guided you all the way and is still there with you and your wonderful family...... God knows all of our needs and He will supply us as I truly believe that is why I am still here and survived the stroke the same year as you did in 2004 not knowing anything about strokes and I'm still here doing pretty good I think.....

  2. Jay,


    I got to say too that you suffered a stroke yet you are physically able to walk enough to catch the bus and go where you need to be whenever you want to so to me that is a very good thing you can do daily for weeks at a time and have been doing all along since your stroke...... Not many others here can say that.......  


    Even in my case I can drive my SUV and haul my scooter to use in the places I go but I can't walk up/down steps or stairs where ever I go..... If there is a step up or down and hand railing to hold onto then I can use that..... Otherwise I'm stuck..... My main concern is siting down in most cases I have to make sure I can stand up after sitting down.... I could probably ride the bus if I could stand up to get off again since the seats are so low......


    I just can't go by myself many places then get up after sitting down to wait until my name is called..... So I have to use my scooter and sometimes it is hard for me to get it out the SUV by myself with one hand.......

  3. Well today I am off to the VA for my appointment with my doctor and my wife is going with me and I hope I get back home around noon.... It takes so much time to be at the Va until I hate these appointments.... but when I gotta go that's what I do..... This flu like symptoms I got I need to see what is going on as I had my flu shot months ago....... I bet I have used a couple boxes of tissues in the last few weeks blowing my nose......


    See ya later!!!!!!

  4. Thanks you all, I just can't get the feeling in my body and my head to see if I want to try working again in a Walmart store.... Being around people daily would be great I'm sure I just don't know at the moment if my body would hold up doing a 40 hour week every week??? I think I need to give myself more time to really think about working again..... Then again like Sue says I just don't know if my body is up to the task of working again at my current age.....


    Being a disabled veteran I fit the job requirements for sure and there is no restrictions on what I can make money wise....... I shall give it a bit more thought to see if I should or not..... I enjoyed being an employee getting all the discounts they give you!!!!

  5. Time waits for no one so I guess I can start talking about whom will become the candidate for the next President of the United States Of America after the November vote we all should make..........


    That gives me a bit more to talk about see I got nothing better to do with my time......... The football players are still not standing for the National Anthem but kneeling instead...........

  6. Wow, thanks for the kind words and thoughts however in real life God knows our days and years ahead and none of us will stay past our set times on this earth in my opinion....... You said it, when you are happy and life is great or compared to past lives and what has happened to you  or not happened  I can keep a smile on my face.....


    I could, should have been gone back in Vietnam when we lost five members of our team so I suppose my time wasn't up and that alone makes me feel now my time is getting really close to ending..... However I have enjoyed a wonderful life to this point whatever happens next I will be ready.....


    All the best to you Linnie in your recovery process....

  7. Still nothing much to talk about you all but it is a big blessing to still be alive with reasonable health cause we all know it could be much worse on anyone of us at any time but here we are in the first day of a brand new month of September 2016...... Thank you Lord!!!!


    Thank you Lynn it's always good to hear from you on the site...... Wishing you and yours all the best in life...... Yea, we are all seasoned well in all this time we been on this site as I have gone through three different computers since 2005 when I joined this group and my time as a volunteer back in 2007...... I still got my trophy Steve sent me for volunteering my time, a big clock!!!!!!!

  8. George,


    I think the big thing with me is being paralyzed one side which affects me in trying to do many things by myself so that is why I started therapy Friday and I go to them three times a week so they can work with my body and maybe I can move around a bit better hopefully when I finish my sessions there.....Then I got the bike here at home I will start using again to get stronger..... :D

  9. It's great to hear Ray is doing good and that the VA will take care of things... I don't know your case but maybe you can take the motorized chair instead of a manual one and you get a ramp too or a lift if you need it like they did me with my scooters.... I got one I take with me everywhere, one in the garage from medicare that will fit the bathroom doors and I got one in the house the VA told me to keep so I can go out in the back yard cause they didn't know how much long it would last.....


    I got private insurance, VA, and Medicare so I hope to out live them all if possible..... Living another 25 years would be a challenge if it happens but who knows, just the good Lord for sure.....


    Take care keep me posted on Ray hear? My therapy started today same as years ago I just hope I can walk good enough to start back going to church with my wife pretty soon and pay my own tithes and offerings.....