
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. As best we can tell, my wife and I, her ex husband and his current wife are the only one she know about living in the flooded city of Baton Rouge so we may find out more on Tuesday when the President makes his visit there and the names of people are published....... So many are already in Shelters so a list will be established to get benefits from our government and the Red Cross....




    Take it easy until you get used to not having the cast on again and try not to fall you hear me..... :Doh:  :pullhair:  

  2. Yea Sue, right now people in Louisiana are flooded many lives lost along with their homes, cars, dogs and other animals in Baton Rouge..... My wife's people are in New Orleans so they are not as bad off with the flooding like it was in Hurricane Katrina in 2005... New Orleans is 36 inches below Sea level I think it is and surrounded by water.... I never want to live there....

  3. I have had those kind of trips traveling on the Army Pistol team and you can really get tired out fast even in a motorhome which I had..... I even had one trip to Canada for the Olympics.... Of course your trip was all business and two family funerals but you all got it done so welcome back now try and get a little much needed rest.....


    There is no telling where any of my class mates may be now since 1958 when I graduated and joined the Army..... Life goes on and there is no way to know since I was gone from Houston for so many years and never gone back after 22 years in the Army.....

  4. Yea our grand daughter will need to ride the school bus this year from her old school to the new one but the bus price is too much to pay by her mom our daughter, her job doesn't pay her enough so I will probably end up taking her back and forth on most days which is in the town 25 miles away.... Either that or we got to find a middle school a lot closer to where we live since she will be in middle school 7th grade.....


    I used to go to a senior center years ago then the VA started paying for in home services  and I still got that going for a little bit longer far as I know..... I'm so glad I can drive and haul my scooter to use anywhere I need to go so I don't have to bother my wife about taking me nor having to go along with me for any of my appointments.....

  5. Yea Sue you got one more month of winter while here in Texas winter is slowly coming our way and that means staying inside most of the time but I will be ready since we don't really have cold hard winters here in central Texas.....


    Perhaps you will meet more people this summer and not be too alone if all your friends are not very far from your neighborhood where you and Ray have lived for so many years..... :rolleyes:  **hi**

  6. Jay,  


    You and me are truly blessed we were survivors of strokes and have families that loves us truly to stick by our side through it all these years (12 for me so far) and not one complaint..... I will take all the blessings sent my way and now at my age it's just a matter of time because no one lives forever or to be a hundred years old anymore it seems.....


    All the best to you my friend.....

  7. Pearls, 


    You are a diamond in the ruff as we all are when we suffer any stroke because recovery takes years, therapy, rest, plenty of work on our part then it takes plenty of time o we must be patient and wait on the Lord to heal our bodies.....  I am at 12 years recovering I walk with a cane, use a scooter and try to do all I can to get better with more time....


    My constellation is by the grace of God I'm still alive in which I'm very thankful.... You have to be too...... I support you just keep living God knows your condition.......

  8. Strokewife,


    I read your blog and it reminds me of myself in my condition today as my wife had to work today and me trying to do things for myself with one hand..... My struggle is on going daily in trying to get some things done without help..... I think I know your feelings for your husband in his struggle with the stroke.....


    I have in home care that doesn't amount to much help for one hour in what I really need help with which is walking, balance, and using my paralyzed side more in a helpful way..... When the body is limited in what it can do the ability to do more is lost it seems forever in my case which is why I continue to say "A stroke is no joke" and the ability to recover any is very limited over many years......


    In my case I have fought for 12 years now and just made it to 75 last month so that doesn't make me any stronger but weaker with age..... In some ways I feel I'm waiting my turn to go be with the Father so do all I can now because tomorrow is not promised to any of us.....


    Cheering him on is all you can do along with your love for him like my wife does me, that's life as we know it to be....

  9. Asha, 


    I can tell you that in my life the moments come and go along with the changes every day but I feel so blessed to have lasted this long already and healed as much as i have so only God knows how many more days/years I got left.... I just made it to 75 years of age on the 22nd of last month so I hope to be here until my name is called from above.....


    My AHA moments come and go so I'll ride along until the train stops and like you I'll be ready healed or not.....

  10. All the best to you Kelli one day we all must go this way and since my birthday on 22 July turning 75 years old I figure there is not a lot of time I got left in this old body that is handicapped on one side as my memory is fading fast..... Not many in my family got this far in their lives except my mom she made it to 83 bless her soul........ My dad was in his early seventies and I was just 14 at the time.....

  11. Katrina, I'm so happy for you my dear the cast is off now it's been a  long time with one hand for you.... I am about in the same boat with one side paralyzed so I can only use my right hand so that is very hard trying to reach my right side with my left hand to do anything for my right side like washing up and using lotion on my skin.....

  12. Sue, Life is busy but by God you are living the Good Life as you are able to get around and do things you want to do go places and your care giving days have ended since Ray passed so now days you can sit on the veranda all you want....


    So my dear friend and lady enjoy your life every day we only live it once......

  13. Jay I'm blessed to have a grand daughter in the house that is 12 years old born when I had the stroke but she will see after me all the time  knowing I can't get around real good anymore but I drive her to school and some days pick her up after school when her mom can not when she works late..... Glad I can get around as well as I do helping out where I can being paralyzed on one side.....


    We both can be glad for grand kids around that cares how we are doing..... 

  14. Kelli, You know what you said is so true as I been through 3 divorces but have now been married since 1998 to my fourth wife and the best I ever had in my life with an understanding of life and especially my life after a stroke...... So 18 years now I been in my happiest life to feel whole again so that means so much to any person that been through a divorce and a stroke....


    All the best to you now as I have no past because I am a happy man.....