
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Lynn,


    I'm glad you didn't do anymore damage than you got and glad your husband was able to help you get up from the floor....Falling is my problem when it happens cause I can't get up except in certain areas of the house near the staircase....


    Anyway you will have a great summer and no storms like it's been lately....

  2. Thank you Jay, I'm just chilling here in Texas where the weather is great, lots of sunshine, parades, and things to do in celebrating the 4th of July as I am so thankful to have survived the stroke 12 years ago and can get about on my scooter and with my cane plus I do still drive my car with one hand since my left side is paralyzed still.....


    God is truly good to me, you, and so many other survivors right here on this wonderful stroke support site.......

  3. Sarah, normally I got a few numbers of friends I used to call but they have since passed themselves....  All the brothers from church got jobs and live in Temple 30 miles from me.... Even the VA is in Temple..... I have never called the fire dept nor a non-emergency number......


    Getting over to the stairs is my best bet for getting back on my feet with one side paralyzed.....

  4. Hey Julie,


    This week is our hot week with temps ranging from 98 to over a hundred and five.... So the AC is running for sure..... We just had our 18th anniversary last month on the 9th.....  It seems like I been married all my life since my first time was in 1960 and this is my fourth time and the best in spite of the stroke 12 years ago but I'm still here.....

  5. Ruth, glad to see you posting, how is William?? I got to get by you all one day I just don't know when yet!!! Take care tell him Fred said hello, hope he remembers me and my daughter that came to your home a few years ago now......


    Oh, I think you got Shih Tzu dogs too so they may not make good service dogs at all.... Our female gave birth to six pups on Labor day in September we kept only one of them a girl so she grows up with her mom whom we had now for 4 years....



    Enjoy your retirement!!!! :D

  6. Hope the two of you get it worked out what ever has to be done since you two are just 30 minutes apart and your son really heeds both of you  so I pray you and hubby can somehow work things out for your son's benefits at his age.... I know he feels lost and left out sometimes from your place to his dad's place.....


    Life is tough sometimes for kids.... I been in those shoes before for sure....

  7. Well, we all shall see tonight if the Warriors can win game three from the Cavs and lead 3-0 going back to Cleveland.... I honestly think the Warriors will be the champions since they won 73 games in regular season play to set a new record on season wins.....


    I think their 3 point shooting is much better than Cleveland...... Curry will wear them out the way he makes 3 point baskets I think...... We all shall see tonight...... I don't have a penny on he game just gut instincts I guess......


    Lynn I think Curry will shoot lights out tonight and in game four too...... He s just that good..... Yea Sue, I will be watching every minute of the games nothing else to do except rub more pain relieving meds on my left side....

  8. Just keep your head on straight and your story will be short and all facts as you tell it like it is and the right guy will take it for face value that is what starts friendships and they progress from there..... You can usually tell the nice guys from the wannabe's..... Just listen with a good ear.... Happy looking....