
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by fking

  1. fking
    Well, I decided to get out the house almost daily and I'm doing a little traveling to nearby cities. I got the little dog with me and lots of food for her. It's all on a small scale mile wise and it's giving me a chance to see how my old 2003 Ford Explorer is holding up after 10 years on the road with 190,000 plus miles on it already!!
    I thought about going in debt to buy myself another new car but now that idea is slowly fading from my mind every day. This car will probably go for another five years for sure and probably twice that time I'm predicting!! When I was young they said FORD was Found On the Road Dead!!! But for ten years now it has taken me everywhere I ever needed to go and back. I'm already convinced I'm keeping it until it just will not go another mile with gas in the tank.
    I'm not driving far one way and mostly just looking at small little towns close to my town and checking the stuff for sale along the roadways and old shops. You never know what you might find that's worth a few dollars that you pay very little to buy it. My say I'm crazy driving around but I never did this sort of thing until now. What made me think about it was a man walking from state to state pushing a stroller type buggy on wheels carrying his belongings I guess.
    I found a lot of old things I feel is worth money but need cleaning up at flee markets set up at old closed gas stations. I look for old military items nobody knows what it is and they just about give it to me free sometimes!! I picked up a couple pictures with the frames which was somebody's grand parents they never met because they died when they were very young. There was old dollars hidden in one of them and the other one was a gold frame made many years ago. No one ever paid much attention to it thinking it was rusted and ruined!! It just needed cleaning with polish!! I even got a brown Garrett snuff bottle that was used to hold a door open filled with old coins and gravel to make it heavy. Nobody ever noticed the coins inside!!
    I look for old chairs too that was used to hide money in long ago. I just may run upon some of my kin people's pictures they had many years ago but moved away and no body wanted it!! Old people used to hide money and things then forget where they put it!! My father was good at that and we found money in places he hid all over the house before he died in 1955. We found bottles of gin he had hidden and forgot where he hid it around the house!!
    This gives me a chance to do a little walking with my cane too and I got my scooter too so when the little dog get tired of walking she can hop on and ride around.then right to sleep in the car on the way back home for the day. She doesn't let me out of her sight and I keep her on the leash when we are looking at things at the markets. Well, it had been awhile since I last blogged so I was over due for another one but just being gone daily and lazy too!!!!
    I thought I would have been a big lottery winner by now but it wasn't my time I guess so this Saturday will be my last day to buy a ticket for the games I love playing. I guess everybody can't win although I won twice long time ago now for a little over 600 each time!!! I'm not that lucky but blessed I survived the stroke!!!
  2. fking
    Well, just taking one day at a time and enjoying the weather. All my doctor visits turned out fine and my health is good. No more test of any kind scheduled any time soon so I'm guessing I got a clean bill of health. My therapy was cut short although the VA was paying the bill I guess they figured I had gotten my fair share of it. So now I'm sorta taking life easy and see how far I can go being strong and making any appointments they may give me in the next few months.
    My biggest complaint now is the arthritis in both knees making it difficult for me to get around with this pain in my knees. I try walking on the sidewalk with my little dog during the early mornings and some late evenings much as I can stand! I think it's an age thing that old folks get when they get pass 70 years old. So I'm glad I drive plus I got my scooter I haul with me everywhere my vehicle goes. Otherwise I see myself staying home on most days and I don't want that to happen now that the weather is nice outside.
    I still must pay my yard man to get things done I can't with one hand inside the house and outside as well. I ordered a new Tuff shed from Home Depot so I can clean the garage out more and store some of that stuff in the bigger shed. My garage is packed where only one car will fit. We got more stuff in all our bedrooms that could be put in the shed too. Right now the rooms looks like we are hoarders with so much stuff in every corner!
    Then I still got to have the batteries changed in all the smoke detectors that should have been done in January and here it is May already!! I can't get up on a ladder so another job for my yardman to accomplish for me!!! He was called back to his regular job on the military post but he is still cutting yards when he has time to finish one during the day!!
    I exercise all I can during the mornings most days but my left arm and side still feels like it is made of cement. I can still move it, my fingers and my left hand so I'm not too bad off yet. My wife rub my shoulders down at night so I am able to sleep pretty good all night....
    We have a weekend scheduled to go visit the casino in a week or two in Oklahoma or Louisiana or both! She loves to play the penny slot machines but that's her away enjoyment to keep her entertained and in a good mood!! Every thing is good when the wife is happy and she plays with her own money!!! More next time...
  3. fking
    It's been 10 days since my last Blog and except for the weather there is nothing new but we are having more sunshine days with a bit of windy weather at times. The worse of the storms bypassed us here in central Texas but it did hit Dallas a bit!! Well nothing we can do about the weather not even a rain dance will insure it would rain. The weather comes and goes as God want it to each day whether we want it or not. We have had quite a bit of hail in the last two weeks so roofs on houses are being repaired by the hundreds and hail damage tents are everywhere to fix dents on brand new cars from dealerships and individuals too!
    I'm a lucky one I guess no dents on my car at all and no roof damage either, that's a blessing. Of course my car is ten years old and perhaps the materials were a little stronger then compared to cars made today. We can only get one in the garage so my wife parks her car in there all the time. She needs the protection and security going to and from work. My daughter parks her car just outside the garage door to the left so she can get in and out of that spot with no problem. If she parked it inside the garage it would be a little too crowded although it's a two car garage.
    I bought another tuff shed (10 by 12) from home depot last Friday because we have accumulated so may boxes and items stacked in the garage it looks junkie or like we are hoarders!! We got stuff everywhere in the house like in every corner it seems to me. We got stuff stacked everywhere in every room in the house. When I had to sell my bowling pro shop all the things I kept were in the shed until now it was just too little to hold any more.
    When my daughter went to prison I had to go and clear her apartment and take her things to a storage facility. Her SSI stopped when they found out she was incarcerated so I had to get her things from storage to my house. She still has a few more years before being free again!! She will have to find her a halfway house or some place to live when she has served all her time. She can not live in my house because I don't want to hurt her if she steals anything from me or my wife then I would be in prison and I'm too old for that. She makes 50 years old two days before I turn 73 this July! I don't need the headaches at my age.
    Ten years as a stroke survivor I can walk with a cane for short distances and in the house without a cane so I may not get everything back but to be doing as good as I am is OK with me. I still take therapy from time to time but I have about convinced myself that what I lost in the brain may not ever be retained again. I'm just so glad to be doing as good as I am for as long as I have!! I know I have PTSD and I get paid for that tax free so with the help of my wife hey life is still good and I will be alright.
    I will not think and plan too far ahead because the senior years I know will be a little harder to do things for myself on some days perhaps. I am so thankful now I can still drive for the last ten years which to me is a big blessing from God! Then I got my scooter to get around in the big stores and malls and a smaller one for inside my house should I need it anytime soon.
    My wife insist she wants and plans to be at the bank until she reaches 70 years old she calls that easy money then but that's ten years from now!!! She hates to be doing nothing saying she couldn't be retired like me and sit home. I tell her this is the rest I couldn't get 40 years ago when I retired from the Army wounded. What a difference a wife makes!! Even with the wounds and a stroke I survived I feel good about life and I'm able to still do things for myself!
    We think in a couple weeks we may make a casino trip to get away for a fun weekend together. Until then she is traveling with our church choir to other churches for different church functions our Pastor has been invited to attend with his church members. I will stay home that's too much traveling for me. We will still have regular church for the members that don't travel with them. If I was walking good I would go!
  4. fking
    The weather right now is raging across several states from Texas to Florida and really affecting Arkansas to North Carolina and Mississippi, Alabama to Florida!!
    I know we got members in all those states so I'm hoping all of you are doing OK and no property, home losses or body injuries to any of you or your neighbors for that matter!! It appears if it's not one thing coming at us it's another. God knows best and it's not just us it's all the world for that matter. Earthquakes, mudslides, people in mountain areas having to be rescued while hiking. It's just every day we have to pick and choose when and where we go or travel.
    As a stroke survivor myself and paralyzed on one side I really must be careful of where I go lately and make sure I got my cell phone with me. I am concerned most about my old 10 year old vehicle making any trip and getting me back home safely. With that I keep thinking it's time to buy another vehicle but at my age now it would probably out last my driving days I got left and I'm stuck with a new car bill.
    So therefore my traveling days on the highways are limited and my wife just told me last night she booked us a flight to Vegas and back home for August. That will be our vacation instead of going to New Orleans to visit her sisters, brothers and friends she has left there. I hope the weather cooperates at that time.
    As I said I hope none of you lost your homes but it looked pretty bad to me on the TV news cast last night. We had a bit of large hail in our area but none affected our home or cars so far. Many homes are having their roofs replaced and cars having the dents removed from their vehicles. Many of the car dealerships are having sales while some of their cars are being repaired from the hail dents on them. Every corner or vacant lot there is a dent repair truck set up with big signs offering dent repairs without having to paint.
    That being said we all know "if it isn't one thing it's another" and we have no control of what is happening just try to prepare as best we can to protect our belongings!! I suppose the stroke is not the worse thing that can happen to any of us at any time. I say again God knows best!! None of us know when it's our time and for that reason I have really learned to pray and call on the Lord for my strength. I would have to say that is working since I still got my darling wife for over 16 years already. The longest time in four tries I ever been married!!!
    That's a big blessing all by itself in my book. Here I am with 54 years of married life and can say I'm finally happy and in love for the remainder of my life life!! I thought it would never happen for me at one point but I really feel this time she was God sent to me!! I met her at the bank she quit for a little while to care for me when I came home from the hospital unable to walk after a five month stay and in a WC at that... She went back got promoted and is still there as a supervisor waiting to be made manager soon as the current manager retires soon!! She loves banking been it a long, long time since high school and all through college in New Orleans before coming to Killeen Texas!!
    All I had left from my marriage before her was my motor home and the small car I pulled every where I went.. I gave up the home I had and moved into an apartment when I was still in a partnership for the Bowling Pro Shop we owned at a bowling center!! I opened up my own Bowling Pro Shop in another bowling center in 2000 and bought our home then the stroke came calling in 2004 so I had to sell out. No way I could operate the drilling machines to put holes in the balls I sold for my customers to use. The income was great as many of my customers followed me and I still sold balls to them with all the equipment they needed.
    At times I couldn't believe this was happening to me but I was truly being blessed by God... I was already in church she joined then got in the choir and can sing any song as she knows them all from being in church all her life in New Orleans... I can't carry a tune in a paper bag but came up in church too under my mom so perhaps she was praying for me from Heaven!!
    Now I'm happy to say we have paid our home off and just got her car I bought two years ago to pay off soon as we are able to do that!!! Through life we all must give God the glory and He doesn't leave us alone if or when we don't it just takes a bit longer it seems to get our blessings from Him... I'm happy to have all of you as my StrokeNet members and friends right here. I hope to meet many of you in the coming months and years as we start to travel again!!!!
  5. fking
    I finally broke down and got me a new computer with windows 8.1 instead of windows 7 which I was pretty used to operating that. This windows 8. is a bit different for my little brain. Typing and responding here on Strokenet is a lot easier now without having to type every word twice. Now I'm still trying to find the spell checker like I had on the other computer but no luck yet. I hate to pay a guy 90 dollars to come out and put one on here. So I'm still looking for the brand I had before that was totally free!! Some of them you have to type what you want checked or paste it in a box and I hate those kinds.. It's a waste of time to me..
    One time long ago there was a spell checker on Strokenet but with the many upgrades over the past three years it's gone! On my other computer when I tried to spell check the whole sentence or line would disappear never to be located again. With that I'm afraid to try it on this computer so far. I sure thought it was just this site one time since I could write a letter to my daughter and no problems ever!! But no one else was having the problems I was having not even when they used their ipads!!
    Of course at my age I am not a computer operator in any sense of the knowledge it takes to really under all they can do for any person to make writing easier and fun! I was in a personnel shop in the Army using an electric Underwood typewriter with it's own correction tape for mistakes before computers were available in most personnel offices throughout the Army personnel offices! By the time I retired most offices had a lower ranking soldier to do all the personnel typing of letters, messages, orders, rosters and the things I had to do before they made that change of duties.
    About that time was when my commander told me department of the Army said I couldn't get promoted anymore because I had a P3 profile restricting me from that job of typing. I had ten years in grade and been doing the job all that time even in Vietnam until I got shot while out on a patrol delivering mail to my troops that was very isolated in an outpost. We never made it and was ambushed with some men killed!!!! That's why the mail from and too those units were not getting to our headquarters in a timely manner! We should have had an escort that day but we didn't. The top brass bosses thought it would be a safe trip but it was anything but that!!! Then the cover up started and none of them were ever charged.
    I enjoy using this computer just need to learn windows 8.1 a lot better but that will come with time. I'm using google chrome just for Strokenet and I think that makes things work a lot easier too!! Oh it's a HP model with lots of memory I got from fingerhut.. Probably the best computer I ever used. It's a charm compared to what I was using and I enjoy typing a word just one time.
    Hope I get better with time because that other one gave me headaches. I may even try to chat again soon it's been sooo long since I been in chat but I'll look around and figure it out what I have to do to get in the room again!! Until then and by the time I get my spell checker I'll be ready to chat and Blog every week too!!!
    Wish me well I'll be trying again soon!!
  6. fking
    Well my new computer is on line and working really good even more than I know how to operate it with windows 8.1.....So I thought I would state some of my appreciations, accomplishments, and the great advise my mother gave me growing up as her 18th child!!! I can't imagine any woman today having that many children with one husband!!!!
    In my early age I was a good kid being raised up alone while my closest siblings to me were a set of twin girls six years ahead of me. So I only had my mom to listen to for advise in doing the right things as a young kid.... This all came to me the last couple days when a 16 year old with two knifes at high school attacked his class mates....
    I finished high school as a very poor kid with two pair jeans, three shirts, and a pair of high top tennis shoes. There was no money to be had growing up very poor. I picked cotton to get my first and only bicycle at age 14 when school was out during the summers. My mother got a check from the government for 16 dollars a month. She never had a job outside the home. My father was 20 odd years older than my mom and she was 43 when I was born in 1941. He passed when I was 14 in 1955!!!
    He basically were a farm worker with all his older kids (boys) until they grew up and left home. Many of them went to the service but I'm the only one that retired with 22 years of service in 1978 after returning from Baumholder Germany with a total of 14 years there on several tours. That tour gave me the opportunity to finish my college degree while I worked in personnel in my Army unit...
    My daughter was born in Munich Germany in 1964. Then a son was born here at Fort Hood Texas in 1966... Had I not listen to my mom I may have ended up in jail or prison running with the wrong crowd of boys so I'm glad I listen to mom! She told me one day "If you end up in jail running with them boys and they mothers don't get you out, you will just be there, I will not spend a dime to get you out."
    So the next week I went and joined the Army and all those boys are dead long time ago before I retired from the Army in 1978!!!! My mom told me don't have sex with the girl I married until I know I want her to be my wife. We got married in 1960 two years after I joined the Army!!!
    After my Vietnam tour she was a different woman so we were divorced after I left the hospital in San Francisco and was able to walk again on my own. I got married again and orders for another tour in Germany where she left two years after being there!!! So as I stated earlier I retired and got married again for the third time in Houston, my hometown...
    Now I'm in my fourth and final marriage which has been wonderful for the last 16 plus years! I wish this had been the first, she is a keeper for sure and this is the longest time I been married. I think she was God sent from New Orleans to Fort Hood Texas for me??? I'm a happy stroke survivor for the last ten years of my life... I really feel by listening to my mother my life has been pretty good overall!!
    My life's appreciations and my accomplishments following mothers advise is golden. Retiring from the Army, the US Postal Service, and owning my own Bowling Pro Shop business for 10 years until the stroke I survived is something I say "Thank God" daily for when I see on TV all the young people getting in trouble and going to jail or prison for life!!!
    When you see my picture on here you are looking at a man that has been through hell for the most part but now has a chance to enjoy the life I always wanted to have with the woman in my life I love so dearly with her love in return!!! I just woke up this morning with all this on my mind and had to put it into words and this Blog. So, no bragging just being thankful for life when I could have been dead three times already!!
    Once in Vietnam, once with third wife who shot me, then the stroke 10 years ago I survived!!! I have a sense of humor and trust in the Lord daily for my understandings of life!!! I thank you in advance if you happen to read this blog for your comments!!! I take life as it comes with a positive attitude I try to relate to others along the way!!!
    "You can make it if you try"
  7. fking
    Well folks I hadn't realized my last blog was in late March! I got tied up in getting my Federal Taxes done on time then the shooting again here at Fort Hood, Texas that brought our commander in Chief and first Lady to our town today! Then I bought another desktop computer but had to finish my taxes before hooking up and using my new one which I have to get a computer geek to do tomorrow sometime.
    A new rehab and therapy will start seeing me tomorrow three times a week they said... That should take care of some aches and pain in my body This old computer has seen it's best days. It just took me 15 miues to type this much!???
    IRS got my taxes I did today so I am glad I got that out the way and due a refund this year instead of paying! A week ahead of 15 April deadline! I will no doubt be off line until I get the new computer hooked up and running It has windows 8. This one is real old working on chrome and out of date driver for everything....
    Hopefully I'm back on line by Easter time!!!!
    Happy Easter to all of you!!!!!!!
  8. fking
    Where would we be after this experience if we didn't develop a sense of Humor??? I know..."We would be crazy by now."
    Some light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak but that won't change any time soon! I been here 10 years already!
    War does not determine who is right only who is left.
    Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad...
    Behind every successful man is his woman but behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman! No, No, that's not why I been married four times and still alive!
    You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice!
    To be sure of hitting your target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target..
    Remember money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with!
    Strokes can do funny things to the human brain you're never too old to learn something stupid. It just happens!!!!
    I hope I made your day after you read this Blog??
    Comments if you wish!!!!!!!!
  9. fking
    Spring has sprung then after Summer comes,Fall will follow then we must prepare for Old man winter and Destruction is highly possible... About that time I'll have eleven years of recovery under my belt I pray! I will be looking for plenty of recovery by that time in my ability to function and use my weak left side of my body!
    I well know recovery is slow at best but I just want my body able to do a bit more after 20 years because after then my time may not be long. I enjoy each day I get now if it could be a day without pains and knees hurting so bad! Thank God for pain meds! I'm just tired of taking them now! However I am grateful for still being here with my lovely wife whom has cared for me all this time with not one complaint! How blessed can one man be?
    I will go with the flow and manage what I can long as possible! What else can any of us do?? We could all sit in the garage but that won't make us a car.
  10. fking
    WELL nothing else to get into I thought a casino would be a good bet! You never know when it's your time to get lucky and I feel it's my time since the lottery is not paying off! I don't play big I play small and move from machine to another one that pays off often. That's the good thing by being on my scooter I can move in a heart beat.
    It works for me and sometimes I will watch other people play a machine until they are very tired and have fed it for a Iong time without winning.
    So off I go with the wife!!!!!
  11. fking
    This time of the year the weather is changing almost daily, One day the sun is shining the next day no sun and you need a jacket. That is the kind of weather when you catch colds and runny nose or sneezing all the time. Either way it is a bit better than snow on the ground when you have to get out and shovel it to move the car or clear the walkway and steps.
    We have been lucky so far with no rain until tomorrow it's predicted to fall. The temps have been up and down daily so I stay home most days. This whole year has been crazy weather days and nights too! The grass is still brown so no rain is falling. We are not In control of the weather so it comes as God wants it to fall. I used to think I could do a rain dance and it would rain but with a stroke it doesn't work anymore!
    We have to survive with whatever weather we get and it seems like the East Coast states are getting the most snow and bad weather for a while now. It does make getting out and going places a problem for many of us survivors and caregivers alike. Since Hurricane Sandy hit the weather has blasted the East coast.
    I use a scooter too and drive to where I'm going so if it's raining I have to sit in the car until it stops to get my scooter out or I get soaking wet slow as I am! All survivors are trying to recover as best they can so hot, cold or rain don't matter to us. Normally when it rain a lot in Texas the Ants start to look for higher ground to build their nests. I think every yard has ants in my neighborhood. Cattle grazed on this land prior to it being developed into a housing complex!
    So we don't like having to stay indoors but at times we have no choice because of the weather! Basketball is winding down while baseball is starting up for the season. Then we know Federal Tax Time is right around the corner!! For many of us that means getting a refund back and money to spend while myself and many others will have to pay up! Oh well that's living in America paying taxes..
    I now see why some tax payers want to add or claim a pet on their tax return because of the money they spend for their health and yearly up keep. But you can't assign them a social security number legally without being caught at some point and having to pay a big fine for lying!!! I have paid out over a thousand dollars this period for my little dog's health insurance and meds!!! That doesn't include her food we bought!!
    I don't even know why I keep a record???
  12. fking
    It's coming our way ready or not, ice, snow, sleet and many wrecks on the roadways. Then just like it's coming, in a day or two it will be gone and the sun comes out again! For me I will be indoors much as possible trying to get used to riding my exercise bike all over again. My left arm has all but quit working since they dropped me from in home care and a care provider for my personal help.
    I will make it by the grace o God!
  13. fking
    The bad bacteria in my body is now gone. Just a stool sample to turn in this morning is all I got left to do. My doctor called me yesterday at 433 and gave me the news. All I got left to do is turn in a stool sample this morning. I feel better already! Thanks again for all your support!
    My next problem to solve is being able to stand up from my seat at church, home, or any place I sit down! That has to do with my knees and the arthritis I got. Other than that I can deal with everything else I got and this stroke for the last 10 years.
    I been on this site since 2005 and I learned so much about strokes and recovery while dealing with left side paralysis. I got my scooter and I drive my old 2003 Ford Explorer hauling my scooter every where I go. That's my blessings I thank God for them!
    And for all of you here. You are the best around and I am proud to be your friend!!!!
  14. fking
    Well I'm still under doctors care and many more test to go with my last one being due on 25 February. They did the bacteria test yesterday. I have less now than I did weeks ago. I'm slowly getting back to reasonable health but we still can't tell where in my body the blood is coming from.
    So his is an interim report for now and I feel good but weak in my knees. Still have to watch where I sit down high enough seat so I can stand up. Things went well on our short get-away trip and I got lucky enough to win money on the quarter machine to pay for gas, hotel, and all of our food.
    More next week when the doctors are finished with me!
  15. fking
    Well still waiting on doctor decisions about my health inside. So off to the casino where ever there is no snow on the ground. The bacteria is nearly all good now but still some bad is there causing problems but not like before thank God! Already I'm tired of winter weather so I stay inside to feel the heat.
    My wife got a couple days off for President's Day and she needs rest away from home I think! We got on each others nerves so it is time to get away and try to have a little fun together. Hope I feel better when I get back and get my computer fixed or buy another one before I get mad and hurt this one! Everything needs updating like drivers and other things too. A change of food to eat will be good too!
    You know, God knows, I pray I never have to be left in a home for personal care. I pray to for those in homes now or must go in soon with no other choices! I feel good at home with my wife and family and the little dog right by my feet all day checking on me.
    HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY To ALL of my members TODAY!! Eat well and smell the roses! Make Love Not War!!
  16. fking
    I been tested every where with one more to go later still no answers. Wait and see is the word for this week meanwhile I'm not resting at all. I hope to know more by the end of this month! Right now most of the bad bacteria is gone and replaced with the good stuff they said.
    I should know more later!
  17. fking
    My body has taken a beating from the many test I have undergone until my whole body is super weak and very unsteady for standing, walking, and sitting down. I feel like I been shot from a big cannon gun and didn't land yet! Overall the bad bacteria is just about gone from my body and been replaced with good bacteria for as I know about. How did all this happen to me?????? I'd have to say at this point "Only God knows." I do know now I will have colon checks every five years instead of every ten years. Also prostate and checks in general from this age forward.
    A couple doctors are trying to understand why the brain bleed stroke10 years ago and I'm guessing it was just my time until they discover the real reason it happened to me and no other family member! No family history of strokes. I fell off bicycles many times on my head while riding on the handle bars. So it's a test, wait and see what they come up with.
    I always wanted to be married so I wouldn't be alone and boy am I glad about that decision when I had the stroke being married for the 4th time when she got home and found me passed out and called 911.The next big thing now is the doctors trying to see why I'm bleeding from the bullet area where I got shot and that bullet is still inside me. It was too dangerous to try and remove it at that time!
    Oh well, hey I made it this far as a survivor with the grace of God so He knows I'm here! I will try to post when I can!
  18. fking
    This is a disorder many soldiers suffer with and have for many years. In earlier wars it was called Shell Shock then to my knowledge from the Vietnam war to Iraq and Afghanistan it was known as PTSD. In fact the military didn't have the name PTSD when I left Vietnam in 1970-71. So it was very hard for me to get a reason I acted like I did and no one knew why. By 1982 it was known as PTSD and I submitted my claim for disability after I was confirmed as having it.
    It was not until 2010 when I was diagnosed and started to receive medical disability. My wife was appointed to handle all my finance matters. The finances comes in her name with me as the beneficiary and I cannot even write a check on that account. I been married four times but since I left Vietnam I got married three more times! Each wife saw my condition and couldn't deal with it neither did the Army.
    I couldn't get promoted anymore with ten years in grade and 22 years of service as a SFC E7 and a BA degree while working in military Personnel in Germany. Now I am happily married to wife #4, the best of the bunch and I wouldn't get rid of her for all the gold at Fort Knox! The marriages was the major factor the disability board concluded I suffered with PTSD and I would not recover!
    Now this Sunday I must meet with my Pastor about my condition after our regular services. I now need help in coping with life as I know it to be when you have a wonderful wife by your side! Well my PTSD has gotten worse lately and my mind and thinking is NOT right. I am not a copy cat as many soldiers disable or not are giving up on life here at Fort Hood as they return from war in Afghanistan. I know the feeling all too well!
    During my appointment yesterday I got a copy of the CD from x-ray showing the bullet in my left side that's causing me pain and not being able to lay on my left side to see if it can now be removed and if it has moved to another location causing this pain to be unbearable this many years later on my paralyzed side since the stroke!
    So to my Stroke Support Gang...."I got to take a break and promise you all I shall return later"!!!! Something is not right?
  19. fking
    I'm still having several test done for my condition so things are going pretty slow but finally my last test day is February 25th. By then I should know more about what is wrong inside my body at my age. The one place we should ask questions is in the doctor's office and I do all the time. I want to know early on about any problems that I may have and they can correct.
    So, I'm still working on getting better and stronger by knowing what is happening inside my body especially when I was having colonocpty every ten years now I'm told I need one every five years so nothing gets to a stage four before it's detected way to late. When you already got prostate problems you don't take chances with your health.
    I may have taken many drugs since my stroke ten years ago and still on several daily now. So I just want to do the right things for my body. Then as we age so many things change with the human body. If I can I want to insure my health is OK! What else we got to live for? Staying healthy is our key to longevity. Eating the right foods helps and not having many bad habits is even better! I never did smoke but did drank miller lite beer at Poker games I hosted at my house along with the food.
    Now we are taking pain meds daily and others our doctors prescribe for our health sake! It feels good to know you are healthy!
  20. fking
    I return to doctor's office end of this month then a stool speciment is due middle of February and at that time I hope they tell me all the bacteria is gone from my system so I can start to feel myself again! I will finish the three meds program in a couple more days. I'm back eating OK and I'm putting good stuff in my body replacing the bad bacteria that caused all my problems!
    Since I had to drop out of my physical therapy I hope to ride my exercise bike to get physically fit again and legs and arms working better! I feel paralyzed on both sides of the body!
  21. fking
    Well, to all of you caring members, friends, fellow survivors, and the care givers of Stroke Net!
    The doctors have discovered what caused my condition to go downhill. After days of testing and examinations of my whole body it was found my digestive system is contaminated with major bad bacteria. My colonospy was great and all went well as I was very near asleep and out of it. My wife witness the whole operation and saw the areas of my colon, stomach, liver and areas where cancer starts plus all the ulsers, peptic and others!
    The doctors initially looked for the area where
    Needless to say my entry id not print out the way I wrote it as my computer is still not working right
  22. fking
    I am seeing 2 doctors, taking several meds, had my colonoscopy, but now I'm told I got serious medical issues they telling my wife. I have trouble walking now. I am one day away from the day of the stroke I survived 10 years ago!
    I am close to my cellphone and my wife calls me every two hours as I'm a little afraid to be home alone and got one apt at 130pm two hours from now!