
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. It's good you got a way to get around without lot of cost and you can depend on it running all the time but the best thing is you are physically able to ride and handle yourself to use public transportation....


    I am not in condition to do that yet, heck it is hard enough for me to get a door open trying to go inside a store walking with my cane or on my scooter.....

  2. Yea wars are pure hell as we all know but with the world like it is and has been since the beginning of time I feel we will have many more wars coming where men and women will die fighting for their country and FREEDOM to live....


    Thanks David, yea I'm at a 100% disability plus the stroke so my life is survival until my death where I will do all I can to live a good life in spite of my condition.... After all I volunteered for the military and did 22 years so I got no regrets.... 


    Heck I was born in July 1941 and the war was raging at that time...... I came back alive the way I went in so I'm Ok with that since so mane didn't make it back alive.....

  3. Thank you Sue,  yea I'm blessed I didn't lose my life for my country and my wounds are still with me but my body has healed as my mind will always remember how close I came to giving my life for my country....


    Being here at the largest military base and a National Cemetery they still have funerals almost daily since the older soldiers are passing away..... I think here are five funeral homes in town and they are busy all the time.... So many soldiers have made this town their home and bought homes here years ago like I did.....


    I retired from the Postal Service here in 1995 and of course from the Army in 1979 with 22 years of service to my country..... So I'm just living the life now as I get a bit older....


    I'm glad the war is about over for the most part but we have to wonder about the ISSIS group now!!!!

  4. George, the thing is in life is "You are happy doing what you enjoy and being with a great partner" I now understand that with the wife I got now, man am I a happy camper!!!


    My RV was 31 foot and we enjoyed it, I lived in it for months until we got an apartment then I sold it.... My balance is OK but my walking is not good as my left side is still paralyzed head to toe..... But I'm alive and well....


    I'm happy for both of you as you deal with life which like you say not forever for anyone....


    Lesley's mom is 94, man I can't imagine reaching that number as I'm 74 now and 75 in two more months with one hand I can use.... Take care my friend!!!!!

    Fred King

  5. Hey Lenny, glad you had a great vacation in Hawaii and on the ship with your family members.... I was supposed to meet my wife there when I left Vietnam back in 1970 but my doctor had me go to Australia with him to heal from my wounds and I enjoyed the country away from combat conditions.....


    As stroke survivors it is good to get out and about when we can to promote our healing and well being in life as best we can....


    One day I hope to get up to Canada where you live and be able to visit you and maybe see a baseball game together if my health holds up for sometime to come as I age....

  6. Sue, I have to say you still have a wonderful life and your kids keep in touch since you lost Ray so you got family all the time and who knows you may get close to a church member or neighborhood fellow to have conversations with from time to time as a company keeper....


    I told my wife when I'm gone I hope she meet a guy her age that they can have conversations and he not be looking for a home and has his own and perhaps have lost his wife lately and just need to talk from time to time.....


    I know her son and his wife will insure his mom is taken care of and not let her get into the wrong company of a man........ Then her daughter and 11 year old grand daughter lives with us now and my wife sings in the choir and is on the praise dance team so she stays busy with the church which is a good thing for her in my opinion....


    Then you are so busy right here at stroke net and in your church your time probably passes pretty fast every day.... Not having time to be too lonely or at home alone!!!!!


    I still want to visit your country one more time before I die I loved it when I was there recovering from being wounded in Vietnam and that was my doctors home as he worked for the US Army medical corps... 

  7. Jay, it's a good thing we both got friends and can still get around to some degree.... After the stroke I went to work on my scooter at Walmart for three years as a door greeter and the manager didn't want me to quit but I got tired of getting up early mornings to be at work by 7 am five days a week so I stopped working......


    Right now they are still hiring disable veterans to work in all their stores here in this military town with many veterans using scooters and many with lost limbs even women veterans.....


    It's great to have friends!!!!!

  8. I just learned today from my barber who had his appointment last week at the VA that our doctor is not there any longer and she was the best and the one that put my lens in my eyes a couple years ago now..... So I hope the next doctor can get me seeing better in my left eye so I don't have to try and see using my reading glasses.....


    My appointment is Wednesday the 25th..... 

  9. Hey Pam, 


    You will make it you know how to exercise a bit on your own as I have to do these days since I only have one hour with my therapy home care person 5 days a week.... One exercise I do daily is raising my cane above my head as best I can and down to my knees several times then I use my exercise bike with my scooter next to me in case I get too tired..... Then I walk from my front door to my back door , a good 30 feet or more, twice to exercise my paralyzed left side.....


    We will be OK, just don't ever give up.... In my case "Thank God" I can still drive my SUV which is in the garage so I can drive around to the big stores by my lottery tickets and back home on my own and I can walk in using my cane.... I tell myself I will be OK just never give up since I'm still alive,,,,,


    All the best to you my friend!!!!

  10. Yea Sue, you know life is what it is in every case here for all of us and in many cases we are worlds apart but able to communicate with each other on this network so we get a love for our fellow man and woman like yourself......


    We all care deeply how survival is coming along especially when we lose a partner as you have with Ray but thank God you got Trev and your grand kids around that you can visit sometimes.....


    I'm down to one sister in Colorado then my wife and me so my big family of 12 sisters and brothers has gone down to just two of us left alive.... I do have a son and a daughter but never hear from him anymore and many of their kids I never hear from them either.....


    So live your life as best you can and don't look back but ahead to the future and what you may find....

  11. Yea I know what you mean with me paying my electric bill here in Texas that usually runs close to two hundred dollars even if we just run the ceiling fans.... I'm the only one home all day and I keep the thermostat on 78..... This week 5 days we got much rain coming down in my part of Texas.....

  12. Punch, my prayers have gone up to our Father in Heaven for your brother to get better, well and come out the hospital better than ever..... Now I'm a bit dumb so may I ask you what is CHF?? I ask because my stroke was 12 years ago...... I don't suppose I have fluid like he does but you never know what can happen to your body....


    I feel blessed by my condition so I want to bless others as well by the grace of God.... Keep us informed please!!!!!!! 

  13. Lynn,

    It will be for the lens in my eyes as of now they seem to be not as sharp for me to see like I did when they put them in a couple years ago..... I'm thinking they may need replacing or my eyes have lost more sight making it harder for me to see clear.... Who knows???? I don't want to go Blind for sure.....

    Take care and tell your husband hello for me.... Fred