
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Well I don't have a P cup but I carry a urinal I bought at the hospital store in a bag under my seat in case of "I gotta go NOW" situations while traveling in my SUV...


    Humor is what keeps me going and dealing with my condition telling myself hey I'm still alive today and may not see tomorrow.....

  2. Sue, have you had a chance to read or see how Canada is under fire but not contained yet???? Many homes are lost not sure about lives? Destruction can come upon us in many forms and there has been a fair share of floodings, tornados, and fires.....


    Just last night a Tornado tore through Oklahoma and killed two people I think it was.... We never know when our time on earth is up, no one does....

  3. Hey thanks for reading my little blog this week you all as I was pleased to hear that news but I know at my old age that one day I got to leave this life I have enjoyed for so long.... God has already granted me more days than I expected when the Army sent me to Vietnam and I came back alive after my back operation so close to my spine I could have been paralyzed then.... Then the stroke got me on my left side in 2004 and I'm still going....


    It's just my sister, one of the twins, born in 1935, and me left alive far as we both know about... I'm my moms 18th child as the twins were number 16 and 17 child of our mom whom lived to be 82 and was born in 1898 while my dad passed in 1955 but was born in 1876 I think it was and far as he knew since he was brought to America as a slave from Africa as a small child.....All he knew was work and farming with his children before me.....


    When you look at my picture here you are looking at him same height....

  4. Ruth, that was what my appointment was about this morning and thank God I don't have to do any more colonoscopies the doctor told me and my wife so I'm all smiles..... Tell William hello from Fred and one day I hope to call you all and stop in or by again since it's been 5 or more years since I seen both of you there in Houston....


    I'm coming up on 75 in July so I was glad to hear no more wandering if I had anything or had to do the colon thing....

  5. My wife did that same thing for me when I came home from the hospital after a six month stay and the VA helped out with a scooter and a hospital bed which I still got at home and the WC I came home in and still got it too just in case I ever need one again.... I hope to never suffer another stroke but there is o way to know for sure.....

  6. I just have to say it gets hard sometimes to keep in a good spirit and moving forward with a stroke to recover from after so many years..... It's just out right hard to do for most people after living most of their lives without a stroke or a major injure in their life......


    I find it very hard to be one handed and my left side paralyzed and me not being able to use it or depend on it like a two handed man..... But God knows what He has in store for all of us as we all live our lives as best we know how....


    Did you see in the news about the killings of eight people I think some place in Ohio?? They think was an exucation?  We never know the day nor the time!!!! So it is true "We never know what tomorrow will bring".....

  7. You are so right Asha, none of us know in advance what life has for any of us we just go day by day and being a survivor is better than being a victum and never know what hit you like it did me but I got to the hospital just in timt as my wife was on a dental appointment and came home early to find me passed out....


    I got to the hospital just in time and thanks to God I'm still here 12 years later.....

  8. That's great I wish you two all the success and many, many more years together... I too was an E4 or spec 4 we were called, in 1958 when I got married to my high school sweetheart and we had two kids, girl and a boy... My daughter was born in Munich Germany Army Hospital in 1964 and my son at Fort Hood Texas in 1966 and the next year I got orders for Germany again....


    Happy Anniversary to you two wonderful people and many more anniversaries to come your way.....

  9. Sue, it's hard being alone or with no mate after years of having one close at all times..... That's why I got married for the fourth time not wanting to be alone and this wife is the best I ever had or wanted, I love her dearly...... It's not about sex at my age but togetherness not having to be alone day after day and a body in bed at night.... She is still working at the bank supervising Tellers at a drive in Bank and will make Manager real soon when the current manager retires shortly.....


    Take care of yourself and pray for us......

  10. Ruth, I tell you it has gotten a bit harder for me to walk with a quad cane again or even going to church services with my wife when I struggle to get myself up on my feet when service is over.... She has to rush from the choir stand down to where I sit during services and help me stand up to leave.... I try not to use my scooter because so many others are in wheelchairs across the back row of the church.... So I still try to walk as best I can and I even drive to church and park in the handicap rows....


    The church is 110 years old and some members been there nearly as long... One old sister in the choir with a very strong voice is 95 years young and don't even use or need a cane to walk....


    Tell William hello and hopefully we can stop by to see you all as I still got your address.... Princess, our shizt tzu had 6 pups we kept one so I got the two of them to see after every day when our grand daughter is in school...... She is the one my wife got the dog for in making the honor roll and she is still making a's and b's in school every class at 11 years old now.......