
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. You have come a very long way lil sister and I still wish you the best in health and friendship with the guy from Georgia but that is a long way from you......I won't bore you with my condition but in a way it's a bit worse that yours ever been and I now feel I'm going down slowly in my abilities to walk and do things except driving that's alright......

  2. Sandy, I understand what you are saying about one hand because I only got my right hand I can use while my whole left side is paralyzed head to my big toe.... That makes for a hard time trying to carry anything in my left hand at any time....


    A cane in my right hand being careful not to loose my balance and I can't carry nothing else nor use my left hand..... Trying to carry a cup of coffee from McDonald's is a no-no.....


    I took both dog and her puppy to Petco for a trim but the groomer came outside and got them both from the car and she brought them back when I went back to pick them up.... Of course I gave her a good tip for being so nice and she said well Mr King I know you can only use one hand.....

  3. Carol,


    I had read a link too and that's why I asked the question but we all still don't really know for sure since it really started so long ago.... I never heard about the milking chickens....




    I'll wait and see what you discover after your researching let us know what you find.... It's sort of interesting like ground hog day just not as well known I suppose but probably all point to Spring Time....

  4. Sue,


    They call that knowledge "experience", I had it one time long ago....It was lovely weather here as well and being in my fourth marriage In My physical condition and state of mind what can I say?? I'm just appreciative I'm still here this many years later....

  5. Nancy, here is hoping you and Dan will be alright as it starts to warm up in your neck of the woods, you just happen to be in one cold state which seems like year round from my little experience being there years ago....

  6. I think you are right, I watered yesterday but didn't prune so if it die or is already dead I can have a guy cut it down then into firewood for the fireplace..... In time I will get another small one from Home Depot or Walmart and plant it but I will wait awhile longer to be sure this one has died but if it is alive I will try to nurse it back to good health....


    Sandy, this one was planted by the builders (just a little stick) when we bought the house in 2000 so I will figure out what to do next pretty soon......

  7. Sandy, you know in my case years ago I never knew of anyone in the neighborhood ever suffering a stroke then all of a sudden I suffered a stroke at age 62 after 22 years in the Army and in what I thought was good physical shape...... In fact I had just passed my annual physical and the doc said see you next year!!!!


    Here comes 2005 AND I find myself here on Stroke Net talking about suffering a big stroke...... I know Bob may have felt the same way too..... I have to say we are all blessed to be here able to speak about strokes in our lives.....

  8. Sue, If I can get my wife to think about traveling and commit we will plan a trip to your country and hope to see or meet you there.... Also the doctor working for the Army but his home was Sydney lives there and I would be glad to see him once again....


    He operated on my back and got me ready to fly back to the states for more surgery to remove the other bullets from my back so I could walk again and I did..... I just don't know his name now plus he may have passed by now because that was in 1970 in Vietnam..... I'm sure his name is in my records I got.....

  9. Asha, that's great, my Army friends stay in touch but by phone as many of us are old and not all have computers or know how to use one with no kids left in the homes that would know how to use computers......


    I was in personnel in the Army so I learned about computers when they first came about I just can't fix one on my own knowledge.....

  10. You know Jay, there is a viral showing on TV of an Eagle nest where the eggs are hatching and they are feeding the young bringing them fish they catch and feeding them.... I think one or two more eggs has to hatch out..... 


    It's a beautiful site to see them so young and the parents so protective of them.... They may be on the internet as well but I see them on the evening and morning news cast for ABC

    channels... We got many black birds in the yard looking for the worms from all the rain we have had so God has a way to feed all of them and I guess nest will start to appear in the trees soon.

  11. Yes thank you, our home is on solid ground no creeks, rivers or dams anywhere close to my property and no mountains either but in New Orleans my wife's hometown where she has many sisters and brothers and other family members the waters are rising like it did during hurricane Katrina in 2005....



    if this keeps up they may head to our house here in Texas once again.... 

  12. Thanks but my moving along is very slow at best but I am alive doing the best I can nearly 12 years after my stroke.... So I figure if I can move slowly under my own power and can use my scooter plus drive my vehicle I will be alright for a long time but I do miss attending church every Sunday now....


    A friend of mine is taping the Sermons and letting me have a copy to hear what happening at church.... I would have trouble getting up the steps to go inside the church with the way I walk now.... Plus getting to the men's room located in the rear behind the Choir stand....  

  13. My wife and I are just like that probably why we are still married for 18 years already, the longest I been married in four tries... You get a sense of meaning after time together and we both finally got it right as God blessed this marriage to be together for ever more....


    Even with the stroke I suffered we are very thankful God is in our lives without a doubt in our minds....

  14. Katrina,


    If you remember I'm paralyzed on left side head to toe so using my left side is about out the question except for walking I do that daily it just doesn't get any better or worse for that matter....


    I think we all try to live our lives the fullest, we have no choices, just live life the fullest with our eyes open.... Many things we can still do or get done without much trouble like driving and going different places being out in the world rather than closed in or sitting in a room all day and night as the world goes by.....


    Stay strong and keep praying God knows our hearts and just where we are at all times when He is ready for us to come home.....