
Stroke Survivor - male
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About edurang

  • Birthday 12/16/1944

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  • Interests
    lucid dreaming

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New Member (1/10)

  1. Happy Anniversary edurang!

  2. Happy Anniversary edurang!

  3. Happy Birthday edurang!

  4. congrats Steve! this thursday i pick up my new custom AFO. i have high hopes it'll make a big difference in my walking ability. i'll report back how it goes. keep goin' Ed D
  5. Pam, I'm glad someone shares my feelings about makes me mad everytime someone tells me "god loves you." bullshit! f--- him! I have overwhelming proof that that's not so. best of holiday to you(and everyone else)Ed
  6. edurang

    Today's rant

    I cast my vote for bitc-slapping. I don't know why, it justsounds good. a friend of mine once mused" till death do us part, or until something better comes along."perhaps some bitterness there? Ed D