
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Happy Anniversary Jeanniebean!

  2. Thanks Sue. Sorry about the other day cutting u off on Skype, we will talk soon, love ya Sue.
  3. Fun full week 3/08/2015, First I have my birthday this week on the 13th Friday the 13th. I started out with a slow week. Weather was wet, cool, windy to start out but I have faith that yes spring just around the corner. By the end of this week weather personal say we are going to be in the 70's. Nd Monday was a quite, low key day. I finally got around to doing a couple loads of washing clothes. That was enough of standing and carrier cloths to and from the washer. I believe when it is a rainy day it's a good and only day to do wash. But since it takes so much for me to do I still have to do those dishes in the sink to do. I am trying to practice to wash the dish I use each and every time I eat at home. Tuesday was no more exciting but to go do deep water exercise at the Clairemont Y. I like the teacher on this d ay and really feel like I've exercised. After I went to my coffee shop and have a cup of Joe and crochet a few stitches on my new baby booties shoes. Rest of the day uneventful. Wednesday is hump day. Being retired days just flow together. I have to keep on some kind a schedule. I went to my Y East Atlanta. Since the pool area was closed all last week for repairs, Being that it Visually Impaired in downtown Atlanta, This appt. took 3 hours and I now know I see out of my like swizz cheese. The doctor showed me a magnifier that has led light from under and and orange filter makes it so much easier to read by. But the cost is some $200. My girlfriend who has 2 parents that are both blind clued me in to contact the Lions Club of Georgia for they could help out. Before I know it it is Friday and It was my Birthday. Nice weather to wake of to and I spent time at the coffee shop,which when I walked in the shop some how they all knew it was my birthday. Well, I figured it out that Eric from church who comes here too told them ahead of time. LOL
  4. Happy Anniversary Jeanniebean!

  5. See what HR says and hope it's good. But, I would take a lump sum if able before the company changes their mind.
  6. I have finally have dat down to write again. I'm at the moment waiting for chat to start I popped in here and write. I do have a lot to write but it won't happen this time, but I'll be writing all about what happened in 2014 that kept me from writing. So, hi everyone it is good to be back sorry it has taken me so long but I'll fill you in. Well it's chat time so, later. remembertolaugh Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  7. Update, I have not been on the site or the computer this year very much. Especially after having walking pheonomiana in the spring for 6 weeks. It's taken me all this time to get back up to doing normal activities. I wanted to check in for 2012 before 2013 had rolled here. Jeanniebean
  8. That is wonderful Fred. I agree with you having God in you life and pray is your bonus. Jeanniebean
  9. That is wonderful. You live were you need to keep your hands and feet warm. Enjoy your winter, and the venison. Do you make venison sausage? Jeanniebean
  10. Sue, My heart goes out to you. You show your love for your mother and husband in their hard times. Spend time with your family and have a few laughs. Jeannie
  11. Fred, Congrads on your success. Keep your eye out for unleavened ground. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  12. Julie, Sue is right about take time for yourself. I also had my colonoscopy this year, and also had a small polyp removed which was benign. i agree with Larry no more for 5 yrs. Yippee! I don't want to think about winter but, all of you are making it real. Ugh. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  13. Jeanniebean


    Wow! Bruce has a gem of a friend, that is rare in our older age. Mr. Couponer is exercising his aphasia brain and doing it every week. right on. Debbie you are so supportive of Bruce. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  14. Fred, Halloween was my favorite. As like Debbie everyone new everyone in the neighborhood. I lived in the country, you did a lot of walking. Houses were three blocks apart. We went out one beggars night (day before Halloween), and dressed as bums. Mom would have a dump out our bags and she would take all the big candy bars like Hershey's. She would freeze them and give them to us at Easter time. In my 20's I use to make costumes. Like a Monkey, Lion, Raisin. Raccoon ect. Me being in the north where by the end of October is will probably cold a costumes that is heavy keeps you warm outside. But, wearing is to an indoor party your get overheated. I would rent them out every year. Now a days people who want to give out candy it is printed in the local paper the streets that people are giving. And those that choose not to turn off their outside lights. Or many areas like our YMCA have a Halloween party and gives out candy. These days I dress up and visit my neighbor kids before they go trick or treating. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  15. It's been over a week since the accident. I got over the counter medicine and for a week now I've been treating and changing my dressings. Carl can't stand it any longer and wants me to call Joy from church. Joy is a nurse parturition at a free clinic. It is still looking read around the edges and I don't want to get an infection. I agree with Carl and call Joy. Joy see me Tuesday morning. As she starts to unwrap it the questions come up "have I seen my doctor" answer "no", I go to Grady, this is the hospital that all the indigents go, and takes a long time to be seen. especially in the emergency unless you come in with chest pains. Now the dressings are off. Joy is happy, it's not so bad. Joy covers the whole top of my foot with silverdine. This is the magic lotion that all burn patients are given to heal the skin. Then puts patches over and wraps my foot up. Joy give me the instructions: Change dressing twice a day by taking off the dressings and reapplying silverdine, patches and wrapping back up. I am also given a antibiotic which I can get a Public's grocery for free. Joy releases me and wants me to return in a week. Changes my dressing 2nd day and the loose skin and come off. It's looking much better. I'm glad I went to see Joy. I'm sure I don't want to do another stupid thing and end up loosing a foot. (cuz I'm a diabetic but I have my sugar under control). Carl wants to make Quince preserves. I was reading up on how to and you can get jelly from the water you first par-boil the quince before you peal it like a apple and the core it. Quince fruit has natural pectin and plenty of it so all you have to do is add sugar and spices. YUM! I think that is a nice Christmas gift to give. Oh, I'm not cooking alone Carl is going to right by my side. As a kid I helped my mother make elderberry jam every year. But instead of going threw the canning process of hot water my mother covered the tops with paraffin wax. Then we stored them in the root cellar. Anyone have any advice to add I would appreciate it. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  16. Last Monday Carl a I was putting together ratatouille for Tuesday dinner at church. Carl was chopping all the veggies and I was sauteing and cooking. We got to the point of adding the eggplant and we did not thing we had enough ratatouille. So, Carl went to the store and picked up two more eggplants. Eggplant needs to be first saute before adding it to the whole pot. I did a stupid thing. I thought I could heat up oil in the cast iron pan under the broiler and put the eggplant in and do it that way. Not so. Carl had entered the kitchen and said something is smoking in the oven. I could not see the smoke but knew I had the pan with oil under the broiler on. He did not know this. I proceed to open the oven door and a big flame of fire came out and my intial reaction was to pull out the pan. Now this pan is a cast iron (heavy)full of hot oil. My hand could not hold the pan and I dropped the pan on the floor and my foot got coated with hot oil. BURN....... I look back on this and I should of grabbed the salt that was right theeveryir on the counter and poured it on the pan. Stupid me... Well I have a first degree burn on the top of my foot. I am applying frankincense and myrrh. These resins help in healing. I am recouping, keeping my foot higher than my heart keeps the swelling down. Iceing it every few hours. Not doing any waling around. Looking forward to Sundays message and I'll have to put a slipper on my burnt foot. Jeanniebean
  17. Fred, You are such a loving survivor and hubby. To take your honey to one of her loves while you chose to not to play cards which you love also. I only played machines on a cruise boat, never went to a casino. Have lots of fun and relax. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  18. Sue, You are an amazing women. With your mother in a home and your love in another. Glad you took a break and enjoyed your grandchildren, despite the ran and being confined in doors. Too tired to comment further so you and your dear ones are in my prayers. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail::cocktail:
  19. Jeanniebean


    Debbie, Hurray for Bruce. He is doing multitasking. Your right Debbie as you commented on Asha "We as caregivers, learn to play to their strengths and interests." Carl does the shopping and doesn't use coupons but does most of his buying at a off brand store. He does a good job saving money and coupon handling would only confuse him. Carl does the cooking and I just help him out stirring the pot. I am so proud of Bruce. remembertolaugh, :cocktail:
  20. Julie, Glad for you that the over night is ove and hope you don't habe to do it over. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  21. Mandi, Welcome, you don't have to apologize for ranting. You have come to the right place for information to help you. I've had 2 tia strokes. I know nothing about brain stem strokes in fact what I have learned about them was on this site. we are all here to help and support each other, no matter what it is. Suggestion read an insprational book to your mother. At this time we all turn to our faith. Keep faith, remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  22. Jeanniebean

    Life goes on

    Sheryl, Reading your blog today I can actually hear your excitement about going back to work, like your first day of school. Windows Vista also has speech recognition software. Don't over do it. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  23. Mike glad you now know what is going on with your heart. Now about not getting the pacer the day you where their. Look at it this way: that day if you were having heart pain and the doctor said to you your going in surgery NOW. You can't live without this surgery (Pacer) TODAY. Be thankful nothing happened like that and you returned home to Rose and Kitty. Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  24. Lenny I'm sure it was not funny at the time. But, know looking back if it was being video recorded you could sent it into the show "the funniest video" and win money. lol I guess we assume that a product that is made for conditions being in shower with water on it, that non-curosof bolts would be used in the products safety. Oh, but it was probably made in China. Glad your ok Lenny. Jeanniebean :cocktail:oh yes you would think that but i guess not and yes you are probably right made in china but always check for rust on the bolts if you find rust do not use