
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Jeanniebean
    Fun full week 3/08/2015, First I have my birthday this week on the 13th Friday the 13th. I started out with a slow week. Weather was wet, cool, windy to start out but I have faith that yes spring just around the corner. By the end of this week weather personal say we are going to be in the 70's.
    Monday was a quite, low key day. I finally got around to doing a couple loads of washing clothes. That was enough of standing and carrier cloths to and from the washer. I believe when it is a rainy day it's a good and only day to do wash. But since it takes so much for me to do I still have to do those dishes in the sink to do. I am trying to practice to wash the dish I use each and every time I eat at home.
    Tuesday was no more exciting but to go do deep water exercise at the Clairemont Y. I like the teacher on this d ay and really feel like I've exercised. After I went to my coffee shop and have a cup of Joe and crochet a few stitches on my new baby booties shoes. Rest of the day uneventful.
    Wednesday is hump day. Being retired days just flow together. I have to keep on some kind a schedule.
    I went to my Y East Atlanta. Since the pool area was closed all last week for repairs, Being that it Visually Impaired in downtown Atlanta, This appt. took 3 hours and I now know I see out of my like swizz cheese. The doctor showed me a magnifier that has led light from under and and orange filter makes it so much easier to read by. But the cost is some $200. My girlfriend who has 2 parents that are both blind clued me in to contact the Lions Club of Georgia for they could help out.
    Before I know it it is Friday and It was my Birthday. Nice weather to wake of to and I spent time at the coffee shop,which when I walked in the shop some how they all knew it was my birthday. Well, I figured it out that Eric from church who comes here too told them ahead of time. LOL
  2. Jeanniebean
    I have finally have dat down to write again. I'm at the moment waiting for chat to start I popped in here and write. I do have a lot to write but it won't happen this time, but I'll be writing all about what happened in 2014 that kept me from writing. So, hi everyone it is good to be back sorry it has taken me so long but I'll fill you in. Well it's chat time so, later. remembertolaugh Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  3. Jeanniebean
    Update, I have not been on the site or the computer this year very much. Especially after
    having walking pheonomiana in the spring for 6 weeks. It's taken me all this time
    to get back up to doing normal activities. I wanted to check in for 2012 before 2013 had
    rolled here. Jeanniebean
  4. Jeanniebean
    Last Monday Carl a I was putting together ratatouille for Tuesday dinner at church. Carl was chopping all the veggies and I was sauteing and cooking. We got to the point of adding the eggplant and we did not thing we had enough ratatouille. So, Carl went to the store and picked up two more eggplants. Eggplant needs to be first saute before adding it to the whole pot. I did a stupid thing. I thought I could heat up oil in the cast iron pan under the broiler and put the eggplant in and do it that way. Not so. Carl had entered the kitchen and said something is smoking in the oven. I could not see the smoke but knew I had the pan with oil under the broiler on. He did not know this. I proceed to open the oven door and a big flame of fire came out and my intial reaction was to pull out the pan. Now this pan is a cast iron (heavy)full of hot oil. My hand could not hold the pan and I dropped the pan on the floor and my foot got coated with hot oil. BURN.......
    I look back on this and I should of grabbed the salt that was right theeveryir on the counter and poured it on the pan. Stupid me...
    Well I have a first degree burn on the top of my foot. I am applying frankincense and myrrh. These resins help in healing. I am recouping, keeping my foot higher than my heart keeps the swelling down.
    Iceing it every few hours. Not doing any waling around.
    Looking forward to Sundays message and I'll have to put a slipper on my burnt foot. Jeanniebean
  5. Jeanniebean
    It's been over a week since the accident. I got over the counter medicine and for a week now I've been treating and changing my dressings. Carl can't stand it any longer and wants me to call Joy from church. Joy is a nurse parturition at a free clinic. It is still looking read around the edges and I don't want to get an infection. I agree with Carl and call Joy.
    Joy see me Tuesday morning. As she starts to unwrap it the questions come up "have I seen my doctor" answer "no", I go to Grady, this is the hospital that all the indigents go, and takes a long time to be seen. especially in the emergency unless you come in with chest pains. Now the dressings are off. Joy is happy, it's not so bad.
    Joy covers the whole top of my foot with silverdine. This is the magic lotion that all burn patients are given to heal the skin. Then puts patches over and wraps my foot up.
    Joy give me the instructions: Change dressing twice a day by taking off the dressings and reapplying silverdine, patches and wrapping back up. I am also given a antibiotic which I can get a Public's grocery for free. Joy releases me and wants me to return in a week.
    Changes my dressing 2nd day and the loose skin and come off. It's looking much better. I'm glad I went to see Joy. I'm sure I don't want to do another stupid thing and end up loosing a foot. (cuz I'm a diabetic but I have my sugar under control).
    Carl wants to make Quince preserves. I was reading up on how to and you can get jelly from the water you first par-boil the quince before you peal it like a apple and the core it. Quince fruit has natural pectin and plenty of it so all you have to do is add sugar and spices. YUM! I think that is a nice Christmas gift to give. Oh, I'm not cooking alone Carl is going to right by my side.
    As a kid I helped my mother make elderberry jam every year. But instead of going threw the canning process of hot water my mother covered the tops with paraffin wax. Then we stored them in the root cellar. Anyone have any advice to add I would appreciate it. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  6. Jeanniebean
    It was so great to get away for the weekend even tho it was a half working weekend.
    Once we got to the fair grounds (Perry, Ga) and emptied our trailer and everyone's else.
    it was time to sit down for a lunch that was provided for all workers free. Menu: Brunswick stew or Bangladesh peanut soup, cornbread muffin, sweet tea or lemon aid and desert ice cream. That was Friday's lunch. A mini action took place for about 2hrs.
    Carl and I were blessed, for one of the congregation paid for us to stay in the motel instead of us sleeping in our car. We appreciate that person for their generosity.
    With a good nite rest behind us it is now the big day Saturday. Morning a pancake and sausage breakfast is being served. The auction starts at 9am till everything is gone.
    We had allot of small wood items step stool, rocking chairs, nick knacks etc. Those items when really well and at a good price. We also had big items, dinning table and chairs, kitchen tables, entertainment centers. We did not get as much as we thought we should of. (not worth the getting it freight cost. and hauling it down). The handmade quilts fared a pretty good price.
    Carl and I were in charge of: When the quilt was auctioned at the front stage the winning bidders number was yelled out by the auctioneer, the quilt runners would mark the quilt with the number and bag it and bring it back to us behind the cashier. We would write the bidders number on a piece of paper big and bag the quilt again. Now to keep them in an easy order Carl said instead of putting them by piles of 10's, 2o's -100, we will make 10 piles going by the last digit. For we did not have allot of room under the table. But, his system worked out great. So, when the bidder came and paid for their quilt we just looked it the pile of the last number of the bidders number. :goodjob:
    I also had a sheet with numbers from 1 to 100 on a sheet and I would highlight the number so I knew I bagged a quilt. If they had bought more than one I just used the slash method, one person bought 7 quilts. :juggle:
    We also had $$ amount donation auction. We pulled in the dollars on that. :bow:
    Carl and I thought we would be bringing a empty trailer back NOT! The entertainment center we hauled down in back of the vehicle we had to haul it back to Atlanta for the person that bought it. We also took a table back.
    The drive to Atlanta I75 the worst. A Sunday early evening you would think (like us) that their would not be traffic. WRONG! DOT is resurfacing I75 North.Know I was not watching the signs for I was crocheting. Carl missed the sign about construction to take 675. So we got stuck in traffic. We took the first available exit and take the back roads to the house to drop off the entertainment piece. :bop:wow finally mad e it, started out at 2pm it is now 7pm and we are not at our house yet. It takes 2hrs. from Perry to Atlanta. We now have to drop off the trailer at the church parking lot. We have just put of a fence with a gate and lock with a combination, O NO I forgot what the number is. I have to call Brenda and thank God she knew it. After dropping of the trailer it's now to home.
    8pm home. Now the question before opening the front door is did all the projects get completed by my landlord? Carl rushes in to use the throne (toilet), It's the new Kohler toilet American made Oval seat, 17in. Yeah! Is the kitchen floor patched? Yea yes Now did the shelves get up in the back room No. The dead tree in the front yard still needs to be cut down. So, two out of 4 projects done I'm happy. Time goes fast when your doing the work and their is also more work to be done. Note: landlord advises me to buy American made for when you need parts you will be able to find them.
  7. Jeanniebean
    The morning started out with picking up the truck and trailer from Linda's house. Carl and I left our vehicle. Off to the storage shed to pick up furniture for tomorrows night auction We all started at 9am. Pastor John decided to swap out the open trailer (double axle )for a enclosed trailer (single axle).
    Finished loading trailers at 11am. I need to get Carl lunch.
    In the past week I got the energy to do a lot of cleaning in the house.
    Since we will be gone the landlord is going to install the new toilet. So I cleaned the floor and threw out all the junk collected and cluttering. Next the kitchen floor needs a few tiles replaced. But last is those shelves that need to go up on the back wall. So I can finally finish the pantry. I had to move the cluttering that was against that wall. And I clean out the butterfly sunflower plants and put mums in.
    In the beginning of last week we got 3 eggplant to make Eggplant Parmesan. Carl went out for a day on his own and I decided to put that together. I usually don't do the cooking cuz I forget to shut off the gas stove. Carl was surprised when he got home that I made the Eggplant Parmesan and I didn't burn the house down. lol! I usually only do the baking it was a real treat to produce a dinner and not burn the house down all by myself.
  8. Jeanniebean
    It's time to clear the summer crops up and plant the fall crop. The enticement of the barn is coming into sight. The rafters are up. But unable to work on the barn today for we are finally getting some rain.
    At least we will not have to water the fields today. We got 18 laying chickens and 6 goats. The hens are giving us lots of eggs. CSA's are receiving ½ dozen of eggs in their weekly share.
    Getting ready to volunteer at the Mennonite Relief Sale, September 16 & 17 at Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry Ga. Lots of handmade quilts, furniture that get auctioned off. Besides we have a craft and bakery table. We are raising funds for Mennonite Central Committee and Christian Aid Ministries. I'm so excited to go for I have not been anywhere this whole year. Carl and I are driving down a open trailer loaded with furniture to be auctioned off.
    Carl has been having trouble getting down on the toilet in the house. So, I asked the landlord to install a higher one. 14” to 17” I know it will make a difference for Carl he is 6' tall. Landlord has bought it and is going to install it the weekend were gone. Ya!
    The other thing is the dead tree in the front yard needs to be taken down. For the power lines are in the way and he will have to have the power turned of Maybe he will do that also that weekend. I hope so. Cuz every time a windy storm one or two of the limbs fall.
    I am celebrating Carl's 67th birthday today the September 5th. I took Carl for a big birthday breakfast Saturday morning. Then across the street for hair cut for both of us and trim Carl's beard. I am so lucky to have Carl still here healthy and well. For the sad news is Carl's younger brother age 65 died 2 months ago. He was single and lived in Hawaii on a piece of land in a container with his dog.
    He did have one previous heat attack. He was living out his dream. He was a furniture maker, the 1800 century way. We hadn't heard from him so we called the police to check on him. Police said he must have been dead two weeks. Carl is a little distraught over this news. Carl's younger Paul went to Hawaii to settle his affairs and cremate the body and spread ashes over his land and bring some back.
    It's time to clear out the sunflower stocks and plant some mums.
    It's been fun watching the bird feeder. There are lots of young cardinals, mommy cardinals feeding baby cardinals. The woodpeckers young are showing up. It's time for me to put out the suet block. remembertolaugh :cocktail:
  9. Jeanniebean
    About the Farm:
    Carl takes the back roads to Mr. Parks grocery store. The store is owned by a little Korean man. He carries some unusual products plus he is less expensive than the Big known grocery stores.
    Back to Carl taking the back roads, one day in spring on his grocery run passing the Mennonite Church his curiosity peaked. He drove threw the parking lot.
    Carl came home and picked me up and we went to ask questions. See Carl with his aphasia when talking w new people and to keep his illustration down wants me to ask the questions. No mind you this is May of this year 2011. We get to the Mennonite Church and I notice they have potatoes growing out front. They are having a plant sale. There is pretty sparse choice. We meet the Pastor, Pastor John. He explains to us they are a CSA Community Supported Agriculture Farm. That means you can buy shares, the shares go like this: for $ amount all seasons every week you will pickup a portion of what ever crops are producing. Another way $ just Spring season, or just summer or fall. Or the one we chose was all seasons every other week. John told us about the open farmer markets we could find the farmer running the farm at to sign up for shares. The following Thursday we went to the Market and found the farms stand and met Cece the farmer and her helper Angela.
    After we sign the agreement and put a forth of the total $ amount to secure our share, the women we call farmers told us they needed volunteers to harvest, weed and many other outside as well as inside jobs done.
    Our expectations of what we are capable of doing is to be seen. Carl and I decided we will volunteer for what ever the farmers need help with. They put us out in the fields picking snap beans. It's hot and not as fun as you can image. But, we wanted to do it. On out second time out Carl got to pick beets and I picked turnips. In the middle of harvesting Carl need to make a run to the store (to this date I don't know why) lol. In the mean time I'm walking threw the fields to the school to re-leave my self when stepping over one of the water hoses OOOOPS down I went. One minute I was standing erect the next I'm meeting the ground. I get up brush my self off and continue. Well low and behold Angela seen me walking and then she said you were gone. ?????? She rushed over when I reappeared making sure I was ok. After talking we had ourselves a good laugh. (everyone needs to laugh more). Well with that happening Angela sent me inside to work. And from then on Carl and I became the inside volunteers. The farmers like that they can rely on use showing up when we are suppose to, know what were to do. We count, weight, and batch the harvest.
    Now Angela asked us if we wanted to work our share off. Of course, I jumped on that. As of today our volunteer hours have added up that are share is paid up. But we are going to still volunteer cuz it's fun, Carl gets to talk alotttttt. Great therapy for him and I can see how happier he is. l
    Last week 6/20-24 Pastor John and Brenda a Elder of the church had Peace camp for 12 kids. Pastor John asked for use to help and we did but this week I'm tired.
    I am enjoying being so mobile this summer 6/2011. I couldn't have done it without the shots and therapy for my knees. God has blessed both of us which has in turn enabled us to give back to those less fortunate .
    Pastor John is a part-time Pastor for the Berea Mennonite Church in East Atlanta.
    Pastor Johns full-time job is property manager to pay off his law education. He married a Mennonite women and they had a beautiful baby girl 6 months ago. She is such a happy baby, always smiling. I had to make some booties for her.
    Sunday we go to bible class before services. About 8 people plus us and we discuss the readings for the services. It's been very interesting for me cuz I grew up Roman Catholic and never understood the bibles writing. I've heard the stories but gotta say really never understood.
    It's the Fourth of July 2011. I'll be watching fireworks on PBS with music.
    I enjoy them that way, no bugs, a/c, food if I want, and no crowds to put up with.
    But, I will be able to see the fireworks downtown from Centennial Park just sitting in a chair in my own driveway! I'm looking forward to both ways maybe I'll build a fire in our portable fire pit. That should keep the bugs at bay.
    Well Happy Fourth of July to all. Be safe. Half of the summer is over.
    Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail::cocktail::cocktail:
  10. Jeanniebean
    Since it's almost July, six months of the yea is gone.
    I thought I would work on posting my pictures.
    Yes, the pictures are worth a thousand words. You'll
    understand what's been keeping me busy. It sure
    has not been playing on the computer. Of course
    it takes two of us.
    Back in February I had to do all the cleaning up of the beds. Carl was having trouble with his lower back and hip. Until one day when at the Y I stopped in the common area and picked up a Senior News Paper. I seldom pick up a Senior News Paper, usually just a Creative Loafing. In this paper was a add for pain management for back with decompression. The other was for knees which I spoke of in a earlier blog.
    I finished my series of Hyalgan shots. I'm still doing electrical impulses electrodes to the body and reach the nerves which are causing the pain. Doc adjusted
    my back and knee's and gave me a shot in the hip for my sciatic nerve had was giving me pain when I would lift my leg to get into the SUV.
    Carl is still going for the decompression machine. After two appointments he was able to help me with the gardening outside. We go twice a week for therapy at this pain doc.
    I'm happy to report that Carl and I are living with allot less pain these days and haven't taken a pain pill for a few months. Thank God.
    I've been squeezing in my Y time, getting 36 laps of swimming in 3 times a week.
    I do have more pictures to post to this album so check back periodically.
    I have to fill out disability papers for Carl. Medicaid won't pay his hospital bill from his stroke until he is
    declared disabled. We have an appointment with SS the 5th of July, so I have to submit before had his papers. Until now did I remember it's almost the 5th of July. WOW! I'm so forgetful, when I put things aside and say to myself I'll get to it later I seem to forget all about. Well, I have one thing I my side for filling out disability papers is I've had my practice at it. At least I won't forget to make copies of all papers submitted to SS. They are prone to loose them. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

  11. Jeanniebean
    One size fits all. Water Resistant for use in baths and showers. Security strong Velcro strap,
    and nylon buckle. Comfort Grips, Mildew resistant and Flame Retardant Materials.
    My link
    To order contact:: Dara McMillian, LMSW
    Phone#: 1.404.274.1488 yes this is a Georgia phone #
    Dara was a guest at our Emory Stroke Club Meeting, She show us how we can homes safe for very low cost, for she was a social worker before she started this business. Dara is very knowledgeable person.
    I found this item in particularly very unique. For when Carl 6'1” had his stroke and me 5'1” was is caregiver came home from the hospital I used a sheet to hold on and help him to the bathroom.
    remembertolaugh, jeanniebean :cocktail:
  12. Jeanniebean
    It's been a long time that I have felt as good as I do since my stroke. Or maybe ever.:silly::silly: I'm loving my life, and my love for and with Carl is ever so stronger. Even tho Carl had a stroke. The love Carl and I have for each other spiritually deeper
    bond :bop:. I only have one other such bond and that's with Mark.(that's another story for another time.)
    My knees are feeling great, had my last shot. My knee brace for my right leg came in and is helping me be balance. My back had been adjusted and I feel good not great yet. Doc has to get my hips in alignment, for tweaking with the aid of a cane has gradually bent over a bit. I look forward to standing straight up and shoulders
    Now Carl has had 10 weeks of decompressing sessions and tweaking adjustments. Carl received a shot in each hip and is feeling great.
    Having Carl feeling great in turn, I feel gratitude.:Cheers:
    Carl and I volunteered at the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm Wednesday bunching, bagging the veggies for Thursday CSA pickup and market. We were their for 6 hours. Their were 4 people out in the fields picking and bringing carrots, green onions, kohlrabies, radishes, cucumbers, pickles for pickling, Zucchini, yellow summer squash. The lettuces were already picked, washed, and in the refrigerate.(you've never seen such beautiful lettuces like this in the grocery stores.) :Clap-Hands::bungee:Thursday morning they'll pick the basil, and dill. Celia was under the weather so she stayed home and rested. Baby come first, she is due in October. Angela had it all on her shoulders.
    Thursday we had pain doctors appointment, we got our usual treatment. Had to be done my 10:30am. Since it's the last Thursday of the month 11:00am is Emory Stroke Club. Traffic was heavy which made us 15 minutes late. When we open the
    door WOW:Explode: Full room. The topic was making choices of size and type of food to eat. What to watch out for when in the grocery store. How to read the ingredients on packages. I stay away from package foods as a rule. But, when I get in those funky moods rules go out the door in a flash :Munch:.
    The speaker had a small booklet that had take out restaurants. Telling you what had the lowest calories. She didn't bring any extra's so she took my mailing address to send me a copy. I won't be going out to eat much but I want to keep up to date on what choices I have when those emergency quickie meals come around. :Ponder:
    Why I feel so great is I found a pair of shorts I wore in 2001, put them on and they are loose fitting on. I almost have to wear a belt to keep them up. Lol
    :yawn: I got up too early, 3:30am again so I'm going to wrap it up and take a another snooze.:Zzzz:
    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  13. Jeanniebean
    When I was a kid my family lived in the country what is now know as Cleveland, Ohio.
    My one brother and two sisters which are older than me, would always have to watch over me and take me with them.:whack: We had lots of open land and as well as wooded land.
    Some of my memories are pretty funny thinking back.
    I can remember my oldest sister Ann dressing me up in a dress, why I don't know.:hug: Taking
    me out to the field and making a camp fire. :growl:I guess she was playing girl scouts with me.
    The fire caught my dress and Ann threw dirt on me.:oops: The rest of my memory is being
    scolded by my mother for getting my dress dirty. Ann got away with just a “don't play
    with matches”.:blah_blah:
    Ann was the one always to get poison ivy, some time during the summer if not more. I never once got it as a kid that I remember. But, Ann would seem to always having that
    pink stuff all over her. Calamine lotion.:goodjob: Back then it only came in pink. Well, this
    last week I've been itching on my forearm. I'm thinking it's sun poisoning. (cause I spend
    so much time outside). I called Ann, we talked about what she thought it could be, for my memory is shot. If Ann could see it she would know.
    So now I move on to go see my girlfriends, Mary. Mary is from Cleveland Ohio also. I am going over to see her for other reasons. She gets up from her chair whips around to the side of me and says “What is that” pointing at my forearm. Before I could get a word out.:juggle:
    She says “I know what that is, Poison Ivy”. She continues “ Is it itchy?” and of course
    it is. But, Carl says” That's why I'm itching, I have it too.” :silly:
    Mary the good friend that she is brings out the cream she used on herself the last time
    she got it. Then she takes Carl out to her yard and shows him what the leaf looks like.
    Mary knows we have it in our yard, cause she has seen it their.
    I am now covered in white cream. Every itch I get I put cream on. I don't want this
    to spread. Now I have a itch on my face. That's is one of the last placed I want to have poison ivy. It's so gross. Looks like I have lepers skin (all bubbly).
    Now I'll email my sister and let her know the update that it's poison ivy that I have. I'm also going to ask her if I ever had it as a child. She'll remember.
    Now to top it all I am itching from ant bites. These red ants in Georgia are the nastiest ants. Their in my mail box. I'll soak the mail box and area around with ant killer :Explode:
    Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  14. Jeanniebean
    I have one more shot to go in my right knee. So far my knees are pain free.
    I was sized for a customized knee brace called “OAcitive “. Osteoarthritis Knee
    Brace. I received my brace and was shown how it is to be put on. It's like
    having a robotic leg with it on. The knee brace is to help keep my knee
    in alignment. I wore it out of the doctors office, have to break it in. But,
    wearing it outside in the heat (90 degrees) is hot.
    We have come upon a Mennonite Church in our area. Last Sunday Carl and
    I went to their service. The community is small. They have turned their land
    into a farm. They sell shares of the farm, you buy a share like $700.00 for
    30 weeks of produce that they grow. They have half shares, which means
    you pick up every other week = 15weeks. We bought half share for the two
    of us. I think that will be plenty. We asked to break the payments over 4
    months. The head person Ceci ok'd the payment plan. It's going to be tough4
    but I'm getting veggies I need to be eating.
    Ceci needs help harvesting and packaging the produce was announced in church.
    Carl and I volunteered. Wednesday we spent four hours, first harvesting snap
    beans. Then we come inside and filled plastic bags with 1lb. Of beans. Their
    was already a lot harvested that needed to be prepared for market, so we spent the rest
    of the time preparing, beets, green onions, parsnips, 3 different kinds of greens
    for market. Thursday is market day so nothing is happening at the farm. Friday
    once again we prepare for Saturday market day. While we are preparing for market
    day we put aside the shares portions. The shares pick up at the markets, either
    Thursday or Saturday.
    These people are so loving, kind and giving. This Sunday Carl went to service
    without me because a limb from our dead tree hit our satellite dish and knocked
    it off. And I was waiting for the tech to fix it.
    When Carl returned home with a dozen of fresh eggs and a jar of strawberries
    preserves from Pastor John and his wife. Carl is flourishing in his speech. I
    notice he is talking much more and more clearly. This is a blessing. These
    people accept Carl for who they see. For they do not know the old Carl.
    Carl was getting all kinds of advice from Ceci on why his radishes only had
    great tops but no bottoms. Root veggies need more of potash in the ground.
    We have great heads of cabbage, summer squash and tomatoes growing in
    our garden. We could use some rain for I hate having to pay a high water bill.
  15. Jeanniebean
    I was going threw the blogs reading for the week and reading the many comments but, I was wondering what attracts others to read your blog and leave a comment? some blogs get many comments, where others get a few, such as my recent blog post.
    I myself find all blogs interesting. But these questions popped into my mind, as I mentioned what attracts others to read my (your) blog? Is it knowing the person and what their story always brings to your? It is the title of the blog post? Is it the font that they use and what font makes it easiest to read? Is it the line spacing? Is it that catchy title? What is a catchy title to a blog?
    Or, is the person using his or her blog to tel story's and is a great story teller. Or just a great writer? Is it just their life's story? Leave me your interest in reading strokes blogs.
    Well, I think you get the idea. Don't you wonder how many people are reading your post. If no comment is left you don't know.
    I would like to know. So, I suggest that we all start leaving comments. Doesn't have to be much just commenting Great Post. So, I'm going to start doing it. Unless you all change my mind by your comments left.
    remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  16. Jeanniebean
    To start off this will be a scattered :dribble: collection of my thoughts of whats been happening the past month.
    I read the book that the Stroke Community book club assigned but the date to get together was postponed and I missed the revised date. So, I'll try this next book The Secret.
    My knees & back: Shots done in the left knee, two more to go on the right. I was sized up for a knee brace for the right knee. It will be custom made, I should receive it in two weeks or so. That will support my knee from popping out of socket.
    Been feeling great, have not had to take pain meds, so therefore I have been more awake able to complete my half done projects. (that I'll talk about another day.)
    I've been running on pure adrenaline. Now the back, I have had adjustment before my stroke. This is the first chiropractor that would adjust me. It's a different kind of adjustment. Very gentle, uses some kind of small hammering machine down my spine, then uses a vibrator is sore spots. Everything seems to fall into place. I am feeling better. I got my back brace this last week, to keep me from straining my back. Once my knees are done I will start being put on the decompression table. This is where you put on a vest, lay on the table, you are hooked to a pulley and your back is ever so gentle pulled. Your spine is being realigned. I know so much about it now cuz Carl is going threw treatments while I'm getting my knees shot up. I'm looking forward to be continuously standing up straight. I have not been adjusted since I stroked and have to walk with a cane. It's not for everybody and I know other here have stated they were adjusted and were stroked cuz of the adjustment. :juggle:Sorry for all those if you believe that but I believe in Chiropractors. I've been going to the pain doc twice a week, every week now for 9weeks. I pick first appointment so I can get in and get out. :head_hurts:Then I have the rest of the day to accomplish something else in my day.
    The flower garden: I've had to pick a lot of weeds, hopefully that's what they were. At least that's what they looked like to me in the middle flower garden. The side, next to the neighbors fence and our driveway I see sunflowers getting now 6 inches tall. But, weeds from the next door neighbor is invading my space.
    So that brings me to having to call the city ordnance dept. He will be out next week, take pictures and advise the owner. The ordnance states if there is a dwelling on the lot the lot needs to be free of debris, junk cars, and keep maintained. Before, 2 years ago the owner kept it beautiful. For there are lots of Hostas and Cannon plants.
    I have tolerated this ugly over grown, weed infested yard long enough. Now I have helped the inspector the phone number and email address of the owner. The owner now lives in Boston, MA. So he can sent the citation to her. The renters don't care about this part of the yard. I have gone over to talk to them about the mess, the landlord has come into town told me she will have someone keep this part of the yard better kept. That was three weeks ago and nothing has changed. It's time to take action. Don't you agree?
    The veggie garden: Carl is the keeper of this but I am hear to tell you all about it. He had two plots. One On the side of our house, a raised bed with 12 tomato plants, a few basil plants (by the way if you plant basil with your tomatoes it keeps the bugs away from the tomatoes.)
    The front raised bed, (and literary it is made from a water bed frame)
    This bed has broccoli, yellow squash, hot peppers, radishes, cabbage, collard greens, chives, eggplant, Red bell peppers, fennel. Anther 5 or so pails with tomatoes in them. The kinds of tomatoes, I can't name the different kinds but the one I know is cherry tomatoes. And if that's not enough he had 2 upside down tomatoes planted.
    Now to keep those pesky squirrels out of the garden and off of the bird feeders I have discovered plant marigolds. Pesky animals such as squirrels don't like the smell of Marigolds. The squirrels have just about knocked the feeder off it's perch.I planted Marigolds around the pole on the ground.
    I could go on but I'm going to stop and continue this on the next post, I'll try not to be so long in between post. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  17. Jeanniebean
    Easter is a birthing time. I am blessed to be still hear.
    Looking out in the yard, new blossoms on plants, the new
    young birds on the bird feeders. And even those pesky squirrels out enjoying the beautiful day.
    Update on my knees, I have finished with getting shots in the left knee. The left knee is feeling really great, no pain, no locking up after standing in the same spot for a long time. Next week I start on my right knee. I'm still taking pain meds. For it. Thursday can't get here soon enough.
    I have a busy week coming up. Monday I have a doc appointment. for hearing test. Why you might ask? First it's been 40 years since I had a hearing test. Two, I notice when I am at the coffee shop I have trouble hearing people talking to me also with the back ground music. On top of it Carl keep asking me did I hear him. I hear him I'm just not sure I want to answer him. Lol Maybe people are talking softer then usual . Anyway I answered a survey and before I was finished the phone rang. The appoint. is with Miracle ear, and its in the morning. It's a good thing to get your hearing tested, It's free so why not.
    I am having Yitis, not going to the Y today. Closes for Easter Sunday. I'll be getting up at the crack of dawn and
    doing laps. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
    At the end of the week I have to do a fast. Then drink a gallon of water with 'golightly'. Two days be for going in for a Colonascopy.
    Thursday I have to drink the gallon, I have stroke club and Aphasia club to go to. But be back home by 4pm to
    start dringing the gallon. I had to stop my Plavix 7 days earlier to reduce the risk of bleeding if I'm knicked.
    Thanks all for reading my blog and your wonderful comments. Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  18. Jeanniebean
    I'm hurting. I am trying to be a patience with the man. But since his stroke he has no patience. Example: We were in the car listening to XM radio when Carl asked if I would get the same station on the computer. Well the answer was yes. I told Carl to tell me when he is ready for me to set up his computer. Today was the day, I set it up, bookmarked it and showed him that is is just like a old fashion radio. It's like I told him all what he needed to know. He puts up a fit, talking very loud, no yelling at me. But I can not understand him when he talks that way. Now remember Carl had Aphasia. But I'm a person that does not appreciate being yelled at every other day. And I told Carl that. I feel so belittled when he does it. I forgive Carl but it hurts. I have sensitive feelings. But he continues to do it.
    This whole week I've been having the chills. Not feeling very chipper. I have to stop writing now cause I just can not keep my eyes open.
  19. Jeanniebean
    Before I say good night, tonight I must jot a line or two. I have two new adventures I am taking on. The first is our Community Book Club. This is totally new for me. I am not a book reader, but I am going to attempt it. I have already found a recording and text at the local library.
    The second adventure is I am going to teach crocheting at our local YMCA. I'm going to teach on Tuesdays, sharing the same time slot and room with the Quilter class. I drop in the Quilter class and all the women want to learn to crochet. I got the class approved by the Y administration.:Clap-Hands:
    I will elaborate on next post. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  20. Jeanniebean
    I've received my third shot of Hyalgan in left knee. I have two more shots left in the left knee. Next week I'm changing to my right knee. It is hurting pretty bad.
    I am really glad I found this Pain Clinic and the Hyalgan product.
    I am still doing my lap swimming, either 5am or 5pm. I do like mornings much better and it seams to start my day on a better tone. I am using flippers to strengthen my ankles and keeping my legs straight is working my upper thighs and stomach mussels.
    Doing laps also get my cardio in .
    I received a call from my Part D provider. Reviewing my medication by name and dose. The lady also wanted to know if I knew what is was for and how to I take it.
    That was a nice service they provided. After all I am know down to 13 medication, out of 23. I have not had to be taking my pain medication for my knees. But this neuropathy (numbness in feet, hands) still taking pain medication. Good news is my A1C is 5.7. I have been watching what I consume.
  21. Jeanniebean
    Finally March 2011 went out like a lamb for Atlanta, GA. I know some of you got snow but spring is on it's way for you.:chat:The flower garden is all planted,:gym: (I did all the digging myself this year) just in time for the rain we got at the end of the month. (anytime I don't have to use city water makes me happy). :cheer:
    Went for my 2nd shot in left knee,:sword: had stimulate therapy and leg motion. Now my knee is not locking up when I stand in one spot. I'll roll out some pasta, which entails me standing at the pasta machine for ½ hour. I was pain free for the duration. Carl just got stimulate therapy and on the decompression :yikes:(that's the machine you lay flat on the table and a harness is put on which you get stretched, adjusting your spine. Carl is staring to feel better, and not in pain.
    My landlord installed the second light on the house in front of the driveway.:bow: So now my car is no longer parked in the dark. Now with that done and us locking the gate, anyone (thief) would have to jump over the gate to break into the car and do it in the light. I know nothing really stops thieves, if they want they get. I just try to make it harder for them at the house. The other protective thing for the car was a car alarm sensor. Best Buy installs these. How does it work you ask yourself, when someone or something get too close the the body of the car your horn starts honking. Price is anywhere from $40 to $200 plus installation. Still undecided :uhm:, I'm asking around people who have it and their opinion. Those that are reading this and have an opinion please leave it.:secret:
    April 2011 is here. April showers bring May flowers. March flowers tho are blooming, :happydance:My Iris's are just about to open. The Trumpet vines leafs are popping out. Next post I'll have pictures.:pic:remembertolaugh!!!
  22. Jeanniebean
    I have to start at the end of the week. When I was ready to post an update I received an Fox Fire update. So I downloaded and installed the update, by the time it was done I was finished for the night. I was too tired, my eyes could not keep open even with toothpicks holding them open.
    I started today planning to post a updated blog. That blew the coop. My browser Fox Fire would not open. I worked on that for most of the day. Took a break and went to the Farmers Market, picked up cabbage and red potatoes. This was a fun trip cuz before we left I scrounge for every coin in the house.
    Being five weeks in March, we are out of money till next month. It's a long month. I came up with $10.00 in change. I threw it in a old Free-to-Lay container. Entered the Market and they stopped me and said “you can't go
    in with that container, I answered but it's my money in change for my groceries”. She replied”Can't you put it in your pocket, or don't you have a purse or wallet”. I use a small credit card size change purse, to hard to carry a purse and walk with a cane. The lady finally put a certain kind of tape across the container and let me do my shopping. The market was congested, I took a basket instead of a shopping cart for I was only getting three things. Making my way to the veggie area I was pushed, shoved, literally run over. I got to the red potatoes, $1.28/lb. I picked around 2 dozen, got to a scale and it weighed a little over 2 lbs. One down one left to get. I made my way to the cabbage table. I just wanted plain ordinary green cabbage. I looked for marked prepackaged reduced cabbage, but their was none. So, the next best and cheapest was the $.38/lb. I picked out two smallish ones, bagged and weighted them. Each cabbage weighted 2lbs, give or take a little. Now I have my items I have to figure if I have enough money before I get to the register. I find a uncrowded place in order for me to count out my change. $10 dollars, on my way to the registers. There is nothing so embarrassing not having enough money. I move to the 15 items or less register. It's a short line. When I got to the front of the line the cashier rung me up. $4.72 Yea!!! I apologized to the cashier for all change. But, change is money just like paper money. You may be asking ourselves why buy cabbage and potatoes. Carl had bought-en chicken on
    Wednesday and plan to make it Thursday and forgot it was St. Patrick's Day, and we were going to have Corn-beef, cabbage and potatoes for dinner. But the chicken needed to be cooked. So, Sunday we are having our St. Patrick's Day dinner.
    Now to the beginning of the week. Monday Carl had 2 doctors appointments, Speech at 11am, Primary care at 1pm, I had Cardiology at 9am. After my appointment we went to speech after that we had lunch in the hospital cafeteria. It's not worth leaving the hospital/Clinic, pay for parking drive either home for lunch or some fast food place. Lunch was good, I had salad and soup, Carl had chicken wrap. Both had water. Got to get my quota of water in for the day. Done with doctors by 3pm. Carl's hip is bothering him and we take off for the chiropractor, Carl's hip is out and needs an adjustment.
    Tuesday, Carl was still not feeling good. I left him sleeping and I took myself to the pain doc. I got my foot detox and stimulation on both knees. Fred our friend showed up to cut the grass(weeds) front and back yard. The yard is looking pretty good.
    Wednesday morning 5am I awoke and took off to the YMCA. I did my 36 laps of swimming. Which BTW = 1 mile. When I returned back home Carl was hungry, made him a sandwich and I went for a nap. After a couple of hours
    I woke and decided to make pasta dough for pasta and pesto for dinner.
    While the pasta dough is resting we decided to go to the YMCA. Carl did exercises to loosen up his hip joint.
    Thursday, I have an appointment at the pain clinic with the doctor for my first shot and therapy. I left Carl in bed for he did not sleep well. Carl had a 5pm docs appointment to take care of his hip. I arrive home in time to take off for Emery's Stroke Club meeting 11am. Great meeting, guest speaker was a nurse who had been stroked. And,she had returned back to work nursing.
    She opened the floor and we shared our individual experiences. We also attended the Aphasia group at 1pm. I decided in the afternoon to feed all the plants that I just had planted. 5Pm rolled around and we were back at the pain docs. I did not go in with Carl. Carl came out from the docs office and he felt wonderful. Carl was given a shot in the hip joint. Were both too tired to go to the YMCA.
    Friday, was a stay at home day. After all the running around this week. I did the laundry and Carl was playing cards on the computer.
    Saturday, has been a cool day for we had thunderstorms most of the day.
    Well I finally got this written and just in time for I'm ready for bed now.
  23. Jeanniebean
    March came in like a lamb down in Georgia U.S.A..
    March is one of my favorite months. My birthday
    is in March, the first day of Spring, BTW us today
    March 20th, Mardi Gra , warm weather has returned,
    gardening begins.
    I've been a busy person since my last post. I went for my first appointment about my knees, the doctor took a history, and I got x rays of my knees and back. Received stimulation therapy on my knees also. Next week I'll start coming twice a week one for shots series, the other for therapy. Oh ya, when I was waiting to be seen they had me sit in a massage chair and gave my feet a detox bath. Everyone is so pleasant and have a happy attitude .
    Carl brought me this time and ended up walking out with an appointment for next time. Carl's hip goes out of socket, we had just the other day gone to his chiropractor for an adjustment. He's still in pain. We are both believes of back adjustment. My knee doctor also does adjustments but in a different way. I'll find out when I get one and tell you all about it. I have not had an adjustment on my back since 2005 and walking with a cane since then I'm out of alinement.
    Now, starting on my flower garden. I have the front garden plot and I have a side garden plot for flowers.
    For veggies we built a garden box about the size of a king size bed. LOL the reason I'm laughing is I used Carl's old water bed frame. I think that's good recycling. After all it's been hanging around for over 20 years. Lol
    Our county gives free mulch away, we filled up a few bags
    brought it home and dumped it in the veggie garden. That was last month we did and Carl spread veggie fertilizer over it and has turned it over and let it sit until we plant.
    Now back to flowers, BTW Carl's in pain so he is not digging or bending, he is DIRECTING. That's OK to me for as long as he is involved in the processes. I won't be able to tell you the names of all the bulbs I planted but, theirs a bunch, you'll have to wait until they bloom and I'll post pictures. In the front flower garden I planted bulbs first then, I planted flower seeds, wild flowers, Mexican sunflowers, regular sunflowers to name a few.
    Side flower garden , from the gate inward 18 inches towards the house, I planted Yellow Cannons. I did that a couple of days ago.
    From their up to the house I turned over the soil. That was enough work for me, I'll plant tomorrow. It was another beautiful sunny day. That's as far as I got, I got my exercise for the day. At least one kind now I'll go the the Y and do my swimming laps. Thirty-six laps equal a mile.
    My birds are keeping me busy filling the feeders, I only use black oiled sunflowers. The other kind with every kind of seed in it attracts squirrels, doves, and any thing else I don's want to attract. The woodpeckers are feasting on the suet, so many of them young, old, and different types. Time to buy a new suet. I'm working on I ding the birds.:hot:I told I've been busy.
  24. Jeanniebean
    Yesterday I set the clock ahead early. I was getting excited my birthday is hours away. I'm 57 today. I'm as healthy as I can be (taking all the meds). I am blessed I can still walk using a cane. My memory ability, shot or long term is getting worse but I'm coping. It' Carl that is having more and more trouble with my loss of memory. I'm working with brain games for exercise.
    Tonight is our monthly metaphysical meeting. I'm looking for forward to it.
    I received the driving directions to the new doctors office, tomorrow.
  25. Jeanniebean
    I picked up the Senior News at the Y, I
    finally went threw it.
    It caught my eye"New FDA Cleared
    Treatment Proven to Relieve Knee Pain"
    "Treatment Covered by most Major Health Insurance Plans -
    Including Medicare" "Free consultation for Limited
    I am right now waiting for my appointment
    from the injection clinic for my shots of Cortisone.
    I called the number and the person on the
    other end took my name and number for
    someone to call me. I am so glad I bought
    new land phone with 3 had sets and and
    answering system of course on sale!:goodjob::goodjob:
    The reason I'm glad is I was not home for that
    return call I was waiting for, I got a phone
    message. I returned the call to the Clinic.
    I've got and appointment for
    Monday 14th of March 9AM. :sword: ya! Knee Pain Relief
    I'm excited and will update after the
    consultation. :happydance: