
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Fred, Halloween was my favorite. As like Debbie everyone new everyone in the neighborhood. I lived in the country, you did a lot of walking. Houses were three blocks apart. We went out one beggars night (day before Halloween), and dressed as bums.


    Mom would have a dump out our bags and she would take all the big candy bars like Hershey's. She would freeze them and give them to us at Easter time.


    In my 20's I use to make costumes. Like a Monkey, Lion, Raisin. Raccoon ect. Me being in the north where by the end of October is will probably cold a costumes that is heavy keeps you warm outside. But, wearing is to an indoor party your get overheated. I would rent them out every year.


    Now a days people who want to give out candy it is printed in the local paper the streets that people are giving.

    And those that choose not to turn off their outside lights. Or many areas like our YMCA have a Halloween party and gives out candy. These days I dress up and visit my neighbor kids before they go trick or treating.

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  2. Sue, You are an amazing women. With your mother in a home and your love in another.

    Glad you took a break and enjoyed your grandchildren, despite the ran and being confined in doors.

    Too tired to comment further so you and your dear ones are in my prayers.

    remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail::cocktail:

  3. Debbie, Hurray for Bruce. He is doing multitasking. Your right Debbie as you commented on Asha "We as caregivers, learn to play to their strengths and interests."

    Carl does the shopping and doesn't use coupons but does most of his buying at a off brand store. He does a good job saving money and coupon handling would only confuse him.

    Carl does the cooking and I just help him out stirring the pot.

    I am so proud of Bruce.

    remembertolaugh, :cocktail:

  4. Mandi, Welcome, you don't have to apologize for ranting. You have come to the right place for information to help you. I've had 2 tia strokes. I know nothing about brain stem strokes in fact what I have learned about them was on this site.

    we are all here to help and support each other, no matter what it is.

    Suggestion read an insprational book to your mother. At this time we all turn to our faith.

    Keep faith, remembertolaugh,

    Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  5. Mike glad you now know what is going on with your heart. Now about not getting the pacer the day you where their. Look at it this way: that day if you were having heart pain and the doctor said to you your going in surgery NOW. You can't live without this surgery (Pacer) TODAY.

    Be thankful nothing happened like that and you returned home to Rose and Kitty.

    Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  6. Lenny I'm sure it was not funny at the time. But, know looking back if it was being video recorded you could sent it into the show "the funniest video" and win money. lol

    I guess we assume that a product that is made for conditions being in shower with water on it, that non-curosof bolts would be used in the products safety. Oh, but it was probably made in China.

    Glad your ok Lenny. Jeanniebean :cocktail:oh yes you would think that but i guess not and yes you are probably right made in china but always check for rust on the bolts if you find rust do not use

  7. Jeannie, loved the way Carl organized the quilts, your man is a treasure. You are both hard workers for sure. I was sorry your trip home was so slowed down, roadworks world-wide make travelling more of a hazard than a pleasure.


    You and Carl amaze me with your generosity and charitable hearts, it is a blessing to know you.



    Sue we both feel that we had been blessed that we had strokes. Of course not at first but, as time has gone on we do. Traveling home was slow but we were in no hurry, just wanted to make it home by dark. Jeanniebean:cocktail:

  8. Julie, We have a separate part of the street for those kinds of vans at out clinic.

    Good for Larry on the progress for his hand. Larry's new exercises may spark him to do them at home more often.

    Has Larry ever smoked?

    At one point I thought Carl should take a sleep apnea test, for he would stop breathing for 15 seconds every now and then threw the night. Instead the doc sent him for a breathing test and it was all due to him smoking for 40 years but had stopped. Carl stopped smoking 6 years ago. He has no signs of those problems any longer.

    Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  9. Thank you for your comments.ear

    Debbie yes I will rest and take my time.


    Sue I will not try to do it all at one time.

    Auction raised the highest this year then any year before.


    Asha I don't know how to use the microwave timer but I know have a cell phone with a timer.


    Fred I just went with what was given us and but my trust in the Lord!:You-Rock:


    Thanks from all! :happydance::cocktail:

  10. Julie I'll let you know. My landlord just installed the same toilet in his own house. Thank you for your condolences.


    Sue Thank you for your condolences. All the volunteering I hope it has helped, cuz It has done wonders for me and Carl.

    Fred, Georgia had drought conditions last summer. So I feel for ya. Fred those shots in my knees (thank God)

    has given me a new life. I've done so much on my feet, it is a miracle.

    Thank you all remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail::cocktail::cocktail:

  11. Fred, Down her in Georgia we have been back to school a couple of weeks now. Just when you get kids into a routine they have a holiday. Oh well!

    Fred with your sense of humor I can't believe you ever get tired.

    Were all praying for everyone traveling on this holiday and of course

    all our military serving for our freedom.

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail: (I'm at home and not planning to drive) lol

  12. Jim's wife, Welcome to our site. I'm a stroke survivor 2005, two years later hubby has a stroke 2007. We both have our emotional problems, and still healing from our strokes. My husband did not understand what I was going threw until he had his stroke. We have to be more patient with each other. example: I can't decide at last minute to change were I want to go once we made plans. He gets confused easily he also has aphasia.

    Be kind your husband brain has been short circuited . remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail: