
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Sue so glad you had such a relaxing time. Enjoying the grandchildren, getting me time in. We had 2 inches of snow and in the 20's last night. By noon it got into the 40's and snow all melted this time. We had snow for the second time this year. urg! I look forward to our spring. Keep cool Sue! jeanniebean:cocktail:
  2. I did a cleaning of my bedroom. I came across a pair of clog shoes. I use to wear them all the time before I was stroked. After I have only warn flat shoes, saddles, tennis shoes for 10 years. The clogs are kinda flat but they have a incline. I was deciding if I will that them for a spin. I took them for a spin, wore them when Carl and I when out to lunch. Everything was fine until we started back home and Carl spotted a restaurant he wanted me to get out and check it out and get a to go menu. Carl pulled up in front of the restaurant and I jumped out. Walking towards the door, had one step up on to the sidewalk ????? Down I went, like a board standing reject straight up now flat down. My sisters gave me a cushion in the front, poor Thelma and Louise is what I name them. :roflmao: Before Carl could get out of the car and help me, I got myself up and brushed myself off. I rearranged my hat and continued into the restaurant. Got a to go menu, looked over the food. It was a pizzeria, they make calzones, all kinds of different pies as in meat pies. Now about the fall I have to ask myself why? I thought I picked up my foot to step up. I'm sorting this out and I come to the conclusion that I didn't pick my foot up high enough. When wearing my flats I shuffle my feet. So wearing the clogs is going back on the shelf. I'll stick to my flats.
  3. Lyn, You would have a field day at my house. I have so many cardinals male, females and yearlings. Yes the males are the most beautiful red with black markings. I also have a family or two of redheaded woodpeckers, for I have a dead tree in front of my house they live in. I too love watching the birds. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  4. Hey Ken, Memory loss I believe is part of Stroke. After all our brains were short circuited is how I look at it. As for depression, I didn't think I was but I had the crying gags. My doc said that was my way of releasing my depression built up inside coming out. I'm on meds for depression now for eleven years. I was on before stroked cuz I had winter depression. It will get better. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  5. I'm a person who was raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio is a pleasant place to reside, for you have 4 seasons. Spring, snow has melted, slushy streets are dry, wash your windows, put the storm windows up and pull down the screens, finally get to wash your car and it stays clean for longer than a day. Summer, swimming in outdoor pool. Plant the vegetable garden and erect the 6 foot fence to keep out the rabbits, deer, and any other critter that thinks the garden was planted for them. HA! It's so nice to be outside in fresh air, no heavy coats to wear, no more having to shovel the snow off the 50ft driveway so my dad can get in and out of the driveway. Also, so the Heating Oil truck can make a delivery. Standing out in the cold at the end of the driveway waiting for the school bus. The birds are arriving, robins pecking at the ground finding a worm, making nests in the trees. Memories....... We did not have A/C, got hot you went down in the basement. They didn't build houses with A/C. Fall, is one of those seasons that is beautiful, very colorful, different shades of reds, yellows, oranges, browns, greens. But, the trees lost their beauty the closer we came to winter. Winter season is how you look at it and make of it. When you’re a kid LOVE winter. Sledding on the back yard incline. Ice skating at the neighbors back yard pond. First you had to shovel the snow off. memories....You go play with your friends, bundled up, and stay outside for hours, nose is rosy, mittens are wet figures cant' feel them any longer. Now time to come in, take all the wet cloths off. Put clean dry.... clothes on. Sit in front of the fire and good old mom makes hot coco with marshmallows for us all. memories.... That was the first 12 years of my life living in the country, with 2 older sisters and one older brother. Yes, I'm the baby of the family. memories...... The big move to the city! From a big house, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, living & dinning rooms, eat in kitchen, huge basement finished on 3 acres of land. To a town house, 3 stories. walk in the back ground level is a basement finished. Second floor was Kitchen, Dinning & Living rooms. Third floor, three bedrooms and 1 bathroom. ugh! I started this post on Jan. 13 my fathers birthday. Today is Feb 3rd watching the weather channel where the big snow storm, blizzard, hit most of the country. Atlanta is having a windy day but is to going to reach the 50's. For awhile I was unable to get on the site so I started writing this in Word program. I will copy & paste this in and will continue doing my blog this way, for I hate when I start my post and hit the wrong key and loose the post. Till another post bye all.
  6. Katrine, You write so beautifully. Your faith has brought you many miracles and more are waiting in the wings for you. You are were you are may be cuz God uses all of us for teaching each other lessons. You are a bright shinning light.:You-Rock:
  7. Kellie, I don't celebrate every year instead I celebrate every day. For I'm able to enjoy life.
  8. Sue, Enjoy your peaceful time, and don't think about work around the house. That was a good idea to send your sister pic of your mom, it may give your sister a nudge. Jeannie :cocktail:
  9. Ruth, Showing up for something a week ahead I thought that was just my problem. But you were prepared with the swimming gear. Sounds like William is doing do much better. You keep William on his toes. :juggle: remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail::cocktail:
  10. Yes :congrats::Cheers:The first year is the worst, now on to better years. Larry will find therapy second time around much easier and more beneficial. For his brain has had a year of healing. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  11. mc I now don't feel so bad about my fall when my husband came in the kitchen and I took a step and fell over like a drunken person. we have to all slow down, we may be all feeling like our old self. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  12. Denny, Well, I was not able to blog last week, here it goes, I was standing still in our kitchen when my husband came in the room, passing me I took one step and fell over. I have a bruise from the top of my leg to my knee on my thigh. A couple of days later, walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night the carpet was lifted and my foot caught it and I went fling on my shin and into the wall. I have the size of an orange bruise. Now if any of my family see me all bruised up I'm blaming it all on my husband!:yadayada: Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  13. mlp, girls night out sounds wonderful. Having your grands over is the most's entertaining.:happydance: I have two older sisters the oldest lives in Ohio, when she and her husband drives down to Florida for the winter she makes a stop. My younger sister passed 11 years ago. Keep working on that left side, it pays off. Those grand kids should give you a work out. remembertolaug, Jeanniebean
  14. So glad you dropped in Wes. Don't stay away so long. As the years pass their is less for us to talk about in our stroke recovery. I'm 11 years. Don't let that stop you from blogging. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  15. Rut, You go girl. :You-Rock:You take a day that starts out like a lemon and turn it into lemonade.remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  16. Susan, Thanks for your comment. This morning while reading your answer I find myself doing exactly what your suggesting. Sitting listening to music.
  17. Dean, That a way. You are still putting your first foot forward. Every little bit helps.J remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  18. I finally get a appointment. It has been a year and half. My appointment kept being canceled and rescheduled . I was seeing my Primary Care doctor so I was in good hands. My Primary doctor is from India, she is a women doctor her name is Ahuja pronounced Hoosier. As in the Indiana high school football team. Dr. Ahuja is and intern, this is a teaching hospital. Now it is time for her to move on and she tells me she will be interning in the Cardiac clinic. All I have to do is specified her since it has been so long that I am not assigned to another intern. The scheduler was saying I was already assigned to a new intern, but I had not been seen by that doctor therefor they could schedule me to Dr. Ahuja. The day of the appointment, get weighted loss 3 lbs. Take BP, 90/176. They use those machines and every-time this is the kind of reading that results. Dr. of course says we have to look at your prescriptions. I take my BP at home and it has been running 76/132. Dr. had to scrounge up the big cuff and take it manually. I know that I need my BP taken with a big cuff. I makes the difference. From now on I'm refusing the machine, I requesting the manual. Dr. looks at my last lab results, TSH is low. I'm on Levothyroxine 300mcg daily. This is a high dose, but I had a goiter taken out at the age of 12. The growth was wrapped around my wind pipe. So this is why I'm on the supplement. My cholesterol numbers look out of whack. When the thyroid numbers are off every thing else is off. Result, get a blood test on an empty stomach. So since I eat my oatmeal for breakfast I'll have to get it taken in the morning. Dr. will call me if my meds need changing. Otherwise I'll be back for another appointment at the end of the month. I'll get my flu shot and be good for a month. The only other thing she wants me to do is record my BP numbers and bring it with me. I'm a happy camper.:thumbsu::thumbsu:
  19. Mlp, It's great that you got a Kindle for Christmas and your back to reading. My eyesight is bad so I enjoy books on CD. Welcome to our blog community, I look forward getting to know you threw your blog. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  20. Katrina, I had to review your last 3 blog post. A lot of change is going on in your life but you still stay positive accepting all your results. Your speech was fantastic, graduating with a 4.0 is something for you to yell it over the grand canon. Katrina we both share being a celebrity telling your story, I two was interview when Coretta Scott King had her stroke. That same night it was aired I went to a new bible study and all the people recognized me that I was on TV talking about my stroke. I felt so proud, and so should you. Because we all are. remembertolaug, Jeannie :cocktail:
  21. Congrads to you and William. 5am to the Y, your a task Sargent.(lol)Your persistence is paying off . :You-Rock: remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  22. Thanks for commenting. glad you all thought the trivia was a a-ah moment. especially William.remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail:
  23. Sue, Glad you had a nice Christmas. As for your older son, forgive him and his wife. Let me expand my comment: forgiveness, is a spiritual practice, person does not ave to be present, it all takes place in the mind. Hand it over to the Holy Ghost and step back. That's my advice. And listen to that soft quite voice give you direction remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail:
  24. Sue, I say if your a person that makes yearly resolutions that's great. With my memory loss it's best to make resolutions everyday. resolution: miracles are mine, and to remembertolaugh daily, Jeannie:cocktail:
  25. Julie, Glad to here you and Larry were missed. sorry for those that were in the path. I was once in a tornado warring in Cleveland, Ohio it also touched down blocks from were I was living. Thank God you guys are ok.:You-Rock: remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail: