
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Mary Jo, What a good idea to start a new adventure as blogging on Jan. 1st, 2011. I look forward to read your blog, after all you did a great job for the first time. You did have something to tell us. lol Your in my prayers for your move to go smoothly. It;s great to family around, you can relies on family. Don't forget to take care of yourself. Take in a massage or something.:You-Rock: remembertolaugh, Jeannie
  2. Wishing you good luck and prosperity in 2011! History of the Tradition: According to southern tradition, eating Black-eyed Pea(s) on New Year's Day will bring good Luck and Prosperity in the coming year. The tradition began during the Civil War when General William T. Sherman and his troops marched from Atlanta to Savanah destroying everything in their wake. Everything EXCEPT the black eyed peas. The troops believed cattle, not people, were the only ones who ate black-eyed peas. After the War, black eyed peas were the only source of food in the South. The peas saved thousands from starvation and gave the South a Second Chance. Since New Year's Day 1866, Peas have represented regrowth. In this spirit of tradition, a portion of the proceeds from te sale of every bag of Peas For Prosperity are donated to charities dedicated to helping people who need a Second chance in life.
  3. Julie hang in their. Get the massages and the great supportive work. I tell everyone about how great the Y is for rehabilitation, and the Y gives scholarships, which is a reduced rate on the memberships. remembertolaugh, jennie :cocktail:
  4. Karen, Bless you both. Jeannie :cocktail:
  5. Fred, In Georgia they also soot off their guns at midnight. News Years Eve we venture out for dinner but were home pretty early also. I also want to wish you happy, healthy & prosperous New year. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  6. mc, ditto to what sue commented. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  7. Thank you for the wishes. Wishes to you and all those at Stroke net. Stessie, you are a inspiration for all those felling the blues and believe they can't do anything. :happydance: Your a YES I Can!! I'm also doing yoga and finding that very relaxing also. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  8. Thank you for your comments. Mike what is the mitten state? Sue when I was young I felt the same way as you shoveling snow. Ruth your son will be stuck in Atl. We don't have snowplows or salt trucks we stay home until it melts. Debbie San Diego Calif. in the 70's all year long. that's the place to retire. My hot toddy was heated up eggnog placed in a coffee cup, a shot of brandy, fresh grated nutmeg on top. Huh!
  9. Sue and Fred thank you for your comments. Fred, Santa had a full moon to deliver all his goodies in Atlanta Georgia. Jeannie
  10. Christmas in Atlanta, Ga. Ended a day long of rain to sleet to SNOW! It's been just about one hundred years since it snow in Atlanta on Christmas day. It's the last week of the year. My Christmas eve was wonderfully spent with my girlfriend and her big family. Mary (my girlfriend) is also originally from Cleveland, Ohio as I am. My friends, what friends I have are all up in Ohio. So, Mary is a later in life friend that are blessed and meant to cross life's paths. We have a strong bond as if we were friends since childhood. I have seen Mary's 6 children grow up and some marry and have their children. Mary's friends have become my friends, which I had none when I moved to Atlanta, Ga in 1989. That's what I call spending Christmas with the people you love and hold dear to your heart. So, Mary and I grew up with snow, snow. Snow starting just after thanksgiving, covering the ground, having to wear a heavy winter coats and BOOTS for the next three months. Ug! Don't miss it. That's why northers gravitate to Florida for the winter thinking it will be warmer and a lot more sunshine. Snow is great if you are a kid and on Christmas vacation, to play in and with it. Make a snowman, lie down in the snow, stretch out your arms and legs, move then back and forth, making a snow angle. Everyone is a kid, a kid at any age to have a good old snowball fight. As to end this post, snow has triggered memorizes of my childhood. Holidays with my family, my oldest sister Ann, then my only brother Paul, my deceased sister Gail 14 years ago(may she rest in peace). My brother one year for my parents wedding anniversary had our old 8mm movie camera film put on dvd. I have a copy of that dvd. Seeing all us kids in the yard playing. My brother shoveling snow off our long driveway, I mean long. So dad could pull up to the house. Paul new he better clear the driveway so dad won't get stuck. (dad had a temper and not any of us wanted to get dad upset). I just want to insert: This blog may not flow for any one else to follow but it's what is coming to my mind in memories of snow. My mother use to put me in a snow suite just like in the movie “Christmas Story” I looked like Ralph's brother . That movie was made in Cleveland, Ohio, the west side. Houses are next to each other, with hardly any yard, that's why kids played in the street. I lived on the east side, considered the country. Peoples houses sat on 3 to 5 acres of land. As threw kids eyes the inside of this house was huge, the driveway was long. When it snowed it was white as far as you could see, like when you look across the blue ocean. I never expected to be disabled at such an early age but, I sit wrapped up in my afghan and looking outside and enjoying the neighbors walking their dogs, the birds coming to the bird feeder. A hot toddy in my hand. That's my memories of memories of Christmas 2010. remembertolaugh, Jeannie
  11. Lenny have a great Christmas with your loved ones. remembertolaugh Jeannie :cocktail:
  12. Hey Jullian slow down,take a breath in. Your body has been hit by a truck needs it's own time to rebuild it's stamina. Be kind to yourself. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  13. Fred, "God does work in mysterious ways.." So true. The story gave me chills up my back when the Pastor took the man to Staten Island. Great story. remembertolaugh, Jeannie
  14. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Bernie. Mike, sounds like what I experienced that Bernie is experiencing. That is Bernie's mind has not recognized or registered she needs the walker to move around and just takes off. When I came home from the hospital I needed to use a walker also. One morning when I awoke I was still in dream state of mind. I was dreaming I was getting in the car to go somewhere. Swung my feet over the bed, my feet touch the floor (so far good) went to stand and fell right their. Then I really woke up. It registered in my mind that I can't walk with out help and I certainly can't get in the car and drive. That's when my uncontrollable crying started. Now I'm telling this story after five years post stroke looking back on my emotions not understanding what happened to my body. It was my faith in the Lord that brought me to the understanding of what happened to me. I learned later that my crying spells was not depression (as the doctors said) was my way of grieving for the lost of control. Thank you Mike for letting me share this experience with you as a caregiver, who hasn't experienced having a stroke (and hope you don't) but I had a stroke 2005 and my husband would holler that I was just watching to much TV and not getting up to do practice what the therapist told me to do. But I was in bed practicing what I was told to do. Two years later my husband had a stroke(unfortunately). Now the shoe is on the other foot.(unfortunately). My husband learned quickly that their is allot of practicing therapy in bed that is to be accomplished. My husband ended with the deficit aphasia.He continues to date to practice and work at speaking. My husband and I have experienced both sides of this monster. Neither side of the monster is pleasant. Speaking as a caregiver to caregiver Mike, take time for yourself cuz if you don't do that you won't be any good to support your loved one. Bernie my not be able to express her needs your patience and understanding. Mike on another note, we all her don't judge you if your spelling isn't perfect. I think If I can speak for everyone here, we gave up perfection and judging anyone. I want to leave you to remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  15. Been hitting the home made wine. Dang is that smooth. It's like drinking bourbon. I'll take a little nap before we take off for Marys house to celebrate Christmas with her whole family. Their all staying over, 18 of them. Looking forward to see the kids opening their gifts. Christmas is for kids. So, until my next post all threw the night. Santa was to my house already, my landlord brought us a bag of red delious apples. yum! He delivers a bag of apples to every tenant of his. .*★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • •。★Christmas★ 。* 。 ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚ ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ |田田|門| ˚And a Happy New Year•˚ *★ ♥ x ♥
  16. I don't carry a purse over my shoulder, instead for years I carried a change purse in my pocket. Now that I use a cane I have only one hand free. My change purse is a little bigger than a credit card. It holds my credit cards, the money I "don't have", and the change, "is all I have" lol :yukyukyuk: Carl and I were out and about and stopped for lunch at a new place for lunch. This was a Chinese like you find in the mall. Great lunch and very inexpensive. Took half of it home for later. I got up to as usual to use their restroom. After that we left. On to our next stop, the chiropractor for Carl. After Carl was taken in for his adjustment I reach for my cange purse and "it's not their in my pocket" Oh no did it fall out of my pocket at the resturant, do we have to drive back their. At that moment It cam to me I have the reciept I'll have a phone number and call them first. :Clap-Hands: ya! They found the change purse on the floor after we had left. Carl is upset with me for loosing my change purse. But, I'm also mad at my self for misplacing my change purse. Carl drives back to the restaurant. Carl is upset with me but wants me to figure out how I can stop from loosing my change purse. Carl is right and I think a hardware store would have those round cylinders that you can hang on your pants and had a retractable change and you won't loose your keys every again. Problem solved. It's called a key reel. I can just pull out my keys out of my pocket while it's still attached to my pants by a clip. I can start the car, open the front door and my keys retract. This is great. This problem has been a pain in my a**. No more. I have to thank Carl for his help to solving this problem of mine which in turn ending up being his problem for he had to drive me. We have been both blessed. Happy Holidays!
  17. Debbie Social Security just isn't enough. And the bills keep increasing. I have all my bills written out every month in by bill book. I know their are allot of others in the same situation. You too Fred. I'm just living every day as decent as I can. I refuse really for the bills to come first.I'm thankful I have a roof over my head, and food to eat. My life is just not the same when I was making a living, work overtime and set that money aside for those special extras I enjoy. Jeannie
  18. Saturday my girlfriend Lucia gave a wonderful party. It was to bring a dish and her husband Dave smoked a beef roast, she supplied the drink. What a night. We sang Xmas songs and danced. It was so much fun. Now I'm in the Xmas spirit. :happydance:
  19. I got to the Community building just at 8:30am this morning. I was #11. Women were talking that they were waiting on the back side of the building and the security guard let them in before 8:30. The application takers(their was 2) comes in the waiting room gives out numbers and tells us to have out and ready you income, utility bill, social security card. I was a happy camper cuz I've got a number and it's 8:30 I should be out by 11 am. If not I'll have to come back after lunch. My number was called at 10:15. She was very pleasant but she was horse from all the talking she has been doing. After signing off on all the application papers and being explained how much will be applied to my bill $31o.oo the processing will take 6 to 10 weeks. You still need to continue paying your bill. The application-Your signature on te application certifies that all income and household information is correct. Should it be determined tat these statements are false, you will be subject to a $1,000.00 fine and benefits will not be paid. (like our government has time to research every person to find they gave false information.)Those looking for help for LIHEAP check on the internet for Partnership for Community Action Inc./your county/state The senior citizens and disabled application first and about half way threw the season they open it to the general public. If you need help also look up United Way in your state. I am now waiting for the application from the telephone company for senior citizen and those on food stamps for what they call the lifeline. I'll get a % of my bill off and I have my internet from them also and I will get an upgrade in the speed. :juggle: yippee! I also accomplished calling the doctors and getting Carl and I appointments that I have put off. I feel pretty good today that I've accomplished allot this week. When you get the monkey off your back you can feel much lighter. remembertolaugh, Jeannie
  20. I received my gas bill last week. To me recieved it late to pay for this month. Why you ask, I'll tell you. I get paid by SS the second Wednesday of the month. Sometimes that falls in the second week of the month by the 10th of the month. Other times it could fall the third week of the month, somewhere around the 19th of the month. So once I'm paid it goes back out to my bills that have come in and their is no more money for any more bill paying just my food. Got to have some money for food, food stamps only gives me $16 a month. WOw! ( let the government live on $16). Back to figuring how I am going to pay this $156 by due date of 12/2910. Let me insert that's when I noticed I had a late charge of $10 from last month. I called customer service, I explained my perdicument to them but at no avail couldn't help me, I asked for my billing date to be changed, they said they have no way of doing that, it all comes from when the readings are entered. Seeing that I was not getting anywhere I requested to speak to their supervisor. After waiting for 10 minutes on hold the supervisor tells me the same answer. So, I asked for their supervisor and (I didn't expect this answer so have a good laugh as I did)they said "they don't take phone calls". lol! In the mean time I have to find where I can get H.E.A.T. Assistance. I went to a Community Action Location in my county but they said they were all out of funds, come back January 4th 8:30am they will start taking applications again. This is well and good. As the day goes on I find myself feeling their has got to be other places taking application. I sit down at my computer and go searching. BINGO! Found a place just down the street from me, I called and she asked what county I was in, Dekalb I responded. She answer this is for Fulton I need to go to the place I was just to. This didn't sit well with me. I jumped into the car and drove over to check it out. Picture this- this long hallway in at the middle is receptionists she asked me what county I was in, Dekalb and directed me to the left, the women behind me said Fulton and directed her to the right. Aha! the person on the phone was wrong. I proceeded to the room and sat down. Other women came in holding numbered tickets and asked what number was next. I didn't have a number so I was told they are threw for the day come back on Friday at 8:30am when they will start again taking applications. That was Wednesday, I asked her why not Thursday and she said she'll be at another location. I asked her what location, and she said you really want to know and with a laugh from both of us I said YES. She said the location that has posted not taking application till January 4th. I then said to her they told me they are out of money. She they said "I guess I'll see you Friday" This location is for seniors only. Good thing I'm a senior.
  21. Carl and I went out to lunch the other day, Chinese buffet. Carl likes this place cuz he can fill up at lunch. We had a very enjoyable lunch, getting Carl to have a conversation. He brought up asking the MD doctor he wants to go back to speech therapy. His deficit from his stroke is Aphasia. Aphasia is just not speech but also reasoning, answering question like yes for no. I try making it a joke to lower his frustration for the mix up answers. He wants to speak words not practicing the alphabet. So until we go to therapy I am going to be writing words that he has trouble speaking. Some- soup, learn. Miracles do happen you just have to believe. Well, it appeared right in front of us. Their laying on the floor a $50 bill. No one walking past us or sitting near us. Carl looked at the floor, then I looked at floor, then we looked at each other and the Lord said "Pick it up, Now". in a soft low voice. I believe when you can be think in the right mind and shutting out the ego clatter miracles can occur. :Clap-Hands: I was blessed.
  22. The weather outside is frightful.Atlanta Georgia had flurries Sunday. My husband who is from California asked me what he was seeing what do they call it and why. I being from Cleveland Ohio said when the snow comes down light and fluffy that is called flurries. When you can't see in front of you it's called blizzard condition. Today we have gusting winds 9 degrees outside at 12pm. Other wise it's 23 fringed degrees. I don't own a winter coat to keep me warm in this. I'm going out for lunch and going to put my crotchet hat and scarf, 3 layers of sweat shirts, sweat pants, 2 pairs of socks, and going to wear my leather gardening gloves. What do you think, will I be warm enough?
  23. Jeanniebean


    Jullian, Debbie,& Asha have given you great advice. I use meditation. Concentrate the pain not on any part of your body parts put it in a red imaginary ball watch it, just watch is grow and before you will know it, it is gone. It's not easy to do by no means but keep trying to do and before you know it you can master it. Want more info on this PM me.Jeannie
  24. Ruth & William, Happy Anniversary to the both of you for both of you have gone threw the ups and downs. William has worked very hard at his progress. You have worked very hard at keeping his spirits up. I believe that the very first few months a stroked person doesn't or unable to recognize what he or her really needs. That's where a good caregiver comes in the picture to further the progress. Especially if they ended up with aphasia like my Carl has. You have been a great caregiver, cheering all his wins even the small ones. Jeannie
  25. Karen so sorry to hear of your bumps. Your faith is strong and the more bumps we receive I believe it mean the deeper I am to believe in my faith. Your included in my faith meter. Jeannie