
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Winter has come and It does not make me a happy camper. I'm now spending more time on the computer searching. Found a wonderful site.Eating Well it has all kinds of recipe and healthy items to read about check it out. [/size]
  2. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Holidays are not my favorite time of the year. I have no family hear. It's just another day. The other week my vehicle was broken into again. They broke the rear driver side passenger window. Their was nothing in the car worth taking. Went and got it repaired. Carl decided to get a chain and lock for the fence and lock the gate every night . I just don't understand why thieves do this. I thought having privacy windows it won't happen again. I was wrong.
  3. Jeanniebean


    Your sister and you are in my prayers. I wish I was near you so we could go for lunch. I wish the best for your sister. Blessed you. Jeanniebean
  4. Thanks Mike. It's good to hear I'm not the only one that has this problem. I thought of doing just that but I felt lucky, now I know I know I was fooled. I'll tell my story later. I can't spend all this time on the computer. I
  5. I'm tired now that I typed out my post and lost it with one of my fingers hitting the wrong key and poof it's gone. I'm not blaming the program, I know it's the user. I'm just venting cause I don't have the energy to remember what I typed I'm just venting. thanks for reading.
  6. So sorry to hear of your problem. Most of us our not computer geeks, as for myself I love being able to talk to a someone that knows about computers, programs, what not download and what too download that's free on line. I go on a chat called Paltalk Scene My link just put Paltalk it should be the first site. You download follow the directions, put a username an password when you sign in.Then enter:personal computers and high tech help2 You can go in the room and just listen or ask a question. Their are 3 or 4 people that can help you they will advise you send you links. It's really a great site. A site to download free programs: Need more info on anything I mentioned here just pm me. Good luck on your, oh I get on that chat just to listen and know if their is a virus hitting computers. Jeanniebean
  7. Barron, Ditto for me on what Lin said. Post stroke I realized I could not put weight watching any longer, so I started walking and got up to 1 hour a day. I also have developed diabetics and doing the walking has helped me get off the meds. I found that I were not eating breakfast so I started having oatmeal. This starts my day a lot less starving threw the day. I have managed to loose 90lbs. and still loosing. Your new cookbook sound good. Maybe you will share some of those recipe you test out good. Good luck in the next part of your journey. Hugs to you. Jeanniebean
  8. Good for William going into the hot tube. Ruth the stairs is ok, when I see people using the stairs I find it ok that's the way they are able to enjoy the hot tube also. Jeannie
  9. Jeanniebean


    Keep up the good work your putting into your rehab. Having to go to another rehab and get their by your 'Ride' is part of your rehab. Glad you let go the idea you have to go upstairs to sleep. Nobody else really cares, it all depends if your getting any sleep. Good for you. Jeannie
  10. Thanks for sharing about your trip to Arizona. Great job with your shoestrings, keep up the work using those fingers. You'll pluck that guitar yet. Jeannie
  11. Thanks for the comment. Jeannie
  12. Hurray! Another day spent at the car dealer. The car is put on the diagnosis machine and now we wait. I'm expecting should take an hour. Ha! It's now another hour, by the third hour were both hungry. I search out the manager, he gives us a choice 1.get a rental 2. they could shuttle us to where we wanted to eat then when we are finished and they will pick us back up. I choose the second option. Their is a family Mexican restaurant that serves a buffet fr $5.99. Service hours are 11-3. Being 1:30 already and didn't have breakfast we are both famished. Were in no hurry because I'm hoping the car will be finished. Pulling into the dealer their sits our car ready to go. It was some electric whatever they called it. Had nothing to do with the original problem but, when you do such an extensive gutting under the hood you just never know what can occur after they put it all back together. The best thing was it was all under warranty. The service man tells me I will receive a survey like the example on the back of my paper work and fill it out like you see it satisfactorily, call him when I mail it and he will send us two free oil change services. I'll do it, I'm happy.
  13. This all started back in January 2010. I received a recall notice on my Saturn Vue that is a 2008, that I bought used in 2009. This vehicle has been running beautiful, after all I traded in a 12 year old car. Back to the recall notice. It read something about the heater core and pressures from hot to cold would fail. It stated I have until 2011 to bring in to a dealer. I put the letter aside and said one day. About a month ago Carl said to me something is happening with the car, the windshield is fogging in the middle of a hot summer day. I finally stopped one evening on the way home at our neighborhood mechanic. Well, it was not good news. I told him about the windshield fogging and the smell of antifreeze. The mechanic didn't even have to look under the hood he new what it was. Sound like your heater core, to replace you have to take the dashboard out and it is about a 3 day repair and here comes the bad news $600.00. WOW! Armed with this news I returned home and told Carl. Let me insert the Carl did not take it in because with his aphasia his clarity of words for people is like him having to play surraides. Carl reminds me of the recall notice we received, good thing one of use still have our short term memory. I knew that our regular dealership closed so I thought I'll go online thinking it should have the most updated information. WRONG! I called the number that was on the notification but being that I guess Saturn no longer exist it did not really give any info. So during the week we are going to my bank, which we have to take the freeway 10 miles. I run in the bank and do my banking, returning to the car Carl said the overheat light came on. Well, we start out hoping to find a part store or a mechanic place that does repairs. Lucky Carl pulls in a place 1 block away, I run in and ask if they could help. They were really nice, they understood our problem and filled the water reservoir. Since we where at a repair store I asked if they had the numbers to Chevrolet dealers that were left open after so many had closed.Now I have the number to call for the dealer. We were on our way after that. From after that I put a jug of water in the car. Now comes the good part or I thought would be the good part. I call the dealer and got a appointment, have to be their by 9AM because he lets me know the mechanics go to lunch from 11 to 12. We arrive right on time even after getting in the middle of morning rush hour. Now this is Tuesday. Noon the service manager comes out to let us know they have to replace the heater core and it will be 2 to 3 days. Enterprise rental will be here to pick us up, and here is a voucher for 3 days GM will pay for the rental. I find this all well and good. Thursday we get the call the car is ready. Carl wants to pick up the car first they take the rental back, I thought that was a great idea. I get in the car and check that their are no lights on and looks ok to me so I signal to Carl were ready. Off we go to the rental store just across the street and return the rental. Now that's done were hungry. We pull out go about 1 block and Carl says my seat belt light is on but I had that all secured on. Then about another block the car is running hot again. Back to the dealer. Not a happy camper to say the least. The service manager says to us it probably needs to be burped and then he says these are hard to get rid of all the air bubbles when you have to drain the whole water system. I remind him the seat belt light is remaining on. Service manager takes it back to the mechanic. Two hours later service manager comes out and explains what is going on and yep, were going to put you in a rental, and it should take only a day. It's under warranty and GM will pick up the rental charge. Now it's Friday rush hour traffic and our car is ready. I don't want to fight the traffic so I'll pick up the car Saturday before 2pm. We go threw picking up and dropping off. Now on to lunch. Carl goes to lock the car and the horn does not sound when locking the doors. We make sure all the doors or closed and I just decide to try the horn on the steering wheel and the does not blow. By now I'm ready for lunch and we will stop back at the dealer after. Too late their all gone for the day. It will have to be back to the dealer on Monday. The saga will continue. A note on my butterfly garden this year is blooming great, my Mexican s1unflowers main stalk are over 10 feet tall until we have a hard rain storm.
  14. Thank you for your poetic advise. :You-Rock: Jeannie
  15. Ruth that was a good decision to go to the pool before the storm starts rumbling in your area. :You-Rock: Ruth with the energy you have. William is blessed to have you. HUGS Jeannie
  16. Ruth, So happy to enjoy in the successful results of the clinical study. Your part in this is that you set out to find a clinical study. That a girl. :Clap-Hands: Jeannie
  17. Jeanniebean


    Fred, Thanks for this sharing. Jeannie
  18. Susie,Glad you ranted about your anger. It is good to let it out then give your friends a loving phone call or visit. Jeannie
  19. This is a great recipe right up my alley. I'll vote every day for you, good luck.Jeannie
  20. Jeanniebean

    I lost it

    So sorry to hear of your set back. I know you can be the come back kid. This is not new you know the drill. You have all of us rooting for you. Jeannie
  21. Happy anniversary. Karen look where your name is in the upper right side. After your name is an upside triangle. Click on that and a drop down menu appears with all your MY stuff. I would of never seen it if someone did not point it out to me. Their you can enter your blog and read the post and read the comments left. good luck. Jeannie
  22. Ruth, I've also learned the hard way to not pitch the card until you receive the merchandise. I'm with Sue on decluttering. I'm just happy to keep up with the garbage to make it to the outside bin every day. William will swim again at his choosing, I have faith. Jeannie
  23. Like that title. I know where you have been bejeweled. I'm still trying to get over 100,000 and can't figure it out yet. Kristie's pic are beautiful just like her mom. Please send my best wishes to your daughter on her adventure into the world of adulthood. As for you Donna :You-Rock: jeannie
  24. Asha, It's good you have accepted that you have the power with in you to know you have the strength of joy still within you. Summer is here and the flowers are blooming and so are you. Keep your :juggle: life and remembertolaugh. Jeannie
  25. Good for you, you have passed one of the hardest parts of stroke, accepting a new normal. It will keep improving with your positive attitude. The work on recovering never stops only improves your ability to accomplish your goals. Jeannie(Hugs) :You-Rock: