
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. :happydance: I'm so happy for you on your progress. you keep up that good work but don't forget to include your good leg. Fred I walk without my cane in the house but I find otherwise I walk with a cane. It keeps me from falling from uneven floors, other people bumping into me an placing me off balance. But, you will find your how well balanced on your own. Glad you choose to blog Jeannie
  2. I get Carl's and my scripts from our hospital pharmacy. For five years the system was, new scripts drop off and usually with in 2 days pick them up. Refills - RX# first two digits refer to the location of pickup, the next 9 your #. Location of RX# is above your name on the label on each pill bottle/ refills are for 30 out. Once you place your refills you have to give them 48 hours for pickup. This is all explained on the recording. All well and good. This month :oops: refills can now be only called in, only NEW scripts can be dropped off. My refills won't take, I had to talk to the pharmacist. That was ok but I had to wait 20 minutes :uhm: . While waiting I was thinking of questions I wanted answered. The person I spoke to was very accommodating . The calling in scripts is going threw an update, reconfiguration. Frustration :ranting: built up doing this. So I am hoping next month will be easier. You are probably wondering why don't I just go to the neighbor chain drugstore etc. I'm asking that myself, but I know the answer: It works for me, medicare script insurance is the best price were I'm at now. :chat: I know this was a one sided chat ha!ha! I need to vent. Now I'm cool calm and collected. Thanks for your ear.
  3. Debbie glad you choose to blog. Jeannie(Hugs)
  4. Thanks Lynn for responding to my question. Before I read your comment from my blog I found that what you commented. I know it will get easier. Jeannie
  5. I'm a Miracle of HS.

  6. Checking the site out I found where you can PM someone. If you click on a members pic it takes you to the persons profile. One the lower right side type in the message and post. You will see your other PM's if you have not deleted. :Clap-Hands: Progress on learning the new site. Ruthpill I sent you a PM. Please send me one back so I know you got it.
  7. Jeanniebean

    # 4

    Glad you are feeling more rested and able to take walks. Use that left hand as often as possible and you will see and improvement, the brain needs that repetitive reminder until it becomes automatic. b Yes, taking a shower or bath is very exhausting. But we need to keep up our daily of bathing, brushing our teeth and combing our hair. Makes us feel more human even if we are having to talk our selves into doing. Keep up the good progress. Jeannie
  8. Jeanniebean

    I hate waiting...

    MC, My heart goes out to you. My mother who had 3 girls and one son, the daughter will always be around and the sons will be always busy. My brother would always says he is busy especially knowing mom needed something fixed in the house. When he didn't have a girlfriend he spent more time at the house. My suggestion is leave it alone, you don't want him to feel you are nagging him. :2cents: Jeannie
  9. Glad you are still with us.Let dance for joy :happydance: Jeanniebean
  10. I'm just confused with the site. Steve is giving us a brain practice whether we want it or not. I had to find out I don't have a page myself to post my blog. So I found were I will be posting by blog from. So that has to count as successful,so one down. Oh,that is two down I found the chat room after I signed on today. Flowers are about a foot high, just waiting for them to start to bloom. The exciting or strange thing that happened today. Above my bed is a ceiling fan. It's always on. Well while I was watching TV today, one of the blades flew across the room right over me, hit the wall and made a big bang.When I realized what had occurred I shut the fan off. Time to call the Landlord. Glad it did not hit me.
  11. Jeanniebean

    Entry #1

    J, Glad you made this decision to start blogging. Blogging for me is very therapeutic which I think you will find out. I understand what you mean when family has no idea what is going on with your health. We here encourage you to blog all your thoughts, rant and rave here put it down and relieve yourself from the thoughts bouncing around in your head. Sounds like you don't have any deficits from the stroke. Do you? Jeannie
  12. Ruth, It sounds like William is having better days, and you have to be commend on the support you have given to William.Jeannie
  13. Hi all, I have not felt like blogging for awhile. I've been cleaning up the yard and planted flower seeds for my butterfly garden. Nothing much has changed except for last week, it was Friday Carl went to the store and I was in the kitchen washing the dishes. I put a pot of water on for the spaghetti and all of a sudden I felt dizzies. I shut the gas off and headed for the bed to lay down, next thing that happen is Carl is asking me what happened. I told him I felt dizzy in the kitchen and that is all I remember. I now have a huge bump on my left back side of my head and my tail bone is sore. Carl found my glasses on the bathroom, and it looks like I fell in the bathroom and hit my head on the bathroom tub. :oops: how I got to the bed is a mystery.
  14. Debbie :congrats: to Bruce on a great feet moving his thumb. God showed Bruce his working at returning back to work takes work. Maybe now you won't need to hound him to keep working. Debbie you are doing a great support job, as a survivor I am greatfull for all caregivers.Jeannie
  15. Jan great blog. :I-Agree: The only only one you can have trust is with God.
  16. How wonderful Sue. It was nice Ray go away with you without you having to do all the caregiver. You are blessed. Jeannie
  17. Jeanniebean

    Just Plain Mad

    You sound more like inspirational spreading the hope their is to share.
  18. My prayers are with your friend. We are all given many lessons to learn in life. Remember the the good things and call your friend frequently. **HUGS** Jeannie
  19. Jan this was a beautiful story. Thank you. Jeannie
  20. Jeanniebean


    I am so glad to hear you've acquired a new cat. Pets have so many lessons that they teach us.
  21. Ruth that is a great update on Williams progress. you are a great support. Jeannie
  22. Beth, I believe you rith about spring turning the last corner. Georgia has been cold this year, the other day while rainning it decided to hail, yes hail, the size of quarters. Take the ride and breath in that fresh air it's good for your brain, it will get the dust mites out. Jeannnie
  23. Jeanniebean

    I'm happy again

    I'm so happy for you. Take it slow and keep meeting other ladies. Be friends first and always tell the truth. Invite her to a local stroke meeting. Jeannie
  24. You started your blog out that you were sad but by the time you finished your blog I seen you smiling for having a great week. Have fun on your vacation with your father. Jeannie