
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Lenny, Thank you for sharing your recovery journey. You have taken your lemon and mad lemon aid. :congrats: Jeannie
  2. Jeanniebean


    Diane, Talking with your hubby being open and honest, truth is what has worked for me.
  3. Sue, It's great that Ray has a buddy he can converse man to man. welcome back and get your homework done. Jeannie
  4. Fred, :Funny-Post: Good ones. You do pretty good using the computer Fred. I can always count on getting a good laugh reading your blog or post. Jeannie
  5. Ruth it's great to hear you have such a great relationship with William.
  6. Jeanniebean


    Stessie, My prayers go out to you. Stay in good spirits.
  7. Lenny, I know how excited you must be, I experienced the same excitement when Atlanta, Georgia had the summer Olympics. All the sprucing up of the city. I will be looking for you in the crowd. I myself like the curling event. You have a fun and safe time. Jeannie
  8. I received notice to appear in traffic court fora parking ticket last week. Parking downtown is a hassle. The parking lot is a block away, so Carl drives in front of the court bldg. The street has parking meters on both sides of the street. Carl pulls in a spot and he goes into the building while I put the money in the meter. Well theirs not a meter for each space, instead their is a central meter. First it won't take my dollar bills then, I see it takes debit card so I finally get my receipt and head into the building. Once I'm upstairs in the court room I forgot to put the receipt in the car window. So we come out and yep I got a parking ticket. Now I have to go back in the building to the cashiers window and I explain, show her my receipt and she says I have to go to court. This time Carl drops me off and I go inside. Court starts at 3pm. You register with the clerk and take a seat. Theirs like a 130 people and the judge keeps saying to the clerks and solicitor "we have a full schedule, give me groups in alphabetical order." I'm sitting in the front row waiting to hear my name called. While the judge is dismissing allot of charges for the policeman is no longer with the police department. 4pm passes, 5pm passes, 5:45 my name is called. I'm prepared I have my receipt to show I paid for a spot, the time is their I'm looking forward to explaining my side. Well, the judge says is the policeman here and the solicitor states he has left already. The judge asked why was this name not called earlier, the solicitor gives the judge no answer. So the judge continues with saying, since the policeman is not here and I've been so patience waiting for my turn my case is dismissed with no record on my licenses. So I make my way to the pay phone to call Carl to pick me up. While I'm waiting ten minutes for pickup. With no cars parked on the street I'm noticing their are no parking meters. They have been removed. So much for new electronic parking meters. Here today gone tomorrow, our tax dollars at work. In August Carl had gotten a ticket for supposeable not stopping at a stop sign before turning right. The police man was on a motorcycle and seem to come for nowhere. We did stop but the policeman said our wheels never stopped moving. In the end it gets dismissed. I did learn a few things:have a camera with you at all times, you never now when you will need to prove your side like their where no no parking signs, the meter had time left on it. If you don't have camera, getting back to the area of the incident occurred as soon as possible. Because if it is months after cities change signs and the judge won't accept months later pictures. When parking on a street with parking meters, your meter is the one at the front of your car. If a meter is not accepting money it's not a free parking space, the universal sign:a circle with a P and a / going threw the P . Their is a number to call and report its broken. Move on to another space. Judge does not accept you did not know you could not park their. I'm so glad that adventure is over.
  9. Ruth, It's great to hear William is doing so well in the trial.
  10. Looking over my bills, particular my land phone bill. I glance over the charges on my phone bill and it's always the same. When I went to pay it I noticed a charge of $14.95 under Enhanced Bill Services. So I inquire with the phone company and their answer is: This is a third party billing you have to call the number listed and get a conformation number for credit. I called this other company information I found out what it was for, was a answering service. They said we ordered it on the internet. I instructed them that I did not order this service and request a credit. They were very nice and gave me a conformation number and said I should see the credit on the next billing cycle. What urkes me is that a third party billing company of the phone company is able to put charges on your bill. The phone company doesn't double check to see if you requested the service.
  11. Rose, Welcome to are blog family. I like your analogy. I look forward to your blog postings. Jeanniebean
  12. Jan you are so right, we take so much for granted. Thank you Jan. Jeannie
  13. Lin, Yes your husband is blessed as all the other survivors still breathing. Diabetes has that way of screwing with our eye sight. It's great to hear he is having a positive attitude on his rehab. Keep us updated. Have faith.
  14. Jeanniebean

    Wayward Husband

    Jean, Bookstore/coffee shop is a great place for a weekly outing. Your husband is not a wayward husband having some freedom to have independence. My husband also has aphasia, post-stroke 3 years. When we are out at the coffee shop he will find someone and have a conversation. My Carl is not bound to a wheelchair as your husband has a double whamie. But as I see it they still have their humor. And his humor is what attracted me. He is still able to make me laugh.Thank you for the great post. Jeanniebean
  15. Sue my prayers I send to you, mum, and Ray. Good days or bad days is just part of life. Keep that beautiful sparkle heart glistering threw out your days journeys. Jeanniebean
  16. Jeanniebean

    Getting Started

    Walt, It's great that you took the step forward to blog. You wrote a very caring letter to your friend and included the most important point is the web site. :Good-Post: Jeanniebean
  17. Sue it's great that you were able to take that little trip with Ray to your daughters. I know Ray appreciates sitting for a few days with a different surrounding and family around.
  18. Good luck, I get injected with steriods in my knees about every 9 month to ease the ability for me to walk.
  19. Good job Rosemary blogging and tackling the Xmas tree. If you don't get decoration on it that is ok. Jeannie
  20. Answer these questions: 1.) do you like flavored coffee? 2.) are the flavored coffees over you budget? 3.) do you want to know how you can have it and stay in your budget? If you came up with all YES, this is my answer you can still have it. My basis for making a 12 cup pot of coffee, 1 tablespoon of grounds per cup. I buy small container of flavored coffee like Folger's hazelnut and Columbia these are just examples. 8 tbsp of flavored, 4 tbsp Columbia, water 12 cups 1 pot. A good flavored coffee is one of Carl and mine favorite. Carl drinks more coffee than I, so years ago we came upon a kitchen store going out of business. Carl spotted a Coffee thermos on sale 1/2 price. I at the time did not think we required it. Years later I can say it is one of the best items I have in my kitchen. Yes, I have a microwave and can reheat but when we take drives I can take a pot of coffee with us. :reigndeer:
  21. Kimmie, Thanks I was starting to think no one is commenting that I must be the stupidest person. Yes Kimmie things can be easy.
  22. Great pic, you all look so beautiful. I think Denny said it best. Keep smiling. Jeannie
  23. Happy belated Birthday :happybday: :You-Rock: I always loved when my mom would call me and send me something small. the thought is what counts. Jeannie
  24. Jeanniebean

    giving up

    Doreen, I hear you. My hubby did not understand my emotions until two years later he stroked. I thou went to see my neurologist who gave be and anti-depressant drug. My husbands emotions are like a little child now. But I understand. You are a good person, forgive your mom and daughter for not understanding your illness. Don't argue with them just agree and they will get tired soon enough not getting your goat. remember to laugh, Jeanniebean