
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Do you have problems using a box of Glad wrap or plastic wrap, pulling it out then ripping across the box top without the whole role coming out of the box? Well, I never stopped to read anything written on the box, just start using the box? That's me to. I took a few moments the other day and found something interesting. Go pull you box out and take the roll out of it's box now on each end you will find perforations, put the roll back in the box depress the perforation inward into the ends of the roll. Now use your roll of plastic wrap. Pull a sheet and rip it off and the roll stays in the box. :yikes: .
  2. Sue, Sorry about your care givers respect for your husband and you. Yes you have to pick your battles wisely. It is better and easier to put your mums affairs in order now. I did it with my mum before her last day from cancer at 72. I did it with a clear unemotional head. jeanniebean
  3. How cold is it outside? Their is that white flaky crystals. Snow? YUK! My body can not stand this 32degrees in Atlanta, Ga. I don't want to get out of my warm bed. The heater turns on and has been going all day. I live in what is considered the south of USA. That stuff is not suppose to come this far south. Now my dress in the house is sweat pants and tee shirt with a sweat shirt over that. Put a crotchet hat and socks. I hate it but it is the only way I can keep warm as a bug. :cloud9: I really am not complaining, I'm greatful to be healthy. :cheer:
  4. Wesley great subject. What a great complement to your wife 'the unconditional love of your wife'. Jeannie
  5. Jeanniebean

    This and That

    Knitting is a wonderful therapy. I crotchet but always wanted knit. Your great nieces will keep and ware those scarfs the rest of their years. Keep knitting your beautiful items. It helps keep you positive and joyful. Jeannie
  6. Thank you Vi, that is a good idea. Yes, most of our friends are busy working, and only have their weekends for their personal things.
  7. Thank you Sue, You are so right life moves on. One of the two stroke clubs we belong is having a lunch I need to email and find out when, thanks for reminding me.
  8. Ruth, Thank you. We usually go out like you and William do and I have to agree it would of been a long wait also. Good idea to take it to go. I am so happy I have all of you 24/7 friends here. William must of enjoyed having dinner at home and watching good football games. I may not be happy friends don't understand I have my Carl like you have William.
  9. Thank you Fred. Yes I have all of you and the Lord who is always their.
  10. Holiday season has started. I had a circle of friends That use to meet once a week to study. Carl was the Facilitator. When Carl had his stroke we found out that None of these people really were friends. We use to Have potluck dinners every three months. Holidays we Would have a get together. Carl has aphasia and he Is hard to understand. But if you know the subject You can understand him. But I guess no one wants To be around someone like Carl. They have all dropped out of site. So holidays are not anything special. It
  11. Jeanniebean

    Becoming real

    Oh this is so true -were the rubber meets the road. I really like this story, thanks for sharing. Jeanniebean
  12. I opened my email this morning to find out a dear friend of mine passed away. I am sadden. This just brings me to remind me how short and precious life is of our love ones. I will miss his positive joking personality.
  13. I think that is wonderful news as well. My fingers were the last thing to get moving for me. Your on your way. Keep up the good work. Jeanniebean
  14. Beth Hope you had a great bike ride. Asha laundry and cooking idea are great. Jeanniebean
  15. Sue, When you see people starring at you it is not you they are starring at, they are really seeing themself's. It's really a forgiveness lesson for them. I acknowledge people by saying a pleasant hello, beautiful day, your blessed. As for your Cuban place w/jam packed tables, give the owners a opportunity to show how they can show their love and accommodate you. Carl my husband ended up with aphasia from his stroke. We were out eating and a woman that sat at the next table leaned over to me and asked me what language my husband was speaking. I responded with English. With a surprise look and a turn away from us I proceeded to inform her he had a stroke and was left with speech deficit. I proceeded to share with her that it is like a baby learning to talk, as you must be aware of. She thanked me and we finished our dinner. Keep you chin up. Your a loving Son of God's. Jeanniebean
  16. Beth, It's great you hat your self in the groove with riding your trike. You live were once it starts snowing their are no real breaks until spring but how about getting the trike fixed and if you have a garage you can ride it in their for the winter. How about exercise If this link doesn't work just Google chair exercise.I don't know your deficits but I believe you can keep a routine exercise in your life. Stair climbing if you have stairs. Beth I am mentioning all this is really selfish on my part to remind me I need to keep moving even turing the winter months. Jeannievean
  17. Thanks Sue for sharing your experience. You described your sharing right on.
  18. Sue, I'm glad to hear you talk about Mum this way. You have used your time wisely. You sound at peace. Jeanniebean
  19. I never noticed that before. Jeanniebean
  20. Carl and I drove out to San Antonio to stay and visit Peter and Julie. Peter and Julie our part of our big family of A Course In Miracles. We are all one Son ship. We started our trip with stopping off to visit friends of ours Alvin and Norma in Montgomery Al. Alvin use to come to Atlanta to teach leather works at Tandy's Leathers. He taught us how to do leather carving. We sat and chatted and had dinner. It was a beautiful 3 hour visit. Alvin showed us his work room and some of his new purses and belts he has made. Alvin is a Vet from Vietnam, he was injured and was left with drop foot. He show us the brace the VA is providing him and it cost $2000 dollars. It's back on the road route 65 west. We stopped in Ocean Spring Mississippi at a rest stop, slept for a couple of hours and Carl was ready to go again. I never realized that their are so many Casino's along the way starting in gulf of Mississippi. Then it hit me the smell of the ocean wow. We arrived in San Antonio middle of the afternoon. We were so happy to see Peter and Julie. It's been since August at Be the Love since we seen them. Julie has just purchased a townhouse and it is a beautiful place. Friday Julie and Peter are off work so we begun the day having breakfast then the guys went shipping for the fixings for Mexican Posole stew. Julie has invited 10 of her friends over and Carl is going to show Peter how to make the stew. Julie and I will run to the store and purchase a new cart table so we have enough seating with the dinning room table. The guys got the soup going with all the dry chilies, pork shoulder, pigs feet, knuckles. Julie has not had good Posole stew since she was in Mexico, and Carl has made before so he has enlightened Peter on the recipe. Plus the hot sauce that goes along with it. WOW! We have to have a salad so lets have cactus salad. Julie suggest for dessert fruit. Great menu. Time for the party to start, meet all of the guest have good laughs and conversation. Oh! what a great choice for dinner, wonderful. Carl has mad more that enough soup. So, Peter divided the rest in half and froze and we will take it back to Atlanta. Saturday we are all ging to see Gary Renard who wrote Disappearance of the Universe. Disappearance of the Universe is a easy read of A Course In Miracles. Gary's message was to turn your day over to Holy Spirit, listen, follow the voice. Sunday, made breakfast at home got ready and went to a Course meeting. Seen all the same people that were at the event yesterday. Went for lunch at one of the oldest restaurants in San Antonio. Took the riverboat ride down the river walk. Then Carl wanted to see the Alamo. We were disappointed that their was just a few walls. That was enough walking for me for the day. Monday we rest because we want the hurricane Ida to pass so we are not driving in the rain and wind. I Looks like the storm now has down graded so we can leave towards home Tuesday. We got up Tuesday morning and said our good bye to Julie before she went off to work. Peter works from home. Around 9AM we started out on our journey back to Atlanta. We got to New Orleans around 8PM and we stopped for a coffee o'la and a Beignuts. You can't go threw New Orleans not having the famous doughnuts Beignut. I can't find them in Atlanta anymore. I drove about an hour each way. I get tired fast. I use to drive from Cleveland Ohio to Atlanta Georgia all by myself. Those were the days, I owe my gratitude to Carl's kindness to do all the driving. That is the adventures of San Antonio.
  21. Kimmie, Your expression of the love for your furry ones just comes threw your post. Jeanniebean
  22. Tank you all for the encouragement.
  23. Sue, Your doing your best. You have your mum a roof over her head, people to take care of her. And most of all she knows that you appreciate all that she has done for you. You are in good hands and at spiritually peace.
  24. These days have been hum drum. I'm just been taking in TV shows all day. My motivation level. has dropped of the face of the earth. Weather has always effected my mood. Georgia already has gone as low as 30 degrees, the highs are 60's. To cold for me to be happy. The past week I've spent most of the day in bed. I've got to get myself out of this hole. I want summer back.