
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. It's great to hear you friend Mike is and will be ok. Depending on other people passing info is always a chance of what happened to you. I had shoulder pain. My doctor said that is a common problem he sees in stroke patients. He took an xray and found ball of the socket was ajar. I'd get it checked out by a doctor. I'm on Plavix and fish oil. Plavix good for keeping my platelets from sticking together, and fish oil as a powerful anti-inflammatory along as lowering my HDL. These are the benefits I agree in taking them. I bleed and bruise easily also but to me that is minor. Kudos for you to brave the cold and go ice fishing again. Keep your extremities warm and moving. Sounds like you are keeping yourself motivated While Lesley is away. The winter is already set into motion up in Minn. but keep in the back of your mind the good times you shared with your fiends this past summer. remembertolaugh, jenniebean :Good-Post: :Good-Post:
  2. Sue your nurse you had the appt. with was inconsiderate not to call you. Can't tell me she does not own a cell phone. duh! They know they have you by the balls. You and Trev don't deserve to be treated that way. Glad you get to enjoy the little ones. I can tell by your writing they are the sunshine in your life. Enjoy you camp. Jeanniebean
  3. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my blog.
  4. Jeanniebean

    Natural Reader

    Larry, This program is really great. My eyes get tired fast and I miss words when reading. This is a nice program. Kudos to you Larry. jeanniebean
  5. Your strangers brain must of got in gear cause the writing in this blog is super. Most of us survivors while reading the blog were saying yep did that and so on. Oh and by the way care givers also will be saying did that. I know cause I was a survivor first and care giver second. Welcome to blog world here. Look forward to your future blogs.
  6. Fred I think you you've got the right idea. Question tho, taking you wife along? :happydance:
  7. Welcome to our cyberspace-family.Glad you found us. This is a very friendly site. We are all in the same boat. I am a survivor 05 and became a caretaker in 07. I've experienced both sides of the coin.

    Look forward to getting to know you.

  8. Stessie, I'm so glad it was informational for you. thank you.
  9. This might be very useful information - certainly worth considering - especially if we all did it. Pet Pev - my address is put on a mass mailing for every one of you Tom, Dick, and Harry so called your friends from your address book and keeps being forwarded from every one of their friends. So a friend who is a computer expert received the following directly from a system administrator for a corporate system.This resolves the pet pev. It is an excellent message that ABSOLUTELY applies to ALL of us who send e-mails. Please read the short letter below, even if you're sure you already follow proper procedures.. Do you really know how to forward e-mails? Most of us DO NOT know how. Do you wonder why you get viruses or junk mail? Do you hate it? Every time you forward an e-mail there is information left over from the people who got the me ssage before you, namely their e-mail addresses & names. As the messages get forwarded along, the list of addresses builds, and builds, and builds, and all it takes is for some poor sap to get a virus, and his or her computer can send that virus to every e-mail address that has come across his computer. Or, someone can take all of those addresses and sell them or send junk mail to them in the hopes that you will go to the site and he will make five cents for each hit. That's right, all of that inconvenience over a nickel! How do you stop it? Well, there are several easy steps: (1) When you forward an e-mail, DELETE all of the other addresses that appear in the body of the message (at the top). That's right, DELETE them. Highlight them and delete them, backspace them, cut them, whatever you know how to to. It only takes a second. You MUST click the 'Forward' button first and then you will have full editing capabilities against the body and headers of the message. If you don't hit the forward button first you won't have full editing functions. I particularly dislike having to scroll through 200 Email addresses before I get to the email. (2) Whenever you send an e-mail to more than one person, do NOT use the To: or Cc: fields for adding e-mail addresses. Always use the BCC: (blind carbon copy) field for listing the e-mail addresses. This is the way the people you send to will only see their own e-mail address. If you don't see your BCC: option click on where it says To: and your address list will appear. Highlight the address and choose BCC: and that's it, it's that easy.. When you send to BCC: your message will automatically say 'Undisclosed Recipients' in the 'TO:' field of the people who receive it. That way you aren't sharing all those addresses with every Tom, Dick or Harry. (3) Remove any 'FW :' in the subject line . You can re-name the subject if you wish or even fix spelling. (4) ALWAYS hit your Forward button from the actual e-mail you are reading. Ever get those e-mails that you have to open 10 pages to read the one page with the information on it? By Forwarding from the actual page you wish someone to view, you stop them from having to open many e-mails just to see what you sent. These are the ones that often end up having picked up a virus from somebody. This is really important. (5) Have you ever gotten an email that is a petition? It states a position and asks you to add your name and address and to forward it to 10 or 15 people or your entire address book. The email can be forwarded on and on and can collect thousands of names and email addresses. A FACT: The completed petition is actually worth a couple of bucks to a professional spammer because of the wealth of valid names and email add resses contained therein. If you want to support the petition, send it as your own personal letter to the intended recipient. Your position may carry more weight as a personal letter than a laundry list of names and email address on a petition. (Actually, if you think about it, who's supposed to send the petition in to whatever cause one supports? And don't believe the ones that say that the email is being traced, it just aint so!) (6) One of the main ones I hate is the ones that say that something like, 'Send this email to 10 people and you'll see something great run across your screen.' Or, sometimes they'll just tease you by saying something really cute will happen. IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!! (Trust me, I'm still seeing some of the same ones that I waited on 10 years ago!) I don't let the bad luck ones scare me either, they get trashed (Could be why I haven't won the lottery?? of course my house hasn't been hit by a plane either.) (7) Before you forward an Amber Alert, or a vacy20 Virus Alert, or some of the other ones floating around nowadays, check them out before you forward them. Most of them are junk mail that's been circling the net for Years! Just about everything you receive in an email that is in question can be checked out at Snopes. Just go to http://www.snopes. com/ Its really easy to find out if it's real or not If it's not, please don't pass it on. So please, in the future, let's stop the junk mail and the viruses. In conclusion, next time you want everyone to experience a email joke some one sent you consider others right of privacy.
  10. Keep going on the spiritual journey,As for Walkaide I know nothing about. As for these two companies turn it over to Holy Spirit. Then listen to the Voice for Love (God), for you can trust your advise you hear.
  11. I'm going to spend the rest of the day at or should say in the pool. I am so uncomfortable at home watching TV or reading a book. I get these hot flashes. I put on as little clothing as possible, thinking I'll be comfortable.I'm a little cool Now get a blanket, put it over my lap. NOT! Five minutes later I'm Hot Pull of the blanket.My skin is itchy. I'm off to the pool. Later
  12. The swine flu is a young persons flu. It can cause some ischemic like symptoms. Affecting the nerves. We have less contact with the general public.
  13. Jeanniebean

    a new day

    Hi Doreen, We are all glad you are still here with u I'm glad you finally got threw a doctor that something was wrong. Yes now you know the warning signs, but so should the doctors. Every day is a new day for all of us. To open our eyes and take a nice deep breath is a good thing. Glad to hear your feeling better. Jeanniebean
  14. Does everyone fell like I do, I get to go out and it is to another doctors appointment? The Cardiologist gave concern about my TSH level. TSH is thyroid blood test. I had mine removed when I was 12 years old. Doctor didn't really say why he was concerned. But I know I have to have it kept on top of the number. So I left the Cardiologist with a blood test slip and I asked him also to request a A1C hemoglobin. When you loose weight as I did medication need to be adjusted. Even tho it could only be 6 to 10 pounds. Now I'm suppose to get the blood test a week before my next Cardiologist appointment, but that is six months away. I'll take the test right after the Cardiologist appointment and when I see my regular MD I'll get the result. MD appointment is today, :cheer: .Get weighed in, take your temperature, blood pressure and check my sugar. My name is called to see the doctor. I start with my list: I've been noticing that I have this cough. Doctor say I am describing allergies. Take Claritin is will clear up. I've been getting lots of black and blues all over? My skin is itchy and I put moisturizer on. Right their doc says lets get your TSH. I tell her I took it last month, she looks on the computer and says "your taking too much medication" My thyroid gland has been removed, I take a pill that controls my metabolism. Now that I've lost 10 more pounds which is great but my meds need to be adjusted. Then we will have it checked in 8 weeks. All my complaints have to do with my thyroid meds. I mentioned also I'm also having hot flashes. (I've already gone threw menopause). The bottom lin e is, all my complaints has to do with my metabolism being off. When you loose weight you need to decrease how much thyroid meds you take. Taking too much can mean chaos to my system. Before I leave the doctors office I need to get my 'flu shot'. My doctor is not keen on me getting the swine flu shot, and I agree with her.
  15. Thank you all for your comments. The muffins are all gone. Time to make another batch./b]
  16. I'm in Georgia applying for SSDI you can not be working. In other words you have had to quite working. Fill out a application for SSDI. Make sure you keep a copy of that application. So when SS sends you more of the same question that you emember what you put down the first time and thereafter. Also keep copies in case SS lose your application. SS lost mine not once not twice but three times. I would first try placing your application yourself. Something I did not do put would advise any one else to keep updated with where your application stands. If in a month call SS. If you receive no snail mail from SS, call.
  17. Bruce, A beautiful baby boy. . And you survivor a stroke. Miracles do appear. Life is good. Jeanniebean
  18. Sam has it in her to walk. But have her change want for I will. Words are powerful. Being mindful of her positive words equals she can walk. I'm so proud of Sam's progress.
  19. I love having fresh fruit in the house.Once a week Carl and I go the the farmers market and we both pick out our favorite fruit. We usually get what is in season. Peaches, Pears, Plums, Nectarines, seedless grapes, pineapple last Bananas. Ok, now we bring it home and have to wait for it to ripen. Grapes are about the only fruit you don't have to wait to ripen but, bananas I like usually when I bring them home. Fruit cut up on top of my Oatmeal with milk in the morning is my #1 breakfast. But the bananas aren't to get on top of oatmeal. This means bananas are eaten by themself. I end up forgetting about the bananas start to ripen and pretty fast till they are overripen, I notice fruit fly's around. I hate throwing food out so I throw the ripe bananas in the freezer. Tonight I want to bake, bake banana muffins. I'll whip up a reciepe of banana bread and put two of the freezer bananas in, fold in some almonds. Spray up my big 6 cup muffin tin, cook at 350 for about 30 minutes. Oh, they smell so good! Well the muffins are done, we will have them for breakfast cup of coffee.
  20. Yes Ruth is is time consuming. But a calendar is a good place for the numbers.None of us can remember the numbers and days and times for when you need to let the doctor know. I use my email calendar. I also have to keep track of my diabetes numbers three times a day. I used to use sprial notebook but I would lay it down and forget where I laid it last. I always know where the computer is and where to find the calendar. Always trying to solve the memory problems, this has stop me from having chaos times. Glad to here your solving Williams high blood pressure number. Jeanniebean
  21. No problem Ruth, we are all hear to help one another. Ruth I ave thaqt problem from time to time. I keep a log keeping Date, Time, BP#,type of food between times. I also keep a log for my diabetes number. I take the logs to my doctor so he can see what has been going on with my numbers. I am proud of William in his progress, also glad to here you are getting exercise in for yourself. :nuhuh: ripping articles out of the magazines I would of did it too!
  22. Stu, Please let gunter know we are all here to truly help..
  23. Hi Leppy We are glad you are here but some time it is accually nice to speak to someone in person. You said you don't have a support group where you live. I looked on the internet and found this for you:Stroke Support Group "Comeback Club", Sponsored by Morningside of Charlottesville (Contact: Alexes Echols, Director of Marketing) 434-971-8889. God only gives up what we can handle.
  24. Georgia, Georgia, rainy night in Georgia. It's more like one day, two days, it's now been a week. Weatherman or woman say we will have rain threw Wednesday. This morning Carl had a doctors appointment I got out to the car first got in on the passenger side looked out the front window and what do I see "a cracked front windshield." There's not a big tree branches lying close to the car. I can't figure out what did it. Now I'll have to call the insurance company, report it and get it fixed. It's just cracked from the windshield wiper to the roof. Don't have a hole, so I don't have to rush fixing it. I have to say Carl and I are lucky. I'm fretting about a cracked windshield, others are being flooded out of their homes, their cars are under water. Here is a story: Their was two men, one man crossed a bridge all of a sudden behind him he sees the road cave in. He seen another car coming and tried to stop him from crossing that section of road. A sink hole has appeared all of a sudden the man fell in, flipped his car and was pinned in his car. The man on the other side could not reach the accident. Sink holes are appearing all over Atlanta, and surrounding areas.I'm not watching the new tonight. All I'm doing today is going to doctors appointment that is towards town, 5 miles and back 5 miles on a back street. Pull in the driveway, park the car. I'm staying inside. I'm blessed. [/color] [/size] [/font] [/b]
  25. Great post. Tell it like it is, release the built up stress. Appreciate--Graditude remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :friends: