
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Diana, wild life is a blessing. They bring us joy and we feed them.
  2. Well went to my Cardiologist six month appointment. I go to a teaching hospital and my previous doctor graduated in June 09. So, I knew I would get a new doc to see. The anticipation I guess was affecting my blood pressure. Because when the nurse took it 160/65 WOW! Oh no, now in the back of my mind I knew he would start looking at what medication to change. But, the nurse weight me and I'm so proud I lost another 20lbs. Ya :cheer: . So knowing my pressure was up but my weight was down even out my thoughts in my mind. Well my appointment was for 8:30am. I got to the clinic at 8am so I will get checked in see the nurse and hopefully be seen by 9am. WRONG :juggle: ! I know better, but can't blame me for wishing. I'll explain how the clinic makes appointments :Clap-Hands:. Most clinics take 90 appoints, yes they give you a time but it really doesn't mean anything. So I always like early appointments. Hoping the doctor I'm see I'll be his first :Clap-Hands: . Oh, the ir is about 6 doctors. Now remember this is a teaching hospital for Morehouse and Emory University medical schools. Finally, 9:30 my name gets called. :yikes: . After introducing himself he read of my chart, asked for my medication to check against the computer. Blood pressure he says is too high, why he asked. My answer back it should not be. I take my B/P twice a day at home and it runs about 110/62. The doctor takes it again and yep 110/65. :bouncing_off_wall: Thank God. Ok it's time to hop up on the table. ya right. Doc does the usuall listening to the heart, first the back side, then the front. All sounds good. :Clap-Hands: So he goes and consults with his superior and five minutes later he arrives back. Well, we are not going to change any of your medications . But I do want you to get your blood drawn for some test. And the best thing to hear is "I'll see you in six months." Now I take my medical folder to the exit nurse, and wait till she goes threw the papers he marked up, double check the lab request and call my name. This process can take anywhere from minutes to hour. I'm lucky in about five minutes I'm called, given my lab copy and told they will send me my appointment. :laughbounce: Congratulations I'm out in record time 11am.
  3. :oops: my fingers hit the wrong keys, I'll try again. I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him Who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me. I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal. Jeanniebean
  4. Donna, :congrats: I have a pray to share with you:I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him Who sent me. I do not have toworry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever H wishes, knowing
  5. Bring in the Autumn. I love Spring and Fall, always have a breeze and temp around 70's. So, my most unfavorable seasons, you guessed it Summer & Winter. You ask why? Well, I'm either paying for A/C or Gas, those bill never get any smaller. My SSI check is gone before I have a chance to buy groceries. So I play with pay this bill this month and so on. I know every one has the same problem. I use to have a pantry pretty well stocked. Now, I buy only what I need. No extras for a rainy day. Cuz everyday seems like a rainy day. Well, off that subject. Back to Autumn weather. This weather can stay till next year. It's 60's in the morning and by noon 70's. Just great for opening the house up and take some deep breaths. Fresh Air!! Now I have to get my A?? in gear and clean up the garden area, see what is going on with the gourds that have grown all up and in between the trumpet vines. The butterfly garden flowers got so tall when it rained they all had to be staked so I can get the flowers to keep blooming hopefully till the end of October. I'm going to hang on to fall as long as I can. &
  6. Sheryl, You had family time that I envy you. You have made a dent in muscel stretching keep up the good work. Jeanniebean
  7. Katrina, Sounds like you have expanded you friends this summer. You have experienced gratitude. Keep up your positive attitude. Jeanniebean
  8. Vacation this year was so much fun I can't wait till 2010. I had the pleasure of meeting and making new friends. I didn't take many picture but others did so when I get copies I'll post them. Dov Fishman was the Master of Ceremony, we had a choice to hear different teachers of God. This was such a spiritual high. Be the Love had all loving participates. Windsor Conference Center in Windsor MD was the most ideal facilitator. The room was small but we didn't spend any time in it execpt to sleep and dress so their was no need for TV. We paid the fee to attend, it included:room, meals (three square meals a day) their was no assigned seating, so you could sit with different people every meal. In the evening we had entertainment. It seems like every one was a comedian. We had people sing and we all got up and dance. Tfhe last night we had a Ice Cream Social. The last day we packed our bags and loaded up the car went to a meditation outside before breakfast. After breakfast we all gathered in the big room. Saying goodbye is sad but collecting emails addresses increased the possibility to keep in touch. Now that I'm home and on my Face Book account I find my friends have increased largely from the friends I met at the conference.
  9. Asha, Things do go the wrong way but I turn it over to the Holy Spirit, and when I receive and answer they I go forward. Things happen and take it with a grain a salt. I try to not let things stress me out. jeanniebean
  10. Karen, Yep those blood thinners, I'm always nicking my self so I know what your talking about. I'm concerned about your health and your dentist should be also. Maybe you should lay off the lemonade, give your teeth a rest.jeanniebean
  11. Terrific Donna, You can do it please just remember to breath when your concentrating on your movements. Your hand released when you laughed. In Appreciate * Gratitude , jeanniebean
  12. Dean, What an journey to take post stroked 3 years. I'm so proud of you. My favorite saying is "use it or loose it" you have taken that to heart. :congrats: . jeanniebean
  13. My weekend up to MD and back was a beautiful spiritual time. We got started a little later than we planned but you have to put the hot coffee in the thermos, frozen water bottles in the insulated bag. Don't forget the fruit I cut up in the refridge. Good thing I made a list and stuck it on the security pad so before setting it I had a check list to use. Carl let me drive for two hours through the state of Va. Carl did most of the driving. Once we entered MD it was so lush, green, big hardwood trees. We made it to the conference center got our name tags and sat down for dinner 6pm. to be continued...
  14. Karen, Good for you. The old saying "practice makes perfect".ake it slow and easy and before you know it you will build up your endurance.
  15. Short term is a bummer, but I have been using the method I us is "everything has a place" and keep repeating. example: My cell phone was always getting lost so I now plug it in to recharge and when it is not on the recharger it's hanging on me. Yes, it takes work but have fun and try one thing like your cell phone and keep up the same routine. After a month add another thing, and keep going by years end your short term memory will improve. Activating those short circuit connections to produce new connections. It's a wonderful process. My husband had a stroke in 2007 and could not remember numbers1-10 so he starting playing solitary on line. WOW what an improvement. I just takes a little willingness to work at it.
  16. August 2009 is finally here. Taking a road trip up to New Windsor, MD for a conference. Be the Love, A Course in Miracles. Were driving up, and have not taken a trip for 9 years. It's taken us this long to both go because the last time we went we were robbed. They (who every they were) took my computer, turned the house upside down, took 2 hand guns, TV, my collection of CD's. I guess they needed more that I. It was a ground floor apartment, with a window in the rear door which is were they entered. It was Super Bowl Sunday. None of the neighbors heard anything. I was in shock but when the police came and starting to get figure prints WOW what a mess that was left. That black stuff you can't get it off. On to more cheerful note, we have a friend that will check in and around our house this time. The bright side is we have OnStar on our vehicle. Directions won't be a problem and if we take a wrong turn we will know right away cuz the voice will come on and let us know, give us directions to get back to the route. Thank God! I won't be the person blamed for wrong turns. We are leaving at 3AM, it will take 11 hrs. We will arrive by dinner time. The car is all gassed up, Carl went to get the car washed (his baby). My bag is packed, clothes are laid out for that early morning wake up. I'll get the coffee machine set up to have coffee ready when we wake. Bought fruit tray for the road, water in the freezer so it will stay cold the whole trip. I am so ready for this road trip. I've never been to MD, new experience.
  17. Bonnie, Great golly girl do you live on a farm? Fruit trees, blueberry plants will produce fruit on second year wood. You had perfect weather for a bountiful harvest. Wow shoe size 17 I didn't know shoes go that far. That's a big boy.
  18. Jeanniebean

    wet feet

    Sue I agree with fking, watch out Ray may get excited. Keeping in touch with your son I suggest having him install a web cam and Skype before he leaves. It's free to talk and see the other person. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean
  19. a R Hummingbirds Cardinals Finches Redheaded/Tuxedo Woodpeckers I love watching the birds outside at my feeders. I've been able to attract all the birds and have seen all but the hummingbird. Their a small bird and do not visit the regular seed feeders. Six years ago I planted three trumpet vine plants. I planted two of them, one on each side of my front sidewalk leading from my house at the front fence. The third one on the right side of the driveway fence. The trumpet blooms are bright orange all along the front fence. I've never seen a hummingbird not until this year! The funny thing is I didn't catch seeing them on a trumpet bloom but in the butterfly garden. We drove in the yard and before exiting the car (me being in the passenger side) looked to my right at my butterfly garden and their the beautiful fluttering era decent green hummingbird, hovering over a bright orange flower. I now know I have attracted hummingbirds! :happydance: :happydance: :i_did_it!:
  20. FOUR O'CLOCKS Me and Carl bought a lot of different plants, bulbs and seeds. This was a plant bought at the Saturday open market on North Highland. A lot of different farmers come to sell their goods. We purchased most of our tomato starter plants from this one organic farmers nursery, the Four O'clock starters were only in a 2 inch pot. I planted this plant in a partially sunny location. The other day I was admiring all my colorful flowers when I noticed this flower. It was a sunny Atlanta day, and I asked myself why is this plants blooms closed? I had it on my mind all day, left to swim and didn't return until after sundown. Pulling into the driveway I noticed the blooms on this plant were open. I guess the night animals need beautiful color too. :roflmao: Check out the photo's, I took one at night (that's the one that is dark with yellow spots). Then their was a cloudy day so I took another photo so you can see the beautiful color blooms (yellow & hot pink).
  21. From the album: Day 2 Butterfly Garden

    Four O'Clocks are close blooms during a sunny day, if it's a cloudy the blooms stay open like after Four O'clock in the afternoon.
  22. Jeanniebean

    Day 2 Butterfly Garden

    Not much to see but the first pic is where all the seed for Butterfly garden and further down is Day Lilly, Asianic Lilly, Dwarf Iris, and a few other plants.
  23. From the album: Day 2 Butterfly Garden

    Four O'Clocks open after the sun goes down. The blooms are like little bells upside down,Yellow and pink.
  24. I agree with you Fred. My husband thought I was just laying in bed watching TV but I was exercising all the time. You have to treat it like a job, dedicated time everyday. He ended up being stroked and now believes I was working everyday. If your depress tell your neurologist, pills aren't so bad you need to say in a good mood. :yikes:
  25. Jeanniebean

    Jeanniebean Front Yard Garden

    Elephant Ears, Caladiums, Lilly's, Caladium, Trumpet Vine