
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Donna, Ditto for me with all the girls comments for you. It's great you get a break and regroup also, hopefully your daughter will gain the understand of responsibility when mom is not around to lean on. Donna this is a chance for you before she gets back to change your mind and only think positive thought of your daughter and you will see the loving daughter you have raised. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean :BashHead:
  2. Katrine, The light that radiates from you give you the light to move forward in you life. Beautiful pic. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean :congrats: on your 20th birthday and Jesse graduating with such high honors.
  3. Jeanniebean


    Wes,First time reading your blog and yes I thank you for putting what date you wrote about your tattoo. Cool! :Clever: what a compliment to Steve Mallory.I love asking people with tattoos what their meaning behind their tattoo is. Most of the time it is personal and it's their interpretation. As for the office xitches (I'll let you fill in the correct letter for the x) you have risen above them and their time will come. Karma prevails. :friends: From my experiences in the office huba the people are not your friend they are just acquaintances.Your story brings back memories of things like that happening to me back when I was working. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean
  4. [bSue, I'm proud of you. You made the right decision. Your mother is not ready to leave you yet but she has lived a long wonderful life. Bless both of you. jeanniebean[/b]
  5. Life a bowl of cherries, most people say they got stuck with the pits. But you got the sweet cherries. Miracles! :cloud9: Kudos to you and Dick. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  6. Butch, I don't know you but I also went back and read your previous blogs. I agree with every ones comments. Turn to your spiritual guidance, is a suggestion. You are blogging about is a crying out for love. I am speaking out of experience. I have been stroked twice, and my caregiver (bless his soul, husband) had to resort to picking a fight with me to enable him to justfy to himself to go and leave me at home alone. I would cry for about 5 minutes then ask my Holy Spirit to help me understand what just went on. After meditating on that question the answer came to me while I was watching a TV program. Answers come to you in many different forms. Mine came in the TV, I was meant to be watching and heard until you walk in my shoes you won't know how the burden hangs on you. Now I am the caregiver, two years after my last stroke and he is the stroke victim. Now we both have deficiency, I want to run away at times but can't drive by myself. As I said I've read your past post and you thanked God. You may think you are not 'religious' but guess what? Yep, you may not be a 'formal religious person' this is just a guess in my amind I getting you look at life methaphysically , Sgmund_Freud says it in Wikipedia The Life and Death Drives. Please keep blogging, remembertolaugh, your therapy is our therapy. Jeanniebean P.S. PM me anytime.
  7. [bMaria, 'bless you child where theirs a will theirs a way and you mustard up and preformed beautifully. Now go to your son's banquet and knock the dead with those gorgeous painted toes,and great smile :friends: remembertolaugjh, jeanniebean! [/b,
  8. Well it has been great day to be outside. Days have breezes, open windows, and enjoying my garden grow. But like a good things must come to and end. Since the month of June the weather has changed to Hot, Humid, windows have to be close and turn on the A/C. I have started back to my inside hobbies, crocheting, cleaning and rearranging my rooms. After receiving my last installment from Social Security I always wanted a laptop. I got my laptop and I purchased a router. I want or need Carl to be out of the house so I am able to constraint. Carl decided to go to the gym and I got to be home alone to install my router. If I screw this up and Carl comes home and can not get on the computer, he will be upset. I read all the directions and see the maker of the router has a 1-800# for techie support. I decided if the number is their why not use it. And I did, the tech walked me through step by step. By the time Carl returned from the gym I was on a network, and I can go any where in the house and use my laptop. I know that my Holy Spirit was right by my side the whole way. I feel pretty proud of myself that with the help I installed my router. Now, Carl's office is more like a storage room so lets see I can take the old computer printer and the old TV set and recycle it at Best Buys. Throw out all the garbage (papers, coffee cups, coke& water bottles)out. I found his new set of chisels, just what I need to fix my broken cane. Now it starting to look more like a office you can step into. The shelves on the wall have two stuffed bass fish. I'll clean them with some white bread and hang them on the wall. (after all they have been their since I moved into this house) WOW! Now I can gather all his gardening, ACIM, other assorted books and put them on the shelves. Carl fixed his comfort, he put a piece of board down so the springs stay down and I think a new piece of foam for his cushion should make his chair bran new. Oh ya I found a rocking chair hidden in the corner that I forgot we owned. All Carl has to contribute is take the shelves that have been stored in the room (and put them up to make my pantry. Once that is done I will wash the floor, give it a wax and Carl will have his office back in use, to do his reading and meditating in. Blogging this way has helped me get something accomplished like cleaning which I get very distracted at. I think that's enough cleaning for today. I ponder about the kitchen which at the moment I can walk into, open the fridge, sit at one chair to do my preparation at and across is the stove and to the right of that on and L shape counter is my sink. Once my pantry is up then I can start moving things off the table (which I have not seen the top of since?). I just need some advice about setting up a pantry. I am going to have 5 shelves, they are 7 inches wide, 45 inches long and they will be 11 inches between them. Now will come the hard part is organizing the can goods. If my mother was still alive she would hit the ceiling at my kitchen as it stands now, yet alone any other part of the house. My mother had her saying "everything has a place and their is a place for everything." It's in me to clean, my mother made sure when I was young how to polish furniture, wash the glass tops to the living room tables. I have not forgotten any of that stuff. Being stroked has effected my brain and memory but like kudzu it never goes away. :roflmao:
  9. Karen, Crying is not a bad thing. When I was stroked I cried for no reason at all, just bust out crying. I ask Holy Spirit why am I doing this and the answer: this is you laughing turned inside out and is healing you. When I went to my Neurologist his answer was I was depressed and needed pills. I chose to believe the Holy Spirits answer. Change your mind every time you start to cry and put the thought of laughter, for laughter is healing. :congrats: for being around to see another Generation.
  10. Cindy welcome to our blog world. We are all hear to support you in you ups and downs. Mom is only being a mom and since you are a mom you know it is only your mom showing how much she loves and cares for you. You wanted advise: have a real heart to heart talk with mom when the time is appropriate. Let her tell you how she is feeling and you tell her how you are feeling. Then give each other a big hug, you both deserve it. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean :whack:
  11. Keep those thoughts positive, for the mind is a very powerful. You proved it to yourself by you legs, so you can do the same for your hand and arm. You can do anything when you put your mind to it. We all are cheering for you. :cheer: :Cheers:
  12. Since so many of you are interested in how I lost the 70 lbs you will all have to wait till I put those thoughts together and put them to paper. But not to let you all hanging and wondering I did work at it.
  13. A new Bra: My back has been bothering me and I feel like I am all hunched over. I've been wearing a front closure bra since my stroke. Now any men reading this might want to stop for this is all girls talk. LOL Post stroke when I started getting out and about I could not hook my regular back hooked bra.So I went to the store to find a front hook and I was satisfied. Now that years have passed I find the urge that after loosing 70 lbs. and getting the use of my arms and shoulders I need a new bra. I was speaking to a lady I meet at the Y and she informed me there was a foundation store close by. The name of new store is Pretty Please. I googled and got directions. Then I told Carl about where it was located so when we are in the area he will take me their. Well the day has finally come. I'm tired of having my boobs laying on my stomach and me getting a heat rash, very painful. I have been fitted up with the right size cup and right size band, no under wire (thank god, I wore under wire bras for 20 years and my arm pits always were being poked.) Yes, I have always been large breasted. I know a bra should fit, and what not to put up with. A bra cost $40 I bought one in beige and ordered on in black. Now I getting to feel normal again. Tell you a little story: My mother and two sisters would all go to the sidewalk sale in Chagrin Fall, Ohio in August. This little town had some pretty exclusive shops. My sisters and mother would head for the foundation shop to get their load of bra's for the year. I am the only one in the family that was big busted and the shops never put any bra's in the sale in my size. My sisters could get 4 to 6 bra's for the price I would pay for one. This was the start of me never liking to shop. I will blog on my total shopping experience later. This is how I shop for bra's.
  14. Sue you sent out a call for love and it was answered. Great. We ask some times too little, friends that are not in the position you are tends to think they are imposing on you. Bless you child for extending your hand.
  15. THANK THE LORD I prevailed! I now know how to post pictures, I posted the pictures from Planting the flower beds at the Emory Rehab Ctr. Everyone scattered when I mention taking a picture so from left to right: Mr.&Mrs. Padgett, Kirk Hines, Sherrill Peoples, me with the off white Newsboy Cap, and Carl with his red Newsboy cap.
  16. Jeanniebean

    Stroke survivors projects.

    Emory Stroke Survivor spring meeting involved Planting flowers in the raised flower beds in the rear of the Rehab Ctr, Atlanta, GA.
  17. Jeanniebean


    From the album: Stroke survivors projects.

    Flower bed behind the Rehab Ctr.
  18. Flustrated I'm first trying to resize my pic. But before that I was trying to upload pic to this site and I keep getting an error. I found you have to pick the size of pic you want when you take the it. I followed the help on the site but something I am missing? I want to attache an album, I figured that but when I upload I don't know. I have pictures that I uploaded to my web page and went the URL to friends, they told me pic are great. So I know I can do it. But, oh when will that be?
  19. BUTTERFLY GARDEN I finally dug up the area in front of my house next to my sidewalk that lead out to the street and the driveway. Part of it is already had Dwarf Iris and Day Lillie's and Asian Lillie's. I have another 6' that is weeds and mud ugly. I turned that over and added compost to break up that Georgia Clay dirt, and added lots of good organic fertalizer all with the help of my very very best friends Mary and Robert. She even put my plastic sides in to hold the dirt in the area and not let the rain that comes down the driveway wash the dirt away. Carl was the master mind behind what to add to the soil. With all of us working together the flower bed was born. Thank God ! Thank Mary, Robert, Al, and Carl. That was enough work for today. Tomorrow I will lay the seed, water and then cover for 7 to 10 days for germination. I'm exhausted today, but I really feel good about what I have accomplished in my yard this year.
  20. I DUG 1 TOO MANY HOLES I've been outside digging holes one after another. After planting at the Rehab Thursday Carl got another bug up (you know where) to go to the nursery and buy more plants. Carl has decided we are going to have in the front yard a butterfly garden. We've got a variety of perennials (cuz I'm not doing this over again next year) and Day Lilly, and Asian Lilly. I avoided going out when Carl went cus I wanted to catch up one reading the news and avoid a confrontation with him to where I think the plants should go vs he thinks. Carl has such a short fuse, the littlest thing kicks him off. So, let him dig holes and plant (he bought, let him plant them :roflmao: I'm just kidding. Well, that did not take long before he calls me outside and wants my opinion. Now is this a trap for me to get engaged in the process and give an opinion or do I just go along with what his idea is and agree with him. I agree with him on everything and offer to dig holes and he can plant and fill up with potting soil. I really did want to come outside and play in the dirt today. Between the two of us we got what we had planted. So off to Lowe's to buy a piece of plywood to fix the porch chair. You guessed it were do we end up but in the nursery and we get more plants. Oh, Carl found a sunny place for my tire to be placed for me to plant my gourds. I'll be able to attache the vines to the front fence so once they get started their won't be any work in keeping them off the ground. Just add them to the watering list. Pray we get enough rain this summer. Our raised bed we have on the side of the house is almost filled up, I have 10 different types of tomatoes, about a dozen different pepper plants, herbs, and I started beets in the house and they will be big enough to plant outside in another week. Out front along the driveway outside of the fence to the street we planted collards. They have been in for 3 weeks and our doing quit nice. Bad news: someone walking past decided to stop and admire but then pulled up our collards and took 6 out of 10 plants with them. :Tantrum: they were still in baby stage, Maybe they could not afford plants and took mine. They could of asked . I'm mad as hell but I have to turn to spirit and say they must of needed them. Go on with my day. That's enough of that. I have not had the stamina to be out digging in the garden for 4 years. This is a passion of mine to grow the things I can go right outside and pick to have for my dinner and to cut beautiful flowers for my table. The joy it brings to my heart. To share what blooms in my yard for other people to experience joy in their lives. The last time I gardened heavy was in '96'. Now that I look back I was declining and did not recognize it. I've been hypothyroidism since '66'. My first stroke doctors estimate was back in '98'. The hole started being dug when I lost my eyesight in my left eye. But all the digging threw my years has sooner or later left me smelling roses. So I use metaphorical the gardening. This is great therapy for the both of us. No upsets, no conflicts, I understanding Carl has some deficits that he is working threw, I'm working on deficits he doesn't have but all and all I rather be happy and joyful than right. (most of the time). :cocktail:
  21. Thanks Sue, It is all an illusion and lol :oops: I just forgot for a moment. Sometimes we humans with the script seam to gravitate and embrace the suffering/pain. Thanks again for reminding me I was letting my mind loose to ramble in the dream.We all have experienced far to little of love. remembertolaugh. Jeannie :laughbounce: :