
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Sue we both feel that we had been blessed that we had strokes. Of course not at first but, as time has gone on we do. Traveling home was slow but we were in no hurry, just wanted to make it home by dark. Jeanniebean:cocktail:
  2. Debbie, What a great adventure day you had together. Getting to share some childhood memories. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  3. Julie, We have a separate part of the street for those kinds of vans at out clinic. Good for Larry on the progress for his hand. Larry's new exercises may spark him to do them at home more often. Has Larry ever smoked? At one point I thought Carl should take a sleep apnea test, for he would stop breathing for 15 seconds every now and then threw the night. Instead the doc sent him for a breathing test and it was all due to him smoking for 40 years but had stopped. Carl stopped smoking 6 years ago. He has no signs of those problems any longer. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  4. It was so great to get away for the weekend even tho it was a half working weekend. Once we got to the fair grounds (Perry, Ga) and emptied our trailer and everyone's else. it was time to sit down for a lunch that was provided for all workers free. Menu: Brunswick stew or Bangladesh peanut soup, cornbread muffin, sweet tea or lemon aid and desert ice cream. That was Friday's lunch. A mini action took place for about 2hrs. Carl and I were blessed, for one of the congregation paid for us to stay in the motel instead of us sleeping in our car. We appreciate that person for their generosity. With a good nite rest behind us it is now the big day Saturday. Morning a pancake and sausage breakfast is being served. The auction starts at 9am till everything is gone. We had allot of small wood items step stool, rocking chairs, nick knacks etc. Those items when really well and at a good price. We also had big items, dinning table and chairs, kitchen tables, entertainment centers. We did not get as much as we thought we should of. (not worth the getting it freight cost. and hauling it down). The handmade quilts fared a pretty good price. Carl and I were in charge of: When the quilt was auctioned at the front stage the winning bidders number was yelled out by the auctioneer, the quilt runners would mark the quilt with the number and bag it and bring it back to us behind the cashier. We would write the bidders number on a piece of paper big and bag the quilt again. Now to keep them in an easy order Carl said instead of putting them by piles of 10's, 2o's -100, we will make 10 piles going by the last digit. For we did not have allot of room under the table. But, his system worked out great. So, when the bidder came and paid for their quilt we just looked it the pile of the last number of the bidders number. :goodjob: I also had a sheet with numbers from 1 to 100 on a sheet and I would highlight the number so I knew I bagged a quilt. If they had bought more than one I just used the slash method, one person bought 7 quilts. :juggle: We also had $$ amount donation auction. We pulled in the dollars on that. :bow: Carl and I thought we would be bringing a empty trailer back NOT! The entertainment center we hauled down in back of the vehicle we had to haul it back to Atlanta for the person that bought it. We also took a table back. The drive to Atlanta I75 the worst. A Sunday early evening you would think (like us) that their would not be traffic. WRONG! DOT is resurfacing I75 North.Know I was not watching the signs for I was crocheting. Carl missed the sign about construction to take 675. So we got stuck in traffic. We took the first available exit and take the back roads to the house to drop off the entertainment piece. :bop:wow finally mad e it, started out at 2pm it is now 7pm and we are not at our house yet. It takes 2hrs. from Perry to Atlanta. We now have to drop off the trailer at the church parking lot. We have just put of a fence with a gate and lock with a combination, O NO I forgot what the number is. I have to call Brenda and thank God she knew it. After dropping of the trailer it's now to home. 8pm home. Now the question before opening the front door is did all the projects get completed by my landlord? Carl rushes in to use the throne (toilet), It's the new Kohler toilet American made Oval seat, 17in. Yeah! Is the kitchen floor patched? Yea yes Now did the shelves get up in the back room No. The dead tree in the front yard still needs to be cut down. So, two out of 4 projects done I'm happy. Time goes fast when your doing the work and their is also more work to be done. Note: landlord advises me to buy American made for when you need parts you will be able to find them.
  5. Thank you for your comments.ear Debbie yes I will rest and take my time. Sue I will not try to do it all at one time. Auction raised the highest this year then any year before. Asha I don't know how to use the microwave timer but I know have a cell phone with a timer. Fred I just went with what was given us and but my trust in the Lord!:You-Rock: Thanks from all! :happydance::cocktail:
  6. The morning started out with picking up the truck and trailer from Linda's house. Carl and I left our vehicle. Off to the storage shed to pick up furniture for tomorrows night auction We all started at 9am. Pastor John decided to swap out the open trailer (double axle )for a enclosed trailer (single axle). Finished loading trailers at 11am. I need to get Carl lunch. In the past week I got the energy to do a lot of cleaning in the house. Since we will be gone the landlord is going to install the new toilet. So I cleaned the floor and threw out all the junk collected and cluttering. Next the kitchen floor needs a few tiles replaced. But last is those shelves that need to go up on the back wall. So I can finally finish the pantry. I had to move the cluttering that was against that wall. And I clean out the butterfly sunflower plants and put mums in. In the beginning of last week we got 3 eggplant to make Eggplant Parmesan. Carl went out for a day on his own and I decided to put that together. I usually don't do the cooking cuz I forget to shut off the gas stove. Carl was surprised when he got home that I made the Eggplant Parmesan and I didn't burn the house down. lol! I usually only do the baking it was a real treat to produce a dinner and not burn the house down all by myself.
  7. Julie I'll let you know. My landlord just installed the same toilet in his own house. Thank you for your condolences. Sue Thank you for your condolences. All the volunteering I hope it has helped, cuz It has done wonders for me and Carl. Fred, Georgia had drought conditions last summer. So I feel for ya. Fred those shots in my knees (thank God) has given me a new life. I've done so much on my feet, it is a miracle. Thank you all remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail::cocktail::cocktail:
  8. It's time to clear the summer crops up and plant the fall crop. The enticement of the barn is coming into sight. The rafters are up. But unable to work on the barn today for we are finally getting some rain. At least we will not have to water the fields today. We got 18 laying chickens and 6 goats. The hens are giving us lots of eggs. CSA's are receiving ½ dozen of eggs in their weekly share. Getting ready to volunteer at the Mennonite Relief Sale, September 16 & 17 at Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry Ga. Lots of handmade quilts, furniture that get auctioned off. Besides we have a craft and bakery table. We are raising funds for Mennonite Central Committee and Christian Aid Ministries. I'm so excited to go for I have not been anywhere this whole year. Carl and I are driving down a open trailer loaded with furniture to be auctioned off. Carl has been having trouble getting down on the toilet in the house. So, I asked the landlord to install a higher one. 14” to 17” I know it will make a difference for Carl he is 6' tall. Landlord has bought it and is going to install it the weekend were gone. Ya! The other thing is the dead tree in the front yard needs to be taken down. For the power lines are in the way and he will have to have the power turned of Maybe he will do that also that weekend. I hope so. Cuz every time a windy storm one or two of the limbs fall. I am celebrating Carl's 67th birthday today the September 5th. I took Carl for a big birthday breakfast Saturday morning. Then across the street for hair cut for both of us and trim Carl's beard. I am so lucky to have Carl still here healthy and well. For the sad news is Carl's younger brother age 65 died 2 months ago. He was single and lived in Hawaii on a piece of land in a container with his dog. He did have one previous heat attack. He was living out his dream. He was a furniture maker, the 1800 century way. We hadn't heard from him so we called the police to check on him. Police said he must have been dead two weeks. Carl is a little distraught over this news. Carl's younger Paul went to Hawaii to settle his affairs and cremate the body and spread ashes over his land and bring some back. It's time to clear out the sunflower stocks and plant some mums. It's been fun watching the bird feeder. There are lots of young cardinals, mommy cardinals feeding baby cardinals. The woodpeckers young are showing up. It's time for me to put out the suet block. remembertolaugh :cocktail:
  9. Fred, Down her in Georgia we have been back to school a couple of weeks now. Just when you get kids into a routine they have a holiday. Oh well! Fred with your sense of humor I can't believe you ever get tired. Were all praying for everyone traveling on this holiday and of course all our military serving for our freedom. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail: (I'm at home and not planning to drive) lol
  10. Jim's wife, Welcome to our site. I'm a stroke survivor 2005, two years later hubby has a stroke 2007. We both have our emotional problems, and still healing from our strokes. My husband did not understand what I was going threw until he had his stroke. We have to be more patient with each other. example: I can't decide at last minute to change were I want to go once we made plans. He gets confused easily he also has aphasia. Be kind your husband brain has been short circuited . remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  11. Julie, Therapy is pretty much the same. If Larry didn't catch on and get results this time you need to step in and have a talk with the therapist. Sometimes the manager need to get into the picture and guide the tech. I did it with Carl's speech therapist and the the manager took him as his patient. Since I've been on both sides I understand stroke survivors may not be able to express feelings correctly. A therapist is just that, they have never been in the position of a stroke. We as caretakers need to oversee. Good luck. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  12. Leah & Jerry, Pray is with you, around you, and walking with you 24/7. He takes you by the hand and walks with you, all you have to do is ask for his help he will guide you. Love Jeanniebean:cocktail: remembertolaugh
  13. Lydia it is good to forgive and mend fences and move on with a family relationship. I am happy for you in your reuniting with family.remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  14. Julie, Belated Happy Birthday! It's good to hear that Larry is paying attention to your beautiful nose is healing. lol! It's good to hear son is putting his feet in to help you out. I use to love Macaroni for it's spaghetti and clam sauce, I wish they would put it back on the menu. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  15. Julie, You were quick to get the plate number and have success, but I know the new vehicle is never the same. Who isn't hot in the USA. I had to look and see where were from. I thought AZ but it's 100 in MO. WOW. Here in Georgia when we get up in the 90's it's so humid feels like 120. When the sun hits you skin you think it's on fire. But, enjoy the heat cuz cold winter is just around the corner and you'll be shoveling snow. lol, lol remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:
  16. Ruth, What a great team effort. I'm glad to hear that you are getting your exercise in. I notice if we stroke our spouses ego's of appreciation, in turn they go so much easier with the routine. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  17. Fred, I agree with your opinion. The people we vote in to work for us are not working for the people, instead they are working for their own agenda. We all need to assert our vote and vote those men and women out. If we are to progross as a Country people of the country need to work as a team. The republicans and democrates are working against each other, no matter who sits in the white house. Did a basketball team work together to score and win a game, YES. What's wrong with our goverment. People have no place to work and make a living, enabling them to feed their family, cloth them, put a roof over their heads. I don't know what percentage of service men and women alone are homeless. Now the space trips are going to depend on another country? WOW! I'm descused with our county, land of the free, home of the give it away!!! remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  18. Thank you Debbie, Sue and Fred for your loving comments. I believe helping others is yelping yourself. remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail:
  19. You have gone threw some challenges, you've graduated from college. At 22 you are a grown young lady. Can make decisions on your own I understand. But parents especially dad will always worried about you whether you live at home or on your own. Fred right have a talk with your mother let her plant the seeds of giving you space. I'm 56 now and at 20 my father bought a house trailer and had me live their. At 25 I moved closer in and apartment. Every place I lived I would see my father driving pass. He never knew I seen him. I was daddy's little girl. I was the last kid out of four. As I look back I wouldn't of had his ways any other way. So parents don't know how to show their love any other way, that was my fathers way. Your 22 and have allot time to be a grown up. Don't rush is. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  20. About the Farm: Carl takes the back roads to Mr. Parks grocery store. The store is owned by a little Korean man. He carries some unusual products plus he is less expensive than the Big known grocery stores. Back to Carl taking the back roads, one day in spring on his grocery run passing the Mennonite Church his curiosity peaked. He drove threw the parking lot. Carl came home and picked me up and we went to ask questions. See Carl with his aphasia when talking w new people and to keep his illustration down wants me to ask the questions. No mind you this is May of this year 2011. We get to the Mennonite Church and I notice they have potatoes growing out front. They are having a plant sale. There is pretty sparse choice. We meet the Pastor, Pastor John. He explains to us they are a CSA Community Supported Agriculture Farm. That means you can buy shares, the shares go like this: for $ amount all seasons every week you will pickup a portion of what ever crops are producing. Another way $ just Spring season, or just summer or fall. Or the one we chose was all seasons every other week. John told us about the open farmer markets we could find the farmer running the farm at to sign up for shares. The following Thursday we went to the Market and found the farms stand and met Cece the farmer and her helper Angela. After we sign the agreement and put a forth of the total $ amount to secure our share, the women we call farmers told us they needed volunteers to harvest, weed and many other outside as well as inside jobs done. Our expectations of what we are capable of doing is to be seen. Carl and I decided we will volunteer for what ever the farmers need help with. They put us out in the fields picking snap beans. It's hot and not as fun as you can image. But, we wanted to do it. On out second time out Carl got to pick beets and I picked turnips. In the middle of harvesting Carl need to make a run to the store (to this date I don't know why) lol. In the mean time I'm walking threw the fields to the school to re-leave my self when stepping over one of the water hoses OOOOPS down I went. One minute I was standing erect the next I'm meeting the ground. I get up brush my self off and continue. Well low and behold Angela seen me walking and then she said you were gone. ?????? She rushed over when I reappeared making sure I was ok. After talking we had ourselves a good laugh. (everyone needs to laugh more). Well with that happening Angela sent me inside to work. And from then on Carl and I became the inside volunteers. The farmers like that they can rely on use showing up when we are suppose to, know what were to do. We count, weight, and batch the harvest. Now Angela asked us if we wanted to work our share off. Of course, I jumped on that. As of today our volunteer hours have added up that are share is paid up. But we are going to still volunteer cuz it's fun, Carl gets to talk alotttttt. Great therapy for him and I can see how happier he is. l Last week 6/20-24 Pastor John and Brenda a Elder of the church had Peace camp for 12 kids. Pastor John asked for use to help and we did but this week I'm tired. I am enjoying being so mobile this summer 6/2011. I couldn't have done it without the shots and therapy for my knees. God has blessed both of us which has in turn enabled us to give back to those less fortunate . Pastor John is a part-time Pastor for the Berea Mennonite Church in East Atlanta. Pastor Johns full-time job is property manager to pay off his law education. He married a Mennonite women and they had a beautiful baby girl 6 months ago. She is such a happy baby, always smiling. I had to make some booties for her. Sunday we go to bible class before services. About 8 people plus us and we discuss the readings for the services. It's been very interesting for me cuz I grew up Roman Catholic and never understood the bibles writing. I've heard the stories but gotta say really never understood. It's the Fourth of July 2011. I'll be watching fireworks on PBS with music. I enjoy them that way, no bugs, a/c, food if I want, and no crowds to put up with. But, I will be able to see the fireworks downtown from Centennial Park just sitting in a chair in my own driveway! I'm looking forward to both ways maybe I'll build a fire in our portable fire pit. That should keep the bugs at bay. Well Happy Fourth of July to all. Be safe. Half of the summer is over. Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail::cocktail::cocktail:
  21. Jeanniebean

    Berea Meninite Farm

    Fields fill with veggies to be harvested. Farmer Angela preparing veggies for Market. Patty Pans grown on farm.
  22. Jeanniebean


    From the album: Berea Meninite Farm

  23. Jeanniebean


    From the album: Berea Meninite Farm