
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Jeanniebean
    Here in Atlanta Georgia March 2011 came in like a lamb weather wise. Got out in the yard and raked up all the leaves, cleaned the flowerbed and put fertilize in to increase nutrition of soil. I won't plant in that bed until we have a good rain, penetrate the soil.
    Were doing something different this year for the veggie garden.
    Carl has been lugging around the bed frame of a water bed for some 10 years.
    I have made a garden box 72” x 84”. Went to the county for free mulch and filled it up. Oh, BTW we set it up in our front yard. We dumped all the pails ofdirt that we used last year as our container garden on top. Have fertilized and will leave it sit until we have a penetrating rain also.
    I cleaned the flower bed along the driveway next to our neighbor. Removed all the weed vines that intertwine on our fence from our neighbor.
    I'll spray weed kill after it rains.
    The next door neighbors lot runs from the street behind up to our street. So we have their back yard. The lady that owns the house moved north and rented it out.The renters only cut the grass close to the house (I've asked they didn't respond).
    So, we have a beautification problem next door. I tolerated it last year, this year I reported it to the code enforcement. I'm not being mean or upset about it, but I would love to see the Hosta plants and Red Cannon flowers that are so beautiful
    The landlord stopped by to get my list of problems he needs to fix. I need the roof swept off, so I showed the landlord the leaks I have in my bedroom (discoloration on the ceiling from last years down pores.) So, he cleaned off the roof. Now I can clean the front flower bed. My outside space is looking pretty good. I have one more space in front of the driveway.
    I got my excise, fresh air and sunshine. More to come. Saturday and night is rained slow and steady.
    Update on Carl: he is practicing his list and putting it into action talking at the coffee shop.
    Pictures will be coming soon.
  2. Jeanniebean
    I was out all day running around doing this and that of course
    with Carl. Had lunch out
    at a Chinese restaurant, it was
    inexpensive and good. Then we stopped
    at the nursery Carl
    needed some organic fertilizer and I found
    nothing. But, looking for my Mexican
    Sunflower seeds. So Carl stopped at
    our True Value Hardware store and low
    and behold they had
    my seeds. :Clap-Hands:Stopped at the coffee house,
    have a cup of Joe and chat with friends.
    After all that in a day, and I was to lazy
    to go exercise this morning at the Y it's
    time to go now.
    I hit the whirlpool first, so to ease the pain
    in my knees. It was so peaceful until I
    their was a ruckus in the pool. The lifeguards
    are emptying the pool. I really didn't think
    about it at the time. Next I head towards the
    pool and that's
    when the lifeguard stopped me and informed
    me that the pool
    is CLOSED. UGH:ranting:I asked why. Answer:
    a four year old pooped in the pool. State
    law states pool has to be closed and vacuumed.
    so I was told. No exercise for me tonight.
    When I got home I was courtesy what the
    CDC states. I found that when fecal in form
    stool, remove stool, close pool and the
    chlorine will clean over a 24hr. period. But
    if it was a diarrhea,
    now the pool should be closed for a week
    because the fecal matter germs is exposed.
    Now that I've found the information from
    the CDC I will inquire about what kind of
    fecal the incidental matter was.
    I'm glad to learn about what is to happen
    when a incident happen as such.

  3. Jeanniebean
    Today was a successful day. Carl had his first speech
    appointment. Carl's therapist (Scott) is the head of
    speech therapy. Scott had two identical papers with
    sentences, one he gave to Carl to read off of and
    mark on problems he felt he had. And Scott marked
    on his copy problems he heard. Scott wanted to make
    sure both of them are one in the same understanding.
    Carl has trouble with th, sc, two constants together, the
    sounds of V, F. Carl wants to put the tongue in motion.
    Scott had Carl put his figures in his ears. Then read
    sentences with words he has problems with.
    I was sitting their and I could understand every
    word he said. That's a good thing.
    Scott gave Carl homework. I have homework also,
    I have to record words for Carl to work by himself.
    See Carl knows when he makes a mistake so he has to
    self correct himself. Self correcting ones self
    reinforces the positive not the negative. Scott also
    is going to have Carl work on his speed of his
    speech. He's slow now so the can get all the
    syllables of words out.
    We left the therapy feeling very promising that in
    six weeks Carl will be speaking with more fluency.

  4. Jeanniebean
    Sunday was a wonderful day. Started out waking up to the birds in full voice.
    Then Carl and I watch the Sunday morning political shows. In the mean time
    I was thinking about what to make for breakfast, when Carl send lets go out.
    I of course agreed. Carl took me to a new restaurant, Landon's. It was great.
    we were their for brunch, you had your breakfast items, and you dinner items.
    I tried everything, I didn't have to eat the rest of the day. :Clap-Hands:I'm a little
    late for wishing but hope everyone had a beautiful Valentines Day:friends:.
  5. Jeanniebean
    I awoke this morning refreshed, the sun was coming up. The birds
    were having a field day at the feeders. My two favorite birds are
    Cardinals and Red Headed Woodpeckers. I have many other birds
    but those are the prettiest this time of year.
    Today I'm going to stay at home and work on my computer network.
    I installed my D-link router a year ago. It was really easy, after all
    they have a 1-800 technical help step my step. Any one can do
    it, all you need is common sense. Well, my desk top is the main
    computer and the printer is connected to it. So now I want to
    get my laptop which I have on the Network but I need to
    figure out how to print from my laptop. I first sent prints
    to the printer, the problem is it's not printing. I have been
    reading all day Microsoft, Windows, D-link sites. I turned
    on the share programs still no printing. I was going to
    problem solve this, it recognized the printer on the laptop so I
    know I have internet connection. But it was not reaching the
    other computer on the network. After doing all this reading
    I came across the word (PORTS). My laptop didn't have the
    same ports as the main computer. I printed off the main
    computer so I could see what port the printer was printing off
    of. I added the new local port USB2. Now I'm watching
    the print ques has 3 and now 2 and last 1. My printer is
    in the another room. :sword:
    Hurray for me! Now I can print from my Laptop.
    Working on computers is like a puzzle without the
    visible pieces in front of you. I exercised my brain
    today have you?
  6. Jeanniebean
    After watching the View on TV Carl
    brought up the age old question
    "What's for lunch, where do you
    want to go?". I just
    wanted a sandwich. Carl wanted to go
    out but did not know
    what he wanted to eat. So, I put my
    thinking hat on and
    came up with No.1 Chinese Buffet. I read
    about this place
    $5.50 for lunch+10% senior discount. But
    it is a drive north
    45 minutes, 29 miles. A foodie will go far for food. :laughbounce:
    I got dressed not paying attention to
    what Carl was doing.
    When I was ready to walk out the door
    Carl was at the computer playing cards.
    I did my duty and called the place
    to make sure the Google map directions
    were correct.
    (that's my responsibility, Carl's is does
    the driving).
    The drive up their was really nice since
    the sun was out and
    the temp was 40 degrees. The buffet was
    really nice, allot of fresh veggies (which I love).
    Carl got his favorites and soup.
    We sat to eat, 10 minutes later Carl
    announces he left the stove on. I asked
    "what's on the stove". Carl says "I have
    a sauce pan with the honey bottles in water
    " then he adds " I lowered the flame down
    and put more water in it".:bop:
    It's not going to have any water in it for
    how long were gone. Finish up lunch, we
    need to head back home and, hope the
    house doesn't burn down. Well, that ruins
    the rest of the afternoon.
    Heading back will take us about 1 hour,
    and maybe more cuz it's Friday and traffic
    is bad. On the way back we must of got
    every slow, undecided drivers on the road today.
    We pulled in the driveway, the house is still
    standing (at least in the front) The kitchen is
    in the back of the house. We open the door,
    both wondering what we would find. The
    sauce pan has no water, one of the honey bottles broke
    open and honey was boiling in the pan around the other 2 bottles.
    I removed the bottles from the sauce pan. The
    honey was just starting to burn, I filled it with
    water put it back on the heat.
    Once it remelted I stirred it they poured the hot
    water out and put cold water in and it became
    brittle and, all came out of the pan.
    I was upset at Carl:ranting:, for if it was me that
    had done what he did he would have yelled at
    me all the way home. I'm really happy:happydance:
    that the house didn't burn down. I just spent 2
    days cleaning the top of the stove. So, I'm glad it
    didn't over flow. From now on I'll have to do a
    double check before walking out the door.
  7. Jeanniebean
    I did a cleaning of my bedroom. I came across a pair of clog shoes.
    I use to wear them all the time before I was stroked. After I have only warn
    flat shoes, saddles, tennis shoes for 10 years. The clogs are kinda flat
    but they have a incline. I was deciding if I will that them for a spin.
    I took them for a spin, wore them when Carl and I when out to
    lunch. Everything was fine until we started back home and Carl spotted
    a restaurant he wanted me to get out and check it out and get
    a to go menu.
    Carl pulled up in front of the restaurant and I jumped out. Walking towards the
    door, had one step up on to the sidewalk ????? Down I went, like a board
    standing reject straight up now flat down. My sisters gave me
    a cushion in the front, poor Thelma and Louise is what I name them. :roflmao:
    Before Carl could get out of the car and help me, I got myself
    up and brushed myself off. I rearranged my hat and continued
    into the restaurant. Got a to go menu, looked over the food. It was
    a pizzeria, they make calzones, all kinds of different pies as in meat pies.
    Now about the fall I have to ask myself why? I thought I picked up my foot
    to step up. I'm sorting this out and I come to the conclusion that I didn't pick
    my foot up high enough. When wearing my flats I shuffle my feet. So wearing
    the clogs is going back on the shelf. I'll stick to my flats.
  8. Jeanniebean
    I'm a person who was raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio is a pleasant place to reside, for you
    have 4 seasons. Spring, snow has melted, slushy streets are dry, wash your windows, put the
    storm windows up and pull down the screens, finally get to wash your car and it stays clean
    for longer than a day. Summer, swimming in outdoor pool. Plant the vegetable garden and
    erect the 6 foot fence to keep out the rabbits, deer, and any other critter that thinks the garden
    was planted for them. HA! It's so nice to be outside in fresh air, no heavy coats to wear, no more
    having to shovel the snow off the 50ft driveway so my dad can get in and out of the driveway. Also,
    so the Heating Oil truck can make a delivery. Standing out in the cold at the end of the driveway
    waiting for the school bus. The birds are arriving, robins pecking at the ground finding a worm, making
    nests in the trees. Memories....... We did not have A/C, got hot you went down in the
    basement. They didn't build houses with A/C. Fall, is one of those seasons that is beautiful, very
    colorful, different shades of reds, yellows, oranges, browns, greens. But, the trees lost their beauty
    the closer we came to winter. Winter season is how you look at it and make of it. When you’re a kid
    LOVE winter. Sledding on the back yard incline. Ice skating at the neighbors back yard pond. First
    you had to shovel the snow off. memories....You go play with your friends, bundled up, and stay
    outside for hours, nose is rosy, mittens are wet figures cant' feel them any longer. Now time to
    come in, take all the wet cloths off. Put clean dry.... clothes on. Sit in front of the fire and good old
    mom makes hot coco with marshmallows for us all. memories....
    That was the first 12 years of my life living in the country, with 2 older sisters and one older brother.
    Yes, I'm the baby of the family. memories......
    The big move to the city! From a big house, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, living & dinning rooms,
    eat in kitchen, huge basement finished on 3 acres of land. To a town house, 3 stories. walk in
    the back ground level is a basement finished. Second floor was Kitchen, Dinning & Living rooms.
    Third floor, three bedrooms and 1 bathroom. ugh!
    I started this post on Jan. 13 my fathers birthday. Today is Feb 3rd watching the weather channel where
    the big snow storm, blizzard, hit most of the country. Atlanta is having a windy day but is to going to
    reach the 50's.
    For awhile I was unable to get on the site so I started writing this in Word program. I will copy & paste
    this in and will continue doing my blog this way, for I hate when I start my post and hit the wrong key
    and loose the post. Till another post bye all.
  9. Jeanniebean
    I finally get a appointment. It has been a year and half. My appointment kept being canceled and rescheduled . I was seeing my Primary Care doctor so I was in good hands. My Primary doctor is from India, she is a women doctor her name is Ahuja pronounced Hoosier. As in the Indiana high school football team. Dr. Ahuja is and intern, this is a teaching hospital. Now it is time for her to move on and she tells me she will be interning in the Cardiac clinic. All I have to do is specified her since it has been so long that I am not assigned to another intern. The scheduler was saying I was already assigned to a new intern, but I had not been seen by that doctor therefor they could schedule me to Dr. Ahuja.
    The day of the appointment, get weighted loss 3 lbs. Take BP, 90/176. They use those machines and every-time this is the kind of reading that results. Dr. of course says we have to look at your prescriptions. I take my BP at home and it has been running 76/132. Dr. had to scrounge up the big cuff and take it manually. I know that I need my BP taken with a big cuff. I makes the difference. From now on I'm refusing the machine, I requesting the manual.
    Dr. looks at my last lab results, TSH is low. I'm on Levothyroxine 300mcg daily. This is a high dose, but I had a goiter taken out at the age of 12. The growth was wrapped around my wind pipe. So this is why I'm on the supplement.
    My cholesterol numbers look out of whack. When the thyroid numbers are off every thing else is off.
    Result, get a blood test on an empty stomach. So since I eat my oatmeal for breakfast I'll have to get it taken in the morning. Dr. will call me if my meds need changing. Otherwise I'll be back for another appointment at the end of the month. I'll get my flu shot and be good for a month. The only other thing she wants me to do is record my BP numbers and bring it with me. I'm a happy camper.:thumbsu::thumbsu:
  10. Jeanniebean
    Wishing you good luck and prosperity in 2011!
    History of the Tradition:
    According to southern tradition, eating Black-eyed Pea(s) on New Year's Day will bring good Luck and Prosperity in the coming year. The tradition began during the Civil War when General William T. Sherman and his troops marched from Atlanta to Savanah destroying everything in their wake. Everything EXCEPT the black eyed peas.
    The troops believed cattle, not people, were the only ones who ate black-eyed peas. After the War, black eyed peas were the only source of food in the South. The peas saved thousands from starvation and gave the South a Second Chance. Since New Year's Day 1866, Peas have represented regrowth.
    In this spirit of tradition, a portion of the proceeds from te sale of every bag of Peas For Prosperity are donated to charities dedicated to helping people who need a Second chance in life.
  11. Jeanniebean
    Christmas in Atlanta, Ga. Ended a day long of rain to sleet to SNOW! It's been just about one hundred years since it snow in Atlanta on Christmas day.
    It's the last week of the year. My Christmas eve was wonderfully spent with my girlfriend and her big family. Mary (my girlfriend) is also originally from Cleveland, Ohio as I am. My friends, what friends I have are all up in Ohio. So, Mary is a later in life friend that are blessed and meant to cross life's paths. We have a strong bond as if we were friends since childhood. I have seen Mary's 6 children grow up and some marry and have their children. Mary's friends have become my friends, which I had none when I moved to Atlanta, Ga in 1989. That's what I call spending Christmas with the people you love and hold dear to your heart.
    So, Mary and I grew up with snow, snow. Snow starting just after thanksgiving, covering the ground, having to wear a heavy winter coats and BOOTS for the next three months. Ug! Don't miss it. That's why northers gravitate to Florida for the winter thinking it will be warmer and a lot more sunshine. Snow is great if you are a kid and on Christmas vacation, to play in and with it. Make a snowman, lie down in the snow, stretch out your arms and legs, move then back and forth, making a snow angle. Everyone is a kid, a kid at any age to have a good old snowball fight.
    As to end this post, snow has triggered memorizes of my childhood.
    Holidays with my family, my oldest sister Ann, then my only brother Paul, my deceased sister Gail 14 years ago(may she rest in peace). My brother one year for my parents wedding anniversary had our old 8mm movie camera film put on dvd. I have a copy of that dvd. Seeing all us kids in the yard playing. My brother shoveling snow off our long driveway, I mean long. So dad could pull up to the house. Paul new he better clear the driveway so dad won't get stuck. (dad had a temper and not any of us wanted to get dad upset).
    I just want to insert: This blog may not flow for any one else to follow but it's what is coming to my mind in memories of snow.
    My mother use to put me in a snow suite just like in the movie “Christmas Story” I looked like Ralph's brother . That movie was made in Cleveland, Ohio, the west side. Houses are next to each other, with hardly any yard, that's why kids played in the street. I lived on the east side, considered the country. Peoples houses sat on 3 to 5 acres of land. As threw kids eyes the inside of this house was huge, the driveway was long. When it snowed it was white as far as you could see, like when you look across the blue ocean.
    I never expected to be disabled at such an early age but, I sit wrapped up in my afghan and looking outside and enjoying the neighbors walking their dogs, the birds coming to the bird feeder.
    A hot toddy in my hand. That's my memories of memories of Christmas 2010. remembertolaugh, Jeannie
  12. Jeanniebean
    Been hitting the home made wine. Dang is that smooth. It's like drinking bourbon. I'll take a little nap before we take off for Marys house to celebrate Christmas with her whole family. Their all staying over, 18 of them. Looking forward to see the kids opening their gifts. Christmas is for kids. So, until my next post all threw the night. Santa was to my house already, my landlord brought us a bag of red delious apples. yum! He delivers a bag of apples to every tenant of his. .*★Merry★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
    •。★Christmas★ 。* 。
    ° 。 ° ˛˚˛ * _Π_____*。*˚
    ˚ ˛ •˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
    ˚ ˛ •˛• ˚ |田田|門| ˚And a Happy New Year•˚ *★ ♥ x ♥
  13. Jeanniebean
    I don't carry a purse over my shoulder, instead for years I carried a change purse in my pocket. Now that I use a cane I have only one hand free. My change purse is a little bigger than a credit card. It holds my credit cards, the money I "don't have", and the change, "is all I have" lol :yukyukyuk:
    Carl and I were out and about and stopped for lunch at a new place for lunch. This was a Chinese like you find in the mall. Great lunch and very inexpensive. Took half of it home for later. I got up to as usual to use their restroom. After that we left. On to our next stop, the chiropractor for Carl. After Carl was taken in for his adjustment I reach for my cange purse and "it's not their in my pocket" Oh no did it fall out of my pocket at the resturant, do we have to drive back their. At that moment It cam to me I have the reciept I'll have a phone number and call them first. :Clap-Hands: ya! They found the change purse on the floor after we had left.
    Carl is upset with me for loosing my change purse. But, I'm also mad at my self for misplacing my change purse.
    Carl drives back to the restaurant. Carl is upset with me but wants me to figure out how I can stop from loosing my change purse.
    Carl is right and I think a hardware store would have those round cylinders that you can hang on your pants and had a retractable change and you won't loose your keys every again.
    Problem solved. It's called a key reel. I can just pull out my keys out of my pocket while it's still attached to my pants by a clip. I can start the car, open the front door and my keys retract.
    This is great. This problem has been a pain in my a**. No more. I have to thank Carl for his help to solving this problem of mine which in turn ending up being his problem for he had to drive me. We have been both blessed. Happy Holidays!
  14. Jeanniebean
    Saturday my girlfriend Lucia gave a wonderful party. It was to bring a dish and her husband Dave smoked a beef roast, she supplied the drink. What a night. We sang Xmas songs and danced. It was so much fun. Now I'm in the Xmas spirit. :happydance:
  15. Jeanniebean
    I received my gas bill last week. To me recieved it late to pay for this month. Why you ask, I'll tell you. I get paid by SS the second Wednesday of the month. Sometimes that falls in the second week of the month by the 10th of the month. Other times it could fall the third week of the month, somewhere around the 19th of the month. So once I'm paid it goes back out to my bills that have come in and their is no more money for any more bill paying just my food. Got to have some money for food, food stamps only gives me $16 a month. WOw! ( let the government live on $16).
    Back to figuring how I am going to pay this $156 by due date of 12/2910. Let me insert that's when I noticed I had a late charge of $10 from last month. I called customer service, I explained my perdicument to them but at no avail couldn't help me, I asked for my billing date to be changed, they said they have no way of doing that, it all comes from when the readings are entered. Seeing that I was not getting anywhere I requested to speak to their supervisor. After waiting for 10 minutes on hold the supervisor tells me the same answer. So, I asked for their supervisor and (I didn't expect this answer so have a good laugh as I did)they said "they don't take phone calls". lol! In the mean time I have to find where I can get H.E.A.T. Assistance. I went to a Community Action Location in my county but they said they were all out of funds, come back January 4th 8:30am they will start taking applications again. This is well and good. As the day goes on I find myself feeling their has got to be other places taking application. I sit down at my computer and go searching. BINGO! Found a place just down the street from me, I called and she asked what county I was in, Dekalb I responded. She answer this is for Fulton I need to go to the place I was just to. This didn't sit well with me. I jumped into the car and drove over to check it out. Picture this- this long hallway in at the middle is receptionists she asked me what county I was in, Dekalb and directed me to the left, the women behind me said Fulton and directed her to the right. Aha! the person on the phone was wrong. I proceeded to the room and sat down. Other women came in holding numbered tickets and asked what number was next. I didn't have a number so I was told they are threw for the day come back on Friday at 8:30am when they will start again taking applications. That was Wednesday, I asked her why not Thursday and she said she'll be at another location. I asked her what location, and she said you really want to know and with a laugh from both of us I said YES. She said the location that has posted not taking application till January 4th. I then said to her they told me they are out of money. She they said "I guess I'll see you Friday" This location is for seniors only. Good thing I'm a senior.

  16. Jeanniebean
    I got to the Community building just at 8:30am this morning. I was #11. Women were talking that they were waiting on the back side of the building and the security guard let them in before 8:30. The application takers(their was 2) comes in the waiting room gives out numbers and tells us to have out and ready you income, utility bill, social security card. I was a happy camper cuz I've got a number and it's 8:30 I should be out by 11 am. If not I'll have to come back after lunch. My number was called at 10:15. She was very pleasant but she was horse from all the talking she has been doing. After signing off on all the application papers and being explained how much will be applied to my bill $31o.oo the processing will take 6 to 10 weeks. You still need to continue paying your bill. The application-Your signature on te application certifies that all income and household information is correct. Should it be determined tat these statements are false, you will be subject to a $1,000.00 fine and benefits will not be paid. (like our government has time to research every person to find they gave false information.)Those looking for help for LIHEAP check on the internet for Partnership for Community Action Inc./your county/state
    The senior citizens and disabled application first and about half way threw the season they open it to the general public. If you need help also look up United Way in your state.
    I am now waiting for the application from the telephone company for senior citizen and those on food stamps for what they call the lifeline.
    I'll get a % of my bill off and I have my internet from them also and I will get an upgrade in the speed. :juggle: yippee!
    I also accomplished calling the doctors and getting Carl and I appointments that I have put off.
    I feel pretty good today that I've accomplished allot this week. When you get the monkey off your back you can feel much lighter.
    remembertolaugh, Jeannie
  17. Jeanniebean
    Carl and I went out to lunch the other day, Chinese buffet. Carl likes this place cuz he can fill up at lunch. We had a very enjoyable lunch, getting Carl to have a conversation.
    He brought up asking the MD doctor he wants to go back to speech therapy. His deficit from his stroke is Aphasia. Aphasia is just not speech but also reasoning, answering question like yes for no. I try making it a joke to lower his frustration for the mix up answers. He wants to speak words not practicing the alphabet. So until we go to therapy I am going to be writing words that he has trouble speaking. Some- soup, learn.
    Miracles do happen you just have to believe. Well, it appeared right in front of us. Their laying on the floor a $50 bill. No one walking past us or sitting near us. Carl looked at the floor, then I looked at floor, then we looked at each other and the Lord said "Pick it up, Now". in a soft low voice. I believe when you can be think in the right mind and shutting out the ego clatter miracles can occur. :Clap-Hands: I was blessed.
  18. Jeanniebean
    The weather outside is frightful.Atlanta Georgia had flurries Sunday. My husband who is from California asked me what he was seeing what do they call it and why. I being from Cleveland Ohio said when the snow comes down light and fluffy that is called flurries. When you can't see in front of you it's called blizzard condition.
    Today we have gusting winds 9 degrees outside at 12pm. Other wise it's 23 fringed degrees. I don't own a winter coat to keep me warm in this. I'm going out for lunch and going to put my crotchet hat and scarf, 3 layers of sweat shirts, sweat pants, 2 pairs of socks, and going to wear my leather gardening gloves. What do you think, will I be warm enough?
  19. Jeanniebean
    Winter has come and It does not make me a happy camper. I'm now spending more time on the computer searching. Found a wonderful site.Eating Well it has all kinds of recipe and healthy items to read about check it out. [/size]
  20. Jeanniebean
    Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Holidays are not my favorite time of the year.
    I have no family hear. It's just another day.
    The other week my vehicle was broken into again. They broke the rear driver side passenger window.
    Their was nothing in the car worth taking. Went and got it repaired. Carl decided to get a chain and lock
    for the fence and lock the gate every night . I just don't understand why thieves do this.
    I thought having privacy windows it won't happen again. I was wrong.
  21. Jeanniebean
    I'm tired now that I typed out my post and lost it with one of my fingers hitting the wrong key and poof it's gone. I'm not blaming the program, I know it's the user. I'm just venting cause I don't have the energy to remember what I typed I'm just venting. thanks for reading.
  22. Jeanniebean
    Hurray! Another day spent at the car dealer. The car is put on the diagnosis machine and now we wait. I'm expecting should take an hour. Ha! It's now another hour, by the third hour were both hungry.
    I search out the manager, he gives us a choice 1.get a rental 2. they could shuttle us to where we wanted to eat then when we are finished and they will pick us back up. I choose the second option.
    Their is a family Mexican restaurant that serves a buffet fr $5.99. Service hours are 11-3. Being 1:30 already and didn't have breakfast we are both famished. Were in no hurry because I'm hoping the car will be finished.
    Pulling into the dealer their sits our car ready to go. It was some electric whatever they called it. Had nothing to do with the original problem but, when you do such an extensive gutting under the hood you just never know what can occur after they put it all back together. The best thing was it was all under warranty.
    The service man tells me I will receive a survey like the example on the back of my paper work and fill it out like you see it satisfactorily, call him when I mail it and he will send us two free oil change services. I'll do it, I'm happy.
  23. Jeanniebean
    This all started back in January 2010. I received a recall notice on my Saturn Vue that is a 2008, that I bought used in 2009. This vehicle has been running beautiful, after all I traded in a 12 year old car. Back to the recall notice. It read something about the heater core and pressures from hot to cold would fail. It stated I have until 2011 to bring in to a dealer. I put the letter aside and said one day.
    About a month ago Carl said to me something is happening with the car, the windshield is fogging in the middle of a hot summer day. I finally stopped one evening on the way home at our neighborhood mechanic. Well, it was not good news. I told him about the windshield fogging and the smell of antifreeze. The mechanic didn't even have to look under the hood he new what it was. Sound like your heater core, to replace you have to take the dashboard out and it is about a 3 day repair and here comes the bad news $600.00. WOW!
    Armed with this news I returned home and told Carl. Let me insert the Carl did not take it in because with his aphasia his clarity of words for people is like him having to play surraides. Carl reminds me of the recall notice we received, good thing one of use still have our short term memory.
    I knew that our regular dealership closed so I thought I'll go online thinking it should have the most updated information. WRONG!
    I called the number that was on the notification but being that I guess Saturn no longer exist it did not really give any info. So during the week we are going to my bank, which we have to take the freeway 10 miles.
    I run in the bank and do my banking, returning to the car Carl said the overheat light came on. Well, we start out hoping to find a part store or a mechanic place that does repairs. Lucky Carl pulls in a place
    1 block away, I run in and ask if they could help. They were really nice, they understood our problem and filled the water reservoir. Since we where at a repair store I asked if they had the numbers to Chevrolet dealers that were left open after so many had closed.Now I have the number to call for the dealer. We were on our way after that. From after that I put a jug of water in the car.
    Now comes the good part or I thought would be the good part. I call the dealer and got a appointment, have to be their by 9AM because he lets me know the mechanics go to lunch from 11 to 12. We arrive right on time even after getting in the middle of morning rush hour. Now this is Tuesday. Noon the service manager comes out to let us know they have to replace the heater core and it will be 2 to 3 days. Enterprise rental will be here to pick us up, and here is a voucher for 3 days GM will pay for the rental. I find this all well and good.
    Thursday we get the call the car is ready. Carl wants to pick up the car first they take the rental back, I thought that was a great idea. I get in the car and check that their are no lights on and looks ok to me so I signal to Carl were ready. Off we go to the rental store just across the street and return the rental. Now that's done were hungry. We pull out go about 1 block and Carl says my seat belt light is on but I had that all secured on. Then about another block the car is running hot again.
    Back to the dealer. Not a happy camper to say the least.
    The service manager says to us it probably needs to be burped and then he says these are hard to get rid of all the air bubbles when you have to drain the whole water system. I remind him the seat belt light is remaining on. Service manager takes it back to the mechanic.
    Two hours later service manager comes out and explains what is going on and yep, were going to put you in a rental, and it should take only a day.
    It's under warranty and GM will pick up the rental charge.
    Now it's Friday rush hour traffic and our car is ready. I don't want to fight the traffic so I'll pick up the car Saturday before 2pm. We go threw picking up and dropping off. Now on to lunch. Carl goes to lock the car and the horn does not sound when locking the doors. We make sure all the doors or closed and I just decide to try the horn on the steering wheel and the does not blow.
    By now I'm ready for lunch and we will stop back at the dealer after. Too late their all gone for the day. It will have to be back to the dealer on Monday. The saga will continue.
    A note on my butterfly garden this year is blooming great, my Mexican s1unflowers main stalk are over 10 feet tall until we have a hard rain storm.

  24. Jeanniebean
    I get Carl's and my scripts from our hospital pharmacy. For five years the system was, new scripts drop off and usually with in 2 days pick them up. Refills - RX# first two digits refer to the location of pickup, the next 9 your #. Location of RX# is above your name on the label on each pill bottle/ refills are for 30 out. Once you place your refills you have to give them 48 hours for pickup. This is all explained
    on the recording. All well and good.
    This month :oops: refills can now be only called in, only NEW scripts can be dropped off. My refills won't take, I had to talk to the pharmacist.
    That was ok but I had to wait 20 minutes :uhm: . While waiting I was thinking
    of questions I wanted answered.
    The person I spoke to was very accommodating
    . The calling in scripts is going threw an update, reconfiguration.
    Frustration :ranting: built up doing this. So I am hoping next month will be easier.
    You are probably wondering why don't I just go to the neighbor chain drugstore etc. I'm asking that myself, but I know the answer: It works for me, medicare script insurance is the best price were I'm at now.
    :chat: I know this was a one sided chat ha!ha! I need to vent. Now I'm cool calm and collected. Thanks for your ear.

  25. Jeanniebean
    Checking the site out I found where you can PM someone.
    If you click on a members pic it takes you to the persons profile.
    One the lower right side type in the message and post.
    You will see your other PM's if you have not deleted. :Clap-Hands:
    Progress on learning the new site.
    Ruthpill I sent you a PM. Please send
    me one back so I know you got it.