
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Julie, Therapy is pretty much the same. If Larry didn't catch on and get results this time you need to step in and have a talk with the therapist.

    Sometimes the manager need to get into the picture and guide the tech. I did it with Carl's speech therapist and the the manager took him as his patient.


    Since I've been on both sides I understand stroke survivors may not be able

    to express feelings correctly. A therapist is just that, they have never been in the position of a stroke. We as caretakers need to oversee. Good luck.

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  2. Julie, Belated Happy Birthday!

    It's good to hear that Larry is paying attention to your beautiful nose is healing. lol!

    It's good to hear son is putting his feet in to help you out.

    I use to love Macaroni for it's spaghetti and clam sauce, I wish they would put it back on the menu. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  3. Julie, You were quick to get the plate number and have success, but I know the new vehicle is never the same.

    Who isn't hot in the USA. I had to look and see where were from.

    I thought AZ but it's 100 in MO. WOW.

    Here in Georgia when we get up in the 90's it's so humid feels like 120.

    When the sun hits you skin you think it's on fire.

    But, enjoy the heat cuz cold winter is just around the corner and you'll be shoveling snow. lol, lol remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:

  4. Fred, I agree with your opinion. The people we vote in to work for us are not working for the people, instead they are working for their own agenda. We all need to assert our vote and vote those men and women out. If we are to progross as a Country people of the country need to work as a team.

    The republicans and democrates are working against each other, no matter who sits in the white house.

    Did a basketball team work together to score and win a game, YES. What's wrong with our goverment. People have no place to work and make a living, enabling them to feed their family, cloth them, put a roof over their heads.

    I don't know what percentage of service men and women alone are homeless.

    Now the space trips are going to depend on another country? WOW!

    I'm descused with our county, land of the free, home of the give it away!!!

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  5. You have gone threw some challenges, you've graduated from college. At 22 you are a grown young lady. Can make decisions on your own I understand. But parents especially dad will always worried about you whether you live at home or on your own. Fred right have a talk with your mother let her plant the seeds of giving you space.

    I'm 56 now and at 20 my father bought a house trailer and had me live their. At 25 I moved closer in and apartment. Every place I lived I would see my father driving pass. He never knew I seen him. I was daddy's little girl. I was the last kid out of four.

    As I look back I wouldn't of had his ways any other way. So parents don't know how to show their love any other way, that was my fathers way.

    Your 22 and have allot time to be a grown up. Don't rush is. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

  6. Debbie, You are blessed to have such good neighbors.


    Sticking to a routine is very helpful for some stroked survivors, I have the same problem with Carl. So, what I started doing is talk about the change that we are going to have the next day. It usually works, Carl doesn't get upset and the rest of the day runs smooth. remembertolaugh,Jeannie :cocktail:

  7. Ruth, Good for you. Those people you speak of are just ignorant. We need to forgive them and educate them. Until it happens in your own back yard will you understand.

    I liked Sarah comment.

    Ruth your still giving William the goals and he keeps reaching them. It's good that William want to travel. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:


    P.s. The Toilet problem I have the same problem with the water keeps running so I use the shut off below the tank.

  8. God for you. Chopstick therapy was used on me before I stroked. When my hubby and I were dating He would take me out for Chinese food and only let me use chopsticks. lol It worked I can use chopsticks. Until I stroked I had to go threw it all over again but, this time I did it at home and used them for when I was eating anything. :Clap-Hands:Yes, it's great therapy. Keep it up for figures are the last to come back.

    remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

  9. Fred, It's hot in Atlanta, GA. like Texas. Shopping in a mall in the summer is just a way of getting out of the heat. Great for people watching. But, I still like shopping at open centers and just go in the store I need to get something.

    Fred it's great that those so called friends of your that use to visit seen that

    you were not waiting on them to entertain you.

    My theory on friends and family stop from visiting is; I scares the hell out of them

    that it could be them. They stop coming over cause they believe they will catch

    the stroke from you! :bouncing_off_wall: I'm serious about that Fred.

    Fred did you get any digits from any of those lady's? lol :laughbounce:

    remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

  10. Lydia, I really enjoy reading your blog, you have such interesting subject matter.

    I went threw the same feelings about the eyesight problem.

    Right now have a troubling sound in your voice as I read. Acceptance of the new normal is a big hurdle, it takes time.

    I use Natural Reader to read to me off the computer. It serves it's purposes for me.

    You have a strong will and I believe you will prevail and come out of this mess smiling. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:

  11. Fred, I totally agree with you, we didn't need to be over their. Those countries have their war and peace upside down. We won't change a old dog. War is all they

    know, they have never known what peace is. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

    I would of like to see Bush W's girls serve in this war. That may have given him a different opinion on this war.