
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Jeanniebean
    I'm just confused with the site.
    Steve is giving us a brain practice whether we want it or not. I had to find out I don't have a page myself to post my blog.
    So I found were I will be posting by blog from. So that has to count as successful,so one down. Oh,that is two down I found the chat room after I signed on today.
    Flowers are about a foot high, just waiting for them to start to bloom.
    The exciting or strange thing that happened today. Above my bed is a ceiling fan. It's always on. Well while I was watching TV today, one of the blades flew across the room right over me, hit the wall and made a big bang.When I realized what had occurred I shut the fan off.
    Time to call the Landlord. Glad it did not hit me.
  2. Jeanniebean
    Hi all, I have not felt like blogging for awhile. I've been cleaning
    up the yard and planted flower seeds for my butterfly garden.
    Nothing much has changed except for last week, it was Friday
    Carl went to the store and I was in the kitchen washing the dishes.
    I put a pot of water on for the spaghetti and all of a sudden I
    felt dizzies. I shut the gas off and headed for the bed to lay down,
    next thing that happen is Carl is asking me what happened.
    I told him I felt dizzy in the kitchen and that is all I remember.
    I now have a huge bump on my left back side of my head and
    my tail bone is sore. Carl found my glasses on the bathroom,
    and it looks like I fell in the bathroom and hit my head on the
    bathroom tub. :oops: how I got to the bed is a mystery.
  3. Jeanniebean
    Answer these questions:
    1.) do you like flavored coffee?
    2.) are the flavored coffees over you budget?
    3.) do you want to know how you can have it and stay in your budget?
    If you came up with all YES, this is my answer you can still have it.
    My basis for making a 12 cup pot of coffee, 1 tablespoon of
    grounds per cup.
    I buy small container of flavored coffee like Folger's hazelnut and
    Columbia these are just examples.
    8 tbsp of flavored, 4 tbsp Columbia, water 12 cups 1 pot.
    A good flavored coffee is one of Carl and mine favorite.
    Carl drinks more coffee than I, so years ago we came
    upon a kitchen store going out of business. Carl spotted
    a Coffee thermos on sale 1/2 price. I at the time did
    not think we required it. Years later I can say it is one
    of the best items I have in my kitchen. Yes, I have a
    microwave and can reheat but when we take drives I
    can take a pot of coffee with us. :reigndeer:

  4. Jeanniebean
    I received notice to appear in
    traffic court fora parking ticket last week. Parking downtown
    is a hassle. The parking lot is a block away, so Carl drives
    in front of the court bldg. The street has parking meters on
    both sides of the street. Carl pulls in a spot and he goes into
    the building while I put the money in the meter. Well theirs
    not a meter for each space, instead their is a central meter.
    First it won't take my dollar bills then, I see it takes debit
    card so I finally get my receipt and head into the building.
    Once I'm upstairs in the court room I forgot to put the receipt
    in the car window. So we come out and yep I got a parking
    ticket. Now I have to go back in the building to the cashiers
    window and I explain, show her my receipt and she says I
    have to go to court.
    This time Carl drops me off and I go inside. Court starts at 3pm.
    You register with the clerk and take a seat. Theirs like a 130 people
    and the judge keeps saying to the clerks and solicitor "we have
    a full schedule, give me groups in alphabetical order." I'm sitting
    in the front row waiting to hear my name called. While the judge
    is dismissing allot of charges for the policeman is no longer
    with the police department. 4pm passes, 5pm passes, 5:45
    my name is called. I'm prepared I have my receipt to show I
    paid for a spot, the time is their I'm looking forward to explaining
    my side. Well, the judge says is the policeman here and the solicitor
    states he has left already. The judge asked why was this name
    not called earlier, the solicitor gives the judge no answer.
    So the judge continues with saying, since the policeman is not
    here and I've been so patience waiting for my turn my case is
    dismissed with no record on my licenses. So
    I make my way to the pay phone to call Carl to pick me up.
    While I'm waiting ten minutes for pickup. With no cars parked
    on the street I'm noticing their are no parking meters. They have
    been removed. So much for new electronic parking meters. Here
    today gone tomorrow, our tax dollars at work.
    In August Carl had gotten a ticket for supposeable not stopping
    at a stop sign before turning right. The police man was on a
    motorcycle and seem to come for nowhere. We did stop but
    the policeman said our wheels never stopped moving. In the
    end it gets dismissed.
    I did learn a few things:have a camera with you at all times, you
    never now when you will need to prove your side like their
    where no no parking signs, the meter had time left on it. If you
    don't have camera, getting back to the area of the incident occurred
    as soon as possible. Because if it is months after cities change
    signs and the judge won't accept months later pictures. When parking
    on a street with parking meters, your meter is the one at the front
    of your car. If a meter is not accepting money it's not a free parking
    space, the universal sign:a circle with a P and a / going threw the P .
    Their is a number to call and report its broken. Move
    on to another space. Judge does not accept you did not know you
    could not park their.
    I'm so glad that adventure is over.

  5. Jeanniebean
    Looking over my bills, particular my land
    phone bill. I glance over the charges on my phone bill
    and it's always the same. When I went to pay it I
    noticed a charge of $14.95 under Enhanced Bill Services.
    So I inquire with the phone company and their answer is:
    This is a third party billing you have to call the
    number listed and get a conformation number for credit.
    I called this other company information I found out what it
    was for, was a answering service. They said
    we ordered it on the internet. I instructed them that I did
    not order this service and request a credit.
    They were very nice and gave me a conformation number
    and said I should see the credit on the next
    billing cycle.
    What urkes me is that a third party billing company of the
    phone company is able to put charges on your
    bill. The phone company doesn't double check to see if
    you requested the service.

  6. Jeanniebean
    Do you have problems using a box of Glad wrap or
    plastic wrap, pulling it out then ripping across the box
    top without the whole role coming out of the box?
    Well, I never stopped to read anything written on the
    box, just start using the box? That's me to.
    I took a few moments the other day and found
    something interesting. Go pull you box out and take
    the roll out of it's box now on each end you will find
    perforations, put the roll back in the box depress the
    perforation inward into the ends of the roll. Now use
    your roll of plastic wrap. Pull a sheet and rip it off
    and the roll stays in the box. :yikes: .

  7. Jeanniebean
    How cold is it outside?
    Their is that white flaky crystals. Snow? YUK!
    My body can not stand this 32degrees in
    Atlanta, Ga. I don't want to get out of my warm
    bed. The heater turns on and has been going
    all day. I live in what is considered the south
    of USA. That stuff is not suppose to come
    this far south.
    Now my dress in the house is sweat pants
    and tee shirt with a sweat shirt over that.
    Put a crotchet hat and socks. I hate it but
    it is the only way I can keep warm as a bug. :cloud9:
    I really am not complaining, I'm greatful
    to be healthy. :cheer:
  8. Jeanniebean
    Holiday season has started. I had a circle of friends
    That use to meet once a week to study. Carl was the
    Facilitator. When Carl had his stroke we found out that
    None of these people really were friends. We use to
    Have potluck dinners every three months. Holidays we
    Would have a get together. Carl has aphasia and he
    Is hard to understand. But if you know the subject
    You can understand him. But I guess no one wants
    To be around someone like Carl.
    They have all dropped out of site.
    So holidays are not anything special. It
  9. Jeanniebean
    I opened my email this morning to find out a dear friend of mine passed away. I am sadden.
    This just brings me to remind me how short and precious life is of our love ones. I will miss his positive joking personality.
  10. Jeanniebean
    Carl and I drove out to San Antonio to stay and visit Peter and Julie. Peter and Julie our part of our big family
    of A Course In Miracles. We are all one Son ship.
    We started our trip with stopping off to visit friends of ours Alvin and Norma in Montgomery Al.
    Alvin use to come to Atlanta to teach leather works at Tandy's Leathers. He taught us how to
    do leather carving. We sat and chatted and had dinner. It was a beautiful 3 hour visit.
    Alvin showed us his work room and some of his new purses and belts he has made.
    Alvin is a Vet from Vietnam, he was injured and was left with drop foot. He show us the brace
    the VA is providing him and it cost $2000 dollars.
    It's back on the road route 65 west. We stopped in Ocean Spring Mississippi at a rest stop, slept for a couple of
    hours and Carl was ready to go again.
    I never realized that their are so many Casino's along the way starting in gulf of Mississippi. Then it hit
    me the smell of the ocean wow. We arrived in San Antonio middle of the afternoon.
    We were so happy to see Peter and Julie. It's been since August at Be the Love since we seen them.
    Julie has just purchased a townhouse and it is a beautiful place.
    Friday Julie and Peter are off work so we begun the day having breakfast then the guys went shipping for the
    fixings for Mexican Posole stew. Julie has invited 10 of her friends over and Carl is going to show Peter how to
    make the stew. Julie and I will run to the store and purchase a new cart table so we have enough seating with the
    dinning room table. The guys got the soup going with all the dry chilies, pork shoulder, pigs feet, knuckles.
    Julie has not had good Posole stew since she was in Mexico, and Carl has made before so he has enlightened
    Peter on the recipe. Plus the hot sauce that goes along with it. WOW! We have to have a salad so lets have
    cactus salad. Julie suggest for dessert fruit. Great menu.
    Time for the party to start, meet all of the guest have good laughs and conversation. Oh! what a great choice
    for dinner, wonderful. Carl has mad more that enough soup. So, Peter divided the rest in half and froze and
    we will take it back to Atlanta.
    Saturday we are all ging to see Gary Renard who wrote Disappearance of the Universe. Disappearance of the
    Universe is a easy read of A Course In Miracles. Gary's message was to turn your day over to Holy Spirit,
    listen, follow the voice.
    Sunday, made breakfast at home got ready and went to a Course meeting. Seen all the same people
    that were at the event yesterday. Went for lunch at one of the oldest restaurants in San Antonio. Took the
    riverboat ride down the river walk. Then Carl wanted to see the Alamo. We were disappointed that their
    was just a few walls. That was enough walking for me for the day.
    Monday we rest because we want the hurricane Ida to pass so we are not driving in the rain and wind.
    Looks like the storm now has down graded so we can leave towards home Tuesday.
    We got up Tuesday morning and said our good bye to Julie before she went off to work. Peter works from
    home. Around 9AM we started out on our journey back to Atlanta.
    We got to New Orleans around 8PM and we stopped for a coffee o'la and a Beignuts.
    You can't go threw New Orleans not having the famous doughnuts Beignut. I can't find them in Atlanta
    I drove about an hour each way. I get tired fast. I use to drive from Cleveland Ohio to Atlanta Georgia all by
    myself. Those were the days, I owe my gratitude to Carl's kindness to do all the driving.
    That is the adventures of San Antonio.

  11. Jeanniebean
    These days have been hum drum. I'm just been
    taking in TV shows all day. My motivation level.
    has dropped of the face of the earth. Weather
    has always effected my mood. Georgia already
    has gone as low as 30 degrees, the highs are
    60's. To cold for me to be happy. The past week
    I've spent most of the day in bed. I've got to
    get myself out of this hole.
    I want summer back.
  12. Jeanniebean
    This might be very useful information - certainly worth considering - especially if we all did it.
    Pet Pev - my address is put on a mass mailing for every one of you Tom, Dick, and Harry so called your
    friends from your address book and keeps being forwarded from every one of their friends. So
    a friend who is a computer expert received the following directly from a system administrator for a corporate system.This resolves the pet pev. It is an excellent message that ABSOLUTELY applies to ALL of us who send e-mails. Please read the short letter below, even if you're sure you already follow proper procedures..
    Do you really know how to forward e-mails? Most of us DO NOT know how.
    Do you wonder why you get viruses or junk mail? Do you hate it?
    Every time you forward an e-mail there is information left over from the people who got the me ssage before you, namely their e-mail addresses & names. As the messages get forwarded along, the list of addresses builds, and builds, and builds, and all it takes is for some poor sap to get a virus, and his or her computer can send that virus to every e-mail address that has come across his computer. Or, someone can take all of those addresses and sell them or send junk mail to them in the hopes that you will go to the site and he will make five cents for each hit. That's right, all of that inconvenience over a nickel!
    How do you stop it? Well, there are several easy steps:
    (1) When you forward an e-mail, DELETE all of the other addresses that appear in the body of the message (at the top). That's right, DELETE them. Highlight them and delete them, backspace them, cut them, whatever you know how to to. It only takes a second. You MUST click the 'Forward' button first and then you will have full editing capabilities against the body and headers of the message. If you don't hit the forward button first you won't have full editing functions. I particularly dislike having to scroll through 200 Email addresses before I get to the email.
    (2) Whenever you send an e-mail to more than one person, do NOT use the To: or Cc: fields for adding e-mail addresses. Always use the BCC: (blind carbon copy) field for listing the e-mail addresses. This is the way the people you send to will only see their own e-mail address. If you don't see your BCC: option click on where it says To: and your address list will appear. Highlight the address and choose BCC: and that's it, it's that easy.. When you send to BCC: your message will automatically say 'Undisclosed Recipients' in the 'TO:' field of the people who receive it. That way you aren't sharing all those addresses with every Tom, Dick or Harry.
    (3) Remove any 'FW :' in the subject line . You can re-name the subject if you wish or even fix spelling.
    (4) ALWAYS hit your Forward button from the actual e-mail you are reading. Ever get those e-mails that you have to open 10 pages to read the one page with the information on it? By Forwarding from the actual page you wish someone to view, you stop them from having to open many e-mails just to see what you sent. These are the ones that often end up having picked up a virus from somebody. This is really important.
    (5) Have you ever gotten an email that is a petition? It states a position and asks you to add your name and address and to forward it to 10 or 15 people or your entire address book. The email can be forwarded on and on and can collect thousands of names and email addresses.
    A FACT: The completed petition is actually worth a couple of bucks to a professional spammer because of the wealth of valid names and email add resses contained therein. If you want to support the petition, send it as your own personal letter to the intended recipient. Your position may carry more weight as a personal letter than a laundry list of names and email address on a petition. (Actually, if you think about it, who's supposed to send the petition in to whatever cause one supports? And don't believe the ones that say that the email is being traced, it just aint so!)
    (6) One of the main ones I hate is the ones that say that something like, 'Send this email to 10 people and you'll see something great run across your screen.' Or, sometimes they'll just tease you by saying something really cute will happen.
    IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!!!! (Trust me, I'm still seeing some of the same ones that I waited on 10 years ago!) I don't let the bad luck ones scare me either, they get trashed (Could be why I haven't won the lottery?? of course my house hasn't been hit by a plane either.)
    (7) Before you forward an Amber Alert, or a vacy20 Virus Alert, or some of the other ones floating around nowadays, check them out before you forward them. Most of them are junk mail that's been circling the net for Years! Just about everything you receive in an email that is in question can be checked out at Snopes. Just go to http://www.snopes. com/
    Its really easy to find out if it's real or not If it's not, please don't pass it on. So please, in the future, let's stop the junk mail and the viruses.
    In conclusion, next time you want everyone to experience a email joke some one sent you consider others right of privacy.
  13. Jeanniebean
    I'm going to spend the rest of the day at or should say in the pool. I am so uncomfortable at
    home watching TV or reading a book. I get these hot flashes. I put on as little clothing as possible,
    thinking I'll be comfortable.I'm a little cool Now get a blanket, put it over my lap. NOT!
    Five minutes later I'm Hot Pull of the blanket.My skin is itchy. I'm off to the pool. Later
  14. Jeanniebean
    Does everyone fell like I do, I get to go out and it is to another doctors appointment?
    The Cardiologist gave concern about my TSH level. TSH is thyroid blood test. I had mine
    removed when I was 12 years old. Doctor didn't really say why he was concerned. But I
    know I have to have it kept on top of the number. So I left the Cardiologist with a blood
    test slip and I asked him also to request a A1C hemoglobin. When you loose weight as I
    did medication need to be adjusted. Even tho it could only be 6 to 10 pounds. Now I'm
    suppose to get the blood test a week before my next Cardiologist appointment, but that
    is six months away. I'll take the test right after the Cardiologist appointment and when
    I see my regular MD I'll get the result.
    MD appointment is today, :cheer: .Get weighed in, take your temperature, blood pressure and
    check my sugar. My name is called to see the doctor. I start with my list: I've been noticing
    that I have this cough. Doctor say I am describing allergies. Take Claritin is will clear up.
    I've been getting lots of black and blues all over? My skin is itchy and I put moisturizer on.
    Right their doc says lets get your TSH.
    I tell her I took it last month, she looks on the computer and says "your taking too much
    medication" My thyroid gland has been removed, I take a pill that controls my metabolism.
    Now that I've lost 10 more pounds which is great but my meds need to be adjusted. Then
    we will have it checked in 8 weeks. All my complaints have to do with my thyroid meds.
    I mentioned also I'm also having hot flashes. (I've already gone threw menopause).
    The bottom lin e is, all my complaints has to do with my metabolism being off. When you
    loose weight you need to decrease how much thyroid meds you take. Taking too much
    can mean chaos to my system.
    Before I leave the doctors office I need to get my 'flu shot'. My doctor is not keen on me
    getting the swine flu shot, and I agree with her.
  15. Jeanniebean
    I love having fresh fruit in the house.Once a week Carl and I go the the farmers market
    and we both pick out our favorite fruit. We usually get what is in season. Peaches, Pears,
    Plums, Nectarines, seedless grapes, pineapple last Bananas. Ok, now we bring it home
    and have to wait for it to ripen. Grapes are about the only fruit you don't have to wait
    to ripen but, bananas I like usually when I bring them home.
    Fruit cut up on top of my Oatmeal with milk in the morning is my #1 breakfast. But the
    bananas aren't to get on top of oatmeal. This means bananas are eaten by themself.
    I end up forgetting about the bananas start to ripen and pretty fast till they are overripen,
    I notice fruit fly's around.
    I hate throwing food out so I throw the ripe bananas in the freezer.
    Tonight I want to bake, bake banana muffins. I'll whip up a reciepe of banana bread and
    put two of the freezer bananas in, fold in some almonds. Spray up my big 6 cup muffin
    tin, cook at 350 for about 30 minutes. Oh, they smell so good!
    Well the muffins are done, we will have them for breakfast cup of coffee.
  16. Jeanniebean
    Georgia, Georgia, rainy night in Georgia. It's more like one day, two days, it's now been a week.
    Weatherman or woman say we will have rain threw Wednesday. This morning Carl had a doctors
    I got out to the car first got in on the passenger side looked out the front window
    and what do I see "a cracked front windshield." There's not a big tree branches lying close to the
    car. I can't figure out what did it. Now I'll have to call the insurance company, report it and get it
    fixed. It's just cracked from the windshield wiper to the roof. Don't have a hole, so I don't have to
    rush fixing it.
    I have to say Carl and I are lucky. I'm fretting about a cracked windshield, others are being flooded
    out of their homes, their cars are under water.
    Here is a story: Their was two men, one man crossed a bridge all of
    a sudden behind him he sees the road cave in. He seen another car coming and tried to stop him
    from crossing that section of road. A sink hole has appeared all of a sudden the man fell in, flipped his
    car and was pinned in his car. The man on the other side could not reach the accident. Sink holes
    are appearing all over Atlanta, and surrounding areas.I'm not watching the new tonight.
    All I'm doing today is going to doctors appointment that is towards town, 5 miles and back 5 miles
    on a back street. Pull in the driveway, park the car. I'm staying inside. I'm blessed.

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  17. Jeanniebean
    Well went to my Cardiologist six month appointment. I go to a teaching hospital and my previous doctor
    graduated in June 09. So, I knew I would get a new doc to see. The anticipation I guess was affecting
    my blood pressure. Because when the nurse took it 160/65 WOW! Oh no, now in the back of my mind
    I knew he would start looking at what medication to change. But, the nurse weight me and I'm so proud
    I lost another 20lbs. Ya :cheer: . So knowing my pressure was up but my weight was down even out
    my thoughts in my mind.
    Well my appointment was for 8:30am. I got to the clinic at 8am so I will get checked in see the nurse
    and hopefully be seen by 9am. WRONG :juggle: ! I know better, but can't blame me for wishing.
    I'll explain how the clinic makes appointments :Clap-Hands:. Most clinics take 90 appoints, yes they give you a
    time but it really doesn't mean anything. So I always like early appointments. Hoping the doctor I'm
    see I'll be his first :Clap-Hands: . Oh, the ir is about 6 doctors. Now remember this is a teaching hospital
    for Morehouse and Emory University medical schools.
    Finally, 9:30 my name gets called. :yikes: . After introducing himself he read of my chart, asked
    for my medication to check against the computer. Blood pressure he says is too high, why he asked.
    My answer back it should not be. I take my B/P twice a day at home and it runs about 110/62.
    The doctor takes it again and yep 110/65. :bouncing_off_wall: Thank God.
    Ok it's time to hop up on the table. ya right. Doc does the usuall listening to the heart, first the back side,
    then the front. All sounds good. :Clap-Hands:
    So he goes and consults with his superior and five minutes later he arrives back. Well, we are not going to
    change any of your medications . But I do want you to get your blood drawn for some test.
    And the best thing to hear is "I'll see you in six months."
    Now I take my medical folder to the exit nurse, and wait till she goes threw the papers he marked up, double
    check the lab request and call my name. This process can take anywhere from minutes to hour. I'm lucky
    in about five minutes I'm called, given my lab copy and told they will send me my appointment.
    :laughbounce: Congratulations I'm out in record time 11am.

  18. Jeanniebean
    Bring in the Autumn. I love Spring and Fall, always have a breeze and temp around 70's. So, my
    most unfavorable seasons, you guessed it Summer & Winter. You ask why? Well, I'm either
    paying for A/C or Gas, those bill never get any smaller. My SSI check is gone before I have
    a chance to buy groceries. So I play with pay this bill this month and so on. I know every
    one has the same problem. I use to have a pantry pretty well stocked. Now, I buy only
    what I need. No extras for a rainy day. Cuz everyday seems like a rainy day. Well, off
    that subject. Back to Autumn weather. This weather can stay till next year. It's 60's in
    the morning and by noon 70's. Just great for opening the house up and take some deep
    breaths. Fresh Air!! Now I have to get my A?? in gear and clean up the garden area, see
    what is going on with the gourds that have grown all up and in between the trumpet vines.
    The butterfly garden flowers got so tall when it rained they all had to be staked so I can
    get the flowers to keep blooming hopefully till the end of October. I'm going to hang on
    to fall as long as I can.
  19. Jeanniebean
    Vacation this year was so much fun I can't wait till 2010. I had the pleasure of meeting and making
    new friends. I didn't take many picture but others did so when I get copies I'll post them. Dov
    Fishman was the Master of Ceremony, we had a choice to hear different teachers of God.
    This was such a spiritual high. Be the Love had all loving participates. Windsor Conference
    Center in Windsor MD was the most ideal facilitator. The room was small but we didn't spend
    any time in it execpt to sleep and dress so their was no need for TV. We paid the fee to attend,
    it included:room, meals (three square meals a day) their was no assigned seating, so you could sit
    with different people every meal. In the evening we had entertainment. It seems like every one
    was a comedian. We had people sing and we all got up and dance. Tfhe last night we had a
    Ice Cream Social. The last day we packed our bags and loaded up the car went to a meditation
    outside before breakfast. After breakfast we all gathered in the big room. Saying goodbye is sad
    but collecting emails addresses increased the possibility to keep in touch.
    Now that I'm home and on my Face Book account I find my friends have increased largely
    from the friends I met at the conference.

  20. Jeanniebean
    My weekend up to MD and back was a beautiful spiritual time. We got started a little
    later than we planned but you have to put the hot coffee in the thermos, frozen water
    bottles in the insulated bag. Don't forget the fruit I cut up in the refridge. Good thing
    I made a list and stuck it on the security pad so before setting it I had a check list
    to use.
    Carl let me drive for two hours through the state of Va. Carl did most of the driving.
    Once we entered MD it was so lush, green, big hardwood trees. We made it to the
    conference center got our name tags and sat down for dinner 6pm.
    to be continued...
  21. Jeanniebean
    August 2009 is finally here. Taking a road trip up to New Windsor, MD for a conference.
    Be the Love, A Course in Miracles. Were driving up, and have not taken a trip for 9 years.
    It's taken us this long to both go because the last time we went we were robbed. They
    (who every they were) took my computer, turned the house upside down, took 2 hand
    guns, TV, my collection of CD's. I guess they needed more that I. It was a ground floor
    apartment, with a window in the rear door which is were they entered. It was Super Bowl
    Sunday. None of the neighbors heard anything. I was in shock but when the police
    came and starting to get figure prints WOW what a mess that was left. That black stuff
    you can't get it off.
    On to more cheerful note, we have a friend that will check in and around our house this time.
    The bright side is we have OnStar on our vehicle. Directions won't be a problem and if we take a
    wrong turn we will know right away cuz the voice will come on and let us know, give us
    directions to get back to the route. Thank God! I won't be the person blamed for wrong turns.
    We are leaving at 3AM, it will take 11 hrs. We will arrive by dinner time.
    The car is all gassed up, Carl went to get the car washed (his baby). My bag is packed, clothes
    are laid out for that early morning wake up. I'll get the coffee machine set up to have coffee ready
    when we wake. Bought fruit tray for the road, water in the freezer so it will stay cold the whole
    trip. I am so ready for this road trip. I've never been to MD, new experience.

  22. Jeanniebean
    Hummingbirds Cardinals Finches Redheaded/Tuxedo Woodpeckers  
    I love watching the birds outside at my feeders. I've been able to attract all the birds
    and have seen all but the hummingbird. Their a small bird and do not visit the regular
    seed feeders. Six years ago I planted three trumpet vine plants. I planted two of
    them, one on each side of my front sidewalk leading from my house at the front fence.
    The third one on the right side of the driveway fence. The trumpet blooms are bright
    orange all along the front fence. I've never seen a hummingbird not until this year!
    The funny thing is I didn't catch seeing them on a trumpet bloom but in the butterfly
    garden. We drove in the yard and before exiting the car (me being in the passenger side)
    looked to my right at my butterfly garden and their the beautiful fluttering era decent
    green hummingbird, hovering over a bright orange flower. I now know I have attracted
    hummingbirds! :happydance: :happydance: :i_did_it!:
  23. Jeanniebean
    FOUR O'CLOCKS Me and Carl bought a lot of different plants, bulbs and seeds. This was a plant
    bought at the Saturday open market on North Highland. A lot of different farmers
    come to sell their goods. We purchased most of our tomato starter plants from this
    one organic farmers nursery, the Four O'clock starters were only in a 2 inch pot.
    I planted this plant in a partially sunny location. The other day I was admiring all
    my colorful flowers when I noticed this flower. It was a sunny Atlanta day, and I
    asked myself why is this plants blooms closed? I had it on my mind all day,
    left to swim and didn't return until after sundown. Pulling into the driveway I noticed
    the blooms on this plant were open. I guess the night animals need beautiful color
    too. :roflmao:
    Check out the photo's, I took one at night (that's the one that is dark with yellow spots).
    Then their was a cloudy day so I took another photo so you can see the beautiful
    color blooms (yellow & hot pink).
  24. Jeanniebean
    I have not had a camera for years, except a instant throw away camera and who these days can consider that a real camera with digital
    camera. Nothing like it WOW :happydance: . Being able to download your pictures to your computer and post them on my blog, send them
    to a friend, post them to a web page.
    The technology is just amazing to me. I was a Information Service Manage (ISM) that's running a company's what they use to call
    Main Frame computer. Everyone's computer was connected and when they had a problem I was called on to solve it. I think now
    where and why I had been stroked, I was a type A workaholic. I was on call 24/7, when someone called out sick , Example: I had three shifts,
    six days a week every person was required to be able to stay 4hrs into the next shift for that person called out sick. Then the third person
    was asked to come in early 4hrs to cover the rest of the shift. I would fill in if anyone had prior commitments. Laptops were not invented
    back then.
    I've mastered posting my images to my albums. I still have not figured out how to delete a photo from a album. Taking garden pictures
    is a start for me to perfect taking landscape pictures. I have a Sony Cyber-shot digital camera, still learning what the symbols mean.
    As I get older I think manufactures print instructions so tiny font and then half of the booklet is another language. I don't need instructions
    in another language I only need ENGLISH. This gripes me. If they made instructions in one English (for we are in America and our language
    I thought was English.) They could print instructions in a readable font size. The reason this peeves me is because my foreign language
    is Latin. I have attempted to learn Spanish but I fall into that bad English rut of pronouncing words, were Spanish is what you see it how it is
    pronounced. That's my beef for today.
    I'm enjoying the pictures I take and hope you are also.
  25. Jeanniebean
    Fresh pasta their is nothing like it But, to make it and then have the joy of rolling it out is a great
    enjoyable passion for a Foodie like myself. I bought for Carl the pasta attachment for my Kitchen Aid stand
    mixer. We went shopping and bought fresh scallops. So when I got home I made pasta dough covered it with
    plastic, set it in the fridge to rest. Two hours later I prepared pasta. That was my part in making dinner.
    Carl prepared the scallops and cooked the pasta.
    The dish came out superb. I love this attachment.