
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Lynn, You can't let the weather get you down and depressed. It takes more out of you. Think of it this way: take a lemon and turn it into lemon aid (did I get a pucker out of you). I have a mantra: I am a loving expression of God. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  2. It was a good thing you did go to the hospital. Kitty was right to call 911. Kitty didn't panicked she just did what any love one would do for another loved one. She called for Love 911. You passed out so Kitty could call 911 and you couldn't fight her on it. Praise the Lord. Miracles do happen.Hope to see ya in chat tonight. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  3. Sue, My heart goes out to you. I am learning about this illness threw people like you and I thank you for sharing. You are in may prayers. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  4. Ruth, Good for you. Those people you speak of are just ignorant. We need to forgive them and educate them. Until it happens in your own back yard will you understand. I liked Sarah comment. Ruth your still giving William the goals and he keeps reaching them. It's good that William want to travel. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail: P.s. The Toilet problem I have the same problem with the water keeps running so I use the shut off below the tank.
  5. Jeanniebean

    DIY therapy

    God for you. Chopstick therapy was used on me before I stroked. When my hubby and I were dating He would take me out for Chinese food and only let me use chopsticks. lol It worked I can use chopsticks. Until I stroked I had to go threw it all over again but, this time I did it at home and used them for when I was eating anything. :Clap-Hands:Yes, it's great therapy. Keep it up for figures are the last to come back. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  6. Asha, That was so beautiful. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  7. Kellie, The joy of kids. I personally don't have any. But sometimes the parents are worse than the kids. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  8. Fred, It's hot in Atlanta, GA. like Texas. Shopping in a mall in the summer is just a way of getting out of the heat. Great for people watching. But, I still like shopping at open centers and just go in the store I need to get something. Fred it's great that those so called friends of your that use to visit seen that you were not waiting on them to entertain you. My theory on friends and family stop from visiting is; I scares the hell out of them that it could be them. They stop coming over cause they believe they will catch the stroke from you! :bouncing_off_wall: I'm serious about that Fred. Fred did you get any digits from any of those lady's? lol :laughbounce: remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  9. Ruth, I feel for you. Back problems is not picnic, recently my sciatic nerve acting up I couldn't pick my foot up to get into the car. Putting heat on it helps for me, maybe it can help for you. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  10. Lydia, I really enjoy reading your blog, you have such interesting subject matter. I went threw the same feelings about the eyesight problem. Right now have a troubling sound in your voice as I read. Acceptance of the new normal is a big hurdle, it takes time. I use Natural Reader to read to me off the computer. It serves it's purposes for me. You have a strong will and I believe you will prevail and come out of this mess smiling. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:
  11. Fred, I totally agree with you, we didn't need to be over their. Those countries have their war and peace upside down. We won't change a old dog. War is all they know, they have never known what peace is. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail: I would of like to see Bush W's girls serve in this war. That may have given him a different opinion on this war.
  12. Jeanniebean

    When it rains

    Debbie, Reading everybodys post about volunteering inspired me and Carl to volunteer at the Mennonite church farm. So I'm sorry to hear about Bruce not being able to volunteer at the Animal Hospital. Debbie maybe you can some how squeeze it in, for Bruce lights up when doing at the Animal Hospital. I know you'll figure a way, because when Bruce is happy Debbie is happy. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  13. Sue, I'm sorry to hear of Ray's reversal of progress. You and Ray are in my thoughts and prayers, for you and Ray have and are teaching me so many of life's lessons. God be with both of you. remembertolaugh, Jeanneibean :cocktail:
  14. One size fits all. Water Resistant for use in baths and showers. Security strong Velcro strap, and nylon buckle. Comfort Grips, Mildew resistant and Flame Retardant Materials. My link To order contact:: Dara McMillian, LMSW Phone#: 1.404.274.1488 yes this is a Georgia phone # Dara was a guest at our Emory Stroke Club Meeting, She show us how we can homes safe for very low cost, for she was a social worker before she started this business. Dara is very knowledgeable person. I found this item in particularly very unique. For when Carl 6'1” had his stroke and me 5'1” was is caregiver came home from the hospital I used a sheet to hold on and help him to the bathroom. remembertolaugh, jeanniebean :cocktail:
  15. Jeanniebean


    Bloom is just starting to open after 1 hour has passed.
  16. Jeanniebean


    Night Blooming Cerius, 3 hours later flower is half way open.06/16/2011.
  17. Jeanniebean


    Night Blooming Cerius Cactus Plant this is the night 6/16/2011 is going to open. A plant 2 years or older is able to produce a bloom. Bloom starts shaking as it is showing it is alive at dusk and it takes 5 hours later until the bloom is fully open.
  18. Jeanniebean


    The blossom is going to open tonight, I know by looking at it.
  19. Ruth, Dick's aphasia and your interpretation yes is frustrating for the both of you. I say it is like playing charades and I'm bad, bad at that game. We need to know the subject they want to talk about. Out of the blue subjects leaves us doing a bad job guessing. As for Dick answering no when asked a question. Aphasia has turned the persons brain upside down. Yes means no, no means yes. and if that aid doesn't put herself concerned to understand that of who she is to take care of Dick goes without. And the aid doesn't care for it's less work for her. My mother was put in a Nursing Home so I understand what you are saying. My mother only lasted their 1 week she was sent to the ER, after that she went to a Hospice. Hospice is night and day to a nursing home. It was such a difference, of course my mother was in her last days on this earth. I feel for you. Ruth you made the right decision putting Dick in a nursing home to take care of him. You provided Dick with care as long as you were physically able to. It was time. You can look back at the good memories you had together and not the struggles taking care of him at home. I am happy to her you are moving forward, changing the house up. It's good to hear an update from you. You hang in their, were here to support you. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  20. Sue, I'm a little behind in my reading the blogs. I am so sorry to hear of Ray's set-back. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  21. Sue, You are such a inspiration. Ray is one lucky man. My prayers go out to u both. God states we ask to little of him all the time and rely on him. May your request be answered and you receive miracles. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  22. Fred, Wow what a miracle you experienced. Thank you for sharing. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail: