
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Entries posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Jeanniebean
    Carl's hard work and mine are blooming with beauty.
    I'll be taking more pictures as time goes on. The butter-
    fly garden is just starting I'm watering once after the
    sun goes down.
    Thank you all for reading my blog, it is the best therapy
    without paying the doctor. :cocktail:
    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  2. Jeanniebean
    You know when you have a story to tell, you start at the beginning. I have
    to start at the beginning.
    When I was a young child I was a very sick child. My mother always had me at the doctors just about everything, now looking back
    on those days. I am the youngest of four, all together 3 girls and 1 boy. #1 sister had a heart murmur,
    the only boy was allergic to wool, #2 sister was normal until later in her life ( that's another story for another time), and then
    their was me. Every one in my family was to say of normal size. I was a bit chunky. (like Ben & Jerry;s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream.) :roflmao:
    My mother fed all the kids the same. Mom was a stay at home mom this is back in the 50's. She would have dinner on the table
    at 6pm, dad would be home from the office and us kids would be home. I remember our dinners always meat and potatoes and
    a canned vegetable. If their were a little leftovers some one had to eat them and my brother and sisters would say pass them
    to Jean, Jean will eat it. ( like Mikey will eat it) :secret:
    My first health problem started feeling like I was being choked when I would do any running. Upon going to the doctors and him felling
    my neck,my throat area a large bulge result: I had a goiter wrapped around my wind pipe. Before I knew it I was in the hospital getting my front neck split open remove the goiter, then they used clamps to close it up. My parents came to visit in the
    recovery room. When I awoke I went to speak.... no voice. The doctors did not prepare me that I would maybe not to talk for they might and did scrap my voice box. (I can remember this as if it was yesterday, the stroke didn't take this memory away from me.) Before I went home from the hospital I was weighted, 30lbs heavier then when I arrived. me and I gained 30lb. This whole event was very traumatic
    on myself, as I retrospect.
    My older sisters were harder n me that my mother. I took medication to replace my thyroid gland but I proceeded to gain 10lbs
    a year from then on. By the time I'm 45 years old I know weigh 300lbs. and I stand 5'1". Another five years and I was stroked,
    left paralyzed on my right side.
    That's when something came over me. While I was rehabbing at home Holy Spirit spoke to me. I was fearful at first. But, the thought came to me this is my savior trust, and believe. Having a lot of questions about my faith why am I still here? I have more lessons to learn. I had faith before but, now I ask him before I proceed with anything.
    Loosing weight was on my mind. I just didn't have the energy (I felt) to do any exercise to get the weight off. To stop putting the food to my mouth. My stroke was a blessing for me. It's extream to say that but,it woke me up. I got a pedometer and started walking around the park that was across from my house. I walked around the big box stores. I felt better.
    One of my deficits from the stroke was no appetite. Carl would have to remind me to eat. That's when it was spoken to me (Holy Spirit) that
    I never new what hunger was. I grew up eating by the clock. I now know what hunger feels like. WOW! AMAZING!
    I drink water, water, water all day long. Breakfast: oatmeal. Lunch:soup Dinner: soup and what ever Carl would cook for dinner. I changed my
    dinner plates to salad plates, when it's empty I'm full.
    I gained weight back this last winter, the cold really effected me. But I was not going to set that back for long. My legs are not doing well so I started swimming laps. I can do my laps between 5:30am to 9:30pm. i swim every day for 1hr and some time twice a day. I love it.
    I've lost 20lbs in the last month. My arthritis in my legs, arms, shoulders and back is feeling great. My pain has lessened. I'm trying to
    cut back on my pain medications for numbness of feet and toes I have.
    I have experienced gaining weight, find my self not being able to do walking like I use to. But, for me I have to move. Do something
    you enjoy doing. I look forward to wakening up and doing my laps. It was difficult at first (even tho I use to swim on a swim team. Body's
    change, you kno have large breast, that you think would make you float. They don't. I kept sinking so I took a noodle put it at my waist and with that gave me the flotation I needed. After a month I can swim with no devices.
  3. Jeanniebean
    Tomatoes freshly picked just right outside my front door. All that hard work in the spring is paying off.
    I have to make it a routine to water in the early morning before the sun hits the plants, and the bugs can eat me up. Now I
    can enjoy the fruits of my labor. I see those clumps of green grape tomatoes, just waiting till ripe. I'm thinking
    of the perfect use. Fresh tomatoes with fresh made pasta. I can't wait to try out my new pasta attachment to my
    Kitchen Aid stand mixer.
    Peppers, all different kinds of peppers we planted. None of them will go to waste, example: Want scramble eggs: run out front
    pick peppers, dice them seeds and all, crack eggs, add a little cheese and mix it all together and wa-la. A egg omelet.
    Their are some really hot peppers that Carl adds them to what ever he is making.
  4. Jeanniebean
    Well it has been great day to be outside. Days have breezes, open windows, and enjoying my garden grow. But like a good things must come to and end. Since the month of June the weather has changed to Hot, Humid, windows have to be close and turn on the A/C.
    I have started back to my inside hobbies, crocheting, cleaning and rearranging my rooms. After receiving my last installment from Social Security I always wanted a laptop. I got my laptop and I purchased a router. I want or need Carl to be out of the house so I am able to constraint. Carl decided to go to the gym and I got to be home alone to install my router. If I screw this up and Carl comes home and can not get on the computer, he will be upset. I read all the directions and see the maker of the router has a 1-800# for techie support. I decided if the number is their why not use it. And I did, the tech walked me through step by step. By the time Carl returned from the gym I was on a network, and I can go any where in the house and use my laptop. I know that my Holy Spirit was right by my side the whole way.
    I feel pretty proud of myself that with the help I installed my router. Now, Carl's office is more like a storage room so lets see I can take the old computer printer and the old TV set and recycle it at Best Buys. Throw out all the garbage (papers, coffee cups, coke& water bottles)out. I found his new set of chisels, just what I need to fix my broken cane. Now it starting to look more like a office you can step into. The shelves on the wall have two stuffed bass fish. I'll clean them with some white bread and hang them on the wall. (after all they have been their since I moved into this house) WOW! Now I can gather all his gardening, ACIM, other assorted books and put them on the shelves. Carl fixed his comfort, he put a piece of board down so the springs stay down and I think a new piece of foam for his cushion should make his chair bran new. Oh ya I found a rocking chair hidden in the corner that I forgot we owned. All Carl has to contribute is take the shelves that have been stored in the room (and put them up to make my pantry. Once that is done I will wash the floor, give it a wax and Carl will have his office back in use, to do his reading and meditating in. Blogging this way has helped me get something accomplished like cleaning which I get very distracted at.
    I think that's enough cleaning for today. I ponder about the kitchen which at the moment I can walk into, open the fridge, sit at one chair to do my preparation at and across is the stove and to the right of that on and L shape counter is my sink. Once my pantry is up then I can start moving things off the table (which I have not seen the top of since?). I just need some advice about setting up a pantry. I am going to have 5 shelves, they are 7 inches wide, 45 inches long and they will be 11 inches between them. Now will come the hard part is organizing the can goods.
    If my mother was still alive she would hit the ceiling at my kitchen as it stands now, yet alone any other part of the house. My mother had her saying "everything has a place and their is a place for everything." It's in me to clean, my mother made sure when I was young how to polish furniture, wash the glass tops to the living room tables. I have not forgotten any of that stuff. Being stroked has effected my brain and memory but like kudzu it never goes away. :roflmao:

  5. Jeanniebean
    A new Bra:
    My back has been bothering me and I feel like I am all hunched over. I've been
    wearing a front closure bra since my stroke. Now any men reading this might want to
    stop for this is all girls talk. LOL
    Post stroke when I started getting out and about I could not hook my regular back hooked
    bra.So I went to the store to find a front hook and I was satisfied. Now that years have passed I find the urge that after loosing 70 lbs. and getting the use of my arms and shoulders I need a new bra. I was speaking to a lady I meet at the Y and she informed me
    there was a foundation store close by.
    The name of new store is Pretty Please. I googled and got directions. Then I told Carl
    about where it was located so when we are in the area he will take me their. Well the day
    has finally come. I'm tired of having my boobs laying on my stomach and me getting
    a heat rash, very painful. I have been fitted up with the right size cup and right size band, no under wire (thank god, I wore under wire bras for 20 years and my arm pits always were
    being poked.)
    Yes, I have always been large breasted. I know a bra should fit, and what not to put up with. A bra cost $40 I bought one in beige and ordered on in black. Now I getting to
    feel normal again. Tell you a little story: My mother and two sisters would all go to the sidewalk sale in Chagrin Fall, Ohio in August. This little town had some pretty exclusive shops. My sisters and mother would head for the foundation shop to get their load of bra's
    for the year. I am the only one in the family that was big busted and the shops never put
    any bra's in the sale in my size. My sisters could get 4 to 6 bra's for the price I would
    pay for one. This was the start of me never liking to shop. I will blog on my total shopping experience later.
    This is how I shop for bra's.
  6. Jeanniebean
    :BashHead: :nuhuh: Yes I would be glad to answer since it is my blog!
    :forgive_me?: You can buy the planters in the retail Home Depot
    or Nursery.But what we did is go the the dollar store
    and get pails for buck. Put a hole on the bottom the size
    of a quarter. Take a S hook (that is large enough) and
    squeeze one side on the handle and the other side of the
    S hook is your hanger side. We have a wire fence
    around our property so we hang the plants off the fence.
    They get lots of sun.
    OK, now to plant - place you plant in the pail with the top
    of the plant coming out of the bottom threw the hole.
    Be careful not to be ruff. Start to put soil into on top of
    the root ball and if you hole ends up too big suggestion
    is take a couple pieces of newspaper cut a hole in the
    center to stick the plant then lower it into the pail and
    the dirt stays attached easier. Fill pail with soil and on
    top plant your basil. Basil keeps the tomato bugs at bay.
    This is the inexpensive way otherwise those containers
    they sell in the store are going for 20 bucks. Oh, I use a
    box cutter to make the hole. I use a magic marker to
    designate where the X with a circle around it marks the
    spot. The only thing I will caution you about is make
    sure where you hang it from, that it is sturdy. Last year
    one of the hanger was on the porch wood posts and
    half way thew the summer it came crashing to the
    ground. :roflmao: The wood was rotten.
    That's another project for another day.
    I am happy to hear that their are so many of you that
    want to know how to do this. I will tell you that I think
    the Cherry or Grape tomatoes are the easiest to grow
    this way. Thank you all.
    As to get Carl to write, his spelling is bad. He get
    frustrated, I tried - he passed. Carl plays cards. That is
    after each one. That is his comfort level. He is the
    socialite at the neighbor coffee shop. He gets more out
    of having in person contact with people. Not computer.
    Carl is a 'big ham'. Likes peoples responsiveness in
    person. Let us all remembertolaugh, jb
    P.S. More gardening how too and tips to come.

  7. Jeanniebean
    I prevailed! I now know how to post pictures, I posted the pictures
    from Planting the flower beds at the Emory Rehab Ctr. Everyone
    scattered when I mention taking a picture so from left to right:
    Mr.&Mrs. Padgett, Kirk Hines, Sherrill Peoples, me with the
    off white Newsboy Cap, and Carl with his red Newsboy cap.
  8. Jeanniebean
    I finally dug up the area in front of my house next to my sidewalk that lead
    out to the street and the driveway. Part of it is already had Dwarf Iris and Day
    Lillie's and Asian Lillie's. I have another 6' that is weeds and mud ugly. I
    turned that over and added compost to break up that Georgia Clay dirt, and
    added lots of good organic fertalizer all with the help of my very very best
    friends Mary and Robert. She even put my plastic sides in to hold the dirt
    in the area and not let the rain that comes down the driveway wash the dirt
    away. Carl was the master mind behind what to add to the soil. With all of
    us working together the flower bed was born. Thank God ! Thank Mary,
    Robert, Al, and Carl. That was enough work for today. Tomorrow I will
    lay the seed, water and then cover for 7 to 10 days for germination.
    I'm exhausted today, but I really feel good about what I have accomplished
    in my yard this year.
  9. Jeanniebean
    I DUG 1 TOO MANY HOLES I've been outside digging holes one after another. After planting at the Rehab
    Thursday Carl got another bug up (you know where) to go to the nursery and
    buy more plants. Carl has decided we are going to have in the front yard a
    butterfly garden. We've got a variety of perennials (cuz I'm not doing this
    over again next year) and Day Lilly, and Asian Lilly. I avoided going out
    when Carl went cus I wanted to catch up one reading the news and avoid a
    confrontation with him to where I think the plants should go vs he thinks.
    Carl has such a short fuse, the littlest thing kicks him off. So, let him dig
    holes and plant (he bought, let him plant them :roflmao: I'm just kidding.
    Well, that did not take long before he calls me outside and wants my opinion.
    Now is this a trap for me to get engaged in the process and give an opinion or
    do I just go along with what his idea is and agree with him. I agree with him
    on everything and offer to dig holes and he can plant and fill up with potting
    soil. I really did want to come outside and play in the dirt today. Between
    the two of us we got what we had planted. So off to Lowe's to buy a
    piece of plywood to fix the porch chair. You guessed it were do we end
    up but in the nursery and we get more plants. Oh, Carl found a sunny place
    for my tire to be placed for me to plant my gourds. I'll be able to attache
    the vines to the front fence so once they get started their won't be any work in
    keeping them off the ground. Just add them to the watering list. Pray we get
    enough rain this summer.
    Our raised bed we have on the side of the house is almost filled up,
    I have 10 different types of tomatoes, about a dozen different pepper plants,
    herbs, and I started beets in the house and they will be big enough to
    plant outside in another week. Out front along the driveway outside of the
    fence to the street we planted collards. They have been in for 3 weeks and
    our doing quit nice. Bad news: someone walking past decided to stop and
    admire but then pulled up our collards and took 6 out of 10 plants with them.
    :Tantrum: they were still in baby stage, Maybe they could not afford plants
    and took mine. They could of asked . I'm mad as hell but I have to turn to
    spirit and say they must of needed them. Go on with my day. That's enough
    of that.
    I have not had the stamina to be out digging in the garden for 4 years. This is
    a passion of mine to grow the things I can go right outside and pick to have
    for my dinner and to cut beautiful flowers for my table. The joy it brings
    to my heart. To share what blooms in my yard for other people to
    experience joy in their lives. The last time I gardened heavy was in '96'.
    Now that I look back I was declining and did not recognize it. I've been
    hypothyroidism since '66'. My first stroke doctors estimate was back in '98'.
    The hole started being dug when I lost my eyesight in my left eye. But all
    the digging threw my years has sooner or later left me smelling roses. So I
    use metaphorical the gardening. This is great therapy for the both of us.
    No upsets, no conflicts, I understanding Carl has some deficits that he is
    working threw, I'm working on deficits he doesn't have but all and all I
    rather be happy and joyful than right. (most of the time). :cocktail:
  10. Jeanniebean
    Fertilize for root shock all newely planted plants. Including my feet. This is the time I really get to try out my new meds pertaining to my angia. Last year I was in a study and I recorded for 4 weeks when I got that awaufl censation and would have to pop a Neg pill. I was approved for the meds and then Medicare denied me, so then I had to get a letter from my doc to say the neg were not working and gave them my results from the study.
  11. Jeanniebean
    Time to put the computer to the side Well all is good at the home front. Carl is keeping his talking up,
    I have stepped away from the computer and outside. We are
    having some great spring days, start out in the low 50's and
    max by noon to a cool 70. I was to the nursery and found
    dwarf irises, for the front along the driveway. Three plants
    in three different colors, one in butterscotch, one in deep
    purple and one in light violet. I hope they bloom this year,
    if they do I'll post the pic.
    I can only speak for my self about the computer is such a
    good invention but, it can get me to forget about getting
    outside and getting my exercise and helping Carl with the
    planting of everything we bring home from the nursery.
    It's been a while since I posted so, I have a few things I've
    wanted to post about. And all have come about because I
    put the computer down.
    I've been going to the YMCA now for a year except for during
    that cold part of winter months three times a week doing water
    aerobics senior class. It is good to see all the other people I
    have met and chic chat with them all. But, added going in the
    afternoon late evening and I have met this one pictorial young
    woman. She is from Vietnam. She came in the 70's as a child
    with her mother and father and 7 siblings on the last
    helicopter that was taking Vietnamese people out to USA.
    She is a young woman with allot of passion. Her name is Q.
    The best part is she does yoga and she is offered to teach
    me going to teach me. YA!
    Q tells me their are different types of yoga, the one bend
    like a pretzel (ha! ha! ) and the one she does is every
    move is stretching with constant breathing .
    We met back at the pool the next evening and did yoga in
    the water. While Q and I were doing yoga a couple other
    women joined us that were also interested and were just
    waiting around till aerobics class started :chat: (without
    the chairs). Wonderful can't wait till next week.
    Q is a blessing into my life. I needed a inventive to my
    stretching, and a new friendship to go along with it. I hit the
    mother load! We talk like we've know each other for a long
    I am able to get out and about and meat new friends, I
    consider myself fortunate. Those that are house bound and I
    know you and live near you I will visit often because I can.
    For the computer can take you anywhere in the world enjoy.
    Well, not to cut this blog short but it's time to push the
    computer aside and get ready for my busy day.
    Today is Emory Stroke Survivors' Club meeting at the Emory
    Rehab ctr. We are having our Spring Fling. An Interactive
    Horticulture Therapy Group with Kirk Hines, Certified
    Horticulture Therapist. We will have light refreshments
    to start and then proceed to the garden. This is a raised bed,
    all are able to participate in preparing the soil and then all
    coming to agreement how we should arrange the many
    flowers that have been donated to the club from Home Depot.
    It is a fun group that comes from the outside as well as those
    that are recent survivors' come down and out with their
    therapist and join the fun. If you club doesn't do something
    like this I suggest you suggest this to your coordinator of
    your club check into it. It is great therapy, fresh air and
    social for us all, including caregivers. Note: some end up
    doing nothing but they do get to socialize, and we all know
    how important that can be to our rehab.
  12. Jeanniebean
    A healing supper.  
    My two friends have joined together to spread their healing
    abilities. I'll go into that at another time.
    Carl and I were invited to join in a chicken soup tribal
    ceremonial given to Melody-Rose from one of her elders.
    I even got Carl so interested he was going to see friends that he
    wanted to make a dish to bring. Not to upset his apple cart I
    assisted him in making his dish. Since Carl's post stroke he
    has to be left to run his thought all the way threw with no
    interruptions. We brought a light squid and baby octopus
    salad. We all sit down for a wonderful bowl of chicken soup
    and a fantastic Tribal Ceremony Healing story.
    Now the individual healing session. I go first, Melody-Rose
    and her partener Russell do their thing ( mind you at any time
    Carl can and would say we are out of hear if it strikes him
    different, upset the apple cart) I came to this healing for
    Carl's benefit. Between the two of them they had many
    things to say about Carl's flow of energy threw his main
    core, the blockage on his left side of his mind. While they
    proceeding I know he can hear every word they are saying,
    asking me question as well as my response. Carl's
    frustrations at times have gotten the better of him and now
    instead of hearing it from me he has heard it from an
    outsider. All is going very well, Carl's session is over and
    we all talk about the results and were and how he should
    proceed in his recovery. He took this all in stride and was
    not overwhelmed.
    It's been two weeks since the healing and in these two weeks
    Carl has engaged in conversation about the findings in the
    healing. Carl has taken on a new persona in listening to
    himself when he speaks. Has slowed down and has received
    more comments from people he has not seen in a few weeks
    of how well his speech has gotten. I see this has given him a
    boost of confidence. It has given me joy. I am so thankful for
    hearing and listening to my spiritually voice.
  13. Jeanniebean
    I have been asking the Holy Spirit to send me help, and help has arrived. Carl and I rent a house with a small yard. We get a boy in the neighbor to cut our grass (weeds) usually. Carl has for the past four years put a garden in, but this year he needs help. My landlord sent over one of his helpers and my prayer has been answered.
    The man is in his sixty's and glad to be helping Carl, and can understand him. If not he tell him to settle down and Carl accepts it. They are working together and laughing and joking around. This has made Carl a much happier person to live with. And I'm a happier person.
    At the moment I have in my yard four new Japaneses Maples each one a different specie. With a ring of creeping jenny at the base.
    Next Carl has planted tomatoes in a bucket upside down, and basil on the top. The other 5 plants of tomatoes and 12 peppers different kinds in pots.
    The time he spends with the gardener gives me a break for the first time with us being both home.

  14. Jeanniebean
    Thanks everyone for the understanding, sometimes when things go a ry you think it only happens to you. Let :BashHead: me introduce you to my hubby, his name is Carl he is 62
    never been sick a day in his life. Until one day in July of '07' was stroked. He refused to go to the hospital, he was scared (which came out in a later discussion) and I was scared mixed with confusion. The next day I insisted I take him to emergency. He would not let me call 911. He was paralyzed on the right side and his speech garbled-aphasia. Carl is back to normal except for his speech-and every thing that goes with it. That everything is the WOW the effect. Carl's mind was turned back to a little kid. :Tantrum:
    Carl woke up Sunday morning, was very civil we had a discussion and he was very humble and apologized.
    Everything has changed for us, when the mind been stroked. I have to remember to watch my P's and Q's and give him TIME to get out what he is try to say.
    If only I can remember to keep my mouth closed and wait till later to say what's on my mind. All in keeping peace.

  15. Jeanniebean
    Once Again I Missed Chat on Sunday I really wanted to get to chat cuz I would like to hear how every one else uses the blog. All the things on the site. I hope we schedule another chat. I would like to hear some experts experiences.
    I'm just experimenting not really understanding the Quick Access. I'm enjoying the blogging even if I don't post what I wrote down. Just easy way to express feelings of joy or confusion ect.

  16. Jeanniebean
    I was under the assumption I was going to have a wonderful day. That was the problem "I thought" who ever told you you can think? After all when another person is involved the whole picture changes. Now their are two people involved in thinking, perception, judgment. All things considered. I am usually most of the time using spirit to guide me through my day. After all we are all one. So, their is only one who knows what you are thinking. But when you throw life into the picture you have confusion inserted. That means the Ego. Ego wants it's way. It brings the unexpected twist and turns into a relationship. The baggage Ego brings, let me count the ways: 1) always wants it's way. 2) It's right and if their is doubt it will convince you it's right at any cost. 3) Judgment comes into play 4) You rather be right than happy 5) Use any body else to get what you want 6) It's better to blame the other person, for it looks better that they are doing the wrong 7) Ego does not have to explain to any one, cuz it does not recognize anybody but itself 8) Ego does not know the meaning of sharing
    What got me on this today, well someone else wanted to run to the store to return something and I'll add every thing was hunky-dory :thumbs up: starting the day out. But not so fast. Ego decided to rear it's head towards me and her I sit on my computer typing this wondering what it was that I did that made the other person bring out his Ego. What did I say? The other person dropped me off and left. Who know where or for how long. But did utter to me "we are not going tonight".
    Tonight: I went to the store early this morning to get my ingredients for my desert I am taking to a Pot luck supper. So I sit, with grocery's bought and not going. I depend on that person to take me. I've had this on my calendar for over a month. My desert needs to be put together ahead of time so it has time to sit. I was going to get to see old friends, and have a chance to me some new. Now it's not going to happen. Put the grocery's in the fridge for another day.
    Take the lemon and turn it into a lemonade. Now it's time for walk in the park and a good long meditation.
  17. Jeanniebean
    Today is a good day. Good day, what makes a good day I'll count the ways: When your hubby has been complaining of back pain and finally decide to go to the Chiropractor, and while we are at the doc I ask for an adjustment. WOW!
    See I believe in Chiropractors. My hubby always went to one and inter deuce me to the practice. When I had my stroke the Chiropractor said he can't work on me because of the stroke. So for four year I have not had an adjustment.
    Chiropractors do not want to adjust in the neck area cuz of the blood vessels to the heart. Since it is my lower back he could see I was bent over walking with my cane. I have been having pain in the lower back even when I am sitting with out a back supported. I feel 2ft taller, my hips feel even when I walk, it's such a good feeling. Another thing that makes a good day is a long time co-worker contacted me and had a real nice talk. She wants my address to come visit. E-mail is great for this reason you can give it to the person in person and they may loose the paper they wrote it on or e-mail you can send it and all they have to do is save it in a folder. I like that. If US mail all came e-mail I would not loose the bills, information, notification, ect. all over the house or car. Another thing is a good day when I can roll over and set my feet down on the floor and have feeling in my feet. Stand up and walk. I am blessed.

  18. Jeanniebean
    :happybday: :happydance:
    I's my birthday and I can still party! I'm not able to party like I could at 25, but I give it a good try.
    When I got up this morning and went to brush my teeth I looked into the mirror and yep I'm still here. I will enjoy and be happy for I never know of my last day. I am blessed to be hear, being stroked brought me to hear my Holy Spirit. I rely on spiritualism. This world we call home is really the ego's home. We are just a actor in a play. Following a script. The ego love's to make chaos. In fact the ego even has love and hate upside down.

  19. Jeanniebean
    :yadayada: Well since Sunday with the big snow, it snowed in Atlanta Georgia, weather has changed to be beautiful, trees are budding out. The hubby finally let me drive the auto. I don't drive to often, maybe to the store around the block. Never at night, my night vision is gone.
    I'm getting back in the roll of my daily exercise, walking around the block which happen to be a Park. Going the Y for my three times a week, one hour of water exercise. I have arthritic knees, and water exercises actually relieves me from pain in my knees. Then taking a walk in the afternoon I can go twice around the block and not feel the pain. I am starting to experience numbness in my feet when I'm walking. I keep forcing myself cuz I am blessed to still walk. I had my stroked anniversary last month 4 years.
    I have had success in my endeavors of searching for my friends from my high school. Gayle, is her name and I am thrilled to find out she lives in SC and comes to Atl often. Can't wait to talk to her. Typing is cumbersome and takes memory to bring up topics or questions to want to know.
    I want to thank those, who are reading and commenting on my blog. Thank you. you have all given me encouragement to keep blogging.
  20. Jeanniebean
    Spring is a renewing time of the year. Hear the birds singing, having rain showers, trees are budding out, daffodils are blooming. As I sit and take the sounds in around me something comes over me. I'm alive, I was stroked, but I'm still her to bring a message to others. Shake off the last years woes. I am fortunate for I am not bound to a chair I can walk, not far but I can walk. I feel great today.
    I finally made the decision to get another vehicle. Or at least go to the car dealer and look around and see what was available. I am a believer if I go shopping and what I wanted is their and it makes me happy, I was to have it. I went to the dealer, the salesman that waited on me the last time had retired. Another salesman started taking to me, I got a good vibe from him and he did not have a hard sell. I knew what I wanted and so happened showed it to me right off the bat. A used 2008 Saturn Vue XE at the right price with my trade-in. My hubby is happy it is his fav color a deep red.
  21. Jeanniebean
    My day started out lying in bed, opening my eyes, hearing the TV on. My natural thought is hubby is up. Until, I hear the snore, next to me. I do my morning constitution, coffee just finished brewing (set on automatic to brew and be ready for me when I wake up). That's when it all was decided (remind you I saying I did not make a conscience decide) I picked up the clicker and I was unable to change the station, the volume, turn it off. Ok, it must be the the batteries, I'll change them and ??? Nope! Now, hubby wakes up and says 'it must be the batteries' and it's is now going thru my mind that it is not enough I'm having to deal with the clicker that does not talk but it controls the TV. Hubby, has aphasia and I have to figure out what he is try to say to me.
    Wanting to just pull the plug on the cable box and plug it back in, I decided not to. Some TV is better than No TV. Instead I'll call the cable company. I called and they go throu the usual questions and we will rest call us back in 10 miniutes if you still have nothing. Yep, you guessed it 10 minutes later call back and get someone else, sounds a little more savy and tell me 'Oh it's your clicker' 'We could send some one out to exchange it or you could go to one of our stores.' Now, I have to decide to wait till Monday for a cable guy to come and exchange the clicker on first available appoiment time or get hubby to drive us to a cable store and exchange. We choose cable store.
    I ask were is the closest one to my house. Do you have a phone number for the store and the answer I get is 'they don't take phone calls' So, now I have the information of the cross streets, it is in a Public's shopping center, and across the street from a Pep Boys. Good information, but hubby rushes me out the door and then says to me 'how far down this street is the cross street.' Well, I'm fit to be tied. He's the one that pushed me out the door before I could have a chance to think about the 'who, what, where, and how' answers.
    Time and time again I have to learn the same lesson over and over that before ventureing out do my 'who, what, where, how'. I know if I do not have the info, I'm to be blamed. Ever since hubby had his stroke the littlest thing can tic him off. And this time I did it again. Shitty day.
    Finnally got to the cable store and back home. Thank god.
    Ok, now put the batteries in and lets see. Nothing. Back on the phone to the cable company. We go throu the 20 questions and then they say'you have to reprogram' I can now start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.' Why could they not mention to me either at the time they are sending me to exchange or at the store about you will have to call and get it reprogramed. No body gives good customer service anymore. I was a customer service rep for many years. Thank god now the TV is working properly again.
    Oh, that cup of coffee I have ready when I wake up is cold now. I guess, I will nuke it. Now that I'm reading this over again and reflecing on the happenings I can laugh, and remind my self it's all and illusion, I made it all up, their is not world, their is no clicker, no hubby, no cars, driving. Their is only SPIRIT.

  22. Jeanniebean
    Friends, I seem to through the years have forgotten all my friends names I had through High School. After moving here and their, lost the year book, had a stroke, I would like to reconnect with them. A friend I had when I worked with sent me a invite to Face Book. I signed up, and that was the end of it. I really didn't think I would find anyone. So, time has passed and now I have some 25 friends.
    Steve Mallory happens to be one of my friends. If I can not find the old friends, I'll take the new spiritual ones that facebook brings me.

  23. Jeanniebean
    After being in the chat room today and talking to hostjan, she game me a inspirational thought about writing my thought down in the form of a blog. Thanks to jan.
    I've never attempted to do this before because since my stroke in 05 i have trouble collecting my thoughts.
    Collecting my thoughts to put on paper, keeping a journal, writing poetry, writing a instruction manual. Stop!
    I am 54 years old. I have not worked a day in my life since I had my first stroke 01which i or the doctors didn't know I was having. I was working a normal day being my normal self (computer IT manager) solving puzzles when i bent down to pick up a piece of paper from the floor and wham! **smack!** my nose started to bleed and it was no small nose bleed. my co-workers got me up to the nurses station and of course I had them call my husband. They call the rescue squad but they never made it their. The firer men did, and they are starting to want to find a vein in my arm. By this time my husband arrives and the third firer man want to try and my husband said to me "lets go I'm taking you to the hospital" and off in the car we went.
    That was the day I'll never forget, when I returned back to work later that month work closed down. I haven't worked since. Computers were my life, now it's confusion, headaches. Well that's enough for one sitting, thank god for spell check. Time to make the coffee.
  24. Jeanniebean
    I'll start by hope everyone's holidays treated them good. I don't get enthused
    with holidays ever since I moved Georgia away from all of my family. Reason
    for move was job transfer. Your parents are the nucleolus of family closeness.
    Especially when mom passes on. Mom passed in 2001 from cancer, that was
    the year I first stroked and didn't know it just lost my eyesight. So, holidays
    are just another day in the year.
    I have three siblings all older than I, and with families all in Ohio. My oldest
    sisters son got remarried just after Christmas, they sent me pictures of the
    beautiful day. It's nice to see my Nephew with his 10 year old son, a 5 year
    old stepson and his beautiful new bride.
    My oldest sister carries on tradition of a Christmas eve dinner and a New Years
    day dinner with her kids. Also inviting my brother and his wife. It's the only
    time of the year I call them and touch base with them all. My other sister
    passed on from MS in the 90's.
    Beside my one friend committed suicide, jumped off a bridge. He left a note
    at his house. His sister might one day share it with us. I just have a hard time
    accepting he could do this. I guess it is a lesson to me every thing on the outside
    may look just fine, he lived in a modest home on a large parcel of land worth
    $$$$. He had his own business, a appraisal. He was an advadit reader of sprirtual
    books. May he rest in peace.
    My friends parents that had strokes this year. T's mother was struck with a stroke
    in November, she was 82 fighting to live.My friend T called me when it occurred
    to ask me what should he expect. I gave him my knowledge of what I went threw
    and what Carl went threw. Told him about this site and magazine sites.
    Unfortunately she passed in early December.
    Another friends father was struck with stroke. In the summer she went and stayed
    with her mother hopping her father would return home. He was put in a rehab
    facility. She returned home going on with her daily life. Until one day her mother
    called notifying her of her fathers death. May he rest in peace.
    I am 55 years old. In reading all the forums and blogs and see how young stroke
    survivors are and when stroke hits. I don't know any statics but is seams people
    over say 70's have a much smaller chance of being a survivor but I am rutting
    for those to survive. Those that have had a stroke in childbirth I have never heard
    of until on this site. WOW! cheer.gif I'm cheering for all those struck with stroke and
    as well as all caregivers.
    I've lived in Georgia now 20 years. When at the first few years winters were warm.
    I was able to just ware a sweater, as years gone bye it has gotten colder every year.
    I see other people looking more like northers down south. We get snow scattered
    on the ground, but at least I don't have to shovel it. But, we get the ice on the
    ground, and wicked winds.
    Bring on the warmer weather, my body accepts it much better and easier.
  25. Jeanniebean
    I'll start by hope everyone's holidays treated them good. I don't get enthused
    with holidays ever since I moved Georgia away from all of my family. Reason
    for move was job transfer. Your parents are the nucleolus of family closeness.
    Especially when mom passes on. Mom passed in 2001 from cancer, that was
    the year I first stroked and didn't know it just lost my eyesight. So, holidays
    are just another day in the year.
    I have three siblings all older than I, and with families all in Ohio. My oldest
    sisters son got remarried just after Christmas, they sent me pictures of the
    beautiful day. It's nice to see my Nephew with his 10 year old son, a 5 year
    old stepson and his beautiful new bride.
    My oldest sister carries on tradition of a Christmas eve dinner and a New Years
    day dinner with her kids. Also inviting my brother and his wife. It's the only
    time of the year I call them and touch base with them all. My other sister
    passed on from MS in the 90's.
    Beside my one friend committed suicide, jumped off a bridge. He left a note
    at his house. His sister might one day share it with us. I just have a hard time
    accepting he could do this. I guess it is a lesson to me every thing on the outside
    may look just fine, he lived in a modest home on a large parcel of land worth
    $$$$. He had his own business, a appraisal. He was an sponge reader of spiritual
    books. May he rest in peace
    My friends parents that had strokes this year. T's mother was struck with a stroke
    in November, she was 82 fighting to live.My friend T called me when it occurred
    to ask me what should he expect. I gave him my knowledge of what I went threw
    and what Carl went threw. Told him about this site and magazine sites.
    Unfortunately she passed in early December.
    Another friends father was struck with stroke. In the summer she went and stayed
    with her mother hopping her father would return home. He was put in a rehab
    facility. She returned home going on with her daily life. Until one day her mother
    called notifying her of her fathers death. May he rest in peace.
    I am 55 years old. In reading all the forums and blogs and see how young stroke
    survivors are and when stroke hits. I don't know any statics but is seams people
    over say 70's have a much smaller chance of being a survivor but I am rutting
    for those to survive. Those that have had a stroke in childbirth I have never heard
    of until on this site. WOW! cheer.gif I'm cheering for all those struck with stroke and
    as well as all caregivers.
    I've lived in Georgia now 20 years. When at the first few years winters were warm.
    I was able to just ware a sweater, as years gone bye it has gotten colder every year.
    I see other people looking more like northers down south. We get snow scattered
    on the ground, but at least I don't have to shovel it. But, we get the ice on the
    ground, and wicked winds.
    Bring on the warmer weather, my body accepts it much better and easier.