
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Wow Debbie! Marybeth is one sweet supporting sister. It's nice to hear the enjoyment you and Bruce got from her visit. I think you have made a wise decision to let Bruce know he has to partake in suggesting entertainment for the two of you. You two are a great team. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  2. Lydia, Good for you, dotting your i's and crossing your t's towards retirement day.:Dr_Evil: Have you filled out your disability papers to send them in July 2nd? I am now retired 12 years. Sometimes I wake up not knowing what day it is. For every day is the same, no difference from weekdays and weekend days. I look at every day as a fresh breath of air. I have always had my driving licenses but I knew my limitations after my stroke. I only drive locally on side streets. Freeway only in emergencies. I don't drive after dark if I can help it. My eyes have depth problems. Lydia I'm sure you also know your limitations.. Some how I believe we relate being able to drive equals independence. So for me around town is just enough of independence that I don't feel like a prisoner. So, I wish you luck in getting your driver license back.:You-Rock: As for you family and friends not thinking your stroke was a major upset, is just their ignorance. When they look at you, it could be them. Forgive them for they are just uninformed. You have been given the experience to open their experience. I agree with you on life is so fragile. Money, objects we think we can't live without we come to the conclusion are useless. Family, relationships, love for fellow man and pets that care for us and give us love is what matters. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  3. Lydia, How awful of a grand mother to pin you girls against each other. But, now it's water under the bridge. :happydance: I have two older sisters and could never think of being pulled apart like you went threw. That's great your sister stepped up without questioning. It's never too late to repair a sibling relationship.:forgive_me?:remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  4. Kimmie, I feel for your delma. but if you are one disability they can not touch it, even a judgement. Is my understanding. I'm glad you have a sweet grand baby to keep a smile on your face and joy in your heart. remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail:
  5. Wow. This is great. I started reading but I have trouble following line after line with not breaks. Is it possible for you to put more breaks in your writing. I am really interested in reading this post. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  6. The script is already written, God knows all before you ever thought it. Fred you are a wonderful messenger of God. Put your trust in him and he will have your back. You are a symbol of Gods love. Thank You. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  7. It's been a long time that I have felt as good as I do since my stroke. Or maybe ever.:silly::silly: I'm loving my life, and my love for and with Carl is ever so stronger. Even tho Carl had a stroke. The love Carl and I have for each other spiritually deeper bond :bop:. I only have one other such bond and that's with Mark.(that's another story for another time.) My knees are feeling great, had my last shot. My knee brace for my right leg came in and is helping me be balance. My back had been adjusted and I feel good not great yet. Doc has to get my hips in alignment, for tweaking with the aid of a cane has gradually bent over a bit. I look forward to standing straight up and shoulders back.:big_grin: Now Carl has had 10 weeks of decompressing sessions and tweaking adjustments. Carl received a shot in each hip and is feeling great. Having Carl feeling great in turn, I feel gratitude.:Cheers: Carl and I volunteered at the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm Wednesday bunching, bagging the veggies for Thursday CSA pickup and market. We were their for 6 hours. Their were 4 people out in the fields picking and bringing carrots, green onions, kohlrabies, radishes, cucumbers, pickles for pickling, Zucchini, yellow summer squash. The lettuces were already picked, washed, and in the refrigerate.(you've never seen such beautiful lettuces like this in the grocery stores.) :Clap-Hands::bungee:Thursday morning they'll pick the basil, and dill. Celia was under the weather so she stayed home and rested. Baby come first, she is due in October. Angela had it all on her shoulders. Thursday we had pain doctors appointment, we got our usual treatment. Had to be done my 10:30am. Since it's the last Thursday of the month 11:00am is Emory Stroke Club. Traffic was heavy which made us 15 minutes late. When we open the door WOW:Explode: Full room. The topic was making choices of size and type of food to eat. What to watch out for when in the grocery store. How to read the ingredients on packages. I stay away from package foods as a rule. But, when I get in those funky moods rules go out the door in a flash :Munch:. The speaker had a small booklet that had take out restaurants. Telling you what had the lowest calories. She didn't bring any extra's so she took my mailing address to send me a copy. I won't be going out to eat much but I want to keep up to date on what choices I have when those emergency quickie meals come around. :Ponder: Why I feel so great is I found a pair of shorts I wore in 2001, put them on and they are loose fitting on. I almost have to wear a belt to keep them up. Lol :yawn: I got up too early, 3:30am again so I'm going to wrap it up and take a another snooze.:Zzzz: remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail: remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  8. When I was a kid my family lived in the country what is now know as Cleveland, Ohio. My one brother and two sisters which are older than me, would always have to watch over me and take me with them.:whack: We had lots of open land and as well as wooded land. Some of my memories are pretty funny thinking back. I can remember my oldest sister Ann dressing me up in a dress, why I don't know.:hug: Taking me out to the field and making a camp fire. :growl:I guess she was playing girl scouts with me. The fire caught my dress and Ann threw dirt on me.:oops: The rest of my memory is being scolded by my mother for getting my dress dirty. Ann got away with just a “don't play with matches”.:blah_blah: Ann was the one always to get poison ivy, some time during the summer if not more. I never once got it as a kid that I remember. But, Ann would seem to always having that pink stuff all over her. Calamine lotion.:goodjob: Back then it only came in pink. Well, this last week I've been itching on my forearm. I'm thinking it's sun poisoning. (cause I spend so much time outside). I called Ann, we talked about what she thought it could be, for my memory is shot. If Ann could see it she would know. So now I move on to go see my girlfriends, Mary. Mary is from Cleveland Ohio also. I am going over to see her for other reasons. She gets up from her chair whips around to the side of me and says “What is that” pointing at my forearm. Before I could get a word out.:juggle: She says “I know what that is, Poison Ivy”. She continues “ Is it itchy?” and of course it is. But, Carl says” That's why I'm itching, I have it too.” :silly: Mary the good friend that she is brings out the cream she used on herself the last time she got it. Then she takes Carl out to her yard and shows him what the leaf looks like. Mary knows we have it in our yard, cause she has seen it their. I am now covered in white cream. Every itch I get I put cream on. I don't want this to spread. Now I have a itch on my face. That's is one of the last placed I want to have poison ivy. It's so gross. Looks like I have lepers skin (all bubbly). Now I'll email my sister and let her know the update that it's poison ivy that I have. I'm also going to ask her if I ever had it as a child. She'll remember. Now to top it all I am itching from ant bites. These red ants in Georgia are the nastiest ants. Their in my mail box. I'll soak the mail box and area around with ant killer :Explode: Remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean
  9. Asha, Yes you summed it up right. I can hear from your post that you are at peace. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  10. I have one more shot to go in my right knee. So far my knees are pain free. I was sized for a customized knee brace called “OAcitive “. Osteoarthritis Knee Brace. I received my brace and was shown how it is to be put on. It's like having a robotic leg with it on. The knee brace is to help keep my knee in alignment. I wore it out of the doctors office, have to break it in. But, wearing it outside in the heat (90 degrees) is hot. We have come upon a Mennonite Church in our area. Last Sunday Carl and I went to their service. The community is small. They have turned their land into a farm. They sell shares of the farm, you buy a share like $700.00 for 30 weeks of produce that they grow. They have half shares, which means you pick up every other week = 15weeks. We bought half share for the two of us. I think that will be plenty. We asked to break the payments over 4 months. The head person Ceci ok'd the payment plan. It's going to be tough4 but I'm getting veggies I need to be eating. Ceci needs help harvesting and packaging the produce was announced in church. Carl and I volunteered. Wednesday we spent four hours, first harvesting snap beans. Then we come inside and filled plastic bags with 1lb. Of beans. Their was already a lot harvested that needed to be prepared for market, so we spent the rest of the time preparing, beets, green onions, parsnips, 3 different kinds of greens for market. Thursday is market day so nothing is happening at the farm. Friday once again we prepare for Saturday market day. While we are preparing for market day we put aside the shares portions. The shares pick up at the markets, either Thursday or Saturday. These people are so loving, kind and giving. This Sunday Carl went to service without me because a limb from our dead tree hit our satellite dish and knocked it off. And I was waiting for the tech to fix it. When Carl returned home with a dozen of fresh eggs and a jar of strawberries preserves from Pastor John and his wife. Carl is flourishing in his speech. I notice he is talking much more and more clearly. This is a blessing. These people accept Carl for who they see. For they do not know the old Carl. Carl was getting all kinds of advice from Ceci on why his radishes only had great tops but no bottoms. Root veggies need more of potash in the ground. We have great heads of cabbage, summer squash and tomatoes growing in our garden. We could use some rain for I hate having to pay a high water bill.
  11. Thank you all for leaving comments, they are so insightful. I removed some boxes from my page. T o use editor, you just click on it and it is the same page set of you'll see for blogging. I understand about the some many lines with no breaks. You all have been very kind and I appreciate that. Of course my mother use to say "If you can't say something nice, don't say it at all." And that's what comments should be all about.A Uplifting voice of encouragement. This is the first time I'm writing a blog. And If it wasn't for the girls in chat that day (I can't remember their name at this time) The encouragement that pored out of each one of them, especially Asha I would not be writing today. Thank you all. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:
  12. Jeanniebean


    Oh Debbie, The love you have for Bruce shines threw as you posted . You two are such a great team. That volunteering has really gotten Bruce's emotional feelings on an expressing road. That is just great. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  13. I was going threw the blogs reading for the week and reading the many comments but, I was wondering what attracts others to read your blog and leave a comment? some blogs get many comments, where others get a few, such as my recent blog post. I myself find all blogs interesting. But these questions popped into my mind, as I mentioned what attracts others to read my (your) blog? Is it knowing the person and what their story always brings to your? It is the title of the blog post? Is it the font that they use and what font makes it easiest to read? Is it the line spacing? Is it that catchy title? What is a catchy title to a blog? Or, is the person using his or her blog to tel story's and is a great story teller. Or just a great writer? Is it just their life's story? Leave me your interest in reading strokes blogs. Well, I think you get the idea. Don't you wonder how many people are reading your post. If no comment is left you don't know. I would like to know. So, I suggest that we all start leaving comments. Doesn't have to be much just commenting Great Post. So, I'm going to start doing it. Unless you all change my mind by your comments left. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  14. Doreen, I agree with Asha, Fred said it right. Just to add I have a montra that I repeat to myself when I'm in a ugly mood. I am a worthy loving expression of God. You are not a body, you are spirit. and I'll leave you with my closing. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  15. I am excited for who ever can benefit from this clinical research. I a firm believer of clinical research. I myself do not need this clinical research. But I have friends that could and would like to know the formal clinical research name please. I want to check the data basis. I was in a clinical research fo r a robot arm, for fingers and forearm. It was the last thing I needed was my fingers and forearm. I could not pour a cup of coffee from a pot of coffee. I had success at the end of the time period. And your right commitment is the key and finishing the program. Thank you for the info. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  16. Sue, Ladies we are all in the same predicament. Carl decided to stop wearing his dress slacks. Went to Wal-Mart and got sweat pants. Elastic waist, elastic around the ankles. I bought a couple a pairs. He's happy now that he is wearing elastic waist band. I'm happy he is not complaining his waist band in his pants are too tight. All our friends have fallen threw the cracks. So Carl and I decided we put faith in Spirit and Spirit has come threw. We have new friends they accept us as we are, especially Carl with his aphasia. I know it may not be the same for you cuz Ray is at a different level stroke, but faith will prevail Sue. remembertolaugh, Jeannie:cocktail:
  17. Kelly, Debbie said it all. I agree with her.remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  18. Mary Jo, You have me laughing. Don't me so hard on yourself. You have been juggling everything and no one to share the burden.. I was so glad to hear you pushed forward to as for a another physician.. Dan couldn't do it without you. I can see what Dan seen in you, and ain't letting you go. lol You are such a go scheduler, schedule yourself in for me time. Dan would want you to and you know it. Mary Jo you and Dan make a great team. But the team can only be great if both persons take care of themselves. Since Dan has been stroked and unable to care for you you have to do it. and do it now. you'll feel better, look better, and take care of Dan with a better attitude. (not that you have a bad attitude). lol get rid of that old hag and become the wonder woman that you are.:happydance: lol
  19. To start off this will be a scattered :dribble: collection of my thoughts of whats been happening the past month. I read the book that the Stroke Community book club assigned but the date to get together was postponed and I missed the revised date. So, I'll try this next book The Secret. My knees & back: Shots done in the left knee, two more to go on the right. I was sized up for a knee brace for the right knee. It will be custom made, I should receive it in two weeks or so. That will support my knee from popping out of socket. Been feeling great, have not had to take pain meds, so therefore I have been more awake able to complete my half done projects. (that I'll talk about another day.) I've been running on pure adrenaline. Now the back, I have had adjustment before my stroke. This is the first chiropractor that would adjust me. It's a different kind of adjustment. Very gentle, uses some kind of small hammering machine down my spine, then uses a vibrator is sore spots. Everything seems to fall into place. I am feeling better. I got my back brace this last week, to keep me from straining my back. Once my knees are done I will start being put on the decompression table. This is where you put on a vest, lay on the table, you are hooked to a pulley and your back is ever so gentle pulled. Your spine is being realigned. I know so much about it now cuz Carl is going threw treatments while I'm getting my knees shot up. I'm looking forward to be continuously standing up straight. I have not been adjusted since I stroked and have to walk with a cane. It's not for everybody and I know other here have stated they were adjusted and were stroked cuz of the adjustment. :juggle:Sorry for all those if you believe that but I believe in Chiropractors. I've been going to the pain doc twice a week, every week now for 9weeks. I pick first appointment so I can get in and get out. :head_hurts:Then I have the rest of the day to accomplish something else in my day. The flower garden: I've had to pick a lot of weeds, hopefully that's what they were. At least that's what they looked like to me in the middle flower garden. The side, next to the neighbors fence and our driveway I see sunflowers getting now 6 inches tall. But, weeds from the next door neighbor is invading my space. So that brings me to having to call the city ordnance dept. He will be out next week, take pictures and advise the owner. The ordnance states if there is a dwelling on the lot the lot needs to be free of debris, junk cars, and keep maintained. Before, 2 years ago the owner kept it beautiful. For there are lots of Hostas and Cannon plants. I have tolerated this ugly over grown, weed infested yard long enough. Now I have helped the inspector the phone number and email address of the owner. The owner now lives in Boston, MA. So he can sent the citation to her. The renters don't care about this part of the yard. I have gone over to talk to them about the mess, the landlord has come into town told me she will have someone keep this part of the yard better kept. That was three weeks ago and nothing has changed. It's time to take action. Don't you agree? The veggie garden: Carl is the keeper of this but I am hear to tell you all about it. He had two plots. One On the side of our house, a raised bed with 12 tomato plants, a few basil plants (by the way if you plant basil with your tomatoes it keeps the bugs away from the tomatoes.) The front raised bed, (and literary it is made from a water bed frame) This bed has broccoli, yellow squash, hot peppers, radishes, cabbage, collard greens, chives, eggplant, Red bell peppers, fennel. Anther 5 or so pails with tomatoes in them. The kinds of tomatoes, I can't name the different kinds but the one I know is cherry tomatoes. And if that's not enough he had 2 upside down tomatoes planted. Now to keep those pesky squirrels out of the garden and off of the bird feeders I have discovered plant marigolds. Pesky animals such as squirrels don't like the smell of Marigolds. The squirrels have just about knocked the feeder off it's perch.I planted Marigolds around the pole on the ground. I could go on but I'm going to stop and continue this on the next post, I'll try not to be so long in between post. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  20. Jeanniebean

    Away From Home

    Fred wonderful blog. My prayers are with all those battling flood waters. The little 7 year old reading bedtime stories to pa pa is just precious. What an endearing pa pa you are Fred. It may be your fourth time around but it sounds as if your meant for each other. God bless you both. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  21. Kellie, You do what is best for you. Other family members and friends are expressing them selves to you cause when they look at you they see them self. that scares them and you are hearing their fear for themselves.If you ask them the question If they know what they are mad at.(that you are receiving ). Your never upset for the reason you think. Kellie it's not you, don't take any of their verbal abuse you are not warranted it. A mantra for you to repeat> "I AM A LOVING, WORTHY EXPRESSION OF GOOD. This will bring your mind back to peace. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  22. Debbie, You and Bruce are engaging in a wonderful, loving satisfying enjoyment. I can hear your voice when I read your blog. Bruce's independence at Animal Haven is showing off his special abilities their, right in front of you. It was a wonderful idea to do this. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  23. Good for you Wayne. question tho, How did they go in and clean that area? I'm curious. Never heard it being done before. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  24. Lynn, Glad to see you back. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  25. Fred, Great jokes, made me chuckle!!!! remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail: