
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Ditto to Sue advice. Please let him keep talking non stop cuz if he ended with aphasia you would have to figure out what he was trying to say. take small steps in change for the brain is damaged and need time to make new connections. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  2. Sue, you and Ray are a great team. You are a great caregiver. You have compassion for Ray. You are making him as comfortable as possible.

    As for others, they are not being rude they do not know better. Until it occurs to them will they really understand.

    Sue I do understand you when you get to the point to say "I'm out of here" I am unable to pick up and leave for I get lost. Even in my own back yard.

    You must not miss getting into the ocean even it you only get you toes in. Remember doing your regular things keeps you sane. Ray would want you to as his caregiver to still live a vital life. See those grand kids, they grow up too fast.remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  3. Jeannie, so pleased things are working out for you and Carl. The therapy sounds like it is really improving your ability to walk and stand. I like the sound of the fresh pasta - yummy.


    Spring there sounds nice, buds and blossom and hopefully some warmer weather soon for you - Happy Springtime.



    Thank you Sue. It was a long cold winter. For spring we are getting sufficient rain for the buds to open. Today is a very pleasant sunny day. I put my Night Blooming Cerius inside plant went outside

    today, this plant only blooms 1 time, in the night, by morning the bloom deflates. It's a sight to see.

  4. Lydia, Monster, Love it!:Clap-Hands: what a great name. I wouldn't even think of changing his name either.

    Sam and Monster are going to be a faithful pair for you to deal with. It's great the trainer will come to your house and for that low fee:goodjob:. Your blesses.

    Monster is one lucky dog to end up in your house and have the love you and Sam have to share.

    The love that is pouring out of you when you talk about Monster is so beautiful. I wish I

    was Monster.:happydance:

  5. Debbie and Asha are right so ditto. My two cents,

    Miracles are your right. God only gives us what he know we can handle. So, take those negatives and turn them into positives. Lessons to be learned. If you are seeing some of the old negatives repairing take a second look to find the lesson in it. You are a child of God, born in his image. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  6. Wow! You had a fun filled day. I wish I was their. I'm Czech Ruth. As far as I known Pigs in the Blanket are Pigs in the Blanket - Cut the core of the cabbage and boil the head in salted water, when the leaves start coming off the stalk take a leaf cut the hard part out, in the mean time put together the filling. ground chuck, instant rice, salt, pepper, can of crushed tomatoes, onion, garlic. Mix that up and in each cabbage leaf you will put a tablespoon on and roll like rolling a egg role. Place them in a roaster take another can of crushed tomatoes ad some sugar and water, pour over the rolls. Bake covered for 1hr. Make mashed potatoes, and wa la! Pigs in the blankets for dinner. They make a great Entree', add a veggie, potatoes. Oh! I forgot, take the triangle you cut out of each leaf and chop them up and lay on top of the layer of sauce. You've used 1 whole head of cabbage. Need more info pm me.

    The kolache' we make dozens of them at Christmas time, and for weddings and baby showers.

    Smart move to plan to go to the Y and miss the traffic. That's what I would of done Ruth.

    Sounds like William was a good boy and you enjoyed yourself as well. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  7. Fred,

    Honest opion - getting a dog for an only child, six years old is way too young. For their are no brothers or sisters to fill except for you. I noticed you asked yourself the question about who takes the dog out if the child is in school 5 days a week, you. Your asking the correct questions and your answers always come back to YOU.

    Fred I'm sure you love animals(dogs) but your mobility is probable not feasible. Your on the right track to put it on HOLD for a few years. Remember, your dealing with a kid that wants something from Grandpa. How about changing her mind to a kitty or cat. Cats pretty much take care of themselves. she is able to have something to hold. If you are so incline to get her a pet.

    Good luck in the pet endeavor.

    I would love a dog again but I know for me it's too much work, taking care of myself is enough for me and I'm an remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  8. Ruth, Good for you planning your plan and sticking to it. I can tell you had a accomplished feel:Clap-Hands: and William has tuckered out:cloud9:.

    One of these days I will get in for a cleaning. Carl had gone and has had some other work that need being done, so when I get his work paid off

    I'm next.:big_grin: remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail::cocktail:

  9. Lydia, The tests were good and tiring not only for your eyes but your brain. ha! I've been going for those eye test now for 10 years. I still drive around town but, never was told I had to stop driving. Your eyes sound like their in worse shape than mine. You have my sympathy.

    Loss of vision has lead me to seeing threw my spirit. For spirit has no judgment upon others.

    As for Independence I look at it now that my hubby can always be part of my recovery I don't have to do it alone. Hubby gives me my time by going someplace where he gets his time. Then I have the whole house to myself. remembertolaugh,

    Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  10. Dean, In this time of rehabbing which is not a specific block of time, continues daily for the rest of your life. Everything I do is therapy for me. Which before I was stroked I was a work alcoholic. Sitting at a computer day in day out, not ever taking a walk around the building on breaks or lunch time.

    I find blogging to be therapeutic and it sounds like you do also. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  11. Ken, I had it at the beginning. My doctor said most stroke victims end up with it.My doctor referred me to a Orthopedic clinic. That doctor ordered me to get x-rayed of my shoulders. Orthopedic doctor read the xrays and said my shoulder socket was out, inflamed. He gave me cortisone shots. Right then and I only had to go back one more time for shots and the pain was gone. :Clap-Hands:

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  12. Stessie, You are inspirational to this site. Your grandson is you life line. Hold on your in for a rough time with your second stroke but that little boy will pull you thew. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail: