
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Boy, I'm jealous of your support system you have.:ranting: But, I'm so glad you have it:goodjob:. Friends for over fifty years is a sure sign of true friendship. :chat:

    BTW that moon last night was so bright it shined in the bathroom that I did not need to turn on the light.

    remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:

  2. Lydia, Asha has a good idea to sit down with Sam and the whole family. Lydia you had the stroke which effected you. Your family have to watch and adjust to your differences. It's just as tough for your family as for you.

    I have noticed that you loose a lot of your friends cuz they look at you that it could be them. Appreciated what others are doing for you. You are their loved one, and don't know how to help you without interfering.

    So, gather everyone and explain to them what your feeling, and how you will accept help. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail::cocktail:


    P.S. to collect Disability you have to stopped working. (at least in GA where I live)what to know more about my experience pm me. :secret:

  3. Debbie, I speak from experience in taking meds that turns you into sleeping or dozing all the time. Even just after you slept a 8 hour night. My eyes are always heavy, hard to concentrate on using the computer or watching TV, reading of any kind. If I have dinner as early as Bruce does I end up falling asleep for 4 or 5 hours wake up and could possibly not be able to fall asleep for the night.

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  4. It doesn't have anything to do with being good catholic or not. As long as you have faith. Faith in what ever you want to call it but it's not human. My husband and I are both catholic and we always said their must me another way. We practice metaphysical ACIM. You must practice something no? You listen to loud music and that is your coping skill. That's ok, it's what works for you. Each it's own thing. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:

  5. Lynn, Glad to hear you son made it home safely and before all this ugly weather of today. Your cousin is walking the distance to calif. from where?

    Put your feet up and relax and get that blood pressure down. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail::cocktail:Lets have a Emoticon drink!

  6. When I was adancing, I used to get cortisone shots in my knees every other week. It worked on teh pain and swelling, made them go away.


    That was more than 20 years ago. I don't understand why they are calling it a "new" treatment, when sprots doctors have been doing it for athletes and dancers for decades.


    But, it works. I was feeling relief before I left the doctor's office after every injection.


    I hope you get as much relief out of it as I did!

    The injection aren't new it's what they are using with what is being injected in your joint.

    read the link. This is suppose to last 18 months.

  7. Marie is right an all accounts. I have to stretch every day to keep me able to stand and walk. I refuse to let this stroke get the better of me. I know you do to. You are a child of God, you are perfect. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:

  8. Sue, Hope your ear is feeling better. I love when you talk about the trips to the beach and the water. You describe it so well I feel as if I'm their.

    Soak up all that warm weather to hold you over the winter. As, we are coming out of winter and it was a long cold one this year that I'm not going to complain about the heat this summer. remembertolaugh, Jeannibean :cocktail:

  9. I can't speak as a parent but you did what you needed to do. Stop punching yourself. You were a great mom then and your a great mom now and always. Guilt kills. Let it go. Talk to your older son if it bothers you and let him know from you so that he doesn't have any misunderstanding.

    Clear the air let you son know you feel guilty and hear his side if he feels cheated.

    My mother was brought up as a parent to keep things to yourself. When she had months to live, I sat down with my mother, her being 70 and me being 46 and cleared the air. I let my mother explain and be at peace at her time of death.

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  10. Jillian:

    I agree with Debbie and Asha. You have to reinforce to your daughter that it's not her its that horrible stroke that mommy had. You love her. Children these days don't hear from their parents that they are loved.

    Mood swings you need help, I had them also and got help and feel great now. Get help quick don't pass go, go to your doctor if you don't have a neurologist. And if you don't you need to see you doctor for a referral. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:

  11. WOW! I'm a a stroke survivor

    first and a caregiver second to my husband with aphasia two years after my stroke. Great post.

    You have done the best to your ability for your mother inlu of you being her caregiver. I love the putting in the nanny cam. But when reading further and you put a tracker on the car, you go girl!!!!:You-Rock:But back to the beginning, you taking all valuables including paintings was a very smart move. You really thought this process of having a caregiver stay at the house. You need to write a book on the positive and negatives of a living caregiver.


    I'm waiting with bated breath for you next post.

    remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail::dribble::dribble:

  12. Fred, I refuse to listen to the weather people saying any negativity. Keep a positive outlook. Spring has sprung in Georgia. The groundhog seeing his shadow or not is just another spoof belief. My family lives in Ohio and my sister took off for Florida running away from the snow. My brother is leaving tomorrow to meet up with my sister.


    Fred I thought Texans BBQ all year like we do in Georgia. I guess this year was a unusual hard winter. What used to be may not be any longer.


    I'm still waiting for the H.E.A.T. program to send $310.00 that was approved 8 weeks ago to my gas provider.


    Yes Fred and Sue we are all blessed.