
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Jeanniebean

  1. Jillian: I agree with Debbie and Asha. You have to reinforce to your daughter that it's not her its that horrible stroke that mommy had. You love her. Children these days don't hear from their parents that they are loved. Mood swings you need help, I had them also and got help and feel great now. Get help quick don't pass go, go to your doctor if you don't have a neurologist. And if you don't you need to see you doctor for a referral. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  2. WOW! I'm a a stroke survivor first and a caregiver second to my husband with aphasia two years after my stroke. Great post. You have done the best to your ability for your mother inlu of you being her caregiver. I love the putting in the nanny cam. But when reading further and you put a tracker on the car, you go girl!!!!:You-Rock:But back to the beginning, you taking all valuables including paintings was a very smart move. You really thought this process of having a caregiver stay at the house. You need to write a book on the positive and negatives of a living caregiver. I'm waiting with bated breath for you next post. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail::dribble::dribble:
  3. I picked up the Senior News at the Y, I finally went threw it. It caught my eye"New FDA Cleared Treatment Proven to Relieve Knee Pain" "Treatment Covered by most Major Health Insurance Plans - Including Medicare" "Free consultation for Limited Time" I am right now waiting for my appointment from the injection clinic for my shots of Cortisone. I called the number and the person on the other end took my name and number for someone to call me. I am so glad I bought new land phone with 3 had sets and and answering system of course on sale!:goodjob::goodjob: The reason I'm glad is I was not home for that return call I was waiting for, I got a phone message. I returned the call to the Clinic. I've got and appointment for Monday 14th of March 9AM. :sword: ya! Knee Pain Relief link. I'm excited and will update after the consultation. :happydance:
  4. :welcome:Marice, first I like the font and size you chose. Great post, I look forward to your next one.Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  5. Kids always like celebrating their birthday, as Sue said they like being the center of attention. Good for you going with the flow. It's a much smother ride. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  6. Good to hear things are going well. As for nose bleeds, I once in awhile get one and don't know why, but it's a doozy. I haft:ranting: to go to the ER. Keep that positive outlook silver lining. Jeanniebean:cocktail:
  7. Fred, I refuse to listen to the weather people saying any negativity. Keep a positive outlook. Spring has sprung in Georgia. The groundhog seeing his shadow or not is just another spoof belief. My family lives in Ohio and my sister took off for Florida running away from the snow. My brother is leaving tomorrow to meet up with my sister. Fred I thought Texans BBQ all year like we do in Georgia. I guess this year was a unusual hard winter. What used to be may not be any longer. I'm still waiting for the H.E.A.T. program to send $310.00 that was approved 8 weeks ago to my gas provider. Yes Fred and Sue we are all blessed.
  8. Here in Atlanta Georgia March 2011 came in like a lamb weather wise. Got out in the yard and raked up all the leaves, cleaned the flowerbed and put fertilize in to increase nutrition of soil. I won't plant in that bed until we have a good rain, penetrate the soil. Were doing something different this year for the veggie garden. Carl has been lugging around the bed frame of a water bed for some 10 years. I have made a garden box 72” x 84”. Went to the county for free mulch and filled it up. Oh, BTW we set it up in our front yard. We dumped all the pails ofdirt that we used last year as our container garden on top. Have fertilized and will leave it sit until we have a penetrating rain also. I cleaned the flower bed along the driveway next to our neighbor. Removed all the weed vines that intertwine on our fence from our neighbor. I'll spray weed kill after it rains. The next door neighbors lot runs from the street behind up to our street. So we have their back yard. The lady that owns the house moved north and rented it out.The renters only cut the grass close to the house (I've asked they didn't respond). So, we have a beautification problem next door. I tolerated it last year, this year I reported it to the code enforcement. I'm not being mean or upset about it, but I would love to see the Hosta plants and Red Cannon flowers that are so beautiful The landlord stopped by to get my list of problems he needs to fix. I need the roof swept off, so I showed the landlord the leaks I have in my bedroom (discoloration on the ceiling from last years down pores.) So, he cleaned off the roof. Now I can clean the front flower bed. My outside space is looking pretty good. I have one more space in front of the driveway. I got my excise, fresh air and sunshine. More to come. Saturday and night is rained slow and steady. Update on Carl: he is practicing his list and putting it into action talking at the coffee shop. Pictures will be coming soon.
  9. Ruth, It's your right to know why the pool was closed, your a paying member. You need to report that the shower spigot and seats are broken. They have comment slips at the front desk to write it down and deposit it in the comment box. I've done it several times to get things fixed. The front desk person usually cant' help and doesn't want to.(not getting paid to do that). At my Y they take the written complaints serious. otherwise I write another one until it's fixed. I love the Y, they keep is so clean and smelling not like a sweaty locker room.
  10. :cheer:good for you! Victories is what it is all about. I hurt my shoulder when I had my stroke, falling. when I would sleep I was is pain, so the orthopedic doctor had me get an x-ray. He said he sees this happen to allot of stroke patients. I got corticosteroid injections twice. After that I was able to put my shoulder in any direction with no pain. My belief from my experience that the when the wrist starts responding like yours, you figures will follow. I found squeezing a tennis ball benefited me in moving my figures. The exercise for the lower half should deafeningly help. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  11. Congratulations Leah, Your have some wonderful miracles happening. Jeanniebean :cocktail:
  12. I was out all day running around doing this and that of course with Carl. Had lunch out at a Chinese restaurant, it was inexpensive and good. Then we stopped at the nursery Carl needed some organic fertilizer and I found nothing. But, looking for my Mexican Sunflower seeds. So Carl stopped at our True Value Hardware store and low and behold they had my seeds. :Clap-Hands:Stopped at the coffee house, have a cup of Joe and chat with friends. After all that in a day, and I was to lazy to go exercise this morning at the Y it's time to go now. I hit the whirlpool first, so to ease the pain in my knees. It was so peaceful until I their was a ruckus in the pool. The lifeguards are emptying the pool. I really didn't think anything about it at the time. Next I head towards the pool and that's when the lifeguard stopped me and informed me that the pool is CLOSED. UGH:ranting:I asked why. Answer: a four year old pooped in the pool. State law states pool has to be closed and vacuumed. so I was told. No exercise for me tonight. When I got home I was courtesy what the CDC states. I found that when fecal in form stool, remove stool, close pool and the chlorine will clean over a 24hr. period. But if it was a diarrhea, now the pool should be closed for a week because the fecal matter germs is exposed. Now that I've found the information from the CDC I will inquire about what kind of fecal the incidental matter was. I'm glad to learn about what is to happen when a incident happen as such.
  13. You are doing well. The best advice I have is don't acknowledge this person. She is just doing what she's doing just to aggravate you . She'll get the message that you don't care. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:
  14. Sue you go right ahead and vent. Were hear for you. You have to put your foot down to Ray, this stroke is a team effort and your not pulling you weight in this team. I would leave him lay till you son can help. Maybe Ray needs to see you have trouble lifting him alone. Even is Ray is uncomfortable, it may sink in. remembertolaugh, Jeanniebean:cocktail:
  15. Lydi, Your having a good talk with yourself. Good for you. Your conclusion of 40 hours working is over tasking you. 30 hours may be to much also keep that open. You were a very physical person before stroke. That will help with rehabbing. I believe to make sure the things I use to do I can not anymore is by trying one more time. As I, you will know whether or not you'll continue. You seem to be landing on your feet pretty solid. remembertolaugh, Jeannie :cocktail:
  16. Today was a successful day. Carl had his first speech appointment. Carl's therapist (Scott) is the head of speech therapy. Scott had two identical papers with sentences, one he gave to Carl to read off of and mark on problems he felt he had. And Scott marked on his copy problems he heard. Scott wanted to make sure both of them are one in the same understanding. Carl has trouble with th, sc, two constants together, the sounds of V, F. Carl wants to put the tongue in motion. Scott had Carl put his figures in his ears. Then read sentences with words he has problems with. I was sitting their and I could understand every word he said. That's a good thing. Scott gave Carl homework. I have homework also, I have to record words for Carl to work by himself. See Carl knows when he makes a mistake so he has to self correct himself. Self correcting ones self reinforces the positive not the negative. Scott also is going to have Carl work on his speed of his speech. He's slow now so the can get all the syllables of words out. We left the therapy feeling very promising that in six weeks Carl will be speaking with more fluency.
  17. Thank you Fred. Your right especially that last line you wrote. "we can still see the light!":You-Rock:
  18. Sunday was a wonderful day. Started out waking up to the birds in full voice. Then Carl and I watch the Sunday morning political shows. In the mean time I was thinking about what to make for breakfast, when Carl send lets go out. I of course agreed. Carl took me to a new restaurant, Landon's. It was great. we were their for brunch, you had your breakfast items, and you dinner items. I tried everything, I didn't have to eat the rest of the day. :Clap-Hands:I'm a little late for wishing but hope everyone had a beautiful Valentines Day:friends:.
  19. I awoke this morning refreshed, the sun was coming up. The birds were having a field day at the feeders. My two favorite birds are Cardinals and Red Headed Woodpeckers. I have many other birds but those are the prettiest this time of year. Today I'm going to stay at home and work on my computer network. I installed my D-link router a year ago. It was really easy, after all they have a 1-800 technical help step my step. Any one can do it, all you need is common sense. Well, my desk top is the main computer and the printer is connected to it. So now I want to get my laptop which I have on the Network but I need to figure out how to print from my laptop. I first sent prints to the printer, the problem is it's not printing. I have been reading all day Microsoft, Windows, D-link sites. I turned on the share programs still no printing. I was going to problem solve this, it recognized the printer on the laptop so I know I have internet connection. But it was not reaching the other computer on the network. After doing all this reading I came across the word (PORTS). My laptop didn't have the same ports as the main computer. I printed off the main computer so I could see what port the printer was printing off of. I added the new local port USB2. Now I'm watching the print ques has 3 and now 2 and last 1. My printer is in the another room. :sword: Hurray for me! Now I can print from my Laptop. Working on computers is like a puzzle without the visible pieces in front of you. I exercised my brain today have you?
  20. PC Love to be you friend.

  21. Jeanniebean


    :welcome:Pat to Strokenet blog world. I was hesitant starting my blog but with the encouragement from Asha and MC talking to them in chat, I took the plunge. With the passion you have in photography you'll manage to find a way to get down for those low pictures and handle your camera. I had a golden retriever for 10 years, but now it's hard enough to take care of myself. I enjoy other peoples dogs and their pictures. I look forward to your postings and getting to know you. Jeanniebean :cocktail:survivor 2001, age56, from Atlanta, GA schematic leftside
  22. Jeanniebean

    my 2011 birthday

    Happy Birthday MC. glad you son remembered to call and wish you Happy birthday. Nice he is taking you out and bringing his new girlfriend for you to meet. Let us know the scoop on the girlfriend. Lets enjoy a drink to celebrate :cocktail: Jeanniebean :cocktail:(Hugs)
  23. After watching the View on TV Carl brought up the age old question "What's for lunch, where do you want to go?". I just wanted a sandwich. Carl wanted to go out but did not know what he wanted to eat. So, I put my thinking hat on and came up with No.1 Chinese Buffet. I read about this place $5.50 for lunch+10% senior discount. But it is a drive north 45 minutes, 29 miles. A foodie will go far for food. :laughbounce: I got dressed not paying attention to what Carl was doing. When I was ready to walk out the door Carl was at the computer playing cards. I did my duty and called the place to make sure the Google map directions were correct. (that's my responsibility, Carl's is does the driving). The drive up their was really nice since the sun was out and the temp was 40 degrees. The buffet was really nice, allot of fresh veggies (which I love). Carl got his favorites and soup. We sat to eat, 10 minutes later Carl announces he left the stove on. I asked "what's on the stove". Carl says "I have a sauce pan with the honey bottles in water " then he adds " I lowered the flame down and put more water in it".:bop: It's not going to have any water in it for how long were gone. Finish up lunch, we need to head back home and, hope the house doesn't burn down. Well, that ruins the rest of the afternoon. Heading back will take us about 1 hour, and maybe more cuz it's Friday and traffic is bad. On the way back we must of got every slow, undecided drivers on the road today. We pulled in the driveway, the house is still standing (at least in the front) The kitchen is in the back of the house. We open the door, both wondering what we would find. The sauce pan has no water, one of the honey bottles broke open and honey was boiling in the pan around the other 2 bottles. I removed the bottles from the sauce pan. The honey was just starting to burn, I filled it with water put it back on the heat. Once it remelted I stirred it they poured the hot water out and put cold water in and it became brittle and, all came out of the pan. I was upset at Carl:ranting:, for if it was me that had done what he did he would have yelled at me all the way home. I'm really happy:happydance: that the house didn't burn down. I just spent 2 days cleaning the top of the stove. So, I'm glad it didn't over flow. From now on I'll have to do a double check before walking out the door.
  24. You and Bill our in my prayers.
  25. Fred thank you for the lovely post about valentines day. Flowers are nice to receive, but chocolates are delicious. Just a card is just as good, it's the thought that counts. Happy Valentines Fred. Jeanniebean :cocktail: