
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by suzie-q

  1. One of the best pieces of advice I ever received was from my docto r(who sadly moved away). He told me that I would need to accept a new "normal." It took me a while to process this because I wanted things to be exactly the way they were before. Once I realized I wasn't like everyone else to begin with, I was much happier with myself. Katrina, you are so smart and have so much to offer. Don't be so hard on yourself. :D

  2. Patty,

    I am impressed that you can do that much in one day. You are the woman! I understand how you are feeling. After my stroke, I took about two weeks off work (I should have taken a bunch more). People thought that I should be doing all the things I used to do, the way I used to do them. When I would ask for help or suggest that things had changed, you would have thought I was making a revolutionary statement. People don't get it. Hang in there..!

  3. You aren't human if don't have seriously krappy days every now and then...I know I am not in the same situation as you, but I have my share of "It just isn't fair days." I had many more of them prior to gettin on an anti-depressant. I just want you to know that I am praying for and thinking of you often.



  4. Listen, if I had to apologize for ventin every time I did it, I wouldn't have time to do anything else. Venting is very healty. Sure beats keeping it in and making yourself miserable.


    Hang in there! Send me a pm if you need to talk! :happydance:

  5. Let me assure you... I didn't like high school. It was a very overrated experience. I know I teach in one, but people make entirely too much of HS graduation. There is a much bigger life out there than high school. College is a first step in that direction. I really did blossom in college. I don't know what changed really except that it was a new place where no one knew me and I got to be the me I always wanted to be. I LOVED college! I loved it so much that when all my friends left I stayed an extra year. I missed high school for that first summer, but my first steps on the ASU campus gave me this feeling I had never experienced, it was amazing. I was finally free of all the baggage of high school!


    PM me if you ever want to talk!



  6. I am glad to hear that you are getting better! I know that everyday isn't going to be perfect, but that is normal. Blogging is the best therapy I found. I just get out everything that is bothering me, people encourage me, and voila...I feel better!



  7. I like my GP for some of those very same reasons. Mine calls me his "medical mystery" as I am his only patient who has had a stroke at 29. He always takes his time with me, which means that sometimes I have to wait a while because he does it with everyone. But I like it when I feel like me and the doctor are sharing the same information.


    My neuro is nice...she is just too busy to really spend the kind of time with me that I am comfortable with. I know that makes me seem self-centered, but hey, I think we all deserve to be treated like we are special by our doctors.

  8. As I read your blog, I felt like I was reading about my experience. Like you, I insisted that I was fine after my stroke, went about my daily business (feeling tired, dizzy and overall miserable) and generally denied that anything major had happened to me. Now that I am going through all kinds of crazy stuff, people don't understand, or actually believe me. Monday (March 27) is my one year, and I just thought I would feel better. :nuhuh: